World of Warships - The Yellow Rose of Texas

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[Music] so wargaming gave me a new premium ship to play around with wonder what it's [Music] like [Music] there's a yellow rose in TAS that I am going to see nobody else could miss her as me she cried so when I left her it like broke my heart and if I ever her we never more aart she's sweetest little Rose but that t us her eyes are bright as diamonds they sparkle like the new sing but the r of is the [Music] only and star SK she walks along the river a c night I know that she remember I promise to return and leave ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the USS Texas bb35 a premium tier five New York class Battleship coming well soon don't know exactly when to a premium shop near U she was built in 1912 and commissioned into the US Navy in 1914 one of two New York class battleships the other obviously being the USS New York the version that you see here in World warships is the World War II version of the ship she earned five Battle Stars for service in World War II she fought mainly in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean taking part in Convoy escort duties across the Atlantic and taking part in Operation Torch the invasion of North Africa in 1942 and also of course course the 1944 Operation Overlord invasion of Normandy D-Day where she provided fire support to American forces going ashore on Omaha Beach one story that did amuse me about the USS Texas's fire support to American troops in support of the operations in Normandy was that by the 15th of June 1944 American forces had Advanced so far in land they were actually coming up to the extreme limit at which Texas could provide gunfire support with a 14-in gun batteries in order to accomplish her final fire support Mission they actually had to flood the starboard torpedo blisters with water this caused the ship to list 2 degrees to starboard which meant that the gun batteries trained over the port side of the ship were able to elevate high enough to actually reach the Targets in land Texas's Wikipedia page lists a pretty remarkable list of achievements she's one of only six remaining warships in the world to have served in both the first and second world wars Among Us built battleships she's the first US Navy vessel to has a permanently assigned contingent of US Marines she's the first US Battleship to mount and the aircraft guns the first US ship to control gunfire with directors and rangee Keepers and the first US Battleship to launch an aircraft from a platform on her number two turret she was also one of the first to receive the CX am1 version of US Navy radar and the first US Battleship to become a permanent museum ship you can visit her today at the San jinto State Park in Texas and finally she used the first American Battleship to be declared a National Historic Landmark so what's she like in World warships and why should you get hot and bothered about her well I can't tell you whether or not she's going to be worth the money because as is pretty standard by now I don't yet know how much she's going to cost I don't even know when she's going to be available in the premium shop although given that various Community contributors have been given their ship to play around with I shouldn't anticipate you having to wait too long for this thing to go on sale what I can tell you is whether or not she's any good the short answer is oh hell yes very definitely much this is a good tier five premium Battleship the long answer is well it's going to take slightly longer so let's take a look at the numbers and I'll explain exactly why this is a good premium tier five Battleship you're not going to see at least at first a huge range of differences between the Texas and the New York they both have exactly the same survivability rating the same Health the same armor on paper the Texas's Firepower is exactly the same as the New York they have 10 14in or 356 mm guns arranged in five turrets two forward two after and one of mid ships they both have 15.6 km range they both do the same damage with armor piercing and high explosive they both have the same chance to set a Target on fire with high explosive they both have a slow reload 1.8 rounds per minute and they both have a very slow 60-second turret rotation speed although if you give the commander the advanced firing training skill which you definitely should that will get the turret rotation down to just under 5050 seconds the Texas and the New York both have the same very weak secondary battery they only have 67 mm guns that's three barrels on each side of the ship that's it if an enemy Destroyer manages to sneak up and get close to you you're probably going to have to deal with it with your main battery guns so given that your secondaries are basically shite and your main battery guns only have a 15.6 km range and once ships not getting to within that kind of range the turrets turn so slowly you can can find it difficult to keep them pointed at the Target I definitely recommend that you fit the artillery plotting room modification to your USS Texas which boosts the range of your main battery Guns by 16% giving you a firing range of 18.1 km a significant improvement over the stock 15.6 are there any options other than the artillery plotting room modification well you could think about fitting the AA gun modification instead because the biggest difference between the Texas and the New York is the anti-aircraft Firepower the Texas boasts an anti-aircraft Firepower rating almost 50% higher than the New York this thing is absolutely bristling with 