Winter Mushroom Hunting: Get your Hedgehogs!

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[Music] welcome to mushroom wonderland hey how's it going everybody this is aaron hilliard from mushroom wonderland back with another video and this is another winter video right here in the middle of winter time and it's a kind of a slow time for mushrooms they're getting a little bit farther and fewer in between but i still continue to run across mushrooms i've got my eyes trained on the ground so i'm always looking for mushrooms and so in this video we're going to look at several mushrooms that i've seen in the past two weeks growing right here in the pacific northwest i'll help to identify them for you and tell you if they're edible or not my last few foraging videos i just walk through the woods and i kind of identify everything that i come across but on this video it's a little bit more of a compilation of mushrooms that i've ran across in the past couple weeks growing here in the bmw in between the snow and the heavy rainstorms there's still some mushrooms growing out here some of my favorite edible wild mushrooms are in this video hedgehog mushrooms check those out also some poisonous ones that might be a look-alike to a mushroom that you know so that is pretty important to know the ones that are dangerous look-alikes and i just want to say thanks to everybody who's a subscriber if you're new to this channel hit subscribe i'm doing this every week i'm putting out a new mushroom related video trying to cater here to the pnw but really a lot of this mushroom information is good anywhere in the world and um you know hit that thumbs up button if you're getting value out of this video and leave a positive comment uh tell me where you're from tell me what your favorite mushroom is so let's go out into the winter in the bmw and check out some of these wild mushrooms that you still might be finding growing around your area thanks for joining come on [Music] there's kind of a few species that are growing out here right now but uh there are a few choice species if you happen to run across them and i'm pretty excited because i just ran across some beautiful mushrooms growing right here kind of in a big fairy ring pattern and uh they're very orange quite a big troop of them so let's take a look at these growing here it actually just snowed here like yesterday but it melted away but it's been that cold and the snow level's been really low so uh kind of surprised to see these here and honestly i've never found a flush quite this beautiful and perfect and big so super excited gonna collect these today but let's check these out i'm going to flip the camera around so you can see right here they they kind of start here and they run along and they run along there's more down here beautiful oh there's a bunch back there too amazing so this is what you call the hedgehog mushroom so the local hedgehog here in the pnw so let's take a look at this so got kind of a funnel cap on it you see that they're really kind of dry looking and they get lighter towards the outside of the margin there towards the edge of the cap we're gonna cut one of these guys off and let's take a look underneath wow and look at that not gills not pores but we've got beautiful teeth so this is called a tooth fungi so see that all these little teeth beautiful uh beautiful example of hiding or the hedgehog mushroom and you can you can see why they would call that a hedgehog right look at that these are absolutely delectable edible and uh there's a quite a troop here so pretty excited about that um from what i understand all these hide numbs are uh edible and good edibles so um there's not really a dangerous look-alike amongst these hedgehog mushrooms uh there's a few different varieties of hedgehogs and uh they're all they're all good eating look at those man super pretty so i'm really excited to find all of these look at look at all these just kind of growing in big clusters and troops all along here some real healthy big ones some more real healthy big ones more right back there and i'm seeing a big big huge flush of them right back here in the woods look at that these guys just stick out like a sore thumb so beautiful hedgehogs everywhere these have got to be one of my favorite wild edible mushrooms so i mean look at this cluster of them would you look at that gorgeous very exciting so yeah man this is a healthy healthy patch of them and uh look at all of these guys so beautiful probably clean up all these pine needles and stuff uh before i put them in my container i'm at work right now so i'm gonna have to find a bag in my work van put all these in but uh gorgeous flush this is western washington near the puget sound kind of on the edge of the hood canal near sea back sea seebeck washington so and i've found hedgehogs in this area before it's probably been 15 or 20 years since i ran across a significant amount of them and so uh this is an exciting deal pretty exciting deal so so there you go the hedgehog mushroom look at how beautiful this hedgehog mushroom is so these are a really good edible no real look-alikes they've got this kind of a sherbert color with a pale margin real prolific teeth growing underneath there the stipe is solid and uh you know you might think these are chanterelles when you first come upon them actually this type kind of snaps pretty easy a little bit like a rustler or something but you might see these out of and think their chanterelle is growing but uh but