Woody Woodpecker Show | Automatic Woody | 1 Hour Compilation | Videos For Kids

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[Music] and reach out there in TV land point the remote at yourself woody and follow me into borders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to cash and - hey is Nash [Music] [Music] - 1 2 3 is incorrect your card is being voiding I'm afraid I can't do that woody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] butterscotchy finger pie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah okey-dokey chair crazy foot Packer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] multi-season hair tonic [Music] Wow princess sitting pretty the Battle of the Indian village [Music] he took a couple of suckers little woodpecker by me bonnet I showed her I was broke he three find me burn hmm No [Music] so he thinks he's gonna make her a bonnet out of my top notch came up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hear about the three thanks for the what you need tomorrow's cinema oh sorry offers only good one I give you free food forever just for catching a stupid fish catch a few Z's catch slappy the lunker head back to the bait shop to catch my free dinner [Music] I'm telling you we gotta swim upstream together sometime I know all the best bus around yeah hey hey listen I gotta go some hotshots trying to make a name for himself yep it's always the same in it thinking they got what it takes to catch all laugh be the big trout ciao let's do lunch sometime let's see a letter word for sucker [Music] hey sucker is a woodpecker next time use something other than worms I get a big appetite I knew I could get through to that dim-witted woodpecker decoys are for Ducks Bob [Music] [Applause] I'm a big fish in a small pond you don't want to mess with me what you want to do is keep me happy so I don't stuff and mount you over my mantelpiece down below [Music] our trout's favorite food let free fish fry up is our favorite [Music] mayflies my favorite see an exhibition season whoa [Music] stop I can't now that you know I'm not the big lunker you want to hang on the wall you can let me go no no no free meals for you I swear it's your drought no just born now you're gonna let me go [Music] [Music] is it true there's a monster sighs Travis like monster trout or minnows compared to what I've got why I guess the other day yeah so I got this great new gig gotta go else get me call on my other line [Music] maybe your baby better last hungry this place is a mess sure is hard work being lazy I need a new life chickens Tom what's going on down there hmm nothing to do but relax Oliver you can't be a professional chicken [Music] hmm oh my gosh what are you doing away from your nest never you worry mama get your back so you can lace up nice fresh eggs lay eggs now what would I want to do that for so you can make your quota rodent yes and once you've made your quarter you get your reward now pip don't walk reward Oh boys that's for me now where can a fella lay his hands on some eggs around here [Music] so stealing eggs eh [Music] well the chicken has laid a million eggs she is taken away to the door where she enters into ja and eternal measure eternal leisure anyways as I was saying okay okay break it up break it up get back to work you lazy bums why don't you meet your quota because I'm too hungry to lay eggs travelin quartz good for a chicken's gizzard what's this handle for cheap oh let's forget your meal [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take it back inside [Music] [Music] when she's doing with you it's chicken eggs oh why of all the rottens thinking his life at work it's time to put an end to the slavery and make a spin they can take our eggs [Music] Oh here's this week's profits boss power the chickens doing today boy he's a darlin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] well well a little beaver would you like to have a piece of beaver board beaver [Music] so it's you again want some more wood Beiber sure are busy hello fellows beavers are [Music] [Music] trying to steal my mallet for you know well what have you got in your hands let me see your other hand come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as head headhunter of this year operation I live by the headhunters motto if you want him we'll get him required immediately one penguin for placement in beautiful tropical Montezuma Zoo beg money to find her [Music] mm-hmm bingo it's a penguin all right [Music] stop sled start the sled I got him [Music] I always get my man what are you stopping for pub mighty large pair underwear for such a little Fowler ah [Music] this'll stick him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my uncle Juan used to say if and you can't beat it go under though course he was a chihuahua [Music] that's all the stinkiest Bowl of course you know what this means I'm getting the Bands again [Music] instant skunk just add water [Music] Vasil skunky mouth [Music] [Applause] well I'll be isn't that thoughtful hmm laughs so app so along my favorite little crane and lots of sugar [Music] [Music] [Music] sleep in here I'm out of here [Music] look kid cut me some slack will you this is the offer of a lifetime all I want is to take you to this tropical paradise it's all expenses paid and tax deductible plus all the fish you can eat all right all right you can drive now will you go with me [Music] [Music] you wanna work out the headhunters are finally here we got the tank already he set the sub sub sub zero temperature and comes with its own iceberg for the penguin so to quote my great-granddaddy when he was taken into captivity [Music] Your Honor you can't send me and TWiki to jail besides in ways we never took that lady's Your Honor the jewels jump from her flossing into our hands as we was taking a moonlight stroll past the mansion order order in my cart because of your obvious theatrical and storytelling talents I'm sentencing you both to do community service you'll stage a play at the Youth Center and if you don't put on a good show it'll be a thousand years hardly Wicky we're gonna get society to pay us while we pay our debt to society we want to try out for your plane mr. boo we don't have any pops then strand with moss we don't have any other actors and you know what the judge said