Work With Me On A Ton Of Inventory For A Local Shop

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uh are you all there give me one second can you guys hear me okay i've had the comments on i'm gonna grab my computer really quick i don't know if you guys can hear me but my machine did not come i wanted to get on a little early so that is why i try it on as early as i can for you guys sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't [Music] hi everybody who's here let's see i always think this is a touch screen and it's not hi from surprise hi from scottsdale we're on opposite sides of town but that's okay california is not too far away either trust me this is probably not going to be a super long live like normal because i have been under the weather since about friday night i'd say i had my second coved shot on thursday and then thursday i was okay friday it was okay until like friday night and then it literally like hit me and i had to miss a bachelorette party on saturday i was so sad about i had to like i didn't work i haven't worked at all so i have so much work to do but i'm finally finally feeling better um hi money thanks for joining first timer angela you just put the at sign and then their name however it's written on here in the comments and then they'll be able to see it highlighted but nobody else will so you might think you're doing it wrong but you aren't yeah it hit me like a ton of bricks it was i get migraines anyways so i didn't know if it was from the shot or not but i mean it's just coincidence that i got the shot and then also it was a migraine on top of other things so i think it i'm blaming it on the shot yeah my husband didn't fill anything which is good because he was able to take care of the kids and stuff so that helped a lot but yeah i have not been in the shop but tonight we are basically just doing a regular live and i have a lot of inventory to do so um the local shop that i'm in i have to give her all of my updated inventory the week of the 26th so i have a lot a lot a lot of inventory to sew up for her right here in front of me i don't think you guys can see but i have already like pre-sewn like all of my um i do i make them in piles and then i label them whatever size they are and then i just stick it underneath i can show you guys if you want to see that so let me just show you so like right here i have them like this and then i just put them by size there's a couple different patterns in here that i sew up i just sew them together and put them all in the pile and then i um basically do that until i'm ready to like complete them now you guys are all everywhere okay so that's what i need to finish tonight and then i have a couple orders i need to go out in the morning that i need to finish as well over at the table i have tons and tons of bibs and burp cloths that i need to sew they're already pre-cut i just need to sew them together so i don't know what i'm gonna get through tonight but i'm just gonna kind of work my way through it and see what i finish i also have to do matching lovies and blankets so i have all the material out some of it's cut some of it needs to be cut but i have all the patterns out that i want to give to the shop so that's nice it's already all preset yeah i know that's what i've been waiting for so it was supposed to come today so i made space for it i cleaned out an area i was so excited it was supposed to be scheduled to be delivered today and then i looked at the tracking and now the tracking says wednesday so it's coming from canada so i haven't had much of a standard i guess be just because of the border and just shipping is taking forever coming from there so it's okay i you know i'm excited for it but i'm just gonna let it play its course and then i'm going to i'll probably do either a video on that there's a fly in here or a live when i get that machine so stay tuned for that i'll post it so you guys know the website is not user friendly and frustrating for me yeah okay so angela just be patient with it it's so hard in the beginning but once you get like your main listings down for so here's an example like bummies i do bunnies i do rompers i do leggings i do headbands so basically all of your basic listings once you get those in there you can copy the listing instead of having to redo the whole thing over each time and then just change your pictures your title name and a little bit of your description i honestly i use my same description on all my leggings my same description for from one bunny listing on all the bummies i just change out the key title word so if i'm doing cactus and the next one's a bear you just want to change out that word so get all of your major listings in and then just copy and paste and then it'll go by really quickly and now whenever i add a new product like i added my turtle print today i added all of the you know the romper the bummies the leggings the headbands the skirt um and i'll be adding a blanket once i get that in so i had to add all those listings today and in the beginning it was a nightmare because i didn't know you could just copy and paste it and so today it literally took me like five minutes to upload all those listings and just change a couple pictures or upload the pictures so you'll get the hang of it hey sarah thank you all for looking at my website and whoever did join up for the sub the subscription i'm only going to be doing it i'm not going to bother you guys because i know i hate when i sign up for one and they just you know pester you or keep sending you emails like i'm not one to like a bunch of emails so i'm just gonna do like a monthly email and it's basically just going to show you guys either the print of the month or if i have a sale going on or whatever so each month i'm going to have something different so the plan is like don't quote me because everything always changes but my plan for now is to do one print a month so have that be like a print of the month and then have it like different sales on different items of that print throughout the month and then four times a year i'm going to do an exclusive print so um this quarter is pretty much already gone so i'm gonna start fresh with next quarter which will be i'm gonna i'm gonna let the turtle one run its course for a little bit because it's you know i thought my thought in the beginning was to have the website up in january that's what it was supposed to happen and it didn't so now we're kind of just backtracking a little bit but um four exclusives a year and then print a print of the month every month or a sale of the month or whatever i'll just kind of like go through go through it at that time and see what i feel is best certain point and then the next page that came up said page not working oh yeah i know it's so frustrating but just stick with it i promise it'll it'll make you happy in the end like even though i have my own website i'm still i'm still keeping etsy i mean etsy does charge a lot of fees and you know this and that and whatever but um it's basically like good marketing so until you get your business completely like up and running and you have a good customer base etsy's really good for you um so when you venture out into your own website it's you know you have to rely on the seo and people to come and find you or rely on those customers who are going to come back and order from you again so it's a lot of relying on you know your customer base so etsy is really really good for that and so i'm not giving etsy up just because i have a website i'm still going to continue using etsy i'm just not going to pay for ads and stuff like that because i already have the client not clientele the customer base um that i want so if i end up wanting like more then maybe i'll go back and do ads again or whatnot but at the moment i'm not going to be doing that i'm going to be focusing on my actual website how often do i clean my machines and change my needles so on this machine i use this all day every day and it builds up a lot of debris because i'm working with a lot of like fleece and the cotton even though it doesn't shed that much the amount of times that i use it i need to clean it so it depends on how often you're sewing so with my machine specifically this one i need to clean it right now so i can kind of show you guys what i do i pretty much clean this machine every morning before i start working and then i work throughout the day and normally i wouldn't clean it until tomorrow morning but since i'm doing a live with you guys i can go ahead and do that now that way then i don't have to do it in the morning but so this machine i do every day needles i don't change every day it just depends on my stitch out so if i notice it's maybe skipping a little bit or it's not looking as neat and tidy then i'll switch my needle and i always switch them at the same time both of them unless one breaks and the other doesn't then i'll just switch that single needle but if i'm going to switch out both of them at the then i can keep track better on um just both of those needles are nice and fresh because you don't want one needle to be dull and the other to be a super fresh needle i always like them to be both brand new needles i always keep a stock up pile back here i have them everywhere so it just kind of depends though if you don't sew that often then i would just you know just pay attention to how it's sewing and if you think it doesn't look as nice then change your needle as far as cleaning goes i would probably clean your machine at least once a week if you're using it um quite frequently if you're looks like a random sewer you don't really use it that much then just whenever you feel like it looks dirty or like i can see the debris on top of my um i don't know what that thing's even called the thing that goes back and forth not my cutter but the other thing it has a lot of debris up on it so i need to clean it that's what i always look at hi everybody is it possible to get information where you got your multi-needle machine yes so i got my multi-needle from and they actually don't sell the exact machine that i have there are other ones that are similar to it i'm currently researching which ones would be um best compared to the one i have and not compare not comparing as in like quality better but just the same kind of machine as mine i know that the ricoma em 1010 is pretty similar to the one that i have it's just opposite so wherever their ten needle is my one needle is so it's complete opposite um i do have an affiliate link through so if any of you guys are interested in any of the machines they have because they do pretty much everything they have sewing machines multi-needle machines quilting machines standard machines industrial then the list goes on so you can buy supplies there i buy all my supplies from them except for like my thread and stuff i get all stitch but um if you guys have any questions on any like certain machines or like a serger or cover stitch please just message me i've had like a handful of people message me today on uh these two machines specifically um and sewing machines plus does sell these machines i know i have them linked in my description under amazon but i looked and they do sell them on as well and if you're seriously interested in buying one please let me know because i can give you my link and a little discount code so it can it'll help both of us at the same time and you know any discount is good so please please please message me so i can help you get them that little discount no sarah i just said i did not get it i was so excited to get my machine today but the tracking says it's coming on wednesday so hopefully it comes on wednesday okay maria just message me and i think i actually before this live if you look in the description i'm pretty sure i linked it in there so if you follow that link for i named it cover stitch machine um there's two different ones though there's the amazon one and then there's also the one on sewing machines plus if you it's personal preference if you want to order on sewing machines plus message me and we can talk about that if you want to get it through amazon that's up to you as well it just depends on how fast you want it and what route you want to go they're both the same machine i could just probably give you a little bit of a better deal on sewing machines plus so just message me and let me know got an order today and haven't even realized until just now oh good me i'm so happy for you and abby white wait what is that abby is that how you say your name add view life what's your name name i like to go by name i've probably asked you before but i'm so sorry i don't remember all your guys's names but i'm so glad that you are here i'm going to turn down the air a little bit it's really really warm in here i live in arizona so hold on one second i know it's like snowing in colorado and it is hot here so okay all right so i'm gonna start i have to work on these this is an order that needs to go out so most all of my items in my shop are one to two weeks uh shipping time except for a few items so like my nursing pads my headbands um some of my cheating supplies um pacifiers little things like that that are super easy to make and get out i do you know one to two days shipping so um you have to kind of get those out quicker but they're really really easy and fast to make so that's why i do that i don't want somebody to look on my site and