Wood vinegar

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wood vinegar is the liquid that we got from the condensings of the smoke when we burn wood any kind of wood we can make into wood vinegar we use wood vinegar for many things especially in the garden we dilute 1 22 spray on the leaf or vegetable and under the leaves to control bugs effort and many kind of pests in the garden dilute one to 500 and then we can soak all kinds of grain in there for one night like a bean rice corn they will grow better and germinate better we dilute one to one hundred one part of wood medical 100 part of water and we use this water to mix with animal food like this one we mix with chopped banana tree or corn or many things mixed together and then we can fit animal can be pigs can be cows can be any kind of animal chicken ducks they will digest the food better and then they grow better they're stronger than normal have less sickness tar is a by-product from making wood vinegar we can use it for apply on wood to prevent bugs we use wood vinegar to feed animal and use a lot in the garden and in the same time we use vinegar for cooking also we can add some wood vinegar in barbecue sauce in many kinds of food that we want to have the smell of barbecue smell smoky smell or something like that so we can use wood vinegar in the food then we use with wood vinegar for healing also the good thing of wood miracle is we can use on skin disease if you have some skin disease that you don't have any choice to heal it you could see doctor many times it doesn't help try wood vinegar it's unbelievable and another thing is you have pain on the gum when you come have problem keep wood vinegar in your mouth not really long and spit it out and clean it you'll feel better after that we also use wood vinegar in sew making when you're making soap add wood vinegar in there it make the soap very good and get rid of the smell in our body good very good it's very useful how to start to make the kilt to make wood vinegar and then make the charcoal in the same time when we make the charcoal we will get wood vinegar so it's quite simple technique what we need is not a lot of material what we need is 200 liters or drum two of them and the cement pipe four inches diameters and one meters long one of them and 15 cement blocks or anything the same size or close to these blocks line the first thumb down and then cut from the edge to the cut about three inches both side and then the height about nine inches cut open it off like this we cut the front side of the drum 9 by 14 inches we cut only t part of it and then we can flip it up like this the back side of the drum we cut the same way but smaller about four by six inches after we cut three holes in one in the first drum the first hole is the big hole this is will be the door where we fill up the plywood and then front hole is where we going to start to find the back hole is a chimney and then the second drum we just cut the lid like this we cut the whole drum about 17 centimeters that's the width the length is the whole drum you can cut bigger than that it's okay just to make sure that it can cover cover the the door where we fill up the wood we need to use this part to cover it and cover with mud and sand later when we finish preparation for the drum we going to set the drum how to set the drum we use 15 cement blocks to start it so the cement block we we don't put a big hole up we put the small hole up so we will not use too much sand or mud to cover it later when we need to close this end is going to be a chimney even connect from this whole tiny hole yeah but this end the front it will be the front part of it this end it will be where we're going to start to fire we use about 15 cement blocks like this to create a tunnel for the kiln because we want to start the fire outside about 1 meter or at least half a meters far away from the drums so we're going to close the front part of it like this with the cement block first we try to close outside of the tunnel very well we don't want the air leak we don't want the heat to come out we want all the heat to be sucked inside the drum as much as we can so we make the structure like this and then we try to close all of them with mud later but now anywhere is a big hole we can fill up with uh bricks or anything that can hold it easily at the back side of the drum it's going to be a chimney so we use the stick to nail on the ground so it can hold the cement pipe stay very well while we use mud to cup around this part of it so this part it needs to be totally cupped with mud and straw so it will not crack it's good to mix much with straw very well this is the finish of the setup after that we just make clay and long straw to cup around the cement blocks all the cement block area connect with the drum it need to be sealed completely with clay when the setup ready like this we need to build a box around it and then the box have to be taller than the whole thing like this and we fill up with sand so to prevent leaking of the heat from inside we start to lay the wood by using small stick across the drum like this it's good to separate the side of the wood like this first and then we start with the smallest one at the bottom and a bigger and bigger one on top this is the way we lie the firewood in the drum inside it look like this cover with the lid and then above the lid we cover with sand a lot of dirt or sand on top of it that's finished the process and then we can start the fire it's good to connect the thumbnail far away from the drum at least one meters like this then we start the fire at the edge of the tunnel like this and the heat will be sucked inside by itself after that the smoking come out from the chimney