Wordpress Tutorial for Beginners 2024 (MADE EASY)

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- What's going on? My name is Simon, and in this video, I'm gonna show you step by step how to create a WordPress website in just a few minutes. This is for complete beginners so there's no design skills or coding skills involved with building this website. We're gonna use a very simple drag and drop builder to create our professional website. So, don't worry if you've never built a website before and you have no prior experience. All you basically have to do is follow along with this video and at the end, you'll have your own website up and running. So, let's get into the tutorial. (light intense music) So, the first step of building our website is getting hosting and then also our domain. Hosting is simply the place where all of our website files will be stored and the domain is the name of your website. Now we're gonna use hosting or to get our hosting. It's one of the best options out there right now because it's very fast and at the same time, it's also very affordable. Now I also have an additional discount you can use by using the first link down below in the video description. You'll get an additional discount when choosing your hosting plan, so make sure you use that link. Then once you click on it, you'll get to this website here where we're gonna go to hosting right here at the top. And then we're gonna click on website hosting. Then we're gonna scroll down to the different hosting plans. Now I recommend to get the premium web hosting. It has everything that we need for our website and we can also get a Free Domain. So the name of your website is gonna be included in this package right here. So we're gonna click on Adds to card. Then here, we can choose our billing cycle meaning how many months in advance we're gonna pay for our hosting. The cheapest option is gonna be the 48 months option. I would recommend this option if you know that you're gonna use your website for multiple years. However, if you're not sure, if you're gonna use your website for that long, you can also go with one of the lower options here. If you wanna get the free domain. So the free name of your website, you wanna go with either the 12 months, the 24, or the 48 months option. Now I'm gonna just do a an example website here in this video. So I'm gonna go with the 12 month option for now and then we're gonna scroll down where we're gonna need to type in our email address. Then here, we can choose our payment option. And then before you move on to the payment, you wanna make sure to use the coupon code which will get you an additional discount. So you wanna click on Have a coupon code and then type in METICSMEDIA right here. Click on Apply, and then as you can see here, it will give you an additional discount. Then simply type in your payment information and click on Submit Secure Payment. Then we're gonna set a password for our hosting account and click on Confirm. And now we wanna wanna go straight into our hosting or dashboard. So, let's click on the hosting or logo here at the top and this will take us into our hosting or account. Now, as you can see here, we can now claim our free domain. That's the next step that we're gonna do. So, let's click on Claim domain here. Then here, you wanNA choose your domain extension. I recommend to go with a .com domain if you can. Sometimes your name isn't available for .com, so you can also go with a .net for example, or a .co. But try to find your domain with a .com and then you can type in your domain name here. I recommend to choose something that is easy to remember that doesn't have any weird characters or numbers. But for this video, I'm just gonna type in something random like meticsmediainfo. Let's see if this is still available. Click Check availability. All right, it's still available and we can get our domain for free because that is included in our hosting plan. So now, we can just click on Claim domain. To complete our domain registration. We also need to fill in some contact information. So let's just do that here, then click on Continue. Now to complete our domain verification, you now wanna go into your email inbox where you should get an email that looks like this. And then you wanna click on this link right here to verify your domain. And this will take us here where it says your email address has been verified successfully. So, we can now close these pages here and reload the hosting or dashboard. And now here, we can see that our domain is active and our email is verified. So, that's it for the first step of building the website which was getting hosting and our domain. The next step is gonna be installing WordPress. So to install WordPress, we're gonna go to hosting here on the top menu. And then where it says Premium Web Hosting, we're gonna click on Setup. Start Now. And then here, we're simply gonna click on Skip, I don't want personalized experience. Here, we're gonna click on Create a new website. Now we wanna use WordPress, so we're gonna click on Select here under WordPress. And then here, we can create our WordPress account. So it already takes the email that we have used for Hostinger. So all you need to do is set a password then click on Continue. Then here, they ask us if you want to already install some plug-ins to our website. For now, we're not gonna do that so we're gonna click on Skip, I will manage plugins later. And we also don't wanna choose