The Second World War: Bombers of WWII

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(dramatic music) - [Roy] Many bombers employed by the commanders during World War II became famous, but very few became legendary. A great aircraft needed a quality which cannot be installed on the drawing board or in the factory. A truly great aircraft must have that touch of genius which transcends the good and above all it must have a great deal of luck. Luck to be in the right place at the right time. It must have flying qualities well above the average, reliability, ruggedness, and fighting ability. And in the final analysis it needs the skittle touch of its air crews to which it has endeared itself. All these things in more, the Avro Lancaster had in good measure. Despite its power operated turrets, those abominations which plagued the war time bomber designers, striving for cleanliness of line, the Lancaster embodied a measure of grace which actually made it pleasing on the eye. Its sleek aerodynamic shape contributed materially to its excellent all around performance. But like so many good airplanes, the essence of its design was its simplicity. Its robust structure being ideally suited for mass production. And this was undoubtedly one of the main features for its success. It was also remarkably adaptable and the superlative bomber on every count. (dramatic music) At first, using 4,000 pound bombs and smaller weapons, the Lancaster carried the warning to the heart of Germany. It wasn't long, however, before it became the major offensive weapon of the RAF. By April, 1942, it was carrying the 8,000 pound bomb and by 1943 it progressed to the 12,000 pounder. In the early days, navigation was largely by dead reckoning and bomb aiming was entirely visual. Gradually radar navigational aides such as Rebekah, Gee, and Oboe became available and the H2S radar bombing equipment with its distinctive semi-opaque blister beneath the rear fuseal arch became a standard fitting. The most remarkable offensive weapon to be used by the Lancaster was perhaps the bouncing bomb which was to be used on one of the Lancaster's most spectacular and daring raids. It was dropped by the immortal 617 squadron on the strategically important Mona, Aida, and Sorpay damns in Larue. Wartime commander Bomica Bon, Sir Arthur Harris heralded the Lancaster as the finest bomber of the war and added, its efficiency was almost incredible, both in performance and in the way it could be saddled with every increasing bomb loads without breaking the camels back. The Lancaster far surpassed all other types of heavy bomber. Not only could it take heavier loads, it was also easier to handle and far more important to the crews, the casualty rate was also consistently lower than the others. Of all those great airplanes which fought out the war, there are many people who would insist that the Avro Lancaster was the greatest. In contrast to the Lancaster the angularly ugly Armstrong Whitley or the Flying Barn Door as it was known, was a familiar sight to people living on Britain's east coast during the early years of the war. The Whitley was the mainstay of the RAF bomber force for the first two years in which the seeds of strategic night bombing were being sewn. Although one of the least appealing bombers of the war, the Whitley did represent an important landmark in the history of the RAF's offensive capability. Few, if any bombers of the second World War, enjoyed a longer or more distinguished operational career than the Vicker's Wellington. Bloodied in combat at the very outset of hostilities, it carried the lion's share of RAF bomber commands, night bombing offensive until the operational debut of the four engine heavies and it was still in the front line when the war ended. (dramatic music) Indeed, such was the brilliant battle record of the Wellington that any tribute can be but a pale reflection of the distinctions that this remarkable war plane won for itself. The Wellington's docility combined with a lively performance and the ability to absorb an outstanding amount of battle damage, rapidly endeared it to its crews and its portly well fed appearance engendered the nickname Wimpy, after the strip cartoon character. (dramatic music) More than any other bomber, the Wellington proved a power operated gun carry to be a formidable defensive weapon, but it disproved the widely held belief that large bombers could undertake daylight bombing rates against heavily defended targets without fighter escort. (dramatic music) Like most successful combat aircraft, the Wellington was a result of teamwork, but it undoubtedly owed its success to the revolutionary geodetic or basket weave system of construction. This was an ingenious idea by Boms Wallace and even more remarkable because of its essential simplicity. Before the end of 1939, the Wellington was to achieve one doubtful distinction. It was to teach the RAF the hard lesson that the operation of such large aircraft by daylight without fighter escort was impractical. This lesson was driven home when 10 Wellingtons were lost and three badly damaged out of a