World War 2: USMC Haversack and Knapsacks | Collector's & History Corner

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Chris here with the ASP and I am we're back again with more Marine Corps uniforms and equipments during World War two this is Joe's collection so Joe what do we have here for today okay this is what's called the pea 1912 haversack meat camp pouch tailpiece and entrenching tool over 1 banana Wars early World War 2 some units like Navy Beach battalions will see photos I'm still in through the middle of war still have any things face up okay I do a lot of Boy Scout living living history displays Boy Scout troops whatever I show them this that was fun the same fails go dig laughs I tell them when I was a scout if my dad had caught an army surplus store and brought me this to be my Boy Scout knapsack I probably would wait it sucks so this to me camp apps basically a big hammer your best kit and utensil button this just straps that hold in place your entrenching tool is jammed in behind that on you know wire flap you're banging that one down the left side with this pack you could not wear it without it being attached to your fist develop or clutch belt but everything had come off alright that's upped and it's not a bag it's just a bunch of flaps and straps you roll up your bedroll and then you're bit about rolled into this okay and I'm going to do a quick demonstration right here and I don't even know personally what every one of these straps and flats does no I really no you go right in alright you can see it's all these straps this is what's called the tail piece that wasn't always a part of it but and this came out from dawn just will come from dawn there's a lot to it oh yeah and even though I put it together there are buckles and straps I'm going to show where they go you know I never true another totally resource entirely to figure it all out and I mean your big you bet wrote a song about it's not even to say it's not even a big this is a nice one you can see it has USMC stamp it's almost under there but this is pretty much it you say it's a tough design the systems were all adjustable and clipped into your pit carved up but these things now in 1928 they operate a little bit a little different but same thing so it's 1910 1912 and 28 28 this is an int called Marine Corps one tell me the breast buckle there would be a big US stamp here if it was on it yeah and the tailpiece what's your more detail later the tailpiece has three sets of loops to put the belt through organ don't have one okay alright we can see the man's name unfortunately although this is all 319 called Marine Corps pieces it's a pretty rare unfortunately they're not oil from the same man all three pieces have the man's name stenciled in it but three of the guys I wish I had a complete set you know with the man's name stenciled the same and it became pouch to have a sock the tailpiece but but there are all p12 Marine Corps alright now we're going to show the 41 however set the knapsack okay okay and now this is the m1941 haversack and knapsack much better design Illinois universities it's actually two separate pieces that strap together there's straps on them put your bedroll theory tools still your bayonet down the left side it's - - babes again if you see just just immediately you can say what an enormous difference it was compared to the square root of 28 haversack all right and this is fourth division yeah we'll get that later with your private fourth division chief we'll cover what wound up against a detail on that later you see T handling collide early war non camouflage shelter half will show again in detail later okay now let's do a nice close up a bowl of different banks okay we'll do a close-up on each different bag all right we're back again we're going to take a look into Marine Corps haversacks so what's this one over here okay this is the pea 1912 all right we're one banana Wars or only one or two this was designed a used 1928 they modify them a little and they also change designation but this is a early early manufacture for equal to P 12 and this would be the meat camp ouch so your meat can and your through your tensile in it you can be nested yeah you can see we have your x open it and you can also see the leather sleeves that the fork and knife go in so it protects a little better you see the spoon on the side so it's the 28th give it over to manufactured ones with just three slots of course the back instead of this one on each side one in the corner yeah and you see the mess kit in there the mid can okay and you see the man's name stencil on the back very cool Bowersox yeah or a bower sock all right and you laced straps through these buckles here okay in order to attach it to the front a haversack all right three straps so you laced these from the photos and from the buckle and this straps the front of it so okay looks like that when we strap that down right the strap we waste our way through the slips in with Pat plus through these breast loops yeah and that's what kept it to the front of it but behind this would have been your entrenching tool we see the flap for it here yeah okay so in Treasury torn on this one on top of it mm-hmm you girls are tell me the breast button so to store bought the lobulated design yeah and if you see the the Marine Corps for that mustard gold color yeah you know and this is the front of the haversack because the straps for Lube we can't pouch trenching clothes hip