say oh i just want to order a headband but it's one to two weeks like that doesn't make sense so i looked at that specifically and changed it so that they could get those orders out a little bit quicker and not have to wait one to two weeks like all the other items so that's something to think about hi dev one is a serger and one is a cover stitch oh andy so this one is a serger so the serger does seems like what's on the inside of your shirt so all of your side seams that are going down the side of your shirt or like in the shoulder up here the cover stitch machine does all of your like hems so around your arms on the bottom of your shirt so if you look at your shirt right now that you're wearing they're different seams so you use one for one and one for the other i always use this one first and then i follow it up with my cover stitch so if you watch my skirt video then that'll kind of explain more of what the cover stitch machine does adriana that's such a pretty name i've loved that name like literally since grade school so pretty yes okay all right well my computer is going to be behind me so if you guys have any questions um sarah is really good at answering the questions and so is sandy if she's still on here because i know she's not feeling well so um you can ask them questions and if they just you can also highlight my name and then i'll be able to see it because i can see it popping up right here and then i can try and answer some questions this isn't reaching though so hi alicia okay so i'm gonna clean this first because it's quite messy i don't know if you guys can see this but it's literally everywhere so i need to go grab my my handy vacuum i use that first because i don't want all this like to fly everywhere when i spray it or [Applause] anything [Applause] then i always just take my brush that came with it and i just kind of like go over each area and it just falls down here you guys i'm a clean brief so i don't like dirt anymore i pull on this string so that it doesn't get caught up anywhere [Applause] and then what i do is i just blow it a little bit not too much but i just go underneath here and it gets everywhere but i've gotten most of it out already and then i blow all the dust off onto the floor because i don't want it on my desk and then i just have my little oil that i got you can get this joanne's hobby lobby pretty sure walmart has it i use this for my serger i have another one that i have a little pen oil that i got from allstitch i use that for my industrial machine or my 10 needle machine sorry and then um this one i just used for this machine so always roll this towards you never roll it away from you and i just do like a little tiny squirt not a ton just go slow and then i just kind of roll it up and down a couple times to get it like in there and then this right here the thing that goes back and forth i oil that just a little bit because that is what does a lot of work for the machine and again i just go real slow and just oil a little bit right there not a ton and that's it and i already changed my needle so i don't need to change my needle so everything's all set and done it's all clean now and it looks brand new okay so sarah i mean i don't know technically why you shouldn't roll it away from you but what i've heard is that it just like tangles up it's really bad for the machine because it's supposed to only go one way the threads will get tangled up with each other and it's also that's why they say don't pull up on the thread only pull down the thread because then when you pull up on the thread the fibers get stuck in your machine and it's really bad it's the same thing with like the quality of thread you use like you'll notice over time yeah you can sew with whatever thread you want but over time your machine will eventually break down if there's so much like debris in your machine so that's why it's always best to go with a better thread if possible i have the vacuum linked in my amazon links in the description so let me know if my links are working i've changed i've tried to go through each one and fix them so hopefully they're working um i think so yes the uh i don't actually i don't know i just kind of oil it i've moved it so when you do the wheel you can see what parts are moving and where you should oil so like i don't need to oil the needles those don't do i mean they go in the fabric but you'll see the parts that move up and down or back and forth and then those are the parts that you need there's only two parts that i oil um and i've had this machine for almost five years now i think like four or five years and i've been had any issues with it the only issue i've had with it is needles breaking and that's on error part that's my user part because i try to sew so fast and i have a lot i mean i've worked this thing to the ground because of so much sewing so that has nothing to do with the machine itself that has to do with me not the machine where did you get that big bottle of oil um i believe i got that one from hobby lobby or joann's they sell them there so that's where i got that one but you can also order the oil from allstitch they have oil there too and i have like a pen oil that i use from them for my other machine angela the big one the gray and black one from quilter select that one that's my favorite one it's heavy duty it's expensive but let me tell you it's so worth it if that's the one i use the pin oil from my very machines yeah yeah me too if that's the one that you got it's so good it'll help your hands a lot because if you're cutting a lot then it's really nice on your hands hello martha yeah it works perfect okay that makes me happy because usually everyone's like your links aren't working i'm like no so tonight's kind of a work with me but also like a q a so if you have questions obviously like i've been answering just kind of highlight my name up here and then i'll look and see otherwise i know you guys all know each other and chat together so i always help that we all talk to each other thank you sandy so this is actually an order but i after i finish these i have a whole bunch of inventory that i have to work on so yeah what time is that i have to run inside for a second and tell my kids good night uh-oh so let me show you what just happened one of my threads broke on my needle which means i probably need to change it and i don't know why because i just changed them but this is what happens so see how it looks good on there and then when you go around the side see how down here it like unraveled so that's what happens when the needle breaks or not breaks but when the thread came out i noticed right here that it was like hanging i don't know if you can see that from that far away but it was hanging and i was like watching it and it wasn't going so it obviously got stuck on this because it's almost out sometimes that happens so if you get load on thread make sure you're paying attention because it'll get stuck on these cones and that's what happened just now and it broke so now i have to change the thread out and then redo that redo this i don't have to take it out i'll show you what i do when this happens i basically just take this off i'm pulling just this needle through here kind of like you would it just untouched so sometimes it'll go all the way through other times it doesn't of course it didn't want to work because i'm trying to show you guys so in this case it's right here you don't have to re-thread the whole thing you it's the set it's the last needle so if my needles ever break and i just need to re-thread one needle i don't have to re-thread the whole thing i just re-thread that one needle so i just put it through and now i'm just going to put it through the needle and be done with it and it's now it's fixed i don't have to re-thread so in the beginning when i first started sewing i thought i had to re-thread the whole thing you don't now if one of these over here break or go out you do have to rethread it okay so now i'm going to cut the tail off and i'm basically just going to pretend like i never sewed that and i'm going to start all over and you'll never be able to tell and you can never tell i don't know if you guys can see that you can't even tell like what happened so don't feel like you have to take it unstitch it and do all that nonsense you don't have to that's okay maya uh we didn't really do much i was just talking all right i'm gonna run and say goodnight to the kids really fast give me like literally two seconds i'm just gonna go give him a kiss i forgot to do that last time and i felt so bad so i'm gonna go do that really really really fast okay sorry about that guys i just you know you have that guilty conscience when your kids go to bed and you don't say goodnight to them so i always feel so bad what did i miss anything please give this video a thumbs up on your way in if you have not yet it really helps me to be seen by other people so circles are pretty tricky to surge with but once you get the hang of it down then it becomes really a lot a lot smoother process [Music] so in the beginning when i first tried to sew these it was very frustrating because i couldn't get the circle exactly perfect and so i kept trying and trying and trying and i think um what i learned was that i have three layers in my nursing pads and the middle layer doesn't have to be exact the same as the the front and the back layer and it helps that a lot with bulk to not be the same because it just has to catch a little bit on the inside and it should be good i haven't had any issues with anyone telling me that they come apart or anything like that so um in the beginning when i was trying to sew them all together it kind of was it was just a very it was thick and so it didn't sew as nice as i wanted it to and it didn't look bad but you always look for those little tiny reasons to [Music] change up a pattern or a way of sewing it if that makes sense i'm always trying to make i'm always trying to like make things a little bit easier and you can always mess with your settings too like i always mess with my settings um when i'm sewing this i move it up like half of a like in between half of a number and also like getting your fabric i don't use my cutter so if you guys are new here and you don't know i don't use my cutter on my serger it's just personal preference i've never um not that i didn't like the cutter i just could never get the stitches to look as nice with the cutter versus without the cutter which seems really weird because the whole point of using a serger is to have those nice straight cut lines um when you're sewing or surging but i could never get them to look as nice as if i did not use the cutter so i've trained myself to just match up my fabric perfectly on the cutter without the cutter being engaged so that is how i search all of my items and i've just trained myself that way and i also make my own patterns so i leave out the seam allowance so you don't have to when i when i sew up my own pattern i know that i just already made it with that allowance and i don't have to cut it off like that's why a lot of patterns come with a seam allowance so you can have that extra you know a quarter of an inch or three eighths of an inch to cut off well i just leave that out completely i always check the back just to make sure the stitches look good and they're not wonky um the last thing i want is someone to think i don't so nicely so i'm always checking my stitches three to six inches of snow sarah right now yeah cordelia i never use my cutter so i don't really know how it is to use the cutter on curves but i can't imagine it's very friendly it probably cuts your edges off like your neckline or your armpit line i would be afraid i would like cut into it so if this is your first time here or first time on my life um i do all handmade baby clothing it's all organic on my clothing part blankets are i do minky blankets and minky loveys i do teethers and i do birthday shirts embroidery and stuff um but um this these are my nursing pads so i like to waste no i try to do minimal waste just put it that way so i can't say i don't waste anything because there are times that i throw a little bit of fabric here and there but i try not to waste anything so that is what i'm doing right here i'm making nursing pads and this is made out of my scrap fabric so i try not to waste it if it fits into this four inch circle then i will save the fabric and then i let the the customer choose whether they want girl prints or boy prints or solids and then they get to choose those three options and that's what i make these nursing pads with is so i have the organic cotton on the front and then in the middle layer i have a pool waterproof layer that i get either on etsy or amazon i've found a really good one on amazon that i have linked in my description box i try to order the one from etsy but sometimes they don't have it um so that should be in my description box i think i just added that one because i had a lot of questions on what fabric i use in the middle of these and then the back layer is just a plush fleece that i use on these i use them on my bibs and my rip cloths the same fleece and i get this at joann's so there are specific items that i get at joann's there are specific items i get at hobby lobby and then basically for the clothing all the rest i get is on spin flower but then like my cam snaps and like different accessories i get from etsy