Wood Carving - Audi Q7 2021 (New Model) - Wooden Car
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Channel: Woodworking Art
Views: 6,668,293
Rating: 4.5746207 out of 5
Keywords: wood carving, woodworking, audi, audi q7, audi q7 2021, audi 2021, wood car, wooden car, woodworking art, लकड़ी पर नक्काशी, نحت الخشب, escultura em madeira, holzschnitzen, 나무 조각, резьба по дереву, 木彫り, sculpture sur bois, talla de madera, wood, wooden, art, car, wood art, how to make, diy, carving
Id: 4cTC8P2MzLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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