Women's Conference 2106: Jana Alayra

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and we're here to talk about love you know we like to talk about love and and it's not just the Love Boat kind of love that we're talking about today we are talking about first Corinthians 13 the love chapter and although it applies to love marriage love love love Paul was writing to the church and he was writing to people like you and me who were just not quite getting along like we do sometimes with people that we love he there were some differences of opinion politically and they were just kind of rubbing up against his shoulders each other's shoulders like we do some time with people that we love so he wrote us this amazing guide to love that is full of great stuff that we're gonna share this morning you know sometimes love is not easy right we rub up against you know the people that we live with the people you left at home and sometimes you might feel like Linus if I could just keep them all at a safe distance you know he was told to love people and he said I love mankind it's people I can't stand because sometimes people are just so people we're just so human the fact of the matter is every single woman in this room right here is weird can we just admit it all of us everybody is somebody else's weirdo and you know that's just the body of Christ that's the human race and Paul steps in and says let me give you some words of wisdom and how to love on these people who were also weird right and there is great stuff in here Jesus he told us you know if you only love those who are easy to love what benefit is that to you it's not hard but he says to love your enemies and pray for those who make life really difficult for you this is not an option he doesn't say you know love most people and you can go ahead and hate the other ones he doesn't say that he says love your enemy and let me show you how it's done you know without love it says in first Corinthians we're gonna be jumping all over this passage all this morning but at the beginning it basically says you know without love you might as either well be mute or just sound like this noise this clanging bashing annoying truck trash day noise that just you can't hear anything beyond if there's not love accompanied by what you're saying we have a God of love and this passage reminds us that love is not just what you say it's actions in fact in first Corinthians it's all about actions there are 15 verbs in first Corinthians 13 15 verbs it's do do its love is an action verb Paul doesn't even mention emotions here he's kind of talking about obedience and stepping out in love first Corinthians 13 7 is the verse that I chose this is one of my favorite ones in the passage and it says love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things and since everybody out there's probably got a different version of the Bible in your lap some other versions say love is always supportive loyal hopeful and trusting I like that love bears up under anything and everything that comes it's ever ready to believe the best of every person it's hopes are faithless under all circumstances and it endures everything without weak weakening love does and does and does and does and I want to take a minute to affirm you for the love that you do because I know in this room there are people who are very busy loving on other people and you might be in here bedraggled and tired because you need a break from these people you're so busy loving for some of you it's little mouths to feed and butts to wipe and endless disgusting chores and no sleep and all that and I'm so happy that you're here today for some of you your love field is your co-workers some of them who you really like some of them who you're just glad it's Saturday right some of you your love muscle is being tested by teens at home whose snarl just because you're standing there what did I do what L how why am I so stupid you know some of you are loving on elderly parents and it's difficult and draining and exhausting your hands are busy some of you have children with special needs some of you love on a classroom full of little people who have needs and their parents who have needs right you are busy and I know you and a lot of times love says I love you without saying a word right my mom is like this I grew up my mom's not saved yet yet and we didn't grow up in a house of faith at all I heard God's use God's name used around the house quite a bit but it was not the way I like to use his name but my mom is an amazing mom and she says I love you all the time with her hands she wasn't one of those kinds of moms who would just like scoop me into her big double D's which I also didn't inherit from her and say oh I love you you know she just wasn't one of those mush pots like that she was more the pat on the head there you go let me show you how to do this here's how we make a square corner you know she'd make the lunch she'd drive us everywhere she sewed she sewed does anybody really sew anymore I mean I don't I've done a pillow and she actually sewed the badges on our on our brownie sashes and I've tried to glue gun those things on and that doesn't work they pop off and you know but my mom was just that mom who was always there and I realized once I became a mom how much my mom rocks it bothered me a little that she wasn't very emotional but then I realized okay her hands said I love you oh this is hard I realized how hard this was and what a rock my mom was I want to show you a picture of my mom's hands did you ever look down at your own hands and say I know these hands they're my arms mine are starting to look just like that and you know my mom hates her hands she says oh they're so veiny and knuckle II and I don't ooh and I take her hands and I say mom I love your hands because they say I love you and I hope I can do the same with my family and I know you have been doing the same all week so I just want to firm you that you know a lot of that