Witcher 3 - Hidden Society of Higher Vampires - Witcher 3 Lore & Mythology

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[Music] men the polite ones at least would call me a monster a blood-drinking freak and as regis suggests in his words to Geralt that is the best a higher vampire can hope for when being addressed by humans and I'm afraid to say it isn't unwarranted - pyres truly are the most powerful creatures in the universe and even if they can submit to reason and camaraderie and mercy there is no denying how destructive it would be to aya one of these ancient beasts fortunately higher vampires are incredibly rare and most mortals would go their entire lives without ever encountering one fewer still would recognize what I've seen but when urgent business takes us to the beautifully vivid expanses of to song will soon discover that these creatures are active and causing chaos in Boclair hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to my Witcher lore and mythology series today we're going to be tackling the biggest topic of all hire vampires there are many fascinating monsters in the universe enough to make countless videos on but nothing comes close to the higher vampires not only are they unbelievably powerful but they are so old and shrouded in mysterious folklore that very few know the truth of their ancient origins and if that wasn't enough they are also completely misunderstood repeatedly misclassified and subsequently underestimated through our journeys will come across many Impostors and many lesser vampires who scholars wrongly consider higher vampires lesser vampires like brooks a alps catechins and nurse for arts should be handled with plenty of prudence and mistaking them for a weak foe would be foolish but these bloodsuckers can be killed even if that means killed with great difficulty true higher vampires however no mortal can kill them nor can any other powerful beast in the universe if a Witcher of Geralt capabilities chopped down a higher vampire leaving it in bite-sized chunks strewn across the ground the thing would regenerate returning to full health eventually years and years later these things cannot be stopped by anyone who is not also a higher vampire and if you're sitting there watching this video laughing with a garland of garlic draped over your neck and a goblet of holy water at your side you'd best be warned the wives tales may work on the less of variety but to hire vampires that murder you swiftly before snacking on the cloves and washing it down with your still warm blood but a lot of these misconceptions about higher vampires will be revealed as we meet them in Boclair so let's leave it at that and saddle Roach ready for our ride on this glorious summer day in Tucson now aside from a giant armed with a grain grinder and a wine barrel adorning his head the journey south to the land of Tucson is like something out of a fairy tale the capital city of Boclair waits in the distance in all of its majesty with spires reaching up into the perfect blue sky and on the way excited cheers fill the air from the tawny grounds coalescing with the birdsong every breeze is packed with the sounds of life well-lived it is a wonderfully welcome contrast to the drab dreary nosov tameria and the northern kingdoms yet there is an unspoken fear behind everyone's jaunty expression after the body of count Louie Delacroix was found washed up on the banks of the sun's Rhetor something began to smell a bit fishy the Beast of Boclair is at large somewhere in the city and the presence of a Witcher is a harsh reminder of the dangerous reality our first hint that vampires are involved comes from the confrontation at Corvo Bianco a Brooks er can be found in the cellar meddling with the corpse this Brooks are shows signs of intelligence beyond the average Brooks er it is articulate and it is on an important mission clearly for someone far more influential here it's worth going into a little more detail about the classification misconceptions I mentioned earlier it can be quite confusing determining what is and isn't a higher vampire and a lot of the time it is quite subjective some say a higher vampire is an intelligent vampire one with motives beyond simply quenching blood first but I'm going to counter that by saying I think a true higher vampire can only apply to those within the Society of immortals if a vampire can be killed by a witch's blade then it is a monster a lesser creature true subjects of this discussion are not so easily slain so we can ignore this Brooks er or discuss her further in a later video moving on we will find ourselves in the employ of Duchess Anna Henry of Tucson and our search for the identity of the beast of Boclair will soon come to an end we locate the culprit in the greenhouse and after the subsequent chase we will learn a great deal about two true higher vampires the hand reclaimed by the brook sir belonged to Detlef Vander era teen a higher vampire by the time we show him his severed body part he's grown a new one Detlef face becomes feral during the fire he becomes a fury all turning to a crimson mist and he strikes ferociously with long gangly claws but this is only a