Wire Wrapping with Gallery Wire: Pendant

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hey everybody I'm Yvonne Williams back to earth creations into this video I would like to show y'all how to make that's not made in this video this pendant among others actually um I will be demonstrating the technique and stuff for how to make a pendant using gallery wire we're gonna be covering some soldering but I'm also going to be showing you guys how to make this piece if you don't want a solder don't know how to solder don't have the stuff to solder just however you go about it I'll show you guys how to make this so let's get started this is the gallery wire that I've been using they sell it by the feet and 5 feet of wire so far it's gotten me all of these cabs back here this cab so quite a bit quite a bit and I still have a little over a foot left so that's pretty cool you can use a variety of different shapes of gallery wire for this but um I just wanted to show you guys how I go about this and I'm going to be demonstrating on two stones side by side that way I can be getting different perspectives and stuff and sometimes I might mess up one wanted a different way than what I messed up on another so I'm going to begin by setting our stone on a flat surface and I want to shape my gallery wire around very snug to the edge of the stone and it can be a little clumsy right now because of all of the the wires still attached but that's okay I try to waste as little as possible and I feel like doing it this method gets me kind of where I'm going so this actually looks like I'm gonna cut right here I try to give myself two to three extra millimeters so I'm actually just gonna give myself an extra lobe I just like um whenever I say lobe I'm referring to these little fleur de lys tabs that are sticking up and I am saving all of my scrap because this is 99% pure copper so I can melt it down to to use in other ways for future projects I don't actually know what yet because I've just been hoarding it but one day and we're I figure that out I will share it with you guys so I'm going to start now by taking our gallery wire didn't mean to bump the tripod into my pliers these are my flat nose pliers and I do have a very straight side and I want to make sure that my wire is squared off to like a true 90 degree angle if you can manage it the the straighter the better like the more perpendicular I guess and I'm coming through with a flat file and this is an emery file so I can file back and forth and I'm just going to focus on this section here that's kind of the bottom part of the wire and I'm holding my pliers quite firmly to clamp you'll notice I am bracing my hand here on my bench pin in just filing carefully back and forth this is going to give us a very very flat surface also slight disclaimer I'm a very beginner at soldering so if y'all out there with more experience than me if you notice I'm doing something weird or could maybe be done more efficiently in another way please let me know because I'm self-taught so far and I need all the help I can get so now I'm back on my steel block and I'm trying to Snug this wire just as tightly around as I can to the edge of the stone and whatever you pick it up you want to make sure that there's no like see how that you can kind of see light through there I want to try to make sure that that's not happening so I can actually use our steel block or just a very very flat surface to shape and encourage the wire to be very snug and flush against the edge of our stone so you can see where now our wire is lining up and I'm gonna snip it just again a millimeter or two you can always trim off more past where I think I need it to be okay test fit again and that looks like it's gonna be just about perfect that was really lucky so mmm I am going to come in again using our pliers because I'm actually I don't need that little pokey bit right there so I'm just coming in with my dull flush cutters and snipping that off grabbing with our pliers so you can kind of see nuns really poking out let's yeah just I mean my hair you barely snag it with your fingernail because my flush cutters even though they do say slash cutters um aren't really perfectly flush so also these are older pliers so they have a bit of sideways wibblewobble so just fiddle with it do your best perfect is nice but and we'll find ladies around for that because I fall short constantly and make it till we make it right oh I'm so sorry I don't mean to keep it keep hitting the tripod so coming around and doing that sizing yeah that's coming together nicely so now mmm you don't have to worry about keeping the correct shape of your stone I'm over bending the wire to get it to where I want there to be a little bit of natural pressure that way it's a little bit springy and I want it to touch on the ends so to do that I over bend it and that way whenever I touch the ends together it has its own like self-generated pressure this is another instance where the flat nose pliers come in really handy I'm just taking it in smashing trying to get them both very like on the same plane of existence both this away as well as this away all dimensions because whenever we line this up we want to make sure that it's not just sitting like that it might be perfect from this edge but it's not so come in here best we can and again with the design that we're doing you can be pretty off and it'll still work out so also the tidier this step is the less filing and sanding and stuff we're gonna have to do later especially if you're a fan a very tidy work I'm pretty chill so I don't worry too much about it but a lot of y'all make really extraordinarily beautiful and symmetrical and like pristine work and I really admire that so you keep doing you what you're doing because you're doing great that if you're like me and you're kind of just bumping into stuff there we go I think that's just about as good because I'm gonna be able to get it so now this is a silver solder that I'm using links are all of the tools and materials will be down in the video description below as well as a link to our tool kit that has a very comprehensive of stuff that maybe you see on my workbench but might not be in this video or maybe I forgot to list it so be sure to check out our tool kit on our website but I'm just pressing down and getting well it's a little bit more than what I needed you only need like a millimeter of this solder and I believe this already has the flux in it so I'm just gonna take it and set it on our joint just like that so we have our solder on our joint and I'm sitting this on a soldering board that's on a little locating solder pan um this is just I like the solid solder board because um you don't have to worry about little pieces falling through but sometimes I really like the loose kind of pumas stone that's in here before settling projects into so I kind of like having both but I love being able to rotate it and then I'm just coming through with a little kitchen torch just super fancy by micro torch well blurry well anyways and get it lit and now it's not so much that you want to melt the solder as far as I understand it it's that you want to get the metal hot because then the solder will flow to where the heat is and so I'm just kind of rotating around and hopefully you'll be able to see when the solder flows a little beat up at first if you don't have a good clean join the beatle just sit there and no amount of blasting heat on it will make it flow there