once you see those teeth it's unmistakable you ran across a different and in my personal opinion a better uh wild edible mushroom so awesomeness we're gonna collect these up uh so uh so so i noticed some mushrooms growing here this new build new construction i do carpentry during the day and uh i noticed mushrooms on some of these job sites and if you look here we've got a whole bunch a bunch of these guys growing in this hard packed dirt they're liking this coldness and look at this kind of reddish brown color and kind of a brown color uh stipe and so when we uh when we look in here you know it's going to be hollow inside it's a often got little chambers in there and this is a fungi that is a asco my seat or a uh it's in the division ascomycota and uh it is in the uh family of a pizzier and so this is gyro mitra and flua and this is uh known as the false hooded morel um they do grow a little bit like a morel in the in the way that they're an ascomite so they produce their spores just on the surface of this of this weird uh kind of leathery surface and just like the helvela vespertina it uh lands in the ascomycete um category and asco in ancient greek meant wine sack so it reminded them of the lining of a wine sack which would be made from like a sheep stomach so if you can see that so this mushroom is the hooded false morel or the uh hooded elfin saddle and so i guess it could look like a saddle that a elf might ride on you know you see that now i kind of have this characteristic and uh there's no gills or pores or anything it's just it's like a cup fungus you know there's nothing under here it just produces spores right on the surface of this stuff in these little these little cells called ascuses and so uh this one uh just like its counterpart in the spring the gyro mitra esculenta this one is considered toxic and it contains uh gyromitron which is a compound when it's metabolized in the human body it becomes a monomethylhydrazine which is used in rocket fuel and so these are known to like make you pretty sick and potentially could give you seizures and nervous system disorders so definitely not one that you want to be eating and messing with but uh it does look a bit different from the helvela vespertina that one you could maybe confuse this with the helvella is is an edible one but these ones containing that gyromytron no good so they're growing everywhere too they love this hard pack stuff so yeah there's just tons of these so guyromytra kind of a cool looking family but definitely one you don't want to mess with check this out look down on the ground and i see mushrooms laying all over the place beautiful oyster tree here in december although these are no longer any good to eat plurotus there was a really big flush here that went unnoticed apparently or else somebody probably would have picked those those are great eating really uh a common wild edible mushroom but they're still out here in december although uh you can see they're laying all over the ground there's a bunch growing all up on the side of this tree so these are a little bit darker colored let's take a look oh yeah definitely uh slimy but these are uh yuck but these are your pluralist species and uh you might be able to find a flush that's still young enough that was a gorgeous flush about a week ago would have been awesome so there you go pluratus ostriatus sometimes you see mushrooms laying on the trail like this and it's like hey look up dummy look up on that tree whoa lots of them so pretty cool and keep in mind if you're going to eat old rotten mushrooms you can get food poisoning from eating rotten food so you know although these mushrooms aren't poisonous eating rotten food is bad for you so if they look like that just go ahead and leave them behind take a look at these big boys these things are huge and they're kind of hiding under the duff but you can see under there you know how big these are let's see let's just see what we got you look at the size of those guys those are huge pulling up look how big that mushroom is that's a big boy so it's a big mushroom look at that short little stem for that big mushroom that's how it gets its name the short-footed russella or russella brevapes brevapes means short-footed in russia they like to eat these and they pickle them and stuff eastern europe uh they like eating these america we're not the biggest fans of them but they do get uh parasitized by hypomyces lactoflorum and they become lobster mushrooms occasionally but uh david aurora describes these as the most boring mushrooms in the forest but they're huge so that's really definitely something cool going for them and uh yeah so russell of breva pete you could definitely eat those if you want just kind of bland flavored a lot going on until they get parasitized by that hypomite these lack to floor them they'll become delicious lobster mushrooms but i've never seen a lobster mushroom quite that big these things are massive they're probably uh 10 inches across maybe 12 inches across that big one so there you go russell abrevies all right going along and i look down and i see these little little clusters here at the base of this uh these uh conifer trees kind of laying in some pine needle duff and a few nice little clusters and so gonna stop crying dude stop and so these are a uh a beautiful little wild edible mushroom here in the northwest and it gets the uh it's the common name a winter chanterelle or yellow foot i'll show you why it's called a yellow foot these are