stuff you do day in and day out that says I love you without a word you know who notices it is Jesus because when we love on the least of these it's as if we're loving him so even now he says thank you thank you well the song was about my mom's hands but it's obviously about yours a breath ago the day was new filled with many things to do a shoe to tie a toy to fix a tear to dry a cheek to and remember you reading a little Nursery Rhymes a favorite book a thousand times a plate of love food to grow and some kisses you would throw and remember you and your head and silently they love me hands up of grace and strength for life your heaven silently they guided me more than all the stars out there are the ways you show me that you can and you wearily I say goodnight and there beneath the kitchen light is the endless work undone I guess I'll be waking with the Sun now is I've grown a ring here lies the tireless hours of sacrifice an image of your love for me I pray that I can be I prayed I can like your hands silently they loved me hems of love grace and strength for lay [Music] your war hands silently they guided me more than all the stars out there are the ways you'll show me that you care and I'll remember you remember you I'll remember you [Music] oh wait I see some tears and I know there's all kinds of mom stories out there some who you know you had a great mom maybe you're missing her maybe she has passed away maybe some of you you know or feeling like man I got gypped and some of you might be the mom who's sitting there going at well there's no way anyone will ever write that song about me but you know our God is a God of new beginnings right every day is new his mercies are new every morning praise the Lord he gave us morning I'm so glad he didn't make it just one long string of life I'm so glad I get to go to bed at night and start up in the morning and say thank you lord this is the day that you've made and I'm gonna start fresh the first song I first time I played that song for my mom though her reaction was I don't deserve that song because she remembers all her failures and well not all of them but she remembers all of the things that she did that she would love to do again just as I do but as her daughter I don't remember the bad stuff about my mom I just remember the good stuff I'm banking on it being the same way with my daughters selective memory love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love bears all things let's look at that for a second the Greek word that this comes from you know you think oh I can't bear it any longer but actually the word is more a word that means to cover up something to protect like a roof in a heavy rain and we are called to protect the people that we love you know love covers a multitude of sins is the way that it's said in first Peter 4:18 means building someone up rather than tearing them down protecting somebody's reputation all the time bears all things we got to remember that word all is in there for a reason we are to protect the people that we love with our words in and out of their presence I heard it said that people are quick to believe the bad things about good people it's kind of sad so I love how Spurgeon said that love stands in the presence of a fault with a finger on her lip that's really good advice isn't it especially for us women who it can be a little hard sometimes especially if you're from a family that the DNA is just to kind of talk about stuff and people or share a little bit too much and we women you know we just find ourselves being a little loose-lipped sometimes and it really love bears all things all the time with patience which also goes along with forbearance just connected here love also believes all things this gives the person the benefit of the doubt always trusts innocent before proven guilty you know I always believes the best in a person by the way this does not mean believing blindly in someone who has proven to be not trustworthy and dangerous right let's just get that straight that some relationships need healthy boundaries but love believes all things really does mean that we believe God sees something good in that person we can't always see it but God does and we can trust that God sees something and trust God to know speaking these words of belief in two people is so powerful right you know you know if you tell a kid you can hit that ball you can do it are you really smart a kid is gonna feel like they can hit that ball and like they're really smart our words have so much power in them and when we believe in them and this isn't you know dumb belief like you're gonna win that lottery I just believe it you can lead people into a lot of that that way or a really uncoordinated kid you're gonna get into the Olympics I just plays it you know it's not that right it is believing truth and sometimes this takes time and love takes time right getting to know somebody so well that you say you are creative you are loyal you are diligent aren't you and speaking those things into the people that we love love believes all things have you ever watched that show the dog whisperer how many of you have dogs out there I'm just kind of curious my friends my friends I have a dog and he's an adopted dog and he's a mess you know it's it's really kind of a crapshoot when you get a dog from the pound you never know what you're getting and sometimes they're great and sometimes they're well he is trainable but this this show the dog whisperer sometimes they hit this Cesar Millan has these dogs on there that you just think oh my gosh and this recent show had this little darling looking cocker spaniel that was just snarling and snapping and lashing out and I thought oh I would have gotten rid of that dog in a day it was just a scary little dog because it looks so cute Wow so they bring Cesare Millan in and the guy within five minutes has that dog just sitting there calmly and the parents are just how are you doing this and I realize it's