Winter Goldie Boxed Unboxing *New Box* Seasonal Quarterly Subscription Box by EverythingProof Beauty

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guys today i'm going to be doing a very delayed unboxing this was my goldie box for winter this is a new quarterly subscription box that is delivered seasonally four times a year so fall winter spring and summer it is one one of my favorite youtubers she's an unboxing channel her name is everythingproofbeauty i've mentioned her before she wanted to do something a little bit different if you guys have boxes i'm assuming if you're looking at this kind of content like fabfitfun causebox you know it's always like five different categories and each category has five items and you can only pick one from each category and it's frustrating because there's some categories you don't like as much in other categories you like multiple products everything proof beauty jessica wanted to find i wanted to do something different from that and basically she just offers you all the products and you picks the x amount depending on which box you decide to go with so it gives you more up more options to pick what you want and really like your box so i have the gold box from the goldie box um and i get to pick seven items and and it is sixty dollars each season the next one is the silver bear on the gold bear it's by bears because she kind of does the the goldie and the three bears i thought that was really cute the silver box gets to pick five items uh the bronze the silver box i'm sorry the silver bear picks five items and the bronze bear picks three and then there is a surprise bear which is a little bit cheaper i'll put all prices in my description box and give you all the information down there the surprise box picks three as well it's a little bit cheaper but it is a surprise jessica picks for you so i decided to go with the big daddy i got the gold so i get to pick seven items but all together i actually get ten because three are like bonus items that she picks so the goldie box has a gold bear exclusive the silver box has a gold bear uh the silver exclusive and the bronze bear has they bronze exclusive so i get all three being a goldy bear the silver bear gets the silver and bronze and the bronze gets the bronze so i think you're understanding the concept here so i'm going to show you what came in my winter box i figured it was still worth showing you this video so you guys i can get goldiebox out there this was her first box but she had a lot of people already sign up for her firm box and guys her spring box is about to sell out so today's march 17 the spring box customizations get chosen on march 20th first day of spring she's so smart for that i love that she does it that way it makes it so much easier so you know exactly when when it's opening up and when you need to get on and pick your item so i'm going to try to get this video up tomorrow so you guys have time to watch it and then go over to everythingperfutie go get to her playlist watch the spoilers and see if it's a box you want for yourself uh i definitely think it's worth it she picks if you guys know jessica she does so much research i will stand by any product that she decides to put in our box because you know it is good products she's all about companies that have give back stories that have clean ingredients she only shops cruelty free so i knew i had to get my hands on this you guys know i love supporting small business i love supporting women owned business so this was the perfect perfect box for me it is a small business it is a woman-owned business it is my favorite youtuber and i love subscription boxes so i had to get the big the bad boy the big boy so i get to pick seven items so i'm gonna show you guys exactly what i got uh and she does have a give back story she wants to make sure she did that for a box so every box sold also plants a tree she uses all recycled materials she's she shows other small brands in this box so i support even more small businesses it was just the perfect mix for me honestly and she always she includes the brochure with all the information but this was optional so if you are someone who is super environmentally conscious you want you don't want too many paper products and stuff like that you can choose to not get this i only got it because i am an unboxing channel i like to give you guys the info on the products the prices and all that kind of stuff but i love that she gave that as an option i think it was also an option to get it through a text so if you still wanted it but not the paper version you could get it it was just easier for me this way so i also love that she included some winter tips which i'm going to read to you at the end um because there's one specific tip in there i really appreciate it so the first product i picked was a product that is perfect for this time of year she definitely went with the winter theme you can even see that in the tissue paper in our box it is all winter trees so my hands have been super dry this winter they always are in the winter but this one just specifically with all the hand washing and hand sanitizing because of the pandemic so i decided to go with this product the second she introduced it it is bon blicity it