*Former World Record* Hitman Blood Money Speedrun in 23:53 - Professional/Silent Assassin

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and it's possible or well let me just say in theory you could save time if you somehow managed to skip one of those steps right but but that's we don't really like think that way right we said like if you found a way to skip the cut scene or um makes Smith like revive Smith before he gets to his final destination or or the the gurney guy make him go faster or something you know we we can theorize all day but you know if nothing is found then nothing is found you know and then it doesn't exist exactly oh wait I mean I I would like for you know additional time saves to be found of course right because the name of the game is beating the beating it as fast as possible but you know I think that kind of mentality is it can only get you so far because like look at how much this game has transformed in just the last like two years right the last like two or three years with the amount of new strats and records that have been achieved I mean take take my PB in this game right like in like my PB right now I beat CJ's um I beat CJ's time his 26 minute time I beat his time by two minutes and I'm only third place like that's insane and I had a major mistake in Devil where I lost a minute you got no business here you I should have known sedating me yeah I know yeah you you never know like you never know for certain sure but you know figures dreaming about that type of thing it's not it's not gonna accomplish anything it's like it's good to be optimistic but we still have to be real with ourselves and you'll never let me out alive I know I can dedicate you know 10 years to trying to find a way to skip flatlined into something but it's not exactly a realistic goal s you never know one that I heard from uh from Toddy was what if there was a glitch where you can make 47 jumps and and when I hear stuff like that I kind of roll my eyes a little bit because it's like okay bro understood it's it's like you know what what am I supposed to what am I supposed to say to that you know that's just not in the game's programming it'd be nice it'd be kind of cool but I don't I don't play this game on ifs you know [Music] oh it's like yeah you know it would be great if I could you know move at Double Speed without cheating that'd be great but you know it can't be done ah but you never know it's like I don't what do you what do you want me to say you know yeah that that is another thing is watching and playing are two different experiences how is this slow press both shift buttons it's funny no mistake done question jeez I get a 557 out of Flatline and I'm behind by nearly three seconds on my way to test oh my God he's testing it do that he comes back Alpha you will never believe this joke's on you though shift is not my my run key that's bad please yay oh right right didn't didn't we try that actually where we tied Sprint to the the scroll wheel and we like spammed the input it's in the Rocky Mountains Senator Bingham was being black what if you were chased by guards down to Smith can you like get shot or pushed out of the cutscene I don't know what you mean oh no all right yeah sorry I okay I know what you mean now um no uh they can chase me uh but I uh they have to follow the path all the way down instead of cutting cutting down like I do so there they don't catch up to me in time ah if you have guards right behind you as you trigger the cutscene regards movement okay so entering the medical wing and you go to Smith the the guards are actually super buggy they don't like going in that room or shooting in that room at all if you're down in the morgue um they will shoot you it will not get you out of the cutscene and you can die and you'll be a witness you'll have like you'll have witnesses like it's not it's not like a FMV it's taken within the game itself so like actions are still going on as as the cutscene is playing how did that give me a witness door closed crouched down gives me a witness dude thank you 30 second time loss for no reason man foreign [ __ ] but yeah I've tried to have um the guards shoot me and even kill me while initiating the cutscene with Smith uh I don't actually think that they fire like if memory serves me right but even if you are like even if you die as you're doing the cutscene uh you just die like it doesn't stop the cutscene okay [Music] because like it's considered an action and this game is actually very uh picky about initiating actions there's not really much in the way of stopping it [Music] I was about to say there's no chance he didn't die people are trying to figure out like ways to uh make this level faster like theorizing that um what's his name Muhammad is just like somewhere under the map and if we just kill him there uh two things one he is not under the map at all as far as I know um he is like legitimately never on the map until he spawns in like he legitimately just spawns in like he's not he's not even in the limo he spawns in the limo after it's parked uh and the second thing is even if right even if he was somewhere under the map uh you cannot uh mine someone like you cannot kill someone with a mind or any weapon for that matter uh through the floor like that okay unlucky I guess I will get him after getting Tariq so this is going to be a slowest balls House of Cards or sorry what's it called Kevin Spacey at which time you have to end the stream again in your time zone uh probably another half hour which probably means I'm not gonna do another full run damn this is gonna be this is gonna be so slow this is actually gonna be so slow this is gonna be like a 542 or something yeah God this is so slow so slow dude like where oh my god dude I'm gonna delay this guy because I don't want him coming in what oh no what happened you actually got to be kidding me dude for real I didn't know that that was so bad [Music] and I have like just barely enough time to get over here [Music] oh my God this is so slow look how much time I'm losing dude I'm already losing time all because of Schmutz dude in his irregular P patterns he says thank you for the emote only agent that was weird you really got to get out of here well you still can [Music] foreign type in capital F off one word what's going on foreign here we go through the machine you go through the detector authorized personnel foreign [Music] foreign good in the neighborhood bro yeah baby oh man suck my [ __ ] balls bro boom ah and now we get to do the honors and finally listen to this goddamn song as a PB as a world record bro [Music] thank you for the ggs everyone huge huge weight lifted off of my shoulders bro a mental block of me was not having world record right but it's like now that I have this run I can finally finally have that mentality of okay I've already made it this far right I've done this already but it's like it's like now I just need to to close it out sorry [Music] hey hey hey hey hey let's I just want to say that we got the [ __ ] citizens arrest guy we had that guy come in try and ruin our devil and guess what I still did it I still got lost him this is what I have to say to that guy hey you know what you know what we need we need this here so everyone knows what happened and then we need one tar you back it just felt right let's go that's how we celebrate murder of Crow's day that's how we celebrate Murder of Crows 32 day
Channel: AlphaBM
Views: 51,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, professional, silent assassin, world record, challenge, first ever, stealth, shooter, twitch
Id: _KgLJGb-KUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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