Broke With A Full Time Job (Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

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A documentary filmed in the UK for the UK audiences that is not available to be viewed in the UK Bravo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 817 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shafiqueek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A documentary in the UK and I can't watch it? Top banter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 589 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ObliviousLobster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I started reading the title and I thought the Goldman Sachs bankers had made a documentary as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 149 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tundra_Inhabitant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favourite bit was where it said β€œVideo unavailable: the uploader has not made this video available in your country”.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jondodson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"My mother worked 15 hours Five days a week

My Mother worked 16 hours Six Days a week

My Mother Worked 17 hours Seven Days a week"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Galden96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Boss makes a dollar

I make a dime

That was a poem from a simpler time.

Boss makes a thousand

And gives us a cent

Meanwhile he has employees who can't

pay their rent.

So when boss makes a million

And gives us all jack

That's when we riot

And take our live's back

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zeroghost85 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As many have alluded to, just move out of London. Manchester and up is much much cheaper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shein3000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait, here in America we have been told over and over that the wealthy deserve to be wealthy because they work hard...could this be BS?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 123 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrippyCheeseDog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Befire I moved in with my wife in Edmonton she was working 2 jobs and sleeping only 4 hours per day between jobs just to survive but still slowly going into debt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hugebluestrapon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome to the doc exchange a real stories podcast in partnership with the grierson trust every week i'll ask a new filmmaker or filmmaking team about three documentaries connected by a single theme that have made a meaningful impression on their work and life [Music] things are definitely getting worse all the businesses is closing down this was hyster's forklift trucks and it's empty it's desolate land the only shop it's busy it's a job centre myself bbc making a new documentary series if you're working and finds it a little bit difficult to stay afloat they want to hear from you new documentary series on the real story behind working britain if you're in work and fighting to stay afloat last year local radio stations up and down the country played adverts asking people to phone in if they were struggling to make ends meet despite having a job you know we've got nothing in the bank we haven't even got a pension we're doomed [Music] calls came in from all over the uk working absolutely stupid hours frequently skin tone payday month after month two paychecks away from disaster or being homeless i can't afford to keep living like this many ask not to be identified please don't tell them who i am but some wanted to share their stories there's just a massive gap in there between living expenses and what you can actually earn nobody should have to be doing two and three jobs just to feed the kids we followed nine families for a year as their financial futures hung in the balance i must have been doing about 120 hours a week i don't want her to work as hard as i do hell no being broke is not the same as being broken so what does just about managing really mean for millions of us from all walks of life and from all over britain i've just got to keep going keep buggering on that's what churchill said poor man must be freezing i've never seen anything like all these statues is that oils over there don't talk about whales i just want to cry i want to go home to be with my family and the grandkids i've just got everything there errol is from penigris a small village in north wales but when the council cut her local services she was forced to leave her home behind and come to england to look for work it's such a lovely little village good community friends and family around you it was a lovely life i had there the only problem was there's not a lot of work there the buses the council started not paying for some services i couldn't work a sunday morning i was paying for taxis home late at night and i'd worked all day on all weekends for about 17 pound if i was lucky one day i decided i picked up a bag and i decided to go and find work somewhere i just had enough of it all errol moved to liverpool where she now rents a small one-bedroom flat and works up to 60 hours a week in the kitchen of a japanese restaurant it's a bit of a shock to the system because i've got so much space in my own home i've got a foot living room and i'm i feel a bit um claustrophobic but it'll have to do for now and this is the donathia quarry um where i spent all my childhood it used to be stunning when i was a little girl and there's to be um big massive purple