World Peace - A Bahai Vision - Full Movie

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for millennia mankind has dreamed of peace as our global community continues to evolve as technology closes the geographic gaps between cultures we find ourselves more and more occupied with the notion of peace how should it be foster what are its obstacles and is a great piece a piece for all the world attainable to some peace on earth is not merely a possibility it is an inevitability immediately within the grasp of mankind people from all regions of the globe who have united under one banner the Baha'i faith the ultimate goal of the faith the mission of this religion is to bring about the unification of mankind to unite the world as one common species you don't go to the Baha'i Center one day a week and then that's that's in and you just live the rest of your your other life you know there's no such thing the highest think about the most great peace every day because this is really the time for unification today the teachings are for the entire planet because of technology we can now actually see that occur we have the possibility of uniting the entire planet under these universal teachings this is what we were working towards [Music] the Baha'i religion is based on the teachings of a man named bahá'u'llah which translates to the glory of God to bhai is he's not simply a spiritual leader but the latest in a series of divine prophets which include Muhammad Jesus Moses and Buddha it was in Baghdad in 1863 when bahala first identified himself as a direct messenger from God with a vision for the unification of man less than a hundred and fifty years later the Baha'i faith has grown into the second most widespread religion in the world it represents an incredibly diverse cross-section of the globe but in their brief and sometimes difficult history we see just how troubled the road to peace can be the story of the Baha'i faith begins with a religious group known as the bobbies the bobbies developed out of a Shiite Muslim belief in the bob or gate a leader who would signal the impending arrival of the next divine Saviour in 1844 a man named Ali Mohammed openly declared himself to be the Bob soon surrounding Muslims were accepting the teachings of the bomb and they became known as bobbies their growth worried the Muslim leadership in Persia and they worked to silence the Bob and his followers the bob was arrested and placed in a secluded prison to keep him isolated from the population despite his incarceration the babi population grew to nearly 100,000 in the late 1840s in his writings the bob began to lay a groundwork for the Baha'i faith that was to follow he said that God communicated to mankind through a series of divine messengers beginning with Adam and continuing through Abraham Moses Buddha Jesus and Muhammad he stated that another messenger he whom God shall make manifest would follow after him in his writings the Bob also described how this religion would eventually superseded Islam and this was viewed by the Shah as blasphemy against the Islamic faith the government attempted to stamp out the bobbies and thousands of them were killed by the Persian army and fanatical mobs in 1850 the Bob was executed by the Shah their hope was that the babi movement would collapse without him two years after the death of the Bob pahala was arrested and spent four months in a Tehran prison he was a member of a wealthy Persian family and a leader of the babi faith his own writings vividly described the experience of his imprisonment during the days I lay in the prison of Tehran though the galling weight of the chains and the stench filled air allowed me but little sleep still in those infrequent moments of slumber I felt as if something flowed from the crown of my head over my breast even as a mighty torrent that precipitated itself upon the earth from the summit of a lofty mountain every limb of my body would as a result be set afire at such moments my tongue recited what no man could bear to hear after his release bahá'u'lláh was exiled to Baghdad there in 1863 he declared openly that he was next in the line of divine messengers fulfilling the role set forth by the bob in 1868 mahalo was exiled once again and forced to live in akka a remote outpost of the ottoman empire part of modern-day Israel he lived there for the remainder of his life writing the texts that would come to define the Baha'i faith during that time Baha'u'llah also wrote a series of letters to the leaders of the world in them he announced the coming of a new era for mankind he urged the creation of an international tribunal to act as a moderator between the different nations of the world he also encouraged systems for unifying the nations of the world including an international auxiliary language compulsory education and a decrease in military expenditures bahá'u'lláh continued to write until the end of his life he revealed over 100 volumes which comprised the basic scriptures of the Baha'i faith on May 29th 1892 Baha'u'llah passed away the resting place for his body is considered by the highs to be the most sacred place on earth at the time of his writings the scope of baha'u'llah thinking was revolutionary his vision for a unified world foreshadowed the coming institutions of the next century with first the League of Nations and then later the UN and for the highs the unity of mankind is not merely something to be hoped for it's God's ultimate plan for Humanity [Music] everything that is necessary physically technologically is here to establish world unity and do away with a do away with horse do away with hatred prejudice you know these are actually principle is that people really do want you know I've never met anyone that said that they didn't want peace so that they didn't want unity achieves mankind will make this happen we are guaranteed that world peace will come about in fact how Allah promises something more than our current image of the world peace he promises the most great peace we're not only do we cease war but the full range