we go you can kind of see the side do not pick this up with your hands we are flammable and made of meat and this is hot metal but let's see well the camera focus so you can see how that silver let me go ahead and quench this I just have a little cup of water over here you can hear how that that was swish swish doing well it's just an old cup that I have some water in here on my work surface and immediately out of the water you can touch it but you can kind of see maybe how there's that little nub of solder and you can test it with pretty well together very cool now that we have done that first solder I'm going to be fitting this onto our stone and again I just like having it on a flat surface just encouraging the wire around the perimeter of the stone again we can come through and kind of roll the stone on the edge of our hard flat surface I wouldn't do it on wood so much because some of the metal can actually gouge the wood of your desk and I'm trying to preserve I'd like to still be using this desk in 40 years so I'd like to keep it as as tidy is what I can manage so now we have a nice little crown around our commish line and things are really kind of janky here so I'm just going to go through with the file and we can just smooth that right on down both on the side as well as the back speaking at the back I think the back of this stone is just gorgeous so we're just gonna keep filing it's like to test feel with my finger and make sure everything's nice and good it's also a great opportunity to use your bench pin no sense of making things more difficult than they have to be and again we can deform our wire buzzing with just as much as we need to right now to get us a nice flat surface we can also set our file down super durable we can set our file down or sandpaper just whatever you have and pressing on the backside just go in our metal along there and you can see that's really starting to shine things up I really like doing that for when it's the bottom of a piece because I find it really helps you to get a nice flat edge so I have another bezel going here and I'm just placing our solder on it lay your solder and now I'm gonna come in and torch it you can see it has beaded up and now will it slide right on down off of the where I put it the metal has tarnished and it's heating up and you can kind of see it coming up into the crease and the spice will flow there we are the solder that's going on in let's test it out and see I'm gonna take this and clench it nice and huh yeah that's test yep that's uh that's pretty good right on practice makes for progress you guys truly does so now I'm going to go through and do the bezel for our other stone because I'm really hoping that I'll be able to do some troubleshooting with you guys of what to do whenever it's not lining up like perfectly excellent this one is not lining it perfectly in a perfect row they would um actually this was just gonna significantly better than I thought it would be okay so I am going to clip and now also sometimes this is a great option for even if everything fits perfectly but you have like a really tight Bend like if you're doing a teardrop sometimes it can be a really good idea to go ahead and remove one of the lobes of your gallery wire and this would be a way that I would recommend to do that that's honestly y'all this one's looking like it's gonna be perfect oh snap okay well let me show you on like this piece right here for this piece we had gone through and you can see I went ahead and snipped and just removed a whole section of the gallery wire lobe but then kept that base wire that way whenever we're fitting our bezel on everything still fits and I just like to have that section around a tighter curve so I have it be towards either the top or the bottom as opposed to on a longer straight side where maybe the inconsistency of spacing won't be as obvious rather on the side it would be more obvious so I try to have it in a less conspicuous place the next step is going to be to make the little bit of wire that keeps the stone from just sliding out the back of the bezel and you can add little decorative components so I my stone still wet but a little decorative components to it or you can have it like how we do here where it's just a circle kind of all the way around if you're more careful than me with your measurements you can have where the ends come together and it just lines up perfectly I am NOT that tidy of a metalsmith yet so this is how my new coming out and I'm pretty okay with that I don't mind that little gap there at all so we have our annealed wire and we have our soldered frame and our cabochon and I'm just going to come through and trying to keep our square wire just as flat and squares what we can I'm bringing our wire around and if you don't have quite enough wire to go all the way around your stone so we don't worry about it um I'm actually gonna come in now and make just a little curlicue oops didn't mean to bump the tripod that's just a theme for this video I'm so sorry but yeah I'm just gonna make a cute little decorative spiral on each end because I think it's cute and now you can see this is kind of not really flat so I'm moving our start off to the side this is gonna be loud probably and I have this second steelbook and I'm just gonna smash and now you can see this is much flatter didn't have nearly as much wobble to it and so now I'm going to take this and I like for it to have a little bit of spring back I don't want it to just be sitting loose inside of our gallery wireframe so you can see how those little curlicues will be sitting and we could check and see if there's any light coming in around the edges we want to keep this wire just as firm as what we can to our gallery wireframe and I'm just gonna do three points of solder because we're gonna be wire wrapping over this so I'm considering them such a noob at soldering and it's so messy and hit and miss for me and I don't know if I trust it to like hold up over the long term or anything like that so I just want to get this kind of tacked in so the way that I'm going to do that is with our syringe of solder here I'm just gonna push on it and bring out about a millimeter or so of solder and put it on one point two points that was quite a bit and three points we're gonna move over here to our solder board and we're gonna be focusing on those three points I really want you guys to be able to see how it looks when it flows so if I do it long ways I'm hitting more of the wire so my heat isn't being wasted it's actually heating up more of the piece that one flowed and you don't want to just be heating up the solder you want to heat up the met that one flowed let's see if we can get it nice good angling to view on this one right here heat heat heat moving that heat around and yep by just dunking it in this cut the light of the fire scale that forms what might come off at this point but I do have the pickle pot heating up which is back here it's just a mason jar heating up on a like a mr. coffee coffee heater or a candle wax melter or something like that has my pickle solution in there and then I have this little jar of baking soda water solution but let's test our piece so this is looking pretty good it's got a little bit of wiggle there but I think that'll be okay and then here because as you can see on this piece we could actually skip soldering this back piece on entirely because the why you're weaving is holding it into place but I'm trying to fit in some