WordPress Crash Course 2024 | WordPress For Everyone | 8 Hours

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[Music] uh so today we are diving into a WordPress a popular tool for creating website without needing to be an expert code it's like having a set of building blocks to organize your website just the way you want we will start by building three type of website a simple and a beautiful portfolio website just like this and and after that we will be creating a business site as you can see [Music] and um with that I will be sharing uh the resources templates and articles and quizzes from the to going going to be two hearts running wild so now as you can see this is our contact us page here [Music] now morning there the afternoon so this is our blog [Music] page as the hours pass we're going to do it all [Music] again now let's for a command so you can see yeah as you can see this is our first command now this is our uh clothing store uh e-commerce side uh we will be doing this e-commerce side we will be building this e-commerce side from scratch from zero and we will be adding payment methods and PayPal strip and also we will be adding cash on delivery method and we also be adding advanced search bar and uh you know and also be applying sales taxes and we have different type of product from varable product to um downloadable product vable product you can name it so this is our product page and this is our uh card [Music] page we want to CH the want to dance to and you can download the zip file from the [Music] resources sh from the top we going to we're going to be Hearts running while we going to so this is our last project and we will be building this proct by using pre template and pre themes so uh these pre template and themes will make it easier to build this a beautiful website a e-commerce website and this is our last project as you can see so this is our product page WordPress is a popular content management system that allow user to create and manage website without extensive coding knowledge hello everyone I'm sadik Ali this is our first tutorial on WordPress we will be building a simple and beautiful portfolio website Business website and most importantly an e-commerce website for a clothing store initially we will practice for free and eventually in the end we will purchase hosting and domain to make our website available online let me share the content with you guys as you can see uh first of all we'll be doing setup installation and then WordPress installation basic understanding then we will do some projects and we will in the end we will be buying domain and hosting to make it online so let me give you a simple introduction um actually WordPress is a tool that help helps people make website without needing to be expert coder it's like a set of building blog that you can use to create and organize your website whether you want a Blog Business site or something else WordPress make it easier for you to put everything together you can choose how your website look for by picking a design called a theme it's a bit like choosing the style of room and a house and if you want your website to do more things like show picture video or have some special feature you can add those using small programming called plugin one cool thing is that you don't have to start from scratch every time you want to add a new page or update your site you can use a dashboard to control everything is like the control center for your website you can write new post add picture or change how your site looks in all in one place people all around the world use WordPress because it's easy to use and there are a lots of helpful tools and friendly folks who share ideas and solutions so whether you are a blogger a small business owner or just someone who want to share things online WordPress is a handy tool to make it happen why WordPress actually uh WordPress is a chosen for website because it's easy to use versatile and highly customizable this large community provides support and as as you friendly with themes and plugin you can design and add feature without coding and it's cost effective secure and can scale with your needs WordPress is a popular well maintained choice for building websites of all kinds so that's it and uh this is our first tutorial so hope you understand and thank you so much for watching this video in next tutorial in which we'll be uh installing a local uh so thank you so much and stay tuned hi everyone I sadik Welcome to our second WordPress tutorial today we will install WordPress locally from the internet let's search for uh W Local and the best part is it's free to use and you don't need to buy a domain or hosting to learn in the beginning we can do everything on a local server so let's search for local so let's search local for WordPress as you can see just click on install local now click on the download button uh you can choose uh whatever uh you want uh you can choose but I will choose Veno because uh I have a operating system Windows all here's the minimum requirement uh actually I have a 16 GB Ram so it's not a problem for me now let's hit the download button let's choose V now build the form and last name Al I'm in defend and PR Lancer so now let's get it now so now it's downloading so uh wait for 1 to 2 minutes it will download now open the setup and click on the local 8.2.1 all right as you can see now click anyone who uses the [Music] computer wait a little bit then click install nothing to change leave it to local dis SE now wait for 1 to 2 minutes again now let's finish and run the local now it's opening uh you know I have already done some of my previous project so now it's coming up now let's create a new site now click continue now um write your site name let's CH that to basic WordPress it will be good leave it to prefer now write the username you want to give the username to your website and write the password and leave with that no need to write anyil because it will uh send you notification and other things so no need now wait for 1 minute as you can see now it's working let's start the S other sites uh I will show you that later my previous project some of my previous project but first let's open the basic WordPress you know you can stop all of them and go to side folder here's your P folder if you want to upload anything you want to zip the file and and here's your side shell and here's the database and you can also live the website by logging into local hub here's our basic WordPress a simple site okay here's your our dashboard wait but first we have to enter username and password then login here's our dashboard now uh don't worry about that I will teach you later no need to worry I know it's confusing but I will teach you that later so no need to worry I will teach you everything it's nothing so here's our previous project a simple one will'll be building a website like this in just a minute okay not no need to worry about that just like this and most importantly in the end you will be able to build a proper e-commerce uh websites in which you can add different payment methods and uh different things you can do with that a complex project in the end we will be building a proper e-commerce website in which you can do lots of things so don't worry about that these are some my previous projects I have some deleted um so stay tuned as we explore the exciting word of uh exciting world of Wordpress in the next tutorial we will uh be learning about word dashboard remember it's all about learning and growing step by steps if you have any question feel free to ask in the comment section uh Happy learning thank you so much and from here you can stop in the local server hello everyone this this is sadik Ali and this is our WordPress tutorial Al let's start the local uh but first let me tell you something our first project is making a pfolio website making a pfolio website these day is easy and in this tutorial I will show you from start to finish but first let me teach you the basic of Wordpress so wait a little bit for the local so it's starting so now let's uh open the WordPress uh dashboard WordPress panel and open the site so we can see as you can see this is our uh print end so I like to work in clean environment so let's clean up and delete all unnecessary plug-in themes and start from very beginning so let's uh log in so look at this this is uh the back end of our website and this is what will we will see when we are loging and uh when you are logging you can adjust things in your website if you click or here on the house you can visit your site this is our dashboard now as you can see this is for where you can see all the for add new for and everything and here you can add a new post so let's explore a little bit so let's explore let's write the title and the description the post this is our first post as you can see you can choose the typography and dimension and post this and you can uh add new categories [Music] here so uh let's write Park View City here and here you can add uh tags and here you can add the feature image and leave the rest and and don't worry about that it's just a basic so I'm teaching you that because uh uh you have to learn a little bit basic in the start of that after that we will be working on themes with themes plugins so don't worry about that oh here's the categories as you can see and here is the tags and here is the um media library and here you can add new media file images video Etc as you can see and here's uh page you can add new page and delete the pages and here's the comment section here you can see the comments and this is the default commands from WordPress on our page and you can remove that easily by clicking on the delete button so let's back to the dashboard so here uh we have uh our themes so let's delete them because uh no need to have them you don't need them actually let's delete them wait a little bit as you can see this is our website front page and that's how you can edit them by clicking them now uh let's go back to the WordPress dashboard and here you can see the plugins and here you can install them I'm back clicking the on the button uh install now and as you can see the element and here we have W Commerce WP forms Etc now let's uh see the users and actually you can add a new user and uh remove them uh we can add users so we can create a user that only can write blog for on our website or only modate or Forst and here you can change uh the color of our dashboard and uh you can change the language as well if you want to but I will leave that for default let's add a nickname let's leave it basic WordPress and here you can add the B graphical info and here you can add picture a profile picture so no need them you don't need them so let's go to the setting as you can see title and here you can change the title uh I will change them to Dali uh uh really important part of your website is the title so let me show you as you can see him on [Music] Google actually that will help you to be found better on the [Music] internet and here you can add a tag [Music] and you know right now our website look ugly but uh we will uh install the themes later and plugins so now right now we have to understand Basics which is important [Music] so as you can see here you can change the date format time zone but I will leave that [Music] 24 but first let me change the time permit so 4:45 p.m. is good for me in the F you can check and here's the [Music] guideline and here's the peral link you can change the peral link for name uh I will recommend the first name so let's [Music] see as you can see nothing to worry about that nothing special out here so let's visit let's see that's our dashboard you know you can add things in your dashboard and you will see with plugins lots of things lots of things which makes your life very easier and here you can uh apply and move the uh bages to trash and you can undo them it will come back let's see this is up sample page now let's edit the [Music] site and you know uh by clicking this you can uh change uh your logo just simply clicking them nothing else no coding zero codings you know and here you can write the description so let's change the title to [Music] TSA as you can see the logo out [Music] here let's change them to sadik Ali let see [Music] and this is our pter and by clicking them you can add you can edit them just click [Music] them going going to double click design by sadik Alim that's it and you can add paragraph Gallery images group list whatever you want just like this [Music] so let's see so uh let's go back to our dashboard this is our dashboard and so these are our plugin so let's uh add some but first uh let's edit this before adding the plugins so let me show you something if you want to edit the page you can also edit them like this just a quick edit you know you can copy them and paste them right here as you can see and you know you can also add images set picture image let's click them again set feature let's see let's publish them now click on The View page as you can see see this is our simple page with lots of text footer and header a simple page now let's go back to dashboard if you click on the update button you will see the update now let's add new plug-in just search let's install them here so this is Elementor a website builder the popular one let's activate them now uh let's create [Music] account or connect your account if you don't have the uh account you can create your account but I have already so no need to [Music] [Music] as you can see out here [Music] Elementary and you know you can also buy the pro version and you will get uh lots of feature but we can do lots of things with pre one so no need to purchase the pro [Music] version so let's add a new page now these are some patterns just uh let's skip them for a while because we [Music] are because we are doing everything from [Music] scratch so first we have to understand a little bit about uh WordPress Basics Elementary BAS six and here's our [Music] container and you can add a layout style Etc so let me add a headline here heading sorry about that a simple heading here [Music] and you know uh you can also take help from um AI just click on the connect that's it and I will teach you that later but so right now we stick to Basics as you can see you can drag and [Music] drop and choose image let me choose the image now as you can see here we go a simple image know no need to install a plugin right now so [Music] added now you can choose uh whatever structure you want I will choose this one let's click so Drag and Drop video [Music] YouTube and here's the link and you can change the link to whatever you want and here you can uh start time or and end time and here's the settings for mute autop playay Etc and here the YouTube Daily Motion Etc and this is all now let's add uh a text here search for simple text L and one important thing do not paste over there paste here okay on the left [Music] [Music] side let's change the style alignment to Center and you can change uh you can trans form them and let's add the [Music] how and you can also add the custom CSS with pro version now let's add a Google map here let's give them a location [Music] specific as you can [Music] see [Music] and you can also change motion effect and apply on them just like that paed in as you can see [Music] let's publish [Music] then leave it for [Music] now and this is our a simple website a simple one let's click on the sample page now click on the elementary 16 which we create this page a simple page [Music] Let's uh change elemental number 16 to Elemental it look awful this side click on [Music] that and double click and then click again and again and click on the edit as you can see you can change them [Music] here now let's save click on the save button I know right now our website look ugly but we will install the themes later but first we have to understand the basic basic concept very basic you know and uh in the next tutorial we will be building uh simple portfolio website [Music] let's click on the the team as you can see this is all teams right now and you can if you want to add new themes you can click on the add button but for now that's it hey there I wonder about the difference between post and pages on your website let's break it down in simple SS you know know uh First Imagine these like di entries or news update they are like little stories that shown up on your website it listed in the a you wrot them the newest one they are right at the top fidgets now think of fidgets as the main chapter of a book The are more permanent holding step like your about us or contact detail you want see them changing often they like the backbone of your site usually link from the main menu so first are for timely things like your latest blog updates on the flip side pages are for more Ste information that doesn't change much so let's go and let's see so here is our dashboard now let's see the difference between post and pages so here our post as you can see and these are our pages on our dashboard WordPress Das dashboard and you can add new page from here when you click them and you can uh choose pattern here whatever pattern you like these are some pattern and here we go we choose this one so now write about as and you can write whatever you want it's up to you and you can change uh things here just click on them double click nothing else whatever you want to write you can do here and here you can add uh different paragraphs different things whatever you like and you can add images buttons SE the links now let's add a link here a simple link just ww.facebook.com as you can see if you want to add more you can just click on the plus button and so let me add a simple picture here as you can see now click the publish button now you can see the page here as you can see this is our about us page if you want to edit the site you can by clicking the edit site [Music] Button as you can see this is our menu a header you can change that by clicking the uh you can add new one by clicking the plus button if you just uh uh click on double click on them and you can delete them you can duplicate them you can copy them whatever you want whatever let's edit them by double clicking on them you can change their name and just like this if you want to change the name if you want to change the link you can do that here just like there this is let's save them and let's check after that we will delete uh element in Village but first let's check [Music] them this is privacy sample page about us page so as you can see let's click on the B as you can see this is our Abus page now let's delete Elemental but first uh let's change that to Temple page sorry about that so [Music] let's let's now let's delete this one this sample page as you can see I save it now let's talk about uh for so first let's add a new post let's copy that and paste it here now let's add some images [Music] nope and you can add categories here let's add a new category let's give them a name WordPress tutorial now published now let's see as you can see this is our first first for or second third one this is our third one third first actually not first one or second one now click on the dash P Let's uh check the teams now let me tell you about teams first let's uh let me tell you about teams so these are some themes you can choose whatever uh theme you want but we will be uh choosing the Astra you know uh in simple term a theme is like a fashion sense for of your website it's a bunch of file that control how your SES looks and feel and you know uh and the theme decides the layout of your F the fonts color and the overall design VI it's your shortcut to giveing your s a unique look without diving into complex coding so now let's as you can see now refresh the page so and this is our tee pile now let's see as you can see everything just changed font structure of our website just changed and you know with WordPress team you can easily F and tweak the appearance of your site and making it uh visually stunning and perfectly with your style or brand so let's change some things first of all uh let's change the logo size it's all full right now let's as you can see just change the VD of the logo uh now it's looking good now it's perfectly fine then you can design them in whatever way you want for me it's okay and you can change primary menu title logo blog Pages sidebar [Music] photo let me add uh change this part by Astra WordPress themes to TSM let's click on the pencil button let's sh them to this or simple just give them TSA as you can see and you can add media I mean you can add logo whatever picture you want let's add the logo let look awful but [Music] this now let's add the let's change the size of the fixure now it's looking good but uh it