World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development 2021 Webinar

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] as our world continues to transform and emerging technologies begin to disrupt and reshape the world we live in we have been preparing for their impact for us to live and breathe technology is a way of life we are integrated micro electronics incorporated or simply imi deeply involved in game changing and radical transformations in technology solutions four decades of experience have prepared us to conquer continents [Music] from a global manufacturing solutions partner we are now a global technology solutions company transforming your vision to tangible [Music] solutions [Music] continuing our legacy of growth and innovation well imi was able to get this far not by chance but by strategy we are fortunate that we were supported by our shareholders our board and the lying vision we had with ayala corporation we are fortunate that we have a global leadership team that's been able to execute on all the different strategies that we have determined to be important in being able to achieve where imi is now [Music] we will continue our focus on our strategy in the mobility industrial connectivity and smart energy space using our organic and acquired capabilities we will now enable us to provide a full technology solution for our partners imi was able to achieve its current position because it has been proactive in adapting and transforming itself to continue to be relevant to the changing market as well as sustain its drive in providing the product realization mission to its valued partners we are future ready a global company with a diverse culture embracing a connected existence we continue to expand and are positioned to bring the future in the automotive industrial and aerospace industries continuously evolving in the ever-changing world of technology while keeping focus on our vision we remain relevant and at par with global megatrends passionately immersed in shaping the future for us the future begins now we are imi we are future ready [Music] m [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] engineer [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] toughness at calibre potential i am proud nah i'm working with engineer belong and not working for engineering [Music] i'm very thankful and happy proud my loving encouragement i'm praying i'm again somehow i i can i can be like him excellent no you made fun of me [Music] solution [Music] [Music] son of a farmer is a researcher at engineer [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you excellent engineer rise to the call of duty with passion applying their scientific knowledge in solving complex or common problems it's worth dying for [Music] it is important for us to have a good basis when you are asked about structural integrity is a main reason project nato style of course we're talking about saving people's lives when there is a strong earthquake i'm dr francis alvin hui and i'm the inventor of the universal structural health evaluation and recording system philippines is in pacific ring of fire when it comes to a strong earthquake the heart of usher the purpose of it is to save lives it's very important for us because maybe someone uh structure integrity in a building system it is composed of two major components the sensor or the accelerometer and the second one is the web portal with this internet and it also have a view of the readings to the controller to provide alerts that will tell people that room allowing building the movement is not so significant as long as the orange light doesn't turn on now the red one is and how your building perform with those events [Music] automatically it's a cloud this is very useful casino for building managers or developers the usher i believe provides for a more comprehensive and more beneficial functions in comparison with other earthquake recording instruments they were able to combine the whole concept with new technological breakthrough not only for the benefit of the technical people of engineers but also the general public [Music] he's a great leader especially to us young civil engineers he's very passionate about azure technologies it's dedicated to the cost to helping the filipino people i'm very proud to be part of the team that started this usher technology being an excellent engineer needs a heart so if you put your heart into it i think that's where you find logical excellence i see usher as a means for filipino ingenuity to be recognized not just in the philippines but also abroad we don't just have technology sabine and i mean usher is a gift of hope we have the opportunity to save lives this is something that we can offer to the world [Music] state university [Music] i'm adding local coffee farmers foreign through this roasting machine locally available locally produced at customized ask farmers what they wanted what are their problems and those are the inputs out of this occasional machine seminars really is humble enough to talk to people he entrusts that type of excellence to the people who work with inaudible foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon everyone and happy world engineering day i am jill ramos from manila water foundation and i will be your host for today in partnership with the department of science and technology the philippine technological council manila water foundation welcomes you to the world engineering day for sustainable development 2021 webinar this webinar is a celebration of engineers in engineering and is co-presented by manila water company and the integrated micro electronics or imi and globe telecom today march 4 the whole world is celebrating the contributions and impact of engineers and engineering in our modern life at this point i would like to greet all of our participants from dost and ptc and their affiliate offices and organizations good afternoon and we are glad to be able to reach engineering communities here and abroad a great afternoon to all of the participants who are currently viewing our live feed on the engineers for excellence facebook group and mwf's facebook and youtube pages please note that we are only streaming using these platforms you may interact with us and our speakers through the comment sections in the next two and a half hours we will be learning from top caliber engineers who are recognized not only here in the philippines but in the whole world they will talk about projects on how they and their agencies are able to contribute to the attainment of specific un sustainable development goals and ultimately sustainable development the theme for this year's celebration is engineering for a healthy planet so our speakers will also highlight this in their presentations but before we go into that we are honored today to be graced with the presence of no less than the chief operating officer of manila water who will give the opening message for today please welcome mr abelardo basilio hi thank you jill good afternoon everyone i first of all would like to thank you all for joining us today as we celebrate the world engineering day for sustainable development this year i think this is the first time a little water foundation will celebrate this global event and we are glad to have the support as mentioned by jill a while ago of our partners from the dosd department of science and technology and the philippine technological council i think the past years uh mwf have been very avid supporters of engineers and engineering projects again as a background we felt that despite the contribution of our local engineers to our society and communities our very own injuries are not properly recognized i think being injured myself i actually shared this thought you know this is the reason why we conceptualized the miracle water foundation conceptualize the price for engineering excellence and give well-deserved recognition to our outstanding filipino engineers and at the same time support their breakthrough technologies by providing a platform where they can actually promote their projects i believe that you will agree with me that we all are aware of the extent and impact of engineers and engineering itself has made to our society as a whole i think you've seen in a video earlier in fact engineers have completely changed the world from modern buildings bridges you saw modern agricultural technologies made by our engineers and latest digital mobile technology uh all over here truly as i have heard from our winner one of our winners innovative ideas are the heart of the injuries for the originators you know we just use this knowledge to create new and exciting products and solve problems of our communities just like what our previous winners of this engineering excellence have done i think uh there are no aspects of the world be very believe today that isn't affected by the work of engineers i think uh any physical or functional product requires at least some degree of engineering design i think both me myself is an engineer and really proud of being an engineer manila water will continue to support this profession and recognitions since it doesn't only allow us to pay a tribute to our engineers but also enable us to help ensure uh the continuity of this profession by encouraging more students men and women and even our young people here to choose during courses we hope that with today's webinar we will be able to achieve this purpose today i think we are glad to to jo to be joined by engineers who we consider as uh one of the one of the best in their field i think opening today's program will be another engineer the philippine technological council president fred bonsada another engineer dr marlin kanga of the world federation of engineers organization and of course thank you to our very own engineer books buffery who will share how manila water will help in achieving sustainable water supply through our infrastructure program we also have two other uh winners of our 2015 prize for engineering excellence awardees dr enrico paringit and dr jobel josef marchand jr they are currently serve servicing as directors of agencies under the ost today they will share how they their agencies will help the nation achieve sustainable development through highlighting the theme engineering for the healthy as we hope to encourage more women i think we have a woman injured here dr lija ji tanjin sin and a young year injured carvey maige dr rija tanzinsin is the founding president of ptc and congratulations and she is a recipient of the 2019 gree wfeo woman in the engineering award given by the world federation of engineering organizations while engineer carvey maige is a student engineer from mapua university who won the james dyson award for sustainability in 2020 for his project solar panel windows invention again with that i hope that all of us will learn that for from today's speakers and take inspiration from these outstanding engineers again welcome and thank you very much for your presence thank you so much sir abby you know sir abe such is he's not just a great engineer but he's also an inspiring leader uh for all of us in manila water who always pushes us to do our best and i truly agree with what sir abby said that innovative ideas and solutions are truly at the heart of every engineer so before we move on i encourage all our viewers to send in their questions about the celebration through the comments section of this broadcast on facebook and youtube our first set of speakers will answer these right after their messages so without further ado let's all welcome our first guest who will introduce our first speaker for the webinar so give us a background about our keynote speaker that is all welcome the well-loved leader and the philippine technological council's president engineer federico monsada thank you very much jill thank you very much we are privileged ladies and gentlemen my fellow engineers we are very privileged and honored to have with us the lady who was actually instrumental in [Music] finally having this word engineering day for sustainable development i am very honored to introduce her uh dr marlin kanga is the immediate past president of the world federation of engineering organization study for engineering institution internationally representing some 100 engineering institutions including of course the philippine technological council and approximately 30 million engineers all over the world a chemical engineer she was the 2013 national president of institute institution of engineers australia and she's a fellow of the academy of technology science and engineering australia she's also a member of the order of australia and national honor in recognition of her leadership of the engineering profession during her term as the feo president at the initiative for the med members states single day was held on 4th of march 2020. marlene is a book director of some of the largest organizations in australia especially in the area of utilities transport and innovation sectors she is an honorary fellow of the institution of engineers australia an honorary fellow of the institution of chemical engineers united kingdom and a foreign fellow of the ashen academy of engineering and technology she has been listed among the 100 engineers making to australia in the last 100 years of australian centenary celebration in 2019 she is also among the top 100 women of influence and one of the top 10 women engineers in australia ladies and gentlemen i am very honored to introduce to you our next guest speaker dr marlene kanga thank you very much good evening everyone it's a great pleasure in fact to be here and i am honored to be speaking on this very important world engineering day and happy world engineering day to you all i'll just wait for my first slide to come up i think this is my last slide just waiting on my slides to come up can you share my slides please clearly thank you next slide please first i'd like to give you a little introduction on world engine on the world federation of engineering organizations we are the peak body internationally for in the engineering profession founded in 1968 with some 100 national and regional and continental professional engineering institutions as our members representing some 30 million engineers we are the co-chair of the science and technology major group of stakeholders at the united nations we're an associate of unesco and we represent engineering in all major un organizations and the philippines technological council is the national member for the philippines at the federation next a key narrative of the federation is what has already been said in in the videos that we've seen in the last few minutes that engineering is essential to achieve every one of the un's sustainable development goals next slide this is a key objective that was stated when i took up my presidency in december 2017 and was advanced during my term as part of this objective we worked with unesco and the member states of unesco to declare world engineering day for sustainable development a a declaration that was unanimously supported by all member states and we have also worked with unesco on the second engineering report which will be released later today entitled engineering for the sustainable development goals this aligns with the vision and i'm proud to say that i have written a chapter which shows how engineers can make it happen and in addition the report shows that we need to build capacity for more engineers especially women with the right skills to advance sustainable development next slide the un secretary general also agrees for the need for more engineers and he has stated in a message to the federation every one of the goals requires solutions rooted in science technology and engineering next slide in 2018 at the 50th anniversary of the world federation of engineering organizations we made a statement with unesco a joint statement on our commitment to advancing the sustainable development goals through engineering next slide this was the first time that we publicly made such a declaration with unesco and it had three main