or amazon it just depends i have a wide variety of suppliers and that's like when you have your own business you get to pick and choose who you like that's the beauty of it so these three plus years that i've been doing this business i've you know you buy something you try it if you don't like it you move on you try something else until you find what you like and then you stick with it at least that's how i am if i find something i like i definitely write it down i save it i stick with it because if it's working why change it [Music] so [Music] so the reason if you're wondering why i keep lifting this lever up and down is because when i'm sewing a circle sometimes you know it goes off of the placement that i like to have it at up against the cutter and so if it moves off of it i lift this up and i just readjust same thing you do when you're sewing a corner or a turn you just readjust it everywhere you go and i think i'm actually going to change these needles because they aren't stitching anymore i mean it's fine i just like them to be a little bit better so i have my settings all the time at four four four and like four and a half that works for me um but everyone sews different fabrics so i mean i've always sewn with the same exact organic cotton knit so i don't have to change my settings um but i do change it when i sew with these because they're a little bit thicker so i change it from a four and a half to a five ish um so actually no i'm sorry i go i go down to a four so four is all across when i'm sewing these when i'm not sewing these i do four four four and four and a half and then on the side all these settings are just the standard i don't touch it it's just whatever is marked as your standard it's either circled or squared mine is squared and i keep it at the standard settings i don't touch those some of you got the dx i believe is what it is and the settings are a little bit different but if i probably had that machine i'd keep it at the standard as well i only touched these ones up here so i hope that helped you just have to mess with it the one for the shoes is in between the nurses and pads what about let's see when i click on it it takes me amazon but it tells me the part is empty no pool might just be me huh good night sandy thank you for being here don let me check that link for you in a second and i will let you know i can hold on i can do it right here real quick i'm going to try to link it again i have it right here so it's letting me bring it up i'm just going to link it for you again okay so just refresh and see if that link works because it worked for me is my garage pretty all right well done hopefully that works let me know if that link worked i think every time i relink it from a pc it works so i'm going to have to go through each individual one and do that i've done some of them i have them written down that might have been one of them that i haven't done so work with me if you need a link that's not working just message me and i get back to you pretty quickly so just message me i'm gonna re-thread this whole thing because it's not stitching the way i like it and you'll get fast at this too the more times you do it it's super easy i put it through here i usually push down the tension so that it just i don't know it just i feel like it goes through the discs better when you do that i always have my tweezers in hand or handy i should say and then i put them underneath here and then i just pull them to the side and always make sure you're threading it in order that makes a huge difference they won't it won't um it won't sew right if it's not threaded correctly the needle part is always hard for me because i have bad eyes so it takes me a little time okay nope something happened i hate when that happens got customers okay i don't know what happened it got caught like between there see it happens to all of us no matter how long you've been doing it still happens i like it to be like all the way up do all right um so these are the needles i use i think i've showed you guys a million one times but they're just the schmidt's stretch needles 90 14. i use them for all of my clothing all of my nursing pads pretty much everything i use i use these ones for i even use these needles for my blankets because i do minky and faux fur and that is a knit material so i use these needles for everything so i used to use universal and you still can like if i'm in a bind and i only have universal it's not going to be like a super big deal but stretch needles you can definitely tell the difference um when you're using them so i'm just going to go ahead and change both of them at the same time wherever mine you guys i'm all over the place today where did my thing go here we go so these have a flat back and you just put them both in i just do it at the same time and i just push back up there on the butt on the back part of them and they slide right up in there and tighten them good but not like super duper tight because you don't want to break them and then everything stitches out so much better when you have a fresh needle okay hopefully that works because that's the way it's supposed to sound before it was like i don't know all choppy all right so much smoother so whoever asked me that question when i change my needles i can just tell like when it doesn't feel right or it feels like it's like too much pressure like running through it that means my needles are dull and i just need to change them it has nothing to do with the settings or anything like that and then you can just totally tell it's like so like a smooth canvas have i missed anything an air threader that would be nice because of blind people i think that's the hardest part is like threading for me it's actually not even hard it's super easy i just can't see so i can't remember who's live i was on i think it was was it yesterday i'm not sure but i was not paying attention and i was sewing and watching because i had the phone like right up here and i broke a needle because i wasn't paying attention but the needle broke and like flew at me and it like hit me in the shoulder and i was like oh my gosh i just broke a needle i was not paying attention and so those of you who know my brother stayed with me for a while and he was helping me work and he went to california and he went back to work there he got back yesterday but he i think is deciding to go back there and stay so bummer for me but um yeah i'm happy for him and hopefully this is a start to like a new career for him i don't know i'm sad all at the same time but he's here for a week okay so then they always look all like wavy and then after i press them they're nice and flat so somebody else had a question on this i usually just like pull the string to make it nice and straight and then i make a loop so i fold it over as i'm just holding it like this like dangling it i hold it over push my thumb up and then with the eye of the needle because i have a big eye needle i put that loop through the needle and then i pull it down and it goes right through the needle and then i pull it through going backwards through the seam i used to pull it through going the same way and it didn't really like stay it just like came back out so i go the opposite way now it's just stuff like that that you teach yourself and you're like why didn't i think of that before yeah have him cut everything he's planning on it so tomorrow i have a babysitter tomorrow and we're gonna knock it out like big time so he's going to help me before he goes i have like everything for him to do i've written a lot of stuff down i've already like like last week i cut out so much inventory because i didn't know what his plan was so i just went ahead and did it if i would have known he was coming back and like i would have not cut everything and worked on other stuff like orders but you know whatever it is what it is now i have all that cut out already so we can do other things now but he likes to do like the vinyl work and the cutting of that so that's nice because i already have all the shirts and everything designed and so what i'm doing for the shop is we're just kind of switching it up this time because before i did the playing which i'm still doing but now i'm doing more outfit base so before it was just like pieces like leggings bunnies rompers this this and that now we're doing like whole sets so we're gonna see how that goes in the shop so she wants like a pair of bummies with either depending on the size if it's a zero to three months and i would do a onesie if it's 12 to 18 months and i would do a toddler t and then i will match whatever print i used on the bunnies i'm going to do either a saying or a print like a cute little design to match it so like with my leopard print i haven't even launched my leopard print on my website yet so it's going to be kind of like a new like in her shop print i'm going to put on my website too but um i haven't even carried it yet so with that instead of doing like a leopard print design i'm going to do like a saying that says like wild thing or something like that with little leopard dots like around it like or underneath i don't know i haven't i haven't made it yet but that's what i need to work on tomorrow making all the shirts and then i'll have him cut them all out and then we'll he'll do the shirts tomorrow like making of them so maybe i'll record a video on all that stuff would that be interesting hi paulette how are you i feel like i haven't seen you in the last couple lives how are you doing oh thank you mia hi shayna hi joanna yes i am super busy with orders but i am focusing on well after i finish this just because i'm chatting with you guys but after i finish i'm going to start doing the inventory i set tonight's live aside for mainly inventory because i haven't i've cut it most of it out i just haven't had time to actually do it so i wanted to have tonight to work on it because i have to get her everything and it's not just the making of the inventory it's the tagging i have to do like a spreadsheet of everything i've given her i have to do pictures because she also puts everything in the shop on a website because she has her shop website um so like any i do a lot of one-of-a-kind things for her that aren't in my shop because i want to kind of separate the two and so if i it's like the leopard print i don't have that yet in my shop so i have to take a picture of that for her which i would take a picture of it anyway so that's not anything new but it's just a lot of work that goes into it like i have to price everything and label everything and do a spreadsheet for her send her picture like it's just a lot besides just the making of the items so it's time consuming for sure it's totally worth it though i love it the new fabric you're only cutting the fabric but no finish the beverage for the new fabric i guess i'm not really understanding the question um haiti for the new fabric i'm only cutting the fabric but no finish the paper i guess i'm not understanding it i cut all the fabric i still need to finish it if that's what you're asking i need to finish sewing it you okay so i need to press these now let me put them over there to press are you talking about how did i find the local shop that i'm in is that what you're asking i have not tried wazoodle is that what it is with zoodle i haven't i haven't even heard of that student yes leah the material that i get from spoonflower is 100 organic cotton knit so it's certified organic cotton i get all of my all of my fabric that i use for my rompers my bummies my leggings all of my clothing and accessory material that i use is organic cotton from spoonflower so it's really nice it's pricey but again you get we paid for it sews like a dream i love it um yeah like i have tried other brands and i just really like the way that this one is the way it feels the way it looks the thickness of it it's thick but it's not too thick it's not thin um yeah i don't know i just it's all about personal preference when it comes to clothing material sewing and make inventory ready for shop yeah so that's what i'm doing right now yeah so basically i cut everything out if you're asking about inventory over the shop i've cut pre-cut everything so the other night i literally took like three hours and cut all my bibs and burp cloths fronts and backs i did my blankets i still have to cut a few blankets out but i do matching crib and lovey blanket so i've got those set aside i cut um three of each size 0 to 3 months all the way up to 18 to 24 months of my bummies because that's what we're working on right now she wants bummy sets so instead of doing like rompers leggings all the other clothing items i do she wanted me to do bummies with a matching shirt and a matching headband or a matching beanie if it's a boy like that sort of thing so she wants a complete set so i took the time and i did i have three different um patterns cut or prints cut out from each different size and then we're going to start from there and see how that goes i do have one more she wanted me to do the rainbow one because that's super popular right now so i still have to cut that one out of each size but other than that the for the clothing it's done and then i have to do [Music] a toddler tease she wants toddler tees so i'm gonna go grab some [Music] you know what i'm just gonna stick right here i think i'm gonna work on these because they're already pretty much done i just need to