still look awful actually let's delete [Music] that [Music] and you can also change the design fonts size and text color let's publish that and you can add uh social media icons logo OR you can add uh links Etc let's add a social icon let's add that here now it's looking [Music] good and you can add more things if you want and this these are some [Music] for [Music] going these are some [Music] pages as you can see a sample page about his page you know uh we [Music] one thing is missing homepage uh we will be creating that later so don't worry about [Music] that now let me show you uh the blog the famous theme so you understand how fides and uh uh for are different from each other you know this uh is the page now these are some for here as you can see the latest for and these are the categories let's click on the first this is a first actually now click on the categories and these are category and these are social icon as you can see this is our Fage so now add a new F here a homepage add a little bit of text you know a simple text just copy and paste and you can add uh galleries images so add a little bit of images here and you can add Set uh feature image and attributes discussion Etc you can enog comments now let's publish that let's see how it's looking and you don't one thing uh home aair in the start so we will change them later and this is b as homepage and privacy policy and Sample page and hom page come in the start so let's change that these are or for as you can see uh about us page come in the start and then homepage and this is our homepage and this one is privacy policy and this is our simple general setting now let's make them uh static home bit and then per first a simple page sample page actually and you can uh change [Music] that how many of pages at the most in the blog you want [Music] [Music] as you can see just post are now in a sample page here's our homepage and this is our privacy policy about us [Music] so let's give them uh let's change the name to post or blog yeah let post [Music] okay [Music] [Music] now let's change the name here the menu let's create menu here and just click on the primary menu and then create menu let's give them a proper name main menu just like [Music] that [Music] and click on VI all and then and you can delete the menu from here and you can add the menu from here again if you want to delete the menu just want to add another menu just you can click on the delete button it will be deleted so now let's add them in a proper way homepage front page as you can see just add to menu then you can change the order if you want to now let's see now it's looking good so homepage first page privacy policy and then about [Music] us [Music] now edit with elima and you can add more things in the container if you want to add text if you want to add images if you want to add Google Map whatever you want and click on the plus button then you can add the heading uh Google Map let's add the image here or heading but first let's click on the update button now let's add the image here now this is our first [Music] image now let's add this one you know I just write the service in alt text you know what if the image doesn't appear then this text will appear instead of image somehow the image doesn't show up then the text will show off then now uh let's write a command a simple [Music] command as you can see we just did the command so let's check the command in a WordPress dashboard so here our Command if you want to unov if you want to um delete them you can by clicking the trash button now it's now it's deleted let's see let's refresh the page as you can see the command is deleted now let's undo this now let's see as you can see here is our Command High s so for today that's it and we will be start building a portfolio website in the next video so thank you so much for watching this video thank you hey everyone so went through the basic of Wordpress and yeah our website might be looking a bit ugly right now but no stress we about to change that so let's uh first create a new WordPress site uh if you don't know about local so I have a complete video about that so you can watch that and the link will be in the description so don't worry about that in this video we are diving into building uh food pully website and guess what we are getting a little help from AI it's like having a website viser at your fingertip I will guide you through the process and you will see how crazy fast we can transform our website we are talking about seconds not hours so grab a seat relax and let's turn our website into something seriously proe ready Let's uh do this so let's wait a little bit to start the server right now WordPress is installing Al so if you don't know about locals you can watch my video and the link will be in the description so just click on the WordPress admin and write your password here then login so here this is our WordPress dashboard as you can see we have zero plugins and uh let's delete all of uh these themes and just delete them so let's add a new team you can add multiple of teams if you want um but uh I want to work on asra so that's why I'm installing the asra themes as you can see and then click on install Starter template so here we go here we go now try the new I EI Builder and let's get it's uh started and you know it's free it's completely free now click on the continue button now click on the continue but first click on the you are building a portfolio website to click on the person then click you write your own name sadik Ali my name actually so here you can write uh a description what you do what kind of uh Services you provide now write uh your email and then phone number here this is my phone number now write your address sector G11 Islamabad so and here we go adding some social media uh links here let's search for my name Sally and this is my uh YouTube channel as you can see we are pasting right here and you can add multiple uh social media icon you just add a hash nothing else has it would be good you just uh write all the coffee and paste all your mail address here now add some um picture here we go we are selecting some of the picture and you know uh this picture will show off on your website so choose the best one and you can change that later you can edit that and I will show you how you can edit to website of the building with AI let's click on continue so let's click that and then continue if you want to add more you can do that also now let's uh select the structure so the option one two and three looking good actually and fifth one also looking good I like the option three it's looking good it's amazing nice temp now click on the option three and then start building and now click on the whatever picture you want including your website I want video play and automation configuration and that's it I think and of course a free live chat and that's it so wait a little bit for that and here we go now click on the start importing and this is our website so and you you know AI will arrange everything for you and that's the best part so lots of work has been done by AI now click on the start importing so here we go it's done now click on the start customization and here you can upload your logo if you want to skip that you can and here are some default colors you choose I I like uh let me choose that I like this one mostly this one looking good this one now click on continue here we go now click on customize so we are going to add our logo I will show you how you can add your logo manually then click on the here we click on this and here we go we [Music] got you know click on the pencil button directly on the logo just have to do nothing else you know about Al text uh it mean uh whatever the reason if your logo doesn't appear on the your website then this text will appear instead of your logo instead of your image now I'll upload the written image now you can choose whatever withd you want for your logo now click on the publish button and go back and you can also change uh primary menu of it just leave that just looking good now go back as you can see our website looking good and it's beautiful [Music] amazing these are feature project so we can change that and I will show you how you can change that like as you can see click on the edit button you will get here and you can change them and you can change the url of uh your social icon you can change the logo of social icon and we got plenty of logo here and you can add another one if you want to just click on the plus button just that nothing else and you know you can add another block here you want images Gallery code heading paragraph whatever you like you can add easily just click on the plus button and you can change the image and whatever image you want I just change that to [Music] this and you can edit this let me edit that WhatsApp Automation and I will make a tutorial about WhatsApp automation soon very soon in Python actually as you can see and you can change uh these numbers let me change that 120 to 140 as you can see and you can change the rating you can change the text let me change that to 2.9 then let's change that to four as you can see now let's change it to 4.5 or 6 now it's looking good and you can change uh the picture or name whatever you want to change here we go let me change that to this one so you can see that's how it will appear and you can change your mail address easily just click on them double click nothing else and you can change your social address URL here and you can also change if you want to open that in new tab or you can you want to open that on the same tab so let's visit our site let's see how it's looking now looking amazing as you can see methodically and this is everything has been done engaging design user pen the interface everything what so automation 140 plus successful projects clients re reviews and these are social let me click that as you can see let me click on the picture so as you can see these are services this is our uh project is done in just uh a minutes so and very easily every everyone can do this and you know if you want to change the logo on your tab let me show you how you can change that a side identity you know just look at the YouTube logo and look at the WordPress logo now let me change that to this one as you can see let me publish that now you know how you can change that now it's looking good now no one knows that it is built by WordPress so and thank you so much for watching this video thank you hello everyone this is sadik Al and welcome to my WordPress tutorial today I will guide you through the simple step of building a web site using template so first of all give a proper Business site name and choose a proper Business site name so my business is TSA uh we provide tech services and to the client and here enter your password and then addite and you uh I will show you how to customize uh your site and build a site using template and creating a website has never been easier with WordPress and it's user friendly template you can have your site up and running in no time whether you are a beginner or experienced user I have got you covered so wait a little bit for adding WordPress now let's go and hit the WordPress admin button now enter your username and password then login here is our WordPress dashboard now delete all of these themes now let's go as you can see we have zero plugins right now no plugins now install a new theme and then install Astra and you can install whatever themes you want um but mostly I usually prefer asra now install as starter template here we go and then select the element uh element website builder now choose your template we have different templates on this one is the paired version the premium one uh you have to F for them actually and you know I will walk you through the process of aditing these templates to make your website truly yours from changing color to adding your own content and you will see just how simple it is to give your site a personal touch now let's upload your logo and this is our template and that's my log in the next upcoming session I will uh teach you how you can uh create your own logo with canva now choose your [Music] colors and then build a form now wait a little bit for that and here we go congratulation now your website is ready and let's go with your website then and close this one also this [Music] one now let's uh customize [Music] them let's go to the admin [Music] dashboard as you can see we got W pumps command and we got Astra thems and you can [Music] see now let's edit them with [Music] element first of all let's edit this wait a second sorry about that welcome to TSA techhub now let's edit that and write TSA actually and here write a simple description of your company which you do what kind of a services you offer now let's change this image and here we got a free images from pixels [Music] [Music] actually let me search that uh on Google here we go and you know here we have a thousands of free images we can use on our website so let's pick that one the black one [Music] select the center then image URL we got a little bit of R now it's looking awful little bit so let's make that right still not looking good so now let's change it to repeat now this it's looking [Music] good let's [Music] see it's looking good now let's customize then let's change the let me show you how you can change the side icon as you can see as you can see here we got w WordPress logo so let me change that to our [Music] logo as you can see now it's looking good now let's add some social icon I have a YouTube channel so I'm going to add YouTube here [Music] as you can see we are now adding uh the URL so let's search for that youtube.com let's go [Music] that's how you can get the URL now control V now publish [Music] that here we go as you can see and there's the tablet view let's look good actually there's a mobile view actually it's looking good if you want to change that into one picture you can let me show you how you can do [Music] that if you want to change the color picture because in mobile phone is looking uh repeating if you want to change that to one let me show you how you can do that [Music] you know as we go along feel free to pause refine and follow the steps at your own face building a website should be an enjoyable experience and with the right guidance you will find it's easier than you [Music] think as you can see now it look a little different here you can see [Music] him just leave that it's looking [Music] good [Music] now it's looking [Music] good now let's change that and you can add another URL if you want to remove that you can remove that if you want to add image instead of video you can also do that but I'm going to remove that so let's uh edit that thing this header as you can see we just add another heading now let's add this icon and double click on that I'm going to add web development if you want to add icon let me show you how you can add icon you can upload that and you can take from icon library and you can also take some from icon Scout websites and I will show you that but first let me select one of them okay let me show show you how you can if you want to download some icon let me show you how you [Music] can here you will get a free [Music] icon and search of for example I'm going to search for web development let me show [Music] you as you can see here we got a different option different icons [Music] here but I'm going to stick to this one because we don't need that because we are doing just learning not building a real website right now so for a learning purposes so it's okay and and I did show you how you can do that and as you can see and uh if you want to add uh another icon how you can do that let me show you just duplicate them this one if you duplicate them in the same container it will look awful so let me show you this so let's duplicate the container the whole container as you can see now it's looking good let's change this cover fixure background as you can see this one is the container so let's change that now let's add to this one a plain black image [Music] Cy the link or you can download the image and insert into for now it's looking good [Music] Rel um actually we add the background image after that we add the overlay with that a black image so and you can edit this to whatever you [Music] want and if you want to add link or URL and you can do that on the link section [Music] so in the left side so now let's uh let me show you how you can create a form with the plugin WP forms it's easy just you have to select the form they already have a built-in templates we are going to use this one as you can see and you can edit them in whatever way you want let's add phone number and if you want to remove or if you want to make them required so just you have to do nothing just and you can also add FL holder text and now save and then go back so and leave that session so there's up [Music] dud and now let's change that form with the form we just [Music] created now select the form simple Conta form so now first name last name email phone number command message yes update that now reload as you can see now it's looking [Music] good let's uh change that to solic smash and R gmail.com and now let's change that to 9231 6 1 2 3 4 61 1 let C update button it's [Music] good let's change that image let search for image this one looking good right click then coffee image link and insert from URL so let's go that's looking good you can also addit this so leave it so this is our simple website so and the more time you spend on WordPress the better you get because practice make man perfect let's change uh the address the location Google Maps so [Music] g112 Islamabad as you can see there good and here you can see location from let's update that this is our contact us page and you can change the cover if you want just choose the image and close that [Music] thing let's choose the same image the black ones one now this is our contact test page so it's looking good and you can change the cover the way you want Let's uh add a style to contact us let's add a background and you can change to whatever color you want so let's decrease the trans transparency or increase the transparency the way you want to now it's looking good so let's [Music] see as you can see and this is our simple website so you can change uh with your content you can change all of this also you know uh we don't have a Blog uh page right now so let's add that let's go to the [Music] dashboard let's publish then now this is our blog Fage [Music] is addit that with elementa if you want to add something in your block first so here we go um so that's [Music] it and this all of our Pages let's and you can add a for here now first change this home and for pages to blog so now let's add live MH you know if you want to add a first grid with element you know this uh they don't uh allow that because you have to be have a pro version of elementum with L you can access to multiple of things without uh upgrading the element let's activate that and allow and continue now save setting [Music] okay let's add uh the first grade here [Music] and you can also add for slider if you want but right now I'm going to add the force [Music] grid let's delete if you want to delete a force you can just simply hit the trash button [Music] as you can see you can change the the order you if you want to change the order you can select descending or ascending you can change the first content and you can also change the custom skin or classic skin so update and then let's add a new [Music] for [Music] and you can add a new category or all Al you can add a feature [Music] image and if you click that thing it will show feature image in the first list only now let's see the first and hit reload as you can see this is our first okay let me share one more uh for and I will show you how you can change the size of your image but first let's see let's have a look this is our post let's add a comment now let's add menu so first and also we don't have a Blog uh page in our menu so let's create a new menu and give them an profile name a main menu so let's add home and then blog about contact and services that's it also contact one add to menu and you can change the order here if you want to and we didn't select the primary menu so it won't change let me show you as you can see it didn't change because we didn't select the primary menu okay let's select the primary menu here now save again now let's reload and I will show you home blog Services Bo contact as you can see now add a new first and I will show you how to change uh the size and you know if you don't fix the size it will look [Music] awful um let's add the new category then publish that s adboard then add the new category