areas the first was to advance the un sustainable development goals by increasing the number of engineers secondly to review the benchmarks and standards for engineering and thirdly to provide capacity building support to our members to build up the institutions to reach those global standards and this work has begun we stated this in the engineering 2030 plan next slide please next slide so the engineering 2030 plan has 12 principles for action principle three and four is on global standards and partnerships then we have the support for our member institutions to develop the necessary education systems then we have principles to develop the professional competency pathways and to support national and international registration and finally to support national and international registration for global mobility next slide there are key areas in international engineering benchmarks that we have reviewed and which are on track for uh approval at the by the international engineering alliance in june 2021 philippines technological council is a provisional signatory to this alliance and we hope will soon be a full signatory one of the key areas is item four incorporate the un sustainable development goals in these benchmarks so that we leave no one behind so you can see that we are working hard to make sure that engineering education also takes account of the requirements for sustainable development next slide the un unesco engineering report has a focus on the sustainable development goals and here i'm going to present three examples of how we have shown that engineers make a difference the first example is for water and of course manila water foundation has already shown how important the work done by manila water is in supplying sustainable water in the philippines more than 1 billion people lack access to clean water and 2 billion lack access to basic sanitation this is the urgent and unfinished work of engineers we need more civil and environmental engineers as well as electrical and mechanical engineers to make this happen next slide the other major area for engineers in sustainable development is of course energy and engineers have developed conventional energy generation but we're now innovating to develop energy sources that are low carbon or zero carbon more than one billion people especially in sub-saharan africa still acts as lack access to a reliable source of electricity that is more unfinished business for us engineers next slide and the third area that i wanted to highlight is the work of engineers in agriculture but this i need not elaborate because the great prize winners that we have already seen and that have been showcased from the philippines have done so much work for have done so much work in in agriculture in rice in coffee and so many other innovations engineers are needed as never before in in improving agriculture and food production for sustainable development and so next slide we come to world engineering day and as you can see the logo which in fact i designed as well has the 17 colors of the sustainable development goals and the gears representing engineering and you will see in the center there are five colors blue for water yellow for energy orange for innovation another orange for sustainable cities and a deep red for uh education because these are the main areas that we as engineers need to work and you will see on the gear there is a green square that is climate change that drives everything and that's where engineers are going to be needed most so world engineering day is a highly strategic initiative for the entire profession around the world it's our opportunity to tell non-engineers to tell our politicians policy makers our funders our financiers on the importance of engineering as sir abe has said engineering involves innovation and we can't live without engineering and engineers so happy world engineering day and best wishes for your work in sustainable development thank you thank you very much dr kanga and truly i truly believe that engineers are very essential in achieving the new and sustainable development goals so that we leave no one uh behind all right so at this point we will be entertaining questions for dr kanga and engineer monsada so once again let us welcome engineer monsare and dr kanga to join me here on screen and at this point thank you so much um dr kanga for such a wonderful presentation and that was such a fun fact that you were the one who designed the logo for world engineering day how brilliant um so thank you for joining us also engineer monsada um good to see you sir and thank you for representing the philippines so well so uh we're going to wait for some questions because um i believe that so uh some questions were asked for the both of you so here it is for dr kanga what inspired you to push to convince unesco to dedicate a day to celebrate engineers and engineering uh well i think it i have a passion for engineering which i think is shared by so many of the speakers and winners that we have seen today and engineers are not very good about talking about their work we tend to just put our heads down and get on with it but we don't think very much about the impacts and outcomes and we don't talk about it very much and i felt that we really needed to get a better understanding of engineering because as sir abe has already said everything around us which is not nature has been engineered and engineering is involved in every aspect of our lives and we cannot have a modern nation without engineering but we need to convey and communicate this and i was convinced that such a day would actually help us to do this and i'm so pleased that not only did we get unanimous support from unesco but the world has taken it on its own to celebrate this this year we have more than 90 events around the world on every continent and it is growing from year to year wow that's amazing 90 celebrations all over the world and that's such a very exciting thought to think about that at one at this day on this day 90 countries are celebrating world engineering day that's fascinating so i think there are more questions from our viewers so this time it's for engineer monsada this is the second year ptc is celebrating this event what are your hopes for the filipino engineering community that can be made possibly that can be made possible by celebrating this event well uh there are actually several events happening today this week on world engineering day and i'm very happy that of course manila water and the dusty as well as ptc you know configured this event and of course i'm very happy that dr martin kanga a friend of ours you know graced this occasion and you notice she was the one who originated even the logo it's my first time to hear that you were the one who designed the logo and uh i'm really hoping that with all this uh you know uh presentations that we will be hearing not only from us not only from dr marlene but from the other guests uh who are you know specialists in their own rights who have been you know awardees in our prize for engineering excellence that young engineers or even young students who are still you know in their in their teens will appreciate the works of engineers and of course engineering as a profession that they will eventually choose to become and eventually practice as engineers and that's that's my you know that's our uh you know advocacy that there should be more uh there should be more engineers more lady engineers because you know although i while i saw it in our university that we now have about 50 54 lady engineering students but we need more of them in actual field practice so i think that's that's the one to see yeah thank you very much thank you engineer bonsadin i completely agree so all the ladies out there please join us in the engineering bandwagon because we need more engineers like dr kanga over here who you know we need more engineers to solve problems in the world and to make it a better place i myself well i'm not an engineer but i'm the daughter of an engineer so um engineering is also close to my heart and i see how you know engineers really think of solutions in dr kangas right engineers tend to be quiet about their their ideas and once they solve problems they're just you know they just want to get to it get to the solution and and and do it and we need this day this kind of celebration so that everybody gets to hear what what engineering really is and how important it is for our modern world all right so do we have another question all right so we have one from paul edward acosta um so he is on facebook and he is asking what is the biggest challenge for engineers in achieving sustainability maybe dr kanga can go first yes sir yes thank you jill very much for this question i'll answer this question in relation specifically to water because it's a very broad question and i am on the board of of directors of sydney water and we are really uh pushing for sustainable water development but there are many barriers and they are not technology barriers we have the technology to do a lot of amazing things and we continually innovate but the barriers are really political economic and social so for example in australia we are a dry continent but there's not much recycling of water and i'm committed to ensuring that we do reuse and recycle water rather than wastefully use water once and send it out to the ocean this is a key to sustainability and it's not a matter of technology we know how to do it but it really is a matter of convincing people to use that recycled water and again this is part of the communication that engineers must do we must transform complex technical issues into simple language that people can relate to and understand to make that transformation we can't do it ourselves we have to do it with the community and to engage with the community we need something like world engineering day all right thank you dr kanga so it's so important to communicate to engage communities and individuals and because there are a lot of factors that play into sustainable development it's not just one easy solution so we need to engage everyone and that's an import such an important point dr kanga too to tell everyone to recycle water so there's a question now from navi from youtube she's asking in the in the 2030 principles for actions number eight develop professional competency pathways what are the current developments in the philippines thank you so this is perfect for engineer monsada uh okay so engineering so again the question is in the 2030 principles for actions number eight develop professional competency pathways what were the current developments in the philippines thank you okay i think we're just having a technical problem with um the engineer montadas uh internet connection so dr kanga maybe you have this question yes i'll i'll answer that if if i may while we wait for the connection to come back so the professional competency pathways are defined by the international engineering alliance these are international benchmarks and as to what is required and in in summary what is required is for an engineer to take on continuous professional development after graduation there are specified numbers of hours in each jurisdiction for example in australia it's a minimum of 50. there's also some requirements for work experience for operating independently to display to show how you exercise judgment when you're making decisions to work ethically there's a code of ethics and more importantly now with the recent review is to implement the elements of sustainable development to consider in the outcomes of your projects so these these are the areas for competencies and each jurisdiction for example philippines technological council will have uh their specific requirements which are aligned with national priorities culture and systems all right thank you dr kanga for explaining that so well so we need these competencies to continue to develop our engineers and to make sure that we are taking care of our planet so engineer monsanta would you like to add something to that so engineer monsanta are you still with us okay i think um he's still having internet connection problems so maybe we can just flash the next question so here's one from daniel and from youtube hi engineer monsada so would you like to say anything sir for for the last question yes all right go ahead engineer yes uh you were talk uh dr dr kanga was talking about the competence right with attributes pc has been obvious competencies and graduate attributes and as she assisted dated in her 30 20 engineer montana we couldn't hear you sir okay go ahead uh sorry yes that's okay sir we are we're very much involved there yes hello yes sir we can hear you yes we are ahead yes we are very much involved we are very much involved in the review of the graduate athlete and in fact after this tomorrow we will have a meeting again to be able to reach out to all our engineers and talk about trade attributes and compete okay all right i think uh engineer monsant is trying to say that they're having a meeting tomorrow not to meet all of the filipinos we are bringing bringing to them the possible the changes okay okay i think um at least yeah if i might just say comment uh so ptc has had a consultation webinar on the graduate attributes and have made contribution and commentary i think that is what president fred monsada is trying to communicate and so they have been an important contributor to this process ptc is in a unique position because they are national member of the world federation as well as a provisional signatory of the international engineering alliance which has the governance on these international benchmarks so being part of both organizations they have a very important ptc is very important in making this contribution and is doing so so we're very appreciative of that and and these contributions have definitely been taken into account in the review so when we have the new benchmark approved hopefully in june 2021 these inputs will have been added an added value to it thank you all right thank you dr kanga for that so it i'm glad to to know that the philippine technological council has been contributing a lot to to the world federation of engineering all right so we have another question from youtube from danielle and what contributions had we have we done to the fight against the kovit 19 pandemic or in the development of vaccines so do you have anything to say about this uh engineer montada all right i think okay uh dr kanga do you have it yes yes we have we have different members of our different organizations participating btc us body well we don't have a program but for our 13 engineering professional organizations we have specific groups working helping in the pandemic i i think one of our awardees dr francis oe has been working on on this what do you call this several of these and of course our national press former national president of iceland involving expression of kobe as well as treatment of kobe bay all right so these are examples of uh works that are hello all right so i think what engineering is trying to say that is that each engineering organization in the philippines is doing its own contribution to the fight against uh covet so dr kanga any any uh words to add to what engineer monsanto said yes i i just wanted to add that globally engineers have done a huge amount of innovation in the last 12 months to fight against kovid from for example artificial intelligence to analyze the molecules which are suitable for vaccines to advance manufacturing and 3d printing to making mass and facial shields uh you know to protect especially to protect medical staff in the early days of the pandemic when quick systems needed and right now engineers are required for the refrigeration systems for distribution of vaccines at minus 70 degrees centigrade this needs a lot of innovation the logistics distribution and transportation of these vaccines globally to me to vaccinate every single person on earth this has never been done before and we're doing this in record time as well we're in a great rush to do this as soon as possible