World Building With ChatGPT & MidJourney - part 3

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hey what's up everybody in the last video in this series we went over some prompt engineering to think about how to write a prompt for setting information in this video what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the same similar idea we're gonna try to figure out the best way for creating a compelling character we'll use chat GTP 4 which I just got access to and will also jump into mid journey and try to create some visuals that we can use to kind of imagine what this character would look like so let's jump into chat gtp4 and let's see let's get down to business I'll probably spend 30 minutes here coming up with some cool ideas let's see how far we get on this so let's try I you are so we're gonna tell Chad GTP what it's going to be like so this is called a system level prompt so we're telling chat ggp to act as a person or a profession so I'm gonna say you are a great fiction writer you specialize in Science Fiction and Fantasy do you understand I understand I am that I am being asked to take on the Persona of a great fiction writer specializing in science and please feel free to ask me questions to provide me prompts I will I will do my best to respond in engaging and creative manner alright chat GTP thank you I like that so I'm going to tell Chad GTP that we're trying to come up with some cool characters come up with some options for a main character we gotta really think about the audience who do we want this who do we write who are we writing this story for I'm a seventh and eighth grade teacher so if I'm gonna write a story I'm probably gonna write this story for my students so let's do come up with some options for main characters for an audience of middle grade readers give me five ideas that we can brainstorm on all right let's see what Chad ggp spits out this is chat gtb4 this dude's supposed to be like pretty smart he can pass most graduate level tests PhD level stuff okay here we go first one Lyra a young woman inventor with a knack for creating extraordinary gadgets from ordinary objects after discovering a hidden map in her late grandfather's Workshop she sets off at a thrilling adventure to find the lost city filled with advanced technology okay Theo a timid boy who discovers that he has the ability to communicate with animals oh when his beloved Forest is threatened by an evil Corporation he and his new newly found animal friends must work together to save their home Alexander a young Sorcerer Apprentice struggling to control his magical powers as dark Forces rise he must learn to harness his abilities and bring back balance to the magical world before it's too late I like that Xander is my favorite so far Luna a girl who is transported into a parallel universe where she's mathematical creatures coexist within with humans she teamed up with a tyrannical Queen yeah I don't like that too much Kieran a robot a robot designing resembling a two-year-old boy who is on a quest to discover his true purpose along the way he befriends a group of Misfits kids who helps him learn the importance of friendship and trusts okay you know what Alexander and I also like Lyra let's combine them together okay combine one and three to create a new character all right let's meet ileera a bright and resourceful young inventor with a secret talent for magic hell hell living in a world where technology and social records she enjoys tinkering with gadgets and exploring the mysteries of the Arcane after stumbling upon her late grandfather's hidden Journal determined to continue her grandfather's Legacy iller embarks on adventure to uncover the artifacts which is said to hold the key to balancing the force of magic and Technology along the way she must learn to control her burgeoning magical powers and user inventive skills to navigate the challenges that arise with the help of new friends and guidance of her grandfather's spirit ilara sets out to change the world and prove that even the most unlikely Heroes can make a difference bro we already got our two main characters one of them is gonna be I'm about to change her name but the second character is gonna be the spirit of her grandfather in like this AI so let's go ahead and tell Chad GTP let's give it a compliment love this okay let's make some changes AI construct take on the personality of her grandfather describe what this Arcane machine will look like and how it interacts with the world around it while that's loading I'm gonna go ahead and get Discord going because our Discord is where we can load up our mid Journey I'm already loving this the arcade the machine affectionately nicknamed Archie oh my God Archie is one of a kind construct imbued with both the essence of her late grandfather and the inconsistencies of the magical technology of engineering Archie said Archie stands about four feet tall with the outer shell of brass and copper adorned with oh my God I love it I was imagining this Archie wasn't a four feet tall a robot but I was imagining like a floating Spirit fairy or like a little orb or something like that but I like this let's see where this is going or just stands about four feet tall with the outer shell of a brass and copper adorned with intricates Engravings of runes and gears its eyes glow with the soft warm light that flickers and the candles flame giving it the construct a wise and gentle demeanor just like grandpa I love it Arch's body is composed of various compartments that house an assortment of magical and mechanical you know what that's actually cool it's a tool belt but it's like in a robot various component horse magical mechanical tools allowing it to assist in Lara and mini in inventive magical Endeavors with multiple retractable Limbs and appendages RTS is highly adaptable able to transform and reconfigure itself to various tasks such as levitation energy manipulation even serving as a source of light or heat when needed RG communicates through a combination of telepathic messages and a series of clicks worlds and mechanical Chimes making it easy for a ladder to understand its thoughts and intentions the construct is this is wonderful what a wonderful story The construct is immune with her grandfather's wisdom