I know I know what the judge said all right let's see I'm putting on a kid's show here it's it's called Peter Pan Twinkie and me wrote it ourselves no didn't write Peter Pan yeah we found actually a last month oh did I say Peter Pan I said Peter Pan Ambler yeah that's my play Peter Pan handler [Music] [Applause] [Music] boss you just broke the first rule of the theater what never act with kids or animals never act with kids who are animals really doomed a snap out of it Wicky there ain't nothing to produce in a kids show I'm gonna mount of production like so which this community ain't never seen or my name ain't Broadway these guys are strictly b-list unless we take matters into our own hands at 9:00 scene 47 over Peter Pan handler the buzz and twiki story this scene shows how me and twiki once had to bilk a sweet old lady out of a family heirloom jewels just to eat it Jews flittering on end [Music] what are you two think you're doing there ain't no pirates and my life story what did Judge loves pirates yeah pain that's what's wrong with Broadway today there's too much cater into the public's whims well not in my show no dancing pirates now say it cats [Music] [Music] there ain't no flying wood legacy directing this show you were me don't answer that [Music] now you playing me and you play TWiki no pirates no flying woodpeckers this is Jarama play the scenes of my life so the audience can feel my pain [Music] do you feel his pain oh yeah I definitely feel his pain you know what'll happen if they hate our play TWiki what come midnight will be slow dancing on CBOC with a gorilla named Bob no we'll never get to Broadway there's only one solution in tonight's performance the pots of buzz Buzzard and twiki de Lackey will be played by you themselves used to gotta play all the other parts come on TWiki it's show time [Laughter] buzz and TWiki story as a baby Buzzard I was abandoned on the doorstep of too gentle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ruining my Play [Applause] [Music] and dance it's the most spectacular show I've ever seen okay okay tell you the way judge not a chance buzz you're a hit we want you to make show here direct your buzz [Music] space aliens who l of course hey wait a minute there ain't no evil space aliens in Death of a Salesman [Music] [Applause] go right to the bank pay it and come right back remember if you lose that money we lose our home trust me Turtledove [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey Bob you like to buy a genuine fox fur no thanks I have to pay the mortgage guys about a half dime and dad make some girl happy now little gem moneymaker only box your ability to go in business for yourself hey Bob you wanna buy a door huh I just asked you you know do you all buy a dog you talk you're a talking dog that's right Mac you hide absolute right this dog will make you rich dad what original threads feel that upholstery and here's the pink slip but if he's a talking dog why do you want to sell him well pal he talks too much Maggie Oh Maggie hello dear did you pay the mortgage oh not quite dear I bought a dog a dog yes a talking dog a talking dog uh-huh he's wonderful he'll make us rich and famous oh sure I suppose he has a pedigree a mile long and he tidy well-mannered and he just loves to play a game besides all this he talks well I think he's a mangy old cur all right if you're a talking dog say something bow-wow a talking dog now get out and don't come back without our money and take your leave get you friends with you I'm pardon me sir could you use a dog that no dog but you don't understand my dog is if you'll only let me explain but this dog is different [Applause] [Music] hiya height max a talking dog we're gonna be famous [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big Sam after tonight we can pay off the mortgage and have plenty left yes dear next week Las Vegas [Music] you and your talking dog [Music] Sam are you in bed yes dear good night you that's the grekes to be purple what's the big deal the big deal is I finally headed with you this time you're out warm I told you you're finished woodpecker so I've gone and rented the treehouse - I'm Nikki knick-knacker pleased to make your acquaintance I'm ready to sign your lease dear lady probably you behave more like this sweet debonair fellow you might still be my tenant but since you're nowhere near as cultured and refined you're out of here Oh tea do you hear me dear meanie now that the lease is signed could you possibly see your way clear to lend me a mere morsel of food to guide me over I'm settled in oh just some soup perhaps one soupy doopy for my Nicky Wicky and oh I didn't know perhaps an egg there we go you know it occurs to me I could use a couple of ten and I mean thousands dollars yes ten thousand would spot me nicely until the banks open on Monday oh [Music] if you're thinking of coming up to my treehouse would you do me the honor of phoning check it out this Biddy has a mighty cool stuff [Music] what do you think I mean why you ain't spoiling this for me Miz meanie I forewarned you that the count was stealing from you that's the last straw I love the way you're handled riffraff miss meanie [Music] Monica throw socialite party for Nixon knick-knacker hmm Nicki you'll be up to his tricks in a wingding like this on our property I always say one good impostor deserves so I said to the Queen it's a toilet brush souffle bites [Music] [Music] uncle knuckles you're an impostor Oh Nicky what's come over you I mean this is preposterous I didn't have them uncle knuckles Biddy you told me you got wrapped around here better tips what [Music] I've never seen this impostor in my life [Music] yes he games but you know what we met backers bill went bad turns head way square days [Music] that's my market botch and my brooch [Music] it was thank you well since you've been in such a generous mood lately here's a short list of attica I think you could provide me at no additional rent what oh no you don't woodpecker you won't take advantage of my hospitality [Music] you
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 2,763,587
Rating: 4.2763495 out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: FU0n85wG-QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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