Winter Disco NEW LOL Surprise Big + Little Sisters + Fuzzy Pets Blind Bags

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cookies world alright cookie fans are you guys ready if you guys watch yesterday's video I started to unravel and reveal this a surprise from lol that they had sent me I am excited to check out what is the winter disco this almost is like a super duper giant lol surprise ball look at how big this is but it's actually like a box heat inside it looks like get ready to chew out and boogie down with all of the B beats at the elbow surprise winter disco let's start cracking into these and see what they're all about whoa look how big and I see these lol balls are this is the biggest lol surprise ball I have seen this is a big one so this is the glitter globe which one is this one this is the fluffy pets so on this side it looks like we have another big sister another fluffy pet and what are these - oh these are the new little sisters Oh but right away their packaging is so amazing it actually looks like I'm holding like a little snowball or something like a sparkling pink and icy blue piece of ice it looks really special so they all have the same packaging oh why do I get the feeling these are gonna be the coolest lol surprise yeah there's eight surprises on the inside okay open it look at that layer it's like a translucent glittery icy layer peel it away way sir any surprises for us you guys can almost see what is inside of here this looks so amazing it looks like a big giant chunk of ice and inside is nothing but surprise blind bags is it the same way with the little fluffy pets to move this to that sound it actually feels like there's snow in here isn't that the sound snow makes the pets one oh okay that's cool that is so cool well this one's gonna have nine surprises whoa okay we're gonna open up this late oh that is so cool that is totally different than the big sisters because you can actually see the snow sprinkled in there with a bunch of glitter too but the big sister oh the big sister does have it too I didn't even see it it also has a little bit of some snowfall on it so they both have snow in there of course it's not real snow but it looks just like a glittery snowfall I love that okay so the big sister and the pets both have the glitter oh and we have a little secret message mmm dance bells all grooving to the jingle bells through what does this one say dance snowflake snow dancing in the snowfall all right little sisters let's see if this icy ball also has the snowfall oh that is a golden ball peel it like an orange there's the little secret message this one says light bulb tree all lighting the tree alright does this one head okay so the little baby sisters do not have the little snowfall in there but look at that you can see wrapped up inside of that icy paper is surprise wine bags so let's start things off with the big sister so crack it open Oh carefully carefully alright we broke the ice there is all of the snow inside of here it's all capsulated inside of the little plastic ball so it won't just fall out then we have our icy surprise in here we can take out the snow ball outside of the ice and side of the snow oh there's something new in here - is that a little stand there's like a little clear see-through stand and the new checklist and the surprise blind bags which are very very cool let's see who's having fun at the winter disco oh oh cutie look at how green this one is the bold baby the sleigh babe who miss snow in Laie cutie figure-eight she's the ice skater Snow Leopard Presi she loves presents tinsel on point soldier boy and dreamin baby this is adorable this is adorable oh I can't wait to find these these are gonna be so amazing and on the back of course you can see even more they look like they are in a winter wonderland all right let's see which one is inside of this surprise slime bag and what accessories they came with looks like the bag kind of got iced over oh and this one you can kind of see right through the little frosty window right here you can kind of see the surprise we'll open this one and oh somebody loves cotton kay and there's not a strawberry snow cone and they also oh we've got a little sand piece which we can actually fit right inside of the clear case here that looks like a snow globe guys I can't wait for Christmas it's gonna be so great this year so we've got red white and green little pom-poms whoo there are little sippy bottles really cool it's like clear and it's got like a glittery red top very festive and look at her I cannot believe how cool these are these are really cool lol surprise I can't believe it so she is the little sugar girl little dreamin baby and it looks like she is dreaming of sugar plums and everything is sweet and delicious like little gingerbread all that for Christmas and we'll give her her little sweets to look at that little bubblegum well I can't even pop the bubble gum right out of her mouth and of course she can drink from her sippy cup and look at her hair it looks like sugary glitter has been iced over like it actually looks like an ice sculpture this is absolutely adorable but of course it's still nice and soft it feels just like regular lol surprise hair but it just has that icy amazing look she's so cute with her little freckles she is so cool and we've got an extra surprise that comes with her you can actually build and make your own snow globe so we're gonna take these little pieces here that are part of her surprise ball I put it together you can see we've got some little instructions right here so we are going to peel this off now there is like a little tiny piece right here we got a teeny tiny little cap look that we can peel off just like that now this does have glitter on it so now this