WinSCP FTP Client Overview

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hi in this video we're going to be talking about the when scp ftp client so this is a free download it's a pretty powerful client you can do all kinds of things with it you it'll open up other sites besides ftp sites so for example if i go to new session here and a new site i could do sftp scp ftp webdav amazon f3 and it's just a matter of putting in your host name address port number name and password if you have one you have some advanced options that you could do as well once you create the connection and then all you got to do is choose your site you can manage it so let's say we have this test site here that i made this is a free site you could actually go and play with to give you an address and the uh or host name and name and password and then you know from there you could even open in putty rename it clone to a new site make a desktop icon and so on so once you have your site configured click on login and so here's the root of the test site so let's say i want to make a folder here for example play around here and then you could set permissions you know as well for this folder if you need to okay so there's my folder so let's say i wanted to just dump some files over let's say bookmarks cisco letter presentation so you just simply drag and drop them over there and that's going to upload them to the site just like that and so once you're there you have you know you could delete check the properties edit download make new folders and other kinds of files do searches refresh go home back and forward and even on your local site here you have options if you want to check properties go home make new folders delete edit upload and so on and then you have some synchronization options as well so if you want to synchronize the local directory with the remote directory or if you want to keep a remote directory up to date so let's say we want to do this sound recordings folder this has five files in it and we want to keep this folder up to date with it so let's say okay so you got it there's our sound recordings folder at the source and my test at the destination then you have your synchronized options delete files update subdirectories so let's click on start and yes we want to synchronize okay so this is waiting for changes in one directory here so now we have these five files here that we did and they're over here as well so let's say we want to we deleted this one because it doesn't belong there and now we want to synchronize it again or keep files up to date click on this again make sure i'll always make sure this picked the right folder because it's going to go on based on what you have selected over here so if you're in a different directory and you try to uh synchronize a different folder you're going to be doing the wrong one here okay so we're going to click on start here actually let's uh click on the delete files option okay so now you can see it synchronized it so now we have the same files here it deleted this one at the destination as well so that's just one of the things you could do you could even open terminals and putty from here go for all the preferences for all kinds of stuff you could do too so obviously i can't go over every little feature so i just want to give you the quick overview so i'll put a link in the description and you could download it yourself and if you need to do any kind of you know file transfer you know there's stuff like filezilla but i like this a lot better it seems like it's easier to use and it does a lot more so give it a shot and see what you think alright thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe [Music]
Channel: OnlineComputerTips
Views: 11,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftp client, free ftp client, winscp download, filezilla alternative
Id: 47pd5kPCEW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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