Wonder Woman - ralphthemoviemaker

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Loved the review, he is on point.

I didn't like WW at all myself, it wasn't the worst movie ever, but I was just so baffled with the good reviews. I put it down to mostly DC fans happy a movie didn't completly suck, and the whole marketing with "female superhero", which is fine, but come on, you don't need to lie, saying it's a great or even good movie.

My biggest flaw with it was all the fucking slowmo! Seriously, fuck off with it. The 20 first minutes of the movie would be 5 minutes shorter if you cut out the slowmo that was just baaad. I did like the chemistry between Gal and Pine, and Pine was carrying most of the movie for me, he got a good comedic timing while also managing to look somewhat serious doing it. But as a superhero movie, it's just bad. It's straight up a bad superhero movie, and that come from someone that found some enjoyment from Suicide squad. A just mediocre movie, and a bad superhero movie. The praise it got seriously was overdone. DC still hasn't come close to any of the marvel movies in my book (and I'm not a big fan of Marvel or superhero movies really)

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Such a masterpiece video putting a very intelligent resolution to the amazing zack snyder trilogy /s

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Black Window dont have any personality or character in any movie,because in the comics,she is just a super spy

Every female super heroe ib MCU,is better than her

Gamora,Nebula,mantis,Scarlet Witch,even Walkyrie from Thor Ragnarok

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KirinoNakano 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
Wonder Woman isn't a good movie. I'm surprised how much traction this movie's got. When it came out, it exploded in the box-office. It made people cry. People loved it. "I just cried." "I don't know, I think I'm crying because--" "I literally started to break down crying." "I cried like from that first. . . minute to, like, five minutes after it's over." "The movie almost got me and made me cry." It's fine if this movie makes you cry, I mean, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I don't even understand what made people cry. Toward the last 20 minutes or so I thought I started crying, but then I checked and it was just my eyes bleeding. I was not planning on seeing this at all because these DC movies have just beaten me down to a pulp. And out of the three films they've made up till Wonder Woman, I reviewed every single one because they sucked. But after hearing so many great things about Wonder Woman, I was shocked. So I went into this movie thinking, "Well, maybe people are exaggerating how great it is, but I bet it'll be a fine movie. I bet it will have some decent action and some nice characters. And it'll look kind of nice and it'll be inspiring or whatever." And then I watch the movie and it sucked. It's nowhere near as bad as the chaotic cloud cringefest that was Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. And it wasn't as incoherent or as ugly as Suicide Squad. But, my god, is this movie boring. There's not a single thing this movie does exceptionally well. There are things it does pretty well, or kind of good, but nothing that made me go, "Wow, that's so unique. That's so cool. That's so different." So before you say I hate women, let's discuss the things this movie does well. Hey guys, it's me Zack Snyder, director of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and today, we're going to talk about Wonder Woman. Also, um, I kind of have to deal with something right now, so there may be slight Intermissions in this review, while I deal with a- a mildly annoying problem. Well, I don't think this film is as good as my film, such as Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice or Man of Steel or the newest film, I'm making right now: Justice League, which is gonna be fantastic, by the way. [Inhale] The things I liked. There are some things I liked about this movie. A whole minute's worth of good stuff to talk about. I'm not gonna say Gal Gadot is a good actress, cause her acting leaves a lot to be desired. Diane: "Of course. It makes complete sense. Aires developed a weapon. The worst ever devised." "Aires? You mean, Ludendorff." "No, I mean Ares." "Ludendorff is Ares." But I don't think she's that bad in this movie. There's some parts I think she's pretty good. Her scenes with Chris Pine work, and I bought her in the role. They easily could have cast some bimbo to play Wonder Woman and then dress her up like a slut, [Shwing] [Clang [Grunt] "I got you now, Princess." But they got a woman who looks like she could hold her own. She fought in the Israeli army or something. I don't know. She looks like she could kick my ass. What is usually the worst part of these movies is actually the best part of this movie. Their on-screen romance is pretty good. They have good chemistry. They play off each other well. It doesn't feel like two actors trying to rush along horrible dialogue. "But I saw you on TV. You were- you were in New York." "Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world but I was wrong, I was a fool." "I believe that fate brought us together." This has nothing to