World of Warcraft: WHAT Is IN The Well Of Eternity?

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welcome back everybody to another all things Nerd video as always my name is Nathan welcome back to exploring the world of Azeroth in World of Warcraft today's adventure leads us to The Well of Eternity uh the time walking dungeon that is very exciting and a lot of fun as you can see I am already out of bounds in the map and I actually use hidden azeroth's method so all the props to him thank you HD Azeroth um for finding out that glitch uh if you want to know how to break out uh it's very simple and you can actually go check out his video on his channel uh it's just a simple method of using the Demon Hunter to double jump under this Branch double jump under this Branch double jump up here and then facing the other way around not the wall doing a vengeful Retreat up and you'll be up on this ledge and that's it so there's two options here we can either go explore the grounds back here or we can go check out the city so let's go check out the the grounds first as um I know most people go check out the city anyways um and let's go see what's back here cuz I've never Broken Out Of The Well of Eternity and I've been very excited to see Azeroth before it was broken from the suering so let's go fly back here into the grounds and let's go check out what's back here all right we made it onto the ground and as you can see uh we're already out of bounds from the map because normally you're supposed to only be inside where they want you to be what's really cool here is you can kind of see some really cool texture going on back here and I love the old uh night elf structures I mean that's just really cool but in lore they're actually called uh is this the Highborn right correct maybe someone can correct me uh I'm not very good with lore I need to start learning more World of Warcraft floor cuz I know it would help me so much but we're going to go take a walk this way and let's go see what we can find now as we come out here from the courtyard we can actually see the edge of the world already and the edge of the map so it does go down pretty far and we're going to go take a nice stroll through the forest here let's go see what we find out here we got some beautiful trees going on and we do have a staircase leading up to the main ENT that we're actually St at so that's cool I wonder if you can actually walk on those stairs I'm curious I hear the beautiful Zelda heart music going on probably shouldn't say Zelda This World of Warcraft right all right I'm curious if you can walk up these stairs and you can wow I didn't think the stairs would be uh accessible but there's stairs in the back now that's some dedication from Blizzard's part to get stairs in the back that you're never even supposed to walk on this some cool structured buildings back here let's go take a look at one of these homes and it does Dismount you so it does know you're inside of a building which is really interesting and the music does change all right let's get back out of our Mount so they are empty obviously as you can see but the buildings do stand I mean it's pretty cool like that they put stuff back here that you're never supposed to see anyways but that's one thing I do appreciate about blizard and their Works they uh they do put a lot of dedication outside of the uh map which is really nice this is a really beautiful map to explore I like all the colors the trees all the different leaves wow so this does go pretty far back out feel like we're going to be running into darn asses very soon that's what it feels like feels like the night elf starting zone as we come back here there's even more and more trees just feels like there's trees after trees these trees are pretty giant I want to go down there but I don't want to fall down yet cuz I do want to go see the back of the city over here and see what we can find in the background so all the buildings are empty Ah that's cool you can see one of the Dragons flying around it's a red dragon and uh I think all the architecture you can walk on yep ah this is going to be a really cool shot of the whole dungeon here especially with the demons and the dragons and everything fighting in the background here we're probably get a good shot at the well too yeah wow that's really cool see if I can zoom in here for you guys you can get a better shot of the whole scene going on this is just a really cool map and a cool dungeon to explore we're definitely going to take a screenshot of this that's a cool image right there all right let's keep moving on H there's a ramp to get back up now this is cool you know what this is an awesome out of bounds right here cuz they actually help you most of the time you get out of bounds and it's like nah you glitched out of bounds you're on your own nerd wonder if we can go maneuver ourselves around the mountains like Uncle Rico would always say you guys know I have to say that every video at least once now I'm going to be honest we are going to go jump in the well but that's going to be here in a minute I want to go explore the out of bounds area more around the city here first the only thing is I don't think we can oh no Co that was close can we make the jump is the real question you know what I'm going to do it just for you the people like uh yeah we made it look at that let's go ah this is really cool so there's a fountain over here and you can see that Fountain out of bounds but you can actually never get to it can we jump in the fountain no there actually a wall stopping us oh that's a beautiful Fountain some cool artwork out here the music reminds me a lot of maula from Dark Souls 2 it's very peaceful all right seems to be nothing out this way so let's go back this way let's go take a little bit of uh look more under the uh throne room over here on the balcony under Queen ajara we have to make our way up here though there we go I want to go make it to the burn City in the back here this is really cool cuz normally uh in the dungeon if I remember you come out of a portal over here and then you actually fight your way to the boss over here and that's about it but you can never actually get over here so we're definitely going to go explore all this that's for sure but let's see if we can make our way up the mountains here and you get a good shot of the burning City here let me zoom in a little bit and I like that you can walk through all these branches makes it really nice to get around just trying to make sure I don't clipping back into bounds here all right now we've explored that side of the map