practice and practice makes progress I'm a far far away from even proficient as of yet I think this is going to be the top side I've actually I'm on this one but so yeah so as much practice as I can fit in the better so I'm going to just use my thumb my fingers that's how soft this wire is right now to just splay open these lobes just a little bit so that we can very easily and comfortably just Featherstone down into its setting and that's how the back look which I think so pretty you guys and this is something that with covering up just as little of the back as we can makes me really happy the next stage in our construction process after assembling the gallery wire bezel and attaching the square wire to the back to keep the stone from passing through we're gonna be going through with a bezel roller or you could use honestly any piece of wood I've used the end of an awl to kind of curve it down and whenever I set softer stones I actually prefer to use the wood to do that so I like to go around from the opposite ends and kind of stabilize things and honestly right now the copper wire is so soft that we can actually come through and start to shape it with just our fingers in that way I can kind of do opposing sides and make sure that everything's going to be collapsing in equally so if it's like the petals of a flower closing around do you want them all coming together you don't want them to be like stacking on top of each other if that makes sense especially around the curves like the sharper curve so it starts to get a little tight so I like to do those ones first and I'm just coming in and using the full length of the bezel to just make good contact all the way around let's get a different angle for you I'm gonna see if I can work around the camera here but you can see I just line up the bezel and roll it I don't mean to overshadow with my hand but it's like quite late at night but yeah you can see we just roll that over being careful to not scratch the face of our stone and once I've capped one end we'll go through and do the other end of the story so again just rolling that around if I were to do this with the wooden end I would just kind of press you know the wood I don't mind nearly so much if it slips but I want though to get the tips of these gallery wire to sit just as flush to the stone as I can because you don't want this snagging on your skin or clothing or getting your hair tangled in it or anything like that whenever you wear your pieces so the more we can securely smush those tips down the better okay so at this point we should have our gallery wire and square wire bezel soldered but if you have a piece that like me here or like we have going on here just will not get his life together like I've actually filed and tried so many times now my gallery wire is too short to fit around the stone and it's only like kind of soldered in one spot so I figured I'd take this opportunity and show you guys how to do this piece without soldering at all because whether you have it with the soldering or without the soldering will kind of move forward in the same way and you can get however fancy and complicated and just extravagant as you like I'm only going to be doing this with two core wires I have done this piece style with up to five and made like really intricate like three layer bails and stuff but just for the sake of the tutorial to give you guys the gist of the construction of the piece I'm using two core wires that are 16 gauge but at the point of all that is you can do whatever you like and these are about 14 inches long the larger your stone or the more extravagant you think you'd like your bail to be the more wire you can justify using I always try to give myself a little bit more as opposed in a little bit less I am using copper core para wire it's been enameled it's non tarnish it's very affordable so I'd rather give myself an extra couple of inches and have some wiggle room than to skimp it so now I'm also pulling off two full arms fans of our 28 gauge and this is more pair of wire and this is their titanium toned now this is copper core but it's been silver-plated and then covered with the titanium toned enamel it's very resilient I've never had any problems with it cracking with the titanium tone it doesn't yellow over time or anything like that so I'm personally very pleased with it and I recommend it to y'all so yet to full arm spans I'm about five foot four so let's call it ten feet of wire and let's maybe we can zoom in maybe we'll see and what I'm going to start doing here you can see on this piece here let me get it untangled I've started coming through and weaving and attaching to our soldered Galerie wire frame for on this piece since the frame doesn't completely stick together on its own instead of starting my weaving on these wires as I did here and then attaching it I'm actually going to start right leaving on our bezel so I'm going to find the end of my wire and I want to come over here where the join would have normally been on well I guess rather wherever it is that the joint is that's where I'm going to start my weaving and I'm going to begin by right here on the gallery wire just going through that little space that's there and I'm gonna pull it all the way sorry to go off camera but I'm just struggling um just wrestling with it um wiggle this down to the center of our wire so actually please excuse me at the center of the wire I want to end up being like over here so I'm actually gonna pull about a foot or so further in the past again with this piece I started like right here and I wove ten and then around just one and then loop to around to kind of stitches to wraps around both and then five and then did one stitch to attach it there to our gallery wire bezel and then continued that weave around and kind of repeated that on both sides so that's why I keep candy if my thought process keeps going back to starting in the center but on this one it's a little bit different and I'm sure you'll be doing projects that are just a little bit different on their own too so from here and again the center of these wires I want to kind of line up with the end of our piece or the center bottom of our piece so I'm just layering in this one wire and I've got there's one two three four five wraps on that side I'm actually just going to flip this because when I'm wrapping like this I'm right hand dominant and I like to just kind of work that way and I just want to keep all of this kind of stuck on one plane like I don't want this wire poking off towards the bottom or anything like that I want it stacked to this side if that makes sense I hope it does and then I'm going to go one two three four protip we can zoom in way far with our camera and I'm actually going to be using our t-pin here to count and that's nine and then this rep will be but okay yeah I just want to make sure that we end up with ten because now I'm going to place our additional water second wire words words are hard and I'm going to now rap once and twice around both of these core wires you can see right now we can still kind of wiggle and reposition what we have going on so now that I've done those two I am going to wrap five more times around our innermost core wire so there's one two three four five and that if this is your first time weaving or working with gallery wire or something like this I do recommend doing a more simplistic weave around the border just to make things maybe a little bit more simple than they like you