do with the quality of the movie but I admire the fact that this film exists and that it was marketed like this. And I'm not talking about the trailers cause I thought those stunk. I'm talking about the fact that this is a movie marketed as a superhero film starring a woman. It's called Wonder Woman, a movie about a woman, made by a woman, about a woman, fighting women. And I think the fact that it did well is a good thing. There was a time when movies starring women, especially superhero movies starring women, didn't do nearly as well as film starring men. Again, these films are infinitely worse than Wonder Woman, which is part of the reason why they flopped. At the same time, though, these movies were kind of doomed to fail. These films were given low budgets, bad directors and bad screenwriters who had no clue what they were doing. Not Wonder Woman though. Wonder Woman had a decent writers room full of [people who had a clue what they were doing]. But still this is a big-budget mainstream film starring a superhero, whose a female. I wish this movie was better, cause this is a thing that should be celebrated. I mean, I can really appreciate why women and young girls like this movie because it's nice to see an inspiring strong female character. I don't know. I think it's just a nice thing that it exists. I'm trying to give this movie compliments, alright. Aside from the horrible CGI and the bland cinematography, the sets, costumes and lighting in this movie is all pretty fantastic. This movie succeeds where Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad fail in the visual department. The movie depicts a dark, cold, brutal world, but at the same time it doesn't look ugly. The contrast between the colors and lighting in the Wonder Woman Island, or whatever it's called, and the WWI era London, even the contrast between Wonder Woman's bright costume and the dark battlefield is really neat. Good job, Patty Jenkins. If only you put that much effort in the script. It's so bad! "They're everything you say, but so much more." "Liiiiiieeess!" Everything from the plot, to the dialogue, is so obvious and corny and bland. This movie is essentially Thor and Captain America combined in one. It combines both the fish-out-of-water elements of Thor, and a very Captain America-like character. So, let's go through this whole movie. Cue the voiceover that only shows up in the beginning and end of the movie that lazily explains the plot. Diane: "I used to want to save the world" "This beautiful place." "But I knew so little then." I hate how this movie starts. This feels like a scene they had to shove in there after the fact, to connect it to the Justice League. We see Diana just. . . walking. And then we see a Wayne truck, and we're like, "Oh my god, it's Bruce Wayne. Justice League. Clap, everybody, clap." Then she walks in, looking, like, way too confident. So this is when we begin Gal Gadot's, um, runway modeling. I don't hate Gal Gadot in this movie, again. But this thing she does which bothered me even upon the first viewing. She's always posing. Gal Gadot is trying way too hard to look pretty in every single shot she's in. She always looks confident. Even when she isn't. She looks like a model pretending to be scared. She always walks like she's on a runway Like stop with your, "Oh, I'm gonna tilt my head down and look straight up." "Let me get bad music as she looks at a photo." And we're like, "Oh, okay, so we know what's gonna happen cause we're looking at a photo, that's taken in the middle of the movie." Then, we transition to a horrible actress. "[????]" Diane: "Fighting does not make you a hero." "Just a shoot then. No sharp edges." I know she's like 2 years old but I don't care. See that movie, The Florida Project? That girl was only three days old and she was great. Why did they even have to show her as a kid? Couldn't they just start the movie with her as a teenager in training? Oh, yeah, it's cause we need a mainstream audience to like this movie as quick as possible. So, if we show a cute kid, the audience will go, "Oh look. It's a cute kid. I'll automatically like her." [Gross giggling] So this is a good introduction to the, uh, VFX. Okay, so again, I don't want to blame Gal Gadot for this at all cause I like her in this movie. But I think it's funny that because she has an accent, everyone on this island has to have the exact same accent that she has. "But this is the only way to truly protect her." "And why do you wear their colors?" "You will train her harder than any Amazon before her." "Who would we end it?" W-well, they tried at least. Yeah, there you go. You're happy. Oh, but now we're getting to the dark part of the story. Change your face. Oh yeah, now you're sad. Now you're sad. So we hear a whole story about how Aires forced a bunch of men to fight each other, so Zeus made some kind of weapon to defend humanity against Ares and in this scene we get to see the weapon. So at this point in the movie, I think it's pretty obvious that this piece of shit isn't the weapon that's gonna defeat Ares. But, in fact, Zeus created Diana to defeat Ares. "God damn. It's beautiful." It was so obvious to me I don't know why this movie acts as if I'm not supposed to get this. It's literally the most obvious thing in the world and this movie