Wish Upon - ralphthemoviemaker

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First Papa Franku, and now Ralph? It's not possible!

I'll follow you to hell and back, Boston boi.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YapPac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ralph, i just want you to know that i’ll keep supporting you even if you stop making reviews and i’m sure the rest of the fans will continue to support you as well, and yeah we’re all hyped for that Justice League review, hope it’ll be a classic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RalphIsAFurry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The announcement really bums me out, but good luck anyway. Go make some bomb ass films dude. I'm really excited to see Lover, and hell that Justice League review as well.

Just glad you're sticking on the Sardonicast, you bunch inspire me greatly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FiveStarWreck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why do you hate us, Ralph?

But honestly I'm glad that Ralph still be making content, even if it will be simpler videos. I wish him the best in whatever it is he's moving on to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HeadmistressNatsur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now go make a fucking good movie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/greenopti πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


Ralph is leaving us 😭😭😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gabagod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oneanddoneforfun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Goodnight, sweet prince

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChewieDecimalSystem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

thank you for so much great content over the years, Ralph. I wish you luck in your future projects and look forward to whatever you make!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trashboat69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Scary? You haven't seen scary Wish Upon, is one of the greatest films of the 21st century (some weird sh*t screams) The acting is terrific the story is original and compelling the dialog is great "WhEn tHe MuSiC eNdS, ThE BloOd pRiCe iS PaiD" and the movie has a really good moral lesson You know it teaches you to just you can't if you find Ok, wait, I gotta figure out what this movies about The moral of wish upon is if you find a box in the woods or something And if it says in Chinese text that you can make seven wishes the moral of the story is don't make those wishes because if you do um People will die around you this is apparently based on a movie called feng shui SeE sEe seEN AnYonE tHaT BacH wAs tO sWeAr thErE, hAHa. So you're thinking what the hell is this movie? This is a movie that came out last year It was advertised as like a horror movie kind of "When the music ends. The blood price is paid" It was coming out in August, which is when all the great movies come out and broad green pictures just released it The movie starts our main characters the little girl her mother hangs herself in the Attic wOw that was really cool We saw the mother earlier and she kind of looked Weirded out and she was thrown away something that looks like the wish box that I saw on the trailer Our main character drives around the bike. She's a loser. Whoops. Oh, look the popular kids almost ran her over popular kid cliche "my bad >:D" "Seriously? Bird-Ass! D:<" So let's talk about our main character's father He's a loser who collects garbage around the neighborhood and on top of that. He drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon What's wrong with you? No, Heineken "Heineken? Fuck that shit!" Pabst Blue Ribbon She's the unpopular kid in school. She has you know two Friends, but she's like bullied but then she goes home and then she's all like, oH I'm an arTist. Oh, yeah You're an artist? Oh, yeah, I don't have a lot of friends. Then I go home and I paint pictures. Oh Jesus Christ and the dad's the same way like during the day. He's this dumpster diving you know fiend but at night he plays the sAxOpHonE alone and sad and of course one of the main characters wishes later on in the movie is that her dad is cool and then Out of nowhere he has like a jazz band behind it. He's like Di DI diA DuH DieY "Your Dad? :D" "It's like..." "Serious Hot Stuff (SHS)" "Like sriracha hot" So, I don't know if you guys have noticed but uh the kids in this movie don't talk Like how real kids talk, you know you'd think if you're gonna make a movie about Teenagers that you'd actually do some research into how teenagers talk and act and use social media But clearly no one associated with this movie did that wait You dig on multiverses. There's a complete lack of authenticity here They use like those stupid off-brand apps that are supposed to be Instagram, but aren't Instagram like that. I Graham kind of crap I really appreciate movies that take time to make kids talk and act like real kids Whether it's a