Winter Catfishing (Chicken Liver)

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fish on what the what the hell is that fish on guys you okay this is what we come for right here so what we got going on today is uh it's February it's cold out here it's been raining on and off very cloudy as you can tell so in the middle of little rainstorms we are going to take advantage of it and get out here and see if any catfish want a bite so we're just going to walk around here and get on those rocks over there show you follow this little path a little bit we're going through here I'm going to get on these rocks and we'll catch you guys when we get to the dam all right you guys we do not have a sinker heavy enough for this current with this Dam open right now so I'm not sure if this spot is going to work out for us it is sprinkling a little bit the rain right now I don't want to jins it it's not too bad as long as it doesn't get any worse than this I think it's okay didn't anticip at doing this type of stuff today so I didn't wear the best shoes in the world all right so I'm going to come right here and cast up in this corner hopefully my bait didn't just fly off let us pray and I'm going to stick this right here current's definitely pulling it already and while we wait on that of course we're going to throw our little tube around and if this don't work out guys we'll just move down river where it's a little bit calmer the Hulk is gone all right we're going to move down this this current is just a little too strong and we don't have any heavier sinkers with us we uh place the order we're just kind of waiting on them to arrive so we're going to move down the stream and hopefully our luck changes let's go find out same spot we just walk down to get away from some of that fast moving water that uh oh my God and I'm seeing in mud that's not cool not cool at all I don't think this this all looks pretty shallow yeah this Sinker is already snagging bottom yeah I would not cast that Pole right here though going to be honest with you we might have to change locations I think we should go just need a little bit of a deeper hole for this time of year and I know where one's at so we're going to go to it we'll catch you guys there spot number number two this it boys and girls we speak it into existence when to catches a catfish what is it a dead fish yeah what kind hot dogs there's a dead trout which trout do not live not in this section of the river and um yeah it's been gutted and there's hot dogs somebody's been here trying to catfish you know somebody's wife is at home like Henry where are the are my hot dogs I just went grocery shopping Maddie just sent the Fade Out the liver so just going to wait and see what happens we know if we get bit I'm going to go cast over here we been put in a lot of work lately um I'm just going to be honest with you it's been a Struggle Bus this month for us we've been catching some here and there let me know if we get a bite been catching some here and there but not a lot which is to be expected in the winter you know but man it's been like you have to really put in the work and time just to get one bite which again you know is to be expected February in Virginia really looking forward to Spring can try hopefully I don't catch a tree out just a little bit further some fish no way know what the is is that what the y'all what the is that like a muscle that is a first I caught a muscle or whatever this is a river clam literally bit down on my bait and I don't know how to get it off well at least I caught something for the day it won't open up you're going to have to get the pliers why did it do that did it break my hook no do you just release these guys we're going to release the muscle there he goes I guess watch that there he Sun but um I I don't know what they if they swim I don't know though there he is back in the water I don't know if they move if it will go off I don't know what they do but it's in the water so oh cool big bite big bite big bite on the catfish ride that's what we want to see that's a good sign hey guys we got a good bite we're going to get one she's biting again you'll know when she's on oh fish on gas oh God it's huge yeah me too that's a nice one that's a nice one just keep press her and get her right here and we'll get her I think it's a channel a very big Channel I can't tell yet though it's either Channel or blue nice one though very nice fish all right get her on up here that's a tank of a fish right there guys waa this is what we come for right here we're going to weigh this puppy cuz she's she's a nice Channel cold fish gra yes all right big girl I'm shaking thanks for the bite big baby we needed that 668 almost A 7even pounder all right guys um this is Maddy's catch but I'm going to let her go we got some quick shots of her she is trying to death roll me and poke me so hard but um I don't know if I've ever told you guys this but it's actually this fin right here the bone right there on the side and these top fins the bone right here that's what'll get you so as long as you're not touching those and she is trying to wrestle with me and she is a beast of a fish and very powerful and she's very heavy so we're going to carry her back and get this baby back into the water guys I'm telling you pictures are probably not even doing this girl Justice she's so big but let's get