treats it like it's a big twist. They even say lines like "She can never know the truth about what she is." "But she must never know the truth about what she is, or how she came to be." Like how much more obvious can they make it? So then, Diana trains some more and we're treated to more cliche dialogue, like, "You were stronger than you believe." "You keep doubting yourself, Diana." "You have greater powers than you know." Oh my god. The first, like, 20 minutes of this movie is so goddamn boring. It's just so generic and cheesy and the action isn't good. "Go kill her. Diana go." "Go where?" "Go where?" "Go." "No please no." Everything's so on the nose, and cliche, and the music so melodramatic. And then a whole army just happens to come by. You know, I understand there's an invisible force field around this place, but you'd think they install some other kind of deterrent to make sure that no random guy could just come in at any point. Like is this the first time this has happened? And where the hell is this island? It would have to be somewhere around here, right? Why not install this island down here Zeus? Where no one goes? What is it? Right next to Europe? So when Chris Pine shows up, this is when the movie starts to get better. I like this scene quite a bit. We're introduced to his character. It's funny, and we're given some plot info that's important. I like this scene too. So then they run away on a boat and I think this is actually the best scene in the movie. The acting and dialogue here are pretty on point. They have really great chemistry here, and then we're introduced to the villains. We'll get into this dog shit later. Anyway they arrive, and we're introduced to Chris Pines' goofy sidekick. Yeah, it's time for a clothing montage. Haha, look how goofy. /s It's supposed to be funny cause they're playing goofy music. "Nothing." [Rip] "Look! She kicked and ripped the dress." "How can a woman possibly fight in this?" So they go to a bar they meet up with a group of token minorities And they form a little squad. Will Smith: "What? We some kind of Suicide Squad?" Wonder Woman wants to go out there. Chris Pines: "We can't save everyone in this war." "This is not what we came here to do." Why is this guy whispering? He's in a battlefield. "No. But it's what I'm going to do." Oh, who the f- And then she goes out there, and it's like a shampoo commercial. This scene is so corny. "Oh look at me. I'm so cool. I could just run out in the battlefield" "I can deflect every bullet with my wrists, and my shield" . I mean in this scene. It's all here We got bad CGI we got corny music We got bad acting we got bad dialogue. We got everything just taking all the bar. Let's go I'm going to take a quick detour and talk about this group she put together and how bad their acting is this guy does nothing? Basically spud is overacting the whole movie Go put your faith God and The Native American guy talks like a text-to-speech program These ghosts one a woman fights a town of people then we're treated to more really nice scenes between Chris Pine and Wonder Woman They go to a party so they can talk to these cartoonish villains But then while Wonder Woman's at this party they bomb this town and this pisses Wonder Woman off so she goes to kill Ares Yeah, more bad dialogue Villains villains are never the best part of these superhero movies ever I can probably name like 6 good villains in superhero movies three of them being from Nolan's Batman trilogy and the other three of them being from spider-man movies And then you can throw in syndrome from The Incredibles maybe and Loki too But yeah villains have never been the best part of any of these superhero movies And I understand that and I usually criticize these movies for that but Wonder Woman takes it to a whole new level dude the world Can be ours As we speak I can mostly stand against you and your which load and off enough Wait hold on. I just noticed this now. He's yelling at nothing V. Stand against you and you uh which Load and off enough it seems like Ludendorff was supposed to say a line there And then this guy was supposed to talk over him and say Ludendorff enough I mean I could be wrong, but I think it's supposed to be edited like this as we speak load off enough How did you mess that up in a $200,000,000 movie? They feel more like Nazis than they do World War 1 era Germans Evil scientist super weapons this movie really wants to be set in World War two But it can't be because this is already a ripoff of Captain America and setting it in World War two would just make it too on the nose but chief Ludendorff is very Hitler esque plus he snorts cocaine like super cocaine But what was the point of this why does he need this he said he's a general He sends other people to die for him Why does he need to go out does he just know like oh? I'm gonna fight Wonder Woman I gotta snort some cocaine Now I can go on for hours and hours about doctor poison and general Hitler And how cartoonish and stupid and cliche they are? But the real villain of this movie. Oh my god ready for this one so the end of the movie. It's revealed that General Ludendorff isn't actually the villain. He isn't actually Ares He's just a bad guy. Whoa so this is a prediction. I actually got wrong because I thought dr. Poisson would be revealed