Woodworking: Fisher's Yard Games

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

This isn't related to this post but I wanted to link you to my lazy susan that I made, using your video as guidance.


I hope i have your approval of my beginner level attempt at it. Thanks for your entertaining and informative videos

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/F1stCanBeAVerb 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched this video yesterday, and today, completely unrelated, my wife asked if we could buy ladder ball.

...Now to convince her that it needs to be made out of 100% unnecessary walnut.

Keep making these videos! I really like your commentary overtop.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nubblin 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
lately i've been wanting to make a set of corn hole boards i've never made them before and i'd like to have my very own set i also want to make this cool rotating ladder ball game this game is a ton of fun and i figured while i'm at it i'll tackle this one too we'll need a way to keep score while we're playing and a place to hold our drinks now the really cool part of this plan is that all these pieces can be disassembled and packed away inside the cornhole boards then the two halves can be latched together to make the whole thing super mobile and very convenient to store at least that's the plan let's see if i can make it happen i started by picking up some half inch thick project panels for my local home goods store some 1x8 pine boards and some dowel rods now in an effort to dress up these boards a little bit i thought it would look really cool if i could trim each one of them out with some walnut this way i can hide the edges of the plywood to conceal any voids that might be showing and just to generally make them fancier looking so each of the panels got cut down just a bit to account for the thickness of the trim and then i could start to glue them on now i know there's a special kind of clamp specifically for putting on this kind of trim but i don't have any of those so instead i opted for the thousand piece of blue tape method then as each piece dried i could trim it flush and then glue on the next one eventually i got both boards trimmed out and looking pretty good another tool i don't have is a six inch hole saw to make the hole in each of the boards so to tackle this i figured i'd break out my cnc table i know i could get pretty darn close cutting it by hand but when you have your own personal killer robot in your shop why not put them to use right i threw down a piece of scrap and then very politely asked for a six inch circle i had to sit and wait for like an entire minute but finally it finished and i was able to release my newly formed template from the clutches of this machine and since i made it to the exact same width as the cornhole boards i could just flop it down line up the corners and trace out the circle in just the right spot then using my jigsaw i could cut out the circle staying just on the inside of the line now this left a pretty rough edge so to clean it up i used some painters tape and ca glue to temporarily fasten the template back onto the board then with a flush trim bit in my router i could make the circle a perfect match [Music] [Applause] and that finishes up the tops now for the frames for those i just cut down some 1 by 8 pine boards this worked out perfectly because there was just enough width to use both sides with hardly any waste at all i'd cut out my first piece and then just shave off a tiny little bit while trimming the other down to size two and then i cut them all to length and i was ready to put them together now despite being a firm believer in over complicating everything i just went ahead with some butt joints and brad nails for these frames it's plenty strong enough and it makes assembly pretty darn easy and it's even easier if you actually know how to set the depth adjustment on your nail gun all right so now i can squirt on some glue pretend to spread it around with one of those little brushes and then put it in the clamps and remove them all once it had dried now i get to sand everything smooth don't you just hate it when youtube content creators use very specific camera angles to do name placement so that they can try to influence you into researching and buying one of their affiliate products you know like they'll put a website address or a coupon code in the background that promotes a particular product that you didn't even know you wanted or needed well rest assured you certainly won't see any of that on this channel no sir not on this one next up was the legs i printed off a stencil and i decided to make a template so that they'd all end up identical i cut down a piece of mdf to size and then i stuck on the stencil with some craft adhesive then i took it over to the disc sander and i finished shaping it up to the line i poked a tiny hole at the drill point and then i was ready to make all the legs first the template gets traced onto each of the leg blanks then i cut the majority of the waste off over at the bandsaw the template gets glued onto the blank and then i can use the router to trace it i'm very careful to go backwards just a bit on the ends so that i can eliminate any chance of tear-out [Music] and just like that i have a leg i drill out the mounting hole location and then i can bolt it onto the frame a couple of pieces of tape spaces it up just a touch for clearance and then it's tightened on now i get to thoroughly impress all of you with my amazing geometry skills as i teach you how to draw a perfect pentagon inside of a circle first you need to get yourself a high performance compass like this one draw out your circle and then bisect the circle using a piece of stolen lumber then use a quality compass to make a series of marks around the edge of the circle and don't be afraid to spend a lot of money on a good compass like i did it really pays off in the long run next stop what you're doing and go watch several youtube videos on how to actually do this correctly and then come back a bit later and try again once i finally had it drawn out i could use a smaller compass to add in some curves and circles on the corners then i cut it out with some scissors and i realized that i just spent about an hour making an oversized asterisk that i probably could have just printed off from the internet i sprayed on a bunch of craft adhesive onto the back of it and then i fastened it down onto another plywood panel using the jigsaw again i could roughly trace the shape and get most of it cut out i stayed just on the outside of the line and it went around the entire shape until i eventually cut it free then over at the spindle sander i could work my way through the remainder of the material and sand right up to the line now to make a second one i certainly wasn't going to attempt to draw out another pentagon so instead i figured i'd just use the same trick i've already been using i'll trace the shape cut it free while staying outside the line stick the two pieces together and then use a flush trim bit in the router to make an exact copy next up i needed to