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foreign to the max over here let's go check inside [Music] this is a hidden door oh yeah you're right oh dude it still moves by itself [Music] it's a Coliseum right in front of us this is probably one of the coolest places I've explored so far we're starting 2023 out with a bang guys [Music] thank you what's up today Roberta fam welcome back to this channel if you're new around here my name is Steve Brown I go Epic Adventures don't forget that as you get here we're currently on the way to the band place right now it's known as the holy holy now I've been I've been Florida trip with forever and Chris Shout out and this is this is like my last day here in Florida because or maybe it won't maybe I'll be here again but this is one of the last missions in Florida that I'll be doing abandoned theme park and it's an exact replica of Jerusalem Jerusalem we got Old Reliable here I love this car has a lot of Personality Trevor had a rock fling on his windshield that sucks we're still here though we're still here we're still running use the right oh that Coliseum looking building yeah dude I didn't know that was like the theme park I definitely saw this before it's [Music] to keep my ass well at least part of it wow guys well I'm excited we're gonna find a place to park and we're gonna hop right in there welcome to the Holy Land Experience a unique Christian based theme park that once stood in Orlando Florida that's now abandoned the Holy Land Experience had its origin and the dream of a Marvel Ross and doll a Russian Jewish man who later became a Baptist pastor he founded the missionary organization Zion's hope and purchased land in Orlando in 1989. park opened its doors in February 2001 offering a recreation of ancient Jerusalem and first century Judea the Holy Land experienced scriptorian museum opened in August 2002 it showcased the van Captain collection which included ancient Scrolls manuscripts and early printed editions of the Bible the collection founded by Robert and Judith van kempen was worth the largest of his kind in June 2007 the Trinity Broadcasting Network or TBN purchased the park for an estimated 37 million dollars under their ownership the park underwent construction and additions including new Landscaping exhibits restaurants theaters and the Church of all Nations Auditorium which opened in 2012. as a non-denominational Christian Living biblical Museum and church the Holy Land Experience conducted a weekly church services and bible studies for the general public the park aimed to provide an immersive experience for visitors offering a variety of exhibits live performances and presentations despite its Mission the park faced a share of controversies Additionally the park fought a legal battle for tax exemption which was ultimately granted in 2005. unfortunately the parks struggled financially in its last years in February 2020 the Holy Land Experience announced massive layoffs and the closure of its theatrical Productions restaurants and retail shops the property was eventually sold to even Health in August 2021 which plans to redevelop the land for a new hospital the Holy Land Experience offered a fascinating and immersive journey into the biblical past for countless visitors though it's now closed its Legacy and impact on the community live on and will always be remembered as one of Mando's most unique theme park all right everyone so we just pretty much teleported right over here I thought this was the perfect place to start exploring because it starts from like point A to point B rather than going from the entrance where there's like two sides immediately when you enter so as we're exploring this way we're just gonna go like we're just gonna go through a straight line until we get to the very end and basically show everything off so it looks like a mini golf area now this part of the theme park is just all mini golf they're just different sections they all have murals and pieces of artwork and they all basically tell a story from the Bible I think this is symbolizing him maybe coming into the city and then putting palm branches underneath where he was you know like traveling on a donkey it doesn't really look like a donkey though so I don't know if that's what it is it's a Peter right there and he's walking towards Jesus um and the symbol here is he was walking on water through faith and this was like a storm going on all around them so like he was just walking on water towards Jesus as Jesus was also walking on water up until the point where he looked at Jesus and then he turned away and then he began sinking and then he turned his like head back towards Jesus and he rose up again so I don't know since we're starting from here the stories might not be chronicological order they all might be different but anyway it's still nice to know what we're seeing this one signifies Jesus um and his love for little children a lot of times back then children went out of focus so he played a like put a supreme focus on like involving the children so you know they could um they could grow up and you know grow up in the faith I guess essentially I think over here is where uh Jesus was born yeah I think that's uh Mama Mary being the information displays are still here but you can see it's all been damaged and you can hardly even read it it all this destruction [Music] dang apocalyptic Vibes to the max over here now what you're seeing on the ground is actually styrofoam a lot of these art installations were made of it I guess we should take a look at one of the buildings like this one over here now this right here signifies Jonah we're basically going to the belly of a whale