we have to wait until the crazy smoke come out crazy smoke it just it means a lot of smoke come out you can't see too easily and then the color of smoke a little bit yellow or another way to know when to collecting wood vinegar is you can test the temperature at the top of the chimney if it's 80 celsius up to 150 celsius it the best time to collect if it's lower than that or higher than that it's not good to collect wood vinegar when we got the right temperature we just remove this long pipe to connect with the chimney so all the smoke will go to the chimney and then it will condense and drop down here where we cut it under the pipe and then collect wood vinegar from it when we start to collecting the wood vinegar we can collect about two to three hours only and after that the smoke will turn more white color then the temperature will be higher we can close we can stop collecting wood vinegar and we can close all the chimney and then everywhere in the kiln not let any air in there then we will get charcoal when it cool down it maybe take another five or six hours to cool down wrapping banana layer on around the pipe it will help to cool down the pipe more and then the smoke will condense more we'll get more wood vinegar or we can use cloth wet cloth instead of banana tea wood vinegar is the liquid that we get from the condensings of the smoke if we if we burn something and then we can force the smoke go into one chimney like this and then if you have a pipe long pipe like this to collect the smoke and then when the smoke comes in here and then the pipe is cooler so the smoke will condense and flow back and then we make a hole here and then the smoke will come and then turn to liquid and flow back and drop here so we can collecting the liquid this liquid we call wood vinegar so for this pipe in tropical country we have quite a lot of bamboo it's good to have big bamboo then this is the last joy we keep the last joy here and then we cut here open so this part can be put on top of this pipe perfectly or a little bit bigger is okay so we can use something to wrap around it to prevent the smoke to not let the smoke go out in this way so if you use the bamboo it's good to use the metal pipe pork inside to break down the joint inside all the way to this one but keep the last one so we will get the bamboo pipe long bamboo pipe this one at least need to be 3 to 4 meter so this is the system how it works just the smoke go into the pipe and when the pipe cool down we always wrap with this pipe with bam with a banana layer or wet cloth to make it cooler it condensed more so we'll get more wood vinegar if we don't have the bamboo like this we can use metal pipe also metal pipe is harder to use sometimes we just use thin thin the flat thin we wrap around we wrap together it will be our pipe we can use that one too that's quite cheap and easy too in case if we don't have bamboo and for the kill we make the we use oil drum one eye drum like this we open this area and then we open this part we cut three part and flip it up like this this is with the front part of it the back part is smaller we open three side and open flip the top side up like this so we will get the drum set and then when we set the drum we put the bricks here and tiny bricks here and then we connect another bricks go out like this and put another bricks here and close it so this part will be the thumbnail so the back part will be this part is going to be the chimney the chimney will come up like this and then this part will connect to this this hole so the air will flow from here to here and come here and go out here this is smoking go out so the pipe can connect to this one when we start to burn we put the pipe to connect one this this part and then we use wet cloth to wrap around this part so even help to keep the smoke to go in the pipe all of them so when we start the fire we start to fight here when we put the wood here a lot of wood in here and close it wrap the whole thing cover the whole thing with sand or clay this area so when we start the fire here the heat will flow out inside and start to bake the wood inside here and then go out to this part and go out to this pipe and condense and drop it here you can get wood vinegar when we got wood vinegar it's a little bit uh muddy water in the beginning but it's brown color but when we let it sit at least three months at least three months it will separate the bottom one the saddle is tar we use this part to apply on wood to prevent bugs but the middle part of it is what we call wood vinegar it's very clear and sparkling like this and the top part it will be some kind of oil we don't need that part it's quite thin so we take only the middle that is wood vinegar if we make the charcoal or wood vinegar with the oil drum it will take about 12 hours at least but if you make the old style kiln that they use a lot of wood it will take a week to be able to open it but you will get very good charcoal like this this is pine cone you can put fruit you can put flowers in there it will turn to charcoal fruit or charcoal flowers you can use that this charcoal can be used to make soap make shampoo or make medicine from it you can fill the water with it too and then you can also use uh pottery in there to do to bake it will be very strong and very hard so making charcoal you can do many things along with it it's very fun try it one time it lasts for a long time
Channel: Jon Jandai Life is Easy
Views: 34,205
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Keywords: wood vinegar, how to use wood vinegar, how to make wood vinegar, jon jandai, life is easy
Id: ybFm4QAPlnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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