World's Easiest Side Hustles You Can Start With No Money

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hey everyone my name is Steve Chu and I'm the owner of two seven figure online businesses and today I'm going to give you five side hustle ideas where you can make money starting right now but I'm not just going to name these off and let you fend for yourself I'm also going to share with you exactly how you can get started as well and the best part is that most of these side hustles that I'm going to discuss today you can start with zero dollars now as a father of two kids who started my first business with a newborn child I know how hard it is to start something new as a full-time worker or a full-time student so all these side hustles in this video can be started with just your phone and a computer you don't need a large budget and you can get started for about five hours per week after all if there's one thing that I've learned in life you will never ever make life-changing money at your day job the only way to Achieve Financial Freedom is to have a side hustle that can potentially blow up and make you lots of money now the first side hustle on my list is to start a print on demand e-commerce store now print on demand is a business model where you can create your own custom designs that are printed on t-shirts mugs hoodies pillows you name it and what's cool about this type of store is that you don't have to put any money down at all you create the design and take orders for your product and a separate printing company will print your product on the Fly and ship it to the End customer there's no upfront cost you don't have to deal with any inventory at all and you can literally start this type of business with zero dollars in fact my 9 and 11 year old kids started their own print on demand e-commerce store over at kid in charge and made one thousand dollars in their first month in business now to be 100 transparent print on demand may not necessarily make you life-changing money but it's what I call a gateway drug to a larger business later on down the line once you figure out which designs sell well you can order them in bulk and keep most of the profit now if you want to learn more about print on demand make sure you watch this video here now the most common question I get asked about print on demand is hey Steve what if I I have no artistic talent what if I don't have the budget to hire a designer well we all just happen to be living in one of the most exciting times in history because of AI using a tool like mid-journey you can literally have a computer generate high quality designs that you can use for your merchandise for free so I thought I'd just give you a quick demo of mid-journey mid-journ is a tool that generates images using artificial intelligence so let's say you want to sell print-on-demand merchandise for fishermen well you could just go to mid-journey and type in the following prompt so I asked for an artwork of a fisherman holding a small fish with the caption when you finally catch something but it's not exactly what you had in mind the fisherman is a young boy dressed in shorts and a t-shirt sitting on the edge of a pier with his feet dangling in the water the small fish is held up in front of him and he has a look of surprise on his face and I'm not going to read this whole thing because it's very specific but it generated me these images and these are really high quality images that you could put on a t-shirt a mug or a hoodie with your favorite caption here and sell it as your own none of the images generated by artificial intelligence are copyrighted so if you use something like mid Journey For example you can generate an endless amount of images and artwork for your merchandise now these designs can then be sold on Amazon or Etsy or your own eCommerce store now I have a bunch of tutorials on my channel that will walk you through this process step by step for example if you want to learn how to sell your print-on-demand products on Amazon then watch this video if you want to learn how to sell on eBay then watch this video and if you want to learn how to sell on your own online store watch this video here by the way if you are enjoying this tutorial so far make sure you sign up for my free 6 day mini course below side hustle number two sell used items on Ebay now before I started my seven figure online store over at bumblebee selling handkerchiefs I used to buy merchandise on Craigslist and sell it on eBay and here's exactly what I did I will go on Craigslist and specifically look for people who were moving and looking to get rid of their furniture or use computer equipment then I'd check to see how much those products were selling on eBay and if I could make a profit after Feast I would just buy the entire lot of merchandise and list them on eBay for a profit in fact at the height of my eBay Craigslist career I was making an extra fifteen hundred dollars a month in profit now while this process required a lot of legwork making my first dollars on eBay gave me the courage to import some products from factories in China to sell on eBay which gave me a steady source of products and then from eBay I gradually transitioned to my own online store in fact this is exactly how Bumblebee was born I first started selling on eBay using Craigslist as my source then I looked for real wholesalers and factories and eventually started my own shop which went on to become a Seven figure business in fact you should think about your first side hustle as the start of your journey you might start with one side hustle owing to transition to another one as you mature and grow which is a great segue to side hustle number three which is to start your own e-commerce store now most people think that starting your own online store is expensive and requires a web designer but that is 100 not the case in fact you can literally start a great looking online store for less than three bucks or even start for free and you definitely don't need to use Shopify when you first start out for example ecwid is a free e-commerce platform that allows you to start a fully featured online store for free for up to 10 products shift 4shop is an e-commerce platform that becomes 100 free once you start generating 500 a month in revenue woocommerce is a free e-commerce platform that my 9 and 11 year old kids use to start their store over at and if my kids can start an online store and make money then so can you the hardest part about starting your own online store is finding a good product to sell and here's what I typically do I set aside some time and think about an area I'm really knowledgeable about and then I brainstorm products I wish existed for example I played Ultimate Frisbee for the last 25 years and sometimes I play at night or during the winter my hands get cold at night so I wish there were thin gloves that I could wear at night to play without my hands going numb but the gloves would have to be thin enough so I wouldn't lose feel of the disc now these gloves don't exist and I can easily make them now even if you aren't a creative person there are tools like jungle Scout which will