32 of these 20 mm erans but the biggest punch in the anti-aircraft Arsenal comes from these quad barreled 40mm bers guns the New York has 10 of these 40mm gun mountings and with four barrels each that's 40 40 mm anti-aircraft guns it's almost as if America realized they might need some anti-air Firepower on their battleships after Pearl Harbor as well as that there are also 10 of these 76 mm anti-aircraft guns so if you were to choose the anti-aircraft gun modification instead of the artillery plotting room I can guarantee you that aircraft from a tier four carrier would not get anywhere near this ship an aircraft from a tier five or six carrier would take significant losses and might lose the entire Squadron on the way out however you're not likely to run into an aircraft carrier in every game that you play and I'll guarantee you're going to run into ship in every game that you play so my recommendation would still be for the artillery plotting room modification to buff the range of your main battery guns all of those extra anti-aircraft guns do however come at a price and that is going to cost you in maneuverability and speed but only slightly the Texas is only half a knot slower than the New York which is already pretty damn slow it's got a maximum top speed of 20.5 knots they both have the same turning Circle and the New York has a slightly faster r shift time and that's pretty much it well except it isn't there is one other big difference between the two ships and it's not something that you'll see in the paperwork instead we're going to have to take the Texas out for a spin on the high seas in order to show you conclusively why this is a much much better ship than the USS New York tier five match on The Big Race map there is actually an aircraft carrier on the enemy team and it's only tier four and I was dearly hoping that this guy was going to send his aircraft against me because I'd love to show you just exactly how the Texas's anti-aircraft batteries chew up aircraft launched from tier four carriers but it just was not to be I didn't see a single aircraft throughout the entire course of this battle but trust me if it flies and it goes anywhere near a Texas it dies if you play tier four carriers and you see a Texas on the enemy team just just don't right it may seem like a big fat juicy Target you might think well no don't do it you will lose every aircraft that you send against the US USS Texas and at tier four you don't have enough reserves to replenish them and try to look against something else tier five and six aircraft carriers you can definitely take a shot at the Texas especially if he's sailing unescorted and you'll probably score some hits but you'll most likely lose most if not all of your squadron as they're on the way out the anti-aircraft Firepower in the ship really is that good none of that really comes at a significant price for the USS Texas the American battleships always had to be narrow enough to fit through the Panama Canal and if you have a long narrow ship with lots of weight bolted onto the super structure that makes the ship very topheavy and negatively affects its seeke keeping characteristics but that isn't really a factor here in World of Warships uh and so the only real price is a slightly reduced top speed and a slightly reduced Ruder shift time other than that there's really no cost for this fantastic anti-aircraft Firepower on the Texas anyway targets up and fitted the artillery plotting room modification to the Texas the guns don't have a 15.6 km range they have an 18.1 km range and that's no Congo but it's not bad of course just because your target are within your gun range doesn't mean you should be shooting at them I haven't been spotted yet and while there are a number of ships that are inside my 18.1 K range I don't really have good shots at any of them so yeah you could take a couple of speculative shots and would probably miss and all that would serve to do would be to give you position away and invite return fire so instead patience is the name of the game I'm going to hold my fire and I'm going to wait until one of these ships presents itself as a decent Target uh not the Destroyer I would never hit him at this range I'd like to shoot the SED liner over there that's a very nasty little tier four Cruiser but he's managed to get behind an island and that's when the St Louis Cruises out into the open so shots out and let's see what happens it's looking pretty good it's a nice tight grouping and yeah that'll do well I didn't get the kill but I basically took 95% of his health off two citadels and two hits so that's a good start I do like the guns on the Texas I like the guns on the New York I think the New York's a good ship and the Texas is a New York except it's better and it's not just because of the anti-aircraft Firepower it's the turret Arrangement as well superficially they're identically the same it's got two 14-in gun turrets up front both with two guns per turret it's got two to the rear and it's got that one turret of midships now those of you who s the USS New York will know exactly how difficult it is to get all five of these gun turrets pointing at the same Target well it's not difficult to get all five of the gun turret it's pointing at the same Target but while you're doing it you pretty much basically have to expose the entire flat side of your ship to whatever is shooting back at you you don't really have that issue with the Texas and that's to do with the placement of the number three turret that midship turret it actually has better clearance to the front because it's situated slightly further to