WKRP in Cincinnati: "A Mile in My Shoes" 3.6

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so while our actual buildings were up our total revenues were down you see that's the problem overdue accounts right these clients have got to pay what they owe and that's why i want you to talk to her that's not a difficult thing to do i have done sales at other stations i've done sales at big stations if an overdue client does not pay you simply replace that client with another one [Music] oh yeah what did i just say geez don't you know good morning and how are you two fine no bad moods or unresolved anger oh i don't think so i can't hear you andy no i'm okay then neither one of you is waiting for an excuse to explode nope isn't that nice it's okay herb morning gentlemen never asked me to do this again it's uh real lucky i caught you together if i could get you to jot your john hancocks across the bottom of these letters sit down herbert let's chat well i'm kind of in a rush sit down but i'll make the time vista girls what oh uh listen herb if this sort of thing continues there's going to be hell to pay excuse me i think what mr carlson means is we can't let some of our clients go on owing money that's wrong yeah payment is due when payment is due herbert period end of sentence end of discussion you got me surely and i'll get right on it just as soon as you fill up sign these letters uh well this looks sort of a legal herb mumbo jumbo i wouldn't waste my time reading it oh okay herbert charles sales manager wkrp is essential and indispensable to the operation of the company [Laughter] what the heck is this a joke no sir they um pulled my name for jury duty and i thought maybe you could get me off uh i don't know uh look it it's your duty to serve well that's the way i feel but who's gonna look after sales i wouldn't mind somebody's got to get on those overdue accounts you want to do it no sign under penalty of perjury where does it say that that last paragraph right there oh i i don't think carlson has a point about that civic duty herb yeah yeah but i think of course on the other hand we could take the easy way out we could lie and keep herb on the job go ahead son well i wouldn't get carried away with lying no sir you go herb do your duty you know you're right herbert i could handle sales and venus could fill in for me good idea very good yeah thank you sir just remember who thought of it baby if you've ever wondered i've wondered whatever on the became in cincinnati cincinnati wkrp we got kind of tired of packing and unpacking town to town up [Music] just maybe think of me once in a while i'm a wkrp and simpson [Music] [Music] perhaps i've [Music] you haven't listened to me in four days man well you haven't made any sense in four days i'm just doing my job oh i thought you were trying to do andy's job look fever you used to be a good disc jockey man of course that's when you were black you want to be acting program director you want to argue about something you don't care about what somebody you agree with do you understand what you just said not a word when is ever coming back i don't know why this guy is out of line you guys keep talking in unison and i'm not leaving look travis do i really have to play what venus says he is the acting pd yeah i know but i i just i can't see an all barry white weekend you know right on right on right on right on hey listen if i can handle sales you can handle programming and you can adjust now uh drop those chicken city commercials from the log not the chicken city spots hey he refused to pay he's out you lost a client i'll replace him no you're really burning up the sales department if they pay their clients if they don't they are charity thanks herb neither one of you guys have got a clue just how rough it is out there on the street selling this place that's unison i warned you what's with him so there we are standing at my front door and he says jennifer some women would feel obligated after flying to new orleans on a private jet in a moonlight dinner on a mississippi riverboat but i prefer a challenge someone someone who's interested in me and not my money what'd you do well i wished him luck kissed him on his bald spot and wheeled him to his car oh andy jim goshen of the tube and lube shops called and told me to tell you regarding your hardball collection agency tactics i won't pay you one red sand put your commercials where the sun don't i can't make that out thank you jennifer thank you very much andy pruning a tree of his dead branches helps new branches to grow right hey it's my thinking exactly billy uh yeah hello honey may i speak with uh barney marshall please oh mr marshall hi sorry bad connection here i guess my name is andy travis of wkrp and i would like to show you how inexpensive and i believe effective at wkrp radio uh yeah we're here in town andy travis all right mr marshall uh michael you barney okay that's not important uh yeah no sir i'm a very busy man too i okay fine i'll hold andy andy not now liz andy yes have you ever heard about the reporter who dyed his skin dark and went to live with black people i'm on the phone here last i have it's called black like me it's a great book and you know what it's never been done on radio i want to go out among the black people along the highways and byways in the cafes laughing loving crying and singing living the life of the negro and reporting it all in a series of award-winning