let's go take a look down here let's go check out some of these burned homes in this ancient night elf City I wonder if it's going to recognize we're in a home here no we can still be on our Mount cool and a lot of these homes you can actually get in nothing inside of them it look to be all empty the aesthetic of this map is really cool sad but cool all right you guys know what we have to do we definitely have to go down there and go check out some of these bigger homes oh now this is a cool scene right here look at that I like the hit the broken statue this is really neat now let's make our way down the path a little more and then we got to go you know what we have to test are if these uh Flames are going to hurt us or not nope they're just scenes scenery so you can actually walk through them they don't hurt nothing actually happens but can we get upstairs here we can you got to test if we can walk through this wall no you can't all right fair enough fair enough blizzard oh okay that wall just just clipped right through we're going to get a really good shot up close to these demons here someone needs to call a fire department get some buckets of water going here cuz they're lighting this place up now that's a cool view let's zoom in here it's like what Transformers would look like in World of Warcraft all right let's go take a look back over here in some of the uh neighborhood I don't think this is the neighborhood I'd want to live in though as it's set on fire you can see a lot of cool flame mechanics going on here Fire doesn't look too bad for being a really old expansion and how this dungeon was made a while back now this this is interesting this building is actually floating off the ground you can still get inside of it can we go underneath it probably but we definitely don't want to get stuck all right let's go take a run back this way let's go see what's going on over the mountains over here I definitely want to go see the sky box back here CU I want to go see what the edge of the world looks like and then we're going to go jump in the well because we have to end the video jumping in the well I love the one random alive tree back here that's just hanging out so Random all these dead trees are falling and burning and you got this one living tree you're such a warrior give props to that tree guys so we do got the edge of the world here and as you can see a lot of the trees actually clip out of bounds they're just living underneath here that's a cool view now I have to go check out this one tree that's just hanging out back here man that tree is a trooper pay my respects to this tree it's like a beast hanging out didn't get attacked from the Flames you're a warrior over here my tree it's like goat of trees right here way to go tree way to go you live your life show The Burning Legion what's up all right let's go jump in the well guys and let's go take a look and see what's actually inside of the well cuz we have to go find out go take another peaceful stroll through the burning Forest man I need to make some uh Ambience videos huh on World of Warcraft that would be cool all right I'm going to be quiet for just a minute and let you all enjoy the atmosphere and then once we get to the well I will say hello for all right we're back I'm going to see if I can get up a little higher so we can do this well jump and see what we can do here oh forgot to turn off numlock for my auto walk here only thing is I don't know if we can actually get back up to where we were unfortunately maybe might be a way back up here let's see if we can go around the the way here we'll go take another stroll through the burning neighborhood of nice neighborhoods I mean before this was you know burned to the ground I mean the the night night El man they they lived up there's some nice homes be like some million dollar homes out here think we can make our way up the Mounds here maybe not I lied all we want to do is jump in the well come on there has to be a path back up right there we go all right how's our fell charge Rush doing no oh my gosh we were doing so good and then we fell all right let's do this again again but not be dumb this time where there's a will there's a way my friends what I say ah there we go gosh dang it okay we made it finally up now we just need to get over here so we can get up here so we can jump in the well so we're going to wait for our next foul rush and uh there we go nice now we're getting somewhere after eternity ah no pun intended after eternity um we finally are able to get back to where we want to be so we can dive into this well we're going to Cannonball essentially into the well um I think I got to go around this way though let's go back up here there we go no don't fall there we go all right moment of truth we finally made it sorry everybody didn't mean to make that a lot longer than it needed to be now now moment of truth let's go jump inside of the well and see what's down here what is inside of the well ah this is so cool wow it's pretty big down here you cool better statue of the uh better view of the statue by the way too can we get to the bottom is the question that is one of the coolest things ever we are under the well of Eternity in World of Warcraft before the thundering and this is really cool well everyone I think I'm going to end the video right here and I hope you enjoyed this well of Eternity video I know it was a little bit longer I do apologize for getting to this point uh but thank you everybody for all the support you've been showing the channel it's been growing rapidly every day with new subscribers and I'm just we're almost 2,000 subs and that's just blows my mind out of the water like it's incredible and I just want to say thank you to everybody for all that you're doing for all the love and support and comments you've been showing and and uh anyways guys my name is Nathan I'll see you on the next video take care
Channel: AllThingsNerd
Views: 7,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldofwarcraft, wow, wowclassic, impossible, outofbounds, glitch, secret, wellofeternity, azeroth, timewalking, dungeon, adventure, exploration, hiddenazeroth, gaming, hidden azeroth, time-walking, subscribe, well of eternity, excitement, nathan, fun, mmorpg, world of warcraft, time-walking dungeon, video game, eternity, out of bounds, gameplay, fantasy, video games, azeroth exploration, glitch discovery, mmorpg adventure, video game secrets, all things nerd, exploring, map, method, exciting
Id: i4XTQrIaesE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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