don't make it more complicated than it has to be so for this first time just till I get the hang of it I do recommend just a to beat like a two core wire edging so now I'm going to come through and thread our wire it's almost like we're hand sewing it together making sure that there's no little kinks in our wires we pull through we're trying to and we can actually Bend our buyers just a little very minutely and you can see here since we don't have our stone in the bezel it has a tendency to just squish out of shape that's okay though we'll figure it out so that was six seven eight nine into ten keeping it all smushed down nice and now you can see this is actually holding our square wire against our gallery wire bezel and against our wire weaving and then I'm going to do two around both core wires and then we'll just continue that like all the way around I am going to go ahead and do the five on this side and I'm going to zoom out so you can see kind of the way that I do this is maintaining the tension I like to use my finger here on the backside to keep the wire where I want it to go it's - and then I come up and through and around three four five and what I'm trying to distribute the tension from work hardening the wire around kind of this five or six inches and that way the rest of our wire stays nice and supple as we can continue weaving with it oh I've really just squeezed the heck out of this haven't I so from there let's zoom back in so we can do a little bit of troubleshooting I am going to say this is much easier if you have it soldered already and you have the stone in it trying to untangle my wire from all my pliers and things and so now I want this these ends to be as close to each other as possible there we hurt and that'll be something to be mindful of so to follow along with our pattern we have coming from this direction to around both our tens so now I'm going to do the two around both so there's one and two now five around the one there's one two three four five and as we get closer and closer to this um kind of spot we'll want to be very careful to maintain tension and the as we go around and do this we're not going to be able to maintain having that little wire sometimes we're not able to maintain having that wire that connection point between the frame and the bezel be consistently in the same spot so I'm actually going in to go I we did 5 6 7 & 8 and honestly for anybody to notice this they would have to be looking under such a microscope at your work that for and if anybody notices they're going to have to be looking for it but you are the creative your own pieces so well then I'm up to the tripod it's not a proper video till I'm making y'all seasick with the shaky camera is it but um be however meticulous with your work as you choose to be so we did eight and then came around so there's nine and ten and so I'm using that weaving there to make that gap just as small as possible and now we're going to continue to around both one two I like to maintain pressure with my thumb keeping that wire nice and tight there's three four five which it can be a little hard on your hands so don't don't worry if you take a lot of breaks or anything like that just craft as it keeps you happy not because you have to so yeah it doesn't quite bring us as lined up to the center of the whole nut gallery wire is what I would like for it to be like I want the wire to come through right here oh that's blurry in it so I'm gonna do like five six seven that brings us me around a little bit more oh I'm just reaching trying to get to the end of my wire um and so I've got the end of my wire and I'm just gonna thread that through like I'm sewing with a needle and thread but the wires both the needle and the thread I like to keep my finger right there because it keeps the wire from kinking as we bring it into as we tighten that little loop down and I'm just gonna just a little at a time you don't have to get it shaped around all at once because I find that makes it more difficult to leave [Music] 9 and 10 so if you just work just little baby steps one little stitch at a time you'll get there and just try to do your best on each stitch and you'll be amazed at how your piece comes out there's two around of those so I think I think and I hope that you might be getting the idea three four five six and seven yeah I think they'll be good and if future Vaughn who edits probably I'll be popping it at the end of the video but you'll be able to see this um um alternatives alterations modifications I don't know um there's some Chester pieces to this design they're similar but different where instead of hugging close to the end all the way around like this one here I have some pieces that I've done where I started with a point and filled in some little beads there I also instead of doing this kind of bail up at the top you could also add in some different beads and stuff so again this is just the foundation kind of hitting the creative juices flowing to you know it give you a foundation to launch off of to make it your own and do a bunch of different designs and really get wild with it because once you have once you have this part and a way for it to attach onto the necklace or a chain or make a Viking necklace or strong beads or something or a macrame I mean anything the rest of its just your own creativity like structurally this stone isn't falling out so that's that's the goal yeah so we're just going to repeat this all the way around and while I do prefer to start kind of in the bottom Center like how I was doing on this piece and kind of working you know I'll do like a centimeter or two on one side in the do a centimeter or two on the other for this piece here I'm actually going to continue working all the way around until they're a little bit more matched up and I think we're at a point now that we can set our stone in in that way our bezel will maintain its shape now I'm not going to be pushing the stone all the way down and I'm not going to be actually completely setting it yet but this is where using the t pin will come in because it helps us to make a space there so like over here on this open light piece that I'm working on where I already have set the stone in I just use the T pin watch out for your fingers because these things are sharp and I just used it to kind of like an awl to make that space large enough for me to be able to fit our weaving wire through even with the stone set in but this copper wire is still so soft that I'm kind of distorting and deforming it just with the death grip apparently so I do like being able to have the stone in there so let's do a little bit with the stone in there too three and with whatever weave pattern you decide to do or however many core wires I stole you just do your weave and then whenever you can manage it come in and attach it to your gallery wire I probably don't even have to do it this frequently like this much you know every single one you could probably pull off every other or maybe you know attach here skip to attach there it just depends so all in all the gist is the same and I oh I've lost count so that's a thing so that's what I do I do like having the stone already said if I can manage it so I'm gonna count this and we're gonna keep weaving all our way around and I'll meet you guys back here when I've done that all righty y'all so I flipped the stone back in and I just with my fingers just pressed down on four of the tabs of the gallery wire to just just keep it from