so engineers are needed like never before in the pandemic it's not just a medical it's the engineering and the science i have to say that has gone hand in hand to solve this problem and combat this issue that's right dr kanga this is such an unparalleled situation and engineers are really at the forefront alongside our medical frontliners who are there fighting this pandemic through these solutions so that we can bring the vaccine safely to each individual so they can all be safe so at this point that is the last question for this segment so thank you thank you very much so we will just be sharing all the questions that were posted on the comment section and we will be sharing these questions to our speakers to engineer monsada and dr kanga so thank you thank you very much once again and we are truly honored that you have graced our event today so happy world engineering dr kanga and engineer manzana thank you very much thank you for having me and happy world engineering day thank you dr kanga thank you engineer montada so before we proceed to the next segment of our program i would like to encourage all our viewers to listen attentively to the following speakers why because as mentioned in our facebook announcements quizzes will be flashed after each speaker will allow you to win quizzes will be flashed after each speaker and this will allow you to win amazing prizes from our generous sponsors imi globe and manila water foundation so without further ado let me introduce to you our first speaker for today's engineering expert talks he is a civil engineer by profession who attained his degree in engineering from the university of the philippines dilemma he also received his master of engineering in environmental engineering from the massachusetts institute of technology he started his career in manila water as headline project delivery manager and is now the group director of the corporate project management group ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome engineer robert bugs bathroom hi hi jill thanks for the introduction hi everybody good afternoon happy world engineering day uh congratulations to the manila water foundation for continuing to really not only put this event together but continuing to espouse and really support filipino engineers um i feel very privileged and humbled to be part of the panel in this this particular event so i'm welcome and happy world engineering day um if we could please flash my slides so i'm excited to present to you today one of our key projects at manila water the novoliches palara aqueduct number four i'll call it nbaq4 from this point on but before i get to the meat of the presentation i thought it would be since it's world engineering day good to reflect on how engineering is in my own life and in kind of a funny way so next slide please um one thing that continues uh to happen to me since i've been an engineer now for over 20 years is that every christmas without fail somebody always gives me a t-shirt that has a funny engineering saying on it neither friend or family if you're wondering why my kids these are my kids in the picture why they're modeling my shirts it's because since the pandemic happened last year i haven't been able to fit in my shirts long story behind that but i get shirts like engineers solving problems you didn't know you had in ways you can't understand i thought it was just very funny that people continue to send me those but on another note growing up next slide please growing up every time there was something wrong in the house i've always wanted to be an engineer and every time there's something wrong in the house my mom regardless if it was within my field of expertise would always ask me to fix it and should all you say are you seeing mohayan engineer ka mandiba or in english can you fix this you're an engineer right and i don't mean that to be negative i mean that in a positive way because it allowed me to kind of reflect on what we've discussed here today that engineers continue to be perceived and seen by even our close relatives as people who solve problems and i feel that should be embraced and celebrated as well okay so on to the the main part of the presentation uh what is anime using that in what is a problem that we are solving in this particular project the the issue here is that we have i won't go into too much detail is that we have three existing aqueducts between the la mesa reservoir and our balera treatment plants and you can see these here the balera treatment plants are the structures in red and we get our raw water effectively from alamesa before treating it at palara and balara serves about 80 percent of the population of the east zone of metro manila or about 6 million plus people next slide please the issue we have here is that the youngest of the three is already 50 years old so nearing or a little bit over its service life built in 1968 and the oldest being built in 1929 so given that these are all and they're all operating at capacity and these are all operating at the capacities we need to continue to supply water so obviously we need to make sure these these aqueducts are in good condition next slide please so what is the first solution well it would be let's fix these aqueducts and make sure these are modernized and make sure these are reliable the issue here in the next slide is that the as these are all structures in overtime have been built under other infrastructure they're very hard to access and almost impossible to rehabilitate without having to shut them down which is something we can't do so the next solution is on the next slide is that let's make a new tunnel so let's make a fourth tunnel nba q4 to to basically allow us the reliability to be able to rehabilitate the old tunnels problem here though is that we can't dig a new tunnel because obviously we still have a problem on the right the the excessive traffic and infrastructure above ground so the ver next version of the solution is let's make a new tunnel by using tunnel boring technology i think you have to click it once to show this next part by using tunnel boring technology so nothing above ground and we're going to drill uh through the ground um to create the fourth tunnel the the concern we have here in the next slide is that normally in tunnel boring you want to get from point a to point b in a straight line uh our laws dictate we have to follow the road alignment which means that in this particular case for the the tunnel to come from balara to the la mesa reservoir it has to make three turns along katipunan uh commonwealth and eventually commonwealth to la mesa which is quite difficult so we had to find and the next iteration of the solution we had to find a ton of boring technology please click that basically was capable of of turning um with a tight radius to be able to navigate these turns and continue to operate under roads but the last challenge is that we had to go quite deep to be able to access the la mesa reservoir at a particular depth that's safe we have to carry that depth all the way back and we we have to launch the tunnel boring machine in a very deep shaft so the final part of the solution is that we had to basically install a one click a 45 meter deep nine meter diameter launch shaft so that's our solution i just wanted to take you step by step this is the project it's the goal of a 7.3 kilometer 3.1 meter diameter aqueduct from the balara 310 plants it's actually from la mesa to the ballarat treatment plants but we're starting here in balera and going up towards la mesa and really delivered through a tunnel boring machine you might be getting sick of my voice so in the next slide we decided to make things slim simpler by showing you a quick video of what this overall tunnel looks like so please play the video thank you i can actually talk through the video probably so this is the actual uh since there's no music the tunnel alignment as it goes uh from here in ballet up on commonwealth avenue you're seeing a traverse commonwealth right now and very soon it'll make a right turn towards the la mesa reservoir and you'll see the intake structure will build we're building there as well there you go so uh next slide please so that video basically did did my job for me uh but but let me take you through the key components of this particular um very challenging and innovative project so this is the baby of our project the start of the show the the tunnel boring machine and her name is dalisai and i thought there was a very deep meaning behind this because dalisa means pure i believe or clean but it turns out we had a quick trivia we had a contest to name it which is i think a tradition in the tunnel boring industry and i'm sorry can you go back it's a tradition in the tunnel boring industry and evidently that the show of coco martin channel was showing so i think his last name there was delhi and and that's that's the name of our machine now so so dalisa right now is under commonwealth headed towards la mesa but this is really the center of the technology okay next slide please hope i'm not going too long but uh okay so the first challenging part was designing the access or the launch shaft now so we had to basically dig a 45 meter 9 meter diameter hole for lack of a better term which was really erected through the uh the implementation installation of poles 1.2 and 1.5 meters in diameter to create the circumference of the hole and then basically excavating after that and at the very bottom we have to do a mine mined tunnel to be able to set up the tunnel boring machine underground and this is all done very precisely and with utilities as well next slide so this next picture of course is uh lowering of the actual pieces of the tunnel boring machine into the into the mined shaft and this this is not just one piece of equipment this is a total of 110 meters in length and have to be assembled in a particular order and in the right condition so so very accurate work as well so after that you launch the tunnel boring machine and you can see that i think in a quick rendering in the following slide oh sorry uh please pause there so basically that the way the machine works is that we you know it's uh it's the earth pressure balance tunnel boring machine which basically is fit for purpose given the geotechnical due diligence we did here but what it does as it drills um or bores through the the ground is that it takes uh all of the debris and conveys it back towards the access shaft but what's good here is that as it goes through it automatically installs the tank lining and then we actually grout the lining outside the tank lining so that it has even a tighter seal and more structural integrity but this is really the heart of of the uh the overall operation and like i said it is 110 meters long and capable of an 80 meter turning radius so i think we can show the rendering of us what this actually looks like on the next slide but maybe fast forward to the end so that we save some time thank you so this is just a picture of what what it looks like this isn't the same one but technically it's doing the same thing you know it moves slowly obviously pushing earth and conveying it back um you know towards access shaft and again maintaining pressure operating under difficult conditions and of course some of these areas are waterlogged as well so it's quite a very um complex technology okay next slide uh last few slides one thing i just wanted to mention is that as i mentioned the tunnel boring machine goes through the ground and it actually installs the tunnel itself as it goes through as it digs it installs the tunnel itself through on watertight uh segments and uh this is in itself a supply chain um activity you know there's a these are manufactured off-site have to be done on time with adequate supply because at no time do you want the tunnel boring machine to stop while it's underground for an extended period of time okay next slide last couple of slides so the the next challenging part of this is that where does the tunnel boring machine exit and it exits in the la mesa reservoir underneath the la mesa reservoir so right now we have to also implement the actual intake towers it's a brand new structure brand new bridge similar into the launch shaft but this time you're erecting an intake tower in the middle of la mesa reservoir using a barge to do so and this has to be done almost pinpoint our us engineers love precision this has to be done so precisely that the actual tunnel boring machine has to arrive at the correct time and actually intersect this structure at the right exact location for the whole project to work so we're very excited hopefully i think the plan is this year that this is going to happen and i think we have another picture or video uh to kind of show show that from another perspective but we'll only play a couple of seconds to to give you a feel for the efforts on this side of the project as well okay so this is as you see there the barge and the bridge and of course the intake tower that's being constructed itself so the last slide couple of slides is where are we now and uh the the answer is that we're about five kilometers still under common wealth five kilometers out of the seven kilometers completed soon to make the right turn to la mesa reservoir and you can see underneath on the lower right a picture of what the tunnel actually looks like and the utilities have to be installed as we go along and continue to drill here so far so good there's been a lot that's gone on behind this project i haven't even discussed what it looks like on the downstream side as we interface with the other infrastructure in our existing treatment plants but my second to the last slide is that you know engineering is really one thing but it's really collaboration and synergy across different expertise that makes a project successful so we are fortunate to have a consortium partner here that is really multifaceted experts you know i asked um sir allen by the way is in this picture he's the gentleman um in the middle wearing white um and he uh he's actually our senior project manager and i asked him for some information about kind of the different ethnicities and nationalities working and i think it was a paragraph long in terms of um you know there there's italian german um chinese filipinos obviously uh chileans it was really an international british of course um an effort across the board in terms of different expertise within manila water as well to make the project successful and that's one thing you may have the right technology but until you kind of have a meeting of the minds and collaborate properly and bring something to the table um these sustainable solutions will be difficult to to implement so i think and then we have one more slide and this slide of course uh we've done this under the the oversight and in partnership with our regulators the mwss and this is just a picture to give you a feel for the size of this machine i think earlier on in the picture it doesn't look that big but you can see here how massive of a of a machine it is and you can see here the cutter cutter head of the machine and um and finally i think i hope i didn't go too far over the time but i just wanted to say that if you recall in my earlier slides um the the way it was phrased was i using an engineer but but my challenge to the engineers my fellow engineers that are part of this webinar is to flip that particular saying and instead saying so thank you very much and again i'm really happy to have been a part of this webinar and i'm looking forward to the rest of the session thanks very much have a good afternoon thank you so so much sir boogs you know i totally enjoyed that presentation even though i'm not an engineer and i'm not even going to attempt to comment on that technology because i'm not an engineer but it's so amazing to see such an amazing technology that had a lot of meeting of minds of engineering expertise and collaboration to make it work to make that drop of water fall from from the top so that we can drink clean water and it's such an amazing project and thank you so much sir