formation of 24. Making an armed reconnaissance rate on Wilhelm's initially grows. The Wellington was from then on never again used by daylight unescorted except in coastland transport commands. (dramatic music) With its transfer to a nighttime bombing run, the Wellington operated with conspicuous success, spearheading the RAF's night offensive against Germany. (dramatic music) The Wellington was an airplane worthy of the Royal Air Force. All with the distinction the name of Great British soldier. Other bombers came forward as the war progressed but none enjoyed a finer reputation. When in the summer of 1936 the Bristol Blenin made its debut it was immediately hailed as a major step forward in combat aircraft design which placed the British aircraft industry in the forefront of fast day bomber development. It was the first modern, all metal Cantaleva Mona plane of stress in construction, to be placed in production for the Royal Air Force and as such, it noted the beginning of a new era in the equipment of that era. For several years acute uneasiness had existed concerning the obsolescence of the RAF's operational equipment. Uneasiness accentuated by developments abroad. The emergence of the Blenin, representing such a tremendous technical advance over the air craft which it superseded, did much to still this disquiet. More than any other airplane, it sounded the death smell of the fighting bi-plane. It set a pattern in the light bomber design which other nations were not slow to follow, yet the Blenin was fated never to fulfill the very high hopes that were placed in it. One of the key types selected by the air industry for the re-equipment of the rapidly expanding RAF of the late 30s, the Blenin, at the time of its service introduction was possessed of a performance which enabled it to outplace most contemporary service fighters. He at such was the pace of combat aircraft evolution during those last two years of peace in Europe, that when the RAF went to war in September 1939, it soon discovered that the Blenin was not the weapon that it had supposed. Its shortcomings soon manifested themselves in the hard school of aerial combat. It was to prove woefully vulnerable to fighter attack. It was to be found deficient in both defensive armament and armor. Nevertheless it was to bear the brunt of much of the fighting on every front to which the RAF was committed for the first three years of the second World War. Despite its limitations it was to serve valorously. (dramatic music) A parallel might be drawn between the Blenin and the Curtis P40. Like the American fighter it was praised and abused, lauded and vilified, but it was all that was available and however divergent were views of the effectiveness of the Blenin as a weapon, it was one of the truly historic aircraft at the war. The short Sterling was not merely the first of the Royal Air Force true heavies of the second World War it was the only British four engine bomber designed from the outset to take four power plants, to see operational service during the conflict. The Lancaster and Halifax having both stemmed from twin engine designs. (drum music) Carrying bomb loads far greater than any previously contemplated, the Sterling proved one of the most important landmarks in the history of the RAF. Yet the official history of the RAF and the second World War was to refer to the Sterling as a disappointment. (drum music) In consequence, its career as a first line heavy bomber was relatively brief. Nevertheless, as the RAFs four engine heavy of the second Word War, the Sterling occupied a particularly important place in the history of that air arm. The Avro Manchester, the predecessor of the Lancaster was not a successful bomber. It proved to be unreliable and underpowered. Only 209 were built and production of the type lasted barely a year. The handedly page Halifax after some initial teething problems did develop into an outstanding aircraft. Remaining in service until the end of the war, the Halifax maintained its position of one of the two principle RAF heavy bombers. The Hampden was one of the world's most advanced war planes at the time of its debut and it came off a distinguished line. It was a forgiving airplane from the pilot's viewpoint and its ease of control rendered it an extremely pleasant airplane to fly. With it small enough to be highly maneuverable, its cockpit offered an excellent fighter like field of vision and it possessed a remarkable speed range. Named after William Mitchell the far sighted crusading American cornel of the 20s who was court marshaled for his outspoken views on air power and posthumously raised to the rank of General, the North American B25 was possibly the best all around light medium bomber of the second World War. Operationally efficient, this docile adaptable machine had an excellent all around performance and with particularly good handling characteristics, and it was one of the most popular of combat aircraft among all allied air crews. Had the Mitchel never attacked another objective, it would have ranked among the most truly historic air craft of the war for its