Workin On The Santa Fe

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you're a working man you're a railroad man a man who works with his hands and his head shortly you'll begin to develop skills and work habits that only experience can give you take special care that one of the habits you develop is that of doing your work the safe way you'll save a lot of time and prevent accidents [Music] [Music] remember railroading takes a team effort you're part of a team you're not operating by yourself you're working to see to it that other men stay safe to you use a variety of tools hand tools and power to use them safely and they'll help you do your work use them the wrong way and they can hurt you take the ads for example the ads is a sharp tool that can cut you seriously if improperly used when you're leveling the bearing surface for tie plates take a firm stance leg separated safety goggles protect your eyes from chips or debris make sure the blade is in good shape and securely fastened to the handle and that the handle isn't cracked or damaged a cracked or damaged handle could allow the head to turn that could mean you don't strike a square blow and that sharp head could glance off into your leg or foot there's an art to using a spike Maul properly an art designed to make sure that the head of the Maul meets the spike head squarely and evenly be certain no one is close enough to you to be hit on the backswing to start the spike hold it so your fingers cannot be struck by the Maul and tap it into position don't use a cracked or broomed Maul hit [Music] see the difference make sure you hit the head of the spike evenly watch what can happen if you don't watch it that's not safe by striking the spike head squarely there's little chance of them all glancing off and hurting somebody notice the square hit you get when you keep them all handle even with the rail notice how smooth the operation is nearly effortless and safe everything that goes for the spike mall and the ads goes for the pick and sledge make sure that the head and handle are in good shape and be very sure there's no one too close when you're swinging probably the most important thing about using a claw bar is to make sure that the claw end is placed securely under the head of the spike so that it won't slip if the plow and won't fit properly under the spike pry up on the tie plate to loosen the spike using the chisel end of the bar notice that you stand beside the bar not in back of it and that the pudding is secure so you won't fall flat when the spike comes clear notice that the hands grip the bar a safe distance from the end if the spike let's go suddenly you won't smash your hands on the opposite rail no way that's not safe when using a lining bar use it the right way let the pressure on the bar come from your arms shoulders and legs if you sit on it or straddle it you're asking for painful problems that's why sitting or straddling is absolutely prohibited place the bar well under the rail so it won't slip many a man has been hurt because he put the end of a bar through a bolt hole to turn a rail stop right there that's not safe this is a good way to hurt yourself badly a rail fork is the best way to turn rail the correct way to do it is from behind the rail so that you turn it away from you why if the rail should roll toward you it could catch your foot beneath it [Music] if the track Ranch you're using doesn't have good square jaws it throw you a little thing like that could give you big problems problems that you don't need [Music] and remember that a wrench is a wrench it's not to be used as a hammer wait a second that's not safe good safety practices mean a safer job done take this piece of air hose on the end of a chisel for example make sure it's there to protect you from flying steel splinters don't forget the goggles the man holding the chisel faces the rail the man with the sledge stands beside the rail facing the chisel watch out for the safety of other men around you when you swing that sledge you you [Music] there are a couple of things to check about Titans to make sure they're able to do the job properly first make sure that the points are well sharpened so that the tongs won't lose their grip on the top and second make sure the pivot pin is in good shape so it won't shear or so that looseness won't cause the tie to drop on a foot or make you lose your balance one foot behind the other means you won't lose your balance if the tongs lose their grip [Music] and remember that you're not Superman if the job is too heavy for you or if any job is too heavy for you get help it takes teamwork to lift and carry a heavy section of rail with rail tongs as when lifting any heavy object avoid jerking or lifting from twisted positions bend the knees keep the back straight and watch your footing when using rail tongs make sure the pivot pin is in good shape and there's something else to remember the proper position for the rail Tong is beneath the head not on the web grip the tongs with both hands at about a hundred and thirty six pounds per yard you don't want a length of rail landing on your feet and look before you move remember that one man is in charge one man says when to lift and when to set down that way there's no confusion about who does what when the truck jack is a slightly more complicated piece of equipment used to lift sections of heavy track once the track is at the desired height remove the jack handle so there is no possibility of accident if there's material to be cleared from underneath the rail keep your hands well clear stop that's not safe do it the smart way use a stick to clean beneath the rail clear enough said when you lower the jack by notching it down keep your fingers away from the teeth when you lay the jack down make sure that dirt or gravel won't get into the teeth and never oil or grease to Paul or teeth that's just asking for it to slip and crush something keep your feet and fingers in the clear all the time just in case here's a rail puller expander in action there's also a hydraulic type useful for longer sections of welded rail as you know this equipment moves rail joints apart or pulls them together depending upon what is needed notice the proper way to operate the bar stand clear