Winx Club - FULL EPISODE | The Unicorn's Secret | Season 7 Episode 13

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we are the weeks come on get up and play sparkling and wonderful we're M all the way we are the weeks turn on you SM it up and play We're sparkling we're wonderful we magical way Lifey TR together Shimmer and Rise Horizon forever let's together we are the weeks come on get up and play Sparling and wonderful in order to find the animal with the ultimate power bilius has thrown the world of zenith into chaos but the Winks have sorted things out during their mission Techna magically bonded with flitter a flying Tech quirl fast and clever now all the Winks have their own Fairy Animal except for bloom the Unicorn [Music] Secret I can't believe it they're having a sale on everything that's on sale do you know what that means that our quick shopping jaunt is about to become an endless Odyssey no it means the more we buy the more we save Roxy's expecting us don't worry I made a list welcome everyone to the animal rescue Park all animals in need of help or care can find a home here uh-huh I found an abandoned kitten oh and I found an injured dog along the way oh a can you bring this Turtle back to its natural habitat you came to the right [Music] place [Music] we'll take care of these little ones for as long as they [Laughter] need here we are Pixies we've arrived do you think we should have let the Winks know we were coming don't forget they said don't call us we'll call you that's why we here they come H we'll get them a surprise and now we'll give you a tour of our Park P you're on Lookout if you see anyone sound the alarm we have to prove to the Winks that we can be helpful I bet they'd like something [Music] sweet [Music] I think they need a nice bath now what do you say good idea how about some water [Music] Shere water coming right up [Music] lightning take [Music] cover huh what are you doing here Pixies r trying to help out huh well I wouldn't put it that way we all wanted to surprise you a small present for you little [Music] one [Music] nice fun baths don't include [Applause] [Music] lightning look it's a yaffle that means Roxy needs us yay a mission let's go ready set charge sorry Pixies you can't come but maybe you can help around here can we really finish bathing the Cubs and make sure they have fun easy peasy let's go let's [Applause] [Music] go which animals are in danger this time these are the Chingling mountains in China the pandas there are in danger come on girls let's transform Magic Wings butter flicks Blue Fairy of the dragon flame Flora fairy of nature Stella fairy of The Shining Sun Aisha fairy of waves Musa fairy of Music Techna fairy of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Technology [Music] there's another animal in danger what kind mysterious [Music] ancient oh and [Music] Powerful [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] H get behind me I'll handle this [Music] huh back away from the pandas they're under my protection we're here to help the pandas not hurt them uh-huh yes we love pandas and by the way this is the proper way to use a fan [Music] [Music] a huh oh how do I know I can trust you I'd like to tell you that you have our word but you probably need more concrete proof huh huh you want to hurt the pandas you have to go through me and us [Music] too H burning scales [Music] [Applause] [Music] just huh Dance of the ti Dragon [Music] defense [Music] a ah the Winks the pandas they're in danger huh huh huh huh oh we have to get back huh come on we need to find another way you and your friends are very brave I'm sorry that I was suspicious of you before my name is melee I'm Bloom so how come you're living out here Mee I want to protect the pandas alone pandas are almost extinct because of humans so I don't trust anyone anymore you're right Mee some people don't care about saving animals but not all people are like that look there it is the river is contaminated with wild magic maybe the monster was transformed because it drank from it no Mee wait these cages have magic that's stronger than [Music] ours I don't like being in a cage especially if the cage is cramped and uncomfortable the poor pandas they're trapped just like us and there's not even a nice view a boutique window for example Stella sorry let's just hope Bloom figures something out leave her alone I don't want to hurt you and I don't think you want to hurt me let's see if I can temporarily weaken the power of your [Music] horn I knew it it's working h Huh I could sense that you weren't really a monster I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you I can feel that your heart is pure after I drank the water from the pond I changed I started to attack whoever approached it the water is contaminated by wild magic it transformed you into an aggressive being but now I am myself again thanks to you look the cages are gone I feel the same way sweet pandas [Music] free look that path shows us the way to [Music] go ah I'm sorry that I Hur you [Music] the Unicorn could not control its [Laughter] actions you're all okay my friend [Music] the river water is contaminated by wild magic that's why the Unicorn turned into an out of control monster you're right Bloom but I don't know how we can remove it [Music] the wild magic is gone how did you do that nature gave me the power to change things that might hurt other creatures you did a good thing thing now the water is safe for everyone now you can live here and nothing will ever harm you [Music] again I think the pandas like this place it looks like they don't need me anymore I'm happy for them but I'll miss them too what will you do now go back to my Village I'll find some of those people you talked about Bloom the ones I can trust they are out there and they'll be lucky to know you thank you for everything goodbye sweet Panda I'm going to miss you [Music] a now you're free free to live a happy life free to have a future goodbye winks now each Winx has magically bonded with a fairy animal and so the future of their mission is becoming clear once they have found the magic Harmony among them the wings fairy animals will discover they are the keepers of the ultimate power and they will give their own fairies some wonderful magical objects Wings together power over on we are the magic wings forever is ever way just don't get up and believe in your dreams this is the Magic World you're in the Magic World of We Are The Magic World of we [Music] PE
Channel: Winx Club
Views: 3,036,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, episode 13, winx, FULLEPISODE, winx club, season 7, The Unicorn's Secret, Rainbow, winxclub, series 7
Id: 3IdLGFXjawU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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