popping up and flying all over the place and we're getting now to where it's starting to look like okay you can see the shape of how it's gonna be and I'm just continuing around and making sure that we're hooking through and holding on to both of these pieces because all through here none of that none of the soldering stuck so again I'm treating this just like if you know what if we just never tried soldering the piece at all would this be possible and so my focus here then has been on having on one side right here is the gap where our gallery wire meets but it's up against a solid side of where our square wire is and then over here we have a nice solid side of the gallery wire and this is the gap that I tried to make a little bit more decorative like it was on purpose so yeah there's the gap in the square wire now with this being woven you know every five millimeters or so with our weaving wire I'm not too worried about this getting snagged on something and pulling out plus it's 18 gauge square wires so it's pretty substantially thick just on its own you'd really have to be almost intentional to get it to snag and warp and distort and break so we're just continuing around finding the end of our wire continuing in the same direction of what we've been doing and this will be the first loop that I'm hooking to just the gallery wire because our little spiral has ended I'm just hooking around that I want to make sure I don't snag around anything unintentionally there we are then pulling that down nice and tight and again at the t-pin I got him in like a pack of like 50 or 100 or something I don't know but there I mean wonderfully useful in wire wrapping um just whenever you need something that kind of gets in there those six so there's seven eight nine ten and I kind of want to just press on the sides here you could use some flat nose pliers to push and make sure that your gallery wire is sitting nice and firm and next to where you want it to I also do like to use my round nose pliers in over here to just make sure that our gallery wireframe is sitting nice and close I'm actually going to use my fine tipped around nose pliers just come in there and there and just squeeze in just a bit just trying to make that nice and together because we do have I mean just a little bit of that got there that you can see but again and I think it'll be alright so more of the same just coming around bringing that together bending and shaping that wire to fit the curve of what we're doing then more of the same so there's one and two five I'm gonna do one more so there's six now let's feed it around through just looking through just the gallery wire again because you'll see on the backside of this you can see sometimes the wire will want to get kinked up just be patient but it be patient with yourself try to keep everything from snagging just pull nice and tight so that was our eighth stitch so now there's our ninth stitch what I do is I press down on the back and that puts a little bit of a bend for a ramp the curve to be and then I come around all of these wires these two want to come in between the wires from this side and the wires from this side and then I come up and then in between so that I'm isolating around don't get caught in a gallery wire the one that we want to wrap ten and then twice around both so hey this is just the way that I do it you'll find a way that works best for you but nothing can replace practice so just just know that the more you do it the more naturally it will come to you and the more proficient you'll get at it and the more you'll find your own stride and pace so and it's all covered in like lotion II fingerprints and dog hair and all sorts of stuff so I am going to be popping the stone out just by lifting those tabs and cleaning everything up and polishing it like how we showed earlier before like setting all the tops so again um I'm going to finish up our weaving until we get up to the top and then I'm going to show you guys how I like to add some beads so I've gotten as far as I think I'm going to go with joining the gallery wire to our outer frame and I'm just coming through just with my sweater um and just getting all the fingerprints for the most part off of the stone there we go and I've opened all the little nodes up and now we can come through and I'm just going to very loosely at first just get everything pressed in with the wooden butt of my bezel rounder can't here's always free and you can see the spacings off just a little bit there on the side and that really that bugs me so we'll deal with that but first I'm now going to go through and to really shape all of these tips down because this is the kind of thing that if you're wearing it with a sweater and you're wearing it on a long chain or something and it flips around these little tabs might get tangled or if you have very long hair or just gravity or wind or life um any of these things can make wearing jewelry you just complicated in general anyways so let's do our best to get that just as rounded down as we can and then I'll show you guys how I like to deal with that discrepancy in spacing like I'm trying to get help a little little cat hairs and finger prints off I hugged the cat just to over there while I was putting her outside and so now I'm covered in cat hair so that's life though so now um what I'm gonna do is I'm actually just gonna with my fingernails or you could use a tee pin or you could use apply your tip just if you're doing this be very very careful with if you have a very soft stone I would never do this with like a malachite or something um just feel like I'm asking for trouble on that one like a malachite or a turquoise but this onyx it can take it and I'm just gonna push these nodes over just a little so you can kind of see that spacing I mean you may like that you may hate it that's entirely up to you um but I think I think this will be alright and also if this were a custom piece for somebody I'd feel a whole lot different about having a discrepancy like that but I'm gonna be selling this piece in one of our upcoming options and so I'll be sure to point out that discrepancy that way whoever decides to take this home will already know about it and they can decide for themselves before they've purchased it if it's going to drive them insane or not so we may end up selling this one at a bit of a discount or you know we'll figure it out so right pretty happy with it because it with the gallery wire sometimes you just find yourself in a position where it's like you know I'm either gonna have one table too many or one table too few and typically I prefer to have this happen in a spot like maybe centered up at the top like that is what we did over here with this lapis piece I think I don't know it was one of them one of these pieces but it's when I was making the lapis piece that I was like having this bead up at the top Center would be the perfect way to distract from that right there but since I was making all of these pieces kind of simultaneously by the time I had figured that out I'd already done this like already made this setting um so this is life now but that's okay so now what we're doing is we're coming around and I'm continuing our same weaving pattern but I'm going to start attaching beads to fill in some of this negative space you could completely just leave it empty but I want to use a bead so here I have two four millimeter two three millimeter and one eight millimeter beads the eight millimeter is onyx