Working with a Slide Library in SharePoint 2010

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in this tutorial we will be working with the slide library a slide library is used to store and manage individual PowerPoint slides slide libraries provide the capabilities to manage common slides quickly generate presentations and automate the changes to presentations when slides are updated one example is to use a slide library to share and manage PowerPoint slides with your team members you can assign individual slide ownership to team members and then retrieve the final slides at any time for example you may have Gary working on a slide for market analysis and Amanda working on another slide for next to your sales goals once all of the slides have been completed by their quote/unquote owners they are copied from the library to a presentation file if any changes are made to the slides in the library after they have been copied to the presentation they will automatically be updated in the presentation file slide libraries have the same capabilities as document libraries for displaying slide information including views folders filtering and sorting in this demonstration you will learn how to create a slide library publish slides to the library see how to edit individual slides in the library create a new PowerPoint presentation from slides in the library and update a presentation after slides have been changed in the library here is the presentation that my team will be working on which is basically an outline of topics I'll switch to this sorter view so we can see all of the slides and there are other people that will be responsible for the content on some of these slides for example Amanda will be completing the accomplishments from the past year Jim will be filling in new products on the horizon and Andy will be completing goals for next year now for now I'll close the presentation so the first thing I will do is create a slide library and then it will upload the slides from the presentation to that library for everyone to view and work on the respective slides so to create the library I go to site actions down to more options I'll choose to filter by library and then choose slide library and then create first thing I have to do is provide a name for the slide library and I'm going to call this annual sales meeting and I will display a link to it in the quick launch and notice down here for slide version history a slide library will track version history just like a document library for this example I'm just going to leave this at no and not track the version history and then I'll click create so here is the new empty slide library and now I'm ready to upload the slides I showed you earlier to this library so I'll choose upload from the menu and then publish slides and then I'll select the presentation containing the slides I want to upload which I've named sales meeting and then I'll click open and this dialog box displays containing a list of all the slides in that presentation this displays a thumbnail of each of the slides and notice the file name column when you publish a presentation to a slide library the slides upload as individual files so they can be independently modified and tracked the file name is a combination of the presentation name followed by a sequence number as seen here Lucy sales meeting 0:01 sales meeting 0:02 and so on and the description column displays the title of the slide so here I select the slides that I want to upload to the library using the check box to the left of each of the thumbnails and since I want all of the slides uploaded I can just click on the button select all and that will display a check box next to each of the thumbnails and then I'll click the publish button then enter your SharePoint password if prompted after entering your password click OK to continue if the PowerPoint window opened when you selected to publish the slide you can go ahead and close that out so I'm back here in the slide library but I don't see the slides that I selected to publish if this happens you may need to refresh the browser so I'll click on the refresh button here and there are the slides that I've published to the library the slide library displays a thumbnail of each of the slides the file name it assigned it what presentation it came from the description which is the slide title so next we'll take a look at how to edit a slide once it's been uploaded to the library and I'm going to update the award slide here and one way to do that is to mouse over the title click the drop down menu and choose edit in Microsoft PowerPoint another option is to click on the slide which opens the slide properties and from the properties screen click on edit slide just enter your password again to open the slide into PowerPoint so I'll edit this slide adding some text here so when you're finished editing slide save it and then close the PowerPoint window again if you don't see your changes reflected immediately click the refresh button on your browser and then I'll close this properties window to return to the library so next I will create a presentation from the slides in the library even though some slides are not yet completed a link will be created between the slides in the library and the slides of them presentation every time the presentation is open I will have the option to check for updates to the slides the first step is to select the slides that I want to copy to the new presentation again I have the check boxes next to each of the thumbnails I can go down through and randomly select individual slides or click this top box which automatically selects all of the slides in the library and then I'll click the link up top here copy slide to presentation the dialog box lets me know how many slides I've selected to copy here you notice the PowerPoint window open in the background you want to make sure that you have copied to a new presentation selected if another presentation was already open you would also have the option to copy the slides to the open presentation you want to check keep the source presentation format if you leave this unselected slides added to an existing presentation will have their formatting changed to match the theme and styles used in that presentation select tell me when this slide changes this tells PowerPoint to check the library for updates to the slides whenever the presentation is opened and then click OK again I'll provide my SharePoint password and all of the slides that I had selected are added to the new presentation notice the symbol below each of the slide numbers when I rest my mouse over that symbol that lets me know the changes made to this slot in the SharePoint library will be updated in this presentation then I want to save this presentation give it a name so I'll call this 2010 annual sales meeting so for now I'm finished with this presentation I'm going to close PowerPoint and return to the slide library so next I will demonstrate how to update the presentation with changes made to the slides in the library so I'm going to update this challenges slide from the properties window I'll select edit slide so here's the slide I'll be changing I'm just going to add a couple of bullet points here so I finished editing the slide I'll save my changes and close out a PowerPoint to return to the library so now to update the slide in the presentation I first need to open the presentation file and here's the file I'd created and now whenever I open this file I'll get this little dialog box to check for slide updates so I'll click the check button again I'm prompted for the SharePoint password if any of the slides were updated a window displays with the first slide that has been changed with it before and after pictures of the slide the top image represents the slide currently in the presentation the bottom image represents the slide that's been updated in the slide library I can choose to either replace the slide that was updated or append the changed slide to the presentation leaving the unoriginal unchanged so in this case I'm going to choose to replace it that step would repeat for every slide that was updated and that's the only slide that was changed so I'm finished updating so I can choose to save and update the presentation so before I use this presentation I would update the presentation again to make sure I have the most current slide content so here you've seen an example of using a slide library to store share and maintain slides used in a presentation
Channel: dataBridge LLC
Views: 10,305
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft SharePoint (Software)
Id: iK-YHPNNvlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2014
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