do you guys want me to angle the camera down so you can see what i'm working on anti-it i'll have to write that down kelsey thank you so much for sharing that so spoonflower is confusing because it's a very big site you can buy a lot of things from it but honestly just search what you're looking for so if you want to look for sunflowers just put sunflowers and then when you where you search it it'll say like sunflowers and fabrics sunflowers and wallpaper blah blah blah blah so just choose fabric and then you can in in that category you can then choose the type of fabric you're looking for so like when i go to order something i literally just put in organic fabric and then the organic cotton knit fabric will come up and then in that category i'll search whatever i need to search for hopefully that helps yes cookies creative shop i'm not sure of your name but yes it is amazing cookie or cintina okay i'll probably end up calling you cookie then because i'll probably cynthia but if i say your name i'll remember that you go by that so okay so i've already pre-cut let me go ahead and move you guys down a little bit hold on one second i think you would probably rather see what i'm working on instead of my face i'll do that for now why i'm doing all this so i've cut out i put in what what i do is i put them in order so these ones that i'm working on are my zero to three months and i have them in order zero to three three to six six to nine and so on so that's how i do it and what i do is um excuse me i sew all of my pieces you know i chain stitch it this is what it's called i do a chain stitch so i do my cuff or i'm sorry my waistband my cuffs my waistband my cuffs my waistband and my cuffs so this is all for one size and then after i do that i just put it over the size that it goes to and then what i do after that is i started the process of this one i un cut them all so i cut them all all the little pieces out so here is a waistband that goes to i separate them like this so these waistband this goes to this this goes to this this goes to this and so on and so forth i just kind of just distribute them to where they go and then now i need to flip them all out so now i'm going to start flipping and pinning not pinning but clipping so i know that each i do them all so i do all the waistbands first and then i do all the cuffs after that when i'm doing inventory this is how i do it when i'm doing orders i do it a little bit differently so you just kind of got to do what is easiest for you and you'll figure that out like as you get busier or if you end up being in a shop or whatnot inventory is a little bit different than shop orders and so i do them a different i have a different system and i like to do one size at a time that way i am not confused because these don't have sizes on them yet so i have to sew my bunnies all first and then i put the size on them so what i'm going to do is flip all these out put them in sew them and then i'll put the size in them so that's how i do it yes i make all my own patterns there's so when i do a tutorial i choose patterns that are similar to mine so we can work together and it's not confusing so if we if i do i don't think i've done a bummies pattern with you guys yet but if we do do one in the future i will choose one that is similar to the one that i have bummies all pretty much look the same it just depends on the fitting if they're tighter or looser or whatnot so mine are my whole shop is more of like an arum style fitting so they're all a little looser and they're high-waisted so they're not the super duper tight ones um just because i chose the way that i do mine by me knowing that i wanted to gear my shop towards both genders and i didn't want my bummies to only be worn by girls so i knew if i did a tight high-waisted one it would only be geared toward pretty much girls and i didn't want that so i am working on a different kind of bunny that is mainly geared towards girls i haven't finished it yet or even finished making the pattern yet but i'm working on because i really do want a really frilly cutesy one so i'm working on it i'm also working on boy drawstring shorts i already have a pattern but i'm tweaking it a little bit because i wanted to change it so now that i'm better at making my patterns than i was however many years ago when i started i'm now redoing a lot of my different patterns like my summer dress i'm redoing i'm redoing shorts i'm doing a add-on to my skirt so i'll show you guys that too it'll be super cute i have a lot of new things coming i just have so much in mind and not enough time so i'm sure you guys can all relate no i do not solve my patterns only because um well i don't even know how to sell my patterns i don't know how to draw them up i basically draw them uh from scratch on paper and then i make them on i have the magazine like folders that you can like wrap comic books in or the comic book magazine holder things i don't know what they're called but those are what i use for my patterns and i don't know how to even draw them up on a computer or anything like that so i don't sell my patterns but i can point you into a direction that has a similar one if you message me and ask me what's the similar one to these that you make whatever pattern you're looking at i can i can send you the one that is similar and i can always help you guys with patterns too like if you buy a pattern and you don't know how to read the pattern or make the pattern i can always help you because that is why i started making my own patterns was because patterns are very very confusing and so i like to simplify them so if you ever have any issues or problems with the construction of them please let me know i can help you that's why i'm here i'm here to help so this is my new leopard print it's kind of like a muted mauve color i don't know if you can see it on there but it's like a really pretty muted mauve color i love it goodnight angela oh you're so sweet get a good sleep you binge watched my lives my lives are so long who was i i don't remember who i was explaining it to earlier but i was saying my lives are so long and i think it's because i like to like interact with you guys and talk with you that i don't really focus but then i have a certain amount that i want to get done and so i just keep going and keep working um i think one of my lives i was super focused and i did really i was very productive but most of my other ones i just kind of like i am tonight i'm just kind of chatting working a little bit chatting a little bit but my lives are very long but that's okay i only do them once a week so they can be long bunnies are super easy to sew up they're really quick it's just the basically this part is the longest part just putting all the pieces together but once all the pieces are put together it just sews up really nicely so i was researching all day today on trying to figure out like what um i want to get different cameras for different stations different areas so i don't have to keep moving you guys on this tripod so i'm going to keep i'll switch it around so if i'm working here you can work like look directly down at what i'm doing if i'm over at the other side of the room i'll switch it that way i don't have to move you guys around everywhere so i'm working on that hopefully i can get that up by next week are you making a lovey ah thanks april that makes us feel better because sometimes we're like eh are we doing it too much like but honestly like honest to god i i don't realize how long i'm on until i look and i'm like oh my gosh it's already been like right now it's already been an hour and a half and i feel like i just pushed go live vicki i'm pretty sure they do ah thanks sarah so that's what i did before i started doing all this i just watched i love crafting i've always my whole life i've loved crafting so that's what i do um i would watch the videos on crafting i'm gonna move you guys again oh they do that's awesome i would think they would ship internationally because they're huge so what i've noticed with spoonflower is i do get all the organic cotton it from them and um every print is a little bit different so the lighter the background the softer the fabric if that makes sense so the darker backgrounds like this background how it's a solid and it's not even dark but it's a it's a solid um darker shade of color versus like this one has like a cream background and this one has a cream background so the white backgrounds are a lot softer than the printed backgrounds if that makes sense so and they're not even hard or not soft they're just you can tell the difference between the lighter backgrounds versus the darker backgrounds that's another reason one of the other reasons why i stuck with a lighter background mainly because i love muted colors and lighter colors that's just the color scheme i like but also the the fabric is a lot softer so all three of these prints i do not have in my shop right now they're brand brand new i haven't even this is the first item i'm sewing up with it so i'm super excited to see them [Music] are you guys good where you are right there do you want me to move you somewhere hi cindy hi nita you need a higher cutting table yes higher cutting table for sure but do it to like that's why i made my own so that you can adjust the height to whatever you need it to because i'm short and so a lot of them are too high for me how are you guys i'm just working on inventory i can't wait to see this one i'm so excited cindy this is a leopard one and it's like a mauve color so cute this is the zero to three months so the smaller they are the they get a little bit tougher to work with when they're small so just work your just go slow and take your time okay so look how little these are they're so tiny yeah noreen yeah that's how i so like these ones are so soft and then when i fill these ones they're still soft but it just feels like like you're right like there's like almost like a film over it or something but that's why i just i mentioned i don't pre-wash my fabrics so they will get softer after the first wash and they do because i every time well besides these girl prints but every time i get a new print i make a pair of leggings or a romper or whatever for my son and i when i wash them i do notice they do get a lot softer so um it's just those kind of things that you have to pay attention to when you put them on your in your description so that people know what to look for and that way you can say well in my description blah blah blah so like one time somebody ordered a romper and they thought it was going to be like one of the a tight romper and actually my rompers are a little bit looser because they're aaron style and it says in the description arum style romper which means a looser fitting so i suggest sizing down if you want a tighter fitting romper well she didn't read the description and she got actually a size bigger so when she had messaged me she had said that she normally you know she wears this size but she ended up getting a size bigger because she wanted her to be able to wear it longer because my prices are a little bit higher so a lot of people you know you have to think about that too like how long do you want them to be able to wear it and so i said well in my description it says they are a little bit you know bigger because they're looser fitting so i suggest sizing down and she's like oh i didn't i didn't read your description so i'm so sorry thank you for letting me know that i'll just have you know she just waited for her to like grow into it basically and i felt bad and i was like i gave her like a discount for her next purchase and stuff but you just have to really like tell people to just read your description that's why descriptions are so important you have to be very very descriptive on your item uh oh my thread broke again see what i mean guys this is so frustrating this is why i'm getting a industrial serger because i sew so much with this thing that i just break needles and everything else and it's so frustrating because i'm in the middle of it and then it breaks like i didn't even do anything wrong so anyway i just go like this take it off there's no reason for that it just it just does that all day long i just use it too much it's from the same needle that i just changed it's from the thick um where all the seams meet right here in the middle where the crotch is where all these three seams meet you just i mean there's no other way to do it you gotta do it like that so it's just hard hard on the machine so it's not a big deal because it's easy to fix but like it's just annoying so so if that happens just make sure you go back over the seam that that happened with so that's what i just did i just went back over that little seam right there and it's fine it's actually double secure now but let's see what these look like they're so cute i have to press them obviously and stuff but so cute ah i'm in love look how little they are yes he did he loved his birthday we got him a papa shot so i don't know if you guys saw it on instagram if you're not following me on instagram please go follow me there i post things daily on my stories and in the feed just of you know stuff random stuff and he got a papa shot so it's like a two-person basketball hoop so we put it in the playroom i move things around and he loves it so much it's been so fun i didn't realize how loud they were though so i was like oh my gosh