and a little off camera so let's see if loops not oh boy there we are yes here are our beads I've chosen to play on the copper tones but you could do literally whenever you want you could use another color you could use solid gemstone whatever makes you happy and I want to get this side to match this one so here you can see we have that's our last point of symmetry is here we have those attachments so then I'm gonna do so now that's a point of symmetry on each side and I'm going to do one two three four and five I'm going to bring it through from the back and I think what I'd like to do from here is use this three millimeter bead to kind of go from like fill in right there so to do that I'm going to thread it onto our weaving wire and now I'm going to bring this weaving wire down and through right there I think through to the back and this gives us even more points of stabilization sorry I don't mean to wander off camera but it's also it's going to keep this from getting pulled off to one direction or the other and then oh no let's do it on the other side and see where we want to move forward from there because this this part here that's going to come out just a little bit different every time maybe there's a definitely a possibility of it coming out different every single time so just keep an open an open mind so pushing our wire on through you ever have a hard time picking it up don't hesitate to use your pliers that is what they are for they're here trying to make sure everything's not getting all tangled on itself trying to keep those kinks from happening there we go very cool so now we have it more or less symmetrical and I'm just going to come around on the backside and pretend to like that bead never happened so we had five stitches so there's and that would have been our six that's seven eight nine and ten then I'm going to do our two weaves around both there's one two so I just bump it into the camera trying to make sure everything's still lining up so that would have been six so there's seven eight 9 and then we're gonna do there's one around both and then there's no toad both what's up now from here let's see how these beads will fit in to each other I think we can fit the four millimeter across the same way that we had done the three let's see though it might get a little tight that'll be okay so I'm going to do one maybe so meme in everybody go so you've got that one stitch and now for a second stitch because we want this bead to be coming out far enough away from our three millimeter bead that they're not crunching their shoulders up against each other it's gonna look really cramped we want them to look like they kind of goood next to each other like little peas in a pod or something so throw them that around and now I'm gonna come through this next knot through there because I don't want any of our silver wire sitting on top of the gallery wire I want it all to be going through right there and this is just my piece y'all's piece might come out differently hopefully it comes out differently or it comes out the same I don't know we'll see so yeah see how those guys may be that is super blurry there we go see how the really camera okay so see how they're sitting next to each other but just that little bit of space like they're touching but they're not like one isn't climbing on top of the other just to exist so from here let's put in the other one the other bead before we decide too much of what to do because sometimes you just don't know what's going to be best also I want the wire to be coming out on the same spot and so if you can see right here this camera's on such a hard time maybe I can use my t pin without destroying everything no everything is just right now okay um so if you can see right here how this wire is exiting and coming around the front I want this wire to be exiting and coming around the front as well but it to follow along with the weeping like the pattern of the weaving it would be coming around from the back so I'm gonna cheat a little bit and I'm actually going to bring our wire to where it's not following along with the weave but the wire it will be exiting in the correct point so unless somebody flips it over and they're like haha you cheated you didn't but I mean it which if somebody's nitpicking my pieces that badly then maybe maybe I can introduce them to a hobby so um so there we have our bead on and now I'm going to go through right there oh they're meant to be that's fine though um and pull pull get that wire through get that bead where it's gonna go there we are oh that's fantastic I'm very very pleased with that and so now from here with each of these wires I'm going to go off camera I'm gonna loop around again where we had just threaded through there we go so there's that one trying to keep our wire clear of all the other wires so it's not tangling around anything else and now with this wire from the other side I want to do that same thing again which sometimes it can feel a little tricky but you'll get there we go now this one I've wrapped around everything so much oh no it's pool and it looks like I need to just get around there we go there's no need to rush through any of this stuff so now we have both of our wires coming up kind of in the middle there I'm gonna bring them together until I have their ends and now I'm going to thread our eight millimeter onyx beads onyx bead I've gotten these beads from Fire Mountain Gems I believe but there's a lot of different places that you can get beads from links for all the different tools and materials will be down in the video description below and so that's gonna sit there just like that and I'm actually gonna bring these wires around and do I want to do it from the front I don't want to do it for the back let's see let's do it from the back so I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna start doing making coils around just this outermost wire so there's one two three and I'm gonna do that same thing on the other side again focusing I'm just doing the coils on the outermost core wire I'm gonna try to keep everything nice and centered up but I'll show ya what the point of all this is because I'm gonna be showing you all how I make this style of the Bale what I like to do there's something different at this point honestly you could do whatever kind of bell you want I just wanted to show y'all something that I haven't covered in a tutorial before three I just like to do ten coils because that's enough that it kind of will hold some of its own tension even whenever you're bending the wires like this just bending it out I'm Graham on this side you bend in down like if we only did five or three or something that would have just pulled okay so now from here we still have these two wires that are twisted and so I'm actually going to bend these back two wires out of the way just a bit and now I'm going to come in and see if zooming out just a little so you can see what's up I'm going to just twist them to three being very firm four five six seven trying to keep them at a 90-degree angle eight nine ten eleven it's a little hard on the finger so you could use pliers but thirteen fourteen fifteen that should get us where we're going in at this point we can't actually take our pliers and do just a little bit of tightening but that has hardened it up so much is very stiff now so I am actually going to go ahead and snip just right there there's those go set those off to the side and our strapping you could at this