small taste of his power and as he moves in for the kill his claws impale another higher vampire a meal regis Rahel occurs if Godfrey and as we engage in conversation with this old friend he seems completely oblivious to the gaping bloody hole in his chest now there's an awful lot to explain here as the difference between regular vampires and higher vampires becomes crystal clear regis is a friend of Gerald's and when they met for the first time in the year 1260 seven eight years prior to this moment Regis was over 400 years old relatively young for a higher vampire Geralt first met Regis in the book baptism of fire Regis resided in an old elven cemetery named fen Khan and this was where he brewed his famous Mandrake moonshine Regis is known for being a very rational and empathetic character he has sworn off of drinking blood for satiating that desire works much like alcoholism in humans only much stronger as a youngster he partook in the consumption of blood but it made him savage and unpredictable one day it led him to being caught by villagers who discovered his secret they killed him decapitated him stabbed him repeatedly with wooden stakes drenched him in holy water and then finally buried him beneath the dirt it was here under the ground that Regis had his epiphany and changed his ways it was quite the wake-up call he spent the next 50 years regenerating in which time he reconsidered his life choices and swore off the influence of blood it's rather incredible you could make the argument that some entities in the witch universe are more powerful than higher vampires say a Djinn for example but if a Djinn is captured or killed that is that dust off your hands and head to your local for a celebratory drink but with a higher vampire nothing you do no matter how horrific the gruesome can truly kill them they will recover and for the average higher vampire lacking Regis is sophisticated talent for self-reflection there will likely be a grudge so this thing that you've killed will be back and it will get revenge on you the only way to stop it is at the hand of another of its kind now that's terrifying anyway when Geralt enrages reunited in the year 1275 The Witcher says how is this even possible last I saw you to which the higher vampire responds I was a bubbling shapeless smear having been rather spectacularly melted into a column of a certain Castle in somewhat better shape now as you can see hardly peak form mind you but we're a human folk would think me a demigod I dare say now what he is referring to is another of his run-ins with what us humans called death only this was a far more impressive recovery during the second war with nilfgaard the assault on sticker castle took place in the year 12 68 during this assault Regis came face to face with a powerful young sorcerer named a vulgar Fords regis was killed protecting yennefer and volga fought to ripped him apart melting him into glass regis will confirm that in order to regenerate from such a meticulous deconstruction of his physical form he sought the help of his close friend Detlef he sacrificed a significant amount of blood to bring regis back it is implied that Detlef simply helped the process along allowing him to recover his entire body in only eight years compared to the fifty years he spent recovering from his first death as for Detlef we will learn plenty more about his strength as the story unfolds but an interesting piece of information given to us by Regis tells us a bit more about the nature of higher vampires unlike common beasts and monsters I have am Pires are far more complex in their motives and seem to have clear conscience is when the brute of Illyria was at large free centuries prior in the year 964 200 innocents lay dead in the fields most of which were women and children it was in fact Detlef who put a stop to the brute an act of altruism you couldn't expect from most creatures in the universe but one thing is clear from his elusiveness thus far and his ability to regenerate regis we have not seen anything of his true power yet we will then head to the mela Shan long cemetery where Regis has a hideout criminally typical despite how a typical high of vampires seem to be if we choose to have a swig of his famous Mandrake moonshine we can learn a little more about readers his life as a higher vampire asking about death and regeneration will lead him to tell us if one of our own strikes the deadly blow death is permanent there can be no rebirth one of the chief reasons why vampires long ago swore never to fight one another so the biology of a higher vampire seems to play a big part in their values in etiquette it seems that for the most part they are content to stay out of each other's way for assimilating into human society is tricky enough as it is and he can give us some fascinating information about what higher vampires feel when they die seeing as they can be rebuilt from a smear of blood or a single chunk of flesh it begs an interesting question about the soul and where it goes regis says we vampires differ exceedingly from you humans our matter that of which we are composed can exist without form we require neither a heart nor a brain nor air to