kindness and sense of humor often offerings age advice and or sharing amusing antidotes from its creators I think we can make this really touching and heart warming don't you yeah maybe this is maybe Archie is like a love letter for his favorite granddaughter let's come up with a backstory for Archie Archie was a love letter that grandpa designed and built specifically for his favorite granddaughter because he saw a lot of himself in her let's not go by far and talk about if grandpa has died or not maybe we're trying to find Grandpa maybe Grandpa is the mission that might be cool I'm gonna jump into my mid-journey server all right and let's start putting in some of these ideas I'm just gonna like literally copy and paste this into our Discord here let's see what we get all right Archie's origin story begins when alara's grandfather Master sourceful eldric recognized the unique combination of inventiveness and magical talent in his young granddaughter he saw her potential to unite the and harmonize the world's magic and Technology a goal he had pursued throughout his life however he knew his time was running out and he wanted to ensure Elara would be guided and protected even after he was gone this as a testament of his love and faith this is cool hilarious abilities eldrich set out to create or Arcane machine it would not only serve as a guardian but also a mentor that can pass on his wisdom and knowledge to his cherished granddaughter he spent countless hours researching designing and constructing Archie to ensure that every detail was perfect he combined the most advanced mechanical engineering with the intricate magical enhancements imbuing the construct with his own Essence to create a sentient being that would truly understand Elara I'm gonna stop this here and then let's jump into our Discord server and look at what Archie looks like ooh okay definitely not what I was thinking about imagining a arcane device Kane robot that is also a tool box kind of yeah let's see what this is I'm gonna have to take this to yeah let's come over here and come up with a description for Archie here so all I'm going to do is I'm going to jump into my description of RG and we're only going to take the good stuff the Arcane machine Archie is a one-of-a-kind construct it's a construct imbued with it's a construct imbued with magical Technology and Engineering I like that so that'll be one prompt we'll give it a weight of one so with mid Journey what you want to do is mid Journey 5 is interesting because what it does it like you have to be very descriptive in what you wanted to do and it's it's not like it doesn't do random chances as much there is ways to make it do random chances and I'll show you guys how to do that in a second but usually what you want to do is you want to have like very concrete ideas like this and then put two semicolons which will create a weight and then you can write another thing and so if you have like four different prompts and ideas and you give it equal weights it'll blend those ideas together Archie's body is composed of various compo okay this is a good one this is kind of like the physical description that's exactly what you want let's add this and we want to write we'll say 600. all right something like this okay this is a little better but I'm thinking more like this yeah but it doesn't feel Arcane enough I want it to feel like the picture that I have is from the movie Arcane that's it arcane I don't know League of Legends just made it so let's come over here let's go imagine let's put this prompt in here looks like the stylized thing is showing up so that's good and usually yeah let's just do that is there anything else that we want no let's just try this see how good this is all right in the meantime let's go let's go to our tragedy TP and then let's let's come up with a little bit of story and background about right a brief write a short story of Ella ilara describing larchy secret lab finding finding and bonding with and magically bonding with with Archie all right while that's going let's just about jump back into here oh okay okay yeah this one looks crazy not what we're thinking about here I think we have to put a little bit more weight on the first idea so let's try it again we're going to reduce the stylization to May to 500 let's do 400 and let's increase the weight of the first thing to A3 come over here all right in the quiet town of eat the fall nestled between the dense forest and tari mountains ilara had always felt the call for adventure her days were spent tinkering with gadgets and practicing her burgeoning magical skill each new discovery sparking her curiosity and filling her dreams together they would embark on the journey to fulfill eldruck's vision and bring balance to the world's magic and Technology through their unbreakable Bond ilera would unlock the potential within herself to carry on her grandfather's Legacy forever Guided by the wisdom and love of the Arcane you know what we should create kind of like lore now I think some of the lore behind this this prompt right here made me think about the idea that maybe magic users and Technology users stand on opposites ends of the spectrum right the opposite ends of of society so maybe there's like a magical society and they're in conflict with the technological society and there's never been a time where magic and and Technology can work together but maybe that's what eldrick's Vision was that he wanted to combine these um these forces together science and Magic together to make a better world but he was never able to do it but he denies that maybe his granddaughter ilara might be able to do it all right I think that's this might be a good this a good place to leave this story in the next episode I'll show you guys a little bit of where we're taking RTS and hilarious story and I'll show you guys some concept art around these ideas as well and let's see how far we can take it I love Chad gtp4 by the way it's coming up with some really interesting ways to tell stories so I'll see you guys on the next one bye everybody
Channel: RealNishantha
Views: 671
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Id: jLKbK4PBjm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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