World War I: Every Day
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Channel: EmperorTigerstar
Views: 3,092,161
Rating: 4.9047494 out of 5
Keywords: history, geography, World War I (Military Conflict), World War I, war, Europe, United States, United Kingdom, Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Russia, Bolsheviks, Russian Revolution, Finnish Civil War, Poland, France, Belgium, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Africa, Pacific, Greece, trenches, EmperorTigerstar, Emperor Tigerstar, World War I Every Day, World War 1 Every Day, World War I Everyday, World War I Simulation, World War 1 Simulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love when late 1917 comes along and you hear "Bolshevik Revolution!" Boop, Russia's out. Sorry comrade, somethings risen up.
I've posted from this YouTube channel before (WW2 everyday) and thought this sub would be interested if they haven't seen a map timelapse before. I think they are interesting to watch and give a good perspective of the wars or events that they are representing.
The stagnation.. my god.. it really puts into perspective the sheer back and forth of this conflict.
Wow. That really gives a nice view of the Ypres salient. and how it was so incredibly deadly.
As someone who's done a lot of work in cartography this was really interesting to watch. I love seeing people realize just how interesting maps can be if presented right.
I unfortunately know very little about ww1, but it seemed like the central powers were gaining so much ground just before they surrendered. What happened? Were they spread too thin?
I knew how famously stagnant the western front was compared to casualties, but goddamn, what a waste of life.
At 5:05 can someone please explain/send a link to the invasion of northern Russia/Soviet Union
Seemed a bit weird... 🤔
I'd like to see a full-screen version of each theater of war. The Spring Offensive is kind of underwhelming with the map pulled out that far, particularly when any progress at all on the Western Front was hard-fought. 100 yards could cost thousands of lives.