and set a feature image let's copy that so here we can't add the link so now let's search for pre [Music] [Music] images let's wait a little bit so [Music] so let's uh select this one this one looking good so as you can see the size of for it doesn't look good so let's change that and you can uh also I told you before you can uh CH you can display the post title if you want to if you don't want to just click and the yes button it will change in no so as you can [Music] see and if you want to display the date and if you don't want just click the hit the button as you can see and you you can change the size if you want image resolution so let's change it to thumbnail 150 by 50 now it's looking good so let's hit the update button let's give them my forces would look good so as you can see the categories and you can change the icon the way you want so it's up to you and you can add the link to the icon so now let's uh you can also and you you know you can also add animation you want let's add a false grow animation ni it's looking awesome it reloads as you can [Music] see for and if you want to add custom CSS just upgrade the Elementor Pro so Elementor to Elementary Pro now this is our website and it's looking good it's looking [Music] professional now let's add the image over here in the photo the logo now let's see and you can add that uh customize the other Pages the way you want so just add pictures contents and I show you how you can uh customize that how you can customize the template this is our contactus page let's change that pal to the one we created and this is our homepage now let's change that form as you can see now let's click the update so now this is our website if you have any question or want to share uh your progress don't hesitate to leave a comment below I'm here to help you every steps of the way thank you so much for watching this video and this is our simple website and I will upload uh this website so and you can download the resources welcome everyone today we are going to talk about why a logo is so important for your brand now you might be thinking why bother with a logo can't I just focus on my content well let me tell you why a logo matter you know uh creating a logo a logo is a visual representation of a brand or a company typy uh compromising and unique design symbol or text you not think of a logo as the face of your brand it's the first thing people see and it's what they remember whether you are a small business or an individual starting a blog a logo gives you or audience something to connect with you know the for of first impression logo are often the first point of contact between a brand and its audience a well design logo create a positive and memorable first impression brand identity logo play a a crucial role in building and communicating a brand identity they encapsulate the essence value and personality of a brand in a single visual element now you might be wondering but how do I get a logo don't worry I have got you cover you can either create one yourself using a user friendly tool like can or if you prefer you can Outsource it in this video I will show you a quick and easy way to make a simple logo for free using Cana all right uh here we are in Cana so let's go actually first of all you have to log in into Cana then search for logo now uh here we have different templates logo different templates select one of them actually I'm going to select this one so let's customize them so now that you have a logo uh you have your logo so let's customize this now wait a little bit as you can see it's easy and you have to do nothing just uh double click and then addit this nothing else if you uh click on the add page button it will create a new one and select the template you want and you can change the color of the logo whatever color you like you just uh click on them now change this color the text color actually and you can delete whatever you want just click on them and then press the delete button and double click on the text and just edit [Music] it let me change the color as you can see you can choose different color and you can edit the text and you can choose different template whatever template suits you and suits your brand and you can also uh if you want to create your own logo a unique logo let me show you how you can do that in just drag and drop the whatever uh element you want a graphic [Music] element and then click on the text button and then choose the text and then drag and drop here if you want to delete some of the text just double click and then press the backspace button and write it down whatever uh let me write clicks to here so that's on name I will be choosing this logo for our e-commerce website which we will be building uh in WordPress and if you want to create more you can choose whatever uh graphic element you want to add it's up to you they have thousands of elements and you can choose this one let me choose that one it's looking good [Music] so and you know let me tell you one more thing if you want to remove something from the graphic element how you can do that let me show you actually it's uh simple easy you can do that but first let me copy and paste let me show you how you can do the p uh so if you want to make this one as s let me show you how you can do that I want to convert this card into s shape first download this and actually it's a fifth page so we have to download the fifth page and and then click on the uh new tab and then search for online Photoshop and click on that first one and then drag and drop here we go and just wait a little bit here we go we have and so and here you can uh if you want to remove some parts so just it's easy actually I want to remove that part just you have to do just select click and then press the delete button nothing else simple and [Music] easy now let's delete this one as you can see now it's look like [Music] s let me delete that properly so it's up to you if you spend uh lot of time on that thing and you do it properly and with the care then it will be perfectly [Music] matched now it's looking good so let's delete that s now it's look like s and if you want to delete these one so let me delete that [Music] [Music] and press the delete button so here we go [Music] now let's delete [Music] this now the look of looks a lot good [Music] so you know let's uh give them a black color so it's looking odd yes you have to select the black color then just click on that [Music] parts that's [Music] good now click on export button then click on um PNG or gpg sub [Music] to Let's click on [Music] jpg then you have to do just drag and drop click but first let's delete this one [Music] now Dragon [Music] drop here we go we got the S part here now let's now make it let's delete this shop list I logo you know if you want to modify this logo you can do that now you have a basic actually and you can also add this picture let's remove the [Music] color [Music] and you can add Shadow if you want outline drop shadow or glue so let's add a little bit and now you know how to create uh simple logo in with Photoshop and with can now that you have your logo let's continue or joury into the exciting world of Wordpress I will be guiding you through your every step starting from the very Basics whether you are a tech Guru or a complete beginner I have got to cover so buckle up and get ready to build something amazing your logo is just the beginning of a great online presence and I'm here to to help you every step of the way and you have thousands of logo you can modify them if you want to thank you so much for watching this video and Allah hello everyone welcome to sadik Wordpress tutorial number eight I'm sadik Ki and today we are diving into the exciting world of creating your own web shop using Wordpress and commerce if you have ever wanted to sell product online you are in the right place so now let's create your site uh by using your WordPress name and username and then password you know this tutorial is designed for those who already have a WordPress website and wanted to extend it with a web shop as well as for those who are starting from scratch now let's break it down what we will cover in this tutorial if you are starting from scratch first thing first we will install WordPress WordPress like a superhero of website builder and trust me it's more powerful one out of there next up we will install woocommerce W Commerce is an amazing pre- plugin that we will magically transform your website into a fully functional web shop it's like adding a secret ingredient to your website turning it into an online store where you can sell your product on internet exciting all right so whether you are upgrading your existing WordPress site or starting from scratch this tutal has got to cover get ready to embark on the Journey of creating your very own web shop Let's Jump Right In and make your online selling dreams come true now wait a little bit for WordPress installation here now click on the WordPress admin then enter your username and password here and log in now click on the afference and then uh Delete all the teams here actually we don't need this so delete all of them now click on the plugin and you can see we don't have any plugin here now uh and you know you can add you new user here here if you want to and you can change colors for your WordPress uh dashboard here and you can change uh if you want to add your prum last you can fill out this form correctly and you can add your picture here now let's click on the update profile and then click on the setting and you can uh add your tagline here so let's add something let's add uh Del delivery to your door staff and you can uh it's up to you whatever you want to add and you can collapse menu like that just clicking on the collapse menu button now let's add uh new team here as you can see we have uh tons of teams pre teams out here and you can choose one of them if you want to and you can also upload themes just click on the upload button now let's search for blocky teams now click on the install button or you can preview it yeah let's see so this is our team now click on the install button and withit a little bit for that for installation now click on the activate button now uh you click on the install blogy companion but first let's visit the store as you can see this is our click store site there so dashboard on right now we don't have any media library and this is our post click on M to trash then apply now uh click on the install button and wait a little bit um it successfully installed [Music] now let's uh customize that a little bit add a logo and putter ET so and side icon you know we have to add site icon site icon and then logo here's our uh side icon so you know what Al Tex actually it will appear if your image uh doesn't Affair for some reason and you can crop the logo if you want to so let's skip that as you can see our side icon here you know this is our site identity now let's add uh our logo and this our header so now click on the logo button now add our logo now click on the select button now it's done okay so let's remove the side title now first let's and you can change the logo height here now let's remove the side title so this is all L actually uh let's remove the uh this is our background remover so let's remove the background of our logo it's not looking good with background so we need uh PNG this is our another logo so now let's upload another one as it now it's looking good [Music] [Music] now let's uh search for Branding color logically branding branding color you know before starting uh website you have to select your colors so let me show you can select colors from here you can't select randomly so you have to choose them properly in a pattern as you can see these are luxury color you know they are matching with each other you know uh they are looking good that's why we have to choose them properly the color F so let's choose let me show you how you can choose them how you can customize them if you want to but first let's uh change the logo height a little bit so this one looking good now let's change the color here you can change um the number one is looking good but let me show you how you can change them let's choose the number 10 and let me show you how you can change them in order this is number one let me change that just you can you have to click on the color and choose them in whatever way you want you can also choose random name but you have to go for a patn it would be a lot good you know now click on the publish button now that's good now let's click on the plugin and let's add a new plugin uh vcommerce plugin actually here we will install woocommerce you know wo Commerce is an amazing pre plugin that will magically transform your website into a fully functional web shop so wait a little bit for the installation here now let's click on the activate button and then let's go upd this one bloxy companion wait a little bit so now let's uh set up my store click on the starting my business click on the continue button then fill this form clothing and accessories in the next click select your country and you can click on the continue button or you if you want to change uh to another country just like up or another city just change that but I will stick to Islamabad click on the continue just leave that then click on the continue button and vit a little little bit now click on the status then click on the tools now let's add uh Pages then click on the create pages you know already defined uh pages so let me show you now all missing W Commerce Pages successfully installed now these are our pages so if you want to search for item and this is our logo so that's it now let's uh change one more thing after that we will be adding uh product so let's change this test post to static page and then add homepage to shop then save changes now let's uh Delete the sample page now click on the store Button as you can see this is our home page and this is our check out page and this is all my account page if you want to change the address or order here you will get everything and this is our shop button shop page actually so that's it for today thank you so much for watching this video hey there Welcome to our tutorial today we are diving into the exciting world of creating product I absolutely love this part and I hope you are as excited as I am to watch and learn let's kick things off by creating our very first product and we are going to start with what's called a simple product so so grab a seat and let's get started as you can see and we can create our product from here and there's a few view we can go about creating our product one option is to over here and click on add new [Music] product just click here now you can add your product name here let's duplicate [Music] this and we got uh few options for our product inventory shipping link product attributes Advance shipping Etc and you can add description on here now let me show you how you can add product let's search Google now uh search for Zara [Music] t-shirt and wait a little bit for the product as you can see here we got uh some product now as you can see we have a title uh images for our proper product as you can see and we have price and uh store check and store availability [Music] shipping and this is a small description and this we got title and price now let's add a simple title [Music] here and I will show you how you can add your own description product description and your title and for that we'll be doing that in chat GPT and this is a short description for our product so let's search for Chad GB and here we go now click on the chat GP team now let me show you how you can uh create your own description and uh here you have to add uh a simple keywords if you want to create your own description let me add this one now make a description like this [Music] so [Music] and make sure to remove lism so we don't want any [Music] PLM and contrl c and here we can paste that and for a short description um so let's make that short just that's it nothing [Music] else as you can see now control V now let's add a title product [Music] title on [Music] name and wait a little bit you know uh pre version of chat GPT is a bit slower so we have to wait a little bit [Music] soon [Music] now contr C and here we going to paste [Music] that now you can add price here if you want to add vertual price or downloadable if you have a PDF or video if you want if someone pay for your product so it will be downloaded so we have a simple product so you can add sale price discount from uh I'm going to start a DAT to the let's at 28 [Music] there now click the publish [Music] button and you can add into a category let's let me show how you can add that [Music] let's give them a proper name t-shirt [Music] so and untake the uncategorized let's see all product this is our product as you can see and I will show you how you can change the currency right now it's in rupees and I will show you how you can change that to dollar and as you can see the [Music] sale and you can see the short description here and this is our short description and this is our long one and uh you can also add review and I will show you that later in the next video let's spin that let's add a simple picture from pixels now let's search for t-shirt here if you have your own product picture you can add that so right now I don't have any picture so I'm going to use pixel for [Music] [Music] that let's search a little bit so [Music] now let's select this one this one looking good so and you can download that or you can and let let me show you one more thing if you want to add um image in your a description how it looks so let me show you and here you can add images in your description so now insert from [Music] URL t-shirt and and you know it will show in your description this image [Music] so now let me show [Music] you after that we will be adding a product image now this will show in your description so [Music] and as you can see if you want to add some kind of imagees in your description so you can do that like this now let's [Music] add product [Music] image and you know we have different product group product external product variable products so up to you but right now we have a simple product so we will be working on simple [Music] product and here we have inventory SQ you know about SQ you know SQ stand for stock keeping uh unit it is a unique identifier assigned to help assigned to each product to help retailer and business track inventory and you know sqr alpha numeric code that can include a combination of letter number or both as you can see that here and they are used to manage and organize product in a systematic way and making it easier to track sale restock inventory and analyze product performance so let's generate a simple SQ you know SQ help uh actually prevent [Music] confusion so this is our simple SQ and you can uh add how many uh stock you have now let's click the update [Music] button and you can add shipping uh weight Dimension and uh you know length with height and shipping glass so I will teach about that later so and you can link a project here so leave that and now let's add our product image so it's easy just upload the image Now update [Music] as you can see this is our product image so now this is our uh simple product we have a proper description price and a short description and we add a discount on it so for a limited time and uh and now you know about SQ what is SQ and I told you about categories so now let's uh create another categories and you can add if you want to now let's add sh as a new category and you can add a description for that so right now I'm just writing a dummy uh I'm giving them a dummy description so don't worry about that and you can add image a proper image and proper description and I'll show you how you can use uh chat GPT uh in chat GPT you have to give them some keywords and you can modify that so it's easy and here you can see our product product now and you can uh sort that from uh buffler low high and now we have 18 in stock as you can see our sqo and two card let's add them so now let's view the card as you can see and you can add uh your address let me show you how you can do [Music] that as you can see this is our contact information shipping address right now we didn't add the payment option Etc so we will do that later in the next video and we'll teach you about that uh so right now let me show you how you can change your currency from uh Pakistani rupes to uh United State dollar US dollar or from US dollar to your home country currency so let's change that uh if you want to choose Australian dollar just click on there or if you want to choose US dollar let's search for US dollar here we go and you can change uh currency