breathe I guess that makes sense considering how easily they can shift their form into a red mist he goes on to say only after rebirth did I begin to understand that what I had felt was cold and unimaginable fear if not for Detlef I might have drowned in an eternity of icy terror frost and I seem to be a metaphor for death in the conclusion of cycles in the witchy universe the Wild Hunt brings ice in their wake and it is the white frost that brings planets to their end evil way reaches his description of emptiness of nothingness really emphasizes the difference between humans and higher vampires the creatures may be able to shift into a human form and they may be intelligent sapien and articulate but that does not make them human by any means I'll get more into this when speaking about the unseen elders but for those unaware higher vampires and all vampires for that matter our post conjunction creatures they are their own race that migrated to this world like the humans did so unlike the Elder Scrolls or any portrayal of vampires we know vampires are not created from the passing of a virus or from non-fatal bites no vampires are there own race and humans will never be able to become vampires he'll then speak more about his personal life after recovering once I could at last stand unassisted I set off for Bruges for my one time home of Dylan gen there I led a peaceful life of a rural healer and surgeon enjoying my neighbor's respect and in fact constituting the exact opposite of the monstrous vampire the populace imagines this won't be the last time Regis speaks of his woes integrating into human society but it is a startling reminder that while vampires are Horrors worthy of a pitch hook to the gut for most of the common rabble the higher vampires generally just want to be left alone it is said they are exceedingly rare to find in this world even though we find several during our time in boat Clare but that could very easily be simply a result of their efforts to go unnoticed Ohio vampire will not trigger the vibrations of a witch's medallion they will not be adversely affected by sunlight and the only reliable methods for telling them apart from humans is by closely examining their teeth or by looking for their shadow or reflection in the mirror this does not apply to the unseen elders we'll get into them soon but the elders are far older than normal higher vampires and they make no attempts to appear human instead living in complete isolation once we have the ingredients for resonance the concoction that will grant us access to debt laughs memories Regis will give us some insight into how higher vampires transform when a higher vampire turns into its more feral state as we saw when fighting debt laughs and when Regis confronted him the vampire's blood becomes agitated as they change their corporeal shell molding their flesh to whatever form they are adopting their bloods chemical composition changes as well this makes sense considering the natural form for a lot of vampires is far larger than their human form Regis his natural form is a good example the transformation is linked to the higher vampire inducing in themselves a state of strong psychokinetic arousal or in brief madness or rabid at E so we must help regis trigger the very thing he has been trying to avoid since his youth we must fuel his bloodlust and there just so happens to be one place designed for the controlled induction of psychokinetic arousal teshon what 'no Tesh amok no was an ancient stronghold now a ruin and after the conjunction the spheres many vampires made this place their home but it soon became the home to something far more sinister when one higher vampire got out of control regis says it is a place of torment a torture chamber long ago shortly after we'd arrived in this world one among us named kog'maw developed such a taste and lust for human blood that in one night he can imbibe an entire village this brought trouble on the entire species common folk we read quickly of living in constant fear they began to hunt us seek the aid of mages and witches in tracking us down and even though they could not be killed by humans he says they were bothersome forgive the comparison but when did you last enjoy mosquitoes buzzing around your head in any case the other vampires decided something had to be done kog'maw had to be caught and punished a torture chamber was thus outfitted in the dungeons of Tom luckner inside it a cage made entirely of a special alloy of silver Dalvin night and meteorite steel keg Marv was captured and locked in this cage sat there over two centuries driven to fury time after time never able to escape the sigh no the cage will withstand the fury to which we will drive my humble being and when we arrived at the old stronghold we see that the entryway is guarded by higher vampire technology they were able to create mechanisms that would only react to higher vampire blood if the legends and stories seemed too surreal to be believed one must only venture into the depths of Teschen Buettner to see there was no exaggeration the higher vampires obviously had a hard time settling into a world where they were highly outnumbered by their