of human potentials will be discovered during these thousand years we begin a new era of understanding and of the human development the like of which we have never seen people the Baha'i see this transition to world unity as inevitable and this surety plays an important role in Baha'i life their methods are for encouraging world peace hoping to improve the world around them until the day when unity finally arrives to say something is inevitable does not mean it's easy or they would just come about automatically just like when a child is growing it's an inevitable if they're gonna get bigger and their skills are going to increase doesn't mean it's easy you're going from a teenager to an adult one of the common notion sets unfortunately has prevailed in the world is that many people believe that war is necessary and will always be with us that humanity humanity is fundamentally war line the Baha'i faith teaches that is not true that humanity fundament in their makeup rp7 the society as a whole we see is going from adolescence which is very turbulent period where you're trying to find yourself to as a society going from that adolescent stage to an adult stage more mature that transition from teenage to adult years when individuals very difficult and so is the society as a whole going from one stage to another but is still inevitable provided these you survive it that a teenager will become an adult of course the world today is still full of strife and conflict racial and religious tensions still persist and the vast separation between rich and poor remains an isolating factor in every part of the globe so the question has to be what is the alternative is there a better way for human beings to interrelate or will the next century be as full of conflict as the last we live in a fundamentally divided society the Baha'is believe that world unity will be achieved through a breaking down of those divisions on every possible level to encourage this the highest practice the teachings of unity given to them by Baha'u'llah these teachings are often boiled down to 12 principles which guide every Baha'i in their work oneness of God oneness of mankind oneness of religion the individual search for truth religion as the basis for unity the essential harmony of science and religion equality of men and women elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty a universal compulsory education a spiritual solution to economic problems a universal auxilary language and a world peace upheld by a world government [Music] of course no one can possibly tackle all of these issues in one lifetime these are principles and a set of goals with which buys focus themselves in their actions [Music] the behind on't look to the unity of mankind as a purely political struggle rather they see it as a personal and moral transformation that must take place across the face of humanity in fact despite their focus on world peace bhai never engage in partisan political activities they focus instead on spiritualizing their personal lives and on developing unified bhai what we see today in the political scene worldwide and especially in the United States is a highly polarized population around politics this shows that the purpose of government and politics which is to mobilize human resources has been forgotten and contention has become the mainstream the mission of the faith is the unification of mankind we see partisan politics is very divisive so we are actually forbidden Asma highest to run for partisan office or to or to to participate in partisan politics aha Allah has brought a way in which decisions can be arrived that benefit all people not just a certain segment while others have to suffer in their message of peace they call the Baha'i community a single social organism representative of the diversity of the human family it is offered to the world as a model for study an example of how individuals from around the globe can come together in peaceful coexistence the universal House of Justice is the supreme ruling body of the faith and the heart of the Baha'i world Center in Haifa Israel the house oversees both the spiritual and administrative aspects of the Baha'i faith even on the international scale the house operates much as the local spiritual assembly z-- do with nine members collectively deciding on the issues of the faith from the world centre the Baha'is maintain their visibility in the world community in international organizations like the United Nations the highest believe that the seed of mankind's potential is beginning to form the Baha'i international community has non-governmental consultative status with the UN's Economic and Social Council and they promote unity through an improved presence of the United Nations worldwide they encourage world leaders to view peace as the next stage in the evolution of this planet they also support over 300 global development projects a year behind the building of community in all corners of the globe for many this work is one of the clearest ways to express their faith but behind in all aspects not just in the community building but also through their efforts at the United Nations to help educate the world the new principles that have been brought by Pahoa and we're very involved in something like the United Nations because the United Nations is about coming together of the different nations for the different nations working in collaboration which is very much in keeping with the principle of the unification of mankind the difficult question then becomes what steps can be heis take at home in their everyday lives to encourage peace is there a time and a place for it among the hustle and bustle of modern society and will the message be accepted by those around them [Music] in October of 1985 the universal House of Justice the governing body of the Baha'i faith sent a message of peace to all the people of the world much like the letters of baha'u'llah this message was personally sent to international leaders in hopes of fostering unity among the nation's the great peace