to be Ares proving to Wonder Woman that yeah men are evil, but women can be evil too But no the female villain doesn't die I mean sure all these German soldiers were like 18 to 22 year old boys who were forced to go into the military But what a woman just kills them with no You know because whatever and then all these other men including general Ludendorff are portrayed as like comically evil villains dr. Poisson even though she's just as evil as the rest of them she gets to run away Scot-free cuz she has burns on her face. Oh look. She has a burnt face That's why she's bad, but she's probably a good person. You know if she didn't have a burned face She wouldn't be making chemicals or whatever But I was wrong Aries isn't doctor poison Aries is in fact nigel thornbury you Know I get that they wanted a plot twist and to make us go wow I didn't see that coming That's cause it's so stupid. They wanted to illustrate that it's not just like evil Germans that could be Ares It could be people on Wonder Woman side too, but this nigel thornbury You liar I Compel you to tell me the truth that was Smashing and then shocker he goes I'm dear child And he's not the god Hannah You are oh wow I didn't see that coming who wrote this Oh, and then they put CG armor on him, and he goes on some megalomaniacal rant look at this world Mankind did this not me And then he goes Wonder Woman join me as if Wonder Woman has like obviously Wonder Woman isn't gonna join you destroy her How did you even get here were you just in the bushes like? Behind Diana the whole movie just lurking in the background like when she kills general Ludendorff I'll go in there and give my whole speech And then shit blows up for 30 minutes, and then we cut to Wonder Woman now, and she goes only love Can truly save the world and then she jumps in front of a green screen and the movies over You The superhero stuff so the superhero stuff and the superhero movie isn't very good Patty Jenkins is not a good action director so all the action in this movie stinks It's all boring and poorly shot over reliance on slow motion, which is just cheesy as hell I thought they stopped doing this in 2005 yet here. She is Let's take a look at this action scene this is a more standard one Chris Pine notices They're being followed by a bunch of guys, so he goes I know what we'll do We'll go hide in an alleyway all by ourselves instead of going to a populated area where we'll be safe We'll just hide in this alleyway We'll be safe here so Chris Pine head butts this guy and then there's like this five-second gap where no one does anything Yes, stay back. What do you what do you bugs? Just gonna go through and hit her There's a guy behind you guys - Wonder Woman does this which is pretty cool Then we see this fucking guy behind her like not shooting at all There's also another guy to the right of them so the guy on the Left can shoot Chris Pine in the head and the guy on the right can shoot Wonder Woman in the Head but instead both of them just sit there doing nothing for 10 seconds enough time so Chris pine can get out of one-liner Then he shoots the guy on the Left doesn't shoot out for some reason then Wonder Woman just abandons him Listen and these two But there's two guys to the right of him who were gonna kill him like what is he doing? instead of this guy shooting again He just points his gun at Wonder Woman Wonder Woman throws this guy this way and in the following shot He's just gone they all finally decide to start shooting at her alright now I'm gonna play this three times take a look at all the extras What is this like lift, I'm gonna lift up the gun and put it back down and lift it back up again It's just a cheap looking movie despite the fact that it had a huge budget even Deadpool Which has a way cheaper budget the the V effects are better in that guys like Neill Blomkamp and David Fincher know how to incorporate V effects really well Marvel may have many different directors, but the effects team is basically always the same And they know what they're doing which is why the VFX and all those movies are solid for the most part DC has an awful effects team and a director like patty Jenkins who clearly does not understand how to incorporate visual effects that the music in this movie ranges from like forgettable stock music to blaring obnoxious rock music the song does not fit with this character or this movie or this time period and then we get to like the superhero part of Diana's character, we're gonna discuss Diana's character later in more depth But in terms of her superhero traits like she sucks She's basically invincible first of all so there's no tension throughout any of these scenes Why does she even have a shield if she can get thrown through buses and be fine? It's not even a scratch on her in this scene After being thrown through a bunch of crap and being thrown into cement and pavement. She just gets right back up It's just bullets harder, and then they want to make her this expert class warrior who knows every single language But she doesn't know what holding hands is. Why are they holding hands Probably because they're together or marriage married Marin do you not have that Donna him I? Thought she read all these volumes about making love or whatever She doesn't know what this stuff is