prey and for some like kog'maw the temptation of fresh human blood was far too tantalizing to turn down as we descend the steps regis will tell us why tucson is so important to the higher vampires during the conjunction the gate from the vampire world into this one opens somewhere in tucson no doubt hidden very well from the other races residing there in one of the first rooms we can find a chest which contains the Tesh a magnet armored sword and trousers the scroll resting atop the chest states the following I am he who serves the tribe exalted above men I renounce human weakness I've lifted above men become the keeper of my flock filled with strength I turned my sword against the enemies of the tribe I am Master and slave I am executor of the will of the tribe I accept this sword and this armor so I may serve the tribe there is plenty to speculate about in regards to this scroll in this beautiful set of armor but exactly why it was forged and who this tribe was is unclear but we learned from Regis that these tribes carved glyphs into the rock and coated them in blood it appears that these tribes of higher vampires dispersed across the world after the conjunction and the symbols here are reminders where they all come from but I'll get into that a bit later on it seems contrary to higher vampire society to kill with swords while at the same time humans couldn't access the stronghold without a higher vampires blood and they were not here as warriors only animals to be bred and consumed the book on the table beside it begs another question it is titled human husbandry in care and an optimist may suggest it is an attempt to help their race coexist with humans but the reality is higher vampires studied human-like cattle and bred them in captivity it suggests that the best way to get high-quality human blood is by giving them freedom perhaps the whole of Boclair as their field but there is no doubt that teshya mut nor was used for far more than just the torture of kog'maw the abundance of cages and cells around every corner suddenly seen that much more sickening the book alludes to the fact that there were attempts to breed the humans in places with little to no oxygen and they likely weren't given room to sleep or frequent meals until amendments were made to their studies and as we descend the winding stairs passing hanging skeletons and cages suspended from the rafters we can see that not all higher vampires share the same propensity for empathy as our friend Regis the next book found in the fortress is titled battery cage versus free range humans and it discusses the pros and cons of raising the tastiest humans the cages along the corridors ahead make a lot of sense with this context here the humans were contained and their incarceration make them less aggressive more cooperative to feeding and it's the cells and skeletons we can find an old transcript from a conversation between the higher vampire called master Ezekiel Hildegard and a human prisoner named Alex beasts gone the conversation goes as follows who are you my name is Alex biscone why is all your skin trembling I'm scared sir you're scared I don't understand you don't know what fear is sir no I have mastered your language yet some concepts are beyond me what is fear it's a feeling that destroys every other feeling it controls your head and your heart what do you mean I thought it was a kind of pain I have carried out tests in my laboratory on people and I discovered that a mother subject to appropriate stimuli is able to forget about her child and think only about how to avoid pain so fear would be similar to pain no pain rules the body but fear is born in the heart oh yes what you say is very interesting I think I will have to examine your heart in the laboratory what do you mean examine I mean examine take it out and subject it to proper examination but sir that would kill me yes your mortality is a great inconvenience but it was not me who created your species and I'm not responsible for its excessive frailty the hopelessness of this exchange is startling as humans in his heart to conceive the thought of not being the most powerful or at least the most intelligent of all the beings in the world but in this universe while humans may be able to outsmart most of the beasts say encounter they are simply outmatched in every way by higher vampires to them humans are just intelligent cattle if angered they can prove to be an annoyance but the inconvenience of human brings to a higher vampire is that of a pest not a friend thankfully so many years later it seems like the higher vampires have changed their ways at least allowing the humans their freedom in between feedings but here in teshon lautner humans were not simply used for controlled feeding we learned from Regis that in order to torment kog'maw they systematically captured humans and carried our slow blood dings dragging the pain out the humans were useful only for their blood and that made them as valuable as a worm hooked on a fishing pole the higher vampire spent no time for sympathy with more humane bait set by Geralt we can witness regis his bloodlust from behind the safety of silver Dalvin act and meteorites