we're gonna get swallowed right now as you can see this place still has power all around inside the buildings and complexes we're one of the first to document this there's Jonah right there about to get digested I didn't know the well swallowed Nemo as well we got a clam a yelling starfish oh this one's scary it's like a giant octopus the security notice this was back then when this place was active whoa how'd you get over there hey this is a ticket booth right what's it like in there this is probably one of the coolest places I've explored so far we're starting 2023 out with a bang guys look at that that looks to be Satan almost right over there [Music] well check that out that's kind of like how this place used to look like I feel like this park was amazing back in the day I never got to come here I mean I grew up in New England but to those watching right now you know you probably are locals you probably did come here leave a comment down below your experience up this place because I can definitely see that this used to be probably an amazing place to bring you know your wife your kids and I bet it was a fun way for your kid to kind of learn Christianity we could go over here but we should check this side okay [Music] let's take a look at some of these buildings though [Music] all right let's go check out what the employees were looking at foreign s [Music] oh scared the hell out of me bro yeah electrical equipment authorized personnel only are we authorized now we are let's belong to IRB exercise now let's just be careful here because there's a lot of electrical stuff but check this out also make sure the doors don't close because we don't know if they'll lock on us oh look at that it's a board talks about prohibited items those look to be like servers still running you can hear it [Music] just lead to a restroom yeah Trevor says smells there so I'm not even gonna bother foreign [Music] Trevor there's the window for the ticket booth I guess this could have been some sort of Cafe as well you know this is so cool I wonder if it really does look like this in Jerusalem especially back in the day the interior makes me really want to go to Jerusalem so if anyone's watching this from Jerusalem let me know how it is looks like they're storing a lot of the desks and cabinets and furniture back here [Music] they'll probably take this out [Music] we're back out here I think this was one of the main entrances smile of a child theater doesn't look much of a theater to me now they do have the cinema and it's inside the Coliseum we have to make our way there this leads to guest services you probably come here if you needed help with something oh it still works these fountains still have water running looks like this place had a lot of beautiful flowers growing all around wow I love this opening yeah that's where we came from for sure this looks like a chapel or a church this is probably the exit that we're walking into wow they took out the tiles on the floor and the wooden planks and it's just complete sand the looks of it they must have been putting on a show over here maybe the sand was part of it this is a lot would you look at this so I think this is a Wilderness Tabernacle it was a sign that even sets it right over there basically something like this was not even during Jesus's time it was during Moses's time and King Solomon probably constructed something like this and if that is correct then there could be a replica of the Ark of the Covenant that was created by Moses let's go check inside and with all the debris on the floor makes it look so unreal random mannequin right there can we even enter this I feel like it's just a wall it looks like we can get inside here but this is just it there's a tiny room with mirrors [Music] theater of life I think this was more so the back entrances for the actors and employees yeah just fine there's just cash only still it's locked [Music] oh we've reached a Center Plaza you can imagine how beautiful it used to look like seems like they're stripping out some of the bricks on the ground look at that they just be like some tables right here perhaps this was a restaurant in front of us what else oh yeah here we go there's a stall here Martha's Kitchen or what kind of food they served it's a restock list posted on the door look how tiny it was in there got a lot of sweet relish packets oh they're not even used could be old by now well it looks like the sun is starting to set but sure it's giving off a nice Vibe right now tell that uh some sort of car was coming through here probably worker vehicles it's beautiful sunset for sure it feels nice that we're the only ones here this was a gift shop [Music] the waiting time is seven minutes to our next Journey interesting no entry maybe I'm going the wrong way for this [Music] thank you where the heck are we guys oh it's just some exhibit or a museum that they had here looks like we're going through ancient Egypt areas the Dead Sea Scrolls I mean they're just for show oh they're like glued into the the Shelf over here now you're probably wondering why is the power still on well there's various reasons for that usually places keep the power on so that vandals cannot steal the copper and the wires number two is to help preserve the place um because I think there's like there's probably still air running through here or like AC and that's to like help keep the place from getting moldy okay and we're back out [Music] this kind of looks like just uh another eating area it's like another snack bar where you can order food it's called the last snack wow smells like flowers oh you had lilacs growing smells really good right now it's getting overgrown over here table