she doesn't know what's going on outside of this islands at all you can't make your character incredibly strong and Intelligent and make her a bumbling buffoon at the same time she spends most of this movie Just fumbling her way around and her naiveness is rewarded throughout the whole movie like that's no man's land Wonder Woman Don't go out there Are you gonna die and then she goes go go out there and instead of using her training to go? You know what we should go around this way and then swoop in here And then ambush them or do something even mildly intelligent She just runs out there like a dope and just walks right toward them and luckily her dad was a god and he crafted her to be basically unstoppable So she cuts through these guys like butter like we needed this scene like this where a guy is getting away and Wonder Woman has To think of a way to catch up to them so she goes I know what I'll do See this is Wonder Woman showing us how crafty she is I mean Let's look at this scene where Wonder Woman is sneaking into this facility that looks like a production studio parking lot And there's this dog barking with no chain or anything and Wonder Woman uses her charm to get the dog to sit down This is another example of one Holy shit, it's Aries, they've been setting the substance 1975 Zack Snyder Hats off to you dude know not to take all the attention away from Wonder Woman cuz Wonder Woman is a fantastic film But it wasn't directed by me, and it's not as politically or socially relevant as Batman V Superman dawn of Justice which despite the fact that it was made a year before the election of Donald Trump actually Predicted the collusion with Russia that occurred during the election and despite the fact that We must leave This movie undercuts what the point of the movie was any Goodwill, I had for this. Movie is basically ruined by the last half hour This is when this movie becomes the standard DC fare and any Meaning this movie could have had is completely thrown out the window and we're treated to just a light show of explosions and fighting and punching and Shooting and none of it means anything And it doesn't make any sense so we're gonna start with this horrible scene I think I described it best in my original review of this movie right after I saw it So I'm gonna play some of that and then Chris Pine shows up And he goes Wonder Woman the real world is much more complex than that You can't just kill one guy and that ends the whole war human beings are messed up sometimes. We're bad sometimes We're good and in order to save the world and save us from ourselves You're going to have to try much harder than just defeat one bad guy at the end of the movie You don't think I did it after what I've seen out there You don't think I wish I could tell you that it was one bad guy to blame it's not I'm like wow this movie isn't going to end with her fighting a fucking guy and It's gonna be a light show She's gonna go with Chris Pine And they're gonna go defuse a bomb and that's gonna be the end of the movie, and that's great like what a smart different way to end a movie like this where there's no big supervillain you just you fight a bunch of Germans and Then that's the end of the movie, but then guess who shows up Aries And then there's a 10-minute long light show just a bunch of shit a bunch of colors Just like the end of Batman vs. Superman just like the end of Man of Steel just a bunch of nonsense only love Can truly save the world This movie could preach all it wants about how good and bad people are on both sides But nothing in this movie really illustrates this point in fact nothing in this movie illustrates that point Aside from this one monologue the reason nigel thornbury who is on the good side is actually evil is not because he's a bad person Because all men have good and bad in them. It's because he's actually Ares That's the reason the general guys. Just flat-out evil nigel thornbury is evil doctor poison is kind of evil except She has burns on one side of her face Chris Pine is nothing bad about him her Ragtag band of misfits have no character flaws at all These ghosts alright So now let's talk about everything after this scene the last 20 minutes is an obnoxious loud awful looking CGI Nightmare that combines all of the worst elements of Zack Snyder Yes Diana Take them all This is, this is garbage it's just fire and yelling and bad green screen and bad Lighting and just gal gadot is bad in the sea because she doesn't know what she's acting against or what her character's fighting for So all she can do is just look like kind of annoyed and Aries is is comically evil they do not deserve It's not about deserve It's about what you believe And I believe enough this isn't a one minute scene either guys, this is the last 20 minutes of the movie This is the climax. This is what we've been building up to and it's total shit You know can you hear me? I'd like to reveal the Justice League Outside of this role, that's okay, that's not okay, I told you that's not okay. I cannot let that happen do you understand? Okay Wonder Woman is a boring character. Let's start with the fact that Wonder Woman is basically a flawless character She has a narrow world view and she sees only good guys and bad guys This could be considered a character flaw but she's