books for for sharing that with us so as mentioned earlier we will now have a quiz i hope you all listen intently because it's now that time to answer a question so we're privileged today because attendees will be able to answer the question and get a chance to win a globe at home prepaid wi-fi modem and 300 pesos worth of data from our generous sponsors imi and globe to join simply type the correct answer in the comments section of this broadcast on facebook or youtube those who get the correct answer we'll be entitled to join the raffle so winners will be announced at the very end of the webinar so stick around so for our quest first question fill in the blank the blank project of manila water entails the construction of a fourth aqueduct from the la mesa reservoir to the ballarat treatment plants one and two to improve the reliability and security of the raw water transmission system so all you have to do is type in the answer and by filling in the blank all right so it's now flash on the screen there you go so let me just move to my right so you can see it well all right so i hope you are now typing in your answers and there you go i'm seeing a lot of correct answers so congratulations for listening to the presentation so all right so let's now reveal the answer and the correct answer is novaliches balara aqueduct 4 or nba nbq4 project so congratulations to all those who answered correctly you have a chance to win and just wait for for the announcement at the very end of the webinar all right so let's proceed with our next speaker i hope you had fun and you learned a lot from sir boots's presentation so our next speaker led and worked on numerous game-changing programs and projects in the fields of land surveying remote sensing and geographic information system environmental monitoring and disaster risk assessment and management one of these is the disaster risk assessment exposure and mitigation light ranging and detection technology or what we call dream glider which was recognized as the biggest single project that a research unit in the entire university of the philippine system has ever undertaken this project addressed and helped mitigate the effects of flooding disasters in the country by producing accurate national tearing terrain elevation maps and training highly skilled lighter and flood mapping experts all over the country these initiatives have been proven essential in the country's resource monitoring and management and in various government agencies decision making processes for policy formulation for 22 years he has shared his expertise in the department of geogetic engineering college of engineering of the university of the philippines dilemma as a research fellow research affiliate teaching faculty department chair and professional chair he is also an awardee of the maiden year of the mwf prize for engineering excellence ladies and gentlemen let us watch the recorded video of the executive director of the philippine council for industry energy and emerging technology research and development of dosc dr enrico parini pleasant good afternoon to all it is a great pleasure for the department of science and technology philippine council for industry energy emerging technology research and development to be with everyone as we mark the world engineering day for sustainable development my deepest gratitude goes to the manila water foundation for the generosity and organizing and hosting this occasion in partnership with the philippine technology council and the blst first i'd like to give you a bit of an introduction of who we are and what we do we are the philippines we are the bishop what we otherwise call as the innovation council so it's uh one of the agencies of uh beerust in charge of the formulation of policies plans and programs as well as in the implementation of strategies in the industry energy and emerging technology sectors through several r d interventions we have a five-fold mandate but we're mainly known as a funding agency for various research and development projects being undertaken by our partners researchers innovators and scientists but we also provide support for filipino researchers to become more productive through institutional and capacity building we also provide information to various government agencies as well as the public on all aspects of technology development particularly those that have been developed by our researchers and engineers and then we also have support for technology transport and commercialization in keeping with our mandate under the innovative startup app and uh lastly uh we provide the support for policy development as we analyze ruby and formulate various uh policies that come our way as well as our as well as the uh recommending policies also uh for the development of priority sectors under bishop so what are these priority sectors our sectoral power is actually widening them we provide rnd support to 21 different sectors and fields categorize either coming from industry energy emerging technology and special concerns to make sure that all of our efforts and initiatives are utilized in the areas of maximum for maximum benefit for all filipinos we have we or we subscribe to the harmonized national research rnb research and development agenda in that agenda we articulated our national priorities this year actually serves as a guide for public investments in rnd while ensuring aggressive convergence and integration of research and development airports towards our goal of uplifting the lives of philippines so we all know for a fact that engineers are playing a key role in making sure innovations uh remains vibrant active and adaptive to the challenge of the times let me just give you an update on the projects and plans under this hrda specifically on the sectors which we uh support i hope this uh also interests you you know as i mentioned that 29 uh 2020 has been a challenge here particularly because we have uh uh we have uh obvious 19. uh but our engineers did not back down we continued to offer solutions and responded to these needs and in fact rose to the challenges of witnessing for example a one of our one of our startups that we supported who was uh actually producing homing devices for uh vessels or for boats uh pivoted or shifted to to design and create specimen collection boots we also have engineers rising up to the challenges of making sure that we have adequate resources to address our current challenges in our commitment team we thought that uh the doctors thought that you'd need a lot of ventilators in our patients suffering from profit 19 and so we called out for proposals to uh that will be able to design an automated emergency ventilator you know actually a working prototype and three of them have responded one was a startup the second one was a pip technological institute of the philippines and the other one was from boston we also supported the project on strengthening the usc regional metrology laboratory of the us three journey the purpose of this was to be responsive in the calibration requirements both in the urban areas as well as in the countryside where uh they are necessary for the industry to be more competitive for the attainment of a better quality of life essentially what this does is to test and act as a calibration service for uh key industries to jump start our bid towards transitioning the country into the fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0 we also supported the establishment of the advanced mechatronics robotics and industry automation laboratory or american uh this in support of the meta engineering industry being spread headed by our ust mirgc it aims to be the national facility for capability development in field mechatronics and robotics as applied to industry automation the goal is to put up a facility that will enable the training of industry working workforce in modern globally competitive automation for traditional manufacturing in industrial practices using modern smart technology we also funded the collaboration by uh through this project called metrology and today quantity and right decision this was initiated by our dost industrial technology development institute and pedea the philippine drug enforcement agency uh with which provides technical training calibration kits proficiency testing and consultation and they have now a protocol for weighing samples and intermediate checking away instruments and setting of tolerances appropriate to the quantity of uh way which later on can be submitted to the dangerous drug support for recognition and implementation uh we're quite happy that uh we know of manila what of course the [Music] the company with which the manila water foundation is uh related with had engaged with the asian institute institute of management to come up with the collaborative research on enhanced forecasting model for complex water supply systems in the east service area of metro manila this model serves as a tool in the day-to-day operations of uh nwc for optimization of water supply distribution in the manila east zone in the field of infrastructure our researchers remain at the forefront of innovation uh indicating our vital uh infrastructure installations and utilities in tip-top shape for example this infrastructure monitoring petrography um was implemented to use spectrography techniques to provide in-depth analysis and assessment of health and uh half of concrete used in in the construction of roads bridges and buildings what we do for infrastructure we also do for the environment particularly uh for vertical uh development we want to keep them safe and livable uh we supported the research work being done by the mapo institute of the of technology and then later on um a transition into a uh startup it's now a this actually our solution researchers who upgrade the world of entrepreneurship to make their technologies accessible to the public at large so one example of that is of course this usher you know and um [Music] this is a economical and hassle-free system that allows uh building owners or managers to comply with the uh implementing rules and regulations for earthquake recording for setting up earthquake recording instruments in key buildings for transportation we are also not too far behind in the use of technology to make our intel our transportation a little bit more intelligent our researchers are harnessing the power of data and artificial intelligence to analyze capture and analyze traffic conditions this titan is an ai-based system that monitors our vehicles vehicular and pedestrian activities from the vantage point of regular traffic surveillance cameras so it's not possible for us to actually count uh vehicles in the roads and also people not working on pedestrians at various intersections of virus installations in the metropolis engineers are always in search of not only making and building things right it also has to be better in partnership with the dpw's bureau of research and standards the the university of the philippines los banos transform pet bottles use tires and natural rubber lump as alternate as alternate uh astronautic additives that will improve the mechanical properties of asphalt paved roads we also while we innovate on land we also innovate in water after all we're an archipelagic country our water transportation should also be safe and resilient so doctor natto santos team at delisle university and uh i nano solutions uh offered this marine nanocore it's an anti-barnacle anti-corrosion an anti-uv coating material for ships and other floating marine structures in the field of electronics our engineers also provide solutions at an entrepreneurial level uh smartpaks the data solutions it's a silicon ip and design services are funded by experienced ic and embedded uh systems uh design engineers what they do is offer digital ic design services uh from rtl uh design and logic synthesis to physical implementation and they specialize in hardware design we are slowly transitioning to a low carbon economy we have a good market now for e-vehicles but how do we power them and for how long charting time has been an issue uh so our colleagues at the electrical and electronics uh engineering uh institute of up came up with this solution or called charm so it's a fast safe and reliable way to charge your system which can actually cut the charging time to as uh as fast as one segment of the uh the time for a conventional charging innovations and computing breakthroughs uh can also help be helpful to the environmental costs this is one of our goals addressing the sustainable development goals fish eye is a semi-automated video camera based fish sensor system that provides fish count population density and distribution you can even identify the what type of fish no and this is a good tool for monitoring marine protected areas and for quantifying environmental impact of projects on marine and island waters one of the goals of sdg is access of course to education educational tools that will help learning more conducive especially now at this time from them so this smart surface is a complete electronic system that can be attached to a wide variety of surface for interactive learning experience so another uh innovation along this field is excellent so x-raypad is a high-tech autonomous device company that focuses on r d of autonomous systems for commercial educational purposes we'd also like to specially mention that we recently closed the stand called for proposed house the sun cost for the science technology and actual nexus for development which we partnered with the uk research and innovation agency or ukri and the japan science and technology agents of japan in the coming years we have laid down some of the research priorities which we thought will move us further forward on food on food nutrition countryside development competitive industry deliberate social services intelligent transportation renewable energy and energy storage solutions and human security i shall not go through each one of them but uh it is to say that uh we have uh made these priorities happen in light of our engagement with these stakeholders in uh industry uh with government as well as uh consulting continuously with our researchers to make our priorities more attuned to the needs of our country as we move to a more competitive uh fast recovering uh move so you may ask how are our engineers contributing all of these sdgs as you have seen in our lineup of projects that have been supported that are continuously being supported and to be supported in the futures future engineers are spurring innovations engineering is innovation is a second nature to engineers engineers have also built things to make innovation happen this will not happen these innovations will not happen by accident there has to be infrastructure there has to be facilities there has to be equipment that will make this happen and engineers take the way engineers are also um uh endless fountains of solutions engineers provide uh solutions to pressing problems of our times and thus uh engineers respond well to current and emerging challenges such as those uh we face in government banking we need more filipino engineers who can innovate who can contribute to our thriving economy to make it fast recovering robust and competitive and we believe by uh partnering we will be able to convert uh ideas you know into reality especially those that are top up by our engineers and that's what we're here for we want to be your partner in innovation uh we will open uh our more opportunities to fortify the country science and technology community by supporting our indie endeavors so let's work together and take our urgent actions to secure the future of present and next generations by pursuing discoveries and breakthroughs with greater energy and exploring opportunities to strengthen the country's innovation uh ecosystem and make innovation work for the people so we wish again everyone a successful world engineering day for sustainable development thank you so much dr parinit and it's so wonderful to hear that you have been supporting our filipino engineers convert ideas to