is the chamber that opens up all of the glitter inside of the little glitter ball here so we need to be really careful with this one I'm gonna set it right on the stand and then I'm gonna fill it with water there we go just gonna use this little ice cream cone cup and pour it in it's just kind of sitting right on the top oh there it is it kind of dripped in oh it kind of went in there because now you can see that the water is kind of mixed in with the glitter carefully pour it again see doesn't really go in it just kind of sits at the top here oh it's not really going into the snow globe so I'm gonna go hold this under the water and a few drops at a time it kind of gets stuck right at the top oh there we go it's kind of filling there we go you little drops and look at that it's it's filling up with water it's actually working look just like that I have it mostly filled with water and now I'm just going to put the wheel cap right back on it so the water and the Glitter does not spill out so I'll just put that right on guys look at that look at that there's actually water inside of the snow globe you can make your own snow globes I'm totally gonna have these out on display at Christmastime give it a little shake look at that look at now I'm gonna put in inside my dreaming babies just like that on the display stand I'm going to snap her into place and then put on the little display stand and look at that you guys she could actually be displayed inside of this snow bulb so you can have her facing like that or turn her around close it up she can be peeking out through of this snow globe water these are absolutely awesome this is my favorite lol season this is my absolutely favorite wave this is so cute this is absolutely precious we have flipped it upside down and now you can see that snow it shake her up now you can see all that snow just floating and gliding around her how cool is that it looks like she's in like a swirling storm that is really amazing oh look and you guys can also stack up the snow globes too to actually build and make a little snowman so we've got the big sisters now we'll open up the fluffy pets make the next snowman look right here so we've got our little stickers you can peel away see that has that little tiny cap right inside open up the ice ball careful yes and here inside of the snowball ours the prizes yes all right let's see the checklist with these pets oh oh they're fuzzy oh they're cute these pets are definitely ready for the winter time all right what do they look like oh they're precious they're so precious these ones don't look as fluffy oh wait they've got a cute little Bonita perrito hope the new pony here vacay Nene we've got wreck that's right here cute little puppies kiddies and bunnies you guys they are too precious - precious of course I have to find those ponies though because ponies are my favorite specially if it's a fool poni I want to see them get SuperDuper fuzzy okay so we've got another one of our snow globe stands and a little stand so let's attach that right away to the little snow globe there we go whoa this has a lot of surprise blind bags ooh oh we got a little hair barrette peas well if it's gonna have so much fur you might as well style it with a little hair barrette ooh what's inside of here it almost feels like there's nothing oh but it's something teeny tiny we've got an itty-bitty tiny little bracelet so many blind bags this one's something also tiny oh we got another hair barrette and here all that was a slice of iced pizza looks like someone left this one in the freezer too long Oh oh it fell out it's right here a teeny tiny pearl necklace Oh a microphone this pet loves to see oh they come with a little sippy cup too and oh we got a little hairbrush and that's got like a little pearl kitty on it so who is the pet look at the shape of this blind bag what is that and inside of this whoa wait wait you guys what this lol pet looks like it doesn't have a painted face it actually has like a fabric printed face that's actually fabric whoa that's crazy okay SuperDuper soft and fuzzy oh it is so soft it's got like lots of colorful fur too we've got kind of like icy purple I see blue baby pink and ice white so it looks like this pet is wearing like a little fuzzy snow suit heel to reveal oh look at that it's almost like a fuzzy sticker layer so we can peel off all that fuzzy layer and look we've got like a little strip of fuzz make sure to keep our little ice piece here that the pet was in look at this this is just like UTA's can peel off the back of the fur there we go to get to this gold piece look at her fun hair you know who she looks like right then we can peel off of this layer who is a big layer fur let's stick it right on here and we can actually peel off her little face mask bunny put that little piece right here on the little iceberg you guys and look at her in her little snow suit and of course we can take this piece off too she doesn't have to keep Amy at peace there we go just peel it off for a buy fur look at how fuzzy this is it almost looked like another pet Nessus got a really fuzzy furry tummy never gonna peel away like that right there so she has been completely revealed so now we can take all of this fur that was collected and now you can actually piece it back on to your little pets and make them have a fuzzy winter coat if you would like so if we want to take some of this fur and loop it back on her body now I can give her a very very fuzzy bunny coat just like that oh you guys this is my favorite this is so much fun take these small little pieces put them right on the back of her little bunny ears and get her all dressed back up for the winter time look at that you guys she can definitely definitely hang out in a snowstorm she