because he knows dogs he's like a dog psychologist they call him the dog whisperer he really does no fears and psyches of dogs and he knows how to love it out of them and control it out of them and he says that no dog is a lost cause even mine how much more does God know us he's the man whisperer the human whisperer he knows why we're so weird he knows why we do the things we do he knows our past he knows our fears and our burdens he's right there and so believing that God looks inside each one of you and says I love you I have plans for you and I can work with this stuff really well you just give it to me that's believing in all things believing God can work this out for good because that's the kind of God that we serve love never gives up on people it's never a lost cause love also hopes all things I love this one this is probably my favorite word of the four love hopes all things and in other pastors words love refuses to take failure as final you know failure can be a very beautiful thing I read a book a long time ago called the failure the back door to success and I went that's me because I feel like even when I was a kid growing up and and back when I took tests a lot of it was was multiple-choice I think that's why I got decent grades I can't remember anything but I can pick a bubble out of three you know but um when I'd would get a Christian a question wrong if if you go back over the quiz you go man shoot and I'm probably not gonna get that question wrong again because you learn through failure I've learned through a lot of failure and we don't always have to look at it as such a bad thing right James 1 2 through 4 says consider it joy my beloved when you encounter various trials for the fet the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have it's perfect result that you be complete lacking in nothing the trials complete us so even though our needs your career isn't gonna be yay when something hard comes along or we fall on her face we can say okay god you're gonna do something in that unseen realm of eternity that you can see and I can't I have joy knowing that you're gonna turn this into something good because he always does he completes us he reveals us and he refines us through those trials and those failures you know I really had the delusional thinking that I was gonna be a fantastic mom just by osmosis because my mom was an amazing mom you know and then I met myself you know I I had this image of myself I was gonna be a mom who kept my my my house clean my car clean forget it you know I was gonna be a mom who was the fun mom who took my kids to the beach and played in the water with them not one of those boring moms who sits on the sand and talks to the other moms and then I became a mom and I realized how fun it was to sit on the sand and talk with the other I'd go play go play you know I was gonna be a mom who like painted with my kids in the house and let them cook and then I started trying that with a toddler and a three-year-old and thought oh they'll do that in preschool you know I was gonna be a mom I don't know if this is you but I was gonna be a mom who never yelled at my kids because I saw that before I had children and I would just be so pious I I'd look at that and go oh that woman is out of control she just needs to take the class or something I'm not gonna behave that way my children are not gonna behave that way and then I had four kids and I was introduced to a side of Jana but I didn't even know was under there you know it's hard enough if you just have people you've got to keep alive right it's just stressful but then throw in a strong-willed kid I had two little Blondie's that were just you know they were yeah they were okay and then Britney my third she came out of the womb with guns loaded her favorite word was no will not eat that I will not wear that you will not put that in my hair no no no I will scream when you try to put medicine in my mouth there I am sitting on this kit you will drink this medicine it was fifty bucks this kid wore me out do we have any parents of strong-willed children out there oh the weary ones right and you just think why can't you just say yes ever or okay I'll tell you what I was introduced to a side of me that I was not very proud of again and again and again and I felt like a failure and I would compare myself to other moms who seem to have it all together and their children were well dressed and had braids in their hair and you know they'd show up with these little things and these kids were just walking beside them and mine are like wild and running around they're gonna look back at their pictures and say mom we look like little homeless children I'm gonna say I tried I really tried eventually you just get worn out right I just was not happy with me a lot of times but how beautiful is the friend who comes alongside you and says I know I'm just the same I lost it with my kid the other day - what are we gonna do and they will pray with you and they will believe in you that we are all growing as moms and as grandmas and teachers Venice moms we're all growing we never stop grilling we never stop growing right it's this journey that we're on you know I learned with that really super hard will a strong will little girl her name was Brittany she is now 21 and I used to just think God can you please just make her stop change her personality this is just really hard and now that she's 21 I psycho shame on me because Brittany who had all that passion he's now Brittany with all this passion she walks in the room and the party starts she loves everybody so much and I think wow Lord you know what I just need to remember that you see something different helped me see what you see James 1:5 says if any of you lacks wisdom let him or her ask of God who gives generously and without finding fault I love that and you know what our beautiful words that we can give to our family I'm sorry I was wrong but a beautiful gift that is to give to the members