alloy bars our next encounter with the higher vampires of Tucson comes at the lady orianna's estate and this meeting will rehash the question what classifies a higher vampire you see the owner of this estate is also a vampire and we can confirm this by referring to the pre-launch trailer a night to remember Geralt will someday hunt this alluring woman down before she transforms into a brach sir as we stated before Brooks they are not higher vampires if we define higher vampires as those who can only be killed by their own kind but at the same time it is clear she's very intelligent and she meshes into higher vampire society without difficulty there is far more to this Brooks er than simply a wealthy connoisseur of the Arts and will learn as much very soon but for now there are some interesting developments in the conversation between Geralt Anna Henriette Orianna regis and Detlef on the balcony in such an environment it becomes clear just how well higher vampires can blend into human society and we see the more personal side of the beast of Boclair revealing the emotional and moral motives behind his savaged Eve's Orianna mentions that she has known regis for ages literally which will also suggest that she is very old but there is still much confusion over her classification the narrative designer of blood and wine initially considered her a higher vampire while later retracting the statement and confirming it was better to classify her as simply a brach sir the best reentry for the witcher tun refers to the brock sir as a member of the higher vampires but that is the only instance in which the two a class together Geralt meets plenty of Brooks a in his travels even killing one in the first book the last wish and while they often vary in intelligence there are no known examples of Brooks er who can only be killed by other higher vampires as the story progresses we were running to regis and Detlef once more in the yards of castle done time here we can see more of the ferocity with which higher vampires fired while they may be very human s kin social interactions same does not apply for combat they prefer to strike while invisible with claws as strong and sharp as any forged blade the only real weakness they seem to have his fire a well-placed igni sign will stun a higher vampire but as we've already discussed not even a blazing Inferno could kill a higher vampire permanently so far the true power of a higher vampire has been well hidden even in carrying out his meticulous murders it seems as though Detlef hasn't called upon half of his abilities but when the situation escalates and Detlef is betrayed by his love we begin to see exactly what these creatures are capable of on the night of the Long Fangs when Detlef unleashes hell on the city of Boclair the appropriate sense of hopeless terror can be felt no more are they hiding behind human masks the higher vampires are well and truly out to play the first thing we'll see is that higher vampires have significant influence over the more abundant lesser vampires of the land and they can call upon plagues of Alpes Brookside fletchers gar Cannes Hakeem Aras and catacombs alone each of these beasts are no trouble for a Witcher but in organized legions mobilized by their ability to become bats no human civilization can hope to withstand this fateful night will cause the higher vampires to reveal their true colors a fresh bloody crimson despite the fact that she is not an official member of the higher vampires by the definition we've established in this video choosing to seek orianna's help will reveal a secret reminiscent of our discoveries in the ruins of tesha buckner Orianna appears to be a benevolent nurturer raising children in her establishment the compassion orphanage but when left alone with the children she feasts upon them the innocent youths have nowhere else to go and offer themselves willingly to her in exchange for a home the mutual benefit of the situation is overshadowed by its predatory nature we know that higher vampires do not need blood to live and that it is more of a luxury to them the same confirmation is not given to us about lesser vampires it seems that they are less nuanced and perhaps give in to baser desires but for someone of orianna's intelligence I'm going to speculate that she does not need it for survival instead she indulges by preying on the helpless and when guilt discovers the sinister secret of the orphanage he vows to return what we do not get to play that out in the bloodwine expansion we see through the trailer and nights or remember the Geralt does in fact carry out his promise and oreonna is slain presumably never to return if the law is ever retcon to confirm that Oriana is a true - pyre and not simply a brock sir maybe Detlef or regis will seek out her corpse for a regeneration but i find it highly doubtful if you've come this far opting to forgo the journey into the land of a thousand fables you'll instead find yourself at the lair of the unseen elder don't go thinking I've forgotten about these fascinating creatures but these are at the very top of the food chain if the higher vampire society of the Shepherd's and humans of the cattle