flowers everywhere these are some of the grandkids i feel so guilty not being around for them i really do but it was a matter of um i had to because um i wouldn't have been able to pay for my house um there was not enough work for me [Music] i always walk walk to work could take me about 45 minutes errol earns 7 pounds 50 an hour at the restaurant which is in line with the national living wage but after she's paid the bills it doesn't leave her with anything left over we're taking the bus no i can't afford the luxury of having buses it takes if i took buses every day you're talking about working maybe for one hour to pay for the bus and the tax man doesn't seem to realize um things like this that is a lot of money per week and a lot of money per month [Music] i work in a japanese restaurant i've been there for a year now the only problem is it's a zero hour contract i don't know from week to week how many hours i'm going to get i went into work about 11 00 in the morning and it's now after 12 i think at night you have to take the hours while you're offered them because they might not be there january my sleep pattern is all over the place [Music] you have a job but you don't know when you'll work or if you'll be paid that's the reality for a million brits employed on zero hours contracts new figures from the office of national statistics suggest 910 000 people were on zero hours contracts in 2016. a race to the bottom on pay job security and workplace rights how did we get to this stage and how should we tackle the problem in wales errol used to earn a little extra money by making christmas wreaths to sell to her friends and even though she's moved away she's keen to try and keep the money maker going [Music] i've just seen a lovely dedicated tree it's just a big thing just getting there i don't know how i'm gonna get there [Music] she's looking for conifers pine cones and holly wherever she can find them what a good find i'll risk all just to get some of this holly i have never ever seen summer's night sally in all my life oh my god there's the cubs oh my god somebody must have reported me i just have to come back when it's dark and nick them then [Music] errol has set herself a target of making 70 wreaths but she's taking a risk she doesn't yet know whether her former friends and neighbours will still want to buy them from her my mum always used to say when we were kids do you think money grows on trees i think money does got all on trees the worst thing i had to pretend to my mum that i was going to liverpool to work for a weekend but i knew that i was going forever and it was a bit of a nightmare having to lie to somebody but and if she she knew where to live she wouldn't sleep a wink hi i've got two jobs so i'm in 20 grand there so i'm 30 years old self-employed i've worked every single day working out so i've worked for peonies work um overtime and i'm still living at home all i'm doing is working working working working but actually life itself can't see myself getting out i'm putting myself in the ground [Music] north asia is one of the poorest places in the uk high levels of unemployment and deprivation means that a man born here is likely to die seven years earlier than a man born in kensington and chelsea [Music] for local funeral director kevin many of the people he buries haven't even made it to retirement age i want this to work to a 67 and the people we are bearings knew even had in the 70s there's nobody in the box strictly for the photo shoot [Music] things are definitely getting worse all the businesses is closing down this was heister's forklift hooks and it's empty it's desolate land [Music] the only shop is busy and is the job centre that's that and there's not many jobs there death has entered the whole of the county death of the companies she's definitely forgotten about funeral directors is kind of blocking the trend and the fact that everybody dies and everybody requires a funeral director as we're going to the office you can see it's not a big building and this is the preparation room this is our coffin rack you never know when you might need them we go through that in a couple of weeks this particular bag is the disaster bag and you can scoop the remains into it after we're hot by a train etc so it's just ready till after a moment's [Music] notice people's coming to me for a cheaper job to get done the austerity is there and it's really it's real you know even people working for them's got no money i feel sorry for them personally right come on shower you're playing you're going to get in the shower first kevin works over a hundred hours a week to make sure his partner zoe and their three-year-old son dax have enough to live on my grandmother etc they had a job in the lefty school there was loads and loads of jobs and my father's generation the work started to dry up in the late 70s early 80s i came along in 1985 there was very little left and for that left school i became self-employed and i've grown a business from zero most of the time single-handedly we're working hard everything i'm doing today is for him in the future although kevin's cut price funeral business is booming the margins are very low and he doesn't make much money from them so he's decided to diversify he's opened a taxi company and a small cafe outside the funeral parlor in the shop we sell a ranger hot and cold food ice cream we also do the delivery service to your house this is my partner zoe always hard at work always smiling take the breakfast off in that place i get in the morning strawberry sundaes and macaroni cheese sundae is a day where everybody's hungover and they'll order breakfast at the same time which means they end up with us it's an email as