in case the ratchet slips there's a lot of force in this tool always remove the handle when tension is complete [Music] it takes eat and a lot of pressure to put a bend in the section of brain rail benders both hydraulic and screw types apply the kind of leverage it takes to form a rail to the proper shape a heavy cable on top of the machine protects the operator in case the mechanism slips under pressure be sure it's firmly hooked in place [Music] power tools associated with railroading have their own set of rules for safe operation when you're cutting rail with a power rail saw put a block under the rail to prevent a buying make your adjustments before you start the machine or stop it if changes are necessary when you're dealing with power equipment keep your hands away from moving parts different rail weights require different adjustments for the saw remember never make adjustments while the engine is running there's a rule that applies to all power cutting tools they must not be pressured to cut too fast take it easy and you'll save time and equipment stop right there that's not safe never but never refuel an engine while it's running stop the tool and be certain you're at a safe distance from open fires or other personnel [Music] most all hand held power tools have something in common they all but when they're turned on so make sure you have a good grip on them otherwise they might get away from you and cause a painful injury don't do it that's not safe never attach the socket to the shaft with a nail that can tear up a hand in a couple of seconds use the correct pin move the pin guard in place power tools used carelessly have the potential of doing serious injury use them safely and they'll help you do your job the way it should be done here's another important point if you're ever in doubt about the proper use of any piece of equipment check your supervisor your safety book or an old head who can tell you the safe way you're doing a big job an important one how safely you do your job determines how well and healthy used a remember a team effort keeps the railroad running smoothly a railroad yard is usually a busy place engines moving in both directions cars of all different shapes and sizes yarded switched made-up into trains there are other times when nothing just like a miniature railroad waiting for someone to put the power on a yard is a place of sound steel hitting steel rolling wheels whistles and bells you've got to be alert to work carefully to think and act safely don't be a dumb [Music] being a dummy in a yard can be fatal working with equipment this size and shape requires certain skills a sense of timing coordination and rhythm where you can get into all sorts of trouble if you don't know how to work around railroad equipment and how to do it safely listen and watch well so that you'll know and remember the proper way of getting on and off moving equipment safely here he makes several mistakes mistakes that could have caused serious injuries first he isn't prepared to board he isn't paying attention to his work then he boarded with the wrong foot [Music] here he just plain got careless and put his foot through the stirrup always look in the direction of boob to see that the way is clear of obstacles don't board on the wrong side of a switch or it'll trip you up board with only one hand and you'll probably get bounced into the car like this you now let's board a car the right way it's really a continuous movement place two hands on the ladder as quickly as possible hold with a firm grip immediately your foot goes into the corner of the stirrup for firm footing if the cut of cars is approaching from your left you step your left foot into the left corner of the stirrup [Music] [Music] always board the leading end of the car if the equipment approaches from your right you put your right foot into the right corner of the stirrup if you're just beginning make sure you grab the ladder with both hands and watch that foot into the stirrup if you miss or slip you'll have both hands holding onto the ladder if you think the car is moving too fast take the safe course don't board it all right you're on the car you're safe if you keep a firm grip on the ladder and if you remember where you are you're in a good safe position time to relax well not completely if you're riding for any distance you can remove the strain on your arms by placing one arm higher than the other be comfortable but watch for unexpected movements while on any type of equipment either standing or moving always but always be prepared for an unexpected movement from either direction here's a man who doesn't have a firm hold one jolt and where would he land suppose the pin lifter handle gave way here [Music] occasionally somebody who designed a track constructor estimated that all railroaders were thin men so be alert for insufficient clearance either permanent or temporary getting off equipment has its own set of rules watch this pan first of all the equipment was moving too fast for safety how fast is too fast if you're unsure that you can get off safely then it's too fast and finally he stepped off with the wrong foot getting off on the forward or leading foot turns you toward the moving equipment and then he dropped off near a switch stand now let's do it the right way face the direction of movement get your trailing foot near the ground forward of your body let the foot contact the ground at the same time let go with the leading hand so you swing away from the car the other foot comes out of the stir as it touches let go with your other hand no herky-jerky movements each movement flows into the next watch the good balance of this man as he dismounts remember never to smiled a car or engine that's moving too fast signal for a slowdown and wait until the speed is right let's do that again face the direction of movement place your foot near the ground forward of your body step off let go with the leading hand the other foot comes out of the stirrup when it touches and you've made your move safely let's try it again step off with the trailing foot let go with a leading hand down with the other foot and let go now some things to remember about different types of equipment always but always board a caboose at the