fantastic attack against Tokyo in 1942 when it operated from the flight deck of the USS Hornet. It was manufactured in larger quantities than any other American twin engine bomber. No less than 9,816 Mitchel's being accepted by the USAAF, although many of these were destined to find their way to the British, Soviet, and other allied air forces. The peak number of Mitchels in the USAAF service never exceeded 2,656 aircraft, but this exceptionally fine bomber made its mark on every far flung front of the second World War. (dramatic music) While at the select band of allied aircraft that could claim to have been engaged on every major battlefront of the second World War, the Mitchel built up an unbridled tradition of service. There can be few more dramatic examples of the consistent development or the basic design under the exigencies of war, then that offered by this remarkable aircraft which was destined to linger on in the service of many of the worlds air arms far into the post war era. - [Man] 317 on a control at three o'clock. - [Man] Come on you guys. Get out of that plane, bail out. There's one he come out of the bomb bank. - [Man] Yeah I see him. - [Man] There's a tail gunner coming up. - [Man] Watch out for firing. Keep your eye on him Bill. See any parachutes with them. - [Man] No, none at nine o'clock. Eight and nine is still in that B17. - [Man] Come on the rest of you guys, get out of there. - [Man] 12 o'clock. 109 at three o'clock. - [Roy] Few other aircraft of the second World War gained the universal affection of the air crew over so long an operational period as did the Boeing B17 fortress. This legendary aircraft formed the spearhead of the American bombing offensive in Europe. From beginning to end as well as serving in every other theater of war. No single aircraft type contributed more to the defeat of the Luft Fafa both in the air and on the ground than the Fortress, which enabled tangible expression to be given to the controversial United States policy for the strategic assault of Germany by day and the face of formidable political argument as well as desperate enemy opposition. A curious feature of the fortresses history is that its reputation is the leading allied day bombers established despite its inferiority in many respects of performance, compared with its combat contemporary, the B24 liberator. The bomb load of USAAF fortresses over Europe was usually no more than carried by the diminutive Dehavealan Moscito. Far fewer fortresses then liberators were built. 12,677 fortresses being accepted by the USAAF between July 1940 and August 1945. These equipped a maximum of 33 overseas combat groups by August 1944. The fortress achieved fame on the strength of several outstanding attributes. Of these, perhaps the most important were an excellent high altitude capability and the ability to absorb an amazing amount of battle damage. To these attributes were added in its later variance, an exceptionally heavy defensive armament. Though the true combat potential of the fortress is achieved only after a long period of gestation. (drum music) The fortress had dropped over 640,000 tons of bombs on European targets during the war years. This compares with 452,508 tons dropped by the B24 liberators and 463,544 tons dropped by all other aircraft. (drum music) According to records compiled by its manufacturers, the fortress destroyed 23 enemy aircraft per thousand sorted as compared to 11 by B24 liberators, 11 by United States fighters, and three by all United States light and medium bombers. Although it has been established that the very high claims of enemy aircraft kiddle scored by the fortress were greatly exaggerated, there can be no doubt that the total was formidable. By its almost unrivaled period of first line service, the fortress proved itself one of the classic bomber designs of all time. Its performance proved a triumphant vindication of the principles of air strategy and bomber design established by a few far sighted airmen and engineers in the United States of America, long before World War II. While the Boeing Super Fortress gained for itself undying fame as the first aircraft to drop an atomic weapon, thus bringing about the sudden termination of hostilities in the Pacific. It is also deserving of a place in the history of aircraft warfare as one of the principal allied weapons in the war against Japan. The laborious and costly island hopping campaign conducted in the Pacific by the allied forces was undertaken largely to seize bases for super fortress operations against the Japanese homeland. Once bases had been established, the super fortresses of the United States 20th Air Force systematically and inextricably raised the industrial cities of Japan one by one with a terrible weapon of fire. The closely packed and lightly constructed Japanese buildings were extremely vulnerable to incendiary attacks. Now the destruction wreaked by super forces in some built up areas amounted to as much as 99.5%. In addition to these devastating blows against strategic targets, the super fortresses were simultaneously employed on a highly