point if you wanted to hammer these wires if you want it flattened out just play with it I've been enjoying the kind of rounded look um but it's your piece you do you I'm also going to get in here and Bend these forward just right there trying to do it as uniformly as possible and using the 8 millimeter I know that's by your name I don't know is this thick that part maybe 10 millimeter yeah mandrel I'm just bringing the VAD around making that loop I actually think I'm gonna come in here open that up a bit and start in from the end and just be curling and coiling this around kind of at a smaller setting like a smaller point just to see what we think of it now I can come in with our round nose pliers and tighten that down just a little bit more and you can see I'm bending it off to the side but this is gonna let us make a very tight little loop and now we can snip it again this wire is so stiff I'm not particularly worried about it coming undone and also it's not the only part of our bail so I think we'll be good so just keeping that all in line with each other you can come in here and squeeze those down just a bit yeah just like that if you want if we were using bare copper before I curled it in I might have torched involved to that end that would have been really cool effect and now from here we have all of this 28 gauge wire hanging off and I'd like to coilette - probably a hundred coils on each side that's 13 14 15 I'm not gonna make you guys watch this whole boss coming already I'm not gonna make you guys watch the whole thing that I'm gonna coil out about an inch maybe an inch and a quarter on each side so I'm going to do that and then meet you guys right back here so when we've gotten to this last part I am just using my fingers to guide I've straight-up lost count so I've counted in the past for doing the little bails like this um today is not one of those days so just spin it until you're happy and if you don't know if you're happy yet just line it up and then keep going I was doing that with eruption and if your coils are too far apart and then you smush them down and they start getting weird just try to cinch it this 28 gauge wire can be really forgiving but you kind of have to coil intentionally like just kind of going all willy-nilly and not paying attention to what you're doing it doesn't get you very far okay so there we go how is that oh now that one's too far well then we'll just take this a little further hey because if you have too much you can always trim it off okay I'm also leaving these little tails on for now just in case so now we curved that Center bail in towards the back these two sides we're going to be curling towards the front I'm going to be using this pen as my mantel it's like the perfect size though for this and well no it's too big No we could use this mandrel here but my problem with this man as well as much as I love it is it's a little too short I only have like a centimeter a work surface at that size so that can kind of get in the way sometimes but let's make it do so I'm just gonna come around keeping our coil very condensed I repeat keeping the coil very condensed Ron come on okay and I'm going to do just one rotation on each side holding arm and roll out slipping it to the other side that way [Music] very nice and kind of snuggle most with the way we have this trying to keep it level and now I'm going to use the tail end of our wire here to try to bind all of this together so I'm just binding around the center part the twisted wire that we've done I'm going to try to do at least three repetitions depending on how much our wire will allow us you could always splice in in your piece this is not necessary but I never feel like effort towards stabilizing is ever wasted so now from here I'm actually going to bend this around and try to splice it back into itself so let's see if zooming if the camera will still focus at all so you can see I've looped this hopefully you can see I've looped this around the wire that we had previously coiled and then I'm just splicing it in pulling it nice and tight now I think I'm actually going against the grain on this one so there's going to be like little bumps maybe so if I wanted to we could undo these and do it in the other direction I'm just going to keep doing this I think that'll be okay and no that actually actually seemed to work out I hope I don't go for too much so I did get a little bit of crossing right there and that's less than perfect but this is life um so yeah I'm gonna snip I don't want to smush that's the thing is that if you make it too much about perfection I don't know how much I'd actually get done ever I got really tied up in the nitty gritty details so I'd rather just just do the thing even if it's only done a little bit you'll do better next time okay now splicing that in there's one repetition yeah there's these players come in really handy because there's no way I'd be able to fit my fingers in there and there's two I think I'm going to leave it at that cuz I don't have a ton of wire to work with over here now just bending it around sorry I didn't mean to wander off camera we've done two wraps right there there we go let's bring it down pulling it tight bringing it up and through and before anybody decides to leave a smart comment about staying in frame I've tried everything I recommend highly trying to shoot a video in staying in frame and if you are very very good at it you are blessed because this craps craps hard I am doing my best though so bear with me I've tried the tape on the table I've tried all sorts of stuff so there's that kind of messy messy hair on the side for sure okay and so now from here we're going to put our mandrel back in trying to use the same size as what we had before and I'm just gonna wrap around with just our bare copper and then I'm going to put a bend right here because that's where I want our bend to be to end up and then I'm going to come in pulling this around trying to this part can be quite challenging because at this point in the design everything's a little stiff and so I'm just gonna feed that up not through there because that's pushing our bead but right through there and then I'm gonna grab it oops and pull on through and towards the back so that can be pretty challenging because of the work hardening just that naturally happens as a piece or as you work with a piece but man it really helps make it more stable so now I'm bending around here using again the correct size on the mandrel coming in from behind and just putting that bend but that little Bank there really does do a whole lot to help your piece wind up where you want it to be I leave the mandrel in while we struggle to get the wire through where we want it to go because that way it gives me something to resist against to push against as we pull it keeps me from distorting our bail too much and so now you just kind of simply pull and come around and then well do the back and so now from there we can kind of play things out evenly or smush them together evenly just whatever makes us happy and I'm gonna get this asleep we're just a couple millimeters left over Wow i pinged across the house and if you hear it okay and now that gives us something just wish something for this mission there we go just coming in with our bent nose pliers also now comes the final primping of our piece there we are we have made a pendant so that being said I will now go through and polish this part just like how we did earlier and yeah