position so let's change that to left and th000 separator with comma and decimal separator with DOT so and number of decimal let's give them one so now let's save changes now let's see as you can see and thank you so much for watching this video so so uh this is our simple W Commerce website uh simple product we just create a simple product as you can see Welcome to our WordPress W Commerce tutorial in the previous video we just create a simple product and start by adding a simple product to our online store and we added a basic sh giving it simple with just one option available now let's move on to creating a variable product just like this this time we will be offering hoodies with multiple sizes and color when a customer select a certain color they will see other related products like white shirts black shirts and display with images for easy selection now let's go to the product now click on the product for instance if you choose a white T-shirt you will see the white variation right there and you have the flexibility to configure each VAR creation according to your preferences now let's uh uh close this tab now visit our s so let's see so this is our previous work a simple product we just create simple product so now let's go back with W Commerce managing your product and varation become EP L allowing you Pro to provide a seamless shopping experience for your customer so so this is our category first let's uh remove the category how let's me show you how you can remove the categories now click on the delete button and press the okay to okay now let's click on the product as you can see this is our first product so now let's add a product image here so this is our product image as you can see now let's add some product Gallery images you can select all of them by uh click on the first one and then press the shift button then click on the last one now let's duplicate the tab so making it easy let's go as you can see this is our let's click on the update so you will be able to see the product image here as you can see this is our first product right now we didn't add the category and uh price for that product so let me show you how we can do that this is the tags if you want to add more tags so you can just type that let me show you and then click on ADD button now let's give them a proper price here 15 and you can add the sale price from uh 2024 32 to 2024 3208 so it's a simple products now let's update let's see refresh that page as you can see th000 in stock and can be back ers so still we don't have a review so we will be adding that and I will show you how you can do that let's open the private browsing and you can open that by pressing Control Plus shift plus n directly in shortcut let me add that so review Hassan hassan. smash Hassan Hassan gmail.com let's add the review great product and click the submit Button as you can see your review is a waiting for approval and let me show you how you can do that how you can approve the review go to the review in a products okay let me show you this one click on that now click on approve here we go as you can see now Replay that with thank you so much now refresh that as you can see we got one customer review the best part is that you can uh add and delete review and you can reply the way you want so it's up to you now go to the all product now click on the product now click on add new category let me add the category and I will show you how you can add uh subcategories how you can create a proper structure let me show you so these are categories woman men kids so let me show you how you can create that first of all we have to create men woman and kids now let's add a subcategory shirt t-shirt actually and select the main as you can see now create the shirt so it's not a shirt it's just a simple t-shirt so just unclick that and click on the update button now let's see as you can see we got categories out here as you can see home main man t-shirt these are the categories men and t-shirts as you can see categories man t-shirt so I will show you how you can add these small medium large double XL so it's easy just tab size and then uh give them small large actually medium then large extra large now save attribute and click on the variable product here it's a variable product actually that's why now go to the variation [Music] and click on the used for variation now let's save again go to variation and don't forget to change the simple product to variable product so and as you can see and you can add price here $50 price and you can uh change the price by clicking the add button edit button and you can add man stock and uh BD length and description if you [Music] want and you can add a picture over here more there now let's add stock how many we have quantities and 10,000 here so now click on the seal [Music] changes [Music] I leave that now let's change this [Music] one now let's [Music] see uh before going to refresh the page first you have to update that after that you will get as you can see we got $40 and $50 so as you can see you can change the size like this here and don't worry about that I will show you how you can change the sizes like in Zara and how you can change the color so don't worry about that I will show you so this one is a little bit of simple and after that we will be creating more complex product in this video this is our product click on the add to card button small one for $40 because we have applied uh discount on a small product now let's uh add a new product hoodie um actually in this we will be offering hoodies with multiple sizes and color but first of all let's create a description for that make a short description and you know uh uh in the previous video I show you how you can open a chat GPT just you have to give them uh commands and keywords it will give you the proper description and [Music] everything now let's add the description short one and you know I I will make a proper video about jgpt soon a proper course now add us product image first of all we have to upload that click this one and then shift and click this one okay let's go open you know when a customer select a certain color they will see other related product so I will show you how you can change that when you collect the product black one it will change to Black and then when you collect a blue product it will be changing to Blue now add gallery so all of these products now let's add a new category in men hoodies let's add attack here gray blue Ed now click on the variable product in the simple product variable product now let's uh add [Music] s and you can add up sale and cross sale and I will show you how you can do that you know these are all of these are upsale product and you can link that to your product now let's add uh actually now let's add color gray blue black and yellow and green now let's uh generate variation here now as you can see the variation right here now let's add a price for that $50 would be enough or 51 or 49 is look professional 49 so let's add that and click on the edit button then change the WID manage stock and other things click on the publish button let's add hoodies in tags as you can see our product let's click on that now as you can see small and choose the color gray blue black green yellow now as you know this one look awful and it's doesn't look like a Zara website so I will show you how you can change that to professional so first of all remove all of [Music] these first of all let's add the tag after that we will be removing the attributes and variation that's prent fit as you can see the tags over here black blue green gray hoodies and yellow now we have two hoodies category so let's remove one of that man now let's click on that update now let's see category hoodies and man so it's looking good no [Music] now let's uh check the review copy that to Private Browsing let's add uh review and Ali and Ali gmail.com great product just add duplicate command to change that to now let's submit that click on the submit Button as you can see your review is awaiting approval I check the review as you can see we got great product and great hoodies Let's uh click on the trash button now let's click on the approve and click on the replay thank you so much for Vier review now let's see this is our review great hoodies thank you so much for your review One customer review I know right now the size and colors are not looking good so don't worry about that now let's search for variation switches for vomer let's install that and here we go successfully installed now click on the product first of all uh we have to Del remove these size and color and click on the SE button as you can see right now we don't have any variation now click on the attributes now let's add some attribute size and color first of all we have to add size and click on the type and then choose the label now click on the Circle and uh now it says 36 would be enough and add attribute as you can see now click on the configure I configure terms here as you can see this one now let's add uh size here small s for small and M for medium and L for large and XEL for extra large double XEL for extra extra lot now let's go to attribute let's see large medium small extra large extra extra large now let's add color as you can see now click on color and then click on uh Circle will be good and then choose the size 36 now you have to click on the configure terms here now um it's up to you click same color white [Music] choose the white one or a little bit of gray it would be good now add a black color blue then add yellow color then green color now click on the attribute as you can see black blue green white [Music] yellow now click on all product let's go to hoodies now it's a switches so right here now click on the attribute of the last now you have to click on the add existing size and then color no add all of them or some of them is up to you small medium medium extra Lodge I think that's enough now let's add another one color black blue green [Music] yellow now click on the Ser attribute let's add another color gray color it would be good and change the white one to full white click on the config terms if you want to add new one let me show you how you can do that if you want to add more color let's add the gray one and let me show how you can edit the white color so click on the edit button then and click on the select the color now click on update now click on all project now click on the save attribute now let's remove all of them and you can remove them in a bulk let's delete all varation now let's add generate new variation click on okay button and you can add price and you can add it each product the way you want 49.50 or 49.99 it's up to you or 49.9 .99 is professional so keep it that way it's up to you and you can add each project let me show how you can do that if you and you can upload image that project set variation and as you can see th000 stock and we are adding sale and weight 0.5 kg and just like that you can do the rest let me add the blue one so now let's click on the SE changes and just like that you can do the rest it's up to you now click on update button let's see so from traditional to more advanc and I will show how you can uh change that select option Button as you can see once we click on the LA L button and then click on the black color button it's changing as you can see as you can see and you can change this to prom Circle to square whatever you want so it's up to you let's change the select option button click on the variation now change the default size to small and then save changes or you can change it to large a professional one most of the e-commerce website keep it uh in a professional uh way and there's the large l so as you can see now let's add a new product this time let's add shirt just open chat GPT and just uh give them some command just like this make a description for me now click make it short so it will give you the short description let's add the description and then add the short description as you can see copy and paste that's it nothing else and add product price and just let's change that to variable product this time I will show you how you can change the product with image and if you choose a white T-shirt you will see the wide variation right here and you have the flexibility to configure each variation according to your preference now let's add the pro tags white and black black and white and for man and shed let's keep it professional sh okay now add product image click on the upload file then click on the select file now let's click on this one and then click press the Shi shift button then click the last [Music] one this one or this one this one and you can add Al seex shirt shirt shirt or you can just uh copy and paste that that's it set product image so and then add product gallery sh copy paste copy paste add to G linked product um so right now we don't have attribute so let's add them size and color or leave the color I will be adding uh shut REM extra extra L double XL now click on the save attrib here and you can just uh click on the generate R and it will generate um let's remove that because we have we are adding uh shed creation image actually after that we will be adding the variation now click on the attribute now let's add image attribute this one okay image Let's uh Circle would be better 15 now click on the configure CHS now black and white sh uplo the image black one now let's add the white shot if you want to change it up to you and let's change the attribute name black to image course it doesn't look good and sh image or image just like this and that's that's how you can change now click on all product now click on the Shir now shipping change the weight and you can link product if you want now let's add uh attribute image not color remove that black and white so I save attribute now click on the variation generate variation and you can add price and you can add the default size the way you want to this one this is our shirt product click on update button now let's [Music] see still no response let's see let's add image here large and black so black color this one cation image now let's manage stock 10,000 4,998 and the white one add image large and white manage stock 10,000 that's enough uh right now we didn't add uh price for this product that's why it's not showing us and it's currently out of stock so now let's head the price 99 499 click on the update button now let's see as you can see large medium small Excel and if you click on this one large and then black white um black white black so it's up to you and you can change the rest uh variation just like I change the change it for the large and black shirt now let's change default size to large and default to White and save changes click on update button now it's done select option two add to cart option and you can change the rest it's up to you with color and with image and I will show you how you can change uh large medium small Excel later their order click on the attribute now click on the comparer terms let's change that small and then medium and then large XL and double XL refresh as you can see small medium large and XEL so after that we will be adding uh ebook a new product so and I will show you how you can do that it's easy as simple a real estate Islamabad real estate Islamabad based real estate consultancy or if you want to add a virtual product just like WhatsApp call Skype call virual if they want to book an appointment right here if you want to want to pay on your website now let's open a chat GPT and make a description you them uh simple keyword just like Islamabad based real estate consultantcy make a descriptions that's it and wait a little bit right now CH GPT is not working properly so let's copy this one let's add uh some tags here as you can see let's upload in the file this one actually we have a real estate company and a construction firm in in Islamabad Pakistan actually that's why I just uh rooted down Islamabad Bas real estate consultant because I know lots of thing about real estate in Islamabad that's why and first company name you know it's a land rout properties and then second one is a construction firm so which is which name is uh a fourth scare actually it's Islamabad based real estate company let's see as you can see discover your dream property with our Islamabad B let's copy this one now click on the update button actually we don't need attributes right here so now let's add a purchase note over here go to https let coffee this Ed 2 first w. m backlash then 9231 6123 4 611 actually that's my WhatsApp number that's why I'm using this and so now click on update button if you want to add something else so sub to [Music] you to book an appointment now let's add uh ebook everything about real estate so let's make a simple description in changity um you have to give a simple keywords after that it will give you a proper description [Music] for let's this one now let's make it shot let's give them simple English and make it short more so learn all about real s in one book that's good sir coffee and then P to here 99 D price and the sale price 49 virtual and downloadable so let's add new category ebook now let's add a file find them [Music] ebook and upload a simple file simple PDF file I will be uploading in this one so not a proper book because I don't have a proper book right now so that's why I'm uploading a simple PDF so leave how to Mi C me this PDF [Music] so now publish click on publish button um let's uh upload product image but before uploading product image let's make a book cover first let me show how you can do that in cona I show you about cona how you can use cona so let's search for book now this one looking good the blue one so let's click on this one [Music] in the logo section I show you how you can use kma if you don't know how to use kma how to log in kma so uh you have to watch the logo video in this uh tutorial series just added that and let's added that to real estate now add this to edit sadik Ali now click on the share button then click on the download button and then if you want to change this it's up to [Music] you now click on the download now it's downloaded completely so set product image upload file this one wait a little bit so it's closing ebook set product G [Music] so and click on the limit purchase to one item per order or leave that sub now let's add product tags ebook book real estate it's a virtual and downloadable product [Music] so now let's see as you can see this one so so that's it for [Music] today this is our description so this is our proper V Commerce websites for now so stay tuned for more tutorial on optimizing your W Commerce toour for hey there today let's Che about links product in WordPress W Commerce it's pretty cool you know when you are on a product page and you see those suggestion like uh people are also interested in well that's what we are talking about you can upsell product right there on your on the product page itself imagine seeing those extra goodies below what you are checking about now let's add some hoodies hoodies product here the large black one now let's [Music] update now let's check go to the homepage now let's get back to the product pH shirt as you can see we have uh Hood's large black here this is called UPS [Music] sales there's also something called cross sales say someone adds a product to their card and goes to check out right there Below based on what they are buying we can suggest other item is like saying hey since you are getting that you might also like this as you can see here now let's add some cross sale product go to the link product here as you can see now add some cross sales hoodies as you can see add large black now let's click on update button let's refresh the page now click on the add to card button now view [Music] card so let's remove the product [Music] hoodies go back to card so and you know we didn't add uh cross sales and upses for hoodies we add cross sales and upses for Shir product only so you can see you may be interested in this one this is called cross sale for the short product we add upses and cross sales and you can also do that for other products one by one so now let's add another [Music] [Music] crosss as you can see right here these are cross s we [Music] add now click on click to button so now let's add up Sals Islamabad base real estate consultancy product now add everything [Music] about real estate Now search for urban is essential t-shirt let's add this the large one now let's update refresh the page now click on the products as you can see we got you may also like this one this one and that one so these are [Music] upses and you know about ordering the product you can sort them by popularity by average rating latest and low to high or