Word Salad (WDPLaSS 13)

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hey everyone hi Jordan long time no see let's make up for that right now by going over a whole bunch of spirit science videos today we're going to be looking at a series of insights from a book called The Celestine Prophecy by author James Redfield episode 14 seems like a sales pitch for that book we're not even told what the insights or we're just told about them and really vague terms there's really nothing for me to respond to so you know what I won't I'm just gonna move on episode 15 the power of heart what what do I have to look I did the of course thing yes I know but do I really have to do everything the Nostalgia Critic fine art now throughout ancient history across many many religions and belief systems the heart was always considered a center of the being the source of spiritual wisdom and insight thought emotion and connection to the divine right and Western scientific thought places the heart as just a pump since what Jordan means by Western science is science science is the same no matter where you go I I have nothing more to add nice cellphone egde I'm gonna move on to episode 16 the shift of Ages let's talk about 2012 no that's not as expected nothing out of the ordinary happened moving on to episode 17 universal geometry Oh in the last year this image has become widespread people around the world are sharing sacred geometry and talking about what it is and what it means today let's explore this a little deeper no let's not I've already said everything there is to say about this whole sacred geometry crap and previous episodes of this series your sign an arbitrary meaning - a pattern and then act as if the meaning is derived from the pattern here let me show you how silly this is a triangle symbolizes my victory over Jordan and patch map not sure you can turn it upside down and say that it's the other way around but then you're pointing out a flaw and my thinking instead of being creative that's just being negative and closed-minded and also infringes upon my right to believe whatever I want see what I did there SS fanboys the site of a pyramid is triangular in shape and even points up clearly the ancient Egyptians foresaw that I would make this series but that's not all notice how you can pick out three stars in the night sky and they form a triangle the cosmos itself is siding with me and announcing it all the time Jordan if you think this is stupid you understand the problem moving on to episode 18 the four elements we know the four elements earth air water and fire it's the geometry of a square we have four states of matter we have four seasons we have four directions there are four seasons of star trek down Enterprise what's your point dimensions go like this one is one dot that's unity or dimension zero then two is a line that's duality three dots is a triangle so you get a flat plane a two-dimensional shape four dots is a tetrahedron giving you death bringing you to the third dimension Oh so four dots can give you a three-dimensional shape yeah okay I'm with you four elements four dots three dimensions this reality is three dimensional at least in terms of space so yeah but look the four elements thing that's that's alchemy it's been abandoned for century hang on nassim haramein amazing physicist of the few nassim haramein no now see hora mean is neither amazing nor a physicist nassim haramein is a guy who says a lot of stupid things about physics without having any relevant education and without submitting to peer-review his claim to fame is that he presented a physics paper the Schwarz chilled proton at a computing conference in Belgium and won an award for best paper in the physics category at a computing conference yay considering that physicists weren't the ones reviewing it that's not very impressive I've actually had a look at the paper myself and it's basically a pile of stupid presented in physics lingo giving the ignorant the impression that it's actually serious science Herriman does what all pseudo scientists do he goes straight to the public by passing peer-review because he can't convince anyone with any knowledge of the subject instead he focuses on convincing the ignorant and of course conspiracy theorists the idea he presents is that a proton is a tiny black hole this would mean that atoms aren't held together by the strong nuclear force but by gravity if we can get rid of the strong nuclear force that's a huge step toward unifying the forces of nature in a single theory that's a great idea too bad it doesn't work look I'm not going to spend too much time in this video picking this paper apart but here's just one of the problems with it haramein calculates the mass of a proton to 885 million tons this calculation is wrong because he uses an incorrect value for the radius of the proton but whatever that's nitpicking compared to the real problem given the mass he calculates the force between two protons in the nucleus to be a hundred times smaller than the measured value and concludes that it's good enough to warn getting rid of the strong nuclear force obviously wouldn't he still off by a factor of 100 and tries to hide this by giving the value in percent to make it look a hundred times greater and of course he also completely ignores the fact that when we measure the mass of a proton we get the results one point six seven times 10 to the negative 27 kilograms that means haramein is wrong thirty eight orders of magnitude to put that into perspective it's like saying that a hydrogen atom has a radius a hundred times that of the observable universe that a human has a mass of billion times that of the Sun or that Attack of the Clones is a good movie our minds idea simply doesn't match reality in any way but yeah I guess taking reality into consideration is just being closed-minded this is the problem with all this outside the box thinking you guys seem to love so much yes thinking outside the box is great but at the end of the day if your description of reality doesn't match reality then it's wrong moving on to episode 19 cosmic connections everything is connected and each and every topic in spirit science is connected to perhaps in a deeper way than any of us might know in a nutshell that's really what spirit science is about we're making connections right but the important thing here is that you're making it all up you're not looking for and finding connections you're making connections if we find that things are not connected we can add new points to find the connections see sacred geometry can connect anything with anything since you can assign any arbitrary meaning to any pattern you like like I said it's useless the way that science is hoping that finding the Higgs boson will bridge some gaps between the standard model of physics and understand other things like consciousness and gravity know the search for the Higgs boson has absolutely nothing to do with consciousness let's take this one step deeper because I know there's one aspect about this that a lot of people are hesitant about it's the use of this word spirit in conduction with this word science right Thank You Jordan for finally acknowledging this many people feel that these words need to be kept separate although I will share that in my experiences I've learned that magic can happen when powerful energies come together hmm well that'll teach me not to get my hopes up in the future again with the misuse of the word energy but seriously bringing things together is not always a good thing bringing a Catholic priest and a ten-year-old boy together not a great idea in fact it's the very nature of physics and our own Sun whereas vision on the other hand has been used to blow up and demolish entire cities okay a couple of things first of all hydrogen bombs that use nuclear fusion are far more powerful than the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that used fishing second the animation you showed was of an electron and a positron annihilating each other that's a matter antimatter reaction and that's not nuclear fusion that's even more energetic and a weapon based on antimatter reactions would be even more destructive so your analogy fails in absolutely every way imaginable that's it for now Jordan I can't believe I had so little to save as I went through six entire episodes of spirit science but you know most of these episodes were just word salad so there was not a helluva lot for me to work with fortunately I've got more to say about your next episode which is about water so we're gonna start talking about Emoto again oh that's going to be fun see you then
Channel: Martymer 81
Views: 118,521
Rating: 4.8004603 out of 5
Keywords: pseudoscience, Stupid, spirit science, spirit, martymer81, why do people laugh at spirit science, patchman, Consciousness, Mysticism, jordan david, Thespiritscience, martymer 81, new age
Id: H5TLYOA3_ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 08 2014
Reddit Comments