rear don't carry anything that would interfere with getting aboard safely never use the foot boards on engines always board or ride the side steps slap the trailing foot into the step board flat cars only when absolutely necessary you have a choice avoid boarding flat cars once again let's review boarding a car both hands grab the ladder left foot into the left corner of the stirrup both hands grab the ladder right foot into the right corner of the stirrup dismount with your trailing foot first make sure the area is clear for your footing the things you have observed are the results of years of good railroading they've been made into rules that are meant to be remembered and obeyed at all times [Music] [Music] be alert always stay in the clear of adjacent tracks if you're not sure you're in the clear check first when you can't board or dismount safely stop the train here's a little hint never put your arm through the handle of the lantern place your thumb over the handle like this then you can use it when you're ready [Music] in your years with Santa Fe you'll board and dismount cars thousands of times the important thing to remember is to remember act carefully each and every time you board or leave a moving car don't take chances to gain a few seconds work with the clock not against it you're not in a race it only takes an extra 18 seconds to slow down a fast moving string of cars to save speed [Music] running for a switch can save you 3 seconds it takes 5 seconds to do it right 15 seconds to walk back to a switch you passed 22 seconds to stop and remove debris 12 seconds to gain 12 extra feet of distance around a string of cars if you add all the time lost in one day by doing things the safe way you may have lost 120 seconds maybe 240 seconds or maybe five minutes but then you may not be losing these seconds because 50% of the time you've been cutting the corner on safety or not paying attention and saving only a handful of second then comes one day just like any other day when maybe somebody takes his first chance and it doesn't say a second ten seconds nine eight seven six five four three two one second count the seconds next time you take a chance it may be your last Santa Fe has a tradition of finding better ways to move the flanged wheel over the steel rail using today's technology to prepare for tomorrow's challenges research experts continue searching for ways to maintain Santa phase position as a leader in the railroad industry there have been many innovations to improve train performance for example Santa Fe now has laid over 5000 miles of continuous welded rail regular 39 foot rails are welded into lengths about a quarter mile long and hauled a location aboard special trains the new rail flexes like spaghetti as it's put into place looking toward improved maintenance procedures Santa Fe has developed a sophisticated inspection vehicle called a track geometry car utilizing highly sensitive measuring devices this car constantly monitors and records ten different track characteristics the latest mechanical engineering techniques are used to design and construct modern equipment to meet the shipping needs of today's industry keeping trains running safely and efficiently over the railroad is a continuing challenge Santa Fe has specialized staffs who concern themselves with the physical and technical problems and potentials in rail operation there have been some operating challenges requiring research in fact in 1974 there were 12 high-speed derailments involving empty cars 12 derailments demanded reinvestigation to find some common denominators of course a thorough investigation had followed each accident cumulative results suggested some directions for further study from accident reports it was difficult to pinpoint the problem there was no explanation for the unusual phenomena of rail can't in tangent track particularly when the track involved was welded rail known to have excellent surface and alignment quality an analysis of the derailment revealed four common factors number one the derailments all occurred at high speed the average speed at time of accident was 66 miles per hour number two the derailments were all caused by rail camping or mounting rail number three the car which triggered the derailment that is the culprit car was an empty in each case number for many occurred in areas where blowing sand is a problem as a result of these findings it was decided to run instrumented tests over a stretch of excellent trackage but where derailments had occurred the tests were run with a six car consists powered with two EMD SD 45 locomotives accelerometers were to measure lateral acceleration on each car along with displacement transducers to measure rotation of truck television cameras were mounted beneath the cars were monitoring the truck and wheel movements during high speed runs controls and recording equipment were located in a special test car the results were significant and illuminating violent truck hunting tendencies were noted at speeds over 55 miles per hour with empty cars sulfur cars require greater speed restrictions the violence of the truck hunting tendencies was found to be directly related to speed increasing as speed increased this is particularly true with empty cars hunting threshold and hunting intensity are clearly speed related these tests clearly show that the hunting forces increase as the speed increases 187 speed is 50 miles an hour at 50 miles per hour truck hunting is minimal speed the 60 miles an hour truck hunting increases and the wheel flange begins to climb the edge of the rail at 60 miles per hour post 720 speed is 70 miles an hour at 70 miles per hour with empty cars truck hunting is severe and oscillation of the bolsters is noticeable in contrast the truck hunting threshold is raised and the intensity is significantly decreased when a car is loaded the thresholds were raised as much as 20 miles per hour with loaded cars videotapes were reviewed by the research staff and instrumentation recordings were studied based upon the accumulated evidence a report was prepared which included recommended operating procedures the report indicates that recent operating speed restrictions for empty cars is indeed merited until higher speed truck hunting