high to low price so you can also do that and you know you can also manually arrange them in order and I will teach you that don't worry about [Music] that as you can see this's uh change the shed product go to the Advance now click enter minus three in order to click the update [Music] button let's refresh the page as you can see we did it by manually now let's uh change another product or [Music] let's change the urban is essential t-shirt now click on the advance buttons as you can see it's here now let's change that click on the advance minus 2 now [Music] update let's refresh the Fage again as you can see it's right [Music] here [Music] so that's it for today so next time you are browsing through your favorite online store built with WordPress woocommerce keep an eye out for those linked product they might just lead you to your next favorite purchase happy shopping and thank you so much for watching this video [Music] hey there Welcome to our WordPress tutorial today we are going to learn how to customize the look and feel of your web shop first thing first we need to head over to the customizer to get started navigate to your WordPress and find the customizer option once you are there you will see a bunch of customization option to tweak the appearance of your website now let's focus on the font search for the Google font actually font play a big role in defining the personality of your site now click on the first link whether you want a sleek and modern look or something more traditional choosing the right font can make all the differences I will be choosing uh sensor for [Music] here let's see there are bunch of fonts here [Music] so and you can choose whatever fonts uh suits you best so I will be choosing hebo fonts here now click on the uh three dots [Music] option and you can change your website look there we have four types as you can see let's check this one I will be choosing the second option here now click on the design button and you can change your fonts here now search for hebo fonts as you can see now it's ch change and you can change also change the color if you want to just click on the [Music] color as you can see we have different options [Music] here as you can see [Music] it's up to you which one suits you the [Music] best but I will recommend to go for your logo colors and I will show you how you can uh take your logo colors [Music] easily without installing any extension [Music] actually and this is our uh head you can change if you want to change the header um just click on that and you can customize that easily drag and drop nothing else as you can see if you want to add other options just click on the plus button now let's publish there as you can see in the Nike website we have different options and as you can see the product details and we will be changing our products like Nike as you can see now we have art to card option like blue in colors we will be changing that [Music] to as you can see now we have a professional look [Music] so as you can see now click on the design button and if you want to change the result count product sorting or sidebar it's up [Music] to it's up to website so as you can see and if you want to remove the add card option just click on that it will be removed now let's uh change the product options if you want to uh give them a spacing to star rating and you can also hide the star rating and title or description or other [Music] things [Music] and you can easily change the phont of your for your entire website or specific element like heading or Price fonts ETA and you can see the entire website for uh just go to the typ graphy then you can change them easily and I will show you that later and you can change the color from here and you can if you want to change the color of entire website you can go to the color option in the customization or you can change uh the colors one by one it's up to you now let's change the color actually it doesn't looking [Music] [Music] good let's uh change the color of our website with the logo color let's go to the cana.com sign in click on the start design button then can click on the continue with Google if you have a Google account just log in we have different options here if you have apple account Google account or Facebook account just click on the login button it will automatically log in so I'm already loging the karma now let's go to the click store logo so here we go go this is our logo if you want to fix the color just go to The Heading and text and click one of the text and then click on that now text color and then here we go we have a photo color but let's try that with the pinpoint as you can see that's how we can take the color now coffee close that and paste it here as you can see now let's change the second color and make it a little bit darker or [Music] brighter as you can see now let's change this color click on the edit option now go to the design and click on the initial and paste it here let's change the second color let's make it a little bit darker let's see we're going to be now click on the publish button go back and if you want to change the font let's change that to hebo as you can [Music] see let's change the font to [Music] hebo now let's change it back to default let's see other fonts [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] back and I already told you about side identity so no need and here you can change your phone entire phones here easily in the typog graphy it's sub you if you want to change it one by one and this is our color and you can change that from him directly I'll leave the rest so [Music] go back let's change the footer as you can click on the footer option now click as you can see I already have clicks to all right res if you want to change that to something else it's sub to you just like this by typing by sadik or something else and you can also add the other option in your footage just click on the addit option this we have this colors here and you can change the font let's choose the hio and you can add other things in your uh photo let me show them and you can add all of these things if you want to so let's add the social VES let's add social [Music] here click on that social button now let's see so we already have Facebook Twitter Instagram let's add uh YouTube and WhatsApp [Music] let's remove that [Music] one so this is what up let's click on the plus button now let's add YouTube click on the plus Button as you can see it isn't looking good so let's change that click on the bottom row let let's change it to two let's see now let's change that to [Music] four let's change it to three now it's looking good [Music] so now click on the publish button to [Music] Street if you want to change your product so let's go to the [Music] product you can add sidebar or let's leave [Music] that let's go to card options now let's uh change the product image here [Music] and you can also change the image size to you I see that to 1,000 let's leave it to 500 soon and you can add how effects let me add the swap option here now let's go to the private browsing you will see the swap option and you can also add the zoom in and zoom out and you can add button spacing bottom spacing [Music] actually actually sub to your practice if you do more practice then you will get better and better [Music] J let's change that to [Music] right [Music] and you can end page title and you can also remove that so let's leave it as you can see the [Music] swap if you have multiple images then it will swap automatically let's change it to zoom in now let's [Music] see press the f as you can [Music] see now let's go to the view to card [Music] option and here we will be adding cun and other options so let's go to the customization now let's go to General and you can also change the star rating colors yeah and other [Music] option go to the check out pit and you can add the company name cfan pal or you can make it to required or you can change it or you can change it to optional or make it hidden so let's go to [Music] Hidden [Music] so let's make it optional because the second address line and you can also add privacy policy page here let me add the refund and return policy page here so and here we will be adding refund and return policy now let's change it back to privacy [Music] policy and you can add I have agreed uh read I have read and agreed to the website term and condition take box [Music] EX let's [Music] see as you can see this is a check out [Music] page so that's it for today thank you so much for watching this video thank you hey there today let's talk about changing the look and feel of your website what WordPress W Commerce right now we have got a really big menu so let's tackle that but hey before we dive in let's check it out how Nike does it the menu is pretty good right as you can see now go to the your WordPress side click on the click store in your WordPress Das [Music] board to adjust the menu we will head over to the customizer click on the customize option wait a little bit for that now just scroll down all the way and find the menu section as you can see here click click on the menu section here we will create a new menu give it a name like uh main menu do not click on these option so go back now create new menu give it a name like main menu now we want to link it to the headed menu area easy peasy just click next and start and adding item let's add the shop page to our menu as you can see right now we have nothing and the shop page my account page check out page card page so we will be adding a categories men's kids women like that so as you can see this is right now don't have the section category so we have to add the manually just search for menu item as you can see we have man here and here so click on the category one and then click on the woman now search for kids click on the kids option do drag and drop now let's add another item shirts t-shirts hoodies Etc it would be good if you choose the category option not the product option as you can see if you have a privacy policy page and other page then you can add those also in your menu now drag and drop here give them a proper struction a drop down [Music] so now click on the publish button go back let's see so this is our main section go back so let's check refresh the page so this is our menu which just awesome you know and you know there's another option to add your uh menus let me show you click on the appearance then go to menu option as you can see click on the menu option now you have we have here as you can see you can change the option here you can give them a proper structure you want to it's up to [Music] you if you want to arrange them just click and drag drag it down just like that now click on the sale [Music] menu let's see as you can see Shop menu woman kid check out my account and card yeah so that's it and thank you so much for watching this video thank you hey there today I'm going to walk you through how to import product in bu to your store with just one click it can really T to import product one by one especially if you have got lots of them like this if you have a store with lots of product then it's make it's really hard to import one by one let's search for Zara you know uh if you have a store like Zara Nike or similar to them and you have thousands of products then it's become very difficult to import product one by one you know if you have a big store like uh Zara or Nike you know you have thousands of products so you can't uh create a new product one by one you can't import a product one by one so you have to do um just make a Excel file and just import them just once you know first thing first you have to gather all your product images into one p and then make sure to resize all those images to the same side the step will keep everything looking neat and tit next open up Microsoft Excel here's what's the magic happen copy and paste the image file into the image section and don't worry I will share the mic coft Excel file template with you so you can easily create your own with a just a few simple step you will be importing product in bulk like a pro let's dive in and get started so let's open our dashboard now click on the product as you can see click on the import button as you can see now click on the choose pile option so you have a Excel pile saved in CSV now click on the continue Button as you can see description we give them a proper description sale price back off order and everything categories shipping class as you can see we give them a profer name short description you know this is our long description as you can see we give them us date sale and stock how many stock we have sale price regular price categories images [Music] as you can see um you you know you have to gather all your product images into one folder for easy to use now run the Importer now view product click on view product as you can see now we have we just import 10 to 20 product in just one click you know and just one click now refresh the page as you can see with the proper price and everything as you can see and you know I will provide you uh the template Excel template so don't worry about that and uh by following these steps these easy steps you will save lots of time and effort importing product into your store now you can sit back relax and watch as your store fill ups with all your amazing product so thank you so much for watching this video thank you hey there today let's talk about the sidebar on your website it's a great tool to make things easier for your visitors what exactly is a sidebar well it's s area on your shop page where people can find the product they are looking for have a look at the Wikipedia as you can see this is a sidebar so uh we can customize it in many ways to improve the buying process let me show you a few option and how to create a sidebar with sidebar widges but first let me tell you that we are using blosi teams now let's click on the product archive here we go click on that now scroll down now click on the sidebar option and turn it on so as you can see now click on the back option now click on the publish so to add widgets to the sidebar we will head go to the customizer scroll down to the course section as you can see the sidebar so scroll down to the core section as you can see now click on the woocommerce Side Bar if it's not here then refresh your page now click on the plus option click browse all to see all available option you find some W Commerce reled ones here scroll down more as you can see the Commerce related one so we have product SE active filters product by category product category list product collection beta and lots of them tons of them for example we add we can add um product categories as you can see it will help help user find specific product so let's delete that you don't need this now browse click on the browse all option and scroll down now click on the product search which is to help user find the specific [Music] product as you can see now add filter by price and you can add another option if you want to but I like to add the filter by price and search option here so it's up to you and it's up to your uh web shop as you can see so 0 to 84 we have different options so here we can filter by price we can filter the product by price here and we can search the product let's search for Shir and there you have it with just a few clicks we have customized our sidebar to enhance the shopping experience on your website now let's add another side bar let's search for card mini card classic card we have different option here so let's add the card one and click on the hide if card is empty if the card is empty it will automatically hide so if it's not then and you can see here now click on the publish Button as you can see the card option here [Music] let's go back let's delete this product as you can see no product in the card now go back and again now let's go to the sidebar as you can see we have different type of sidebar so you can it's up to which one you like the most but let's see as you can see the Side Bar here I will stick to this one I think and you can uh set the width of a side bar yeah and you can add gap between the prod and the sideb and you can add uh spacing vertical spacing and let me tell you about sticky sidebar let me show you as you can see it's not sticky let me show this one as you can see the Wikipedia said bar is sticky one so this you know a Sticky Side Bar where a sidebar element remain fixed in its position so let's refresh the Fage so you can see as you can see we are scrolling down you know a sticky sidebar often used to keep keep important information or navigation option readily accessible to the user that's why we are using the sticky sidebar here let's change the color or fonts so color is okay to me let's change the [Music] font [Music] now click on the publish button now go back let's close this one now let's go to the dashboard and let me show you uh sidebar here how you can customize the sidebar in your dashboard go to the appearance and now go to the Viet here as you can see as you can see this is our main sidebar and this one is our woocommerce sidebar here as you can see we add search filed by prior yes and we add card option as you can see so great job you have just learned how to create a sidebar with Widget in WordPress woocommerce with these handy tools you will make navigating your website a breeze for your customer if you found this tutorial help don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more helpful tools thanks for watching thank you so much hey there today let's talk about a coupon code in WordPress B Commerce we have got your website up and running and look beautiful and but we are not quite done yet there's still some other stuff deck like payment methods shipping CS head and food but right now let's focus on coupon code with coupon codes you can really take your online shopping business to the next level they are like little magic keys that unlock all sorts of discounts and deal for your customers so stick around as we D into the V of coupon codes and see how they can supercharge your online store so let's go to in your WordPress dashboard section to marketing now click on the Q funds and now um let's wait a little bit as you can see click on the ad coupon here and you can add your new coupon click on generate coupon code and you can add your description here but I will show that later so let's see and you have we have different uh discount typ here fix let's stick to the fixed card count right now and we will try other option after that and you can check that this box uh if you if you if the coupon grants pre shipping so now click on the publish button and then let's refresh refresh the page and click on the add to card options let's see as you can see we have add a coupon code option over there but let's go let's click on the proceed to check out and we have also add a coupon code option here now click on that and paste the coupon code and click on apply option apply button actually so as you can see we got uh $30 discount here the total cost is $100 because got $30 discount with a coupon code as you can see now let's go back to the dashboard and let me show other ways how you can do that now let's check the percentage discount Let's uh stick to 10% right now click on the update button now let's refresh the page let's press the page as you can see we got minus 10 fromus 30 to minus 10 because we add a 10% discount and we have other option picks uh product discount if you want that now let's stick to F Card discount and you can apply coupon expired date if you want to so let me add that 2024 to 3 31 and you can add your description it's optional option so you want to if you can add let me change the cuon amount here 50 would be and you can uh you know it's up to you if you don't know how to write a description let me show you how you can do that professionally with the help of jbt let me write a simple description so a simple one and you can change that to professional one a simple description you [Music] know so this is our description get $50 discount span on $200 now let's open a new tab search Google and then type chat GPT and here we go click on the chat GPT option and then login to login we have different option like continue with Google and or Facebook or uh we have continue with Microsoft account or apple now now let's uh do that let's give them a proper keywords like write a coupon short description and then we give them our keyword get $50 discount spend on $200 as you can see we got hour so now let's copy that enjoy a $50 discount when you spend 200 or more shop now and treat yourself to incredible deals that's good man let's look professional so let's copy and paste here and you know we have other