Woodturning a Mango slab into Cups.

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I've only got a few days to get ready for my friend's wedding and in True Wood Turner fashion and K's fashion I've left left it to the last minute but and now I credit this idea completely and what I'm about to do to Mike Mahoney I'm going to make a pair of Sierra wine cups for him and his beautiful wife to be from this beautiful piece of Queensland Mango Wood which I thought fits perfectly with this present because queenslanders so let's head over to the band saw let's give it a crack so what I've got here and what Mike shows in his video is a little template like this it is 90 mil in diameter so 3 and 1/2 in for this little and that obviously you can see the cup shape there and then the handle I've made it 2 and 1/2 in or 65 mil long 25 mil wide so an inch wide for the little handle and now before I cut this out I'm just observing I'm going over the looking around over the top of it seeing if there's some severe severe cracks or anything like that but this piece of mango looks really nice and uh this video will be released after their wedding day obviously cuz I want it to be a surprise right so first things first is we're going to drill some depth holes I've just marked it out on my uh 7 mil drill bit and uh I've got this beautiful black and deca drill as you can see it's absolutely gorgeous just line it up there we'll see how we go the old maiden voyage of the uh Black and Decker yes here we go I'll show you how I'll show you that so he's got this little switch here watch and you're got to let the handle go all the way forward and then it you to flick it off oh what a beauty right up use one of these uh smaller Chucks that I've got and I sort of give it a shape make sure it's there we turn the L speed down and just bring it up a little bit we're just going to feed it on there and then let go feed this guy on so I'm just going to true it all up so we got a blank canvas so we're ready to go I'm just going to use the the 16 mil wood cut bow gouge and that's sharpened to 55° Bevel and yes these tips are replaceable so you can unscrew the you heat it up and unscrew the the tip so that's what the the new tip looks like there when it comes to you in the mail or when wherever you bought it yes so let's get into it that's enough talking out there ker we'll start with the Turning so TR this up right so now I'm just going to chew up this top bit here [Music] bit more so that looks really nice okay and now I'm not really concerned about a lot of torn grain or anything like that because a lot of this is actually in the the steps that come up after the actual turning there's actually not as much turning a little bit of carving and things so hopefully we can use the electric Carver as well that'll be fun uh I haven't used it yet cuz one of my mates came over and he wanted a little tour of the workshop he was here with his partner and I gave him a little tour and I opened one of the drawers and my car electric Carver was in there and uh Nadine was here with us and she's like oh what that new one went down like a lead F that one so uh yes we'll have to use it even if we turn it on for just a second uh Chuck right going to get this Chuck here the shark jaws I'm just going to measure to the inside which I've already done um with them slightly open so clamps down into that well A Perfect Circle or it's always going to be open a little bit cuz when they cut them when they cut the the Jaws they got to account for the the blade thickness I think there's actually a proper name for that but they got to account for that when they're cutting it or Machining them so we're just going to open these up here we'll get stuck into there we go so to rest that Center Height we're just going to come to the back here touch it like so it's to the left there and now Dan Dan's going to mark it for us just so we can we can all see it so that'll be the Tenon lower this down we'll grab our grab our 16 mil gouge just going to press in towards that direction towards the headstock that way right back to the uh 1 in 1 in skew and now I'm just going to Mark the I'm going to cut the Tenon under my arm like this and my uh strong finger on the top now if anyone is wondering how my finger is going it's doing really well actually um it just gets a little bit I think I spoke about this in one of the previous videos it just gets a bit stiff obviously um but if you compare that progress there it's doing really well sorry doing really well what was that game when you're at when you're at school and if someone looked at the you got to punch them remember that if you look you look at it you catch it oh ker but I think you'd expect that if you chopped it off and they put it back on just going to clean it up with this little uh 12 mil garge now I'm pretty happy with that um and so let's Hollow it out a bit I'll just do do one now and do the other one with the with the cameras off so I'm really looking forward to my mate's wedding it's going to be an absolute peer there's going to be heaps of mates there that I served in the army with it's going to be it's going to be great fun um yeah I'm going to mount this on here and clamp it down now Mike Mahoney marks it up I think he he does about 2 in for his cup old depth drill it's not going to go all the way it's about 10 mil in the bottom there bring this car back over not that I need it there but anyway just gives me a bit of support it helps if the depth drill um was was glued in properly oh kezer oh you're killing me the are vce grips what' I say let's through the face up first let's through the face up getting ahead of myself it's not like me is it in Mike's video he uses his uh spindle gouge he just drives that Banger in there and you know but he's been turning since I was before I was born and it looks quite unsafe doesn't it so let's go let's go back to the other one and see if it's glued in so I'm just going to hold my thumb there so know where I'm going or had deep right depth drill done that one worked that was hot little template here we could get um get that drill back drill a little little hole good oh love old old gear Old nostalgic sort of stuff get that there get our depth drill and then use that and then we'll be able to see what we're doing we'll get D to mark it up for us yeah and now we'll use the 16 mil to get to get going here and we'll Hollow it out and I might need to get a scraper as well but we'll just see how we go [Music] is so I want it to sort of on the inside I want it