Woodford freezeless wall faucet model 17 repair for in-wall valve/stem separation

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good morning YouTube this morning's project it's been long overdue I had a Woodford freezeless water faucet Model 17 valve on the front of my house that just quit working the handle would spin in spin out it just had nothing no water had come out no apparent reason for that occurring it just did one day so here's what I'm talking about here's the type of freezeless faucet it's right here in my wall and uh so I've watched a lot of videos and they just show you how to you know take the little packing nut out of there take the thing take the packing out and then put the handle back on and then thread the thing out well the problem was that the splined rod a little Focus there that come out of that part inside the wall so it's you know that deep in there really hard to see in there had a get a bright flashlight shine it back in there try and see the splines they were very hard to see as my attempt was going to be to you know line it up drive it back in there and then unthread it to get that packing out of there and since no water was coming out I turned the water on to provide a little pressure in case I got that to start unthreading it helped push it out and I tried and tried I marked a line on the uh let's see where it's at here because I turn this around it kind of rubbed off I had marked a line with a sharpie on top of this to line up the center spline that way what I could see in the hole I thought I had an idea of how the splines were clocked so I was trying to get that lined up and it just wasn't working and I don't know if you can tell but I have this backwards at this point so the splines probably can't pull it apart real easy right now let me pause this for a second and see if I can so I can show you what's going on but the splines on this end on the handle end are a little longer and they have a little taper to them so I was unsuccessful driving in the more flat end so I turned it around and you know looked with the flashlight in there held held the shaft with out at the end with some needle nose vice grips because he had to hold it as far out as possible and then lined it up tapped it in you could tell it started going in so I kept kept hammering got it in there then used the vice grips to uh to turn the valve and start backing it out and I heard the little water start to come out so I knew I was in there it was working let me let me pause this though and see if I could take that apart and show you what I'm talking about on the the difference in the ends okay so I took that apart so this is the end that's gonna have trouble focusing here focus focus change background let's see if it'll do it better so that end it's really stubby that's the one that goes in the valve deep inside the other end longer splines and they have a little beveled Edge to them little taper that's why I decided to turn it around because this end it's more squared off and it was just not lining it up and driving in this gave it a little play that as I turned slightly with the vice grips and hammered I felt it slide into place and then I was able to pull the hole this off of vice grips because I just used to uh knock it off the end of the thing so I was able to feel that this thing was uh coming out of there it was unthreading the threads on the inside of that so you had to unthread from inside the wall and uh got that backed out and I have another one that I will be installing now there's plenty of videos on you know when they just pull apart and reinstall but I didn't find any on you know separation of this part back in the wall unless what happened the just came out of there pulled out there's like a must be kind of a little bit of a crimp fit to that thing and I just decided it didn't wanna play nice and stay in there anymore that I got her out and we'll put a new one in hopefully this helps somebody because I did not find any videos that showed it uh so this kind of repair on them this in depth yep have a good day everyone
Channel: Mike Desilets
Views: 7,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cHirv25wmHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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