well it's pretty neat y'all alrighty so sometimes if you've got a little bit of discoloration from fire scale what I like to do is they actually went through and use some masking tape with the grits on these little silicon also polishing discs but being careful to avoid facilitated lawyer I just gonna bring out to be families tip this person you know loud noises you probably can't hear me at all sends it back and so now now we can work our way up jump in from the 80 grit to the 220 then from the 220 to the 600 and from the six hundred to a thousand [Music] so if you guys are like me and pretty new to soldering and would like to learn more I wanted to recommend some different books to y'all that have been very very helpful to me there will be links down in the video description below soldering made simple by Joe Solera is very very helpful a lot of beautiful projects very very practical and no fancy equipment required so that's really cool if you don't want to do torch soldering but want to make some really cool stuff I absolutely love the aesthetic of this book by Laura Beth love soldered alchemy this is actually using a soldering iron like how you would use like in electronics so you can kind of see there and you can make some really interesting pieces this way and I actually use a lot of the elements I learned in this book for my electroformed pieces because I like to be able to make kind of the base very nice and structural and give it some of that depth and then pop it into the electro forming bath and make it look like it was made out of copper which is just pretty cool that's a really fun book if you want to get into that world a little bit but don't don't want to mess about with a torch this is like such a good book sorry words are really hard it's by jinx McGrath metal smithing for jewelry makers traditional and contemporary techniques for inspirational results they're not kidding it didn't come with all the dog fur that me so many pictures so straightforward it breaks down everything I will never have read this book enough times to have gained all the information that is in here it was a this one was a gift to me but sorry I just looking at all the pretty like it it covers chainmail wire wrapping soldering shaping fusing just I mean so much making hinges and fittings and like I mean so much in here this one was gifted to me it can be quite the investment but my gosh you guys for the amount that you're learning in this book what an investment you know it's never a bad thing to invest in yourself and in your education as an artist in it and then also one that I wanted to talk about in particular is silver soldering simplified by Scott David Plouffe Jamel Plumlee I don't know I'm so bad at words you guys um of all the books this one had one or had some oh and I had earmarked it and the thing fell out it has one image in here that is like above all others all the other books I've ever read we are the common soldering problems in solutions this was very very handy and again I normally have like a sticking out you're marking this page and but very very useful to have I keep these this book directly to my left whenever at my soldering station whatever I'm like what in the heck am i doing but yeah I wanted to show you guys some of the different pieces that we made in this tutorial because I'm sure you've noticed mmm I didn't work on the same piece hardly twice some of the pieces at the time of recording we still don't have the rest of the setting on that I was gonna get a little bit fancy with them so be sure to keep an eye on Mike Instagram account or our website and stuff to kind of see whenever these guys go up for sale also all of these we are making for our options as well as for our booth whenever conventions start back up again will be going out and selling and that way we can kind of put investing in our inventory always so oops but here we have some of these like like this one we added the beads up at the top but we always have the option of just bringing our wreathing around to where it meets in the middle and then building that same style of bail up here you can see I coiled around both really like how this one came out so little off balanced up here at the top but that's okay really nice Tigers I just absolutely love how this setting really features the stone on both sides so again we don't really have to worry about covering up just how pretty the back of that is and you can feature more creative wire wrapping and weeding and all sorts of things with this as well but um I really loved this turquoise and so I'm really excited to been able to share this technique with you guys and I'm even more excited to see what you all would do with it so be sure if you follow along with this tutorial to tag me on instagram or share it on our facebook or just whatever makes you happy also while we're on our discord links to all that will be down in the video description hey y'all thanks so much for hanging out with me during this video I do hope that it was helpful to you if you have any questions comments or ideas just leave them down below in the comment area and I'll do my best to get back to you just as soon as I can also you can find us over on patreon you don't even have to be a pleasure or anything but you can send us comments and questions over there as well I'm a little bit better about replying on our patreon we also for those of y'all who would like to pledge do all sorts of different like behind-the-scenes content and sneaky peeky previews that you can craft a long wave and have your work featured in our videos we didn't do that for this one because it took me forever like like three weeks actually um to to get this video made so I dropped the ball on that one but we do it for other videos though too also you can follow along with our Lamport glass journey that we've at the time of recording just started on if you're interested in gardening and stuff we have a vlog that covers everything that we do here at the homestead other than crafting and also check out our website because other than all the cool links and stuff down in the description of this video we have a curated tool kit on our website that can link you directly to all the tools and materials used in just about all of our tutorials here on youtube so ripe in progress still but I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming along so be sure to check that out and let us know what you think we also have a little bit of a blog over there for like little step-by-step pictorials kind of in the blog talking about how we do the - how we do some of our projects so that way if you want just the quick like Cliff Notes version of some of our different projects you can check that out over there but uh yeah thank you guys so much for watching and bring I'll see y'all in our next video because I forgot everything else that are supposed to say I guess um like share subscribe all that crap but until next time you guys happy crafting mm-hmm
Channel: Back to Earth Creations
Views: 61,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wire wrapping, tutorial, how to, wire wrap, wire weaving, weaving wire, design, idea, gallery wire, instructions, soldering copper jewelry, advanced, professional, jewelry making, step by step, pendant, necklace, yvonne williams
Id: NAKGkbdW46o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 14sec (5654 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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