horror movie or not really in touch with the youth there Barbara Marshall, are you guys ready for the infamous? Smegma scene by yours magma well like ultimate Really a malodorous opaque white or yellow substance produced by the sebaceous glands of male and female It's like this Chinese wish box and it grants wishes, but if you make a wish on it, it kills a random person How does it do this? I don't know. It's a demon. Why does it do this? I don't know to teach Joey King a lesson. Maybe about making stupid wishes. That's the thing I believe that this box could actually do a lot of good. It's just Joey Kings character Wastes them on a bunch of crap. I wish that Darcy Chapman just I Don't know but just like go rot and she uses like this vague wording that's obviously gonna come back to haunt her later on So then the dog starts barking like around the box this is another cliche and all these goddamn horror movies I hate why do dogs get to detect paranormal activity? What sense does that make? So anyway getting back on track she wishes that this bully character would rot. Then Joey King's character goes to school and finds out Oh my god, the bully character rotted last night. And as if it wasn't obvious enough, they have Joey Kings character say Yeah, apparently karma is a hell of that judge genuine reaction Bitch There's a lot of great things you can do with this wish box If I were to use the wish box and make like six wishes I wouldn't make a seventh wish because then that would kill me but if I made six wishes I would kill like six people right which sucks sure but think of how much good you could do what would the point of the movie be then if I just use the box to stop world hunger and create like an Everlasting golden age. I guess the moral is not to make stupid wishes I'm not saying you can't waste some of your wishes on some personal stupid things, but that's what all of her wishes are Like take a listen at some of the things she wishes for I wish I Wish that uncle August would leave me everything so there Really how about we wish for an unlimited supply of fresh drinking order that the entire world can drink From how about you wish for that? I wish Oh No, no, you don't like that idea. Okay. Well, how about we wish that were able to make an efficient Electric car so we can stop using gasoline. I wish that I was the most popular girl in school All right. Can you not make one wish that actually helps mankind. I take a look at my wish list, right? My list has some dumb stuff on it, right, but overall it's pretty good world. Peace free water free food That's a good deal when the blood price is paid up music ends The main character is so stupid not only is she selfish not only does she waste her wishes but she is so Dumb, so like I said before if you make a wish someone in your life dies So you're wondering how she figures this information out, of course because while the box does say all this info it's in Chinese Well, she just happens to know this Asian guy and he's like, oh, yeah I know an Asian person who read that and then she reads it and then she dies immediately after she's introduced I guess it's better than the whole guy on skype explains what the ghost is cliche The symbol was associated with a pagan deity named buck. Cool. I gotta look up the main character's name. Hold on I can't keep referring to her as Joey Kings character Claire okay, fine Claire. So Claire makes her first wish and then later she finds out her dog died Okay, it was a coincidence right second time. She makes a wish her uncle dies, huh? That's kind of strange third time neighbor dies, huh? That's strange And she doesn't realize that every time she makes a wish someone dies until I don't know the last eight seconds of the movie I'm kidding. Of course. It's it's around wish five She realizes she needs to stop making wishes But then they try to play it off like the boxes possessing her mind and and she's like addicted to making wishes Give him back right now After everything that's happened Yes, June and she pushes Barbara from stranger things down the stairs So anyway Claire's last two wishes are I wish my mom comes back to life and she does but it turns out that that wish killed her father So Claire's final wish is that she wishes everything would go back to normal Back to the way it was before she made the wishes and her life's back to normal She goes over to the guy who digs multiverse theory Hold on it you dig on multiverses, but this is of course her seventh wish which means the box is coming to take her soul That was amazing Take a listen to this stock scream sound effect Okay big problem with this movie is that it doesn't look like a horror movie It looks like a Disney Channel movie or something this movie just looks flat and it has all this like teen pop music nothing about This movie is scary. The wish box isn't scary. The setting isn't scary. It's just some neighborhood and a school. Oh wow It's a white girl in suburban America, but here's how this movie makes up for it ready Jump-scares consistent jump-scares that are so bad just Make a loud