is controlled speed restrictions of 35 miles per hour are applied at blow sand areas since blowing sand contributes to truck hunting careful consideration of the report by Santa Fe operating experts resulted in an operating bulletin outlining speed limits and restrictions freight trains handling one or more empty cars are limited to 55 miles per hour cabooses and cars loaded with empty trailers or empty containers are considered loads loaded or empty units sulfur trains are limited to 35 miles per hour making the railroads safe for everyone is a big job it takes every man doing his job thoroughly carefully all the time your safety and that of your crew depend upon your compliance with the special speed restrictions that are in force on your division [Music] Barstow California a nerve center where 4000 freight cars are handled every 24 hours a 50 million dollar electronic sorting marble and it's in the middle of the Mojave Desert [Music] [Music] okay 56 97 sorry 698 alright this is the Santa Fe Railway all of it as of 8 a.m. today it's the motive power distribution center in Chicago and nothing moves on the Santa Fe until these men the operations planners make it happen they make the decisions that speed oranges from Fresno California to Newton Kansas automobiles from Detroit to San Diego wheat from Wichita to Houston 6:43 all right here 7 days a week 24 hours a day they assigned the power the diesel locomotives that pull Freight to its destinations smoothly without delay [Music] and this is a big day on their calendar because as of 8 a.m. these men have a new tool one that will make Santa face service more efficient flexible and dependable than ever it is the new yard at Barstow California Barstow yard Santa Fe's knob Center in the desert a vital problem on the railroads 12,500 miles system we wanted to sell to of make our California operation smoother and more efficient and to improve our shipping service between California points and virtually every other point on the railroad of course that means better service with connecting roads throughout the country Barstow really means increased reliability and ability to do things that we weren't able to do before geographically Barstow is the ideal situation for the Santa Fe operation it's a junction point from our line from the east all the way from Chicago and a parcel of branches up in Southern California in Northern California which provides an ideal situation complexify on the cars to three different directions we've been taught to build in this yard since the 1950s and very studies have been made to verify the fact that this was a place we wanted to build it it's what you're looking at here is what most of the construction site looked like prior to the time we made a few changes we had a lot of problems in Barstow they from an engineering standpoint it was very interesting and challenging to be here we had the sand to contend with Mojave River on the north we had to make allowance for flash floods running off from the hills to the north and it was quite a task they excavated and moved five million yards of desert sand they built two miles of protective dikes cut six hundred thousand cubic yards of rod crushed it and used it for track ballast [Music] then they laid 113 miles of welded rail over the five mile-long 600 acre complex [Music] to make the yard go requires an ultra-modern communications network including signal systems 10 radio base stations 33 data circuits a 400 line automatic telephone plan and 100 portable access [Music] the Barstow plan incorporated special protection for the delicate ecology of the desert too they planted nearly 20,000 trees hundreds of shrubs two miles of ground cover there's irrigation and finally the structures for the people who will make the yard go [Music] and this today is the nerve center in the desert the Barstow yard 3250 and here's the quarterback of the Barstow team the operations planning there's an operation planner on duty 24 hours a day in the high tower at Barstow he's the man who has a complete picture of everything happening and about to happen in the yard looks like lo two autos first up will leave on a 30 to 40 time tonight 11:00 4,000 freight cars move in and out of Barstow counting both in and out bound movements on about 75 freight trains every 24 hours 23 track on at 8 83 and then call at eight seven six five the why plan of the yards tracks allows trains to arrive and depart simultaneously trains can also bypass the Barstow facilities for direct routing to other destinations thousands of cars a day inspected recorded handled service group into trains and sped on their way [Music] information on all trains due to arrive in the next 12 hours as well as the status on all trains currently in the yard is stored in the terminal computer the planner has this information at his fingertips the TV display shows him the cars due or on hand in various parts of the yard number of cars bound for each specific destination and the status and assembling progress of outbound trains with this data the operations planner can route the cars through the classification to departure he's in constant touch with supervisors foremen and yard masters in the yard as well as with other key points across the system a train arrives from Northern California the cars in random order some bound for Texas points some for Kansas some for New Mexico some for Southern California others Ford Colorado points Barstow s job is to classify these cars to block them into trains headed for destinations along a common route and to do it quickly and efficiently the operations planner gives it a priority for the classification yard I'll master to the high darn normal I'll be humping that r1 next I got lowest auto fare against tip Joe again next will be our 9 in Avatar for computers control the classification [Music] they send the cars to their assigned tracks any of the 44 main tracks in the Barstow yard controlling the switches and the car speeds automatically [Music] from there on gravity powers the cars the computers and automatic controls way the transmitted weight information to the retarders operate the switches measure the cars roll ability and slow the cars to the precise speeds for good coupling [Music] you [Music] that's as far as most Freight classifying yards go but Barstow goes one important step further because at Barstow there's a many hump to reclassify the cars why reclassify the cars it may be that after the initial sorting or classification of cars you have 16 cars going to eight different points along the same route here's where the mini hump takes over the mini hump conductor receives a list from the computer telling him which car is to be shoved to each track in just two moves he puts the cars in station order in the Train this means that the cars bound for the first destination stop along the route will be put at the front of the Train and the cars for the next stop will be next so when the train arrives at a station the cars are dropped off in order and the Train can go on with less delay Barstow smell helps traffic flow more smoothly all through the Santa Fe system [Music] but Barstow is more than just a big electronic sorting machine every engine that comes through Barstow gets a thorough going-over nearly 100 units every 24 hours [Music] yeah did you get that change on that 56 73 I wanted in five on top of the 4600 plays for five one Garcia yeah I needed a give me give you some inspections Vilnius Madeleine from his tower command post the supervisor controls all phases of diesel servicing and dispatching 59 17 this new inspection repairs service facility is like huge outdoor clinic where the mechanical health of each incoming locomotive is examined and it's quite a check out running gear engine electrical system car body air gauges tested then the diesels are fueled sanded lubricated restocked [Music] finally everyone goes through the automatic washing [Music] and even that wash water is treated cleaned and purified [Music] are we going to need to take these lodges off or do you think we can build these up barstow scars service facility is a railroading man's dream it's a one spot facility cars needing repair are brought to the servicing men and equipment here they can make wheel changes repaired draft gears and couplers replace body center plates and carry out the most exacting inspections handling up to 78 cars and 12 truck changes a day so cars coming through Barstow are not only kept moving to their destinations more efficiently but they leave in good shape Barstow like the rest of the railroad is an around-the-clock operation [Music] better service reliability performance from the Power Distribution room in Chicago to this new yard at Barstow California Barstow and facilities like it have helped Santa Fe deliver for its customers and that means they helped put fresh fruits vegetables and other food products into our homes at a remarkably low transportation cost these facilities and the men and women of the railroad make it possible to shift packaged food products for example for an average of just half a cent a pound Barstow yard a desert nerve center the latest investment for better transportation service from the railroad always on the move toward a better way [Music] my name is Louis Jahnavi I'm a switchman in the Los Angeles Yards this is our new television set looks pretty nice doesn't it Lily but do you remember the one they delivered all smashed up do I remember I'll never forget it we've invited a whole group of friends over to help us celebrate I baked a cake and made sandwiches and no television set and I was going to be allowed to stay up late but when it came out broken up I had to go to bed let me tell you the whole story it started on pay day a couple of months ago now paydays are always special but this one was extra special lily and I have been setting aside money for television set the dealer had ordered it two weeks before and a big bite of this check would finish the deal I told the boys this is the chick that buys at 21 inch console and off I went to meet Lily and cashed the check even Lily and our girl Betty stocking up at the silver market but a big night I went to pay for the set the man said that the set was down at the Playhouse and he sent his delivery truck to pick it up and bring it direct to my house I suppose after you have a set a while you get used to television but for us this was still a big day I went to pick up lily and Penny and we went home to wait for the set to country bet he was all excited every kid on the block knew we were getting a set lily and I were almost as bad we had invited half the neighborhood to help us celebrate we sat around waiting anxiously I kept one eye on my watch and one on the door as I tried to read my paper later that afternoon it finally came I heard a truck and looked out the front door sure enough it was our set it's here I yelled I helped a fella get his hand truck up the front steps and steered him carefully through the door into the living room the big moment had arrived we were all gathered around to look at our new prized possession set it down here I told the man and he did hey what are all these holes in the carton what'd you do to my set search me said the fella that's the way they gave it to me at the Playhouse if there's anything wrong the people at the Santa Fe did it we open the carton you can imagine how we felt when this is what we saw what a mess it looked like somebody shoved it off the rim of Grand Canyon there'll be no celebration tonight a big day turned out to be a big bust the next day I put them all away like they had eggs in I couldn't get the picture of that television set out of my mind but to tell you the truth what was really eaten on me was a crack one of the neighbors made he said how do you guys keep your customers if you deliver stuff like that well how do you answer a question like that what about the folks in Chicago who made the set why should they keep chef in Santa Fe there sure must be a lot of delicate work in making a television set all the wires and tubes connections the manufacturers must get mad at us if we rough up that big picture too and those expensive cabinets and if his dealers complain that we smash some of their sets wouldn't he start thinking about shipping them some other way and as long as I'm asking questions let me ask another how did a set that left the factory in perfect shape like this get all banged up when it was turned over to us I don't know the