all right which is a man's name pretty cool let's see you get a good picture of it now yep alright this was dude I don't know what this Union walking is not World War two it definitely does not walk to peace how much over that much with the unit working is and we can see like I said before the whole thing just flaps together and I don't even know what half of these are for all right a lot of these older p12 packs you don't find the USMC in them either they weren't all marked or faded we can still see in this yeah that's what's fading so it's there yeah but that's still pretty cool alright and then we see here there's the bayonet tab yeah the other side of it anyway and the bottom of the three sheath would go through here okay that's the bayonet which the old blessed squared off buckles we always tell us marine course you squared breast buckles on things so adjustable same thing on both sides right now the difference repeat ten and twelve pack in the 28 pick the main difference is on the back okay 12 has one one clipped attached to back a pistol belt or as yet the other one has row I right they think they they put two in yeah we was probably better design anyway you know well better for this at least yeah and say man I mean look at this thing it's just of what it's not a bag it's a bunch of fossil traps I'd say it's a copperhead looks like a complicated yeah mess and I have not spent the time yet to go through a manual and yeah you know how for example I don't know what these are for I don't know what these are for uh-huh okay now if you wanted to lengthen your bedroll okay I imagine for the shelter half of all you would and it was called a tail piece to it which is this Frank this is the tail piece this is also Marine Corps like any what the main difference is no giant us stamp on it and the other thing you look for is these three rows of stitching is an adjustment for this leather strap an army one does not have the extra rows of stitching that has only one that's it only one and then what I do was you laced it through this set of stitching here and then somehow it would wrap around the bottom of your ill bedroll yeah as I extend it down you see the mayor's name here yeah alright again square brass buckles and the cool thing about this is this thing was issued three different times there's three different names tensile anyway this uh that's got some use at once sure ball you got various the P 1912 design they were using them up until 28 whenever he did them and after World War one was rather than a banana Wars pretty much peacetime so it could have just been reissued a reissue again you know you see it slight different color I wish I had a complete set of these with one man's name and all three pieces that would be really cool but these have been pretty hard to find a complete set of p12 Marine Corps hacchyan course you know there are moments you restaurant you still fine but there's no trip saying no tears yeah basically just you know on storage dirt normally on dust well fading but drunk of shape all right this is mean after after this I mean this transition and evolve talk and even the fire system I would even call in to vote you know internet if I could change entirely well I like we said we don't need uh we're in previous videos 1941 then you know more than warned Pacific and they changed everything yeah they were prepared for it alright alright let's go down the line okay now here we have these are the manuals for the 41 haversack and knapsack I watch our videos you know how cool I think things all in the man's name is stenciled on them oh yeah we CLL Sanders and this is they reissued Basel II was the follow-up they're the 44 you see the date on it alright this it was about about the 41 pack system but this was just the upgraded manual that the millions had put out the cool thing in here I was reading it yesterday actually there's a whole page and a half on instructions just how we're just actually name everything yeah you know I'm not going to all pain it's it's uh yeah this one's on isn't delicate shape and these are get hard to find it is so hard to find that you see a lot of reproductions now these people want a manual I can read yeah but no watch open up the real ones if you fire real you know now what's the difference between the real one and every product I have only production one and it's a little s'more and in stencil it again on a second page this marking here is on the front cover okay and the books a little smaller because this picture here yeah is the back cover ah the informations exactly the same thing okay so if you want to pick yourself up reproduction one and then learn how to put them all together yeah integrate them with the suspenders yeah it's all in there it's a cool manual you know and it worries your debt at boot camp absolutely you know that was your manual for your pack all right so what do we have okay here this is these are pretty rare it is the rare piece of my collection for entire section Co this is the m1941 have a sack and knapsack they would go together so this is a haversack right this is enough size knapsack okay face they could be more separately or together okay on 40 this is not a matching set but for me this is like hitting the trifecta if you watch my videos you know how much I enjoy stencil names in them of the veteran yeah an invasion markings well this is the trifecta this has the man's name in it his invasion markings and it has field applied camouflage