this beauty clean back into the water she's a mean girl too B good girl big old beautiful Channel there's some weird for you over here too yeah there's all kinds of hot dogs there she goes and I'm not going to lie the way she took off scared me a little bit she's just so powerful it like jerked but yeah she's good and that's what matters awesome job Maddie thank you thanks for releasing her for me not a problem I cannot believe that fish wasn't a 10 pounder it just its head was so big and it felt so heavy but anyways let's get this bait out here and where we caught her at or where Maddie caught her at was right over here on this area water's not moving as quickly right there and you have back up in that corner it's all kinds of like stuff that's just been washed down stream and piled up just a lot of structure back there so Maddy called it and said I feel like this area would be great and we noticed we were getting bites right out the gate took a little while but she got the fish so let's see if we can get catch number two don't got to be too far out about right there will be perfect and we're just going to let her sit and wait we're already getting another bite but it's uh it's barely plucking it doesn't showed any signs of it's really about to take it so we're just patiently waiting what are you it's a mo was it a moth okay I I ain't scared of moth I just didn't know what it was hopefully we get number two and of so we'll probably call it after that cuz it's getting cold all right you guys so so far we've been sitting here for maybe 10 minutes and um we haven't gotten any more bites or anything since I told you we last had some action we're here the other day and um I'll play you that clip we actually had a fish on it's a big one good let's come over here hold on guys let uh Maddy start us off by Landing this fish did it come off a saw him surfacing too he's big almost had a fish we do believe the drag was too loose so there's that anyways we had some luck today hopefully we'll get one more fish if not it's uh you know this is just how winter fishing goes It's always a possibility that you'll get skunks there's one sure way to catch nothing and that's not getting out and trying so we just red in and something stole the bait stripped it clean so we're going to put slap another piece on there we're probably going to give it one more cast out wait maybe 10 15 minutes I know that doesn't sound very long that's long enough to know if one's interested in biting in the area and uh then we're going to pack it up and call it a day hey one fish is better than no fish all right you guys we are going to call it a day that sun once it goes down it is like unbearably cold out here we're going to head on home at least we got one today that's better than zero so we'll take it and it was a new PB I love that for me I love that for you too that was fun let me show yall this GTO cuz we're out of sinkers she two sinkers up that's the only way these are all we were working with is these tiny baby sinkers and uh these that are for bass Texas rigs very sophisticated it's called the Matty rig but anyways that's all we had cuz we're out of sinkers we place the order we're just waiting on the heavier sinkers to come but yeah today kind of sums up how how the Winter's been treating us and uh it's not very nice all right here's our muddy embankment we get to go down cat you guys downhill hopefully I don't roll down the hill I came equipped today girls and boys I'm going to show y'all a few of you actually told us with panty hose and stuff it helps to keep liver on a hook a little bit better we don't have any panty hose and we didn't feel like run into the store or nothing like that so we're just going to make the best out of what we do have all right and this stuff I will make me gag cuz it's like starting to rot the catfish love it so we're using the same gray cuz this is the very next day and our sinkers are still not here at the bottom of the bucket is usually when the liver is the most mushy and disgusting disgusting I'm putting it on a big old glob and I'm going to try some something that I've not tried before I'm going to get a piece of this we actually found this fishing line in the river o it stinks so bad I'm going to try to wrap this around here like the shank of the hook and just kind of tie it on to help hold the liver from uh flying off kind of work with the memory of the line there we go so now I'm just going to tie this the best I can and now I'm going to make sure this is all are really good I'm going to go wash my hands off cuz e it stinks that water is like ice disposable gloves would really come in handy but again we didn't go to the store we don't have any money we're broke can't afford a um disposable gloves there we go it looks like a catfish don't it yep got whiskers we picked this spot because this spot because right there we got some structure it's near some current I just feel like uh I could be wrong but I feel like it's worth a try right here hopefully it doesn't fow for my line works perfect so now I'm going to reel her in make sure our lines are tight tight lines and I'm just going to and now we wait exact same conditions as yesterday we're just out here figured a getting bit already gra it you okay yeah fish on I was literally during the entry we just cast it out I swear to you uh that didn't take what MD 2 