reality so they truly are our partner for innovation so calling out uh to all the filipino engineers if you need support in r d or in financing and if you are your projects are aligned with the research priorities this year go ahead and visit their website and uh see how you can partner for innovation all right so as promised we will have another pop quiz where everyone can win amazing prizes so i hope you were able to listen very well so here's the question supply the missing words d-o-s-t p-shirt i hope i pronounced that well stands for department of science and technology philippine council for industry energy and blank blank research and development all right so let me move here so you can see the missing words so just fill in those blanks all right again d o s t p shirt stands for department of science and technology philippine council for industry energy and blank blank research and development all right so i can see some people typing in their answers and i think all of you are correct so just a quick reminder that we are drawing our um winners through random selection all right so the correct answer for pop quiz number two is emerging technologies so again mo all of our viewers i think if i'm not mistaken had it correctly so great job guys keep it up so now let's move on to our next speaker our next speaker is recognized for her important contributions in the field of engineering she is perhaps the most prolific among the filipina chemical engineers today her professional career in r d latter led to her appointment as cabinet assistant secretary and for a short period acting under secretary of the department of science and technology she is a former member and chair of the board of chemical engineers professional regulation commission commission and was the chartered president of the philippine technological council and chartered chairperson of the asean federation of engineering organizations her numerous awards include among others the 2019 agree wfeo woman in engineering award by the world federation of engineering organizations without further ado let us all welcome the founding president and senior advisor of the philippine technological council council dr lydia tanzinseen dr tan sin sin seems to be having some technical problems so all right so while we wait for dr tan sin sin are you all excited for the next pop quiz all right so maybe we can just move on to the next pop quiz um as i see that we are having technical difficulties uh with her internet connection all right so here is the next question hold on all right so pop quiz number three so i i just mentioned this a while ago so um i hope you were listening dr lydia tanzinsin received the agree woman in engineering award in 2019 so is it true or false all right so let me see uh your answers on the chat box sorry on the comment section alright many of you are answering true all right so let me see the correct answer so the correct answer is true dr tan since received the award in 2019 the wfeo green women in engineering award and this is awarded every year this award recognizes women engineers who have shown professional excellence and impact in their work and are role models and leaders in their field so thank you all who answered so again winners will be announced at the end of the webinar so better stick around and we do random selection in choosing our winners all right so while we wait for dr okay this doctor that's hinting ready all right so let's all welcome the founding president and senior advisor of the philippine technological council dr lydia tencentine [Music] are you there all right so maybe we can go back to dr tan since it as we try to fix our internet connection problems so oh there you go can you hear me yes ma'am we can hear you very well yes ma'am we can hear you very well but your video is now turned off can you turn it on again yes yes paul we can hear you very clearly we cannot see you though there we can see you right now dr lydia but can you please unmute your microphone so we can hear you dr lydia are you there i think um her internet connection is lagging so her connection is intermittent right now so as we try to fix uh that one we'll turn you over to our next speaker so our next speaker is a young and i must say a very promising engineer he is from the mapua university with a background on electrical engineering and recently he and his invention arreyos or the aurora renewable energy in unb sequestration won the first ever james dyson award for sustainability to share more about this technology and how the role of the youth in engineering is let us all welcome mr carvey my egypt um thank you thank you very much uh again my name is karavi iran army editor or use and maybe just a little background as well so i am an electrical engineering student from mapwa university and actually i have been a student for 10 years so to any student engineering student that is having some hard time right now um they tend to question me why why do i still try to pursue engineering and i think anyway for me there's something special when you are called as an engineer or when you are missed out that title it means that the people the safety of the people around you the lives of the people around you you're something that's that's reliable something that would only pursue for the best and the betterment of these people so more than sigur young i know you prestige i really do um i really look forward to have that tight to showcase the world that i am a person who can also help and uh improve the lives of other people so if we're having a hard time in our studies um and don't let uh maybe uh one or two failing subjects uh define you because definitely you're more than that right now a little background about uh my invention so my invention is called or use it's original renewable energy and uv sequestration system now what it does is uh it is a metamaterial technology that harvests uv light converts it into visible light and then it feeds it to traditional pv technology to produce electricity now uh the problems that we are aiming to solve to our technology there's a study that in urban cities where there are large skyscrapers made out of glass so this is in hong kong and tokyo there is an increased level of uv especially in these areas [Music] ultimately pedestrians and what happens is there is an increase uh uv radiation and as we know uv radiation is one of the leading cause different kinds of diseases cancers and such so we are hoping to curb that especially in an urban environment now another we're also hoping that we can take part in uplifting the lives of our farmers who are specially uh hit by climate driven typhoon so as we know um due to climate change frequently and one of the most affected the industry is definitely our agricultural and our farming sector so what we are hoping is to integrate them young waste products and then from there we can synthesize the particles that we would need for our uh product for our invention so in that manner um [Music] you create value out of the things and another one is um definitely uh we are aiming to create better access to renewable energy now um uh renewable energy technologies is already existing uh maramitan technology a solar wind we also have tidal and such i think one of the most uh one of the bigger reasons is anyway other than the physical distance uh solar farms have to be made on large pieces of land and they have to go through longer transmission lines to reach the cities so what happens is um cost and then uh if you are leaving them in urban areas there is just a limited amount of rooftop installation in that gap by allowing this vertical structures these infrastructures to become vertical solar forms so but in integrating or use technologies uh walls or some windows they can harvest uv light and convert it into clean electricity now another thing is that uh uv is something that tends to bounce around cassette so unlike conventional invisible light of nasa technically i'm visible like a uvenaman differs because it bounces around even guides a pavement or some walls now uh the advantage of capturing uv is hidden so for a building we can place or use windows and walls on all four sides and at the same time still generate sufficient electricity so um capability for our solar harvesting technologies now um what is the inspiration behind the project um but uh to encompass them all outdoors outside and as i grow older global warming is really good 9 a.m to 10 a.m in the morning cool breeze and oil prevent my own very impossible then i realize now is there something that i can do to help would still be able to be experienced by my children by my grandchildren the next generation so that's when i realized that uh there's something that must be done against climate change and actually inspiration madame um it suddenly changed into dark colors of photo hormone exchanger to sunlight and then very cloudy almost so i thought it's broken but then that's when i realized it's actually uv that's actually penetrating even on a cloudy and almost training uh onion so realize why not harvest that and other things as well extracts which became one of the foundations to create this technology from vegetable and food wastes and another is actually young conversion and uv to visible light is something that i stumbled upon when i am um [Music] so uh case on point um sometimes it's okay to experience different things or rather allow yourself to experience a lot of different things because ultimately on cross-pollination taking idea from one field applying it to fields mode and at the same time uh other way around daman uh it allows us to create something new it allows us to create new things and uh there's a famous saying and sometimes your experience is nothing they didn't make sense right now but looking back it's only when you can chase the dots you can connect them and you realize nah they don't punish up in the middle so definitely a lot of inspirations as a student actually as a part-time working student so annoying on crossroads should i pursue inventions or should i pursue my studies and work so you know thinking before i went on with this journey now but then i realized that to be an inventor it's not a nine-to-five job but rather it's a 24 7 thing and what do i mean by that um you can definitely be an engineer and be a student and yet be able to invent something the point is uh to invent something eleven open your mind more in different things that happen around you and that's what happened to me and i and hopefully take away you know so okay or what don't give up to create something to invent something i know as in uh as aspiring engineers to create something that would benefit the world and i think uh don't give up on that dream and from there something something that's innovative now um what would be the impact of the youth and the young engineers to our sustainability development goals and um what's wonderful about sustainability development goals is that they are very concrete examples so if uh you have the chance try to look on it and then when we realize and volume problems of that we are facing right now in a global scale and what we can do uh example for our case in or use um we are already creating a product that would help our renewable energy needs impacts and help with our sdg goals another one is new raw materials naming why not extract this from wastes and at the same time why not take a step further why not help young farmers not in another sdg goal which would also help them uh which which would allow us to uplift grassroots communities so uh raw materials so um why not create machines equipment or processes that is gender agnostic or even i should say educational attainment agnostic something like that um one of the difficulties of finding a job is if you did not you are not able to finish your school so why not create equipment or processes that would not require uh very deep expertise pero something that is that would make a decent job out of and that would also help the grassroots communities because in that manner we can uplift their lives or education if this equipment are ready to use are easy to use these processes are something that can be easily learned so we can i know we can help them we can provide jobs to them and looking on the long run what would happen is by giving them the opportunity to earn money with a decent job to school which i think is what we need to break the cycle nah because the parents were not able to go to school and it will continue to go further and next generations now um what i'm just trying to say is that uh there are lots of things as engineers where we can penetrate and we can incorporate these sdgs especially that we are well versed with the stem subjects and you know for me uh us engineers are somewhat artists then except the medium that we use is science so if we can form science we can use science express science in different manners to create something that would make a better world for all of us i think that would make us really excellent engineers and for the youth and young engineers i think with the first step that we can definitely do is awareness so sometimes you can say uh certain topics of the sdg example renewable energies [Music] it's not just the product but it's a synergy between product and people that would really help us attain true kait magandang technology kites upon promising and technology if there are not enough people who would adapt the technology would improve the technology and create an ecosystem for the technology indiana would work so it's a joint effort for all of us and i think the very first and i think the best way nagina did now program nato is to create awareness so i hope that um i have shared some things now you will find helpful then as well and yeah so i would end my presentation with that thank you thank you so much carvey you are such an inspiring youth give up he continued the fight he was very inspired by his desire and his dream to help people and to help the world be a better place through engineering solutions so i'll keep it up carving we're looking forward to more solutions from you so all right so now is the time for another pop quiz so here is the question you have to provide the correct answer all right so carvey my iges technology is commonly known as oreos what does a u or o mean all right so go on to the comment section and please type in your answers again the question is what does a you the first two letters of his invention mean all right so i can see some comments already okay everybody has gotten the answer right okay so the answer is aurora so according to nasa an aurora is a natural beautiful light show caused by the sun and predominantly seen in high latitude regions alright so congratulations to all the uh viewers who answered correctly all right so before i introduce our next speaker may i please remind our viewers to send their questions through the comment section of this broadcast either on facebook or youtube our speakers will answer your queries right after the last presenter so to move on with our program let me introduce our last speaker for today's webinar or rather our next speaker for the webinar he served as a university professor at the university of the philippines college of engineering since 1994 and also served as acting director of the advanced science and technology institute of the philippine department of science and technology he was the program head of the philippine scientific earth observation micro satellite program or phil microsat that launched the first philippine-made satellite the dewatta one into space in april 2016. fun fact our next speaker also served as our rf wireless consultant for the integrated micro electronics incorporated one of our co-presenters for today's event in 2015 he was also named to be among the first awardees of the manila water foundation prize for engineering excellence so ladies and gentlemen the first director general of the philippine space agency dr joel joseph marciano jr thank you very much for the kind introduction morning i hope you can hear me yes so may i