if he wasn't busy enough kevin also works as a mechanic specializing in cut price mots with four businesses running his goal is to make enough money this year to start putting a little aside for his son's future so every single thing that people require mot death food i cover all the bases are you working every day god sins if kevin can give me anything that everything more of his time and he can give me everything he just hasn't got much time and it's the most precious thing because you don't know when your time is going to end or or somebody you have i'm coming up 40 now and i just like you start thinking about things you work for a normal life but then you've got to work like hell and then you end up your life doesn't normal at all because all you're doing is working that's the way we are we're just we get over that night all across the uk people are working harder for longer and for less money five and a half million public sector workers have had their pay rises frozen or capped at one percent for seven years [Music] i wanted to be a nurse because my daughter was critical when she was born and i was observing everything that was going on around me how they had to keep her alive and i thought you know i can do this actually this is something i can do lorraine works as a senior intensive care nurse and earns around 28 000 pounds a year we're having services removed from us you know a e departments are closing down there's now one ane department from four hospitals penny pinching all the time what can we cut next so let's cut the nhs taking into account inflation and the rising cost of living she's worse off now than she was in 2010 [Music] i'm on online banking check-in that i've not gone overdrawn because then the banks are charging you i think it's something like three pounds it's a lot of money i can buy a chicken with three pounds so why should i give it the bloody bank well as having a stressful job lorraine also looks after her mother joe who was seriously ill earlier in the year listen they still look gorgeous at 76 7. oh no not yet [Music] and i've seen her come on that exhausted that tired she could have fell asleep over the tee and you've gone haven't you recently lorraine has started taking on extra shifts at nights and weekends because her partner keith has seen his work as a pest controller dry up over the winter months keith loves corned beef so a packet of corn beef was 99 pens it's in the boot love it's one pound 33 now but my wages haven't gone up in eight years it's just incredible about 77 pounds i think it was got some offers though for a large chicken 2 pound 69 more chicken 20 pens per packet of it even the leeks and they're usually over a pound there's the other striper striping is my life striping is reduced prices basically to help her stay in control over what she spends lorraine pays for everything with cash so if you've got your cash misses and once a month she collects housekeeping from her two children and her partner keith i split it so that i've got 100 pound a week for food and then i save four christmas presents there's another 100 to go in there you've just took money off us and gone that's for that christmas present as well i know no no no hang on a minute i put into this as well you know so you buy a third of yours no no no no no you don't understand why is it housekeeping goes to everything so i have to put money away for the dog for the cats for the bloody mortgage i have to think about everything all you have to think about is handing over your money every month yeah i haven't had that privilege like you and your previous to just do what you wanted to do you know we're going to new york next week we'll just go to new york and now enough's enough don't like this conversation you know hi i'm 45 up until 2015 i was in a 20-year relationship which ended so i moved in with my parents at 45 where i still am staying it seems like a very far-off distant dream to even rent somewhere i'm a single mum i'm 32 i have struggled constantly just to keep us afloat i've worked full-time i've worked part-time there isn't a part of money there isn't any savings you know everything is really tightly budgeted i think life is just made really quite difficult for single parents okay i'm coming mommy okay come on shoes on did you do a pack lunch okay come on you need to go i'm coming right now all right let's go let's go let's go let's go we haven't got that much time daniel walk with me don't pull me you guys are doing very well let's go let's go [Music] she migrated from nigeria 20 years ago and has been working in the uk ever since on temporary work visas oh my god i was struggling at work it's like just keep walking you know to support herself and her 10 year old daughter venus she works for an agency who find her shifts as a health worker i've been working in care sector for almost 14 years i'm currently working for elderly day center she's just finished an eight-hour night shift i choose when i walk because of my daughter so now i'll come from nice shift drop her skill by 8 45 and start my college by 9 am she's only had a couple of hours sleep in the last two days and now she's got a full day of college where she's trying to improve her qualifications by studying social policy bearing in mind the nature of these eating disorders and these types of magazine articles what's the target [Music] everybody's body is different so people have fast metabolism or high metabolism so no matter what they eat anyway they can't put it on you can't copy that you can't imitate that what else have we got on here college is a bit hard because when i finish college i have to go straight to work if i don't have to work it would be easier to give me time to