answer to that question exactly but I could guess in a lot of things that could have happened you don't work for Santa Fe for 17 years without hearing about loss and damage and seeing some of the things that caused it the damage could start right here at the freight house it's checked in and headed for the toll they may be the stolen is fella usually does a good job but when he takes this load for his block he may not be keeping his mind on his work maybe you were still thinking of something else when he stowed it in the rough frayed end of the car don't ask me what he was thinking about when he did this maybe that's how it started I don't maybe he stowed it right anyway the car will my set in it is in it cut headed for the train guy well a lot of things can happen in the yard for example the foreman says I got two four four without check in the room the field man says let him come kick says the foreman there they go and the field Minh looks too late it won't hold him maybe that smashed could be or maybe a foreman says cut one the one with my set in it kick he says and then he starts to wonder what his next cut is he studies his list too long and the cars go faster and faster hey says the pimple Hey Oh says the foreman wakin up stop stop but he kicked him too hard they're going down a well and there's nothing he can do about hold your ears my picture too [Music] maybe it didn't happen in the yard maybe it happened on the road maybe some engineman grabbed her by the neck and took off in too big a hurry he gathers up the slack in a rush and my set takes another wall [Music] maybe that didn't get the whole job done but every little bit helps if it didn't happen start it could have happened stop a pelican get in his big a hurry coming into town is getting out and when he sets the nose of the diesel down like this he can really break up the China [Music] when they were making up the train again maybe the Fieldman was standing out where he could relay the foreman signals around the curve reason I think of this is I did it once myself up comes Joe and yells hey Ernie you're going to the ballgame tonight Billy start Gavin like I did meanwhile a foreman thinks they're getting his sign until he sees nothing's happening Joe and Ernie had the ballgame all figured out but they sure missed the sign on this pitch with nobody relaying his signal a foreman goes down swinging you sure feel silly don't you like I say lots of things can happen in the yard the clue rides the engine right by the joint they're going to make without dropping a man off to make the coupler they tie on to the first cutting of track they'll make this one alright but what about the other must be going to shove blanks yep go back and get him the pimp lorises but look at this here's an engine working on the lead at the other end of the yard well they're trusting to left the pin drive it didn't make and they're off to the other end their luck ran out it always does sooner or later [Music] or suppose some other fella goes after a switch with the wheels close to the points we could have told him he didn't have time to make that one well those are some of the things that could have happened what actually did happen we'll never know but somehow somebody really smashed up that television set maybe it was you maybe it was me we've all pulled those fellas wife might say it must have been somebody else but we know better you know Lois I've just been thinking if all the Santa Fe employees worked as carefully as you we wouldn't have had as much trouble getting that first set honey I hate to say this but it could have been me directed remember when I met you and Betty at the supermarket in the day I paid for the set now I know a fellas wife thinks he does his work just right most of the time we do but remember when we were shopping for the big party that didn't happen and I decided I wanted some applesauce remember when you said all I don't want an old get it up can it struck me funny that of all people a switchman wife would turn down a dented can but now after the broken set and that question how do you keep your customers when you deliver that kind of stuff maybe it isn't so funny maybe if we could look inside that car when we switch it we'd always handle it the way it should be and never let it hit like this [Music] one smack like that we end up with a couple of tons of canned goods that nobody wants when it gets to the man who ordered it he blows his top and he says to the Santa Fe man what do you fellas do with this stuff play baseball win it [Music] it looks as though that's what you do he says I don't know what the Santa Fe man says when he looks at that pile of junk but I'd hate to be in his shoes and I guess it's the same way with delay as it is with famine somebody ordered this lumber and I guess they're waiting for it but that wallop it got is sure gonna hold it up come to think of it I suppose somebody's waiting for although shifted loads I see sitting around on the RIP tract no question that most of us do a pretty fair job more at a time we have our mind on the job and we're doing the job right oh there may be a few want but most of the things that go wrong come from unintentional mistakes this won't do the journal any good but it sure took the squeak out a Sam shew of course Sam's partner discovered his mistake and oiled the box but suppose he hadn't maybe this could have happened there's one smokin the brakeman says hot box hot box stopper says the conductor we've got a hot one at best a trainload of perishables is going to be standing still while they fix the box and if the first one hadn't spotted it when he did you might even have a train in the ditch even I can figure out the fellas who ship perishables don't like any kind of delay it's that question again of how do we keep our customers if we don't do our job right it's the same deal with livestock they're perishable to delay can shrink them and if we don't feed them and water and rest them when we should it's a cinch they don't get the market in good condition and of course nobody wants to rough handle livestock we handle a lot of cattle in California but we don't see too many grain cars it's the boys in the Middle West really move grain during the harvest they tell me