Winter Photography in England's Lake District National Park

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[Music] so a little bit of a chilly welcome today back to england's wonderful lake district national park absolutely love this place um it's feeling quite wintery today we've got some small patches of snow very small patches of snow up on the fells up on the mountains but that'll do me as a photographer you know when i'm going up these fells i'm thinking about foreground so we'll see and before we get into anything and on the note of winter photography i'm very proud to announce that today's video is sponsored by ballaret uh valaret photography gloves if you don't know who they are they make these wonderful gloves specifically for outdoor photographers so it's a bit of a niche but that is our niche isn't it and we all know as landscape photographers the annoyance of wearing normal gloves they're off and on the whole time your hands get cold anyway but that's just the problem you still need to be able to use your camera and this is the best thing about valorette's gloves is they have these wonderful little finger caps i'll put it on uh so they'd usually be like that and then you can flip them back and they've got these nice sort of strong magnets to keep it in place one on the index finger one on the thumb and that's on both hands so you still get full use of your camera but you don't have to take your gloves off absolutely class these i've only just been sent these by valerie absolute privilege these are the markov pro version threes i had the version twos all of last year and they have grown to become my favorite pair i think um but they've got all different types for you know different temperatures and throughout winter that sort of thing depending on where you are of course so go and have a look on the website if you want to get your own pair head over to and valerie have been kind enough to give me an offer code which is just henry and to get yourself free shipping so honestly highly highly recommended um i'll i won't be without these throughout the whole of winter even if i wasn't sponsored by them i'd still buy them and i wouldn't be without them throughout the whole of winter i promise you class probably a good christmas gift as well if you can get in quick enough i had to get that one in there right today's weighing right is kids t pike i'm looking forward to it we'll get into it a little bit more let's crack on [Music] so [Music] so i've not come very far at all um probably only about 15 minutes worth of hiking and i've already found something to get the camera out for and i just want to show you before i get set up how this seems like unfolded itself so we got this one up here which is heart of fell which i have been up either wayne right and you can see we're just looking further into mardale there this valley and just look how it unfolds itself we've got a few trees here you can see a little bit of hall's water there the lake the reservoir and then this crag here i don't know what it is about this scene but it feels so lake district it feels like it's encapsulating um so many if not all of the elements of the lake district national park that mean a lot to me especially when i'm photographing them but i also thought this was interesting this is more to do with the hiking um as opposed to just the photography although you know yourself they always tie in together it's just how much the perspective of the landscape changes you know as you start on your hike like i said it's only been about 15 minutes since i last spoke to you but even in the past five minutes it's changed so much the perspective just mainly because i've started getting a small little bit of height but we just got this beautiful view down into mardel and yeah everything's just changed for the better absolutely wonderful and that's why i think it's worth getting the camera out for um so i'm gonna get myself set up here [Music] [Music] so i've been here for ages to be honest and i think this is one of those compositions that you know when you just start overthinking it and you don't need to i've had i've got the wide angle lens on the front now i've done a pano i've done one shot with the wide-angle lens and i've done one shot at about 28 mil or something with the 24-200 madness and yeah i've just hit a point then when i thought i'm overthinking it it's so it's such a simple scene look we've got trees a little bit of lake heart fell and then this lovely crag here which i think is called eagle crag or heron crack that's the one which is quite nice and eagle craig's the one a bit further behind it but yeah i mean i've got these three different types of shot just three different focal lengths essentially and i'll just pick whichever one i prefer when i get home but yeah quite a simple scene i just have a little bit of snow up there on hartefell the sun has been breaking out every now and again around about here uh which has been nice just adding a tiny little bit of light up there into the sky sorry i should rephrase that the sun hasn't been breaking through as in like light on the land just a little bit of a bright patch in the sky but it's made quite a lot of difference it's been nice so yeah um i won't run through the settings or anything like that because um i've taken about 40 different shots um probably not that many but you know what i mean but i think it's gonna be quite nice i've also tried to incorporate the the hiking track a little bit of a pathway here which takes us in to the trees the lake and then obviously the mountains and stuff but yeah i love the balance that we're getting between um heron craig here and some of these trees which are going to be on the left-hand side which is nice so a little bit unexpected to get the camera out so early on but as you know as i certainly know out on a hike you just never know when you're going to get the camera [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow this is absolutely look at this stunning look at this as well not just there there's horse water there's no one here it's incredible there's not even any sheep or cattle not even any herd wicks oh it's absolutely beautiful um so i think i should have checked this should have checked this i'm just assuming i think see this one here that's sticking out i'll put it up on the screen if i'm wrong but i think that is kids d pipe there so i go up um just to the right side of these trees up this back and then sort of scoot over towards it like that but this just from i love it when you can see the whole of your hike like that it's wonderful and we've got a little you see that little rspb um bird hut there which is the royal society for the protection of birds looks like it could be a nice little bit of foreground interest i don't know um if so i'll pop a shot up of it probably not to be honest i want to crack on unreal man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty tough pretty tough i'll tell you what it's absolutely glorious out here i think i um a lot of people relate with this we're all weird photographers who like just being out of the cities and away from people i always think it sounds proper miserable but it's a part of myself that i really like quite proud of it you know i just enjoy solitude that's all i'm trying to say if you want if you're that type of person you probably are if you're indeed landscape photography a lot of us are like that um these far eastern fells here absolutely spot on i've seen one man with his two labradors the whole time that is it from start to i mean i'm nearly