but he loves it so that's all that matters and then we got him like a woody doll because he wanted a a toy story woody doll that makes noise like he has the pull string he wanted the pull string for some reason he was very particular about that pull string so and we got a couple other things too i got a couple pairs of shoes and some other things but yeah these ones are so cute too so these ones i got because as soon as i saw them of course the arizonan and me i had to get them and when i'm done sewing them i will show you why because they're gorgeous and i kind of think i don't know they might be girly but i feel like they're gender neutral so i don't know you guys tell me after after i show you let me know so this is where it always breaks so i have to go slow sometimes i even use the handle just to get it through on all the other parts it's totally fine um you know when you're nervous because you know something might happen and your heart kind of like flickers a little bit every time i come up to that middle seam right there i always i'm like ah it's gonna happen and then sometimes most of the time it doesn't happen but it happens a lot and then i'm relieved if it doesn't do that ah struggle bus there we go okay let's see these ones ah so cute see these ones guys so this is air like i don't know cactus sunshine arizona you know and look at those colors isn't it so cute those colors so pretty so could these be gender neutral or are they too girly i don't know hey latasha yeah no kidding totally gender neutral okay that's what i thought but i don't know these ones are also so cute so let me sew these ones really quick you guys this is my third and final new print so well besides the turtle the turtle is my new ish print but it is my first exclusive print so it's always going to be my baby and yeah so i finally was able to put it up on etsy so now it's up on my etsy shop the turtle print i'm talking about so the turtle print under the sea is what it's called it's on my website because if you guys didn't see my website is fully launched so you can go to and look at my website it's on there and i have the turtle print all the turtle prints on there the only thing i'm waiting on is the blanket material so i will be offering a blanket in that material as well or that print today i was able to upload all the turtle prints to my etsy shop as well so they're up on there now super exciting we're still working on some things so it's not perfect but it was good enough for me to to say let's go let's do this um so just like little things here and there like i don't know just there was like a word in the description that was supposed to say um with i think instead it said the so it's just little things like that that i'm catching a little errors everything's a work in progress but i'm proud of it it's taken a lot of hours to get to launch day even though i hired somebody else to kind of like take it on i've still been in there like working on it and doing it with them and helping and and when you get to this like stage on a website you want it to be done like correct the right way and it's just hard owning your own business is hard it's a lot of work nita i think you might like these ones because you live in california by the water i guess whoever lives by the water will like these ones all right these are so cute as soon as i saw them i was like oh my gosh i have to have them look how cute they are oh my god look at that little butt so they have like lighthouse they have a sailboat they have like seashells the i don't know air seagulls so cute little anchors so when i get new prints i usually try to do a boy a girl and a gender neutral so that's what i did here i did a boy a girl and then a gender neutral so that's how i pick my new prints out so these will be three new prints for the next couple like month or two and then i'll do three other prints and then i just kind of like phase out that way so that's how i do it so now these are done and i just put the the marker on it and then i just keep going throughout and doing that but i think i'm gonna do something else i'm gonna go grab some um burp cloths over here so that i can start working on those so let me grab some i'll be right back so i'm sure you guys if you've been to hobby lobby lately i'm sure you've seen all these prints that i have because i got them at hobby lobby but i just wanted to replenish i get all of my cotton my quilter's cotton i guess is what you would call it um from hobby lobby i like their thickness of their cotton so here's one that i got so i cut three out of each print so i do two singles and then i make one set which is a bib and a burp cloth and then i i package it up i have like a wrap around thing that i use um so that's how i cut that out so here's the other one another print that i got here's another one it's little lambs so cute and then this one has like unicorns and stuff on it bunnies and then i got this one which is super cute then i got i get like little some simple ones so this is just like gold like slashes i guess then i got this one for boys and of course you have to have a camo so i got the camo i got one like this super cute for boys and then i got a dino so i got the dino so my bibs and burp class i kind of go i venture away from my style a little bit because i want them more playful if that makes sense so the bibs and burp cloths i kind of just do their own thing with um i'm going to start doing this sort of thing for bibs and burp class but then also having an additional bib and burp cloth that match the clothing so like i would make a bib and burp cloth out of this material to match this outfit that way if somebody wanted to buy the bunnies with a matching bib they would have that um so i'm going to start doing that as well but for now this is what i'm working with so yeah that's what happened that's what's happening right now lots of bids number class i think i'm going to bring back the bibs and burp cloths to my shop i took them out of my shop for a while but i think i'm going to bring them back and do this right here i'm not going to probably offer these kind of bibs on my website only because i do organic so i want to offer just the matching bibimbap cloth to match the outfit that i'm doing so that's the plan thank you adriana yeah the lambs are so cute yeah so i use this is what i use it's fleece so this is the but you have to if you want this kind that i use it's the plush fleece if you get the regular fleece it's not as soft this fleece right here is so soft and super absorbent and i love it so i just realized this one got the edge cut off so i can't use that one um but yeah they the plush fleece i get it at joann's and i guess every joanne's probably has it like in a different section um but i get it where like all the minky dimple dot is and it's always like hidden in the back but you have to make sure it says plush on it and then i use these super fine needles i use these ones for everything do you guys have any questions for me what size needle am i using maria sorry i missed that question are you talking about this right here is this the needle you were talking about shirley how did you find a shop in your area so i used to do markets so when i first started out me and a friend of mine we wanted to do markets so we started doing them together and then we outgrew sharing a booth together so we started doing our own and when you do markets a lot of people that's where they start out and then they move on from there some people get their own business start their own business like online or they open a new shop or they open their own shop well a girl that i used to do markets with decided to open a shop that i didn't know about it and she had reached out to me and said that she thought that our products complemented each other she does all organic skin care and like bath bombs candles like ascent like cleaning essentials and stuff like that and she has a um a baby line with skin care and stuff and so because i do all organic she's all organic i'm all organic the two of us mesh together really well and it's actually worked really good i've been super happy there her shop is so so so so cute we have the same style so it just it just ended up happening like i don't know i got blessed and it's it's just worked out really well good night sarah um 100 cotton on one side so the print that i use is the cotton 100 cotton and on the back side i use the plush fleece so there's nothing in between it i literally just so for my organic nursing pads i put a layer in between because they're leaking this is just for a burp rag so i literally just use the two pieces i put them together that's all i use so hopefully that helps yes christina i love these pins because i can leave them on and sew with them i know you're not supposed to so don't do it if you don't want to i do it because it's my machine i'm aware that i could break a needle i could ruin my machine that's my deal but i've never ever ever once had an issue using these specific needles they're very ultra fine and they glide right through the machine so i don't have to take them out um because with the plush fleece it's kind of like minky it moves around a little bit so i like to leave the clip or the pins in there while i'm sewing so i literally just sew around the whole thing and then i have to remove stop every time so it's just easier for me can you use fleece blanket fabric to go on the burp cloth you can honestly use whatever material you want for a burp cloth i've seen people use the dimple dot like minky for burp cloth i've seen people use flannel for burp cloth it's all up to you you can pretty much use whatever you want but i use the cotton on one side and the fleece on the other do i need to do anything special to use the big thread cones with the serger or do i just put them on the post and go yep you just put them on so see under here this post that it came with right here i don't know if you can see that hold on nothing's in the way so it comes with this like cone-ish thing right here and you just put it straight on there and then you thread it and you go always make sure that this um what's this called this like tea thing i don't know what it's called but you put your thing through it you can when you store it you can push it down like this always make sure it's up so pull this up and make sure it is all the way up and where it's supposed to be otherwise it won't stitch right i've done that before where i've forgotten to put it up and it doesn't stitch right so make sure um i get my pins at jo ann's need to do anything special the serger is made to use the big cones as is yes i was referring to that needle um okay so this needle is let me show you i have one right here i got these at joanns as well they're drits they're just a tapestry needle and they're large eye needles so make sure you get tapestry though because you want them to be smooth on the bottom so it's not pointy so see the bottom right here there's no point it's not pointy at all so it doesn't snag when i pull it through if you get a pointy one it'll catch the thread and it'll snag it so don't get a pointy one they're called tapestry needles no i hand cut all of mine i don't use a cutter of course hopefully that helps nancy yeah just put it on there and start sewing thank you aubry that means so much i try to help you guys as much as i can um okay so i did some burp cloths and they ended up a little i guess wavy all around do you know what this could be okay so i had that issue when i first started making them what helped me was making my seam allowance a little bit wider so if you're trying to do if you're trying to sew it so close to the edge that will happen if you do it a little bit farther away from the edge not a ton like i do maybe um a quarter of an inch to i think what 5 8 of an inch and it looks very nice after that i don't surge it though so do you surge yours i don't serge mine i use a regular standard sewing machine ah thank you noreen you guys you i don't have to do that i really appreciate it 60 bibs and burp cloths cut and ready to sew starting my baby shop this week oh christina i'm right there with you i literally have let's see yeah i have the same i have 30 burp cloths and 30 bibs that i cut out yeah because i have 10 different prints at three i cut three of each print out so that's 30. so yeah 60. 