that you can inspect the car from top to bottom before you card it for grain and you can put up a grain door that's really grain tight but it don't mean a thing if you let it hit at 7 or 8 miles an hour that's still gonna put the grain on the ground I pull a boner today you pull one tomorrow and when you add up all advantage it fills a couple of three warehouses they've got everything you can think of in their stoves water heaters refrigerators all of it damaged in one way or another this is all merchandise refused by our customers you look at it and the question the fellow asked really sinks in how do you keep your customers when you deliver stuff like this you know Santa Fe isn't the only way to ship a shipper has his choice of railroads he picks the one that does the best job truck lines are after our business every day of the week and they don't need men to switch cards airlines with their air freight are moving heavier and heavier items all the time the day when railroads had a monopoly on the freight business has long since passed we get new customers and keep old ones by meeting and beating competition we must be meeting competition I see an awful lot of freight movement on our line like I said most of us must be doing right most of the time we must be checking the freight in carefully making sure the count is right making sure the merchandise is in good order 95% of the time we must be stolen a driver putting it in the right hand of the car we must be bulkhead in the tight to the load won't ship and damage the merchandise if we carry when the Foreman says he's got two four five most Fieldman are on their toes like this one if there isn't room we shove and most of us give good clear signals like this or like the easy sign this man is given not weak little motions at an engine when 20 car lengths away as to strain his eyes to see from what I know 95% of us and maybe more take pride in being good at our job it takes know how to gather up the slack slow and easy and get off to a good start in fact it takes a lot of know-how to be a first-class railroad man no matter what your job is and we all take pride in doing a job the way it should be done know when you think about it long enough maybe it's not so hard to answer that question about preventing loss and damage and keep on our customers when we work together we're a team that's hard for any competition to beat preventing loss and damage boils down to a pretty simple thing if I did a little better and you did a little better I bet we'd get the job done Louis Jahnavi is like the man on the santa fe are doing a good job it's a question as Lewis says of doing just a little better in preventing loss and damage we can all take pride in the overall performance of Santa Fe for example some shipments come to us like this obviously improperly loaded or perhaps rough handled on route in the course of a year a hundred and fifty thousand tons are reloaded here merchandise is properly stowed and bulkheaded so that the load will ride safely to its destination and reach the customer on schedule and in good order preventing loss and damage is not only a matter of every man doing a little better but of providing proper facilities with a modern hump yard like this Santa Fe provides the shipper was fast careful handling of his Freight the hump guard has to receive teletype consists of trains and directs overall operation from his tower on the crest of the hump thousands of cars go over the hub daily and on into the classification tracks cuts of a hundred cars or more may be shoved to the hump in one continuous movement to be switched into numerous different tracks from his tower the retarder operator lines the switches and controls the speed of the cars through a series of electronically controlled car retargeting cars for all points reached by Santa Fe and for connecting lines move over the hump in a steady stream the Argentine hump like the enlarged and improves the land yard is part of a great building program which is making Santa Fe America's new railroad construction is going a pace as new tower yard offices are completed providing an overall view of the yard communication is constantly being improved with the latest electronic equipment new yeardley new tracks new rails are being laid curves are being clipped blades reduced giant icing machines Bill Reaper bunkers with five tons of ice in sixty Seconds another reason why we call Santa Fe America's new railroad progress that pays its own way route of the chief the super chief El Capitan moving billions of tons of freight across mountain and Prairie Santa Fe is one of the great traffic arteries of the nation yet its richest resource is the loyalty and skill of its 65,000 employees who are building with Santa Fe a secure future for themselves and their families in the conscientious efforts of Santa Fe people to improve freight service to reduce loss and damage is found the key to their own future through the ever-increasing ability of Santa Fe to serve the nation down the tracks of progress come the pay days of tomorrow [Music] were a country mile long bull and eighty-three cars all the way from LA we've got food and steel and coast wiping wheels on the modern [Music] Argentine on the roll in Kansas Blaine where all the cars will be sorted out in different trains [Music] eighty-three cars and a mile-long train inbound from Los Angeles 25 of them will go to Chicago 37 2 points east of Chicago and the remainder will be delivered locally all these cars 83 out of 30 100 that arrive daily gets sorted and reformed into new trains at santa fe zoo computer-controlled freight yard outside of Kansas City is our story the Argentine yard a design for tomorrow the Argentine yard is the hub of 13,000 miles of Santa Fe transcontinental freight network understanding what happens there is not complicated our train came in here eighty-three cars bound for Chicago and different destinations the Argentine yard is a sorting machine or putting trains together at the Argentine yard cars it switched em it's all done by a computer automated Argentine [Music] when the train comes in the engine is pulled off and now it's no longer a train just a string of cars going somewhere else our string of cars moves down the track it