successful campaign of mine laying in Japanese home waters, thereby applying an economic and logistic strangle hold to the islands of Nipon. The delivery of the two atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki was therefore in the nature of a cous de gras although essential to shorten the war. (peaceful music) The super fortress was largely responsible for the final defeat and surrender of Japan without invasion and the instrument which provided the ultimate vindication of the American visionaries of strategic air power. The super fortresses made an immense contribution to subsequent bomber design. It was the second World War's heaviest production war plane and the first pressurized aircraft to obtain large scale production. It was also the first to make extensive use of remotely controlled armament but perhaps the most remarkable feature of its history was the fact that it was designed, built, tested and placed in operational service within four years. Although each type had its staunch appearance, the consolidated liberator was somewhat overshadowed in fame if not an achievement. By the Boeing Fortress during the second World War, this was despite the fact that not only was the liberator built in considerable larger numbers than the fortress, it was produced in greater quantities then any other American aircraft. Such a unique production record is all the more remarkable for such a large four engine aircraft and the liberator operated over more fronts for a considerably longer period and was produced in a greater variety of versions than any other allied or enemy bomber. By comparison with the fortress, the liberator was indeed an ugly duckling. Its deep, slab sided fusalage an immense barn door like vertical table services, were features hardly indicative of speed and agility. One of the prime virtues of the liberator and one which invariably hallmarks a great war plane was its versatility. In addition to strategic bombing, it was used with equal facility for maritime reconnaissance and anti submarine operations, passenger and freight transportation, as a flying tanker, and for photographic reconnaissance as well as for many other duties. It was this quality in fact which largely accounted for the extraordinary total of 18,188 liberators and liberator variance constructed by the USAAF between delivery of the first production aircraft in June 1941 and the closing down of the last assembly line on the 31st of May 1945. (dramatic music) (guns firing) Apart from its unchallenged production record, the liberator earned for itself a permanent place in aviation history for its remarkable record of achievement. Whether the material to be delivered happened to be bombs, depth charges, gasoline, freight, troops, of VIPs, the liberator established a reputation second to none for doing almost any job any way. In some respects, the combat career of the Douglas A20 was much less spectacular than that of other bombers employed by the combatants. It was associated with no outstanding operations that remained in front line service throughout the war. It did not distinguish itself on any particular battlefront but flew with equal distinction over all of them. It did as well in Russia as it did in the Pacific or the western desert and with all was one of the most pleasant of all combat aircraft to fly. (dramatic drum music) Designated by the Americans as the Havoc and by the British as the Boston, the A20 was a pilot's airplane and its virtues were sworn in a variety of languages ranging from Africans to French and from British to Ukrainian as well as being operated by the Americans and Australians. His cosmopolitan nature was fundamental in its design however for it owed its origins much to the Spanish Civil War and subsequently to the urgent need for re armament by the French. The dangerous signals of 1936 had not been ignored in the United States and prominent aircraft manufacturers were considering the future possible requirements for the United States Army Core, well in advance of any military specifications being issued. Well suited to the low level bomber role, the Bostons, or Havocs were adaptable, reliable, tractable, and extremely potent. Possibly overshadowed throughout much of its career by the more spectacular exploits which fell to the lot of other bombers. The A20 did rank highly amongst the most brilliant combat aircraft designs evolved by the United States aircraft industry. No combat aircraft of the second World War either from the access or allied powers was the subject of so much modification and extemporization as was the Yonkers JU88. Operating in various forms through the entire period of the European War and still in production when the hostilities ceased, the JU88 was the true backbone of the Luft Fafa. This bomber was produced in greater numbers than all of the other German bombers combined. Some 15,000 being built between 1939 and 1945. The JU88 was continuously adapted to perform roles other than that for which it'd been conceived and performed every task demanded of it with distinction. Like all combat aircraft, it possessed its share