then the unseen elders of the royalty kings and queens who exist in complete solace so isolated that their subjects are oblivious to their existence now before we enter the unseen elders lair I'd like to refer back to those symbols we saw with interim honor designed to remind the vampire tribes of their origins prior to the conjunction of the spheres you'll notice free symbols the first displays a snake coiled around an open palm this symbol represents the to debt tribe according to regis this ancient tribe is not found in the northern kingdoms or nilfgaard and instead migrated east beyond the Blue Mountains then we have the Ameren tribe which is represented by the symbol of the hand wielding a downward facing dagger this tribe left as well in the opposite direction venturing beyond the Great Sea that leaves one the garish arm tribe this tribe is represented by the drop of blood on the palm and the finger tips of the hand this is the tribe that stayed and decided to assimilate with the Nordling x' and the nilfgaardian x' with that in mind we can safely assume that every vampire in higher vampire we've encountered in the witcher universe is from the garish arm tribe now the unseen elders are the oldest and most powerful of the high vampires how many exist in the universe is not clear but we know that one remains in Tucson and he guards the gate through which their kind entered the world of this mighty race no one is more powerful than the unseen elder the only way to access his secluded lair is by using the magic key given to us by Orianna which features the symbol of the garish arm edged in blood to the stone inside the cave lined with old paintings likely done in reference to the being we're about to meet and when we enter his lair we get a glimpse of just how inhuman this race is despite all their attempts of blending in the unseen elder hangs from the ceiling and reaches an extremely powerful higher vampire is terrified of him the elder teleports in the flash of an eye petrifying reaches his body and paralyzing him in place then he disposes of Geralt without the slightest effort as far as first impressions go I think we have an idea of just how strongly unseen elder is of all the entities in the witcher universe I can name only one who is stronger and that is gone to rode in the unseen elder commands the obedience of all vampires regardless of their higher or lesser status and as I briefly mentioned before he isn't just hidden here because he despises company no the elder protects an ancient relic the gateway between worlds that landed the vampire race in the world during the conjunction of the spheres we will learn as much as we make our way back to Regis when the cave opens up before us we see glowing crystal stalactites jutting from the roof and through them a stream runs your eyes are not deceiving you here the laws of physics are being tampered with and a waterfall can be seen flowing upwards surprisingly we are not the first humans to see these sights a note can be found on the ground beside the waterfall written by an unnamed mage in order to get here he had to teleport he mentioned Bernard which is a k20 city known for its magical Academy he then references a mage who is presumably an associate named Sorel de Gerland Sorel was a made from Risberg and appeared in the book season of storms which interestingly enough has just this month been released in English I won't spoil anything for book readers but I will say that he met Geralt and had a fascination for forbidden experiments the events of this book happened either 24 or 30 years prior to where we stand now so whoever this mage is who infiltrated the olders lair was not here that long ago by hire vampire standards as we wonder the cave systems we can find a blood-red variant of our teshon mana armor this set is called the hen guide farmer and while there is no information about what this means we can correlate from the test what nurse said that this is the original name for the unseen elders lair progressing through the cave will really drive home the obscure feeling of this place it is just so ancient so untouched by human hands we can soon find the mages mega scope damaged and surrounded by books accompanying them is another note this one confirming that contact could not be made to ban art perhaps that is for the best I wonder whether the greater public learning about the elders lair would cause problems but once again the cave takes a turn for the surreal just ahead the stream and the pathway curve up the wall and onto the roof gravity's flipped and now the stalactites are technically stalagmites or are they still stalactites not far ahead we can find the dead body of the mage I guess he never got to confront the unseen elder but that's probably for the best on him is a crumpled letter featuring words of wisdom from a Dean at the banner art academy it seems that the secret to having a successful audience with the unseen elders by genuflected uttering words of greeting in their language and finally placing a gift on the ground now the only thing left to do is speak to the unseen elder but beware as he will not allow you to speak freely and ask as much as you like