have my slides flashed now please thank you so thank you very much to the model water foundation the department of science and technology and the philippine technological council and the other organizers and sponsors or presenters for the invitation to speak at the seminar marking the 2021 world engineering day for sustainable development with the theme engineering for a healthy planet my presentation on behalf of the newly established philippine space agency or filsa is entitled the nation-bridged uplifted and empowered through space value creation to data industry and people good afternoon to all happen so the philippines let me first introduce the philippine space agency the philippine republic act 11363 an act establishing the philippine space development and utilization policy and creating the philippine space agency also known as the philippine space act was signed on august 8th 2019. it established the filsa as the central government agency addressing all national issues and activities related to space science and technology and its applications or ssta the act provides fields with a mandate to be the primary policy planning and coordinating implementing an administrative entity of the executive branch of the government for the national space program the framework of the philippine space policy identifies six key development areas or kdas for ssta development these are national security and development hazard management and climate studies space industry capacity building international cooperation space education and awareness and space research and development the key development areas for ssta development were formulated in consideration of the sustainable development goals or sdgs and various stakeholder consultations in the philippines space technology and its applications are envisioned to support informed decision making and policy formulation for efficient governance environmental natural resources and disaster risk management towards poverty alleviation and genuine socio-economic development the filsa is now placed at the forefront of developing and proliferating space science technologies and applications in support of national programs and towards a vision of becoming a space faring nation in recent years the philippines has taken significant steps in ssda with the support of the department of science and technology this has led to the development launch operation and utilization of the country's own small satellites the water one on the left launched in 2016 the water two in 2018 that's on the right uh in the cubesat myo one also in 2018. the water one and the water two are the 50 kilogram scientific earth observation microsatellites while myo1 is a one kilogram nanosatellite these satellites carry cameras for acquiring images of land and water on earth as well as radios for command control and store and forward of data collected from ground sensors the water 2 also carries an amateur radio unit which can be used as backup communications at times of emergencies or disasters by the way maya too the successor to myo1 is already in the international space station and it will be deployed into space orbit soon perhaps most likely within the sponsor these achievements have enabled the philippines to join the ranks of countries that not only own and operate satellites but have also been able to build and develop them so click on that please now these satellite development activities are complemented by ground infrastructure such as the philippine earth data resource observation center or pedro as well as high performance computing facilities for the processing of satellite images these pictures show the pedro facilities in metro manila hilo and davao which are used to communicate with philippine satellites for earth observation and those of other countries that we subscribe to the space and ground infrastructure equip the philippines with a capacity to create and add value in space through the generation processing analysis and distribution of vital geospatial information and the creation of competitive industries we should continue to invest in satellites and ground systems since they are a vital part of a sovereign national information infrastructure our satellites and their cameras are currently trained back down towards earth to gather data about their natural and built environment shown in the pictures is our earth observation micro satellite dewater one passing over our islands i see palawan and mindoro there and pointing its cameras from 400 to 600 400 kilometers away to areas of interest with their large geographical footprint satellites like the water one and the water two are able to capture environmental data over a huge spatial scale at once with more of them in orbit we can do so at even more regular intervals the data gathered is transformed into actionable insights so we can make informed and intelligent action here on earth space infrastructure space data and space enabled services help inform policies and decision support systems that can improve our lives enabling data-driven and evidence-based policies for promoting digital inclusion better governance and a knowledge economy is one way that we create value from space so the field size building on these capabilities to create more innovations in space that contribute to creating high value jobs into growing our economy moving forward this is reflected in our flagship projects so in the next few slides i will show some examples of these programs relate to engineering for sustainable development by describing how they address the sustainable development goals in the philippine context there are certainly many use cases but i will focus them on water related issues in this presentation we build and deploy satellites we mobilize data sustainable development goal 1 calls for an end to poverty in all its manifestations by 2030. sustainable development goal 13 urges us to take action to combat climate change and its impacts for the philippine space agency space technologies play a central role in addressing the country's incessant needs to prepare for and respond to natural disasters which affects the lives of all filipinos most especially those in impoverished areas as a first example shown in the picture is how we mobilize space data before and after typhoons by by getting satellite images of the areas before and after the typhoon in this case typhoon pong that hit northern luzon in 2018 our computers can do the change detection and determine areas which have been flooded the output is shown in the map on the bottom right of your screen where the streaks of blue indicate areas of probable flooding this information is provided to the office of civil defense and the national disaster risk reduction management council to help arrive at better estimates of the extent of damage from the disaster allowing us to allocate proper resources for rehabilitation response and recovery another example is how we have used our algorithms to detect building footprints in a satellite image that proved especially useful in the case of the 2018 naga cebu landslide where we were able to generate a map that overlaid the building footprints on the image shown showing the extent of the landslide that is seen on the leftmost picture the red blocks or rectangles that you see there are building footprints detected by machine learning and artificial intelligence computational techniques implemented by our teams this map equipped emergency workers and responders with more actionable information in the rescue and recovery effort by identifying areas where to dig first in the hope of searching for survivors shown in the middle and in the right image are the valiant responders holding the maps that were generated by our teams to an engineer and a scientist there is perhaps nothing more gratifying than to see our outputs being applied in the real world in this case in the form of space-borne data applied to head to the heavy task of searching for survivors of a calamitous event this is an example of an end-to-end effort where investments in space capabilities satellites ground and computing facilities and people grew valuable in turning around much needed information in a timely manner in attempt in an attempt to save lives and property next slide now sustainable goal 6 pursues work to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all space technologies ensure water a proper water resources management infrastructure monitoring and water quality assessment the turbidity or clarity of water in manila bay is one of the indicators studied in this series of satellite images taken by the philippines the water one and the water two between 2018 and 2019 which was before and after a reported rehabilitation effort the image shows murky waters at the mouth of the pasic river in the northern part of the bay that's coming from perhaps from agricultural runoff those are the red areas in the middle image now monitoring this area at different times of the year can contribute to existing and future studies examining the results of the ongoing manila bay rehabilitation efforts in this use case we use a time series of satellite images from march 2018 to march 2019 and analyzed them using the normalized difference water index to study the water level in the methadone the water features are all extracted from the dam to measure the amount of water in terms of surface area in square meters in the basin perhaps as a result of the la nina phenomenon now the data shows the difference of the water between march 2018 and march 2019 changed from 3.08 square kilometers to 1.4 square kilometers corresponding to a loss of about 45 percent over a period of one year now sustainable gold development goal 9 seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization to foster innovation building space technologies leads to local know-how transfer and retention that is used to spur local space industry development shown in the picture actual electronics that we have built in our own labs and which are now in space they are working very well which means that they now have space heritage as a consequence the value or price of these systems have increased exponentially this know-how and experience will enable the country to build difficult high reliability products products that will not only survive but can get the mission done even in the hostile environment of outer space if we have the tools and discipline to make stuff that work in space we can make stuff that work in other harsh environments such as geothermal wells mines undersea environments etc essentially in areas where we deploy stuff and forget about them because it will be extremely difficult or impractical to go back and fix them such capabilities will be at the core of differentiated and defensible products and services that make up globally competitive industries in a progressive society finally as this is world engineering day let me end with what else engineers when we build systems for space in the upstream and downstream we also train a skilled manpower that makes up a knowledge workforce shown in the picture are filipino scholars scientists and engineers who have taken or are currently taking advanced studies both here and abroad they are here now and are ready to pay it forward and build great things for the country they are our ultimate value creators being an inherently interdisciplinary endeavor we need space researchers scientists and engineers not only to be good at what they do that is to have depth of expertise but also to be able to have a breadth of skills that branch out and work with other people from other disciplines and backgrounds we need them to be t-shaped this involves teamwork time and project management design thinking empathy and communication by building so-called t-shaped people and institutions we can form a strong and broad front with which our country can attack and tackle societal and global scale challenges this is what our country needs to excel advance and to progress so this ends my presentation um i leave you once again with the vision and mission of the philippine space agency or felsa the filsa and visions of filipino nation bridged uplifted and empowered through the peaceful uses of outer space and our mission is to promote and sustain a robust philippine space ecosystem that adds and creates value in space for and from filipinos and for the world thank you very much dr marshand for such an amazing presentation and i really love that that last two lines on your slide which said space is an interdisciplinary endeavor and when we build for space we build t-shaped people and institutions so t stands for the breadth and depth of a person so uh congratulations dr merciana to you and your team for for such amazing inventions of creating value for space all right so to recap dr joe's presentation here's our last question for the webinar so you just have to choose the correct answer republic act 11363 is also known as a philippine space act let me move over here b department of information and communications technology act or c space exploration act all right so again you just need to choose the correct answer republic act 11363 is also known as is it a philippine space act b department of information and communications technology act and see space exploration act all right so very good the correct answer is letter a philippine space act so thank you very much to all who participated in our last pop quiz please stay tuned as we will announce the winners at the very end of the program all right so i heard that dr dan since internet connection has um has been fixed so again without further ado let us all welcome the founding president and senior advisor of the philippine technological council and the 2019 gree wfeo woman in engineering awardee dr lydia tanzinseen yes good afternoon can you hear me yes doctor media we can hear you can you hear me good afternoon thank you dr lydia can you just uh move your your um camera or your screen so that we can see your whole face all right thank you dr lydia okay thank you good afternoon everybody i'm sorry firstly when i was preparing this i lost my paper i couldn't even prepare my powerpoint here now on this readme paper when i graduated as a chemical engineer our father was very happy because his dream becoming an interview was fulfilled in the 1920s when papa graduated from grade and high school he had very high grades and excel in math and sciences he really wanted to become an engineer but his dream was shattered when he learned that there were no evening engineering courses offered in the university of the philippines that time so he settled to become a lawyer he made good in law school he took the bar and established his own office he was successful in his practice and he gave credit to his success and his excellence knowledge of stem subjects in the lower grade education that was his ads over the other lawyers the logical and systematic way of research and thinking while writing his pleadings to become an avogadro di capanellia assistant certa solicitor general described him as the best lawyer of bulacan that time apparently for his knowledge of law and setting precedent reported in the philippine reports and the supreme court reports are notated but truth to tell i really became a chemical engineer by accident during the 50s and 1960s and maybe even the 70s the dating high school grad students have specialized exclusive schools exchange autograph notice which they wrote personal information excluding their professional preferences in my case i consistently wrote that i wanted to be a pharmacist that waited and went to usd to enroll as a pharmacist but in the last moment i remembered hearing over the radio that the morning that at that morning the philippine needed engineers in progress and i inform my mother that i will not enroll anymore in the pharmacy but in chemical engineering in the faculty of interior of usd during that period in 1950s industrialization in the philippines was beginning to grow and business established a number of manufacturing plants where engineers were employed to support their