World Speed Shooting Champion B.J. Norris Shoots Fast | Shooting USA

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[Music] our impossible shots series aired for seven years on outdoor channel and in those shows we saw some amazing records and impressive shooting you can still see those on but we are still looking for amazing opportunities so in the spirit of ed mcgivern and jerry mitchlach bj norris is gonna go lightning fast with his handgun but he's upping the ante he's going to keep all of his shots on target in this impossible shot hey guys i'm world speed shooting champion bj norris and i'm out here on the range with shooting usa to attempt the impossible shot of putting 10 rounds from the holster on that 18 by 24 inch rectangle give it a shot in order for this to be truly impossible bj is gonna have to pull it off in under two seconds with a draw from a distance of 10 yards and mother nature wants to add a twist it's raining and water on the optic will derail the whole thing that wasn't it 2.27 well timer shows you're in the ballpark but i can tell you right now that beep to first shot split and that cadence is not gonna work all right so it looks like we got all the hits on the target but my time was a little slow at 2.27 i'm gonna try and clean up the draw a little bit clean up my trigger work and uh get it another shot you know they don't call this impossible shots or nothing so it doesn't always happen on the first try oh 197. pj yep first shot went under it the first squeeze was a little early [Music] all right guys so before we had all the hits now we got the time but i don't have the hits the third shot went low i think it was one of these in the stick so let's give it uh one more shot i think i can pull it off shooters stand by you know what helps when i unlock my holster that kind of thing happens your first time on impossible shots and right on cue the rain picks up making bj's impossible shot debut that much tougher ready shooter standby that is it call it a walk off he doesn't even have to look at the timer a 196. b.j norris has pulled off his first impossible shot all right guys looks like all the hits are on the target we've got a 1.96 total time so just under that two second barrier my draw was a little slower than i was looking for it's a 72 i was really hoping for something under 70 but i was able to make it up with the target switch pull off the impossible shot [Music] you
Channel: Shooting USA
Views: 71,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shooting USA, guns, Jim Scoutten, firearms news, shooting sports television, guns tv, 2a, Outdoor Channel, Smith & Wesson, Hornady, Colt, John Scoutten, USPSA, IDPA, Three-Gun, Precision Rifle, History's Guns, Pro Tips
Id: S65uE1-vnBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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