Working with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA

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In this screencast, we're going to look at how to work with Gradle projects in IntelliJ IDEA. We'll cover working with both new and existing projects, and see some IntelliJ IDEA features that make it easier to work with Gradle projects. First, let's look at creating a new Gradle project. We can choose "New Project" from the Welcome Screen, or choose New Project from the File menu if we already have an IntelliJ IDEA project open, either will bring up the New Project window. From here, we want to select "Gradle" from the options on the left hand side. The project will need a JDK to run Gradle builds, the Project SDK dropdown shows all the JDKs that have been configured in IntelliJ IDEA, but also all the JDKs detected on this computer. We can also download a new JDK from any of a number of different vendors if we need to. For this video, I'm going to select JDK 11 as this is the current Long Term Support release. Next we have some other options for configuring our Gradle build. We can optionally choose to create a Kotlin DSL build file, if we check this box. If we leave this empty, IntelliJ IDEA will create a build.gradle file which uses Groovy, which is the more common choice. We can choose any of these libraries, languages or frameworks to add to our new Gradle project. If we know we're going to use any of these in our new application we could tick them here, but if we leave them blank we can add them at a later date if we need them. I'm going to create a basic Java project with a Groovy build.gradle file, so let's move on to the next step. Here we enter the name of the project, and we can change the location if we need to. If we want to keep things as simple as possible, we can just press Finish here. We can see more options if we click the "artifact coordinates" title, and make changes if we need to, but for this simple case we'll leave these as they are. IntelliJ IDEA creates the basic project structure, with a minimal build.gradle file, and you'll see Gradle is building the project. Once this finishes, the project window will show the structure of the project, with the standard Gradle directory structure. --- Let's take a look at our Gradle project. The project window shows the standard Gradle directory structure, with a src folder with main and test subfolders. Becuase this is a Java project, these both have java and resources subfolders. IntelliJ IDEA automatically configures the folders in main to be production code, and the folders in test to be test code, hence hte green backgrounds. You'll also see a .gradle folder, which IntelliJ IDEA uses for its gradle builds, this can safely be ignored by us, and we should set our version control to ignore this directory too. There's a gradle folder with a wrapper subfolder, these are teh settings for the Gradle Wrapper, whcih IntelliJ IDEA uses by default when creating gradle projects. We'll look at how to configure this later in the video. The project window also shows external libraries that our project depends upon. In this project, these libraries are here because our gradle build file has declared dependencies upon them. IntelliJ IDEA marks these as coming from Gradle. The build.gradle file is the main configuration for the project's build and dependencies. IntelliJ IDEA created this minimal build file when it created this project. We'll look at this in a bit more detail later. The last key piece to understanding your Gradle project in IntelliJI DEA is the Gradle window. We can open this via the quick access button in the bottom left corner. The Gradle window shows us all the project's tasks and its dependencies. This dependencies list is different from the project window, it shows the dependencies grouped by configuration, and it shows their own dependencies nested underneath. This can be helful for figuring out where a specific transitive dependency came from. The Tasks section shows all the gradle build tasks, grouped by type. We don't have much to build right now as this basic project doesn't have any code yet, but we can run the clean task to show what happens. The run window is opened and we see the results of the clean task, including all the gradle output, so we can see what was run and what the results were. We can use this to help us debug problems if there are any issues. --- Let's take a look at the build.gradle file IntelliJ IDEA generated for us. In the plugins section we have the java plugin, the meta data underneath this is the group and version information that we left as the defaults, we're using Maven Central as the default dependency repository, and IntelliJ IDEA has set us up with a couple of default dependencies that we probably need for the project. We have the Junit 5, specifically 5.7 at the time of recording, set up as a test dependency. We also have the junit jupiter enginer, since we need this to run any Junit 5 tests that we write. Note that IntelliJ IDEA uses the updated configuration names for the dependencies, for example testImplementation instead of testCompile. It also uses the compact form for dependency declaration, with the group name, artifact name and version number separated by colons. In order for Gradle to run JUnit 5 tests, the test section of the build.gradle file needs to say useJUnitPlatform, so IntelliJ IDEA has generated this for us too. --- Let's look at Gradle dependencies in a bit more detail. We can add a new dependency upon an exernal library using Cmd and N, or Alt and Insert, and selecting Add Maven Artifact Dependency. This will bring up the artifact search. We can type the name, or full path, of the artifcat we're trying to add, and IntelliJ IDEA will give a list of possible matches. We can tab into the list of results and move down to the one we want. We can see all the versions by pressing right arrow on the artifact, although generally we're going to want to select the most recent version. IntelliJ IDEA will insert the new dependency, usually with the implementation configuration. We should change this if we need to. IntelliJ IDEA tells us the build file has been changed, and that we need to reload these changes if we want the project to use them. We can do this by: selecting one of the suggestions in the message; pressing on the Refresh Gradle icon in the top right, or by using the keyboard shortcuts cmd shift I on the mac, or Ctrl Shift O on windows. Once IntelliJ IDEA has reloaded our updated build file with the new dependency, this new dependency will appear in our external libraries. Alternatively, we may want to use IntelliJ IDEA's code completion for adding a new dependency. We get code completion in the build.gradle file the way we would in all supported file types. So we could add a new testImplementation dependency. IntelliJ IDEA will even complete the group and artifact name, we can use this to add a new dependency on the junit-jupiter-params library, for example. Once again we'll need to load these changes, which I'll do by using Cmd Shift and i. If you find you're not getting code completion for your libraries, or the results you expect in your maven artifact search, there's a trick to help with that. Open the settings, go Build, Execution, Deployment -> Maven -> repositories. You'll see IntelliJ IDEA has a list of indexed repositories, and the date it was last indexed. Doing an Update on one or more of these repositories usually helps IntelliJ IDEA to give good suggestions for artifacts. --- Gradle has the concept of source sets for where your code and test sources live. Some Gradle plugins come with default source sets, for example the Java plugin has a "main" source set where the default is src/main/java. IntelliJ IDEA has automatically created the source set directories for the java plugin for this project. If we add a new plugin, for example "groovy", which has its own source sets, IntelliJ IDEA is aware of these source sets and their directories. So if we go to the project window... and decide to create a new directory in the "main" folder, IntelliJ IDEA suggests a folder called "groovy" from the list of Gradle source sets the IDE knows about. This is coloured blue as it's known to be a source set for production code. --- Now we've covered the basics of a new Gradle project, let's go back and look at how to set the Group ID and Version Number of a new project. Let's folow the same steps we took earlier, creating a new Gradle project with Java and the Groovy DSL. After we've entered the project name, we can click on "artifact coordinates" to configure more settings for the project. We can optionally enter a new group ID, which is usually the company domain. If we try to change the Artifact ID, IntelliJ IDEA warns us that this should be the same as the project name We can also change the project's version number, if we have a different number for the project, or a different version number format. When we create the project, we can see the group ID and version number are set in the build.gradle file. --- We've covered creating new Gradle projects, let's look at what's probably the more common case, opening existing Gradle projects in IntelliJ IDEA. In this example, we're going to look at how to open a Gradle project from a local directory, but we could just as easily clone the code from a remote repository, it would work in a similar way. In the Welcome screen we can select Open, and navigate to the location with the project code. IntelliJ IDEA will look for known build systems in the project, for example Maven and Gradle, or IntelliJ IDEA config files. This project that I've selected is a multi module Gradle project, it has the Gradle wrapper configured so that's the files we see here, the settings.gradle file states which modules make up the gradle project, and each module contains its own build.gradle file. This particular project does not have any IntelliJ IDEA settings set, IntelliJ IDEA uses the Gradle configuration to determine the structure of the project, its dependencies, and how to build it. You can see IntelliJ IDEA has created IntelliJ IDEA modules for each of the sub projects in this multi-project Gradle application. Each of these IntelliJ IDEA modules is a Gradle project in its own right, with its own build.gradle and its own tasks and dependencies. If we open the Gradle Tools Window, we can see the top level tasks for the whole project, and the tasks and dependencies for each of the subprojects, or modules. These may be different, since they reflect what's configured in each module's build.gradle file. Let's build the whole project to see if it all works the way we expect. It builds sucessfully, which is good news. We can see that Gradle has created a directory "build" for the output of the build. IntelliJ IDEA recognises this as an output directory. We can navigate through the directories to take a look at the results of the tests, for example, and open them in a browser. --- The Gradle Tool Window is a very useful way to work with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA. Let's look at a number of different ways to get to it. To open the Gradle tool window we can: Click on the quick access button in the bottom left, and click Gradle. Or, if you have the Tool Window Bars open, you can click on the Gradle button. The Recent Files dialog, which we can open with Cmd E or Ctrl E, also shows a list of all the tool windows, so we can either move down to this using the mouse or using the arrow keys, or we can start typing "Gradle" to go straight to it. You can also use Find Action, Cmd Shift A or Ctrl Shift A, and type Gradle, or open Search Everywhere by pressing Shift twice. --- You may have noticed that there are a lot of results when we type Gradle into any of the search options. We may want to provide a way to quickly access the Gradle tool window. You can, of course, set a keyboard shortcut for any IntelliJ IDEA action, and you may want to set one for opening the Gradle tool window. Press Enter with the Gradle Tool Window item selected, and choose Add Keyboard Shortcut. Alternatively, or even additionally, from here we could select "Add Abbreviation". Here we can provide a short, memorable text string which we can use when searching