program well probably for risk we can start a western engineer let us refresh our understanding of uh engineering from the webster it says very simply engineer is one practicing by any branch of engineering and we and another it says engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to solution of practical problems and as designing structures and apparatus however we understand today an engineer is one who translates the basic knowledge inventions and researchers and scientists and applying technology need to create the end product and vision that is useful for the general population and the industry in short an engineer creates new ideas in innovative products the raw materials low color imported are converted to the desired product to be for food shelter and industrial uses this required knowledge of the systematic procedures which are pro up appropriate equipment to be used or sometimes to be custom made by one or so engineers uh are forced to design the needed equipment in chemical engineering the whole set from raw materials to the finished product should be managed creatively and carefully to uh to prep to be able to that the disruption in the production will not happen it may be mentioned that during our time on on uh oral in the 1950s the university of santo offered only four engineering disciplines namely civil chemical engineering mechanical and electrical engineering women were enrolled only in chemical engineering however when the engineering disciplines funded including specialized areas such as electronic industrial and others women invaded all the other disciplines however the women engineers exceeded their male counterparts in electronics industrial and chemical engineering the workplace are now mix of women and male engineers however the male dominates thus there are a number of challenges that confronts the women engineers in workplace the male engineer expect the women who like to block like a man thinking they are better at us women are emotionally and physically weak in other words gender stereo they have forgotten that one created equal that we are created equal by our lord but sometimes more intelligent than them another challenge is to balance the household responsibilities against the office work to overcome these challenges women should be firm in their decisions and convictions particularly in matters of following the policies rules and regulations of the office and apply and apply the knowledge in practicing ethical practices in dealing with everybody notwithstanding whoever will be affected in their decisions that is to follow the golden rule is the best way women engineers and young girls who wish to be in the field dominated by male engineers be yourself and keep learning new things about your professional life and this is a lifelong learning have an analytical mind join professional association to enrich your knowledge and have new professional friends that you can exchange ideas related to your work and know your environment office professional group and the world to help you become creative innovative and become a world engineer keep reading do not go with with the time we decide even if you think they are wrong illegal and immoral have firm belief that decisions based on your knowledge or right conduct and ethics do not be discouraged easily when confronted with problems for it's just a test of your endurance and firmness to be an engineer if you are working in a company please beat on time prompt and do not refuse any assignment but as they may be your worthiness in the office is being checked also complete stop work before submitting them to the superiors as far as legally and morally possible try to be a team player be ready to involve in multi-tasking activities as this will test your ability to work with others have rally reliable mentor who can guide you to rise in your profession and your door how can we have a healthy planet as women engineering the lady engineers should love the environment loving your spatial environment means that you advocate a number of activities that will improve and help the plant save the planet first follow all the loose laws and protocols set by the government and try to implement them starting with small group and later on engaging in nationwide activities with with this type of advocacy the planet will be sustainable always remember remember that to save the earth and earthlings must mass and cleanliness must next to godliness surely we will have a healthy planet if we all do this doing it in a small way and later on making it in a grandest way good day and thank you so thank you so much dr lydia and since that was such an amazing speech thank you so much for blazing a trail for lady engineers in the philippines and i and i'm pretty sure you had you had to encounter so many challenges during your time when you started out in your engineering profession and i just want to share what uh to our viewers what i've learned from your speech no you said that be firm in your convictions be yourself and continue to learn and just to have an uh continue to have an analytical mind join professional professional organizations and know your environment so you can uh be a be a world engineer yeah thank you so much so at this point we will bring back in our speakers so entertain a question or two because we're a little bit over time now so we're going to entertain a question or two from our attendees so hello again uh carvey good afternoon sir books good afternoon and dr joelle marciano good afternoon sir and uh is dr dan since still there all right so thank you so much um dear dear sir so i'm joined by a flank by a handsome engineers all right so we're going to flash uh the question now for our panelists what are the challenges you encountered in in or encountering as an engineer how can you encourage more of the youth to be part of this field so since they mentioned youth maybe uh curvy you can start with the answer um for me i think it's always keeping in mind that the youth would soon be the people that would be leading the next generation so definitely uh the ball is on their hands yeah i think and as we see even historically how engineers created an impact over us throughout history so i think um telling the youth and encouraging them that you can meet at them in the history of the world in the future i think that would be one of the best things to inspire them as well nah it's true that you can really create change and it's really possible all right thank you carvey wise words from a very young man all right uh dr marciano do you have anything to to say to that question yeah well challengers are always there they it's it's everywhere no it's hard to actually pin down one specific thing but uh really when you're trying to build new things when you're in general when you're trying to build you know all these things always come up in terms of how how to get materials that are not locally available and how do you source these components and and so yeah it's um but but then the rewards are there no so so think about the impact of your work and that's really you know what our country needs we need more builders we need to build we must not forget to build and that's how a country grows so i i would that hopefully that motivates young people because engineers are problem solvers and you know there are many problems so where else should you go but but to places where you would be relevant and where you'd be appreciated and where you we can have impact so that's really the environment that we have here there are many things that are the challenges are there or the more reason why we need engineers so hopefully that motivates us the challenges motivate us all right thank you dr marciano so just focus on the impact that you will create so despite the challenges just you know put your focus there so that you can continue uh working on your projects and innovation so sir boogs any any answer to that wonderful question and congratulations sir for uh nba q4 what an amazing project thanks thanks um a little bit more to go but we're almost there can you hear me okay yes sir we can hear you yeah i just wanted i guess for the youth now it's really just such an exciting time to be a young potential engineer in the world today you know like like garvey so sad to say nah make a bank generation but you know but basically you know the access of to information the global citizenship you know i mean it's just uh so much easier now from an access standpoint and from an awareness standpoint no so you really have a generation that's more connected to the world sees problems feels them more deeply and you know you combine that with all the information available there's really just such uh so much to play with no from an engineering standpoint and there's still so much to discover so engineering really hits a lot of the that type of curiosity that type of innovation so for i think this generation coming up in a world of of information and access i think so i think you know um i think that's how they should perceive it you know it's always great to have an impact but also have have fun while doing it and i think that's that's what the current uh world offers us wow that's amazing sir actually we need to remind ourselves to also have fun right so um all right so here is another question from emmanuel benko from facebook he's asking what should aspiring engineers do to become great in their field so we'll turn the table around and go to dr marshall first collaborate you know i mentioned t-shape being t-shaped uh well you know being around other people with different discipline from different backgrounds uh really motivates you because you can build bigger things together rather than things you can do on your own um yeah because you know you you might be good at something but then you needed something else in order to create bigger impact or solve a bigger problem let's say you know instead of solving a chemistry problem you solve a clean energy problem then you start looking for people in other disciplines so that makes you better that makes engineers better if you start working not just with fellow engineers by the way work with economists work with social scientists and and yeah so so that rounds us up and that makes our skills even more highlights our skills even more you know because we bring something to the table and these people also bring something to the table and we can solve bigger problems together so that's my advice thank you dr marciano and uh sir books i i i remember you saying this at the very end of your presentation collaboration is also key um even if you have the best technology with you if you don't have this then nothing happens those are goals yeah i completely agree with dr martian um i think that's a key part of really leveraging and final force multiplier of what you can do know if you collaborate well i'll just add on to that in the sense that really enjoy the journey don't be in a rush uh to get to a particular place i think you know each step you're taking obviously you know there's that's that should be seen with a certain amount of reason but don't rush through things be open to new ideas always absorb where you are in the moment the information that's available to you because i think those are really building blocks towards um you know and as us prior into a more successful career so i think there's a tendency to to maybe shortcut or be impatient but if you continue to really absorb where you are work with the people around you and as long as you continue to learn i think that's really the best formula for uh for a long term success in your respective field any field even outside of engineering thanks so thank you sir boobs uh that's a very good reminder for all of us who's probably going through some challenges or just stressed with with all the things that need to be done so that's a very good reminder for all of us so carvey any any answer to that question um for me drawing seguro from being a student then i think it's i know to be very strong in the fundamentals let's say in my experience uh engineering students most of the time example other subjects which i think is something but rather basic subjects are example of chemistry basic material science music mechanics and so on expertise foundation because eventually who knows techniques or other um design inspirations maybe on our expertise itself now i think it would also fall the same to the concept of so uh my uh electrical engineer or my uh specific thai horse or degree in mind uh let's still be open and be strong for foundation because i think if strong foundation we can really literally go to greater heights then so yeah all right thank you so much carvey i learned so much a lot from from all our speakers today and i just want to say thank you so much to each and every one of you for for giving your time to celebrate with us world engineering day and again congratulations on all your projects you you thank you for giving the time to to share with us your expertise and inspiring all our filipino engineers and perhaps in in in a room someone or a lady a young person smalling over the engineering professor a profession has been inspired by you today so thank you thank you so much for all your wonderful work happy world engineering day all right so again uh thank you to all our speakers for your presentations and for answering our audience's questions um so unanswered questions from our viewers will be collated by the mwf team and will be shared to our speakers a summary of their answers will be sent to the registered attendees all right so now let's move on to our next segment to give a message about the projects and plans for filipino engineers direction on how to engage the youth in science and technology and promote quality education for future engineers and of course dosc's contribution in the achievement of sustainable development let us all watch a pre-recorded message from the secretary of the department of science and technology secretary fortonato de la pena thank you everyone at the outset let me extend my gratitude to the manila water foundation for inviting me to this important event that aims to highlight the importance of engineering in addressing sustainable development goals we all acknowledge the fact that engineering has and will continue to play an important role in understanding and analyzing problems and designing solutions to national and global concerns particularly at this time of a health emergency and as we move towards recovery from this crisis thus we welcome unesco's general conference declaration of march 4 as world engineering day to raise awareness and enjoying participation and support in this field of endeavor i was invited to today's forum to respond to the talks of our esteemed speakers who made presentations earlier i will endeavor to enrich their presentations by focusing my response on the following first the department of science technology plans and projects involving engineering and second engagement of the youth in science technology and engineering and third dos contribution in the achievement of sustainable development first of all i of course am pleased to share with you that i a secretary of the department is an engineer and i have been a professor of engineering at the university of the philippines uh for uh after the 38 years although my teaching career lasted for 43 years now in the dost system there are what we call cantilia positions these are the uh permanent positions and we have four thousand eight hundred and forty six plantilia positions out of this uh 951 or 19.5 percent or almost 20 percent are occupied by engineering graduates now let me move on to something that we have been proud of and this is the significant leap in our global innovation index ranking in 2020 the philippines achieved its best rank ever in the global innovation index we reached the 50th spot out of 131 participating economies going up by four places from 54th place in 2019. the outstanding performance has been achieved for two consecutive years now from around 70 73 going up to 54 in 2018 to 2019 and from 54 