option like usage restriction minimum span let's add $200 we have $200 and we are not going to add maximum span if you want to you can add that also and we have individual use only and exclude sale item and check that if you want to because that's important if you have already applied sales on certain item then click on that and if you want to exclude certain product just search for that product or categories and we have usage limits of our confir code let's give one or 100 or 20 now click on the update button now refresh the page as you can see coupon has been removed from your car the minimum span for this coupon is $200 because we add a minimum span here now let's click on the add to card option right now we have 100 and 149 let's add that let's add another $0000 so we go$ 294 now click on The View card option and you can add your coupon here C on that copy paste you here now click on apply button as you can see we gotus [Music] [Music] $50 as you can see now um let's go back to our dashboard now let's add a percentage discount type and go back to percentage now let's go to usage uh restriction and you can add the usage limit if you want to apply to all qualifying item in card or or you can limit that to three four less give them two it will apply only two item and you will get 50% discount let's change the description [Music] enjoy a 50% discount when you spend $200 or more shop now and treat yourself to incredible deal click on update option I will show you after that I will show you how you can include some product or just like that you can also exclude categories let me sure we gotus $100 over [Music] here on update options button let's Let's uh remove the shirt as you can see we got Aus $100 overhead for three shirs as you can see it only apply to two x item because we limit [Music] that and you know if we increase that it won't work because we have we limit that and it's a percentage as you can see 50% and we use and a usage limit let's exclude some product from them slue shirt black Lo shirt first size black shirt C on the update button let's see it's working or not you know about 999.9 50% is $500 so now let's add black shots you see add to card and view card let's see let's add two you can increase it to stream let's add a coupon code let's copy them app the coupon code sorry this coupon is not available to selected project as you can see it's working now let's add here let's Mo them as you can see we got 50% discount on 249 which is 124 five and stay tuned for more tips and tricks to optimize your WordPress B Commerce website uh coupon code are just the beginning of what you can do to enhance your online business keep exploring and innovating and watch your online store thrives see you in the next video thank you so much for watching this video hey there today let's talk about shipping when you are selling physical product you need to ship them to your customer but if you are selling digital product you don't have to send anything uh they are available instantly today I will show you how to set up shipping for your physical product you can assign certain countries or exclude other when you want to sell your products you can even set different shipping cost or for each country to configure shipping on your website we will head to the backend and go to woocommerce so let's go to woocommerce setting now click on W Commerce and go to setting as you can see click on that so firstly we will set out uh selling location I will choose specific countries like United State Pakistan Saudi Arabia Canada or you can add your city and address and uh for code um and we will be adding Saudi Arabia just like that you can add countries or you can add all of them now let me show how you can search for your own ZIP code Cod Pakistan Islamabad zip code because I'm living in Islamabad Now search for that it's 44 actually as you can see these are zip codes for slav now let's search for uh United State New York ZIP code as you can see and select your shop countries region and ship to specific countries only just like that and ship to specific country we will add them later and you can do that select all or select one by one just like that and you can enable tax rate and calculation and we will add them later so region now click on the save changes next we will go to shipping and the add a shipping Zone you will see option like flat rat pre-shipping and local pick up as you can see now let's go to add shipping method as you can see we got pre-shipping plat rat and local pickup as I told you but I want more options so I'll need to install a plugin for that now let's click on add new plug-in now let's go to plug-in and search for table rate as you can see sorry about that go back search for uh plat rate table rate table rate actually just for that table rate as you can see click on this one now click on activate as you can see it's installed installed successfully now let's go back to W Commerce setting and shipping so now let's click on ADD zone so right now we didn't add specific regions zones so as you can see we then add a specific Zone um you can add your post code here postal code or you can add select all countries but let's go back to General let's click on General now let's add um uh specific countries Shi to specific countries so now let's add United States for a moment now click on Save [Music] changes let's go to shipping now click on ADD Zone and here here we will be adding uh United State or adun first let's try United States of America and click on United [Music] States now click on ADD save changes then add shipping method here we have flexible shipping now click on that so we will be adding flexible shipping now click on addit and wait a little bit now uh here we have meod title let's add UPS or padex as you can see and you can add the label UPS label if you want to just install our plugins as you can see just like that now let's close that Tab and you can add text status and text included in shipping cost if you don't want just click on now and minimum order value and pre-shipping if you want to less you will be adding $100 for that $100 would be [Music] enough and that we will be doing uh price uh and we have other option with weight we can also use uh weight but most of the people use price instead of weight let's add another rule but I will be showing you both of them how you can do with price and with weight and I will be showing uh how people make mistake let's do this [Music] uh some of the people make mistakes during uh shipping cost they add some of them or they miss something so now let's add 50 to 99.99 let's add 12.95 after $100 you will get a pre-shipping so so we don't need any description right here leave that now let's go to our store and refresh the page now let's add [Music] some [Music] now click on view card option as you can see we got a free shipping here for $268 now let's remove some item now it's 168 123 now we got $13 shipping cost UPS as you can see now we got a free shipping let's remove some item as you can see now we have $13 and you can change the address if you want to just click on the change add [Music] rest as you can see now you know uh we go at $15 just because it's a worful product the shipping cost will not be added on a virtu product so remember that now remove item this one let's add another let's go back to shopping click on the shop now let's add some [Music] item let's select the blue or green color blue one be good click on yes add to card now let's we gotard as you can see now we have $13 as a shipping cost and total is 63 then $76 for total let's remove some item as you can see now we got $5 is a shipping cost and total is 23 as you can see 495 let's add some now we got $8 as a shipping cost now we got uh $13 now we have a ship pre- shipping so and you can remove that as you can see [Music] $13 now let's add uh weight 0 to 1 kg the cost will be $1 1.99 or 50 just like that let's uh right now keep it $50 0 to 2 kg 49 20 let's keep it 20 20 would be good 1 to2 kg $30 so let's change that click on the shipping so now we have 0.5 just not a PR you do not have to write 0.5 in decimal numbers now click on uh add to card option remove this one now we've got let's see as you can see we got uh free shipping or $100 let's remove the previous one uh let's go back to vcommerce now let's go to setting actually click on the setting this one now click on shipping then click on edit United student edit now let's click on edit [Music] again let's uh change that to 500 for now let's refres the Fage as you can see now we got $50 just because we add zero uh a decimal number [Music] 0.5 as you can see go to shipping just mention 0.5 let's change that to 2 kg now click on update so these are some mistake people are make making during uh their WordPress as you can see right now we have $1 $30 $130 0 to 1 G you have to enter now let's change that and you can see now one to 2 kg we got $30 Let's uh Delete let's save them click on Save changes now let's go back to all product Let's uh click on edit for sh of product so click on shipping as you can see now let's change that to 0.7 so again we will get $50 for shipping let's refresh the page as you can see $50 for shipping now let's change that to Zero from 0 to 1 kg it's a simple mistake people are making as you can see now we got $120 now let's add 3 Kg wait click on the [Music] update as you can see now we got a pre shipping for [Music] $100 now let's change that take on update you know we didn't add uh 2 to 3 kg and above so another m take and press the page now we got [Music] $130 now let's go back to setting it's good if you use um pricing instead of weight as a shifing unit so would be good if you use uh price as you can see 1 to 2 kg we got 30 don't now let's change it to 1 to5 kg and save changes click on now let's refresh the page or 2 kg like this now let's add another rule weight 2 to 3 Kg $40 you can [Music] see delete s it would be good if you just use pricing now let's save [Music] changes you know uh some people make mistakes on a weight unit so when they apply weight condition let's keep it 9 99 12.95 now let's go back andess the page as you can see we got a pre-shipping here let's another one now let click on remove item here we have $88 shipping [Music] cost let's increase that 80 $113 and we got $13 shipping and total is 93 now we got pre- [Music] [Music] shipping and you can display the notice when the amount left for pre-shipping so now let's head pre let's add from here pre you only need percentage and one and all have more to get pre- shipping copy that and paste it here now click on Save changes let's go back and refresh the page as you can see we got here and a notification pre you only need $20 more to get pre- shipping now let's add another item now it's free now let's remove some item wait a little bit now you can see we got a igation here now let's go first let's remove this one now click on sa changes let's go back to General Let's uh add another country in Pakistan now click on Save changes now let's go to shipping and here you can add Zone and you can add multiple Zone if you want and multiple types shipping method let's add Pakistan click on ADD shipping method now click on flexible shipping method let's add another one flexible shipping method you can add multiple if you want let's add another shipping method first flexible click on ADD and flexible shipping method click on continue so now we have two shipping method flexible shipping method now let's click one of them if you want to add description you can add that let's add UPS here pre-shipping only for $0000 or $50 Pakistan currency you know this play notice when the amount show now let's add some uh condition here from zero to $10 or $20 that's uh 1.99 or one cost you know in Pakistan everything is Chap is not that EXP expensive so a labor cost you know and America is more expensive than Pakistan as you [Music] know now refesh the page as you can see let's change the address to Pakistan let's change the city to Islamabad and state Islamabad Capital territory and add a zip code click on update as you can see now we have two option UPS or flexible shipping $80 as you can see let's remove some item now let's add another one 399 and click on Save changes yeah let's refresh the page as you can see now we got uh $4 for shipping and change that to TCS or FedEx because in Pakistan we have FedEx and TCS now click on Save changes here now let's go back to [Music] General and then let's go to shipping let's add let's click on the this one and edit let's change the Zone name Pakistan and zone region Pakistan save changes now let's uh delete this one let's add another one flexible shipping so continue click on the edit TCS now click uh and you can add description if you want so let's go to price and then add some price here 0 to 10 or 0 to 9.99 it's uh $1.99 now let's add this another rule or leave that just save changes let's see and you can add another rule if you want to you press the page here now click on the TCS you got $24 s and $4 for FedEx yeah and as you can see you only need $10 more to get a pre- shipping so let's add another product and where you will get a simple error in uh shipping cost let's remove this item as you can see the shipping 4 now let's go back to shopping now let's add this uh capab which is $16 now click on view card option now let's remove the hoodies as you can see right now we got $9 for shipping as you can see just for $16 um as you can see the error we go here so zero $20 let's add uh 21 here now let's add 31 here now let's click on the save changes these are just simple errors you will get as you can see right now we got $2 I hope I cover everything so thank you so much for watching this video and stay tuned for next tutorial thank you so much hey there uh on the previous tutorial we talk about shifing now let's discuss taxes where we pay money to the government from what we have earned it may s sometimes especially in places like Pakistan where we pay taxes on everything we earn but here it's necessary part of our lives so it's uh difficult to calculate taxes correctly and Bomer can help you with that and let me show you how we can uh set up it manually or automatically especially the if you are from the United State I'll walk you through both side both methods actually so now let's search text in Pakistan s tax especially and it is 18% now let's go to w Commerce and then setting click on that so go to journal and then scroll down and click on enable taex rate and calculation and you know uh text will be applied to on the check out feed let me show you and now click on the text and you know about additional text classes like reduce rate or zero rate now click on the standard rates and you know reduced rate taxes are applied at lower rate than standard taxes while zero rate taxes mean no taxes applied to the good or Services now let's t uh country code um so not necessary to type CT or Force code and give them s tax name here 18% so now click save changes now let's go to reduce rate which is uh applied at lower rate than standard taxes reduced rate just like in F or something like this you know it's not same as standard rate so we have to make it at lower rate now keep it to zero now now let's uh go to zero rate Tex and we will change the reduced rate Tex later let's go to your site and [Music] refresh now click on add to card now view the card let's see the tax is over here as you can see the sale tax is 36 for $200 let's remove item so as you can see we got 18% tax on $100 which is 118 as you can see sell tax now let's go back to the back end now let's set up for United State of America Tex here right 0 0 which is a zero rate so click on Save changes now let's go to reduce rate and insert [Music] R and country code us zero and text now click on Save changes again let's go to standard rate now click on insert room but first let's search for s teex in United State of America on Google so let me close that s text in America United State of [Music] America which is 5% 7% 2.9% or 7.25% the US has no federal tax system it relies on sale tax system that is administered by the states 0 to 15 20 on the most asset Let's uh take that as a 10% I think it's uh 7 to 10% sale tax us has now let's go back and refresh the page now uh change the address go to United State and change the city here California now let's change the postal ZIP code B you click on update as you can see we got sale tax $10 only 10% $100 and that's how you can apply sale tax for different cities town or state or country it's up to you and it's quite easy you know let's click on update as you can see we got 18% tax for [Music] him now let me show you another thing click on General now let's scroll down now click on text now as you can see pric is entered with text yes I will enter prices inclusive of text now click on Save [Music] changes now refresh the [Music] Fage as you can see the price is inclusive with tax so no total is $100 it got 18% which is 15.3 so I got uh 84.7 now let's click on no I will Enterprise exclusive of tax and save changes now let's go back to side as you can see we got8 [Music] here now let's display prices in the shop including tax and including let's save changes here it will display prices uh in the shop and card with TX as you can see sub total is 118 and you see 293 47.2 it will give you the subtotal with Tex now let's click on that display prices uh excluding Tex so now let's save the changes yeah let's go back as you can see now is showing sub total is $100 s TX is 18 and total is 118 as you can see 118 now click on including text excluding text now click on Save changes let's see right now is 118 here as you can see we got $100 which is excluding tax so after tax will be 118 right now let's work on a reduce rate which are applied at a lower rate than standard taxes so you know there are places in Pakistan uh where they apply reduced rate taxes or zero rate taxes and also in not State actually I think so let's save changes I don't know how much you can search uh for that on Google now let's go to product let's apply reduce rate taxes on this product sh now click on General then let's go to Tex status and click on is it taxable shipping only or now click on text class click on reduce rate then click on update let's see now refresh the page and view cards okay right now we got $ tax it's is 2% Okay click on update as you can see 1% for United [Music] State because we applied A reduced rate taxes yeah now let's add the another product hoodies let's check for that it's not applied on hoodies so this one give us sale taxes 4 and for the shirt is $1 1% and 4% which is 145 now we just use standard rate and click on the update let's see as you can see we got $14 is a sale tax 154 now click on add new plugin you know there's another way you can uh automatically add your taxes probably for United State so understanding and managing taxes is essential for your business Financial Health uh by comparing taxes correctly in W Commerce you can ensure complies and smooth operation so stay tuned for another tutorial this is uh plugin you can [Music] install for Texas uh actually now it's quite easy just uh enable that in your setting so that's it for today thank you so much for watching this video all right it's time to dive into our next topic payment method ensuring your customer can pay easily key whether it's through credit card PayPal or the preer method like cash on we have got you go let's discuss how to set up this payment option right now in places like Pakistan cash on delivery is finally use so we will make sure to cover that to and once payment are sorted we will move on to setting up email notification for order so let's get started so now uh let's move on to the woocommerce and select the setting as you can see click the setting now let's click on add to cart option now click on view cart and scroll down here we have option view card and click on that as you can see now click on proceed to check out as you can see here we don't have any payment option there are no payment method available this may an error when you proceed to check out and place an order now let's go to payment method as you can see now click on cash on delivery click it on and save the changes now let's go to finish setup as you can see uh we just enable cash on delivery if you with cash pH delivery you can change the description if you want or you can change the title this is good you know leave that way and you can enable for shipping method so leave that way now click on save op save changes now refresh the page as you can see now we have a payment option called pay with cash on delivery cash on delivery now let's write uh first name and last name and street address here just a random street address