proven right when it's revealed that once she kills Ares World War 1 will end so this isn't really a character flaw at All Wonder Woman you were right everyone's good and bad She hardly even has to deal with sexism in this world like she has to pretend She's a secretary For one scene and a few old white guys in this room don't like her Wonder Woman does nothing wrong the whole movie except not Being there when the town is bombarded with gas But what was she supposed to do about that? how would she even stop that everyone involved with this movie was so concerned with making her an Inspiring role model for women everywhere that they failed to give her a character. Let's go to the Marvel movies for a second I'm gonna pick out three characters. I feel have the most in common with Wonder Woman first We got Thor cuz his movie has almost the same plot a young soldier is thrusted into the real world Where they fall in love with a regular person and stop the bad guy? The second character is Captain America because she has many of the same character traits strong-willed Moral brave they both Have a shield both wearing red and blue the third character is Black Widow Because they both got a box let's talk about the first storm movie in the first storm movie Thor is a dickhead he's arrogant He's a spoiled rich boy Who thinks his dad could get anything for him because his dad is the king and his dad tells him you gotta earn your place? In this world I'm not gonna give it to you, and he throws him onto earth and there he learns to love he learns Selflessness he has to earn the right to become Thor again and this Character arc is way more interesting than anything Wonder Woman goes through because in the beginning of the movie Wonder Woman is perfect in every Way and at the end of the movie She's perfect in every way and the only thing she learns is that people kind of suck sometimes So what we got to do is go to an airport and blow everything up Then we got Captain America and the first movie Captain America's like a scrawny little guy and no one likes him But he's got something all these other guys. Don't got heart and Lots of goddamn steroids, and he's given the opportunity to become strong. It's the fact that in the first after this movie We see him be so vulnerable and helpless and then in the second half we see him become the hero that we want him to be that makes the second half of the movie so satisfying And I'm not saying Captain America is a great movie because honestly it's not that good of a movie at all But I think it's way more interesting to explore Captain America 2 & 3 because in the first Captain America He has a very clear morality. There are good guys, and there are bad guys Red Skull is evil the Nazis are evil and all the Americans are the good guys, but in Captain America Winter Soldier This is challenged a bit when he learns that there are enemies on the inside - in fact There are enemies everywhere in the first Captain America movie they spend so much time Establishing his code the way he operates in this world and then the following two movies they Question his code and by the third movie. He stops listening to orders period and goes rogue to help his friend It's an interesting duality within this character does he do what's right or does He follow orders does he remain loyal to his friends or loyal to his country now. What does Wonder Woman go through? Jack shit, what's her morality? Oh? Men are bad because Ares is Making them bad so what I got to do is hit Ares a bunch of times in the face and then when I kill him Everything will be fine I know Chris Pine says hey people will still be bad even when you kill Ares But again what Chris Pine says in the scene is completely the opposite of everything else in this movie now We got Black Widow we all like Black Widow. She's a fun character. She's sassy. She can fight well, but in the end Is there anything really tor? No, she has a sad backstory I guess a sad Backstory isn't a character flaw now Black Widow has been in two Avengers movies one Iron Man movie and - Captain America Movies and they have yet to give her any significant character flaw aside from her vagina doesn't work She has no code of honor or anything like that where her allegiances lie basically depends on the movie She's in why do all these male characters have so many Strengths and weaknesses and all these arcs and whatnot but a character like Black Widow has nothing her only arc was that romance with Bruce Banner which was boring as hell so instead they plopped down a dimensionless killing machine She's a badass She can kick people she punch people she can be sassy, but that's all they really have going for them This is also due to the fact that these characters were created in comic books decades ago And they didn't give a shit about writing a well-defined female character back then and Wonder Woman is just the latest example of this So let's talk about Gamora from guardians of the galaxy cuz I actually think she's a pretty good female character And she's only been in two of the Marvel movies as opposed to black widows v And while she doesn't take up all the posters or whatever. She is a way more defined character than Wonder Woman Gamora and nebula have a sad backstory much like Black Widow But they're sad backstory