60 total so we're working together girl yeah okay so aubry if you um i mean i can sew one with you really quick if you want me to show you how i actually do it i can just show you real fast so i basically you know you put them together so i cut my i make my pattern like this so i do it on the fold so you cut it on the fold i do that with both they're both exactly the same pattern and then i find which way i like my front and my back to be so this one is i'm gonna this one needs to be iron so i'm gonna choose this one right here doesn't need to be ironed so i usually know which way i want because there's always on this fleece there's a fuzzier side and a like smoother side i like the fuzzier side showing but that's just me so you can choose whichever way you like it to be and then i just pin it so i'll show you how i do it let me go ahead and face the camera down a little bit okay so i have my right sides facing together like this i do minimal pinning so i pin in the middle right here just like that i pin in the middle right here i'm going to poke where i should where i pin so i can show you i leave an opening right here and i only leave about an inch to an inch and a half opening very very little i don't need a big opening but i put a pin right here i put a pin right here and i put two pins on this side and that is how i pin it so two and two that's how i do it and it makes it super easy because when you're doing like we're doing 60 burp plus and 60 or 60 together burp and bible i can't talk burp cloths and bins so you don't want to have to sit there and pin pin pin pin you don't need to so just do minimal so that's it that's all you do so that's what i would do to all of them okay so now i'm gonna bring you over here i'm gonna grab my phone charger real quick because i have no idea what my phone charge is at right now because i can't see yep it's at 19 so i need to plug this in i'm gonna move you guys over here so i'm gonna move all this stuff out of the way like that okay let's see here sorry i keep moving you guys this is why i want to get like another camera well i have cameras but i need to get a system to where i can set them all up at the same time so that you guys can see what i'm doing and i don't have to keep moving you everywhere but i feel like you guys always like to see what i'm doing instead of just asking questions so i like to get it right for you guys all right let's see that looks better all right i'm gonna go grab that bib real quick or burp cloth because i can't talk today okay so because just like everything else that i sew it has the backing is a fleece backing so you're going to want to put your tension down a little bit so the reason why it could be wavy too is maybe your tension is too tight so change your tension make it a little bit lower of attention i always have mine on like a two so i use i usually use just the same settings for my blankets my burp cloths pretty much everything just because i hate switching it all back and forth all the time again i start so my opening is going to be on this so this is where my opening i didn't mark it because i just do these all the time so i know but my opening is going to be right here so i start right here if you don't have a locking stitch you want to back stitch and stitch all the way around until you get to here and stop you want to leave an opening right there so before i start my settings i'm gonna show you i'm at eight my needle is pretty much all the way over it's not completely all the way over but if you go maybe two two spaces shy of all the way over and then i have my stitch length at a four and my tension at a two and that's just the way i like it but it's worked for me so try it maybe and it might work better for you too and just like go around the curves but that's why i don't use that many needles because you don't are pins because you don't need them you're just you just hold it and it doesn't like shift around because your tension isn't so tight but just stay on the edge and just like go around the corners and move with the you know with the roundness of the bib or burp cloth just keep moving with the edge of it and then you're coming up to the end so and then because i did it so close to the edge right there you don't have to trim it or cut it or anything it makes it so much easier what i do in here though where the contour is is i do like three little snips but i don't cut the thread i just do enough to where it will lay nice and flat so that is a good tip to do but when you turn it over see how close it is right here you can see how close it is on the edge all the way around so there's no trimming needed at all so go ahead and take your pins out after that and it moves quick because there's only six pins so i'm just gonna go ahead and put mine right here and what i mean by just trimming i just literally take my scissors and i just do three little tiny cuts they don't have to be big because you don't want to cut into the stitching but doing that helps a ton with the way it lays and like look i literally only left this little tiny opening right here like you can't even really see it it's just a tiny little opening and to me the smaller the opening the better because then when you go to top stitch it's not wonky some people if you see their top stitch it's literally like um like it gets cut off right here like it's like round and then it goes straight so when you have a little tiny opening right there that you can pull it through then you can round it and it looks really neat it doesn't look all weird up at the top so then just carefully go through and pull it out i try to like just gently pull it out because it is such a tiny opening you have to kind of work with it if you grab the fleece it's easier because it's softer and you can just kind of like pull it out kind of like a blanket just kind of pull at it but don't pull so tight that you're going to rip the stitches just take your time you don't want to rip it i'm going to turn my heat press on because that's what i use afterwards i'll be right back okay so you just work your way through it and then i usually have a chopstick stick or some sort of stick because it turns out like this it's all like weird you know so i usually just use a chopstick that i have you can get them at um any of the craft stores but i just have a big one just make sure it's not super sharp at the end because you will puncture your fabric and you don't want that so my next step now is i go through the hole and i go all the way to the opposite end and then i just kind of like i'll do it on here so you can see i go around the edges and i just pop it out and you want to make sure you pop it out all the way around and round it otherwise it will look round in some places and then straight or squared off in other places so just make sure you're rounding the whole thing and then i kind of just roll the edges to make sure that the fabric is laying evenly around the whole thing i'll probably adjust this a little bit more real quick for you i think i was sewing what did you say i think i was sewing too close to the edge i'll try your tips tomorrow thank you very much of course yeah so sometimes if you sew it way too close to the edge then it will do that so now my opening is right here and i just this is where i will just press like you can finger press it down or you can use a pen whatever you want to do i typically iron it first before i top stitch it because it lays really nicely my heat press is not heated up yet because i didn't have it on um so i'm going to go ahead and just top stitch it now because i don't want to wait for that but what i'll do is just do that and then that's where the little opening is but see how it's now nice and round and it's not like squared off on top so i'll start with that i don't touch my settings i leave them exactly the same how they are and actually what am i doing i always start on the side because this is where i put my tag so what i'll do to hide my stitch right there i use my wrap around tag i use these tags on everything and i will be wrapping this around like this so i want to hide my stitch under there so make sure it's all nice and neat roll it out i'm going to start right there in the corner [Laughter] and when i get to where my opening is i kind of tug it a little bit just to get it nice and straight so so and so it's going to be a little bit wavy after you sew it see how it's kind of like just a little bit wavy but then when you press it it's going to lay nice and flat and it's not going to be wavy at all and then this is the where my opening was but once i press it it's going to be nice and flat and you won't even be able to tell it was there so see how that's where my opening is but once i press it nice and flat you won't even be able to see it's there and then my tag i know it goes right here because this is where i back stitch and forward stitch i don't even need to worry about those but i do and so i know exactly where to put it over that little area and then i just do a straight stitch over that and those are basically the um dibs that i do or burp cloths i keep calling them bibs burp plus and i never do them one at a time like this i just wanted to show you guys like how i do them i always do them in stages because that's how i work very efficiently doing everything in stages when you're doing a lot of bulk inventory i don't do one at a time at all so i'm gonna come back over here i'm gonna take my charger i'm going to show you guys what it's going to look like after i press it [Music] oh now i don't lose charge because my phone is about to die [Music] okay so here we go i'm gonna press it for you guys so i literally just put it on my heat press like this and then i just press it for like i don't know five something seconds because you have that you don't want to burn the fleece it's not going to burn it but you don't want to heat that too much so now this is what it looks like i'll stand it up for you guys so now this is the opening right here you can't even see it just is nice and round the smaller you do it and that's where i put my tag right on the side just like that this is the back you can't really tell where the opening is this is where the opening is down here you can't even tell so that's how i do them and then they're big enough you know i make them i made my pattern a little whiter because i wanted it to cover like my whole chest and then my back right here because before when i would use like the store ones it was so thin and skinny that it would literally just like fall down my arm so i made these a little bit fatter if that's the right word i don't know a little bit whiter so that's what i do so hopefully that helped you guys i probably missed so many comments thank you guys palm springs hi rachel how are you all right any more last minute questions before i start doing stuff again i try to be efficient it doesn't always work that way but i try thank you you guys are so sweet i try to make it fun i try not to you know when you're working and you have a lot of stuff like all these all this stuff just make it fun just try to have fun with it because if you don't then it's not going to be you're not going to like it so just try to have fun with it like this part right here isn't very fun but um you gotta do it sometimes it doesn't line up so you just gotta mess with it thank you guys i was hoping i would get my machine tonight so i could you know i wanted to mess with that tonight that's why i was saving my bibs because i wanted to sew all of my bibs on my bibs and burp cloths on my industrial because i'm getting an industrial but it didn't come so we're going to wait on it are you guys working are you just watching what you guys have anything going on tonight [Music] look i just gave you guys a live lesson it was fun though i really like this one i feel like this one is so pretty like the flowers the blue the colors of it are so pretty me tomorrow work on orders working on tutu outfits nice pedestrian is awesome watch your foot control it's super sensitive and you'll scare the crap out of yourself i'd love to i can literally spend hours on there ah good good vicky that makes me feel so good that it helped it's very working with that kind of fabric is hard so there's a lot of trial and error that went into those i'm just figuring it out but like i said once you get it it's so easy and you just it's about the settings and just little things that add up yeah i used to make tutus not anymore i just don't have time for them they're so cute i love them i just have other things going on i kind of went all over the place today i was planning on sewing all these clothing are these bunnies but i'm tired of sewing bunnies i hate to say that but i've been sewing so many bummies that i'm just like ah so i wanted to do something different so that's why i grabbed these start working on these i like to just like split things up that way i don't have to work on the same thing over and over and over again i'm not good at repetitive i like to we're creators so it's hard to do the same thing over and over again it gets boring what time is it where you guys are it's 10 30 here i'm probably gonna get off soon so i can get some sleep because i haven't been feeling great and i don't want to push it i have a whole day tomorrow i have a babysitter tomorrow i might pop on a live tomorrow during the day just for the heck of it 1 30 oh my gosh um teachers didn't take longer they just um i didn't have like outfits because i did tutus before i embroidered uh before i even started embroidering so i would do tutus with like my just random onesies that i would make um not embroidered and so then i just didn't want to do them anymore and then i started embroidering and then i realized everyone who embroiders does tutus and so i just never brought them back in because there was just so many people doing them and i just ventured out and did other things so it wasn't that like i don't like to do them or they took too long it was just i just had other stuff that was happening and i had other my business just went a different way if that makes sense so tutus are more like costume-ish item and mine my clothing is just like everyday wear clothing so it didn't really go with my brand i guess so i just took them out and embroidered shirts don't really go with my brand either but because they are a kid i guess kids item like goodness like a birthday is for kids um it goes with my shop over because i offer all kids clothing and stuff