tell you exactly how much money sellers on Amazon are making for every product listing and allows you to find obscure niches to tap into for a profit for example you can tell jungle Scout to give you a list of products that make at least five thousand dollars a month with low competition and high search volume and jungle Scout will literally tell you which products match your criteria there are literally tons of tools you can use to help you bring brainstorm potential products and know roughly how much you can make before you spend a penny on sourcing then once you know what you want to sell you can Source your products from Alibaba or from a variety of wholesalers in the United States for more information about finding a supplier make sure you watch these videos right here now once you have products to sell the best way to Market your online store today is through short form video platforms like Tick Tock Instagram reels and YouTube shorts all you have to do is create 30 second videos of you demonstrating your product in action or emphasizing your product's unique value propositions as a small business owner and you can generate a ton of sales in fact there are many businesses who generate most of their traffic from Tick Tock alone now starting an online store is not risky at all you can get started for free and it has the potential to make you life-changing money like it has for my store over at Bumblebee and you are more than welcome to check out my store number four is to sell an online course now you might not think that you have what it takes to teach an online course but after doing this for over a decade I can say with confidence that everyone has knowledge in a specific area and if you can package that information into a course then you can make a lot of money for example my Ecommerce course over at has made over eight million dollars most people don't believe that they're an expert at anything but you don't have to necessarily be an expert all you have to be is expert enough and be better than the person you are teaching so for example in my e-commerce course I teach my students how to grow their e-commerce business to seven figures but that is pretty much my limit if students want to scale to an 8 or even nine figures then I'm probably not the right teacher for them but a million bucks is pretty darn good income and I attract many students every year in fact I have a ton of success stories from real online store owners over at if you want to take a look now creating an online course can be a daunting task so here's what I recommend create an outline and an intro module that describes the benefit or skill that you are going to teach then sell your course first and develop the curriculum on the Fly this is exactly what I did with my e-commerce course and at first I was very intimidated to create all this content before I actually launched so I gave a live webinar and said something along the lines of hey my name is Steve and I run a seven figure eCommerce store over at bumblebee Linens in this course I will teach you everything that I did to hit a million dollars in sales now this course is not completely developed yet but if you sign up I promise to create content on the Fly based on your suggestions and input after that I immediately sold 35 spots at 299 each and that forced me to complete the course now having paid members forced me to create content for the class and because I had a list of paying customers I knew that I couldn't let them down and today my course is over 5000 members and it's still running strong now you're probably wondering about the tech to run an online course and today there are many online course platforms that you can use the cheapest one for beginners is teachable you can literally upload and create an online course with zero upfront fees and the best part with that course is that there's no cost of goods which makes this side hustle infinitely scalable now the final side hustle that I want to talk about is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is where you become a virtual salesman for a product or service that you love for example I've mentioned a number of tools on this video already if you click on the link for any of these services and sign up I will get a cut of the sale now I personally use everything that I recommend and stand behind every tool that I talk about and there's no additional cost to you for clicking on my link so it is a win-win affiliate marketing is one of those side hustles that you can literally start for zero dollars you can Market your favorite tools on a blog or a YouTube video or Tick Tock and all you got to do is Google your favorite tool along with the words affiliate program and chances are your favorite product or service has one for example Amazon Associates is probably one of the largest affiliate programs for physical products and you can literally take a cut of every sale you refer for millions of products I currently make a mid six figure income referring out products I love on my blog over at mywivequarter and this YouTube channel here are some suggestions for Content that you can produce to make affiliate money right now my go-to for generating affiliate revenue is review content and versus content for example my post and video on helium 10 versus jungle Scout makes thousands of dollars every month because if someone is looking for comparison content that means that they're ready to buy right now and after they consume my content there's a high probability that they'll sign up through my link my second bread and butter affiliate strategy is to write review posts or videos and once again if someone is looking for a review of a product that means that they're looking to buy right away now together these two types of content make me a lot of money every year and the best part is that I don't have to answer any questions or support the customer I'm simply passing people onto my favorite Services which makes this side hustle infinitely scalable now the million dollar question is which side hustle should you start today and the answer is any of them the key is to start while you are still working a day job this way you can pay your bills and make money on the side without any stress then once your side also gets bigger and can replace your income you can quit now that you know what my favorite side hustles are make sure you watch this video here to learn about all the different e-commerce business models in much greater depth
Channel: MyWifeQuitHerJob Ecommerce Channel
Views: 109,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle, side hustle ideas, make money online, how to make money online, work from home jobs, side hustles, best side hustles, easy side hustles, side hustle ideas 2023, side hustles for extra money, best side hustles 2023, side hustles 2023, phone side hustles, passive income, make money online 2023, make money online today, make money online fast, side hustles for teenagers, side hustles from home, best side hustles 2023 online, side hustles 2023 from home
Id: FhHIigwDqlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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