news specials what do you say sounds great to me less i'd say go ahead and do it but see i'm in sales while herbs are gone you have to talk to venus about that thank you andy i'll tell him you like it better go run some tests i yell mr marshall yes i'm still here i'm still waiting hello hello please don't anybody get up travis i've just been on the phone with al carpenter uh okay corral rvs says you've been harassing him smiling al you bet i have he owes us over 9 000 well you should have saved those rough tack experiences so the real dead beats and he's uh he's happy to pay in fact he's got a new campaign he wants to talk over with you when you go over to pick up his check that's great you bet it is now you head on over there get that money and uh be nice to the man because that's kind of client we want to have around here nice carry on right oh travis yeah if you need anybody to go you know bare knuckles with any of these dead beats you know where to find come me ladies and gentlemen we've wasted enough time on this trial already dad could you slip it into gear i've got what's left of a career to get back to why is this man in the ugly zoo telling us what to do [Applause] sir if you didn't want me to be jury foreman you shouldn't have voted for me i didn't just just have a seat i'd like to get through with this by lunch oh lunch is the best part never miss lunch is this where you want me mr tartar it's fine listen do you think we could change seats it's really very important to me all right now we've all seen the evidence we've all heard the testimony and i think the verdict is quite obvious i hate to admit it but the smart aleck is right now if you raise your hand we fry them if you don't we let the guy off okay vote that green arm from that radio station still waiting for me well send that peck of wood in here and holly be sure and buzz me back on the horn honey in a couple of minutes corn in his stranger this is the place you're smiling out i can tell uh i'm in the travis we talked on the phone there sure did it just shows you how wrong a body can be you didn't tell me you're a cowboy oh i'm not a real cow where hail from originally originally originally from phoenix phoenix arizona are you from there no i visited there one time drop your saddle side here and let's see who's brian's on them cattle what hooch i'm sorry hooch a little conversation lubrication oh well uh thank you but not not while we're talking here when i whistle i like to catch you [Laughter] boy i can't play cat and mouse with you all day long i've got some commercials i got to start today i have got a lot of business and i think that's wonderful and i'm going to hear all about it just as soon as we settle up that account there l call me smile what's my what well take another drink knock the bark off that boy i'll let that dumb it i told you not to disturb me well i told him i was gonna do business wkrp no i'm not gonna go to this station that much less hmm well tell him i'll see him at two o'clock honey sorry about that friend what did you say i can see there's no reason to uh a beat around the bush with a fella like you wkrp wants you as a client no thanks i've got 50 commercials i don't want to run to drive time today for a little sale that i'm having now up front i know the book price is a steep 40 dollar that's 20 sound better oh that's half rate well i guess you could look at it that way but damn my head ain't screwed on right boy i plumb forgot to give you the check for the 9 000 we owe you [Laughter] i believe we can give you those commercials at twenty dollars a spot if you order one hundred oh well i i just need fifty pounds as a gesture of good faith i am willing to commit to that in writing right now 20 dollars boy i like your style you have got guts you know what good goodness is fun look at that right there on the old dotted line let me get those commercials now we got to start them today say smile what this check's wrong what yeah see it's uh nine thousand dollars in numbers but it's it's written out and says 900. why hell is no bank in the world would take that check that's a good thing i caught that it certainly is i'll have cutting claude cut you another check we'll get it in the mail to you today i see we'll run them commercials just as soon as that check arrives oh no no we'll run them commercials today uh we've got a contract at 20 spot a hundred of them son and i never would have done it except you got me over one deep um [Music] and not a moment too soon either babies that was queen with their big hit one that i never particularly cared for but i'm nevertheless forced to play here on wkrp this is dr johnny fever just doing my job following the orders of venus flytrap he's just doing andy travis job while andy fills in for our sales manager herb tarlick who's not doing his job what about cena the crime the broken glass the empty rolls of masking tape the torn silk sheets my apartment's a mess too i don't see what that proves i'd like to see your apartment we all did things in our lifetime that we are deeply deeply ashamed of right boy i'll say really i'm a scorpio what's your sign i don't know if we are going to talk evidence let's not forget the fireplace poker just a little joke the old immigrant man made a little joke crime is no joke talk to your tailor did any of you see his eyes they were so sad it looked like he was about to cry acting hey i'm a guy who's been around i know