actually grown in quite a cluster you can see kind of how yellow that base of the stem is and uh i'm just gonna pop this little cluster out of here so you see that they got really kind of they get yellower towards the base these ones aren't especially exaggerated but some of them are very yellow towards the base and then uh when you look at this mushroom it's often got this weird like crease in the middle of the stem and the stem is not round you know they're often kind of like rectangular shaped if uh if that's a good descriptor they can be kind of flat and so uh you know they always get lighter down here towards the bottom of this type and so although this is called a winter chanterelle it's actually in a different genus than the pacific golden chandral that you're probably used to this one is in the genus uh craterellus so this is a craterellus two bay formus and this is a wonderful wild edible mushroom real uh common late season mushroom here in the pnw they often have this little dimple in the cap they can be this color or be even darker but you see it's like a really funnel shape this one even has kind of like a little little hole right in the center and they'll often be like that and then if you look it's got it's got these these veins or gills that are kind of de-current you see how they come down the stipe like that and they're pretty pretty bendable they're actually kind of like a hollow stipe and they're pretty pretty tough little mushrooms they don't they don't fall apart too easy they take a little bit of a beating so uh so yeah these are a great one the yellow foot or the uh winter chanterelle uh craterellas two bay formulas here's some growing and this is what they look like so uh you know kind of like a little little belly button and usually they're growing in a big big troops so uh you know i could see some more that were growing over here somewhere oh yeah a bunch down in there so whenever you see some of these uh stop and take a better look oh this is a this is a pretty big one let's get this guy so look at the size of that guy that's pretty big so beautiful craterellos two bay formulas or winter chanterelles yellow foot chanterelles in washington state western washington so these ones are really good and like stir fry i make like yakisoba and tossies in there and i personally get a upset stomach from eating uh cantharelis or regular chanterelles but these don't do it all right so we're gonna collect these up and yeah i'm putting them in a plastic bag i know somebody's gonna be in the comments never use a plastic bag well hey that's all i got right now and this is one of the new fangled ones that are like recyclable so i think there's paper products in it either way it's uh they're not gonna be in there forever i do this it's okay to do this and for the rest of these i'll probably cut these out so look at those beautiful uh yellow foot chanterelles or just uh winter chanterelles and they're growing in these these clumps and these clusters like this could find so uh so yeah these will make a nice little stir fry toss them in your omelette or something yeah good good wild edible here there's been times when i found like so many of these we found just like just like 20 pounds of them okay so these are not these are not winter chanterelles so i originally thought they were but they're not kind of a look like i think a little coordinarious of some some typo over here we got a stropharia ambiguous kind of laying on its side there but uh if you keep your eyes open this time of year man you are bound to come across some of these winter chanterelles oh look at right there there's a little picepie's baitius a little black-footed polypore growing on that stick and uh this is a hot little area for mushroom growth so uh what do you think boy he's super impatient he just sits there and whines the whole time so sorry if you hear that in the background i don't know if it annoys you like it annoys me but i hear it all day so uh so yeah that's my boy gutter he's a he's a kind of a whiner so anyways i'm gonna keep moving on but got a nice couple handfuls of winter chanterelles for uh for the dinner table so go get some [Music] right on so thanks for joining on that video like i said come on next week to mushroom wonderland if you hit that notification bell it should tell you when there's a new video released and i'm going to try to keep a video coming out around sunday but don't mark my words on that quite yet life is busy doing the life thing doing the business thing doing the family thing doing the youtube thing so life's busy but i guarantee i'm gonna put out at least one video every week even continuing in the dark days of winter thanks for joining once again my name is aaron hilliard for mushroom wonderland take care my people much love you
Channel: Mushroom Wonderland
Views: 11,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mushrooms, wild mushrooms, mushroom, wintermushrooms, edible mushrooms, what mushrooms are growing right now, what mushrooms can I eat, wild edible mushrooms, winter chanterelle, hedgehog mushroom, gyromitra, oyster mushroom, december mushrooms, mushroom identification, forager, forage food, survival, bush craft, bushcraft, home steading, natural food, healthy foods, outdoor, hiking, camping, cooking, mushroom recipies, live off grid, preppers, mushroom cultivation, fungi, fantastic fungi
Id: NnbHqvBD7lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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