noise and have some stupid shit pop out and then the whole audience goes mad It's the laziest garbage You could do a jump-scare well But at this point horror movies do it because audiences just expect at least one and it's gotten so ridiculous I see movies now that look like they're dramas They look like they're written and directed as dramas and then in the editing room They just throw in jump scare noises So I've noticed an increase in jump scares over the years It could be a natural trend but then I started doing some research and I uncovered the truth About an ancient demon actually did a TED talk on the subject matter recently. I'm just gonna play it out for a bit So I did some more research and I found some some pretty crazy shit back in ancient times, right? There was a there was a parasite from Egypt. It was called the jump-scare That's what that's what it translates to from Egyptian and the jump-scare Permeated all through media ever since then ever since ancient Egypt, you know when they watched movies back in engines and the jumpscares has been traversing through these films this Spiritual parasite and has just been popping up in all these war movies and multiplying and spreading I talked to a paranormal expert Quincey Something about the jump-scare. Hello Quincy. How are you doing? You're a paranormal investigator expert yes History Channel's oh go show That's a it's a big hit from what I heard Focus I hear you're a paranormal expert right and I've been curious about this this demon I've heard of and I've been doing some research on it. It's called the jump scare. Do you know anything about the jump scare? Yes. Yes, the jump scare is an infamous demon place the place Every occurrence slightly different description very complex, demon How long has he been around or ashy This is demon even have a gender or is it gender-neutral if this is the truth? then the jump-scare has manifested himself as a as a four and what I must do now is Hunt down the jump-scare and kill her once I do this Jump-scares will no longer be in more movies ever again So we're here to track down the jump scare. We have to bait him a bit. He only comes out when it's dark So we have to shut off all the lights Close all the windows and then we're gonna search for him and walk down the jump scare You think you need like a wooden stake or something, but now guns work just fine It's time Stay behind me. Yes. It's gonna get pretty fucking crazy Jump-scare here Do you think So we're safe in here cuz there's nowhere he can pop out of unless maybe the toilet my only fear is that when we open The story's gonna jump scare us, but I don't think that's gonna happen What's pretty? The jump-scare turned out to be harder to beat than I thought he would be Or she or whatever gender the jump-scare identifies as the point is that jump scares? Not just something we can beat with a shotgun perhaps we need to start demanding that Hollywood stop with the jump scares But no that's not the solution either because that's stupid in conclusion. Wish upon is one of the best films of all time There's been a growing movement in support of this film saying that wish upon is so bad that it's good and I agree with these People wish upon is a very funny movie and it really isn't trying to be the acting is all awful The dialogue is pure cringe. I did not fire Everyone call me make farts totally like the sixth grade. All the characters are dumb. Especially our lead. It isn't scary music sucks Cinematography is boring movie sucks I got an important announcement to make about my uh My youtube channel, so I have an announcement It's not good news. I'm afraid I Will be leaving Smosh. I wanted to finish this video give you guys one last just like Solid Ralph's the Movie Maker video. I'm not gonna make ruff the Movie Maker videos anymore You know the the long route to movie maker videos words Edited and it takes a lot of time to do I'm not going to be making those anymore. I want to focus on doing other things right now and I enjoyed doing them I love doing them and I just wanted to give everybody one last good one this I feel this is a good one To end on and there you go everybody it's been fun. It's No No, no, no. No, there's one more thing. I got a review. They said the Age of Heroes would never come again past oh I'm gonna spend a few months on it. I promise you I will work as hard as I can To make it at least one of the best Ralph the movie maker videos, right? Am I gonna top the classics? Like am I gonna beat the sleepless video? Am I gonna beat the mystery diners video release the drone? I Don't think so the nut shag video that YouTube keeps trying to take down So usually at the end of an episode you try to go out with a big, you know, punch line leave everyone laughing Let's see what joke we end on I comes back and now I got a partner in crime right Okay, cool man saw cuts up to you later stay up brother
Channel: undefined
Views: 990,511
Rating: 4.9506159 out of 5
Id: XRhBhGzm7Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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