would be so cozy inside of all of this fuzzy fur just add another piece on and beyond the back of her here look at her hair she's so fuzzy and awesome these are so so cute and of course if she wanted to wear this little fuzzy mask there we pick on her too why not she's absolutely awesome so now let's make her little snow globe for her so I'm gonna do the same thing and I'm just going it to drip some water right here in the top after I take this little piece off and close it up don't want any water or glitter to spill out here we go now give the snow globe a shake yes it looks so perfect yeah let's have her bunny hop on she can hide out inside of the snow globe oh no her feet don't actually fit inside of the little display so I'm gonna remove this piece that's just for lol her little bunny feet don't fit into the little stand so I'm just gonna place her in here no problem and close it up now she's as cute as a little snow bunny inside of a snow globe whose is so cute okay so let's now attach this snowman piece right up here it just attaches on perfectly just like that so now we got our two little snowballs now the little sisters this one's gonna be cool because this one is a golden ball whoop open it up and here's our snowball yes okay we've got our little snow globe piece and Vanille oh we've got little snowmen stickers so you can actually decorate the little snowman's face look at those cute stickers all right here's the new checklist oh I'm already in love with this one the little rainbow raver there's the new boy little swag boy she's got a new brother there's a cute monkey to find so you can find pets or siblings they are all really really cute of course they're adorable there's another little boy right there little twin dude your majesty whoo we've got some awesome Sunny's Roo a really cool glittery bag the queen bee side it's gonna be a pet or a brother or sister for Queen Bee let's see which little pet or sister is it and they're super duper fuzzy they're completely covered in fuzzy fur well we're just gonna have to do them in some warm water so we will just have the little kitty hop into some warm water and because the water is warm it will do fuzz her fur right off of her so just give her a moment blow it in here oh look at that the fur is already starting to just peel off of her oh it's deep buzzing in the water I can already see all of her fur hmm let's see can I just kind of wipe it yeah look at that I can just wipe it with my fingers to reveal her oh she's got glitter on her hair look at all of this wet matted fur right I think she is ready to come on out there we go now we can see the cute little pattern on her she kind of has like little stripes on her arm that I love the little fur detail above her eyelashes this is the kitten oh and it says she's a color changer so in some icy water dunk her like a little music note behind her - that was adorable okay that is a cool color changer so it looks like little dreaming baby is not a color changer but a tease bunny might be let's check her out to ever come out of her little snow globe but of course we have to take off all of her beautiful fur so her fur coat definitely needs to be peeled off just peel it and stick it man will dunk her into the water - does she color change no doesn't look like she color changes I can't believe how much this one totally color changes alright don't miss it don't blink whoo just like that color changes in an instant and then color change right back oh it's so frosty you can barely see her there we go whoo of course this one does not color change now for the smaller balls they do not have the snow in them so I'm just going to take my pet and put them right inside close it up and now I can take my little pet inside of the little snow globe and attach on top of the little snowman and now use up my little stickers to decorate the snowman this is so cute that is absolutely the most precious thing ever okay this is awesome I absolutely love these little winter disco pets these are so so cute I love the fact that you can like and display them all especially in these really cool like a little snow globes these are absolutely awesome please leave me a comment below you know how you feel about the winter disco lol pets little siblings and Big Sisters I think they're really cool I can't believe how much you can do with them just with all the fur and the snow globes and the decorating in gold the grooming hair styling I mean their hair is just so cool I just can't believe it she is so awesome thank you so much too LOL for sharing these with me they absolutely know I'm crazy about lol and that you guys love seeing the new sneak peeks looks like these are going to be out next month at Target and everywhere worldwide in October so this is like a super sneak peek with these I'm super excited thank you lol oh and I have a whole another snowman row inside of this box here too so I'm gonna do a second part so make sure you're subscribed because you don't want to miss this video and all the other new awesome lol stuff that's coming out keep cool today and I'll see you guys in my next video baggage fans [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 2,132,842
Rating: 4.7486124 out of 5
Keywords: family, new, friendly, cookie swirl, video, surprise, blind bags, lol surprise, lol, cookie swirl c, cookie, swirl, new lol surprise, new lol, blind series, blind, blind lol surprise, sister, big, big sisters, giant, makeover, real, reaction, today, beauty, awesome, world, color, change, changer, lol videos, collection, case, fashion, the, vlog, pets, lil, winter disco lol surprise, winter, disco, snow, ice, part 1
Id: yJcAWmb-7B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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