a template just yet. So again, we're gonna click on Skip, I don't need a template. Here, we can now choose our domain. So you should be able to see the domain that you have chosen before, and then click on Select here. And then here, we can also choose our server location. So we can click on this icon here and then we can see different locations. And these locations will basically be where your website files will be stored. So what you wanna do is choose a location that is closest to where your visitors of your website are gonna be coming from. So if you have a lot of people visiting your website from Europe, you might want to choose a location that is close to these people, which is here in Europe, the UK, for example, if you have more people coming from the US, then you might wanna choose a server that is located in the US because that will make your website a lot faster for people located in this area. So I'm just gonna click on Cancel here and go with the default location and then click on Finish set-up. Then let's click on Edit Website and this will take us directly to WordPress. So, let's click this window here and then click on the WordPress icon on the top-left. And this should take us into our WordPress dashboard. So, this is the place where you'll be able to manage and control your website. And whenever you wanna come back to your WordPress dashboard, all you have to do is just go to your URL box at the top, type in your domain name. So this would be meticsmediainfo.com for this example and then, hit /wp-admin which stands for WordPress admin. Then hit Enter and this will take you back to your WordPress dashboard. And whenever you wanna see how your website currently looks like, all you have to do is go to your domain name at the top and then click on Visit site. And this will show you how your website currently looks like. When you wanna go back to your dashboard, all you have to do is click on the WordPress icon here and this will take you back to the WordPress dashboard. So this was step two of building our website, which was installing WordPress. The next step is gonna be installing a theme which is gonna make building our website 10 times easier. So in your WordPress dashboard, wanna go to Appearance here on the left-side menu and then click on Themes. Then, let's click on Add New. And now the theme we're gonna install is called Astra. In fact, you can already see it here but if you don't see it, you can simply type in Astra here in the search bar, and then it should come up. Then we're gonna click on Install here. Once it's installed, you wanna click on Activate. And now we also wanna install a plug-in that will give us some pre-made designs to make creating our website a lot easier. So we're gonna click on Plugins here on the left-side and click on Add New. And then in the search bar, you wanna type in starter templates and then install this plugin here. Click Install now, then Activate. And now it has automatically opened up this plugin but if it doesn't open up for you, you can basically go back to the dashboard, go to Plugins, click on Plugins here then scroll down to where it says Starter Templates. And then you wanna click on See Library and then it will take you back to this page. Once we're here, we're gonna click on Build Your Website Now. Then for the Page Builder, we're gonna use Elementor. So we're gonna click here and then here, finally, you can choose your website template. This template is gonna determine what the overall design and the overall structure of your website is gonna be. Obviously, you can customize everything later on but this is gonna give you a good starting point. So I recommend to choose a template that is already kind of designed to what kind of website you want to build. So if you wanna build, let's say an electrician website, you can basically type an electrician here at the top and then you can see different types of websites that or templates that would be very good for that type of website. So just type in something here at the top or just browse these categories here to find the best template for you. You can also click on them here and then see how they look like when they're actually live. So, you can also interact with the website. You can click on on buttons, you can go to different pages to see if this would be a good fit for you. Once you have decided which template you're gonna go for, you're gonna click on Skip and Continue here. And then here, you can already make some changes to the design of your overall website. So, these are default colors. You should be able to click on these colors here and then they should change here. I don't know why it doesn't work here on my browser but you should be able to just try out different colors and see what looks best for you. The same thing with the font right here at the bottom. Once you have found your overall design, you wanna click on Continue. And then here, we just wanna click on Submit and Build My Website. Great. Now our website has been built. So, we can now click on View Your Website. So, this is how our website currently looks like, exactly the same like the template we have just chosen. We can also go to different pages on the website and see how they look as well. So now, that was the third step of building a website which is choosing a theme and a custom template. The next step is gonna be customizing your website. So now, I'm gonna show you exactly how to customize everything on your website