nevertheless there are some useful information we can get from him if we ask him about the cave the elder will confirmed that this is the gate between this world and theirs which would explain the malfunctioning gravity it's as if the pull of both worlds is strong in this one location the gate is closed but the older believes that one day will open again if we ask about regis the elder will say that he sleeps I doubt it's literal but who knows maybe he's powerful enough to induce narcolepsy on his subjects at will and we can obtain the olders assistance in stopping Detlef by referring back to some critical information Regis gave us back at the beginning of our quest humans are no threat to the higher vampires that much is obvious but should they cause too much trouble the humans will fight back disturbing the peace at the unseen elders cherish like a persistent itch that doesn't subside outside the lair regis seems pleased to be alive while the vampires forbid infighting knowing how fatal their conflicts could be for the longevity of the race I doubt anything Regis as experience can rival that sense of foreboding mortality is a concept that humans know too well death and grief for staples of our existence to a higher vampire such things are a lien higher vampires face other challenges and they center around being a minority put in perspective you can almost feel sorry for them yes they have done reprehensibly egregious things to humans over the centuries but as regis says you arrived by the thousands we were but a handful not much choice assimilate with you or shut ourselves off from the world imagine the least comfortable situation you could ever find yourself in what would it be I don't mean a moment of pain with deaf knocking at your door just a circumstance of great unease now imagine you're stuck there not for an hour not for an evening but for all time and should you fall out of character for better moment should you so much as scratch yourself where the stitching chafes all around you will scream monster monster and they'll turn on you and tear you to shreds it's an onerous task trying to empathize with a creature we don't understand to us existing as a human in human societies second nature our culture is created in tandem with our biology so that we can fulfill our natural purpose but I must emphasize again that despite their facades higher vampires are not like us not in any way shape or form the consequences of death may not be as bad for them and they may have a long lifespan but are those benefits worth an entire life of pretending to be something you're not alone and homesick for all time our journey into saunt is nearly at an end and a last encounter with the higher vampires will take place in the most fitting location I could think of the grounds of Tesh and Lautner now given debtless motivations if he has given his revenge and sea honor is killed we can actually let him live and he will vow to avoid humans forevermore but given everything that has happened this option feels wrong and chances are your choices up to this point will end in a fired what lies in store now is a higher vampire giving everything he's got something we've yet to witness up to this point and so begins the epic conclusion to the story of the beast of Boclair the most thrilling battle in the witcher series Detlef van der aerotyne a school and blackmailed betrayed and vengeful higher vampire of the garish armed tribe versus Geralt of Rivia the white wolf the butcher of blah begin when the battle breaks out we have a moment's respite to prepare and as we do the to hire vampires and longtime friends engage in a bitter exchange of fan and claw sparks fliers sharp and talons collide and in their wake ringing sounds resonate like steel being tempered against an anvil the ferocity and speed of their swipes are barely visible even to the viper-like eyes of a Witcher yet they counter each other brilliantly fading to smoke and reappearing trying desperately to get the edge over the other such an even match could go on until the Sun broke the eastern horizon I won't try to argue the case of whether a Witcher or a higher vampire is stronger in a single fire of all the other factors and contributors he'll decide but one thing certainly works in our favor as we intervene witches are adaptable and with the right oils and potions Geralt can turn the battle in his favour quick reactions are the best strategy against Detlef vampire form with well-timed dodges and counter-attacks providing the perfect remedy to his attacks but when he is hurt enough he will show us his true form his monster form veins and arteries pull their way to the surface of his transmogrifying skin pulsating deep purple on the flesh gone white and then long gnarled talons rip free from his shoulder blades forming enormous bat wings which beat the air violently throwing a gust of blood sent at the witcher the beast is twice the size of debt last human form and it swims through the air with dreadful grace he swoops like a bird protecting its nest only the weight of his hulking form in its claws like sabers make for a much more deadly strike irreverent to the superstitions of mortals