finished now that's what i'm stopping i just wanted to show you so i've got um see this little zigzag here probably another 100 meters of ascent i don't know another half an hour or something um and it's going to be quite a simple little climb but yeah this is just absolutely beautiful and i'm feeling quite optimistic about getting at least one more photograph especially up from the summit and uh looking back over towards hartfell which was the first mountain and i took a photograph of it feels like a while ago now but yet over there we've just got really small patches of snow you know i always say this every winter i say this but i always laugh to myself thinking people are watching from canada or norway or somebody that lives up in the arctic circle or something i don't know and they're thinking oh is this you know doing a bit of winter photography area look at this snow but no like of course we get a lot more than this um you know over the next few months but this is nice and i'm just thinking for the photography you know it's going to give it's going to give the photograph just a little bit more of an edge the sky you probably won't be able to tell from there it might be a bit bright but it's just i love it detail dark clouds bright clouds um more than enough to work with up there all right you know it could be better we could have some light shining through and stuff but as i always say that's probably just being a little bit greedy but yeah all in all just wanted to stop to say um it's nice and quiet around here and i'm feeling optimistic about the photography so let's get up this last little section here oh take the bag with me ah so we have made it up to the top of kids the pike let me tell you this it's one of these where i've had you know well not much of a view in this direction on the way up just because as i was coming up the fell i couldn't really see over the other side and um it just it just hits you when you get up here i could see all the way back towards fairfield even hell velin and bowl fell off there in the distance absolutely wonderful now as soon as i got up here to the peak um i got into i always think this i think as landscape photographers we always have like probably two different mindsets when we're out hiking we've got the the mindset that everyone else has when you you know taking it all in enjoying the landscape but then that second one is you know you're thinking you're working you're working the landscape you're thinking about how am i going to take photographs do i want foreground you know what do i need like today i'm thinking right we haven't got any light um i need to work with shapes i need to work with contrast and i absolutely love that you know so when i got up here the first thing that i noticed was all these wonderful crags up here and just thought how i've got to have them in this photograph here from the top i think actually wainwright has a drawing of these from the top and it's like you know in quotes view from the top that sort of thing so i like that as well you know um now i was going to shoot with the wide angle i'm going to get the tripod out in a minute and get set up i was going to shoot with the wide angle but as i always say i don't like how it uh makes things in the background look very small and and minimal you know the mountains basically just get lost in the background with the wide angle so i'm uh i've got the 24 to 200 on and i'm going to just zoom in ever so slightly probably about 30 mil but if you think about 30 mil compared to 14 mil on the wide angle that's almost well it's over double the focal length so it's just retaining the the size really of the mountains in the background uh but we still are gonna get this wonderful foreground of the crags because 30 mil you know it's still pretty wide on a full-frame sensor so it feels like it's a bit of a win-win for me you know um so yeah i'm going to get myself set up on the tripod make sure it's nice and level of course because we're going to be doing a panel and i'll talk you through it [Music] [Music] right so we are set up i've actually taken the photograph already the panel and sunset is in about 20 minutes but i think we can probably all agree there's not really going to be one i will stick around just in case but yeah there's a bit too much high cloud i think um now yeah i think this is going to be quite nice i'll tell you what i always i always find this but it's quite hard to tell with a pano isn't it until you actually get it home and have it stitched together on your computer so you're always there's a little bit of guesswork but there's so much texture in this photograph i think when you get the snow like it is today you know it's just patches that in itself gives the fells so much more texture and then of course down here in the foreground with all these rocks and crags that's got so much texture as well so i'm going to say again texture galore and so yeah it's about five shots from right to left f11 focus down here on the crags i'm not bothered if i lose a little bit of focus on the fells f11 you know that'll be fine for me and it's two seconds for each exposure so as always you know just make sure my tripod is nice and level so that our panel is going to stitch together properly in post production and then yeah just moving across the way um release the tripod and then moving across like that and it's going to come out fine um and like i said before i actually really like the sky yeah all right you know we're not getting a sunset we haven't got any light i actually just seen another couple there and we were saying each of you know this is the lake district this is the lake district national park especially in winter you know so this is what it's all about and doing winter photography today i don't mind it you know i really don't mind it i love the mood i love the drama i think it goes well with the snow um it's definitely a photograph that is very much about the contrast um between the colours between the blacks of the fells and the whites of the snow the black and white that we're getting from the sky absolutely wonderful so as the last photograph of the day i think i'm going to be quite happy with this one and i do love a pano i do love a panel especially up in the fells you know so thank you so very much for watching another huge thank you to valerie for kindly sponsoring today's video i'll leave a link in the video description if you want to go and check that out if you're going to get some make sure you use um the offer called henry for free shipping i think that's international as well not just the uk it is that's international so make sure you use it um but yeah big thank you to them uh most of all thank you to you guys for your support i massively appreciate it i hope you liked this last photograph and of course i'll see you on the next adventure out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Henry Turner
Views: 7,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter photography, landscape photography, Lake District national park, uk photography, snow photography, vallerret, photography gloves, gloves for photography, outdoor photography, Kirsty pike, best hikes uk, winter hiking, Nikon z7, olympus em1 mark ii, travel photography, england, scotland, cumbria, haweswater, Thomas heaton, nigel danson, van life, adventure, nature photography, mountain photography, wide angle lens, panorama photography, professional landscape photography
Id: 8lsjDwTCxqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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