I am getting so tired of all this pseudoscience mumbojumbo.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/GravelCake 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

Ok, quick question. what the fuck is spirit science, and what second grader came up with that name?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jakejs657 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

A related video, if one were to enjoy watching people shit on this Spirit Science dipshit, then one would enjoy a video by Cool Hard Logic. Whose youtube channel appears to be dedicated to the novel concept of arguing against batshit ideas that most people would not even consider worth the time. For example we might all agree that the sun does not revolve around the earth, but someone out there actually bothers to demonstrate why this is the case.

Edit: Some words.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/HBlight 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2014 🗫︎ replies

I watched these videos a few years back.

The first few episodes were mostly geometry (with some mumbo sprinkled on top). It was interesting, as it was mostly geometric proofs, but presented in a nice, easy to understand way. When they moved on from that, then it got rather shit. The lad started to talk about Egyptian gods and other bullshit.

The problem is that it is simple to understand and rather well done; People are drawn to this because it appeals to them. If there can be something similar to this done with real science, then it'll be really beneficial to society as a whole.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/okliam 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

God, I couldn't watch it. That presenter is awful.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Bumtown 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2014 🗫︎ replies

The presentation of this is awful. Changing audio levels, poor writing, poor timing, weird diction/speaking patterns. This guy should scrap the comedy bits/jokes and just discuss the material.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sherman1864 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

While I understand being skeptical, this guy is not offering any counterpoint or contradictory evidence. This entire video is just him showing a snippet of an idea and declaring it stupid, and therefore not requiring an engaging dialog. This guy isn't a skeptic, he's an asshole.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/peteygrizz 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

This entire series looks like a parody of itself.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WoollyMittens 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2014 🗫︎ replies
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