the rear on the deck and it's got better clearance from the super structure forward of the gun this means that you can actually get that number three turret firing at Targets that you're sailing towards and you can do that in the Texas while angled at about 45° if you were to try doing the same thing in the New York and get that number three turret pointing at the same targets as your number one and two turret up forward you'd have to angle the ship round about 50 55 maybe even 60° and that makes it embarrassingly easy for an enemy batt ship firing back at you to penetrate your Hull in the side and their four star scoring citadels that's not really an issue in the Texas and that's a huge difference there is one downside however that's to do with the placement of the number four turret which is slightly further forward than it is on the New York and that means that it's more difficult to get the number four turret firing at a Target in front of you however it's still better on the Texas because you can get more guns firing at a Target ahead of you while keeping a tighter angle than you can with the New York and I'm going to demonstrate by shooting at this enemy Congo up ahead now pay attention to the compass particularly the guns as they turn green and come into alignment and look at the angle that I'm sailing at a New York would never at this angle be able to get that midships number three turret firing but I am able to get the number one the number two the number three and the number five turret all pointing at the target at the same time while only presenting a 45° angle towards that Congo and since he is clearly not shooting back at me I can turn the ship slightly and unleash shots from the number four turret as well if I'd been sailing in New York here I would have still been able to get all of the guns to bear on this Congo but in order to get the number one two four and five turrets pointing at the Congo at the same time I would have had to be sailing at an angle of 45 to 50° and to get that number three turret pointed at the Congo I would have pretty much had to turn the ship more or less broadside on to him and if he'd been firing back at me that could have been disastrous the thing about this turret Arrangement on the two ships is that the way the turrets are arranged on the New York means it's actually better able to bring all of its Firepower to bear on ships that are behind it which means the New York is better at shooting at ships that it's running away from and it's exactly the opposite on the Texas the thing is because both the New York and the Texas only do around about 20 knots being good at shooting at ships that you're running away from is a complete waste of time because you're not fast enough to run away from anything with these ships you have to be constantly closing the distance wherever possible with the Enemy because they're so slow I mean look at the Congo for example Japanese tier F BH and the kind of Battleship that you're most likely going to be up against because it's very very popular ship there's no way you're ever going to run away from a Congo who wants to fight you his guns have a longer range and he's 50% faster than you are so having all of the guns that was a didn't expect that one to hit yes anyway so having all of the guns in a more aggressive placement it it just makes sense and that's why the Texas is a better ship than the New York even though I like the New York I think it's a good tier five Battleship the Texas is just better and if I didn't have this artillery plotting room modification I wouldn't even be able to shoot at this Congo from here I'd still be frantically steaming at a glacially slow 20 knots just desperately trying to find something in range of my guns and so well I wasn't able to get any cadel penetrations which was a bit unlucky because he was sailing broadside onto but I did manage to take him down from 20,000 to 12,000 Health now I'd love to finish that Congo off but I have slightly more pressing concerns there are now two enemy battleships a New York and a Wyoming uh just off the ship's head Sailing In The Narrows between those two islands and the Wyoming is not at a particularly good angle and I'm only able to get my number one and two turrets pointing at him because I'm paying attention to what's going on battleships are slow takes forever for the guns to reload there's no excuse for not stopping to look at what's going on around you there's an island off my port beam I could turn to bring all my guns to bear on this Wyoming but I just run myself around so instead I wait got enough clearance now I can start turning while still keeping a tight angle the Wyoming has just made a fatal error he's turned broadside on to get all of his guns to point at me that is going to cost him his ship no question about it there he goes that just leaves the New York now once again I'm going to demonstrate the superior turret placement on the Texas watch my turret indicators down there in the compass particularly the number four turret which is the one that's most difficult to get pointed at the Target there it is shots out from the number four turret when his guns aren't pointing at me and now I start narrowing the angle again to give myself the maximum possible armor protection when he gets those number one and two turrets pointing at me and no damage taken now he's F to no damage I've got three turrets pointing at him and now the other two turrets and he's still not able to return fire now I could play it safe here and just keep a narrow angle presented towards him and and Whittle him down but there's a destroyer