is like hidden I think lilacs are one of my favorite flowers ever they smell great they look nice this is probably a great place to get a snack and just eat right here and taking in The View [Music] there's another section right here oh okay so is this building's gift shop foreign has been emptied out I wish I got to know what kind of souvenirs they had in here let me know down the comments if you've ever shopped in this gift shop before I bet you know some of the stuff that you bought are now worth something considering this place is closing down there's not going to be any of those items ever again well I guess the stuff weren't that expensive you can see price tags right here I'm guessing they were selling like figurines of Ezra John Peter Samuel it was over here there's no label down there but whoever that was was worth nine dollars and the most expensive one oh wow this this room has a random chandelier in that some junk you can see some of the plastic bags that they used here oh yeah there's another exhibit going on yeah what the heck I don't know what that is I don't think you guys can hear it but like it's you can hear some sort of like static noise or older it could be like electricity oh yeah maybe there's some sound going from the the speaker yeah this is a weird a weird thing right here I'm guessing these Halls that we're walking on kind of portray the modern Christianity portrays the modern times of Christianity so I thought this was a torture device but this is actually a printing press the first thing invented to print paper this is a hidden door oh yeah you're right oh dude it still moves by itself [Music] yeah that's insane oh yeah I bet it in this room too I would have never known that was a secret door bro that's Harry Potter stuff right there [Music] well guys it's getting darker and darker by the hour sounds definitely gonna set soon but there's still power to the place and some of the lights are still turned on I think they even turn on automatically because there's some lights that I'm seeing that weren't on before during the daytime like that right over there they're definitely on a timer but this is heading towards the Coliseum okay cool whoa so cool it's not even a painting it looks like the dome's made of plastic I can see the moon now it's a full moon today wow this is sick I love this alley okay that's a pretty cool shot with the moon in the background too dude I definitely feel like we're in Jerusalem now we just made it to the Coliseum and my gosh all the lights are turned on oh this is kind of what we wanted anyway see this is why I'm not too worried um if they didn't have any lights or power to the place I probably would have came back here the next day but it's cool that we get to see both sides of the place you would come to the theme park during the day and stay for the night definitely happy to get those two perspectives [Music] there's a Coliseum right in front of us has some fake grass right here it looks like we're surrounded by it could be restaurants or gift shops [Music] it's like a pastry shop I think it did have food in here actually I feel like it was man got the counter over here [Music] could have kept like cakes and cookies in here [Music] and they were selling some food they went on and became self-captivated there's something inspiring about exploring an abandoned place that once held such deep meaning for so many people the Holy Land Experience now quiet and empty still Echoes with the stories and beliefs that once brought it to life and in its last moments a place that was born from a dream now returns to its own non-existence [Music] all right everyone thank you so much to make it to the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed it a lot be sure to check out Explorer Trevor and blood recushner even though you just got here yeah check him out um first guy to drop this place actually so yeah we had to get out there really quick because our truck pulled in I don't know who it could be I heard this place does not have security but they are working on the property so it could be just a worker rather not find out but anyway we did try to get inside the Coliseum and every door was locked thankfully though these two guys have been inside and they're going to share the footage with you right now this is how it looks in there thank you [Music] [Music] foreign that's basically the only building I did not get to go inside but I think we explored the entire place so that's it for the holy lands uh but the looks of it this place will be gone within the next month or two it's crazy to just you know document some of these places that won't even exist anymore that's why I love doing it but yeah let me know down in the comments what I enjoyed most about this video and make sure to subscribe and hit that notification button Bell where a lot of bangers coming up I promise you guys that if you have not seen the previous videos I highly recommend you go watch it right up here but next time don't forget to live life of Freedom Water I'll see you all next time peace and thanks for watching [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 62,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, worlds, largest, abandoned, christian, theme, park, the, holy, land, experience, abandoned theme park, abandoned steve, steve ronin explores, worlds largest abandoned theme park, the holy land experience, steve ronin abandoned, abandoned worlds largest theme park, abandoned worlds largest, abandoned christian theme park, the holy land abandoned, steve ronin theme park
Id: BTco8GyJTeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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