he says in a voice brimming with barbaric malice if you acknowledge any gods start praying now when the swoop is passed he will then call upon darkness incarnate and a colony of bats assemble it is cold you cannot hope to best the colony and only Swift feet will save you he will then become incorporeal almost fluid as he soaks into the ground before erupting from the soil like a demented worm if you live this long you may yet see his final form when he has been bled enough and his wings are truncated from his back he will envelop the witcher in a powerful illusion this aspect of the fight is likely a pseudo hallucination brought about by the by Odette laughs something to Geralt snake but either way the effects are life life almost like sorcery once engulfed in a pulsating recreation of debt last chest he will emerge from a beating heart that acts like a cocoon to his chrysalis when he drops from the shell he appears to be pupate in losing like a grub halfway between transformations inside this vulnerable maze of viscera Geralt can weak and Detlef by bursting his free hearts all the while fending off his amorphous apparitions upon destroying the vessels and spilling enough blood Detlef will fall to the ground too weak to prevent his fate even after his dismemberment at the edge of the witch's blade the higher vampire clings on to life and signs of rejuvenation are already beginning to show the only way to end it once and for all is by the hand of his dear friend Regis Regis must now violate a sacred code of which a society turning his claws on one of his own to deal a lethal blow and at that bittersweet moment a higher vampire breathes his last a death so rare and profoundly terminal that it likely won't occur again for centuries one thing is certain though as it pertains to higher vampire culture Regis will not be forgiven for what he has done and other vampires will call him a traitor as in reduces words one is either with us unconditionally regardless of the circumstances all one is not but an equally ambiguous yet sacred rule in their culture can be summarized as out of sight out of mind if Regis can deal with living a quiet life out of the way of other vampires he will be just fine and for a higher vampire like Regis who makes his home in abandoned cemeteries and drinks Mandrake moonshine alone beneath the star light I doubt he will have any trouble being forgotten and on that rather fitting note we've come to the end of the journey through Tucson there are still a few things to do before I go though the first is to address Hubert Reich novigrad coroner and the culprit in the quest carnal sins not much needs to be said here but he's commonly referred to as a higher vampire so I thought I'd share my two cents Reich is as much a higher vampire as Orianna is he is not immortal and can be killed by anyone he is an ancient katakana and katakana fall among brook say in terms of social ranking they are less savage than most lesser vampires yet lack Orianna when he is cut down by Geralt silver sword he is dead forever in terms of real-life folklore and mythology vampires are of course inspired by the beings of the same name however they are portrayed in the which universe to contradict almost all of the commonly accepted superstitions garlic wooden stakes holy water silver and sunlight are the well known ways to ward off or kill a vampire yet as we learn through rรฉgis all of these things are false and they're likely a way to give helpless humans peace of mind some traditions also held that a person must invite a vampire into their home in order to become vulnerable to their attacks but alas the higher vampires don't mention such obstacles in fact it's quite the contrary they can turn to mist with such ease that Geralt even quips about readers being cut out for the life of a thief which a law is so often inspired by mythology from the real world and this is one of the rare occurrences where a creature is so completely unlike the perceived interpretation I guess it lends back to what regis said outside the oldest cave the vampire race is completely alien to human culture and one slip-up would send a rabble of angry farmers and gallant knights after your head it is a long and lonesome existence for a higher vampire and they are equal parts magnificent and frightening but there you have it guys if you've come this far I hope you've enjoyed the journey now that we know everything about the higher vampires I'm gonna head back to Corvo Bianco to work on the full story of the lesser vampires over a goblet of wine thank you so much for watching everyone feel free to like the video if you think it deserves one my name is Drew and I will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 937,115
Rating: 4.9173512 out of 5
Keywords: witcher 3, witcher 3 lore, witcher, witcher lore and mythology, mythology, witcher hidden, witcher 3 hidden, hidden society, higher vampires, vampires lore, higher vampires lore, blood and wine, blood and wine dlc, higher vampires blood and wine, geralt, witcher 3 blood and wine, fudgemuppet
Id: kHfUVlqK8NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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