minutes yeah not even 30 seconds oh he's really drinking hard this might be a PB for me don't want him to get you hung up I'm trying not to trying to keep press on all right here he comes oh yeah he's he's big careful M's like slipping guys this mud is Super S he's big another big one all right guys I'm going to grab him Maddie doesn't really she's not extremely comfortable with these guys yet so um I'll be oh without slipping and falling into the freaking River hi big guy you going to wrestle me like the last one that was so quick so quick we just got here we just got here guys so the fishing line method worked oh I'm trying not to fall this mud is super slippery let's get this guy up here a little bit so he's not so much in the mud we get a weight but I definitely don't think this guy beat Maddie's from yesterday I'm going to say probably about 5 lb what do you think yeah PB for me though my PB is like three I'd have to look it's not bigger than 4 lb I got it there we go thank you for the bite all right you ready yep all right what we got 6.04 6.04 I gave you 5 lb and you're bigger look at that belly pink belly that's a good fish right this is a new PB for me we both just crushed our PBS I wish I could fist bump you but this girl is getting really heavy and um wow thank you for the bite sweetheart so quick that was probably a record bite for me with catfish Channel anyways but we're going to go ahead and get this girl back into the water hopefully out slipping this mud is get turned to the side pretty crazy thank youwe sweetheart you go back and uh you have lots of babies and we'll catch you again hopefully let's get her out of all this mud there we go she got to be able to take off from here there she wow incredible my PB before this was it wasn't even 4 lb I want to say I'll have to go back and check I keep a log of all of that but so that that definitely crushed my PB let's get another line out there what do you think should we all right madd's turn let's see if we can get another one today some chicken oh yeah of it flew off but that's okay did yeah it's so soggy I I tried the line method again but a little bit did fly off it's uh we're down near the bottom and that's mainly why we came out today number one I wanted to get a PB number two we wanted to finish that up we want it out of refrigerator it's pretty disgusting and today was a I don't know what this is you going to bite you definitely are did we just find the catfish Central maybe I don't know we'll wait hopefully we can get one more but I'm going to tell you guys even if we leave right now I'm so happy we had a little HIC up guys I think the bait got snagged we're going to check it no it's still some on there but probably not as much as we would uh like so what we tied though stayed on I will say tying the bait does seem so far to to help hope so let's get another piece on [Music] there we just got this out here we already got some bites the problem is if we have a bait thief on our hands we only have enough for maybe one more cast out but we are going to bite so hopefully this guy or girl takes it just getting a good bite hopefully it doesn't steal the bait if it does that's it last piece and um it was super super mushy so it will be very easy for this fish to steal [Music] it all right you guys we just roded in he stole most of our bait um even with the little string you can see tied around it it managed to hold that much on that was it so that was all the bait we had we're just going to give this little piece dang it's really that stram does it's it's JG hold it on there I wanted to give it to the fish [Music] but anyways yeah that that happens we're going to throw this away we actually have a little trash bag over here we've been picking up trash off of the bank our own plus other people's and we're going to take it up here and put it in the trash and it's it's crazy how people leave their trash laying on the bank there's literally a trash camera right there you have to pass it to get to your car and when it comes to river banks usually especially where people fish a lot on these river banks in the city don't leave it how you found it all right you guys we came we saw would you say we conquered you got your personal best I'd say we conquered you got your personal best yesterday so it's been a great weekend we got one catch but it was the catch to get so we're pretty stoked about that and this is winter fishing for you and that's um exactly why we wanted to document this weekend and show you guys how it's been going for us this winter not catching a lot but what we are catching is um usually pretty big so you know we'll take it but that's going to wrap this up thank you guys so much for tuning in I hope you enjoyed it and as always we will catch you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Kast Queens
Views: 2,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winter Fishing, Catfishing, Girls Fishing, Fishing, Winter Catfishing, Channel Catfish, Catch and release, River Fishing, Bank Fishing, Winter Bank Fishing, Cold water fishing, Women Catfishing, Cat Fishing, Women Fishing, Rainy day fishing, Chicken Liver Fishing, Big catfish, Girls fish too, Whisker seekers, James River, James River Fishing, James River Catfishing
Id: 8y-AQpY2_-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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