so it just kind of meshes a little bit better plus i really really really enjoy embroidering like that's more like a hobby to me like i just think it's so fun and i love creating and so it's an easy way for me to create something um patterns take me a little while to make and so i don't make patterns all the time so embroidering is just a fun way to think about just like let my brain soar i guess i don't know not have to think about anything in life that's the if you have like one hobby that like just lets your mind like go wherever that's the one thing that i can do when i'm cutting out the applique or just like watching it stitch out or whatever like it's just so fun and relaxing to me no i haven't had that issue palette um i've actually tested it too because before i before when i first first started my shop i would pre-wash everything because that's what everybody told me to do pre-wash pre-wash pre-wash so i did and it just started getting to be a nuisance because it was so much fabric to wash and i just didn't stop doing it so i said you know i'm just gonna test it so i would make stuff and then i would test it and wash it and i would dry it even though i know on my description my care tags i tell them do not dry or dry on a low setting i usually say dry naturally i would then go ahead and dry my test one on high heat to see what it would do and i actually had never found any difference it never shriveled up it never shrunk or anything like like they say if you put these two together without pre-washing this the cotton will shrink and this won't because this doesn't shrink and then it would kind of like shrivel i never had that happen so i just never worried about it it didn't it didn't happen and i do the same thing with my clothing i don't pre-wash my clothing because of allergies and whatnot so i just don't and i've never had anyone say this the stitching's weird or anything so i mean do whatever you feel is best for you that's how i feel about my my business is i just do what i've tested and what i know works for me and don't go off of what everybody else says because paula maybe you pre-wash your fabric and i don't and you feel like that's better for you and that's totally fine like everyone has their own way of doing things like i don't i don't understand when people are saying no you have to do it this way you have to do it that way like everyone has their own way and it should be fine no matter what way you want to do it that's your decision it's your business it's nobody else's decision besides you and that's just how i feel and that's my opinion on it but um just do what you want to do with your own business that's my best advice i always ask for people's advice and i always ask what they think and then i'll go and try myself try it myself and see what i think about it i always want to know other people's opinions on it but then i'll go again and figure out my own way and then i'll kind of decipher which way is better for me and which way i like more so if that helps i never disregard anyone's opinion on things i just listen and then i figure out which way is better for me not which way is better like in a bad way just which way i like better how many birth sets do i make in a time so this time i'm doing i cut out three of each bib print and three of each burp cloth print so i'm doing two singles and one set if that makes sense so two singles that anyone can buy and then i make a burp and bib cloth set that go together and i wrap it like with a um i make this wrap that i do so that will be a set so i've cut three pieces out of each one no it doesn't really matter i'm sewing it i'm pinning it fleece side up just because i'm checking to make sure i put my cotton down first and i make sure that all of the cotton is covering all of the fleece and then i flip it and then i do the same thing and i'm making sure that each edge is covered and then i'm pinning it but it doesn't matter because these pins are so fine it doesn't matter which way you sew it i always i usually always sew it cotton up because i like to see where the needle is going on my print so i sew it on the machine fleece side down cotton side up and i feel like it runs better in the machine that way but these pins are so fine that it doesn't matter which way i pin it how do you present the burp cloths that are not on a set um so she has them on a shelf and we just fold them like this in half and then she kind of had kind of how i had them laid out like this on the table so she has them just like staggered like this so she can see them and then she has a sort of mannequin i guess that has one like laid over like that so you can see like the whole thing so she has it displayed to where it has like people know that it's a burp cloth um when i did markets i actually displayed them on a shelf sideways like this they were all laid out flat and i kind of um staggered them the same way but they were laid flat if that makes sense and it worked really well for me that way at markets and people were able to go through them and see the colors because i had them like kind of like staggered like this fanned out and then people could see like all the different prints and i had once like one corner shelf unit that i had um specifically made for bibs and then i had one on the opposite side of my tent that were specifically made for burp cloths and uh they were able to like mix and match them but they knew that all of these were bibs all of these were burp cloths they were all the same prints but they could mix and match them or they could get them single so and then i had pictures up too of each one and i actually had like my bib is a bandana bib so i had it like hooked around the top of my cabinet thing it was on so people could tell what it was because the bibs especially laying down you can't really tell they're like triangles i like putting towel on one of the sides of the plastia i've tried that before good night paulette thanks for being here i just like the fleece i like how soft it is and absorbent it's super duper duper absorbent i think that's the biggest comment i had when i did markets was the absorbency of this fleece they would always come back to me and say that a the bib and burp cloth got softer and softer after each wash and that it absorbed so much better than any other burp cloth or bib that they had used when their baby was drooling or whatever that this fleece right here was so absorbent so that's one reason why i've never switched i've always just used the same one because i've always just gotten good feedback on it and when you get good feedback on something then just stay with it because obviously you know people are like it like it this isn't fitting right so when it doesn't fit right i actually just flip it around the other way sometimes it just fits better like that i think i'm going to doing vendor events but i'm not sure how much inventory to take i take bunnies leggings rompers etc how much of these should you take to your vendor events um goodnight kimberly thank you for being here and good luck tomorrow morning on your test whatever test you're taking and yes i do use my little vacuum to clean my machines i had to clean my machine in the very beginning of this live and i showed you guys how i did it and i used my my vacuum with it so if you missed the beginning of the live you'll see me using it if you re-watch it um so for my vendor fair events i would probably take it depended so rompers take a lot of material so i wouldn't make a ton of those i did however um bring samples so that people could see the prints that i had and if they wanted me to make them a romper in that specific print so i wouldn't sell the print that i had there but i would let them do a custom order so i brought custom order sheets and if they wanted a romper in a specific pattern that i had or print because all of my clothing you can mix and match if you see a bunny you like you can get it in a romper or a legging or vice versa whatever so if she saw something she would like then they could special order it and then i would just tell her i will make it for you and i will i'll ship it to you um within the next you know couple days or whatever whatever my shipping was at that time and i would just have them paid there so as they were buying it from you if you already had it so do a custom invoice and charge them right then and there that way they've already paid for it and you just have to ship it to them so that's how i would do rompers bummies because bummies are so easy to make and so fast and such a huge seller i made a lot of bummies so each print i had i would probably make at least one if not two of each size um because you don't know your tar you don't know who's going to be there like what sizes you need so sizes were a huge issue because sometimes you wouldn't sell any of this size and you would need more of this size or whatever so that's just really hard but again i did custom orders so if i didn't have a size in something i would just tell them i could make it for them and i would just have them pay for it and i would ship it to them i did however offer free shipping um just first class it's only three dollars or whatever if i if it was if they were it was for a romper i didn't offer free shipping because i didn't have rompers there readily available but if i had bunnies there that they didn't have their size and they had to pre-order it or special order it i would offer them free shipping but i would tell them free shipping today only like you can't call me tomorrow it's only free shipping at the market so they had to pay for it and everything right then and there um bibs and burp cloths i would do like three to five of each print of each one so that's a lot i mean markets took me a month to prepare for like it's a lot a lot of work that's why i quit doing them because business has picked up and i don't have time for inventory like i'm rushing to get this inventory out and this isn't even a lot like this is very very little compared to what i'm used to and i'm rushing this out at the last minute because i haven't had time to do inventory um because orders are good business is picking up i just have not had time so i actually feel guilty because i'm like doing it at the last minute um what else did i have there all of my teethers i made a bunch of teethers i had so many teethers i wish i could post pictures on here while we're talking because i would show you but if you go to my instagram you can see if you look through my whole feed at the very bottom of it that you should you should be able to see like market pictures and my setup and everything like that but i'm uh if you don't follow me already i'm on instagram i'm on facebook i now just recently joined tic talk like everybody else um i've only done like two videos on it i told myself i wasn't even going to be active on tik tok but i just decided to try it like whatever i'm on everything else so um so yeah go follow me there i post a lot of things on those i'm starting to post more like pictures and stuff on youtube it's just youtube is a little different i guess you don't just like post on here i don't know i'm new to all this social media stuff but sitting here talking to you guys i've already done this many of them like just sitting here talking to you guys and that i'm not like being super productive but i'm getting stuff done it's quite a bit oh no nancy oh good aubry thank you yeah i post a little bit more like personal stuff on instagram i guess not like like i used to post like family stuff on there but i don't need more every now and then i will like for my son's birthdays and stuff like that but i've kind of tried to keep it more mainly for business um but it's definitely more obviously the lives are more personal than anything because you just talk and basically you guys get my my day-to-day low down on my life i'm gonna go grab some more fleece i'll be right back i'm excited about the blankets that i'm doing i'm doing some new blankets they're so pretty see i can't believe we've been on for three hours rompers just take up so much fabric and the fabric i use is very expensive so like for somebody to buy a giant adult romper would be very expensive and i don't know if anyone would pay for that so i just haven't it's 10 50 here where are you where are you from is it donna almost done with these hi how are you nope i'm still on i'm telling you my lives are lengthy i kind of just keep working and going until i can't see anymore and then i'm like all right gotta go or if i'm like not doing a live and then i start messing up or not even messing up but just like stupid things and you're like oh my gosh i can't even concentrate it's time for bed oh wow um i honestly don't use my cutter machine i use it all i cut all of mine out by hand and i explained that in my last video and the reason i cut them out by hand is because i like mine to be very precise and i know a cutter is very precise too but when you're using a cutter with say even with my nursing pads if i'm cutting a lot out at one time with my nursing pads they still aren't always exactly the same measurement i feel like with me doing it by hand i can get the exact precise cutout every time so like these match up perfectly sometimes my cutter won't cut them out perfectly and then i get frustrated um but i don't know it just again it's all personal preference i cut them out by hand i know i have a ton of them