read and other stuff but as it is i'm struggling to keep up but i have to keep up because i must fast and i have a dead life the more educated or the better educated you are the better you have a good job does that make sense i need to set a good example for my child if i'm saying to her you must have a better life you want to educate yourself my study i must do the same thing otherwise i'm just preaching and not practicing it isn't it i want a better life buckler earns around 350 pounds a week but the hours are unsociable and it's not enough to pay for the child care she needs why were you swearing tonight she's working another night shift so she's asked her friend debbie to look after venus hi mommy how are you miss you did i get your butt out of there she's a very hard-working mother the bad thing is that she's been like working every single day there's night shift there's morning shift and there's day shift she normally just does day chef and back shift i love doing this i love what i do but my work don't pay me our father watching him i worry so much i i don't sleep but because i need to work to make a living even when i'm shattered and tired i will still get my black house off bed and still go to work to make that money thank you lord oh sweet i slept for four hours last night i went to bed around 2 2 30. i got up by 6 6 30. by the time venus actually said to me she was crying she said i don't want you to go to work you don't spend any time with me i'm not spending time with my daughter the only bonding time we have is weekend and even weekend i'll go to work at night and sunday there's so many [Music] as well as paying her regular rent and bills every three years buckler has to find around 2000 pounds to renew her temporary work visa this time around she's decided to apply for permanent residence but while she's waiting to hear back from the home office and her status is uncertain her agency have warned her that they may not be able to give her any more shifts when i called the home office this morning and i explained the situation i spoke to a lady called clay she said to me that they shouldn't stop me from walking that because your office has not refused me anything you know so my employer should not stop me from working that what my employer need to do is to call them office and give that reference they would then tell them yes she can work and whatever my employer need they will give it to them i don't even think they're gonna stop me from walking because it's a normal routine that i do every three years when something is going to be good it will get tough but it will get better and i believe and from there i've upgraded myself to myself to say you know if i believe i've hit the bottom after bottom knee there's nowhere else to go it can't get worse than that christmas is approaching and errol has been given more and more shifts at work the extra money is welcome but it doesn't leave her any time during the day to forage for the materials she needs to make the wreaths the trees i was um getting confirmed off has disappeared so i'm a bit behind she's only got two weeks left to finish all 70 of her wreaths what sort of numbers are we on at the moment well i've done about 40 but i'm seriously running out of materials i can't seem to find any berries anywhere oh i found some berries it started off just um to get a bit of extra money to buy the toys for the kids and and then it just became what i did every christmas i won't get any to any threats over christmas because it'll all be paid for by by the wreaths i sell sorry is it your garden sorry yeah oh i'm so sorry i just thought it was a park you see whatever you want he's the owner of the tree oh my god so embarrassing i'm so embarrassed i thought it was a park with a mortgage in wales and rent to pay in liverpool errol doesn't have much spare cash for socializing i'm going to the station to meet a friend i haven't seen for about it could be 35 years and i've just found out on facebook that we live nearby but tonight she's meeting an old friend this is the first time in six months that she's been out for a drink [Music] um [Music] [Music] a job was once seen as a guarantee against poverty but an ever greater number of people in employment are going without some of the basic necessities families earning the national living wage are being left short by up to 6 000 pounds a year so the cuts you would argue will hit rural areas far worse because because as you say they're starting at a much lower point yes that's right [Music] the unemployment rate in kevin's hometown in scotland is a third higher than the national average it means that kevin's cut price funeral business mostly deals with families who are living below the bread line came to discuss dad's funeral yeah 15 60 is my fee which is on the paperwork the 950 is like the mission fee you're going a zero hour contract lonely child it's pretty difficult to say the least i just don't think that i should just be like well i've not got the money and just give up i feel like i need to at least give them a good send off so yeah um how much money did your dad have in his bank do you know 200 pounds is that that yes so the assets that he's left as his record collection his motorbike i've got somebody in kilmarnock that he's like you could get probably about two grand that would really help you for this i know i know if they don't have the money there's not much i can do in the environmental health they'll just dispose of the body this is in the contract the customer signs uh the funeral fee must be paid two days in advance of the funeral or else the funeral will not go ahead so here's an example of an account that i've let a family pay up after the funeral