World’s Most Expensive Fails...

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these are the most expensive veils in the world fifty thousand three hundred thousand ten million dollars if your engine's overheating this is how not to cool it down this right here is every car guy's nightmare I think the commentator does a pretty good job at putting it into words and millions of dollars a chair the outcome of our night's feature about cup of bubble tea Victorious defeating 50 million dollar painting by TKO oh you've heard of reigning cats and dogs how about pallets and boxes clean up on aisle seven wow busted you finally ordered that canary yellow Ferrari sf90 and a weight delivery like a kid in a candy store then this happens no trailer no problem bonus points for installing some aerodynamic speed ports in the bottom of your boat when you want that top shelf bottle but you're too proud to ask for the stepladder congratulations you broke it bright orange warning barricades and rules are meant to be broken besides it's a four-wheel drive built for muddy off-road trails changing lanes without indicating is like playing Russian roulette you could be fine or you could get a complimentary spray job in a fresh cement color if you actually play this video in reverse then your boss would give you a bonus for building the house framing so fast instead of just firing you on the spot I don't know what happened to cause This Disaster but I'm glad I'm not the person who has to clean up the mess sure this guy gets a complimentary Homer for expertly nicking that fly ball into the camera lens that's a bullseye in my book can we send him a bill owning a Great Dane the size of a Shetland pony isn't without its fair share of risk especially for the support beams of the front porch of your house so you've had a little accident we've all been there but don't lose your head make sure your car is in park or you'll lose a door test drive your new hoverboard near the pool so you can simultaneously check if it's water resistant or in this case not when you're paid twelve dollars an hour to dig a hole and you hit a sewage pipe well your day just turns to poop literally this needs to stop now welcome to Freddy's fake doors I'm Freddy let me show you around ah yes the 1967 Chianti a fine vintage the bond between two fridge delivery guys has to be strong one goes right the other has to go left and let's just hope they chose the extended warranty you are fired and this friends is why you pay the extra twenty dollars to get the store to bring your big screen TV to you almost everyone else could see that this was going to end badly had she aimed just a little bit lower that could have easily been a strike never let your rage get the best of you that's definitely gonna cost her welcome to Greg's green grocer where our prices are so low they'll bring the house down never stick your arm out of a plane this guy learned that the hard way exotic cars are cool and having a pet bear is pretty amazing but a pet bear hanging around a sports car isn't the greatest idea when at first you don't succeed then try it try again and then five more times and then epic fail these kids were all about the stunt life until one Rider got a little too close to an expensive car it's hard to believe just how life-like VR Gaming has become when you take a nosedive off a tall building you really feel that impact What a Mighty Fine looking display rack full of fruity wines it would be a shame if it were to you know obey Newtonian laws of gravity there are certain things I wish I could unsee this is definitely one of them I'm never gonna financially recover from this Safety First you gotta wear your protective gloves while you're destroying somebody's expensive brand new computer never mind screwing your hammock seat into a drywall ceiling why on Earth does the upstairs neighbor have a sand pit in their living room when you hear some rattling in the back it's probably best to keep the door closed play dumb games Win dumb prizes always look both ways when Crossing an intersection oh that's hot that's hot bro we've all been there if this car was parked just a few feet forward the Starbucks sign would have created him a new sunroof recreate the anguish of slicing the ball into the water trap in your very own home by destroying your TV instead when carrying an eleven thousand dollar neolith countertop you gotta support the middle that that's coming straight out of their paychecks installing your fancy new wine rack is simple only if you make sure you screw it to the wall [Music] this guy learned how to renovate kitchens in less than a week now he's gonna have to learn Plumbing in the next five minutes oh my up the stakes next time you're playing dominoes by using heavy machinery and tiles made of glass it turns out inline skaters absolutely hate video cameras this guy is using the oldest trick in the book tell the jewelry store clerk that you want to inspect the sixteen thousand dollar diamond in the sunlight and then just walk away [Music] Samsung gorilla glass has come a long way but when the advertisement claims it's unbreakable logic dictates that you don't try to prove the point with a hammer when lowering a car from a tray truck A good rule of thumb is to make sure the winch chain is attached or else it'll run off for a quick dip in the Neighbor's Pool oh brother one guy's clearly been practicing while the other you be the judge [Music] it kinda can't blame the dog here alfido wanted to do is take a leak on his favorite bush oh when you break you have to imagine hitting through that cue ball not through the table summer it's Paranormal Activity five a convenience store hunting coming to a theater near you the big warning signs may just be a new age IQ test and we're about to see someone fail miserably come on losing your phone on a roller coaster must be such a confusing mix of emotions sure we could all smash up our computers every time we lose a game but then you'll have to live with no money and no friends like this guy I'm a remember folks always check your blind spot when reversing hey it took this guy a little over two years to build this awesome full-scale replica out of Lego blocks in his ham-fisted friend a little over two seconds to fully destroy it angling through the winter ice is one of the most expensive forms of fishing especially when you're donating a brand new smartphone to the water every trip that fragile sticker on your brand new package it doesn't mean squat to the veteran delivery driver she may be able to go 0-60 in 2.4 seconds but this Ultra lowered car is defeated by the smallest of curbs you gotta hand it to the Australians they love their Lego get a load of the host's face when he realizes he's just demolished 75 000 bricks worth of prime wild hog seven vacant car spaces and this guy chooses to try and park in someone else's spot they say the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree just ask this guy how far the apples fall from the boxes he just built all through the back of the truck if you can't sort it out virtually just step up to the enemy and sort them out face to face this Brave boy will have to face a more serious opponent when his mom finds out Switzerland has Avalanches Vietnam has orange lanches [Music]
Channel: Trend Central
Views: 1,476,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expensive, fails, expensive fails, bugatti, funny fails, bad day, most expensive fails, funny video, try not to laugh, supercar, supercar fails, in the world, Trend Central
Id: 9_aHEElX9oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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