World War II Mess Kit - History

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what's up you guys welcome back to her on it this learning where we look at relics of the past today what we have here is a world war 2 era mess kit everything nobody have here so at first I thought about doing a separate video on all three of these pieces but for the sake of time and you know when I have them all here together so the first thing that we're gonna look at is canteen cup you guys have definitely seen this in some my previous videos with MREs thing is very very simple take a look at the inside here very very great design here we have our marking it's made by Landers and free and Clark now with this it's a very simple design and to open it up all you have to do is just put your fingers here and just pull like that you take this knob here with your thumb hold it here and lock it there and you have your little Kensing Cup it's a very simple very great design have your coffee in here cocoa beverage powder whatever you need just hold it right in here now these things have definitely changed over the years I wish I had my modern one next to me at the moment but currently it's somewhere where I don't know where it is but they have some ones where the handles here will Bend open like that but i Bailey prefers on a classic design here next what we have here is our canteen now this would hang on a soldier's belt here and there's a great video out there I forget which channel that is that talks about the history and changing of these covers in the canteen itself but this is one of the later eras in the war got some markings there so I'm obviously here to hear your thought would be probably somewhere right there very simple chain here that's cool huh try opening that in the middle of the night get weather in York the Pacific or somewhere in Germany that would definitely get you caught but yeah store your water in here now this one does have the plastic tip some of them did have the metal um I've seen some of the cork does not last very well but this one has stood the test of time ask for the flap here you got a little canvas on the outside of me some nice feels like wool on the inside I'm gonna send you this is for your belt over here and to put it back in you just take your canteen slide in there like that now some other covers that you see here have the flaps here that will cross into the other ones here see those fins here but I really don't like that version I like this it's a very simple you have to do is just push and it opens pretty easily kind of uses the m1 carbine clips here very similar to that yeah when you look at the two here this is the canteen this is m1 carbine and clip here further covering whatever you want to call it very similar when it comes to one of these buttons here and lastly for a mess kit is the kit itself oh I just noticed that yet someone seen Emma there can't really tell what it's trying to say here probably someone's name here you can hang it if you want to dry it off buddy use it to look like this and then you guys have definitely seen me use this in other videos before so let's open it you just have to squeeze here and pull open you have your little tray here put your little rations they're just part utensils down just got three nice little bolts here look at the utensils here so first off we have our spoon us on there now this is a really big spoon it's not a little tea spoon it's just about a tablespoon you could say next we have our knife you create for spreading your peanut butter or jams very helpful out there and lastly we have our fork it's a four prong fork by the way in case any of you we're curious to see the manufacturer that's what this thing picks up there we go there you go there we have them completes up there and we're back so now that we get everything laid out here let's talk about some of the stuff here so first a lot of soldiers early on began to notice that when you carry everything here it just makes everything in your haversack a lot heavier than it should be so what a lot of soldiers did is they began to ditch these and they just care whatever rations they had if they had to another con about this here is when you're walking or marching or every yet it makes a lot of noise and you can easily be caught if you're unlucky so people began to leave these behind I don't know the exact data on that how many people will decide hey let's leave this behind but people chose not to leave these in their haversacks because it just made a lot of noise and they figure let's just reduce the noise and they would just carry this or their canteen cup that - obviously this can make a lot of noise and you fold it up here makes a little jingle one of the pros of this is everything is compact you can store everything in there fold everything up and go that's the best part about these things here with this here obviously folds up it's very compact easily fold it up and everything as we've seen and then we have this this is very essential to here in the battlefield whether it's just for drinking got to pour some water where you need it or just to you know put some on your head when you're hot out in the Pacific so this was very essential and you have this feels so nice I didn't last too well there yeah if you look at this one here it's been a very faint us on it don't know what that is probably nothing well this is all I have for you guys today I hope you really enjoyed the video please make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe follow our instagram page and i'll see you guys next time keep on learning take care you
Channel: Herodotus Learning
Views: 3,092
Rating: 4.3548388 out of 5
Keywords: WorldWar2, ww2, food, history, military, militaria, mess, kit, soldier, army, dday, subscribe, instagram, cooking, mre
Id: 35Ppjjs02Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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