of short comings. These were largely due to changes dictated by the needs of the over strained, depleted German defenses during the wars closing stages. Without doubt, despite its shortcomings, the JU88 was the finest German bomber to see extensive operational service. This aircraft was conceived as the result of a meeting held in 1935 between high ranking officers of the then fledging Luft Fafa and chief German aircraft designers. They were informed of the requirement for a Schnell bomber meaning a medium bomber with a speed of a fighter. Yonkers were finally awarded the contract, the proto type making its maiden flight in 1936. From the outset of war, the JU88 flourished to serve on every front and in almost every role and apart from its use as a medium bomber, it also served as a night fighter, reconnaissance, torpedo bomber, mine layer, and finally as the lower half of the missile flying bomb. Highly regarded by the allies, the JU88 was considered to exemplify the German philosophy of using one good basic air frame for a multitude of tasks, rather than involving a variety of specialized machines. And thus, complicating production. It is true to say that had the JU88 proved less amenable to the process of adaption and modification to which it was eventually submitted, then the Luft Fafa would have found itself in serious difficulties in very much earlier stage in the second World War. Few were the inhabitants on England's capital and southern counties to whom in the dramatic months of 1940, the distinctive and disagreeable mode of the Hankel HE 111's engine was unfamiliar. For this machine, the first modern medium bomber to be acquired by the Luft Fafa bore the major burden of the German bombing offensive against the British Isles during the main phase of the Battle of Britain. Despite its short comings which became more marked as the war progressed, and which were in no small part due to the continual process of modification and extemporization to which the model was subjected, the HE 111 retained its place as the standard Luft Fafa combat aircraft throughout the war. (dramatic music) Produced in large numbers, this aircraft was twice taken out of mass production only to be returned to the production lines when the new types with which it was to be replaced failed to materialize. During the opening phases of the war the Henkle HE 111 was undoubtedly a formidable offensive weapon. An elegant, well built, well planned aircraft with good flying characteristics. It was certainly a thoroughbred, inheriting its shapely contours from its single engine predecessor, the HE 70 blitz which at the time of its appearance had been justifiably acclaimed as the most aerodynamically efficient airplane ever to have flown. Like many German war planes of its era, the HE 111 had first been shown to the world as a civil aircraft. But its sleek, streamlined fuse lodge was obviously designed for maximum performance at the expense of passenger comfort. However, intended from its birth as one of the Luft Fafa's principle weapons of the future Blitzkrieg, the HE 111 had placed Germany at the forefront of medium bomber development. It was however, forced to soldier on long past its allotted span, owing to the inability of the German aircraft industry to produce a suitable replacement and was already approaching obsolescence when called upon to carry the major burden of the Luft Fafa's bombing offensive against the British Isles. Despite continual improvements, it could not keep pace with the rapidly changing requirements of air warfare. And during the last years of the war was no longer the formidable weapon with which the Luft Fafa had attacked Poland. (dramatic music) One design that did manage to see production was the Yonkers JU 188. A twin engine medium bomber which first saw action in 1942. As early as 1939, Yonkers had been working on the JU 288 which was a completely new design far more advanced than preceding types. But when it became apparent that the design should meet a specification which called for the type to be in service by 1942, was not going to be developed in time, the Luft Fafa proposed that instead the JU 88 should be modified to meet the new requirement. Hence, in the interim, the JU 188 was born. In principle, Yonkers took the forward fuse lodge section of the JU 88 and added a new wing and a new tail unit. This new design was designated originally as the JU 88E but this was later changed to the JU 188E. The first aircraft left the factory in June 1942 for operational use as a dive bomber. However, with the increased defenses of the allied forces, it was not particularly successful. Its role was changed to that of a medium horizontal bomber and also as a torpedo bomber for attacking shipping in the Atlantic. Further developments took the JU 188 into the night fighter role for defending Germany's homeland against the increasing allied strategic bombing campaign. In order to achieve greater speed and altitude without the disruption caused by the introduction of a completely new design, the JU 188 was also developed into a high altitude bomber with a