Woman confronts neighbor who has her service dog

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only on 10 news ma'am you know what she's gonna take her dog and I'm gone who is telling her she's gonna take her dog and he fell Republican you can take it up with me things get a heat of right in front of our cameras between two women claiming to own the same dog the whole thing started with a story on 10 News a woman claiming her service dog was stolen ten News reporter Candace Crone just discovered that the dog was never hers to begin with Candace Atika things got pretty heated right here in this parking lot even a perfect stranger stepped in to help the woman get her dog back tensions ignited this Lamesa parking lot the true owner of this dog there to get him back this reunion may not have happened if not for a 10:00 news story Tuesday that's when Linda Robb contacted us claiming max her service dog in training was stolen he would actually pick up my shoes which was awesome and if I dropped my keys during the day he would come running over and he'd pick him up and give him to me crystal Polson's roommate saw her story in contacted 10 News saying the dog named Max was really mouse the dog crystal lost five months ago we got him from a person up at Grossmont Center Linda told me they got the dog at a local shopping center but 10 News found this Facebook post by Linda's daughter saying they found the dog wandering in their neighborhood shortly after crystal says he went missing I was unaware of that posting okay well she posted it and it sounds like you guys did find the dog in the neighborhood and that you really didn't get him from the Grossmont Center and that potentially the next moment outraged by what she heard this woman decides to step in ma'am you know what she's gonna take her dog and I'm the one who's telling her she's gonna take her dog and if you ever problem you can take it up with me turns out lyndon crystal live on the same street Linda claims she asked neighbors if they knew who Mouse belonged to for crystal the dog is more than just a pet he's basically this is my child you know he's also a service dog and helps her with anxiety she says she's grateful her roommate contacted 10news to help reunite her with mouse haven't seen him in months we found him I'm really grateful that you guys even you know responded to us and crystal says she now plans to get Mouse microchip so she doesn't have to deal with this again we're live in La Mesa tonight Candace Kron 10 news
Channel: ABC 10 News
Views: 5,921,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KGTV, News, San Diego, California, Local news, 10News, distributable, service dog, dog stolen, stolen dog, anxiety
Id: om-eJ9at1E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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