Worlds largest track layer - Plasser & Theurer SVM1000 Infranord at Haparandabanan, Sweden
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Channel: Bm1113 - Heavy equipment videos!
Views: 3,933,147
Rating: 4.6598024 out of 5
Keywords: järnväg, räls, stål, järn, iron, sliper, betong, cement, blad, bandgående, crawler, larva, larver, train, tåg, kran, crane, järnvägsbyggarna, railroad, banverket, hydraulik, Travers, hydraulic, railway, schakta, construction, vagnar, waggon, trains, Rail, transport, travers, Machine, trafikverket
Id: XwiNaHmOscU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Engineering porn doesn't get much better than this. That was a great video. My wife did not agree.
I would like to see how they trim the ends though. Of course there is an overlap after pulling the rails in, how do they mate the two ends? A big cutoff wheel?
Edit, I was using some american vernacular, sorry.
also, how do they tighten the rails to the ties/sleepers?. Looks like only a hammer is needed but it seems too easy.
I wanna see how they weld it.
That job must suck. Every day as the track progresses it means your commute to and from work gets a little longer, haha.
Psh, John Henry could do that so much faster.