is worth 12 there was two options there was the lavender which is what i got and i believe the other one was lemongrass and basically this is um a scrub that it leaves your skin feeling silky soft and smooth and it even says that you can use these on your feet so i was like oh double duty that is perfect and she even mentioned she did spoiler videos i watched all of them i mean i watched most of her videos in general because i really love her but she even mentioned how the packaging on the inside pieces um are not plastic the outside one is but the little individual ones are not it's a cellulose i believe it's called so it breaks down it's not like plastic that has that's not like biodegradable uh so i love that and does it say how many pieces come in here no just kind of oh 12 pieces 1.2 ounce so this will give me 12 really good um hand washing sessions because they add moisture to the skin even says big moisture in a tiny package and it's meant to look like little candies i thought that was so cute and then that she did a set because she wanted each product to at least have a certain dollar value so this set comes out to 12. the next thing was hand sanitizing wipes if you guys follow me on instagram i always link it down below i kind of did a like a what's in my purse well backpack i should say it's what i use for work and i was saying i always carry these at work for my safety for the kids safety we all know kids get messy they get sticky uh so i love carrying these around to wipe myself wipe them stuff around them stuff like that so i knew that was one product i was gonna grab right away when she did it in her um spoiler videos so the next thing i got i was introduced this brand already through causebox and fabfitfun i hope i pronounced correctly don't mind me hun jinsu i have one of their cleansers i absolutely it was like the hydrating cleanser so she actually had a few products offered to her by this brand she had a set of trial size cleansers which is what i originally wanted i was like oh let me try the different ones see if one works better for my skin but it's sold out really fast that's why i want to get up this video as soon as possible you guys because if you decide you want the spring box that comes out in a few days get on the second that box releases i could not believe how quickly things were selling out um so i went with the next best thing uh i decided to get the cleansing oil which actually had the highest value for 32 dollars since i already have a cleanser by them i thought this would be perfect to add to my skincare routine to do a double cleanse so i can do the oil then the regular cleanse and then do my toner and my serums and my moisturizer so i just thought this would be perfect to incorporate so they had the trial size cleansers they had the cleansing oil they had full-size cleanses and she had sheet masks all from this brand so she definitely had a lot of options with that one the next two things i got uh are both sort of the same product they're both from mavi cosmetics they are both makeup palettes but they are very different and i honestly wanted both of them they are worth 23 each one is take me to paris and the other one is take me to tokyo you're gonna see they're very different take me to japan uh tokyo i'm sorry is it very bold colors where take me to paris is more soft and feminine so i thought depending on my mood what look i'm going for that day it would be perfect to have both of these so the take me to paris like i said is more of a soft feminine color palette absolutely love it i love all the shimmers you guys know i love a good shimmer so i'm super excited to play around with these palettes the next one is take me to tokyo this is more of the bold style colors and you still have some very beautiful shimmers and i absolutely love love those bold colors the red the blue the purple the orange the green i love the pinks and to take me to paris so i'm super excited to play around with these these are worth 23 each the next thing i decided to get was the cork backed um absorbent ceramic coaster she had three different designs she had the turtle she had the starry night from van gogh and she had a set of arrows originals think about getting the arrows for me but they sold out so the next best thing was for me to get the turtles to gift to somebody which kind of worked out in my favor because i ended up getting coasters in my winter calls box and my spring fabfitfun so i have plenty of coasters so i'm actually really glad the arrow ended up being sold out and i got this my mother-in-law what i it's just easy for me to say it that way my boyfriend's mom is obsessed with turtles so i thought this would be really nice to give to her um i know she'll appreciate it and i love the like the company's message the back of the box says we believe art should not only be hung on a wall or in mind in a museum but can go with you on your journey and be enjoyed daily with useful and beautiful products and i definitely agree with that so these had a 17.95 dollar value and that's always something good about subscription box if you don't see something for yourself i mean there was plenty so much good stuff but you can always think of grabbing something if you know someone's birthday