to make it your own. So, let's start by editing our homepage. All we have to do is just navigate to the homepage by clicking on Home in the top menu. And then to edit this site, we're gonna have to go into the Elementor Page Builder. So, we're gonna go to Edit with Elementor here at the top. Now we can edit everything here on the website by just clicking on the elements. So, let's say we want to edit this text. We just click on it and highlight the text that we wanna change and then we can just change it to anything that we want. The same thing with the button. So here with the button, we just click on the button and then the menu right here opens up and we can just change the text right here. So, we can just say Learn More. And then as you can see, the button changes live on our website. To make the changes actually visible on the actual website, we also have to go to this button-right or tier at the bottom-left and click on Update. Once we click on update, these changes will actually go live and the visitors that are visiting our website will also be able to see the changes. Now, if you wanna change any of the images here on your website, all you have to do is just click on the image. Let's click on this one for example. And then here on the left-side, click on Choose Image. And then you can simply drag and drop the image file in this window. And then once it's uploaded, we can simply click on Insert Media at the bottom-right. And now we have change the image right here. Now again, let's click on Update to make the changes live. And then, let's see how our website currently looks like. To do that, we're simply gonna click on this Preview Changes icon, the I icon at the bottom left and this will open up a new tab which will show us how our website currently looks. As you can see, the text is now changed, the button is changed and also here the image that we have just replaced. So, that's how you change the overall content of your website. Simply click on the element and then make the changes. Now let's also look at how to change the header and also the footer of your website. So to do that, we're gonna go to Customize here on the top-left, and then here on the header, you can see these little pen icons. So for anything that we wanna change, we simply click on the pen icon and then we can make the changes here. So if you wanna change your logo, for example, just click on Change Logo and then upload your logo. And it's exactly the same thing for the footer. So when we scroll all the way down, we get to the footer of the website and the same thing here. We can just click on the pen icon and then we can change everything here. And now to save the changes, we simply click on Publish at the top-left, and then close this by clicking on the X. And this will take us back to the website preview. Now next, let's also look at how to add a new page to your website. All we have to do here is go to new at the top and then we're gonna click on Page. Then here, we can give our page a name. So, let's say this is our team page and then you wanna click on Edit with Elementor. And now to add content to our new page, we can either start with a template again and simply click on this folder and then we can see different templates that we can use to build our page. Or we can also simply drag and drop different elements onto our page. So, we can first add a heading. We simply drag it here from the left-side into this field. And then we can just change the text here and then we can add more elements. So we can maybe add a video right here or add pictures, add paragraphs, basically, whatever you want to have on this page. So, let's click on Publish on the bottom-left, and then click on Preview to see how the page that you have just created looks like. So as you can see here, we just added a heading and then added a video. So now, how do we add this new page to this navigation menu here at the top? So to add the new page to a menu, we wanna simply go to Customize again here at the top and then we're gonna click on Menus then go to Primary Menu, which is the one at the top. And then here, we can simply click on Add Items. And then here, we can see all of our pages. This page here is the one that we have just created before the our team page. Now all you have to do is click on this plus icon and as we can see, now our team page is in the top menu. Now when we click on Publish. This change is now live and we can see the Our Team page is now in the top navigation menu. So, this was How to Make a WordPress website very easily and quickly. If you've found this video helpful, make sure to click the thumbs up button down below. And if you wanna see more videos like this one, make sure to click the subscribe button as well. Thank you very much for watching. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 41,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Make a Wordpress Website in 2023, wordpress tutorial, wordpress tutorial for beginners, wordpress, create a wordpress website, wordpress website, how to make a wordpress website, how to make a website, wordpress for beginners, make a wordpress website, create a website, make a website, wordpress website tutorial, wordpress tutorial 2023, how to build a website, how to create a website, build a wordpress website, build a website, how to create a wordpress website
Id: U_VSABlxzuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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