they paid me the deposit at 950 pounds no problem and then they've paid me up 50 pounds a week 30 pounds 25 pounds a week and the outstanding balance is 260 pounds but not much point chasing them very poor people kevin's determination to save money for his son means he's just taken on a fifth job he's earning an extra 40 pounds a night delivering for mama's fish and chip shop purple 1640 please there's no great wages but it's better than the house you wouldn't get anything sitting in the house higher power 970 please [Music] i'm tired i i'm tired it's been a long day yeah i'm just looking forward to getting get my dinner i got up in the morning have a shower put clean clothes on and go back to the grindstone come on have a cup of tea eat my dinner fall asleep sometimes what i chop in my hand the history of working people trying to get control of some of their own time you know people actually did manage to get a 40 hour week and it's gone we need to get a better work life balance in the countries that have got the shorter working week tend to have lower unemployment and better growth i work over a hundred hours a week i don't do it for the love of the money because there's no profit and i still need to pay my mortgage or my carriage that's a thousand pounds a month i'm over 30 grand a year in car insurance for the taxis buildings public liability road risk cover so that's the reason of what i work over a hundred hours a week six o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock at night is seven days a week juice for to swim against the trade and unless you're strong you'll know make it and you'll chuck the tower on in cambridge buckler is still waiting to hear from the home office about her application for permanent residency in the uk but it's taking so long that her agency have now told her that they can't give her any more shifts so technically i can't walk i don't have any work any sense of income as of now they don't have any rights to be here according to them go just go be with venus do whatever jobs i could do to give me cash or not and because i still have to pay my rent my next week because you have to pay my cash attacks if you're so tired she's having to look for work herself and this means she hasn't got time to attend college anymore so she's being forced to study at home now people think i'm indestructible people think that when you hit me you beat a brick wall and you bounce back but sometimes i have days that it becomes too much and sometimes when i'm down you know when i sit in my house and i cry and i would doubt myself and i would check myself then when i finish i'll say to myself it is okay [Music] finance please tell me what happened on screen today that you were crying because i what i don't get from all of this that you're telling me is why you were crying what exactly happened you were crying they all forgot about me when we were walking back it made me feel lonely because i don't have any friends i understand that you're unhappy and you feel left out but if you don't give people a chance why should they give you a chance we we have this conversation every time you keep trying enough crying okay hey that doesn't look like smile are you smiling i'm not sure if you're smelly you're crying look at me my meat is okay which company should you enjoy most my company you should learn to play with too much myself when i see her like that he bothers me but she needs to be tough she needs to be strong you have to be strong she has to be strong life is not easy it's tough she wants to be like a momma i said well i don't want you to be like me i like it to be better than me my mom's childhood i'm pretty sure it would have been tough because mommy used to live in africa and it wouldn't be very hard back then you have to work and work and work and work and work and work and work and work and work and work and work even when you're very young i think i want my mom to be happy and that she won't have to work as hard anymore and she'll get paid very well but if mommy doesn't go to work he's gonna pay for food so you have to think about it somewhere sometimes you just have to go through it lorraine knows all about the stresses that money worries can bring after her previous relationship broke down she struggled to pay her mortgage and her house was nearly repossessed now once again money problems are affecting her relationship with her partner keith it turns out that for the last few months he's been providing lunch money for his eldest child and you can't just go throw money away when you've not been working and he's still paying his maintenance which is good but he knows that the fridge and the freezer are full of reduced stuff so if he thinks he can just hand over 20 pounds it's gonna cause friction between us and it has done so i ended up flipping my lid as he'd say i felt so betrayed but now he's not here he's gone to his mums so um today's been a pretty [Β __Β ] day yesterday was a [Β __Β ] day it'll work out it's been in touch you can't live without you i know but you've got two you've got but you've got to make decisions as a couple and not as a single person and if you want to make decisions as a single person live a single life and yeah you saw peace talks and nobody says nothing i blame you both and you know i didn't he said um he thought it was very final you thought it was yeah you've got to have a row to make sure that the magic's still there when you make up i understand all of that so he's moved everything out no i moved it out never mind i bloody moved it out recently life has been particularly stressful for lorraine she was on duty in the intensive care unit at the royal infirmary the night of the manchester bombings this