is coming up a holiday is coming up or just because gift i automatically saw the turtles i thought of my mother-in-law so i scooped these up for her so the next thing i wanted that sold out it was one of the first things that was super popular was an overtone hair mask worth 27 my hair has been super dry and damaged i have split ends i've been growing it out i have not gotten any haircuts so it's not the healthiest but i don't want to chop it off i love it so i was really looking forward to that hair mask but it's okay it happens i believe she does have a cold with overtone anyway so i'll just get it at a discount um but that's just to show you how quickly things sell out so i decided to go with the next best thing because who doesn't love a good candle i am obsessed i love candles i bring candles every night when i'm watching a movie watching tv after when i clean the house it's just so relaxed to me so soothing and um it sounded like i had a really good smell this one is maple cinnamon and i love she showed she talked about it being pet safe and it's an all-natural soy candle it's by river birch and it's worth 14 and it does smell really good you definitely pick up on the cinnamon you get some sweetness from the maple um i will say that this brand has a crown on the side of it i don't know if any of the other products i did had a crown on the side of it no so far that's the first one the sh the the crown logo stands for a company that has a give back story so because she's all about that that's why she you know she plants a tree with every box so i love that she also included that so we get to get to know more about the company and stuff like that so the next thing that i went with was a mask set um she said i had a 17 plus 50 value because it all depended on which one you got so you were gonna get two masks and i said it was perfect for winter skin she really thought about things like i said for the season she wanted masks that were gonna be hydrating um and she had a few different brands she had tatcha she had the hinjinsu like i said and a few others and you could get like any mix of the masks you could put a little section if you were allergic to anything that way and there was one that had kiwi and i did put i was watched the kiwi so it's not the one i got so that's good so i know she listened to that i figured she would it's a newer box you know um i figured she would have good customer service she definitely seems like she cares about us and she wants us to get the best deals and the best for our money and the best products so this is the odyssey brand if i'm pronouncing that right correctly so glad i got this one she showed this one in the spoiler video and i was like oh my god i hope i got that one because it is a cbd biodegradable coconut mask it hydrates nourishes and reboosts i've heard how cb is amazing for the skin and there is more and more products coming out that have cbd in them so i will have to try it now for myself and then i loved i was really hoping i was gonna get one of these as well because i love a good sheet mask but i also love a good i don't know what you would call it's like a tube mask because this you get multiple uses where this one you get one so i'm kind of glad i got both i got the two i really wanted uh this is moringa exfoliating particles purifying jelly mask so that's awesome i will get a few uses out of this one and i will get to try the cbd one so i'm really glad you guys know i love masks in this channel i'm constantly saying that every time i get one in a box or what i'm showing you guys hold so i knew that was the perfect pick for me was a little and i like that she got to pick it so it just made it a little like oh which one am i gonna get it's a little bit of mystery inside even though you pick your items plus never mind the items that she picks for us so that is the next thing i'm going to get into so i'm going to tell you what was the winter bonuses so the bronze the silver and the gold i do get all three since i am a goldie bear so bronze says all about velour it is a coffee scented bath bomb and this is it right here so i got the mocha one because i believe there was a vanilla i know there was another one i have heard about great benefits for caffeine for the skin definitely curious to try this the reason i talked about the winter tips i really appreciate you did this if you guys watch this channel you know i say all the time i do not use bath bombs because i do not take bats so every time i get them in a box i end up giving them away which i have no problem with um they make they're really cute in gift baskets i have no issues i get a lot of stuff i have no issue with giving stuff away if i know someone who will love it and use it um so i love that she included ways to still use the bath bomb if you do not want to use it like in a bathtub because i don't fit a standard bathtub i am a very plus-sized woman so she talked about how you can use in a breathable bag and place it in a drawer or closet as an air freshener you can dissolve it in water and pour it in a water bottle for a room or linen spray this is what i do do sometimes on my bath bombs use it in a small tub or bowl as a hand or foot soak i have done that with my feet and then she