divides divides again and again and again until there are 48 different tracks that holds nearly eighteen hundred cars each leads to a different destination before our train arrived at the Argentine Yard a list of its cars and their destination came in from Los Angeles over microwave after editing and processing by computer now it's a question of sorting the cars the yardmaster asks the terminal data computer for information he's given a complete list of all the cars and where each will go at the same time the computer calls up another computer the hump computer and gives it the same list now the main job the hump computer has is matching the correct car to the correct track from that second on until each of the cars is sorted and made up into new trains the entire action is automatic Eddie will not dismiss 111 d99 even the engine goes on automatic he's found up to a 937 we'll put it in automatic George oddly enough the whole computer yard uses a very simple principle gravity an engine Mudge's the cars over the hill or hump one by one and from there on gravity and the computer work together [Music] the Argentine yard is a sorting machine putting trains together at the Argentine Yard cars it's which them is all done by a computer automated Argentine [Music] the computer sets all the switches so gravity can take each of the cars to its proper track all the cars that are going to Chicago line up on the Chicago tracks those going on Easter Chicago wind up on those tracks those for local delivery go to their tracks [Music] no car must move faster than four miles per hour when it couples [Music] we had a carload of oranges weighs less than a carload of Steel so measuring devices feed the computer information about car weight height rolling characteristics radar measures the speed the computer already knows that each of the 48 tracks has different characteristics some are fast some are slow some have long curves some are nearly straight each has its own personality and the computer knows and remembers them all all this information is processed and evaluated in a blink and then the computer sets special bridge called retarders to prevent the cars moving at more than 4 miles per hour coupling speed [Music] now the 25 cars are on their way to Chicago and the 37 two points east of Chicago and the remainder move out for local delivery the busy hump computer checks again to make sure that everything is in line then it automatically sends an AZ hump list to the terminal data center which maintains a complete listing of all the cars in the yard then it clears its own memory and gets ready for the next string of cars to be sorted into other trains 60 miles to the west in Topeka Kansas is the computer center that gathers and stores information about car movements when our train was coming in from the coast it received an advanced list of cars the computer center in Topeka is in charge of keeping the list of cars up-to-date while our train was bound in from the coast perhaps cars were added and cars removal so lists of these cars in their numbers their contents and destinations are fed into the pker which in turn sends that information onto the terminal data center in Kansas City unless we can be sure that the computer information gets through it is valuable thus we have a network of microwave and landline communication systems to ensure that the message is delivered think of the communication center located at Topeka as a giant computer-controlled switchboard staffed by experts whose job it is to make sure that all communication channels are operating Tess this is CTC we've got our high-speed circuit tested out to Argentine we're ready to use it if you were anytime you want to swap over from the low speed to the high speed okay I'll issue a start line to the Argentine circuits having reliable communications at our disposal is of vital importance this is critical because the computer center talks with nearly 500 strategically located terminals gathering information about car movements their tight cargo together with their destination then all their information is available in a matter of seconds red ball 306 906 Santa Fe 306 906 arrived Stockton 2120 March 11th untrained qsf eye it was loaded Destin Stockton I show ATS f-16 107 delivered to FWD Fort Worth 235 hours March 10 here at Argentine we make direct connections with 12 other railroads that fan out in every direction 151 go in five all take our Eastern you got a high green for Marceline 3,100 cars a day passed through the Argentine yard or the equivalent of Santa Fe's and tire 80,000 car fleet every 26 days and now they pass through twice as fast as they used [Music] in an average year six oranges for everyone in the United States passed through Argentine and enough potatoes to provide 100 pounds for everybody in Chicago a string of piggyback trailers that would cover 1,200 miles of highway bumper-to-bumper [Music] and behind it all behind the new technology improved communications the computers and the data information systems you'll find the people of Santa Fe it's the key that's a key to the Santa Fe Railroad if Argentine does well the Santa Fe de as well well I'd say 90% improvement over anything I've ever had because the kind of work roads have to do is ideally suited to the work computers are best to doing sampling one two three when you think you've got the real I could everything go smooth like daylight and dark and what I mean it's all automatic and [Music] it's easier a lot easier what yes when you have a dynamic and fluid operations such as we have at Argentine your customer always benefits from improved service people the Santa Fe people who run the world's fastest freight train the super seat [Music] [Music] all the people of Asura see lines go out to LA yes the people of the super sea lion - anime this super see Santa Fe this super see Santa Fe the super see Saturday this Suzie Santa Fe the Santa Baby [Music] you you
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Views: 195,569
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Id: Nxoul-Rf0-E
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Length: 89min 35sec (5375 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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