of our family right I'm sorry I was wrong you know I love a friend who will sit with me and say all right sister here we go God is at work romans 8:28 faithful and truly loving is the one who can see that God works in situations and he sees the beauty in a mess you know God can take a mess and turn it into ministry one of the ugliest messes I ever got myself in to started when I was 16 years old and I was on the gymnastics team excuse me and everybody on their gymnastics team was just super thin and I wasn't and they said okay here's how we staked in we eat and then we uh neat if you know what I mean and at first I was horrified but then I thought okay I'll try it and it became a little habit through gymnastics season that lasted through high school and became this secret habit of mine that became an addiction that became bondage in my life an ugly defeat eating disgusting time wasting addiction you know that kind of diction an addiction owns you right it owns your time and owns your thoughts and I was owned by that thing it was the truth of Jesus Christ that finally set me free the truth of the Scriptures that we do have an enemy who lies and lies and lies and the truth of who we are in Jesus Christ if we really believe it and abide in it it will set us free and I was sitting in this Bible study and boom I just knew I was set free and the Holy Spirit just started doing something really different in my life really different I remember sharing that with one of my good friends like that's not a pretty thing to share with a friend that I had been struggling with this since I was 16 I was now 28 and I'll never forget she didn't bat an eye she was like really how cool that now God is gonna use this as a ministry because she knew I wanted to share it with women and as soon as I did the doors started flinging open with other women with similar problems or the same problems and we started to pray and I watched God turned that mess into a ministry isn't that an awesome friend who loves you for who you are who accepts you with all your junk nothing's nothing surprises me anymore nothing because we were hurting people another time when I watched my friends oh I want to show this verse with you that goes along with that second Corinthians 12 9 and 10 my grace is sufficient for you for power is perfected in weakness therefore I will boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may dwell in me for when I am weak then I'm strong amen I love I love those words there was one other time when I I don't think I was weaker than one I went through something I never thought I was going to go through I was married to a pastor and we lived the perfect life we live in Irvine safe this town in the United States I'm happy to report just came out the other day and he was a pastor at a church college pastor and we lived in this nice little house and I had a daughter and I had a golden retriever very obedient golden retriever we were making tapes we were a band tapes remember when we were in a worship team everything was just this picture of wonderful and then this husband of mine who everybody admired including me decided to peace out of the marriage just you know he was always a difficult guy to understand but when I finally said hey you know I don't feel very close his answer was I've never felt close I've never loved you I cannot do this I've tried and I'm out I was seven and a half months pregnant with our second daughter and it was pretty much disaster it was disaster to our church it was disaster to those college students it was scary it was overwhelming it was embarrassing when I found out that he had left with the secretary and not only that he'd had a full-blown affair with a close friend of mine for a long time this pretty much took my tiny little world shook it up and turned it upside down right but God and closes gifts He loves us so much that even in a messy messy messy tongue like that he extends these gifts to us and sometimes it takes a while to unwrap it right and go and he extended to me the gift of fellowship with him in that dark place like I never knew before it mattered to me it mattered so much to me that I was his daughter because so much can change in who we think we are suddenly all this stuff that I thought was me wasn't there and I had to really wrestle with Who am I my daughter of the king I am that I am the daughter of the king he loves me he's got a plan for me and that will never change and that's like all I needed I would go in worship and just cry my eyes out but then there was this joy of thank you God I'm not alone and my love for the word just became you know I was just clinging to the word I love watching the sign language people down there and the girl did the sign for trust I will trust you lord I was hanging on to the Word of God breathing it in like water and like food he was just doing so many great things in me but I did see a side of me I didn't like so much I was out of control I said things that weren't nice you know I was mad and yet my friends who really loved me they were there they were there to speak truth into my life and to hold me back when I needed to just start piping down to remind me that I'm a daughter of the king and God's gonna somehow use this and they're the ones who often wouldn't say anything they just did things like help me move I mean it's not not the definition of love can you help me move you must love me they were digging around under these you know long-forgotten drawers and finding nasty stuff in there and you know just helping me move and every time I would see these friends I would think God what would I do without them they helped me with their hands they we prayed together we cried together and we laughed together in the middle of this crazy stuff we'd find herself just busting out drinking coffee laughing that is a gift from heaven a true friend like that who really knows you is a gift from heaven and that's what I call this song I'm gonna share with