has crushing mix with dried flowers and a glass jar for homemade potpourri so i now i can think about different ways to use my bath bomb to be honest i may still save this one once in a blue moon i will not give one away i have a cbd one i've been dying to try that i've been holding on to uh because i will rent like a hotel room that has like a jacuzzi tub when i go away and i will save them for when i go on those trips and because i've heard such good things about caffeine for the skin i just thought of this is it feels like it's gonna smell so good i love the scent of coffee coffee so i would love to just bathe in this so i think this is gonna be one i am gonna save for that this is valued at ten dollars the next thing which was the silver bear exclusive is by sherfina if i'm pronouncing that right it's worth 8.95 and they have a little crown which means they have a good backstory and it is this cute little box of chocolates it says that the top says maple bourbon caramels and it says in her little pamphlet it says rich dark chocolate maple caramels infused with the flavor of kentucky bourbon of course non-alcoholic so this is really cute even if you're someone who doesn't like chocolate how beautiful is this to add to a gift basket you can tell this is a higher end chocolate so i think this is super cute to give as a gift or if you do love chocolate eat and then you can even save the little container put your bobby pins hair clips super duper cute cotton rounds whatever this might hold my like reusable cotton rounds that i got in the cause box i just gave myself an idea on my vanity so i absolutely love this and then last but not least was the gold bear exclusive and i have gotten these other boxes in the past base blue must be doing deals with subscription boxes i if you guys watch some of my current videos uh from bombay and cedar and stuff i've gotten a few of these but i will say i do absolutely love these so i'm totally fine with having two more so it's valued at 13 and it's just cosmetic sponges kind of like a beauty blender but not the name brand beauty blender uh but she even says how it is her holy grail she absolutely loved this she says it feels like it gives her seamless makeup application um or it even says for a hands-free application of skincare i never thought of that since i have so many could definitely use one for skincare but it is always good to have them because you are supposed to change these periodically you know just because of bacteria i think every three to four months so we're definitely good to have backups i actually have like a little glass container on my desk i throw all my sponges in there so it looks kind of cute and it's part of the decor and it has all the different colors so i'll definitely add that to this or i figured i'd just throw another idea out there because i love the packaging on them so much it looks like a diamond i think this is super cute to give to someone as a gift in a gift basket you guys know if you watch my videos i love giving gift baskets i love putting a little gift together i just filmed one i'm giving a little gift basket for my cousin so someone's birthday easter whatever this one is also super cute to give as a present but that is everything that came in my winter goldie goldiebox so like i said if you guys are interested i am going to link the website below how if i remember i'm going to do her instagram her uh and the goldiebox instagram so you can get more details i definitely think it is a awesome box to subscribe to um she did leave a few more winter tips it says eco-friendly tips swap a chemical de-icer for magic ice or ice clear which is cool because it's again it's for the winter i love that she did this and loose leaf tea can be purchased in bulk and reduce waste and micro plastics released by tea bags i actually do use loose leaf tea a little spoiler she's gonna have a what do you call those um a tea infuser diffuser option in her spring box and it is one of the 100 things i know i'm going to get if it doesn't sell out so like i said march 20th i'm going to post this as quickly as i can so if you guys are interested definitely sign up i'll link the website down below uh i will link her youtube video explaining goldiebox and then you can go from there and see like her playlist if you want to see the other spoilers um again perfect if you love subscription box you want to support small businesses women-owned business but she only literally has 30 spots left she definitely has some loyal people um or just people that know how good quality products she chooses because of all the research she puts behind everything um if you guys like the video if you think you're gonna like goldiebox give the youtube give the video a thumbs up it really helps the youtube algorithm definitely comment down below what product would you most likely wanted to have received out of this box are you guys goldiebox members do you think you're gonna become goldiebox members i love talking with you guys down below that is it for this video guys be safe
Channel: Taylor Marie
Views: 108
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mShl2v1wpVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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