morning i woke up to a text message off him i am aware the strain you've been under for the last year and i was so proud of the way you handled that it affected everybody [Music] police now believe the attack was carried out by one man a number of children are among the dead when it's children it feels so different it's really difficult and when i asked keith and i asked my girls and they said that when they talk to me sometimes my head's elsewhere they know that my mind's like a bit screwed up really to be honest with you but it's my job it's what i do it's what i've got to do sorry he's going to come tonight and hopefully we'll be able to sort something out but if we're always going to have this conflict is it better to say enough's enough now do you dug that up from i was in the water both got lessons to uh learn i've got to be more commun communicative communicating and i've got to be what they're more patient or stroke less volatile yeah from now on i'll be a lot more open about stuff like that i won't make that mistake again if you're faced with that scenario or a similar scenario again what are you going to do i'll speak to you [Music] [Laughter] it's a story repeated across england subsidy is cut fares rise passenger numbers fall routes become uneconomic like many places especially in the countryside services have been scaled back to save money campaign for vet of transport says 4 in 10 local authorities have cut bus funding this year bus users are often people on lower income whose wages are lower than they were 10 years ago i am absolutely shattered i definitely shouldn't be doing 13 hours per day at 53. i've been having stopped working with these flowers for about three weeks doing 60 hours in work and then coming back home to do these all night and getting up early in the morning to do them i must have been doing about 120 hours a week thank god i've nearly done all these flowers now lot of research how many do you think they're here i think about i think they'll be about 75 the reeves have finally finished and errol has hired a man with a van to help transport them back home my home in wales is um a next council house three big bedrooms yeah a 26 foot long living room it's just i i don't really know what to do about selling it i don't know if anybody would want to travel about 34 miles to a city trying to get to work because they've cut the buses and all that kind of thing since 2010 local authorities in wales have reduced or withdrawn a total of 259 bus services leaving many thousands of people isolated i'm so happy to be home my beautiful village [Music] hey [Music] um it's really the community that i miss people are so friendly here if anything happens to anybody we all have collections and we all look after each other yeah um she just determined that time i'm selling out i just can't believe how loyal these people are i just want to cry it's amazing that people haven't forgotten me i am definitely coming back home next year and doing my wreath [Music] while she's home in wales errol wants to pay her respects to her family roots errol's great-grandfather and uncle used to mine for slate in these local quarries part of a forgotten industry that once dominated the economy of north west wales the people have risked their lives to go to work around here i used to love walking with my uncle quill who used to work in this quarry here my mum her granddad he died on the rock face when this quarry was closed down in the 1970s many local people were left unemployed the welsh people have worked so hard to make great britain great and the jobs that they were risking their lives for coal steel slate what other young kids in wales when they finish school gonna get now nothing no chance of a job or anything no no bus services to get them to places they've got basically nothing if they want a job they'll have to move i think we've been forgotten really errol can't afford to miss more than a couple of days work but before she returns to liverpool she's arranged to see her family for a pre-christmas celebration my childhood was spent with my grandmother my granny's my best buddy and i've lost all that i'm hoping my grandkids would recognize me after all these years [Music] i'm so happy i'm absolutely over the moon this is your house harold yeah and all my belongings it's a bad start really isn't it but what can you do i've got to go back to england i'll have to be there for christmas day on my own where really i could be here on this table with the whole of my family sitting around the table with me instead i'm gonna be on my own in liverpool on christmas day shame [Music] it's springtime in scotland and all kevin's hard work is finally paying off he's earning enough money to start saving a little for his son but it's coming at a cost the last time he and zoe went on holiday was three years ago kevin he's working most of the time 99.9 at the time and and the rest is sleeping when i first met him i used to that the other day it was i used to sit in the cabin while we delivered the chinese so that's how we got to know each other i always wanted somebody that was a hard worker i got what i asked for so i can't really moan about it can i and i see him here but this doesn't work to kevin it's not [Music] work so there you go that's up he told me that when he retires he'll keep me on holiday in that but he'll never retire nothing is good kevin yeah yeah to spend more time with his son dax kevin is taking sunday morning off you don't want to make the whole kangaroo yes this is this is kevin and all his glory [Laughter] stuffy it allows zoe to open the cafe early to prepare for the hungover breakfast orders i don't drink don't smoke don't gamble don't use dogs do you drink