Wo Long Fallen Dynasty : Full 10 Hidden Spell and How to farm and use it in DLC2

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] gaming channel this is a channel specializing in instructions on how to build characters playing Styles as well as instructions on all types of games if you are a Vietnamese please visit the link in the description to go to the 100 Vietnamese Sudan gaming BN Channel made by myself thanks for your support DLC 2 conqueror of John dong version has just officially launched providing a series of new features such as Weapons equipment and accessories however in this video I will focuses on introducing 10 newly updated hidden Wizardry spell and will also guide you on how to quickly possess them and don't forget at the end of the video I will also share how to use these hidden spells so you can take full advantage of their power in this new version there are a total of 10 hidden spells divided into five virtue systems metal wood water fire and Earth each system will have two unique hidden spells bringing more diversity and excitement to your gaming experience for the wood virtue we have two hidden spells lightning fulmination and grafting strike with the fire virtue we have two new hidden spells fire god arrival and Stellar Fury in the earth virtue we possess two hidden spells Heavenly Boulder and Heavenly quake the metal virtue offers two unique spells ravaging ax and metallic execution with water virtue we have two hidden spells Frozen splinters and water God blink below are instructions on how to search for hidden spells effectively first note that to get hidden spells you need to have the hidden tomes item hidden tomes drop randomly from specific bosses to know which bosses drop hidden spells you can check in the documents section and select character directory bosses with this icon are bosses that can drop hidden tomes move to that boss and press according to the instructions below here I am using the PlayStation so I will press the triangle button you will know the hidden spell that boss drops in addition in the demon bestery section there are some monsters that also drop hidden tomes that you can refer to below is a list of hidden magic farming locations that I consider to be the fastest and easiest the Stellar Fury spell will Farm the Bostonian map tale of gigotsi in part 2 the legendary monkey of farmers fire god arrival and Heaven Boulder spells will Farm bossganing map the Heavenly Crow strikes in part X2 lightning pulmination and grafting strike spells will Farm Boss Joe Yuan Jo the beautiful youth map also in part X2 the Frozen splinters and water God blink spell will Farm Boss taishi CI in map when kunpeng soars high in part X2 the ravaging ax spell will Farm Boss CAO CAO map green plum warm liquor in part 4 Heavenly Quake spell will Farm Boss Zhao Yoon map the unparalleled spirit in part 4 metallic execution spell farming boss sun ji-un in map like father-like sun in part 4 however you can also Farm ravaging acts from boss Sun sihi here below are detailed instructions on how to use the new hidden spells first will be the virtue grafting strike when using this spell the character will accumulate wood energy in his hand then unleash a strong punch with the appearance of a large wooden stick this hidden spell has the most important effect of healing yourself and your teammates depending on the amount of damage caused estimated at about 10 of Health however the weakness of this spell is its long-casting time therefore this spell is most suitable when you play Coop with teammates or when you have enough safe distance to use the second would be lightning fulmination spell when using this spell the character will project a Charged ball forward and when it touches the target it will explode with lightning causing a slight stun effect to the monster although the amount of damage caused is not large this spell has the ability to be cast very quickly and stun opponents therefore this spell can be used to connect combos or spam when combined with the water virtual build third is the fire spell fire god arrival when using this spell the character will fly into the sky and then land strongly like Iron Man's movements in the Marvel world it looks pretty cool but the damage of this spell is low and you have to stand close to the monster to deal damage the interesting thing about this spell is that you have the ability to combine it with weapon martial art that have the ability to jump up high to perform for example after using the cestis urang blast you can immediately switch to using the fire god arrival spell causing the character to remain in the air and then land on the ground this spell is mainly designed to dodge attacks from bosses and monsters especially when combined with martial arts fourth is the Stellar Fury spell when using this spell you need to note that when casting for the first time the character will create a chain of igniters around him next when you press the cast button a second time these igniters will immediately explode and cause huge damage and of course this will be a hit and run tactical spell first you keep your distance from the monster cast it wants to create a fire then move away a bit wait until the monster runs into the explosion area then click to use cast spell a second time to activate the explosion spell this is a very interesting and strategic hidden spell isn't it the fifth is the heaven Boulder spell when activating this spell the character will focus energy into his hand and create a rock and then swing it forward this spell deals a fairly damage however the casting time is a bit long so it should usually only be used keep safety distance you need to make sure you are in a safe distance before using this spell otherwise you may be hit from Monsters the sixth is the Heavenly Quake spell if you look at it you will see that this spell is similar to the water spell ominous chill when used a series of Earth pillars will fall from Above This Spell deals a significant amount of damage and the most important point is that its casting time is quite fast faster than the water spell ominous chill when using this spill you still need to keep a safe distance for yourself seventh ravaging ax spell this is a somewhat unique spell when using this spell the character creates a poisonous hammer and smashes it directly into the monster This spells damage is okay and the casting time is average important note is that when using this spell you should keep a safe distance from Monsters to avoid being attacked the eighth spell is metallic execution when activated the character will slam his hand on the ground and release a series of weapons from the ground the damage of this spell is quite High and the casting time is extremely fast to take advantage of this spell you can use it in build water virtue after performing fall to strike you can continuously cast this spell to deal a large amount of damage the ninth spell is a water spell after the previous two water hidden spells in DLC one were considered too weak in this version of dlc2 the publisher has created two new spells that are quite effective the first is the Frozen Splinter's spell when used the character will create a spiked ball of ice above his head which will then shoot ice beams that deal water damage to Monsters the strength of this spell is that you can use it at any time because when there is enough distance this thorny ball will shoot ice beam and during this time you can freely move or perform other actions combo this is a versatile spell that can be used in many situations from using ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows to combining with main weapons or even using with other spells the last spell is water God blink as the name suggests If the previous spell aqua blink allowed you to teleport immediately to keep a safe distance or avoid the boss's skills this water God blink spell not only teleports farther but also creates an ice hole right where you teleport to dealing is significant amount of water magic damage and slowing monsters this is a comprehensive offensive spell this is the spell that in my opinion is worth the money and farming time the most among these 10 new hidden spells the effective way to use this spell is to use any weapon martial art that causes a light stun then use a normal attack then use water God blink to dash out and immediately use water God blink to dash back and so on repeat this is a video of me testing this spell and because it was my first time using it I still failed a bit so I hope you understand however if this spell is used by experts it will definitely maximize its Effectiveness and create extremely beautiful compos the video ends here if you find it interesting please give me one like and one channel subscription to help me be motivated to make the next videos better and more attractive goodbye and see you again [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Su Dang Gaming
Views: 5,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wo long, wo long fallen dynasty, wo long gameplay, wo long fallen dynasty walkthrough, wo long fightincowboy, wo long bosses, wo long build, wo long best build, wo long builds, wo long guide, wo long boss, wo long fallen dynasty xp farm, wo long tips, wo long op build, wo long fallen dynasty best build, wo long fallen dynasty build, conqueror of jiangdong, wo long dlc 2, wo long fallen dynasty conqueror of jiangdong, wolong hidden winzardry, wolong hidden spell
Id: 7xdAYbRmey4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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