you called the gift from heaven but I affectionately call this song the coffee song because I love coffee and I think we do a lot of life over coffee don't we you know I guess some of you drink tea and that's okay someday you'll grow up [Music] with you have known the joy of laughing till we cry and even if we spend all day the hours always fly away there's no need for decorating all my words with you boo my heart is free an image of his tender love for me we have gathered in the sunshine and we've chatted through the rain joy we've shared in answered prayer and we've warned each other's pee you're a gift to me from heaven of value without all the joy of knowing you my friend shirring deep convictions as we watch our children play countless cups of coffee I'm hearing half of what you say cuz my kids were always interrupting forever the life is sometimes pain on pain or sometimes it's simply blue a to a prayer the Lord is there between two [Music] oh how rare and come is one who seeks to find his loving hand even as I fall and how priceless and free is each word you've given me to help me stand and to hear his call you're a gift to me from heaven of value without it oh the joy of knowing you the joy of knowing you the joy of knowing you my [Music] [Music] yeah that's a true friend and I have a friend I think about a lot she gave me this plaque once that says in my father's house are many mansions you know from John 14 in my father's house are many mansions I hope mine is right next door to yours some of you crafty people out there you need to make that because we all identify with that there's just not enough time I'm gonna beat a bunch of you here today and go we could be coffee friends you know sometimes I get to go and do concerts around the world and I meet people and I think I love you I want to hang out with you and I have to say goodbye but when we are sisters in Jesus it's a stun away go I'll see you later I'll see you in heaven and in heaven we have forever to look back and see all the great things that God did through the tragedies and the trials and the traumas and we will rejoice because he really does cause all things to work together for good there was one last trial failure place I never wanted to go where that I never would have made made it a day without the love of the people around me and that was you know I have two daughters from my first marriage by the way I have to make something very clear one time I didn't clarify that and I almost didn't just now my husband is in the back and one time I didn't clarify that and he said Jan I you didn't tell those ladies that I wasn't the guy I almost did that no he's not the guy there's a handsome guy right back there waving hand that's my husband Ron a liar he was brick Ron wave your hand he was brave enough to marry a woman and two young kids and we got married and then we had Brittany as a little party and another and another little daughter and he's just an incredible guy who produces all of our music and he's just amazing but a year into our marriage a year and a half the entire marriage we had just started doing art our children's music and I was we were on our way to do one of our first big concerts and hopefully the worst thing that I ever go through happened there could be more we never know but my little daughter who was then just turned 4 that was the last day of her life because we were involved in a car accident that just took her life like that just turned the wrong way didn't see a set of red lights look down at a map at the wrong time and boom everything changed no place any mom anyone ever wants to go and I always said I would go crazy if I ever had to say goodbye to one of my children but because of Jesus Christ it's not goodbye it's a Stella waiting right amen she is in heaven she is dancing it is well it is well with my soul and I cannot wait to see her again not that I haven't cried a lot of tears but I know my God keeps those in a bottle and I know that in the meantime he has used that tragedy in ways I couldn't I could stand up here for five hours and tell you guys the stuff he has done through that tragedy where he is turned mourning to dancing and ashes into something beautiful you know I never thought I'd be able to sing with kids again and then he just started downloading these songs into my mind nothing absolutely nothing will separate us from the love of God that's true you know do you ever do that with scriptures the Word of God is living and active and sometimes it just comes alive in you like I read that a hundred times and I and now I get it it nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus so I wrote a song about it it's been sung all over the place and sometimes when I see those little kids in other states other countries and they're singing that song I imagine this little four-year-old girl in my cloud of witnesses saying go mom go mom you keep singing those songs cuz this is real this is real even though you're getting a little old just keep singing God doesn't care just keep telling the truth because it's true her we live by faith but she lives what I believe she lives what I believe and so ever since she went home to heaven there's like this hook this tether for my heart to heaven I think about it all that time and I love a friend who loves me enough to remind me of heaven all the time that there's something bigger here that there's forever there's eternity this life is like five minutes it's a blink so help me to live my five minutes well Lord and to love those around me like you would love me and love is beautiful it bears all things believes all things hopes all things and it endures all things right it endures all things that word is kind of like a military word that says I am NOT giving up this battle I'm gonna be right here there's a lot of fighting words in that word and we need to extend that to the people that we love I am NOT going anywhere because that's exactly what Jesus says to us we could