an alcohol nothing i like how you best get only a thing really in life that's it's quite nice it's very rare to spend a lot of time together we get wee bits here and there but you've just got to go in with it i feel this is the right path some people might think it's the wrong path but i'm trying to provide a future for my boy the way that the country's going today i will probably buy my boy's house and if you can save 2 000 pounds per year the index is 20 now 40 000 pounds saved up now you could buy a small flat for that [Music] i worry that it's always going to be like this but it's never going to change because when's it going to end we're going to look back and realize it was whatever we wanted to achieve [Music] we're still we're still looking for him [Music] [Music] it is not a crime to have you put in the bank right now everyone should work just work harder do you know what you work harder people give you more money it's a fantastic equation [Music] after a month without any work from her agency buckler has finally received a letter from the home office 20 years 20 20 years yes i waited 20 years you may already have received a letter from the home office it is proof of your right to stay walk or study in the united kingdom and may be used as a form of identification but i don't know how much relief i am that i don't have to go through this anymore oh my god don't see any fish hold it fish now she's a british resident bukola can work freely again but she's desperate to make up for her lost earnings so she's taking on as many extra shifts as she can we need to talk about something important since i'm not allowed to walk my first shift is going to be on saturday in the morning at the moment i'm not going to be doing night shift i'm just going to be doing late shift and you know most lay shifts start in the afternoon now when did i finish them dave she finished let's see finish at 10 30. 10 times i'm going to be lying in bed by then one step at a time if i don't have to and i don't work how do we make money okay we've got a point but then i'll finish by 3 30 so i'll be back by two today so if we have to do stuff we could do it together when i come back in the afternoon at least we have the afternoon to ourselves okay are you paying me attention once you're not a baby anymore you are growing so start acting like one i'm putting it on my snapchat no spiders at all by the time venus is steady i wanted to have a easy peaceful simple life i don't want her to work as hard as i do i want her to be able to enjoy life to the best [Music] i don't want it to be at my age almost 40 and be going through what i'm going through now don't get me wrong i'm not crying me a river because other people are going through us but because other people are going towards something it is okay for my child that i slave over for her to now grow up and fall into the same category hell no it needs to be better and i'm telling her and i will sing that song till she gets into her head inflation has risen to its highest level in nearly six years wages aren't going up as fast as prices what we're announcing today mr speaker amounts to the biggest pay rise in almost 10 years for around 1 million public sector workers across britain after eight years of austerity it looks like a million nhs workers could be about to get a six percent pay rise over the next three years oh there she is [Music] [Laughter] glad to see you oh god you've no idea how glad i am to be coming home honestly i'm not lying i've never known a day like in my life we've had this guy who's been special for the last two weeks and then because we've been so short-staffed today i was doubled up with him who's trying to climb out of bed every single minute but also with a man who's had two cardiac arrests within 48 hours so the care has been compromised all day because we're so bloody short stuff i felt like telling you know jeremy hunt to stick his 6.5 the 6.5 pay rise will come in over three years but the rate of inflation for the retail price index is predicted to be over nine percent during the same period so there's no rise there if inflation's going up by 9.6 what's the point in that it's not even on par with inflation to me it's just a pr stun my mom keeps saying she's going to win the lottery wish you'd bloody hurry up shooting my ticket good time darling we're just trying to make the best of what we've got really stiff upper lip and all that [Music] you know something's gone tragically wrong some things are mixed it's all getting worse we need to go back to basics [Music] my hours went down to 20 so i had no choice but to leave it's the same everywhere nobody seems to worry if you can survive or not never ever heard of such nonsense in my life a zero hour contract [Β __Β ] homeless again hopefully won't be here as long this time you know sort of pick yourself up get forward and just carry on with life just make it better i'm hoping them that the kids be able to go and live their dream do what they want and i want them to have better than me not uh you're doing your kids repeating your life do you want them to do you want to do better things you know getting paid for something they really [Music] enjoy [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 151,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, full documentary, full episode, broke s1 ep1 bbc, bbc, poverty in britain, poverty, documentary, uk, poverty uk, news, poverty documentary uk, poverty documentary, england, real stories, documentary movies - topic, documentaries, poor, britain, breadline, benefits, channel 4 news, uk poverty
Id: kZVErGOKc6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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