to go down and sort of curve cuz not a lot of cups do that so I want it to do that that's why I'm sort of yeah doing what I'm doing here can you see that oh yeah now that move then was the Glen Lucas special I don't know if you've guys have seen uh when he has turned closed form bowls and things like that and now because if you want to try and get to the bottom there you really can't so what you do cuz the tool the shaft of the tool will be in the way so you come in go down and then raise the tool up so it keeps cutting but youve got clearance from from this side of the bowl so where the ruler is and then as you come as you start coming towards the center that's when you'll that's when you'll complete your cut to the to the base so I'll show you cuz I'm cuz I'm coming around and making that sort of bulb look that I want the light bulb look without the skinny top not a pan handle like a you get a light bulb and cut the yeah cut the top off so come in go handle down and then come towards the base like that the Glen L is special it gets you out of a jam or a pickle whatever you want to whatever you want to call it just going to clean those also when this is spinning as well because it's cuz it's starting to take that closed form shape on the inside so it's got that it's got that uh undercut Rim got there it's cuz it's got that undercut Rim the shavings will sit in there but don't try and put your fingers in there to try and clear them out cuz the shavings will hit your fingers and then you'll go in underneath and oh I do it bit more now my melon's probably in the way there isn't it yep come [Applause] try right see how we're looking there but because I'm feeling a little bit anxious about these I want to get them right got shitloads room right if anyone else has turned a wedding present before um write it in the comments what you've turned that'll be that'll be pretty cool that way give other people some [Music] [Applause] ideas right so I'm at my I'm at my thickness there and I'm just going to have what I'm going to do is have a look at the Finish um because mango can be quite um Punky so it's bit can be a bit a little bit flaky but it's all sealed the grain is completely intact there's no cracks or anything cuz you don't want to have a drink out of a cracked cup go down your shirt it's it's got a little bit of torn grain in there all just going to clean that [Music] up now obviously I wouldn't be standing the way I was normally and but because I'm trying to get out of the camera's way that's feeling a lot better I might need a broader scraper in that bottom there something with a little bit more Mumbo but I don't want to keep scraping cuz it's just going to tear that grain out even more now this B this follow is a 38 mil scraper am I right yep 38 mil right let's sand it up right so I finished the sing now and I'm going to go back over to the bans saw but before I do that uh because I've curved the inside of the little cup inside there I'm going to make sure I don't go through the side wall of it when I'm on the band or I get too close thinking that I'm doing the right thing but I actually won't be cuz I'll be going to cut inside the cup uh what I'm going to do here is just measure the distance from the inside of the cup to the outside of the cup and if my thinking is correct will be I'm going to go to the widest point which is 50 50 mil and then I had another ruler somewhere here we go lkin right and then uh measure the distance from the inside of the cup to the outside of the blank which is 60 M so you know I'm just going to take 10 m off then you know and then hopefully that'll make us clear to the widest point if my thinking is correct otherwise we'll go we'll go through the side and that will not be a fun day at all better safe than sorry is my thinking and now I want to put my little jig back on there which is down here so as you can see it fits into that little hole there just perfectly now so that's the size we wanted to begin with and I cut me finger earlier got me a little Band-Aid on there um and I'm just going to mark up the handle and now Mike Mahoney reckons to go into the end grain for the handle and that would be the strongest part of the of the tree which my thinking is if you picture the straws analogy we've all heard of the straw analogy wood Turners as the tree grows they grow up like a stack of straws like that so that would be that into the cup and that would be the handle like so so that's why I'm thinking that would be the strongest strongest section so I'm not going into the side grain I'm going into the end grain and that'll be the strongest stack of straws to get it nice and strong so let's go let's go that way like so and now we'll go cut this on the bandil [Applause] [Applause] right before we begin I just wanted to run over what I've got on the lathe here and now the reason why I'll show you Mike Mahoney has like a cylinder thing here like if you ever seen like a drum big drum sander looking thing they pass it through and the drum sander hits it it's in the shape of a cylinder but he has something similar across the bed of his lath between centers that he hits it well he doesn't hit it he gets the cup and then Sands the cup down to the shape that he wants I had this thing made up ages ago and I can't exactly remember why I made it but what we'll do is put it on the Lae like this just to get a nice platform for ourselves and it's got this um they're clamp but I use them because I'm not an octopus and I've got them everywhere around the shed and I'm going to use a belt Center instead I've got 36 grit on there so hopefully that just rips the timber down really quick for us we'll give that a go but I reckon that's as good as it's going to get we'll plug it in and see how we go I feel like I'm forgetting something but I think he drills the holes for the uh for the cup so that is going to take a heck of a long time to do that I've got something that I think we could just it'll save a lot of time for us R so I've just put the chuck on the woodcut prant here I've locked it off and I'm thinking of an easier way for myself otherwise I'm just going to have to make one of those sand things we talking about putting that on there like that and then expanding the Jaws up without damaging our work I'll stop it cuz and then I can get rid of the bulk like this just angle it down tighten it all up stop it and now now I've got uh I've got a heap of stuff that I could use but I really want to just make light work of it oh this is the this is the Chisel this is the