Working as a Flight Attendant| Listen & Speak Like a Native!

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hello everyone today we're going to explore some useful English expressions and vocabulary from Mia's exciting story as a flight attendant we'll examine idiomatic expressions industry specific terms and effective communication techniques used in challenging situations let's begin hey everyone it's Mia so being a flight attendant based in Sunny Miami I've had my share of Unforgettable moments up in the sky but there's one flight in particular that really stands out and I just have to tell you about it it was a typical departure out of Miami International heading to New York everything was going as planned passengers were settled in and we were just about to serve drinks that's when I noticed a commotion at the back of the plane turns out we had a celebrity on board yes an actual movie star and he was trying though not very successfully to stay under the radar of course the presence of a celebrity caused a bit of a stir but here's where it got interesting he was super polite and even chatted with some of the passengers and crew I got the chance to serve him as meal and we had a short conversation about travel and movies it was surreal chatting casually with someone I'd only ever seen on the big screen just when I thought things couldn't get any more exciting a couple couple across the aisle from the movie star started to have a loud argument it was getting pretty intense and other passengers were beginning to feel uncomfortable I had to step in and With a Little Help From My training and deescalation techniques I managed to calm them down and even got a few laughs out of them eventually crisis averted but the real kicker of the day at the end of the flight as everyone was deaning the celebrity came up to me and thanked me for making the flight enjoyable he even tweeted about our Airline service mentioning how great it was that tweet went viral in minutes so that's just a glimpse into Life as a flight attendant no day is ever the same and you really never know who you might meet or what will happen thanks for listening guys if you enjoyed this Sky High tail don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button can't wait to share more adventures with you all catch you on the next flight idiomatic expressions and descriptive language Mia starts by mentioning that there was a commotion at the back of the plane a commotion refers to a noisy disturbance which is a useful noun for describing disruptions she also says the celebrity was trying to stay under the radar this idiomatic expression means attempting to go unnoticed or avoid drawing attention another interesting phrase is deaning which is industry jargon for passengers leaving the aircraft it's a term specific to Aviation that might be new to many Learners everyday vocabulary and communication techniques Mia mentions using her training in deescalation techniques to handle an intense argument between passengers deescalation techniques refer to strategies used to calm down a potentially volatile situation it's a useful term in various professional Fields especially those involving customer service she also talks about making the flight enjoyable which involves actions and behaviors aimed at ensuring a pleasant experience for all passengers this phrase is commonly used in service Industries phrases for social interaction in her interaction with the celebrity Mia uses the phrase had a short conversation this means a brief informal talk which is a common way of describing friendly interactions that aren't too lengthy Mia concludes her story by saying the celebrity thanked me for making the flight enjoyable to thank someone is a fundamental communicative act in English showing gratitude these Expressions terms and scenarios enhance your understanding of English in both casual and professional contexts especially related to the travel industry using these phrases in your own conversations can help you sound more fluent and confident if you found this video helpful and want to improve your English further please subscribe to our Channel and practice speaking with the exercises at the end of this video thanks for watching and I'll see you next time hey everyone it's Mia so being a flight attendant based in Sunny Miami had my share of Unforgettable moments up in the sky but there's one flight in particular that really stands out and I just have to tell you about it it was a typical departure out of Miami International had to New York everything was going as planned passengers were settled in and we were just about to serve drinks that's when I noticed a commotion at the back of the plane turns out we had a celebrity on board yes an actual movie star and he he was trying though not very successfully to stay under the radar of course the presence of a celebrity caused a bit of a stir but here's where it got interesting he was super polite and even chatted with some of the passengers and crew I got the chance to serve him his meal and we had a short conversation about travel and movies it was surreal chatting casually with someone I'd only ever seen on the big screen just when I thought things couldn't get any more exciting a couple across the aisle from the movie star started to have a loud argument it was getting pretty intense and other passengers were beginning to feel uncomfortable I had to step in and With a Little Help From My training in deescalation techniques I managed to calm them down and even got a few laughs out of them eventually crisis averted but the real kicker of the day at the end of the flight as everyone was de planning the celebrity came up to me and thanked me for making the flight enjoyable he even tweeted about our Airline service mentioning how great it was that tweet went viral in minutes so that's just a glimpse into Life as a flight attendant no day is ever the same and you really never know who you might meet or what will happen thanks for listening guys if you enjoyed this Sky High tail don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button can't wait to share more adventures with you all catch you on the next flight
Channel: Everyday Real English
Views: 799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Skills, Real English, Speak like native, English Native Speaking, Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Everyday English, Improve English, Practice English, English Vocabulary, English Slang, English Idiom, common English Idiom, everyday english conversation, english for work
Id: 9JbRdktMxT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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