what's what i hustle for a living i'm a salesman and i'm proud of it sales is my life but while we're here doing our civic duty some jerk is back there trying to rob me of my livelihood oh sure he's a hot dog but what if he gets lucky and has a good week i'm out career over and all those all those years of rape record-breaking sales forgotten oh dear are you okay of course honey that's acting let's vote guilty jennifer for the next hour i will be taking all calls and seeing all visitors all righty probably a little surprised hearing that for me not nearly as surprised as i feel hearing myself say it mr carlson nothing you do surprises me been reevaluating jennifer i've been thinking and you should you're the boss and for that reason i will let no calls and no visitors disturb you thank you jennifer [Applause] good morning gorgeous planet herb what oh andy i'm sorry i thought you were herb you see he calls me gorgeous you don't and that's always been an oversight of my part hey you look great thank you so do you any messages no any mail sorry you know i've made over two dozen sales calls this week not one message not one reply i could give you this mail address to occupant i don't get it jennifer i just don't get it i've lived and breathed radio since i was a little boy i've done every job there is to be done at a radio station including sales it's some of the number one operations in this country it's never happened like this before i say wkrp they either laugh or get very angry if i wasn't so self-confident this terrible experience might make me question who i really am travis what are you doing to me man what you're out to having a great time in sales why are you adding to my headaches and programming venus thanks for sending lessons with its award-winning idea of his [Applause] you seen venus so far so good andy what do you think jennifer going unwind down at the club with the steam be back in an hour or two hello travis hello less good looking suit andy go wash up last all right everybody quiet down just stop talking now since we can't seem to agree on this i'll make the decision that's not fair fair's got nothing to do with it i'm hungry now that's three large pizzas two with everything one plain and one spinach salad i get heartburns what can i tell you can we have chinese food again a good salad is very healthy but please don't listen to me i'm just an old little man from another country not from where i sit pops all right now where were we walter had just offered to teach me how to swim in his jacuzzi he's an aquarian with his moon rising i don't care where were we you were just summing up your 15th and final stupid point right okay now lastly ladies and gentlemen of the jury it should be salad roughage is very important lastly the defendant is italian hey i'm italian that explains your vote doesn't it walt listen you are both dummies the defendant is a canadian now let's get this over with today because i don't want to look at another suit office i am the foreman down junior now everybody who wants him snuffed lift your hands you are the one who convinced me well i changed my mind and i like spinach salad too well it's time to put our tools away straighten our desks climb into our cars and drive off to some senseless possibly illegal diversion bailey you've been hanging around with johnny too much i know good night andy good night bailey working late hey in herb all right good to see you yeah that's trial going well we wrapped it up about a half hour ago ah it's wonderful i can be back at my desk tomorrow great what was it you go first nah you well uh the verdict uh not much to tell we uh couldn't really agree on anything except the verdict yeah of course yeah when i saw you sitting at my desk i didn't recognize you i thought you'd hired a replacement for me but then i saw the hair oh it's just me here everybody was just uh filling in well any uh any problems no problem ah there's no problems i had to cut off a client or two because they wouldn't pay oh really well uh six six payment is due when payment is due that is business andy you gotta know when to head on i got close to collecting nine thousand dollars from a smiling owl his uh cousin claus is getting ready to send a bad check right yeah and he got a whole bunch of new spots at a ridiculously low price i wasn't ridiculously low oh andy he did that to me 20 times then i got smart 20 times yeah hello holly big herb here look let me yep at the head honcho yeah smile listen buddy that new campaign to yours no can do i went to the mat on this one but you know the big guy he's a hard man well he said herb listen all past dues must be cleared 5 000 is a start today i want to see that cousin of yours with a check okay fine herbert that was an incredible display of deceit it's part of the job besides i drove by his place this morning and counted 55 vans where he normally carries 20. he's backed up he's got to advertise come on herb let me buy you a hooch hey andrew i want to ask you something have you ever been in charge of a a whole group of people who didn't listen to you or cared what you said oh yeah i heard yeah i have what happened what happened venus oh venus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now
Channel: Johnny Sunshine
Views: 32,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HkJ5JzzC8tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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