you know town city and for code Let's uh place the order and you can change the shipping option if you want [Music] to and you can add a coupon code if you want to now let's focus on payment method now place the order and here we have S TX as you can see in the previous video just talk about uh Texs and everything so if you want to watch this video I will give you the link in the description as you can see bilding address and shipping address here so now let's uh just add another here we have let's add another faite option now go to plugin and add a new plugin here so we will be adding uh strive and uh PayPal so now let's search for PayPal as you can see W Commerce Paypal payment as you know PayPal doesn't work in Pakistan so people only work in United States Europe I think and Australia just like these countries and stripe also work in USA Australia and uh Europe so now let's add another plugin let's add stripe here install this one as you can see by W Commerce strap and get uh if you have a PayPal account and a stripe account so you can add this let me show you how you can do that go to setting now click on payment here and here we go just here is a stripe and PayPal click on this and here we have now click on activate PayPal if you got the email address and then you can add this here so if you have a pile Eon you can add in here and if you don't have then leave it and click on this you will be able to add uh stripe account inter account key here so I do it because I don't have strap and PayPal account right now I'm in Pakistan right now now let's uh click on add to card in the future I will upload a video about PayPal and stripe so don't worry about that now let's uh place an order pay with cash upon delivery now let's go to email and here we have order so as you can see uh once you place order then you will get an email from name click store and here we have our address let's change that to support at theate cleck store so this is my address click store.com now let's give them let's change the color let's go click on customization we'll be choosing our logo color so now go to color here we have our Colors Let's click on that and copy this one now let's go back and uh change this here we go now let's change this copy this one and paste it here now click on Save changes and you can CH if you want to change a putter so just change that now let's go to media and add a new file I will be adding uh our logo here so click on yes now click on edit now click on edit here again and let's change this uh let's crop this image this [Music] logo as you can see right now we have Dimension 500 M 500 and you can scale that now let's uh change the let's scop [Music] that let's do it [Music] manually [Music] now click on update so now copy the URL of your logo now let's go back to the setting and and to email here let's paste the header image URL now click on Save now now let's uh let me show you how you can change uh the email New Order email and you can do the rest like this click on Save changes now let's do to Let's place an [Music] order after placing an order you will get uh notification and email and here is our order I just placed two order so let's check a three order actually I just placed and here we have and you can change the photo text let's check the template as you can see the color just focus on the color and the fond it's okay it's good so we are done we just change uh the New Order recipient address and you can do the rest like this if the order is completed then the customer will get a notification an email just like your order is now complete thanks for shopping with us just like this [Music] now let's go to order how you can complete the order let me show [Music] you as you can see click on change status to completed now let's select them let select this one and now click on apply so the customer will get a notification that their order has been completed as you can see the status just changed Let's uh cancel this one and you can change the status to cancel click on apply now customer will get a notification there that his order has been cancelled and you can change the email right here if you want Hello everyone today I'll walk you through creating stunning header and putter for your website along with setting up an Advan search filter to make product searching a breeze plus we will ensure your website looks great on all devices by implementing these strategies you will Elevate the design and functionality of your website providing user with an exceptional browsing experience so let's get started let's di in as you can see right now we have a simple header and a simple footer let's change that let's go to product and categories if you don't have these categories you can uh uh create them here now let's uh customize click on the customize to customize the footer and header but make sure you have categories first now like now let's drag the card first here let's see how it looks here let's uh give them a proper look as you can see right now it isn't looking good let's change that let's delete the account from here now let's edit the card so so we have a different shapes here it's up to but I would like to choose uh type one let's see the type two type one is better than type two tab one is looking good actually now click on the design if you want to change uh the font color or icon color or badge color as you can see and if you want to change uh the header design click on the three dot let's go back then click on let's create uh menu here but first after that we will deal with the header right now we have CAU my account let's remove the card from him Let's uh give them a proper structure if you want to add another item another category you can add them the search for access accessories now let's add this now let's search for clothing and click on the plus sign now let's drag in drop right now our header looking great so it's okay it's good click on the publish button so let's [Music] check now let's edit the pum let's but first let's uh check the header and typ one is quite good so I will stick to the type one not dive two actually now let's go to a design and let's uh change the color of the drop down to and let's add the item divider let's see isn't looking good so let's change that to White completely white so right now it's looking good and color fully white so let's take to [Music] pully now click on the publish [Music] button let's publish that and repress the F let's see and you can also change the header from uh dashboard soon now let's close the customization let's go to the dashboard I will show you how you can change the menu with the dashboard click on the menu in Airness section as you can see this is our menu here so you can also arrange them here now let's go to menu and create a new menu let's give them name legal page click on the next click on add item so let's add some pages here terms and condition if you don't have these Pages uh click on add new pages and add them now click on [Music] publish now click on edit options let's remove the social now click on bottom row let's change that to [Music] one Let's uh change that to Middle let's remove that and add something U prably legal Pages privacy policy let's give them a link now click on privacy policy so done and you click apply and you can do the rest like this let's create another column here let's choose four so let's add some wges here let's go back so add edes here 1 2 three and four now click on that VES and let's add image here I will be adding let's add a logo on our website now click on select let's add a simple paragraph let's change the color so it will look good let's go to design let's change the font color to white um it's looking good so [Music] now let's add a [Music] paragraph let me show you how you can uh create a professional paragraph with jgb let's see write some keywords we deliver clothes to your door step let's copy that now let's go to chpt write a short description LEL close to your doorstep so here we go let's create another one now let's goopy that one p it here let's drop that image this logo let's go to media file click on this logo and click on edit now let's click on crop and let's crop that now let's click on apply CR so click on Save edit so here we go now click on publish so let's see let's add another Vision here now click on the plus icon let's add menu Let's uh now wait a little bit now give them a title proper title main menu now select the main menu here wait a little bit for that so so here we [Music] go now click on plus block let let's add another menu here this one is legal Pages now select the legal Pages here wait a little bit as you can see the legal pag is here let's add uh Conta contact us simple heading or contact P if you want or something else now we will be adding a simple uh contact adding with the small pound and you can change that H2 to H3 or H4 let's add a paragraph in the end we will and you can add list but we'll be adding paragraph here let's add you can add here a location or uh mail address and your phone number just like that your company phone number actually it would be better let's see mail to support at click.com let's give them a proper look let's see so now let's see let's change it to five let's add here a social icon let's [Music] add so we have we got Facebook Twitter Instagram WhatsApp and and YouTube so it's good as you can see Nike has the PIP section so it's looking [Music] good and click on open link in new tab so that's [Music] good now let's change the color to Black and you can also change the design icon design here the shape of Icon actually and size and spacing in between icons let's with that way no horizontal [Music] shapes let's close [Music] that so right now our header looking great I think I have to change social icon in a vertical alignment and you also have to work on Advanced uh search bar so let's add a new plugin and you can add plugin from here click on add new plugin and wait a little bit now search for Vu search w o s e a r c h v search now click install this one Advan food search Now [Music] activate and wait a little bit as you can see now it success fully installed now click on setting let's remove this close this let's copy this one this search form code short code actually let's go back to customization now click on customize here we will be removing the search let's add HTML and click on HTML and paste uh AWS search form it will appear like this now click on let's publish that let's change that to this [Music] location now I'm publish let's go back to to Wordpress dashboard now let's go to w search now click on reindex table and wait a little bit for that to complete let's go back and refresh the page as you can see right now we have a search bar and don't worry about the search bar shape I publish that click on publish now let's go back to dashboard code so sear sources are title content SQ and short description let's just something as you can see right now it's looking good but uh the description the description doesn't look good so as you can see the search bar is working great right now now let's uh go back and let's search for as you can see everything is good and click on Save changes here it's good performance everything is good so now let's go to search form so you can change the nothing for read or search or view all result let's change the styling the second one would be good so let's click on Save changes so the second one bomb styling is looking good now refresh the Fage so you can see as you can see it's looking great now let's search for belt as you can see let's remove the description from here from the form from search result actually let's change it to so short description and uh click on the all button here show product for each result as all that price on choose sale badge on Q off and off and off now click on Save changes let's see again as you can see here everything is looking great now let's go customization and let's work on putter let's add another menu here so here uh let's add more information or more info so here we will be adding uh context as page you know about contact page and um let add them here and about us page so let's add them click on the add button now let's write B us add [Music] that and blog and [Music] fq and newsletter let's change that about us contact blog and fq and newsletter now let's go back go to fooo and you can add menu here I'm sorry about that let's remove that let's add Wes and double click on [Music] that now I'll click on add block and search for menu as you can see wait a little bit for [Music] that let's remove this one as you can see and you can uh change the tle if you want more information or more [Music] info now let's change it to more info let's refresh the F right now our putter is looking great let's change the s like and end and now everything is looking great click on publish let's see again let's change that to heading to H4 let's see and change it to H5 this do this H6 I think that's it now click on publish now click on social on design again come let scroll down and let's change the spacing and size and you can change the size by moving backward and I think uh rounded is looking good let's change the size so vertical is pretty good look on vertical so it's good now click on publish button let's see rep the page right now it's looking good actually quite good so privacy policy terms and condition Pages ET everything is looking good oh that's let's change this one click on customize let's go back click on three dot here now let's go to design and here you can change the background color let's change it to White import color is black so now let's see click on publish so you can see let's refresh the page let's go again right now it's looking good now let's go back go back and close the customization click on publish actually then close the customization as you can see this is our page header so in the next tutorial we will be working on elementum this is our photo it's looking good you know so stay tuned for more valuable tips to enhance your WordPress website thank you so much for watching this video hey there uh first thing first we'll ensure your website look fantastic no matter what device your visitor are using plus I will show you how to switch that dark background to a lighter pressure look let's get started on making your website shine so now let's go to customize option click on customizer as you can see here now let's click on tablet view as you can see uh the darker background now let's change it to lighter and pressure look first of all click on the header now let's click on op areas so let's change the menu first of all we have to change menu click on the mobile menu now click on main menu so as you can see it's just change now let's change the tole icon drop down so we have a three uh drop down icon I think type uh three is looking good let's add a border for a battery let's add a t three as you can see now it's looking great now let's go to the design and change the font color to Black because we will be changing uh the background color to a Larter that's why now let's uh change the font to a he it's good man let's change that to so make the pond color to black color now let's add the divider so make sure to use lighter color here and a transparent one and click on that up canvas area let's go to design let's change the background color to a lighter background [Music] and you can also add a shadow if you want on make to if you want to make transparent then drag it to left side and you can add uh gradient color and this is the shadow you'll be adding a little bit of Shadow here now it's looking great actually let's click on that let publish now let's go to site let's refresh the page so we can see customize option change that to tablet view let's click on that as you can see now it's looking [Music] great now let's go to design let's change the divider a little [Music] bit it's looking good soon refresh the page as we can see we have a lighted divider now let's see a mobile view as you can see the mobile [Music] view it's great man it's looking great this is our footer let's click on main room and let's change the trigger to a solid color and you can change the shape of your trigger we have three types here so and you can change the color let's change the color a little bit to darker one let's make that a little bit darker now it's looking good A little darker would be good and here you can change the [Music] size and that's would be good enough I think it is good let's make it 17 16 17 would be good click on publish FL stre as you can see this is our mobile and tablet View this is our drop down now let's go [Music] back okay let's add a card for him let's see it it's not looking good so just drag it to him let's change it to that [Music] area so now let's change um let's drag it over here let's change the trigger to this to the left side and car to this side I think logo is looking great in the [Music] middle so as you can see here let's add a search now it's looking great I think here let's add account I think it doesn't look great now let's uh remove the account option here now it's good now we are good here let's add HTML advance search bar let's see awful let's change let's add a search a normal search bar now let's add HTML here now let's see as you can see let's remove that let's add social let's change the panel background to fully white now let's see it's great click on the publish button let's go to taate mode click on that it's looking good our website is looking great in a tablet in mobile view now let's go to header now let's on the stick functionality you know know it will stick to the end when you uh scroll down let's make it um Auto now it's good and you can change the design if you want so get ready to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce website with blog C themes stay tuned for more tips and tricks to take your online store to Next Level thank you so much for watching this video thank you so much so in this video I will be creating a stunning e-commerce homepage like this as you can [Music] see builds as take us High hey there I'm tell with how our website look I'm happy with the layout but have you ever thought about having a homepage like Amazon or Zara you know a page fill with categories text and feature product but good news I will show you how to create that using elements a pre page build let's dive in to creating a custom homepage let's stand out now let's go to add new page and for that with a little bit now type home here and click on publish button and publish so now let's go back to our dashboard now where we will be changing uh the static page to homepage now let's go to reading and click on static so now home page to home let's select the home now let's post page to blog and you can change that blog Pages now click on Save changes here now let's install a new plugin so click on add new plugin Elementor we will be installing Elementor and livees which is a Elementor add-on so now let's search for elementer now click on install now so you know about Elementor website builder Elementor is a the best weite builder for WordPress and you know um more than 8% website on Internet are on elementa now let's install live mesh actually it's add-on for uh element now click on install now and cck click activate now click on hello so here we go so let's copy the color so we can paste in theme color here there we go now let's C with the hover color and paste it here now click on Save setting and you can deactivate animated tags Etc so leave that way and you can add custom CSS here now let's go back to Pages let's go and close this one so here we go now we have our homepage as you can see now let's go click on edit and click on edit with Elementor click on let's go now let's click on continue and here we go so this is a container and you can increase the height and width of this container so we will be using this container you can uh just simply drag and drop in this container we will be adding text images [Music] Etc and you can delete that text from here just click and then delete and here we go this is our image and you can duplicate that just like this if you want to delete just click on the delete click that and delete just like this let's delete and you can also delete that from here the whole container actually so let's remove the face title in customization so now let's refresh the page as you can see now let's drag the container here now let's select grid as you can see let's close that now click on this one let's add heading and text over here let's click you can change the heading if you want to H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 it's a heading actually so top cell on this week and you can change the style over here