for the Gradle tool window. Now, if we bring up the search everywhere dialog by pressing Shift twice, if we type grdl we'll see the Gradle Tool Window as the first result, it's not hiding in a list of similar looking results. --- Let's look at how to run Gradle tasks in IntelliJ IDEA We saw earlier that we can navigate to a specific gradle task in a specific gradle project in the gradlle tool window, and we can double-click that task to get IntelliJ IDEA to run it. We can also click on the elephant at the top of the gradle tool window to run any Gradle task. IntelliJ IDEA populates this wtih common gradle tasks and ones we've run recently. This can be a good way to run multiple gradle tasks, like you would from the command line. For example, I often run gradle clean build when I want to make sure everything is working as expected, for example before committing changes. You may have noticed this was actually using the run anything dialog, which we can bring up by pressing Ctrl twice. We don't need to open this from the Gradle tool window, we can press ctrl twice and type "gradle" followed by the gradle tasks. We can, of course, run Gradle commands from the terminal window inside IntelliJ IDEA. If we type a Gradle command, we see that IntelliJ IDEA has highlighted it, this means that this is a command that can be run inside the IDE, it doesn't have to be run from the command line. If we press enter, it will be run from the command line like we expect. If we press Cmd enter, or Ctrl and enter on Windows and Linux, this command will be run in IntelliJ IDEA, in this case via the run window, so we see the results the same way we would have if we'd run the command from the Gradle Tool Window. --- Now let's look at some tips for working with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA We saw that IntelliJ IDEA usually shows us that the Gradle build file or settings have changed, and that we need to trigger a reload of the gradle settings so IntelliJ IDEA can use them. We can configure the settings for how IntelliJI DEA syncs with gradle by pressing on the settings icon in the gradle tool window, and selecting Auto-Reload Settings. We can set IintelliJ IDEA to automatically reload the project after any changes in the build script files, so changes are automatically reloaded, or we can have the project automatically reload only after those changes are made by an external system, for example getting updated files from version control. By default, the External Changes setting is selected, this prevents the project being reloaded after every small change, and puts us, the developer, in charge of when we want to reload our changes. We could choose not to reload after any changes, to give us total control, but since we may not always know if a reload is required, selecting External Changes makes sure that at least those changes are automatically applied by IntelliJ IDEA. As we saw earlier, when we do make changes to a build file, we can reload those changes, when we're ready, by using Cmd Shift I or Ctrl Shift O on Windows. Sometimes we want to force a reload of the whole project, so that IntelliJ IDEA uses the Gradle settings to set up and build the project. This can be particularly useful after a large batch of external changes, or if the project is not behaving the way we expect. --- Let's look at some more useful Gradle settings in IntelliJ IDEA We can get to the settings from the Gradle Tool Window, or from the usual settings dialog and navigating to Build, Execution and Deployment, Build Tools, Gradle. Generally these settings are fine for most projects, and don't need changing. Notice that IntelliJ IDEA has selected a specific JVM to use to run Gradle, this allows us to use a different JVM to the project JVM if we want. I will sometimes set this to be the same as the project JVM, so I can assume exactly the same version of Java for running things both from Gradle and from inside the IDE. This "use Gradle from" dropdown is how we can configure using the Gradle wrapper to run Gradle, by default IntelliJ IDEA uses the We can say whether we want IntelliJ IDEA to run applications and tests via Gradle or use IntelliJ IDEA to run them - by default, if the project is a Gradle project, IntelliJ IDEA will use Gradle to run the applications and tests in that project. This is a good way to make sure we get the same results whether we run things from the IDE or via the build tool. I sometimes select IntelliJ IDEA to run tests, as this can be faster for running Unit tests than using Gradle. But since Gradle and the Gradle wrapper also have some optimisations for running your applciations, this is not always the case. Select the settings that make the most sense for your application. --- A final note on the Gradle Wrapper. We saw how to tell IntelliJ IDEA where to get the settings of rthe Gradle weapper from. Projects generated using IntelliJ IDEA's Gradle wizard will usually have a file which contains the details of the version of Gradle to use for this project. Ideally we want this to contain the latest versions of Gradle, where possible, so that we get the most up to date support and features. The current version of Gradle at the time of recording is 6.8.1. Once again, intellij idea has detected the changes and asks us to reload these changes. You can see the IDE downloads this new version of Gradle, and then rebuilds the project using it. You may notice that the .gradle folder in your project has folders for all the versions of Gradle that you've used. We can safely delete the versions we're not using any more here. In this screencast we saw an overview of the support for Gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA, and some tips for working effectively with them. Thanks for watching!
Channel: IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains
Views: 138,151
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Keywords: gradle intellij, intellij gradle java project, intellij idea, intellij, gradle, gradle tutorial intellij
Id: 6V6G3RyxEMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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