and i should use a cutter but i just don't um but i also have a really good cutter um a good rotary blade i love my rotary blade so these actually are the needles i use or the pins i use they're drips and they are can you guys see that i don't know focus ultra fine i'll read it to you ultra fine glass head pins they're numbers 172 and they're size 22 they're one in three three eighths of an inch long um but these are my favorite favorite ones those are the only pins i use so back to cutting i also cutting is kind of relaxing to me so i don't mind cutting certain things i guess i would say i don't know the other day i did think about because i have a qriket machine so it's not exactly a professional cutter i guess so i guess maybe my mind would change if i had a a professional cutter because eventually i'll probably need one my hands probably will give out someday and i won't be able to cut as much anymore so i have thought about that and how if i did have a professional professional fabric cutter it would be easier but i don't even know like where to start with that i do have a an electrical cutter that i've shown in my videos before too i use that for my blankets um it's super nice to cut out like four blankets at one time so i do use that for my blankets but again when when you get to the curved round edges you can't really use an electric cutter on that because it doesn't get it very precise and i'm all about precision good night latoya i hope you enjoyed yeah rachel the cricut machine is sometimes i mean i love using it for like my vinyl and stuff but when it comes to the fabric it's fine but it's not i don't know like when i cut my fleece it leaves it kind of fuzzy i don't know and it's a fresh blade so it's not the blade it's just it's just the machine it's nothing bad about the machine i love it it's just meant for certain things i guess what fabric die cutter do you have diane good night cece thank you for being here yeah for sure that's why sometimes like i have to bring it out plug it in get it all set up prepare the fabric do all this and that and then by the time i've done all that i could have just cut it out by hand so that's why i just do that i think you've told me about this before diane haven't you accu quilt am i am i blurry to you guys or is it just my screen okay it's just me then or my crazy computer this thing is like a beast over here i'm getting a new one soon i need to write that down a quilt it's the one i'm debating on i think i had i think i mentioned to you yeah i really really want to get my my patterns custom made um with clear acrylic so that it's um durable i don't know i have a thing with clear acrylic it's literally everywhere like all my all my stuff is clear acrylic i love it but it's expensive and i don't know like who would even make that for me who and how like i don't even have my patterns like drawn up or anything i literally drew them myself so how would i go about that i don't know when it comes to business stuff like that i literally am clueless i don't know how i would find i just don't know anything about that sort of stuff in the higher part of business i guess i would say i do good with what i do now and that's that's all i do just like computers i'm horrible with computers accu quote girl i think tops and bobbins i've never heard of them see you guys are teaching me tonight too they can laser cut their acrylic hmm i'll have to [Music] i'm going to write that down or forget after i pin this i think i have three or four more to go there's my pen this is my jumbleness of notes i can close i can hook up tops and bobbins they laser cut acrylic is that what you guys are saying do you just send it to them or what yes this is from um hoot mama yeah my leggings rachel i do all my leggings on the serger well except for the waistband obviously but yeah the up-to-date accu studio the side fold up so aq studio okay i'm gonna look into this you guys i'm so excited spotted bare knits you said they make acrylic templates which one are you talking about or what business i am so excited i'm going to contact these people because that would be amazing if i could get acrylic templates for all of my patterns that would be so happy i've been thinking about how and where can i get my templates made in better material because right now it's in vinyl it's just in the clear vinyl which is fine it's worked but i would rather have it like just solid what video would you guys like to see me record next foreign i hate putting a new thing of pins in here because they poke me because they all stick up everywhere i know i feel the same way i don't know i was just going to ask you anne if you were still on here accu-cut is a sister company and alice in education sure cut dies will work on the aq studio this is all new language to me i've never heard of these machines i'm literally so excited to learn this like when you were talking about dyes i was thinking you were talking about like like die cuts that i would use with my like sizzix machine like my paper crafting i had no idea you were talking about fabric cutting call me crazy i have moments and that was a moment the pile is big we have one more i'm going to see if this will work all right guys look at all these get them all it's a lot i'm gonna go set these over here this thing what is going on here so i'm using my new phone how's the audio and picture on it is it clear or does it is it any different than my other phone i don't know do you just use white thread or do you match thread to your cotton print fabric number plus i literally just use white cotton the only thing i switch my thread colors out for are my vaporends when i when i made vapor ends because the bias tape was a different color i would use that that same color thread that's the only thing in my shop that i would change colors out for everything else i use white white thread if you have [Music] tap plastics near you they do custom acrylic plexiglas tap plastics i never heard of that either good night nikki karen which one are you trying to do i can fix it for you right now uh what link are you trying to look at bib and pacifier video okay oh good martha i always love cleaning it makes me feel so good good morning wendy how are you the studio will cut 10 layers of cotton at a time however i only cut four layers of time yeah i always like even with the um electric cutter it says it could cut like however thick but i only do a certain amount because i don't wanna i don't wanna push my look oh you're talking to her anne thank you it's very clear it's good sounds clear yay first slide i caught but it seems fine oh well hopefully you'll catch more i'm gonna try to do more random ones during the day too oh good i'm not even like screaming either sometimes i feel like i have to scream oh thank you christina i really hope i can help all you guys out with whatever knowledge i have my under the counter shelves okay let me look for that really quick let me try it and see if it works and if it doesn't work then you might just have to switch browsers sometimes it's a browser issue okay almost there okay refresh your screen and then let me know if it worked or not yeah we've just kind of been chatting a lot and um doing some inventory just kind of relaxing tonight a little bit yeah my electric cutter is awesome um i love it and it works really good but like i said i only use it for my blankets because it cuts straight lines but anything that has a curve and whatnot i just cut by hand i don't use it oh no nancy i'm so sorry that's horrible but we've all been there and we've all done it i mean you live and you learn it happens to all of us diane i need to look into it i'm i'm going to look into that tomorrow like honestly tomorrow's the day thank you cookie i really enjoyed you being here are you heading out i would um maybe copy it and then paste it into a different browser so if you're using safari maybe try um what's the other one i can't even think of it right now google is that it i don't know thank you nancy have a good night get some sleep i think i might be heading out too because i'm super tired and i'm gonna have a long day tomorrow but i'm gonna do a video for you guys tomorrow i think i'm gonna post a video about just finishing up these this inventory and then maybe um well the bibs will be in there with that so i don't know we'll see what kind of mood i am in tomorrow what video i want to make um yeah i have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow so maybe i'll do a live maybe i'll do a video i'm not sure so i'll post it though so you guys will be there and you guys can know but i appreciate you guys who all were here if you're not following me on instagram and social media i'm on tiktok instagram and facebook all the under the same name and also whoever is here that wasn't here in the beginning i wanted to tell you guys again that i just recently teamed up with sewing machines plus so that's where i got my 10 needle from and on my industrial sewing machine that is coming on wednesday now hopefully um so if you guys have any questions on any machines that you want to purchase or you're interested in please let me know i have a coupon code that i can give you guys so it'll help you save a little bit of money and i have a link too so email me message me whatever you want to do however you want to get a hold of me but if you're interested please please contact me so i can save you guys some money um so yeah let me know i will be posting more videos on um my sewing machine here i want to do an unboxing and a live with you guys on that because that's going to be super duper new for me i've never used an industrial before so i'm excited about that so i'm going to be in some of your guys issues who are new to all this because industrial as i've heard are way different than regular machines so i'm gonna have a learning curve for sure but i'm excited about it i'm not excited about having to do my waistbands differently because i don't have a free arm now so that'll be different um i might even just keep my little brother machine right here by my side so i can do the waistbands with that until i figure it out and get a good rhythm going because i've honestly like tried practicing the new waistband way and it's just frustrating because i'm so used to doing it the other way that i i don't want to give up yet but i'm just like oh my god i do it so much faster the other way because i've been doing it like this for so long um so yeah it's going to be a huge learning curve but i'm in for it i'm in it to win it if that's what you want to say but anyway thank you guys so much for all the kind words and i love you all so much and i can't wait to have you guys on with me next monday what am i doing next monday let me look real quick so you guys know so you can prepare so what's today the 19th so um monday the 26th i'm going to be doing boy shorts so i'm going to be doing my boy shorts with a drawstring so if you want to get your supplies for that you can prepare early um i use my cotton knit but you can use any material you want um stretchy for shorts you can also use cotton if you want some people use cotton i don't prefer cotton but it's up to you you can do it if you want and then obviously you'll need a pattern which i will try to find one similar to mine and post it on there but you'll need a serger and a sewing machine and if you want to use a cover stitch if you have it i'll be using mine you don't have to you can hem it and then sew it with a regular machine you don't have to use a cover stitch and then you can do them with or without a drawstring so um and when i mean i use a faux drawstring i don't actually have a casing for it that i do i just literally have say this is my drawstring i'm using i literally just uh fold it in half and then i sew it on there so it like hangs and they can tie it if they want it's a faux drawstring so it's just super cute it's there for decoration i just think it's super cute so um not much more to it you basically just need your machines some fabric and a pattern and your regular supplies so that will be next monday taking notes so do you guys have any questions on it please let me know but you can pretty much just find any shorts pattern and we will go from there but i'll post it under the community tab this week so you guys can be prepared i'm going to start doing them a little bit earlier so that you guys have time to prepare for it better i've been waiting to the last minute and i'm so sorry about that i've just been so busy and i'm going to get better i promise but i hope you guys have a good night and i love you guys all so much and i will talk to you guys next week or maybe tomorrow we'll see bye guys
Channel: Bingham Bliss
Views: 9,091
Rating: 4.9261537 out of 5
Keywords: studio vlog, etsy studio vlog, etsy shop owner, work with me, how to use your serger, how to use your sewing machine, how to sew leggings, how to sew baby leggings, how to sew rompers, how to sew baby rompers, how to sew, how to serge, how to embroider, how to embroider on a multi-needle machine, how to use your cricut machine, how to cut fabric, my most popular order, how to make a baby blanket, how to sew with minky, how to sew with faux fur, embroidery business, etsy
Id: -uOe0Z6nI18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 10sec (13210 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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