make a bunch of little plywood circles i know i could have just had the cnc cut them out but i wanted to show you that you can still make this entire project without a machine like that plus i knew that if i had the robot make everything that someone would inevitably comment on a video and say wow you're such a good woodworker and then i'd reply hey thanks and then they'd reply back and say no i was talking to the cnc and then i'd cry myself to sleep i cut down all the dowel rods to size and then i could get started making the legs for the ladder ball game [Music] now since i'm a genius i marked where to drill for the axle and then i drilled them out over at the drill press like an amazing professional woodworker and then while i was taking the corners off at the disc sander it occurred to me that i totally drilled the wrong size hole in the previous step all right now that the holes are the right size i can glue in some bearings that i got that'll help the whole thing spin super smoothly i just put some ca glue around the edges and then i dropped them in place on either side of the leg at this point i'm ready to start making the leg holders and fasten them into place inside one of the cornhole boards i make sure the leg will fit snugly within and then i clamp it in place to dry i put the second one together with some glue and some brad nails and then i clamped that one up as well once it had dried i put the whole contraption together so that i could figure out exactly where it needed to be glued on using a framing square i made sure everything was straight and centered before gluing it down i drilled a couple holes in the main axle for some hitch pins and then i could add some collar to each of the individual rungs now for the scoreboard i started by purchasing some more stock and blue painters tape and then completely masking off the entire face of the board i put the piece on the cnc and i set the robot loose on carving out a bunch of numbers [Music] and once it finished those it poked a bunch of holes next to each one and then it was done i filled in all the numbers with some black spray paint and then i could peel off the masking to see how it turned out it's looking pretty fancy at this point man a fancy scoreboard needs a fancy cup holder i glued up several pieces of walnut and clamped it up to dry next i had to make the mortise that would attach the scoreboard to the bottom half that gets pushed into the ground i glued up the pieces and i made sure that the bottom half would still fit inside it easily now since this section would no doubt experience a fair amount of torque i wanted to reinforce the joints with some screws at the drill press i poked a bunch of holes and then i countersunk each one of the screw heads so that they would remain flush with the surface with everything drilled out i could pop in some screws and then glue it onto the bottom of the cup holder the last bit was to attach the whole section onto the scoreboard itself so i drilled counter sunk and drove in some screws to make the bottom half i start by drilling a big hole into a stake and then screwing in a section of threaded rod once it bottomed out in the hole i took it over to the disc sander so that i could add a little bit of a point onto the end now i don't need it to be super sharp it just needs to be sharp enough so that i can easily be pushed into the ground or into my neighbor's car tire the next part was fun i flexed my brain and i tried to come up with some clever ways where all the pieces could be packed away and securely held inside of each of the cornhole boards it was fun making all these little pieces and gluing them into place i ended up positioning them in a way where you could still play cornhole without any obstructions but if you wanted to set up the ladder ball game then the pieces could come out super easy now it's time for finish and for that i chose an exterior rated spar urethane to offer all the protection that i'll need i brushed on multiple coats onto the majority of the pieces but for the cornhole board tops i chose to spray it on to get a perfect finish in the end i popped on some heavy duty toggle latches at the corners and mounted a handle then i was ready to pack it up i drop each of the pieces down into their designated spots and i locked them into place i made some little score keeping pegs from the leftover dowels and i dropped them into the scoreboard too and then i could close the two cornhole boards up to one another just like that and now i can just carry it around like a suitcase all right let's go try it out first thing is to just open it up take the bags out remove the scoreboard and set that up deploy the legs and set up the first board and then use a measuring string and set up the second board and then game on hey oh all right now let's try some ladder ball i get the wheels and the dowels from under one of the boards and then i set it all up using the legs in the other board i line up each of the dowels press it together and then i put in the pins to lock it in place and now it's ready to go it's a fun game each color has a different point value from one to four but the red one that's a bad one that's negative six points so you definitely want to avoid that one if you can which i can't oh come on you've got negative three so your positive two gets replaced with a red one okay we uh we're pretty lousy at this game yeah and if you're good enough or just super lucky and you managed to land on the center gold dowel well that's worth positive six points the fact that it can spin really adds a fun element to the game it can be pretty challenging whoa gold nice but the best part of all this is that everything can collapse down and pack away into a single piece that can easily be carried and stowed away until the next time you want to set it up this was a fun project if you'd like to try making it for yourself i'll have detailed step-by-step plans available on my website over at fishershoponline.com hey if you feel i've earned it leave the video a like maybe a comment below and consider subscribing to the channel i've got a ton of other fun videos to watch as well as plenty more to come in the future thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time oh come on yeah yeah oh no it's going crooked oh jeez whoo that was close oh crap where the where'd it go [Laughter] so let me take this camera off so that we can show people your shot i don't know how many points that one's worth but uh he did it um you
Channel: Fisher's Shop
Views: 103,250
Rating: 4.9738936 out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, how to make, woodworking projects, outdoor games, outdoor game, diy games, yard games, diy outdoor games, ladder golf, fishers shop, woodworking projects to sell, cornhole boards, cornhole boards diy, cornhole game, ladder ball, how to make cornhole boards, how to make ladder ball game, how to make yard games, diy yard games, wood working, cornhole scoreboard diy, fishers shop woodworking, yard game, yard games diy, yard game scoreboard, ball and string
Id: Zcvcud1fZss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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