closing in and the secondaries on the New York and the Texas are both terrible so I took a bit of a chance there kept the ship at a pretty flat angle but took relatively minor damage from the New York in order to get more guns firing at him but now that destroyers closing in the New York's on low Health I've got the side of the ship to shoot out and I have more than enough guns available to finish him off there goes the New York now the iosl Soviet Destroyer terrible Torpedoes so I know he's not inside torpedo range I've turned the ship to point towards him I've only got two gun turrets that I can safely keep pointed at this guy but it turns out that was more than enough thanks to some gunfire coming in from some other friendly over to the right there not quite sure who but that's a New York a Wyoming and a nitus live dead and it only cost me 3,000 Health now I could have done that in the New York as well but well one of two things would have happened I would have either taken more damage than I did in the Texas or I would have had to start sailing away from these guys and once again if you're in a ship that only does 20 knots you really want to spend as little time as possible sailing away from the enemy as you can because they you have to turn around and sail towards the remaining ships on the enemy team once you've dealt with the ones that are pursuing you and you only do 20 knots and it's just time wasted right then can I ninja the kill on this omaw one good solid hit and he's dead it's only a light Scout Cruiser after all but it is fast it is maneuverable and when it's maneuvering at top speed like this it is bloody difficult to hit oh Congo he's thirsty for Revenge after the paddling I gave him earlier oh scored a hit on the Omaha ho right not enough to finish him however okay okay with a Congo there I'm going to have to stay angled against the Congo's guns and that's going to limit the number of guns I can fire at the Omaha but I can definitely get the one and two turret firing at him and possibly the number five turret at the rear of the ship as well yep there it is so that's three guns I can fire at the Omaha there's another hit not quite enough come on got him right now the Congo and he given me the nice big black broad side of the ship to shoot at you know what that means don't you that's a paddle in the oh we scored a decent hit in return but n that's all right i' still got most of my health and he doesn't and I think he's decided to try to get the hell out of there actually then again he is reasonably well angled and so these shots hit the side of the ship but they just bounce off his side armor at this kind of angle I really should be firing into his super structure instead I do make a bit of a mistake here although it's a calculated risk I turn to get all of my guns firing broadside at him because he was about to die and I wanted to be the one to get the kill this does enable him to do a not insignificant amount of damage to me but at the end of the day he's dead I'm not he was never going to sink me there and that leaves just one enemy ship and I'm still chasing that elusive fifth kill and he's bloody miles away and he's in a cruiser and he's a lot faster than I am and he's about to sink one of our ships oh there it goes and I only do 20 knots oh great well I'm going to have to motor if I want to catch him all credit to this guy he puts up one hell of a fight I like the svet laner it's a very nice little tier four Cruiser lots and lots and lots of guns and I do manage to score a couple of hits on him as I'm desperately trying to close the range and I am able to close the range because he's still engaging one of our Cruisers in fact he's about to sink him and if it wasn't for our aircraft carrier uh who I persuade to waste his Fighters keeping this guy spotted he might have gotten away but our carrier did waste his Fighters spotting this guy so he didn't get away and there's my fth kill check me out Mom I'm an amateur when did that that must be a new award so amateur Confederate which is nice and the Kraken Unleashed for five kills um I think it's fairly safe to say I quite like the USS Texas it's a very very good ship indeed nearly 1,400 base experience not bad at all and 85,000 damage done all of it with the armor piercing shells didn't hit a single Le thing with my secondary batteries because they're completely useless five kills took most of the health off that Congo and let's not forget the double Citadel on the St Louis at the beginning of the match that left him on less than 300 health and wishing he was somewhere [Laughter] else so yes the USS Texas New York class Battleship with a bit of a difference uh very very good anti-aircraft Firepower although I didn't get to demonstrate it in this game there was a carrier on the enemy team but I didn't see a single one of his aircraft but it's the placement of that third gun turret that makes all the difference on this ship it allows you to play this beautiful little battleship much much more aggressively than you safely can in the USS New York in all of respects they're exactly the same ships but it's those little differences that make all the difference that's the USS Texas coming soon to a premium shop near you in World of Warships hope you enjoyed the video folks and as always take care and I'll catch you next time
Channel: The Mighty Jingles
Views: 318,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, wot, Jingles, world of tanks, gaming, The Mighty Jingles, War Thunder
Id: 3hQyi0l5cTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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