hmm they're actually given drums of green paint I think to call it blanco they got it out of Australia primarily the first division in the third division did it okay pretty much for the 1943 battles the third division in a Bougainville the first division up in new New Britain yeah okay plaster are New Britain and they camouflaged their pieces not just the haversack 90 but almost everything I use D for aggressive leggings with blotches a green paint on yeah okay so this piece is pretty cool can you see all the green paint on you know Lucy they're squared off brass buckles we know it was made by the at the Marine Corps Depot in Philadelphia the quartermaster Depot mm-hmm and this is the first contract not in a contract followed the first manufacturing wrong because we can tell in how to back the strap we've put together it's called the d-ring your lacing through it was called yeah the deer and only the first one of them and that's Deering right that's the ring it's called a d-ring oh you see what you're not working on the back be one night uh company be four time 9th Marines the 9th Marines is a regiment within the 3rd division which for a Bougainville ok yeah we see here there's a hawk missing off of this it's been it's probably been ripped off intentionally by the Marine and then because it dog get to your back so it's not uncommon to find thee with just missing ok they just cut him off you know again you finally went to a bed we see you don't slap ears the intention was just it helped seal things in a little better yeah you know it did new great job of help it buckled up the front we still see the bayonet yeah for the banner and there was a loop to put the Shifu mm-hmm this one's pretty one out she'll stretch this yeah and again figure about entrenching tool the front mm-hmm however these slits here would've been for your strapped but your shelter half on okay the only one the top was permanently fixed to it see the tip is missing this one's been there and back that's for sure uh-huh and then this strap here is how you attached basally went through this loop through this and then it will wrapped up tight my only the pretty quick it simple okay you see very few combat photographs of guide with knapsacks mm-hmm thing when you went to have the sack only yeah basically this was for clean clothes and you need to leave this aboard ship you know or behind the lines right okay right it was clean clothes so there was no need to help this whole thing with you this is what you need this was your underwear socks t-shirt food yeah you know poncho bayonet entrenching tool yeah you know that's what you talk now this one is also cool we see through a GE Robideau okay now this is the first piece we've shown from the first division we see the white diamond that's the first Marine Corps division which you have five to three we also see it again down here five two three so that's the famous fifth Marines that's one of Ulsan famous regiments in the US history right and then second Battalion B Company so five two three all right I don't know what the AP dish 1/9 is I don't know what that's for looks like it was stenciled at the same time this unit walking was you know if I had a guess yeah would you say so okay let me see you Roberto here again and again it says a third time somewhere but here it is on top okay okay you have the same it's not the same size entirely reason have all the extras for the you know and Tracy Taylor bayonet yeah we should you see how much clearer it was on the inside kind of like what it look like and then one of the main problems with these bags wives or the lack of adjustment through the d-ring you see here ace riveted the buckle on I see how it's tearing through yeah when you put this through assault pulling tight porn tight starts to rep starts to wear it out yeah so yes okay we'll move on to the next set what's the next center this is also a a Depot made set made the clear Mastodon Philadelphia there's a Marine Corps manufactured pieces that contract out to have this main this one's a lot better shape we can still see it's pulling through a little bit see it yeah not a good designer but they went towards coiled and em buckle lot more adjustment through there yeah I have a better design so they move away from the d-ring to an EM bubble okay the d-rings are really rare but the more common ones it was called an Ambo goal the knapsacks as you can see here they started sewing them on okay this was cool his name and I'm going to assume when I left sure he was in K company but that's that's the best I got you know I'm not really sure but I think it's a pretty good bet yeah you know they did other that knapsacks hadn't changed yet all right this one's a pretty clean shape no I said other than the unbuckles this was the first sort of upgrade in them from the first one okay this one doesn't have a name isn't the fact that there's no name I mean I'm working on it it's probably why such good shape you know yeah then this is a late run depo made one we see they not only start sewing the buckles on they sewed it all the way up as sort of a reinforcement all the way to the shoulder straps all right not with a big plus just for a big improvement for enough room absolutely have you said it held up over the year so this is in good shape oh one thing we tried to show on the first one there's the buckle that's always ripped off okay you say it actually I didn't realize was on our first one it wasn't even