let's change the color click on the text color this one's looking good so just like let's change the font to hebo now let's add another heading here you know uh I will be creating a simple homepage it's up to you the more time you spend on this uh you will be able to create a better homepage the best one it's totally up to you here I will be teaching you how to create a simple homepage now let's change that color now let's add uh a button two button here and you can change the link know from hash to another so let leave that Fame right now let's change that color to this one [Music] now it's looking good actually now let's add another button right to learn more now let's go to start and change the color click on the color Let's uh click on the this one will be good now it's good and you can also add animation so leave that so click on update let's see refresh the page as you can see now it's looking good actually now let's add a color picture this one would be good and you can also create a cover picture in can now let's change the resolution hopefully is good display size to cover it's looking good let's change the opacity here a little bit like this color so let's see so now it's looking good now click on update button so let's see replace the page here so it's good now let's go to customizer um here we will be removing The Unwanted space in between the header so now let's go to layout so let's change the width first let's remove the space and here you can change the content ede spacing and you can also narrow container now let's uh click on publish so everything is good and click on refresh the P let's search on Google for Icon Scout and you can uh download icon from here and you can also download icon from Cana if up to you let me show here we have those of Icon so it's up to you choose one as you can see click on PNG and you can also download CNS but uh I would prefer a PNG now let's click on grading here the three Now search for image box and here we go let's upload the file as you can see I CNS file are not allowed so now let's download PNG file C on 256 that's [Music] good so let's upload the file here as you can see so these are our icons now let's uh click click on select now let's change the heading and the description here pre-shipping now let's change the description on all over $100 now let's go to style left give them a little bit of content spacing now it's good man now let's change that to Thum nail let's see so full is good so now let's select other so now it's done so now it's looking good actually so now let's add a slider over here search for slider let's select this post grade slider here change uh press remove the Forst and change the product here let's add the categories over here and sub two you can add different one let's change the layout and here you can change the layout so let's go to content now let's add the categories man that's another one let's add another [Music] so this is our simple slider now let's check this style too let's go to style and here you can uh give them a proper style and this is our setting let's go back to style now let's click on update so let's see and refresh the Fage here so this is our simple homepage let's click on the plus button so let's add a container and then a post grid let's add product here and here you can um as you can see the comment and title let's remove that let's remove all of them so now wait a little bit for that process as you can see now it's looking a lot better let's change it to my product or product actually [Music] now it's good let's go to the cover picture now let's go multiply click on update let's see and still it's not looking good so let's duplicate this one Let's uh drag it down let's drag it down here now let's change the style a little bit and this is our post GD so change that heading to or trending product or or luxury product like [Music] that best of luxury product so now we are good now let's click on update and let's seees the page and wait a little bit for that so as you can see our homepage is now looking great now let's click on shop button so this is our shop page now click on home click store logo as you can see this is our homepage Let's uh change that to light now let's go to content so let's uh op them now click on update as you can see now it's better so our product is looking great right now now let's uh check another go picture let's upload this one in this uh C picture I just remove the background and if you want to remove a background you can just use online background remover or a Photoshop Havey everything is good so this is our homepage as you can see and click on shop wait a little bit for that and this is our shop page as you can see and this is our main category page clo thing and card now let's go to customizer and go to header let's add account here and social over here and button in the middle now it's quite looking good and you can change the text over here or for your button and you can also change the type and there is design for me it's good and you can change uh color for your header over here and here you can change the color so I would stick to black one now click on publish now we are good let's uh change this container color to Black let me show you how you can do that first of all we have to click on classic background type let's change the color now let's uh opacity to 99 or 1 96 99 is go to Let's upload uh icon [Music] here let's select this one as you can see now we are good in start let's change uh the color click on this one also change the color of uh description now we are good now let's change the opacity opacity to one so it's good now so let's speed it up a little bit now let's change this color description and other thing so here we are done now click on update so let's see right now our website is looking amazing so let's refresh the page and let's see the homepage this is our homepage and it's looking amazing you know it's looking amazing and there's another way you can change your homepage by importing the template and I will show you how you can do [Music] that let's add the heading go here so our premium product or collection and let's change the two products our products yes okay it's done let's refresh the page and see so this is our homepage and it look amazing for and click on update so let's see so this is our homepage and it's done thank you so much for watching this video thank you in today tutorial I am exciting to demonstrate how you can easily create a stunning website similar to this one in just matter of minute you will be amazed at how simple and straightforward this process is by following along with me we will be using a pre template so don't worry about that a pre template and a pre themes as you can see let me just create build a beautiful website this is our homepage now let's go to the product page so let's see so this is our product [Music] page now let's go to the card page so this is our card page as you can [Music] see welcome to the final tutorial of Wordpress Series today I will show you how to import templates to quickly build your own website in just seconds you will learn how to easily edit these templates to make them your own plus I will guide you through adding new product deleting existing ones and customizing your header and portter let's dive in and make your website creation process a breeze so let's get started [Music] so now let's click on uh plus icon so let's create a new site and if you don't know about how to download and install local so I will share the link in the description to how to download and install the local so don't worry about that now write your username for your site and here type your password now let's start your email address here sadik Smasher gmail.com now let's click on adite and wait a little bit for that to process and install a WordPress now click on after installing WordPress now click on WordPress admin and then uh add username and password and Press login and here we go so first of all uh let's remove this uh first of all we will be cleaning our WordPress dashboard just remove all of these so here we go now go to appearance and then themes click on add new themes and here now search for blogy teams and here we go blogy now click on install so we will be using uh blog themes now click on activate it's uh pre themes now click on installing and activating block seam so here we go click on starter site now let's import a pre uh template so this one now let's click next and choose elementer next and next and then install and wait a little bit for that to process and will take a little bit of time so here we go now click on viite and all customize let's go this is our site as you can see as you can see this is our template now let's click on customize let's uh add uh the logo first click on three dot here let's add our logo let's remove this one click on select logo but first we have to install we have to use Cana to create our own logo let's go to Cana Now search for logo in Cana we have th000 of pre template so choose one of them and let's select this one this one looking great now let's click on customize this template um let's customize the template and you can also create your own logo let me show you how you can do that by adding different images and uh text let's add a page and let me show you how you can create your own logo without a template actually so now let's add this one so this is our logo see what suits the best and here we have different colors you can choose them but I will stick to the green color because I have a website with name is purely green that's fine black and green dark green would be a lot better so dark green better so this one looking good now let's go to text let's add some text here let's shoot this one this one looking good now let's go to effect and remove the effect and click on n and here we have different effects purely green now let's add this edit this one now it's looking good let's change the color now let's change this one to this one to that one so now it's looking good let's download this one typ one and click on done and download let's coffee and here we go so this is our second logo both are looking great let's download the second one okay now let's remove the background if you want to remove the background so remove.bg is a best website Let's uh close the camera let's remove the background here you can easily remove the background just drag and drop now let's download one let's add another one another logo so we have a PNG and gpg both let's select this one second one now let's uh go to uh WordPress dashboard and let's add uh the logo and drop that logum let's add the the logo now let's select this one that one open the file now click on that and click on edit image here let's crop the image let scrub the image and now click on apply crop now save edit so here we go now let's add the logo so go to media library and click on the logo let's select and all text logo as you can see and you can change the logo height as much as you want this look great now the second thing is so let's add the colors and header if you want if you want to add title just click on the side title just that and you can also change the margin here let's add 10 or two two is quite good click on publish after that we will be adding top row header let's add uh buttons and social sorry for that let's add again and here we go so we just add uh the upper header let's change the color and the size of the header and you can add the URL here or link for your button and you can also change that label text 50% discount sales and let me show you how you can uh add the label text with chat GPT a professional label Tex so let let me write a simple one and after that then we will convert that into a professional one by using chat GPD let's copy that close let's add the new tab and search for chat GPT chat. open Ai and here we go make this professional as you can see enjoy a 50% discount on in your initial purchase so here we go and you can also change the color in design section and we'll do that later and you can add the link here let's go to design so let's add another social here that's that's good and change the background color for the top row header black one's looking good you have some uh social icon YouTube WhatsApp so that's good we add a two uh margin top right bottom and left so now let's uh change the color here and click on the color fet as you can see now let's go to the Cana and let's choose our logo color that would be good let's copy this one now let's go back and paste it here as you can see now let's change the color streams now this is good I think I like [Music] to now let's go back and repress the F so let's see as you can see now let's uh go to header let's change the color of this button now let's go to design and let's change the initial color to white now it's good I think it's good click on publish so this is our template now this next step Let's uh um work on a header and let's edit the header let's edit the fter actually sorry about that let's edit the photo let just remove the team Auto now it's looking good copyright let's remove that or leave it why it's not working this go back to copyright let's refresh the page actually ni okay and here you can change the design of your website so let's change the background to black one now it's looking good let's change the pond color to white and here you can change the pH color and the picture right here and this one so yeah good and let's change uh the logo color here let's uh replace that open media library let's click this one let's select so now we are good and you can also change the categories in permission and contact us page just click on that and double click that's it now let's click on publish button Andres the page so as you can see let's change the header to as sticky one go to the header and now header Global header and then click on sticky functionality as you can see him and you can also change the type you can say and also you can change the impct like change it to Auto Hide or show the first one is good and and about sidebar now let's go to product and let me show you the Side Bar and here we go this is our sidebar and you can change the sidebar to the right left or you can adjust the size you want I change the left as you can see and you can also edit the sidebar and here you can edit the single product if you want narrow width or Etc or normal WID I stick to an narrow click on publish and you can add upsells I told you about upsells in the previous tutorial so no need to repeat that and you can add the side identity go ah here and you know about let's add our logo let's add this one just skip the cropping let's add another one upload the file or him let's check this one crop image and if you want to crop you can crop that just click on crop image and as you can see we got our side identity but it's not looking good so now let's add another one with a white background now click on upload pile select pile and then go to the logo and click on that with the white background logo now click on select and crop image and here we go now we have our side identity log go here and you can add tagline now let's go back and here you can add menu by creating a new menu and and you are familiar with that so now let's refresh the page as you can see here so this is our dashboard now let's add a new product over here and you can delete the product and let me show you how you can delete that let's add a new one let's add aloe vera Let's uh search aloe vera here in Google let's copy that and uh let's copy that with by pressing control+ C and let's uh Ty write a short descript ion and then I'm [Music] selling aloe vera plant with parenthesis now let's as you can see copy that and paste it here let's add another description let's make it short and wait for that a little bit so here we go so now let's add Tex here plants office plant and aloe vera plant let's add price here 50 and 39 let add 30 39 would be 49 and uh 39 that's good office plant now let's add a new category here opice plant and you can delete the category by going to the category section so for that you can check the um previous tutorial and here you can add the width and you can link the product up here now let's publish this one now let's add a product image select file and choose this one and that one so here we go so this is our product now click on update so let's see this is our website let's see the product work here let's let's wait a little B here we go this is our product Alo as you can see about $39 now let's add another product now delete some Let's uh delete this product let's click on the trash Button as you can see now let's search for this product as you can see it's deleted successfully now let's undo this now let's uh refresh again and here we go now let's add another product and you can also import the product uh from Excel CSV file and if you don't know how to import the product so go and check out my previous tutorial of this playlist actually now let's copy this uh by pressing control+ C let's copy this one now let's paste it here write a description we are selling so here is our description so now let's uh make it short this now like the L and this is our regular price now let's add a sale price here so now let's add our description just copy that and paste it here this is our short description and let's add office plant so plants and let's add another star character and let's choose the category office PL and here we go let's uh click on publish or let's add product image after that we will publishing that let's upload image click on select file so let's uh choose this one now set product image click on that and here we go let's click on publish button and here we go let's refresh the page so let's [Music] see as you can see click on office plant category as you can see we have two product for office plot star characters and aloa so this is our star Cactus prodct here as you can see now let's click on home let's go to the homepage let's add another product uh if you have a thousands of product you can just uh you import the CSV file for that it would be a lot better and if you don't know how to do that you can uh check my previous tutorial on this playlist now let's copy this uh description and paste it here and choose the office plant and choose the regular PL price here 299 and 149 let's add a prodct tags over here so here we [Music] go let's add Cactus and add product image let's upload the file here and select this [Music] fun and set product image click on that let's copy that and paste it here so here we go now we have Cactus aloe vera and star Cactus I think and now let me show you how you can uh add cover images and uh slider and as you can see this is our slider and you can edit this just by going the category add another category here just uh you can add the office PL or some else something else so let's add home slider category and you can see show by ID you can click on that just select the home slider and you can also change the design if you want click on the start icon or slide and you can change the slider icon here and here you can change the style of this slider now click on update and as you know you can change this container image boxes actually icon box and this container just click on the container and you can edit the container the way you want so it's up to you and if you don't know how to do that you can watch my previous tutorial of this playlist if you haven't watched yet and you can you can add another I uh container by clicking on the plus button and you can change the title over here just like that now click on update so uh congratulation you have completed our WordPress series and and are now equipped with the skill to create and customize your own website apply so stay tuned for more tips and tutorial to help your succeed online so happy website building and thank you so much for watching this video as you can see here you can just click on that and you can customize the template the way you want so thank you so much for watching this video video
Channel: Sadiq Ali
Views: 1,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress website tutorial, wordpress tutorial, elementor tutorial, wordpress website, wordpress tutorial for beginners, how to build a website for free, how to create a wordpress website, wordpress course, best way to build website, thesadiqali, sadiq ali wordpress tutorial, wordpress complete course, wordpress complete tutorial in english, wordpress complete tutorial, wordpress eccomerce, wordpress woocommerce tutorial, wordpress clothing store, wordpress in english, tsa, sadiq
Id: ENEwYqltpbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 499min 21sec (29961 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.