take Jesus name and put it in all these you know today as we're looking at first Corinthians 13 let's put Jesus name in place of love Jesus bears all things Jesus believes in you Jesus hopes he has hope for you Jesus believes in you he knows the bigger picture and that's why we give that kind of love to other people he will do things that are a little bit unexpected because we can't do this alone right we can't love in our own flesh because sometimes it's just I will never forget when the woman who was my friend walked in the door who'd had the affair with my husband and it was a moment that I never expected it to go down like this she just came in and she was flooding you know her tears were just running out down her face and she says can you forgive me because she was broken and truly sorry and we fell in this pile of arms and tears on the floor and I said I forgive you that's the power of Jesus and I actually loved that girl not that we're gonna hang out or anything that could be a little weird but I truly have love in my heart big love I have love in my heart for my ex-husband as many question marks as I have I am free you know Jesus says to forgive and that's not an option either but he says that so that we can be free as well cuz when we hold a grudge it holds us he will do it through us I love that story of Corrie ten Boom my hero who I can't wait to me I'm gonna chase her down in heaven Corrie it's gonna be a long line behind her but no Corey please I want to talk to you Corrie ten Boom who was a she was in a concentration camp and when she got out she tells the story that you know I mean that's a living hell we can't even imagine what they went through and when she got out she was preaching on forgiveness at a church in Germany and then after she gets done this man walks up and he says Froy line and he sticks his hand he was one of the Nazi whatever he was sergeant who had mocked her and made them walk naked in front of him and tortured them and and here he is standing in front of her with his hand out Fri line isn't it great that the Lord forgives me too and in her mind she's going I can't I can't do it I can't do it I can't love this man I can't love this man God can't love him and out of obedience she stuck her hand out just out she's okay I'll just stick my hand out and as she grabbed his hand she said she felt this electricity go up through her arm and into her heart and she loved that man because what we need to do is stick our hand out God calls us to just go there and he will do the loving through us when we do not have it in and of ourselves one of my favorite prayers that I share with young moms and you know myself is God make me love him God make me love her do it in me because I can't do it myself and I promise you he does it because he is love he is love Jesus is love and when we really get that we really get that we have these dark ugly corners of our lives and Jesus walks right into them and says I love you anyway and we understand that he went to that cross with us in mind and He loves us He loves us He loves us when we really understand that grace we can't help but say okay help me do the same help me help me do the same because that's the two greatest Commandments right love God love people that's why we're here to love God and love people love endures all things I love this little slide where Charlie Brown and and Snoopy are sitting there and he says if you ask me how long I'll be your friend well my answer will be I don't know because I really don't know which is longer forever or always right we have a God who loves us bears all things believes all things believes in us more than we can possibly understand so the truth of the matter is first John 4:19 we love because He first loved us what a great passage we love because He first loved us so today let's think about it who are we having trouble with who is difficult for me to love maybe it's that ex-husband maybe it's that mother-in-law why does that always make people laugh I love my mother-in-law but I know there's some winners out there maybe it's that annoying neighbor just annoying they're not terrible they're just annoying maybe it's the family member who just loves to cut you down maybe it's the parent whose kid bullies your kid you know there's a lot of things there's a lot of hurt out there who is it that we're having a difficult time loving maybe it's even yourself and you need to remember how jesus loves you and wants you to say let that go I took it to the cross stop beating yourself up and you know what life is this amazing journey of learning how to love people who are politically opposite from you people who look different than you people who look just like you it's this journey of learning how to love I started that when I was 16 and I can honestly say I'm a little better at it now that I've got some years and some wrinkles a lot of wrinkles and other things that remind me I'm on the downhill slide of life but hopefully my heart is becoming more beautiful as I'm on this journey because that's what Jesus sees and you know it's not just a journey it's a dance and sometimes we just need to stop doing the leading and take Jesus by the hand and let him lead already and lo and behold when we do that the dance becomes a little more fun and we find ourselves becoming a little bit more like him day by day by day day by day I'm learning to love you day by day I'm learning to serve you you take you never walk away as you change my heart Jesus day by day I'm learning to love you day by day I'm learning to serve you you take you never walk away as you change my heart day by day I'm learning to love you day by day I'm learning to serve you day by day I left you Lord day by day you change my [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
Views: 6,076
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: dOztpT4xUkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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