isn't just a thing in the background it Influences their characters even now and it influences the story you were the one who wanted to win, and I just wanted a sister You were the one who needed to win That I was pulled my eye from my head and my brain from my skull and my arm from my body Gamora abusing nebula and refusing to treat her as a sister made her into a hateful Cold and calculating villain by that same token the violence she inflicted on her own sister And the violence her father inflicted on her made her tough sure but also made her selfish and incapable of showing Sympathy or having any real connection with another person because she's not used to showing anything But hostility for other people throughout all of guardians of the galaxy to star-lord wants to get together with Gamora But she's incapable of connecting with another person in that way This is her fatal flaw, but throughout guardians of the galaxy - she learns to move past the traumatic events of her childhood Apologized to her sister forgive her sister and given to star-lord You know she might not be capable of loving another person, but she's gonna try and that's enough and I think that's sweet Is a generic superhero action movie with all the same cliches and no style it presents a simplistic female character who? Stumbles her way around 3/4 of this movie without having any struggle She has no trouble at all fighting waves of nameless henchmen then in the end she loses a guy She knew for a week who we know will be back in the sequel if you're a little girl or a teenage girl Or you want to see an empowering female character kick people then I think there's a lot you can get out of this movie if you like Wonder Woman or DC or the Justice League Then you can get a lot out of this movie so you guys and gals go ahead and enjoy it you absolutely have the right to think this is a good movie and like the I want to get out of here, let me out of here can you hear me you voice in the ceiling Ceiling sorry for the interruption everybody I'll be right back What's going on Someone explain to me what the fuck is going on I don't know what is going on Fuck you voice in the ceiling you cocksucker you can't fucking lock me in a room do you know who I am I'm Zack fucking Schneider, okay? I understand that Zack but you need to stay calm and stay in there You know how many movies I made how many millions I made Batman V Superman dawn of Justice, Justice League, Watchmen, Guardians of Ga'Hoole fuckin fuckin fuckin a dawn the dead fuckin fuckin I'm telling you for your own sake Hey, are you masturbating right now cuz I can come back late on makin I'm recording a video. What do you want well? I was gonna come in to say don't you think it's a little distasteful to be Making Zack Snyder videos now considering what happened with his family you know and all that he's probably suffering a lot Oh, yeah, I agree with you I think it's completely distasteful to Parade around some caricature of him and while it's not you know Zack Snyder literally, then why'd you upload the video of him I? Didn't post his a Zack Snyder video You literally just uploaded Zack Snyder reviews Justice League like a minute ago And are you guys Hey Zack Snyder director of Batman V Superman dawn of Justice and today, we're gonna talk about Justice League, ah FUCK Justice League Is a new film written and directed by me Hardly wrong I need help Please save this people let me keep this up. You don't understand it won't let me Be honest Where am I? What happened where am I Zack? Calm down you're fine You did this to me. What do you think you are locking me in a room I locked you in that room So you couldn't upload videos anymore Do You Know Who I am Exactly this night you you're Zack Snyder you're really Zack Snyder. Do you want to see a video SEC Center? What are you freedom now Zack Snyder come here, let me show you a video once you enter such a fantastical world as Batman vs Superman and you take a real world product and Company like Turkish Airlines, and you bring it in to you know really set the world as real Go inside was inspired by us then Zack Snyder Wow we have looks nothing like me. I know it looks nothing like you Cuz you're not Zack Snyder That's you man in first superman donna justice fuck It was never me Yes, you're not real sad Like We both died in that video. I don't like I don't understand. How we're both boys. It's all bullshit Zack all of it, you're me with a snapchat filter on I Can even do your voice? I like it's me. I'm Sanok Schneider ain't cornflakes ran out of the box You're not real Right over there It's where Charles died where the hell is Charles use a funny comedy robot? Who died at my yelling covenant with you and then that video you just watched Where you're standing right now Where you died, so what are you gonna? I'm sorry I didn't want to do this I Wanted you to live out the rest of your days in this room Reviewing your awful DC movies keeping to yourself Talking about Turkish Airlines Just completely oblivious to the fact that you're a cartoon character You
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,442,311
Rating: 4.8090739 out of 5
Keywords: ralphthemoviemaker
Id: xIsNoHF-cMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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