Chisel we have to use to make sure Dino knows that um that we used it I'll show you it's super cool how Cool's this watch [Music] this [Music] it's pretty cool though right we've used it but you might have all seen this guy here when I first uh made that video on removing tenons so we'll give this guy crack I might have to set the dust collector up again we'll just see how we [Applause] go I think d col needs to go on You raise me up so I can climb on mountains how's that right not blocking your VII no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] e so I've got the cup down to its sort of rough looking shape now and now I'm going to start doing the handle um and I'm just going to trace it out first before we continue on because I don't want to get get too far then have to come back back and then do all the seing again so I want to do I reckon I like like a bigger handle but I don't want to remove too much material because if I do that it'll weaken it the pencil wasn't sort of cutting the mustard but you can sort of see what I'm getting at I just we'll do the outside line so we'll go outside line we'll go we'll go something like like that so that'll be the extremity and then I want to keep a fair bit of Timber cuz it's a it's quite a big cup so but we might have to actually bring that down and curve it this is what I'm really liking about this project is that you can get really creative with it and sort of the only limitation is your imagination as far as you can take it if that makes sense sounds like something out of Disney but anyway so I'm going to get to carving that and how I'm going to do it I've got my little how I'm going to do this is I've got this little magnet down here so I've got this guy here who's a pretty aggressive little bur Carver thing and that guy there so I'll use those two and I got them on the magnet so I don't drop them or or lose them Mike Mahoney first starts by drilling a couple of holes so we'll do that and that'll help me punch punch through and get all that Timber out and obviously you don't want to be drilling on the on the piss because you'll drill into your into your cup I'll just have to check then I got a big boy drill bit car up right right let's get into it [Music] so in order to get this base nice and flat and even I'm just going to put it back on the LA um and I'm just going to do this gently CU I don't want anything to crack or scratch so these shark tooth teeth Jaws the shark tooth Jaws are good because they're nice and just straight um and I'm going to be able to hopefully keep it running fairly true but now I'm going to have to watch out for this handle as it spins around but this is Mike Mahoney doesn't do this but this is the only way that I S could of sort of could think of cuz I've played with the ten in there now I've flattened it off a bit at the base and I've sanded it and so I don't know what is exactly flat on the bottom so I want to get it perfect and this way I'll be able to create a really nice little base for it and then I'll know it will sit perfectly on the table when it's got some liquids in it and it won't rock around that's the important part so I'm just going to have to see how this goes it's going to be a little bit wild right now I want the base about there no about there [Music] right so I've got the second one on the lathe now and I'm about to so this will be the brid's cup cuz it's a little bit more fancy and uh a little less rugged and a little bit more finesse in this one not saying that the first one didn't have finesse but it's a little bit more rugged the first one a little bit more mountaineering if that's a thing for a cup so I've got it with a bit of uh shop toil there and I've got this little uh felt little disc that I'm just going to put in front of the the cone Center there just to support it so it's not going to go anywhere whilst it's on the LA cuz all I'm going to do right now is just fix this foot up so this is obviously the most daunting part of the whole exercise so we'll just start with a slow [Applause] Spade add a bit of detail that nothing too fancy I'm just going to get the skew don't get excited just going to check make sure it's sitting nice and flat and that we can see daylight underneath right I'm just going to sign this piece now this is called the trade flame people asked me about in my previous video but um and that's the tip there if you can see that not going to touch it but that's the hold on here that's what the tip looks like and I bent that up myself cuz I like the the flowing effect of of the way it signs position myself nice and even across the bench and we're going to start with the the species sometimes I hold the lead up so it doesn't sort of flop down on the ground and move anything out of your way that's going to disrupt the floor flow the creativity flow so we got a bit of Queensland mango and that's getting hot on my fingers now this is going to help all old Leo when he forgets cuz we all forget sometimes what a wonderful year eh in keeping with Mike Mahoney and his tusco balls just going to put it in there and make it easy for myself queensl mango look how beautiful that is see how it's got that golden beautiful look and when you turn it it actually smells sweet it's got a real sweet smell to it so I never thought I would turn a set of Cups before but I just want to quickly say thank you to Mike Mahoney for putting the tutorial online here on YouTube uh as many times I was running back to the phone to check but uh everyone else go check that video out I'll highly recommend it but uh thank you so much Mike and here's to the bride and groom I wish you guys all the best and happiness that life can ever give you so uh can't wait to give you guys your cups tomorrow it's going to be pretty cool uh I know which one Leo's going to grab and his wife's going to grab so yeah it's going to be pretty cool so cheers guys thanks so much for watching and uh yeah talk to you all directly
Channel: Kerry Corney
Views: 2,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodturning wooden cups, wood turning, woodturning tutorial, woodturning cup, Mike mahoney, glenn lucas, woodturning wooden kuksa, bushcraft cup, handmade cup, Woodturning for Beginners, DIY Wedding Gifts, How to Turn Wood Cups, Woodturning Projects, Handmade Wedding Presents, Turning Wooden Cups, Wood Carving Techniques, Unique Wedding Gift Ideas, Personalized Wood Gifts, Crafting Wood Cups
Id: v5OQoSY0aXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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