to 50 in 2019 to 2020. in fact the philippines has moved up with 50 notches in just six years where the county was still at 100 place in 2014 the dosd considers the leap in our gi ranking as a testament that its efforts in spearheading the development and application of science technology and innovation in various sectors are bearing fruits now let me talk about dost plans and projects the dost as the government institution mandated to steer science and technology development in the country is making concrete steps to develop our capabilities and harness these technologies to benefit the economy and our society our strategic plan which we call science for the people outlines the strategies programs and projects to harness science technology and innovation in addressing the country's problems such as reducing poverty incidents increasing the productivity of various sectors such as agriculture manufacturing and the services industries and our goal is to make the product services and opportunities in science and technology contribute to making development more inclusive this is by ensuring greater access by the regions including the marginalized sectors we also laid down programs that they that prepare the country for future requirements and possibilities in the last four years we have aggressively pursued programs to generate new knowledge and technologies accelerate transfer and adoption by various sectors and develop our science and technology human resources of course and to enhance research and development capacities of institutions particularly those located outside the metropolitan manila area and the highly urbanized cities we have also made significant accomplishments in providing science and technology assistance to our micro small and medium enterprises and communities forging of international collaboration as well as linkages with the private sector our r d programs are guided by the harmonized national r d agenda or hnrda which articulate the national priorities and guide public investments in research and development the rnd priorities in the and rda are classified into five major sectors namely agriculture aquatic and natural resources that's number one number two industry energy and emerging technologies number three is health number four is disastrous reduction and climate change and number five is basic research undoubtedly these sectors would require engineering interventions in the implementation of r d programs and projects for example in agriculture research on farm mechanization involves design and performance efficiency machineries which would call for expertise in mechanical electrical and industrial engineering we had several programs in industry energy and emerging technologies that involve multidisciplinary fields of expertise including engineering examples of these programs are on space technology applications advanced transport systems materials and minerals processing and security and defense our program on sustainable mass transport system which developed our hybrid electric train hybrid electric program and now ongoing the hybrid trimaran engage a significant number of engineers we have already produced promising technologies from the different r d engagements that benefited from engineering interventions very quickly i just want to give the latest examples this is a charging station for electric vehicles that can recharge within 30 minutes we called it we call it charm or charm we have the chemical sensors for mine site mandatory to reduce the risk for our miners in the pin we have hydro map which provides timely data in key areas of the country to serve as input in models and other decision making tools this would include deployed automatic rain gauges we have around 600 of them and water level monitoring systems we have 400 of them in 18 major river basins and of course additional areas requesting for hydrometh services or devices now let's talk about opportunities for the youth in science technology and engineering investment in education of the youth in science and technology courses is a priority for the department of science and technology we encourage them to pursue science and technology courses or careers in the future through our scholarship programs that are offered beginning from secondary education most of you know that the philippine science high school system is part of the department of science and technology and then we have scholarships at the undergraduate or the baccalaureate level and at the graduate levels ms and phd now what are the contributions that new ust is making towards the attainment of the sustainable development goals the osd's contribution to the attainment of the sdgs are to the generation of knowledge and information as well as development of various technologies arising from our research and development programs if i may say cite some examples we have for example fdg number two or zero hunger and we have a uh an ongoing for a number of years now a malnutrition reduction program led by our food and nutrition research institute so this is actually a package of intervention which involves direct feeding of rice based complementary foods for six months to three years old children and of course denotational education for mothers and caregivers now we have gold number three sdg iii which is good health and well-being and uh we will i will cite here three major programs of the ost all directed towards this our top las lunas program which continues to make important leaps in advancing the discovery and development of health products coming from natural resources we also have a program in the development of biomedical devices and of course diagnostic kits we started for example in the detection of dengue in our diagnostic kit program to leptospirosis and then when topic 19 came we were easily able to purpose our program to come up with the first philippine pcr diagnostic case now our natural national rotation survey that's being spearheaded by our food education research institute also plays an important role in providing baseline data for evidence-based planning and formulation of appropriate strategies and interventions under sdg3 now for goal number four which is quality education i think i have already mentioned earlier that we provide scholarships starting from secondary up to the graduate level and more than that we are also active in developing supplementary materials for teaching science and mathematics and implementing special scholarship programs for highly technical but important fields okay like now we are trying to catch up in data science for goal number eight this is actually on decent work and economic growth uh we have been trying to find ways to enhance the productivity and efficiency of our communities and the production sector one avenue is through a technology upgrading used by our micro small and medium enterprises which actually comprises ninety percent of our enterprises in the philippines for goal nine under industry innovation and infrastructure we are implementing as i said the harmonized national art and the agenda and a major initiative that we have starting when we when i came in as head of the department uh is the strategy which involves the adoption of science technology innovation by implementing capacity building initiatives in partnership with academic institutions and with industry stakeholders our goal is to create a vibrant innovation ecosystem so we introduced our science for change program we also have goal number 10. still would require a lot of engineering on sustainable cities and communities so this would include introduction of sustainable mass transport disaster risk reduction and other technologies and systems that i i might say employ a lot of engineering expertise for goal number 12 on climate action we have a risk resiliency and climate change program and this is spearheaded by our pagasa the weather bureau and our peabods which is in charge of our volcanoes of course and earthquakes and tsunamis and they have actually come up with now with very improved weather observing facilities improved data analytics on weather forecasting volcano earthquake and tsunami warning systems for disaster risk reduction we have apps like the juris philippines we have space technology programs that also assist them by way of computing and archiving research the research environment i would like to conclude by saying that the many programs that i have mentioned are being implemented to help various sectors and communities through science technology and innovation and to pump prime their operations and create new opportunities and trajectories for growth these initiatives were undertaken in those are being undertaken in close coordination and partnership with the institutions in the academe with industry with national and local governments civil society and international partners as a government institution our role is to champion innovation and create an enabling environment for it to flourish and put into action the ost gives premium to research and the generation of new knowledge at the same time we give equal importance to delivering these results and seeing them used to promote more inclusive social economic development we believe that the value of science technology and innovation can only be measured by the solutions and opportunities that they provide and the positive impact that they create on society more needs to be done and we call on our partners our engineers partner with us and help address the challenges that confront us in this time of pandemic and as we take the path to recovery specifically we urge the private sector to use to use science-based information and adapt technologies especially local globally developed by our universities research institutions and inventors in expanding your businesses and creating new ones we call on your entrepreneurial experience to invest on these technologies in new businesses and startups or support our bonding entrepreneurs as they hone their skills engage more customers and perfect business processes to enable their ventures to grow and mature i have always been an optimist i never lived i never left the country okay so for example uh in the family i was only the one left here all my siblings left the country okay same through with my wife only my wife was left here all the siblings went abroad we we keep we are we keep our optimism and hope that we will really grow and progress and uh i think our engineers will play a very important role so let us have paid in ourselves let's be confident we can do a lot okay and we just have to work harder smarter and operate collaborate with one another i uh greet you all on this world engineering day celebration thank you and um thank you secretary de la pena for being such a true patriot and for continuing to be an ally for all filipino engineers because truly you are right engineers are the key to society's problem to society solutions of course uh thank you to all your wonderful programs and for contributing to the unsustainable development goals all right so to close today's webinar and the celebration of the 2021 world engineering day for sustainable development let us welcome the executive director of manila water foundation mr reginald andal thank you jill good afternoon everyone i would like to thank you all for joining us today for the celebration of the world engineering day for sustainable development in today's webinar let me extend first hours inter gratitude our program partners the department of science and technology and the philippine technological council as well as our webinar co-presenters manila water company globe telecom and integrated micro electronics it would not be possible for us to hold this event without your valuable support complex issues require sustainable solutions and it is only through the power of science technology and engineering that we offer innovative solutions for current and emerging societal issues and challenges and we truly need our engineers who are considered our program solvers systems builders in implementing strategic approaches to tackle the sustainable development goals today we have seen that engineering is for everyone men women youth we need collective efforts of different expertise and perspectives to ensure that no one is left behind as we navigate the modern world the enthusiasm of ige and the experience of dr lydia can serve as true inspiration on how each of us can be very good in diagnosing our global and local challenges and creating purpose-driven innovations we just need the support from all stakeholders academe industry and the government today we are happy to hear a lot of opportunities for our engineers through the programs of the ostp shirt and philippine space agency the research and development after the commercialization of emerging technologies and startup projects are faces that would require immense assistance from our experts and authorities and more than ever now the urgent need for sustainable water supply sanitation and hygiene services has been highlighted during this pandemic manila water implements projects in order to ensure the reliable responsible and sustainable utilization of our natural resources to meet the basic needs of the population in closing we need to work together build a sustainable world and our engineers should continue to engage and work with communities policy makers and experts from every discipline to ensure global development benefits for everyone especially our marginalized and underserved sector with that i hope that all of us will take inspiration from our outstanding engineers let this be the start of our continuing collaboration in building capacity for more engineers with the right skills to advance and achieve the sustainable development goals your manila water foundation is committed to take an active role on this purpose for engineering to transform the world for the better happy world engineering day stay safe and healthy everyone thank you and have a great day ahead thank you so much sir for that wonderful message and just like what sir reg mentioned complex issues require innovative solutions and manila water foundation is just so happy to be part of this solution or this journey to to having a better world so before we end we invite everyone to answer a short evaluation form by scanning the qr code flashed in your screen so let me just move here all right so please uh just scan that qr code so that you can get to the short evaluation form so that we can get your feedback on how to further improve our program so a link to the survey platform is also posted in the comments section so an electronic certificate will be issued as soon as you have accomplished the evaluation form so for those of you who attended and want an e-certificate please do answer the survey all right so as promised we are now going to announce the winners of our quiz so are you all excited to know the winners all right so i'm pretty excited thank you so much for participating all right and our winners are gervy neal montalban aguileon paul edward acosta and joey and de la roca again congratulations for winning globe at home prepaid wi-fi modem and 300 pesos worth of data so for the instructions and how to get your prizes kindly send a personal message or a pm to manila water foundation's facebook page again just send a pm or a personal message to manila water foundation's facebook page to know how to get your prizes all right so thank you very much for everyone's participation it's been truly an honor to be your host for today on behalf of manila water foundation and our partners dost ptc manila water imi globe we hope that you had a fun learning experience as much as i did so let's continue to be engineers for a healthy planet again i am jill ramos and see you on our next webinar happy world engineering day you
Channel: Manila Water Foundation
Views: 48,590
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Id: ugPh7f-P4-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 6sec (10806 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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