pressurized cockpit section. This type later became designated as the JU 388. In 1944 the role of the JU 188 was changed again when it was used in the pathfinder role during the years bombing campaign against England. Operating from 1942 until the end of the war, seeing action in Europe and on the Mediterranean, Arctic, and Eastern Front, the JU 188 and its variety of roles was among the most important of the Luft Fafa's operational aircraft. Bumping Alf England, so read the title of a Sterling marshal song which blared out of loud speakers all over Germany and the occupied territories during the Autumn months of 1940. With the accompaniment of roaring arrow engines and the beating of drums, it was an impressive battle hymn. But whatever its psychological effect on the German populace may have been, it was hardly destined to raise the spirits of the personnel of the Luft Fafa. They were fully aware that their bombers did not have the range to attack effectively. More than a small area of the British Isles. They knew that the Luft Fafa's lack of a long range strategic bomber enabled the RAF to concentrate virtually the whole of its defensive strength within a limited area. An area to which the Luft Fafa was forced to confine its intentions. They also knew that this would sap their operational strength. Prototypes of four engine heavies had been built but they were abandoned and never saw the production lines. They did however, possess the Heinkle HE 177 Grief, a long range twin engine bomber. An aircraft which was destined to provide the most dismal chapter in the war time record of the German aircraft industry. Fires in the air, aerodynamic troubles, and structural failures all contributed towards the unpopularity of this big bomber when it reached operational units. The faults of this aircraft were recognized too late and when they were recognized insufficient energy was devoted to eradicating them. There was nothing wrong with the basic design and had effective measures been taken the Luft Fafa might have found itself possessing a heavy bomber comparable with if not superior to the best of the allied machines of the same type. Aptly named the Grief, this aircraft's chief claim to fame was the fact that it was the only German heavy bomber to obtain quantity production during the war years. It was in fact one of the very few entirely new German combat aircraft to progress from the design boards to operational service during the conflict. But the advantages that it offered were nullified by the German aircraft industries inability to devote sufficient effort towards its perfection. A claim by German propagandists as the scourge of Europe, the aircraft the conquered nations, the supreme weapon, the angularly ugly Yonkers JU 87 dive bomber attained greater notoriety than any other weapon in the arsenal with which Germany launched the second World War. It was one of the most vulnerable of war planes. Slow, unwieldy, and the natural prey of the fighter. Yet within the first nine months of the war it had acquired an almost legendary reputation. The German air staff itself was divided on the subject of dive bombing and the employment of the JU 87, but the Polish campaign appeared to vindicate its protagonists. The JU 87 knocking out strong points, artillery batteries, and concentrations whenever the Polish sought to make a stand. When the German offensive against France and the low countries opened in May 1940 the JU 87 repeated its earliest successes. Blasting the allied armor in defenses, paralyzing whole armies, playing havoc with communications in vital rear areas and hounding the steams of refugees. With virtually no aerial opposition the JU 87 was fully able to exploit the accuracy of bomb aiming inherent in the steep dive as well as the demoralizing effect on personnel exposed to this form of attack. But the use of the JU 87 presumed control of the air and the issue was settled in the Battle of Britain when after a few abortive sorters by JU87s during which their formations were decimated by opposing hurricanes and spit fires, the dive bombers were withdrawn from the Sherbook area and the JU 87s had ended the eclipse. The JU 87 was aerodynamically an atrocity. It was ugly to the point of absurdity and it was virtually defenseless against the modern fighter. Yet its distinctive shape was the most feared by Germany's opponents and this one aircraft type revolutionized the very fundamentals of warfare. (triumphant music)
Channel: Janson Media
Views: 1,785,772
Rating: 4.5758581 out of 5
Keywords: bombers, The Second World war: Bombers of WWII, Bombers of WWII, WWII Bombers, World War 2 Bombers, World War 2: Germany, The Second World War: Bomber, Second World War Full Documentary, Second World War Documentary, World War 2: Full Documentary, World War 2: Documentary, World War 2 History, The Second World War history, Documentary of World War 2, World War, World War Documentary, World War Full Documentary, Janson Media, Janson, Janson Media Group
Id: nP0aKBhga-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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