adjustable it was just a strap with the Hawkeye be actually adjustable as well okay they kept the N buckle and these are the straps for you for the shelter half but these are removable so I'm collecting they're not always there yeah you know you got to find them we should square pocket square brass buckle e let's Depot mate or not but we're a manufacturing companies okay and this is a good shape that this is this is a knapsack against Jeep I made it my pain never issued just takes beautiful other surface dirt from storage yeah and what's left off the depot stamping right when they when they mark things at the Marine Corps Depot it was just a purple rubber stamp it wasn't he you know he he'd stamped into it yeah they faded away so it's hard to find peace with that stamped ruling I can read all the know what it's supposed to say its DQ pay for - what is it depot quartermaster one 942 - four three kind of hard to say finance cards saying but it's I can definitely still see the d QP two one nine two four yeah and it starts to fade a little bit all right now the only company the manufacturer things other than themselves that the default was point harness company and there's not much change pretty much did figure out the way it needed to be except when you're collecting powder sacks marine haversacks the quick is the easiest way to know a Depot main piece from a voice made piece is right here the buckles that's a Depot buckle that's a boy buckle so this is boy yep and this is Depot that's it now again if your finest the contract stamping will that make sure that means yeah but they fade and they get painted over and turn it over and everything else okay assume it is a matching knapsack which is cool I found best at the same year you know no change in them you know except for the buckles right knuckles right there buckles are different it again you saw lap brass was probably not the way the rest was a hot commodity you know yeah shells everything else and then late in the war now I've never seen any combat photographs of them okay but it is argument that maybe they were issued a little bit real late memorial photos I've ever seen of these bags is the occupation troops in Japan okay so those I've found a couple and what they did was it's just a big open throat now okay and what you did was you rolled it up tight so instead of a flap right yeah now a three open flow or you get more in it and it's filled up better you don't get that tight you know yeah but all everything about it is the same now these are pretty common on collector's market mm-hmm they're not expensive high because like you know there's no great wall story behind there really weren't even yeah that I've all you've seen them referred to as the m44 modified haversack meaning 1944 yeah so when I saw this one not to reach not too long ago actually the show I I had to pick it up look at the date in it it's 43 it's 1943 so I thought that was quite interesting you know in your final day to 4445 FK to roll but this is a 40s right yeah isn't that pretty cool now I find hard to believe that something manufacturer in 1943 wasn't issued out in the next year and a half you know so maybe it was and the knapsack was the same way there's a really a bag now and it just rolled up you rolled it up got it tight and then you can buckle it down these two straps okay now you said I have the suspenders so the lace through here and all I'm not going to get into it that's a whole video itself and a whole book of the head of reading over and over but the suspenders would be integrated through the whole pack system to keep it together and attach your belt to it everything else I can get into what happened this is quickly how they did it obviously we go back to this one is it's easy adjustment yeah why it has a day by haimerl Aditi she did it twice upside down from each other you see it and ask something yeah NS r e yes what I say yeah or EP something that's cool so again there you go that kind of proves my point doesn't yeah if this is name stenciled on it was issued out you know so I think it's pretty so that I found 43 dated and 44 pack yeah no that's pretty cool and have to yeah Rico have sex have ersatz and eps axe yeah a quick evolution and change from the first one the nineteen twelve twelve all the only ones yeah the boy everyone's huge interest interesting thing I googled Boyd Mars company today they're a high-end luggage company so they didn't change their uh fat do you want too much you know yeah hi hello you hold you on cruise luggage by boy they've been there right exactly all right so off to the next piece of unique USMC or US Marine Corps belongings equipment in uniforms stay tuned
Channel: Chris Butler
Views: 47,049
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Keywords: USMC, Marine, Marines, collectors, history, World War 2, WW2, World War 1, Marine uniform, guide, equipment, walkthrough, resource list, equipment list, infantry, service uniform, collector, collectors market, The Pacific, EGA, Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Army, Pacific, USN, sailor, Philippines, Guiuan, Samar, Navy, Para Marines, jungle, Peleliu, Tarawa, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Wake Island, Midway, M1941 Haversack, knapsack, M1912 Haversack, DQP, Boyt, mess kit, haversack, camouflage, packs, US Army, M1910 haversack
Id: O2w-ltutbpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2015
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