towards which people of goodwill throughout the centuries have inclined their hearts of which seers and poets for countless generations have expressed their vision and for which from age to age the sacred scriptures of mankind have constantly held the promise is now at long last within the reach of the nations this message was titled the promise of world peace and it argued that peace was just within our grasp the next stage in the evolution of this planet but it warned that no serious attempt to achieve world peace can ignore religion they believe that world order can be founded only on a spiritual belief in the oneness of humanity pahala called this belief the first fundamental prerequisite for the reorganization of the world as one country the home of humankind the promise of world peace expands on Bahamas vision calling for no less than the Reconstruction and the demilitarization of the whole civilized world a world organically unified in all the essential aspects of its life its political machinery its spiritual aspiration its trade and Finance it's script and language and yet infinite in the diversity of the national characteristics of its federated units this is a far-reaching vision for the future of mankind but the message of reconstruction is profound if old institutions and ways of thought have become ineffective then the time has come to move past them and allow our society to evolve the promise of peace argues that these institutions are designed to help mankind and we should not allow humanity to be crucified for the preservation of the integrity of any particular law or doctrine this evolution will come through exploring and dismantling the root causes of strife and disharmony rather than pressing band-aids to a thousand open wounds around the globe in the promise of peace statement the universal House of Justice writes that banning particular weapons will not remove the root causes of war neither can the massive dislocation in the affairs of humanity be resolved through the settlement of specific conflicts a genuine universal framework must be adopted the issues of peace must be raised to the level of principle for peace stems from an interstate supported by spiritual and moral attitude in which the possibility of enduring solutions can be found [Music] the highs believe that we are all carrying forward and ever advancing civilization and that mankind has within it the capacity for continual growth and by challenging the notion that mankind is naturally prone to conflict we open up the possibilities for a unified future once the framework for our institutions allow for it the Baha'i Zev ition for the pragmatic fulfillment of world peace in the form of a universal world government this government consists of an executive power with the means to enforce international law a world Parliament representative of all nations and a supreme tribunal with binding judgments the ultimate directive of this government would be the establishment of peace among all the peoples of the world [Music] you for behind this is more than a pragmatic political arrangement they believe that it's something that lies beyond questions of security and armaments and laws that it's the crowning goal of unifying all the people of the world into a single universal family bahá'u'lláh just like the highs of today believe that the world will achieve peace and security only when the human family embraces its unity the final vision of that peace is a powerful one they imagine a world once and for all free of racism economic disparity religious strife and the subjugation of women a world in which universal education and an international auxiliary language finally remove the barriers and borders that have separated humanity the promise of world peace is a call to all those who have the same faith in mankind's potential conveying not only a vision in words we summon the power of deeds of faith and sacrifice we convey the anxious plea of our co-religionists everywhere for peace and unity the attainment of peace may appear difficult in a world that many feel is destined for continued conflict but the Baha'i swert towards their goals with a confidence that they will eventually see the unity they strive for we believe that God created mankind had a plan for mankind for the first time in the history of this planet we have the capability of being one pahoa says religion must be a source of unity and not a source of discord and if it is then it's useless so this is our biggest work right now is to spread the teachings of Mohammed and the promises of bahá'u'lláh people talk about living of a highway of life that means like your inner life and private character even the way even when you're by yourself it's not a platitude it's not a a just a good saying to a Baha'i to us that's the core of your very purpose that is the essential teaching of the Baha'i faith the unity of mankind and that is what we espouse try to bring about through our teachings and through our work in the world the spirit that is movie mankind throughout history it cannot be avoided you could not avoid this destiny so mankind is being either doing it willingly and consciously as the highs are engaged or unconsciously and unwillingly kicking and screaming but the steed of history is moving us forward two members of the Baha'i faith religious beliefs are fundamentally inter woven with thoughts on politics education and other worldly issues for the behind the arrival of peace is only a matter of time in a matter of faith there's a quote from Baha'u'llah that echoes that belief he told his followers that these fruitless strikes these ruinous Wars shall pass away and the most great peace shall come [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Radiant Century Productions
Views: 77,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World Peace, Baha'i vision, Peace, Baha'i, Baha'u'llah, William Miller, Faith, The Miller Prediction, Unification, Unity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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