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what's up guys it's 4:30 in the morning regionally woke up at 50 so we get our flight to Sydney as you guys can see behind me the airport is just now waking up I don't really want to vlog I'm really tired I slept like an hour again it's the running man well we're in city now and they lost our baggage John decided Shawn decided to send our bags to Gold Coast instead of sitting do you know what else I got I got the bags back you didn't you didn't you're right you're proud of that stay what called you a this guy called me a here yeah he looked at me to go zoast and afar's tell me I was it yeah Oh get that guy go get him Oh get that boy he was batteries already blinking red but in my defense I haven't vlogged in two days me doing a Shawn I've not gotten any sleep I'll explain a little more later welcome we're in Brisbane now I didn't film any of the airport stuff because we've done that like seven times I just kick this vacuum guys but dude I went full in right there this feels marks it's all from me if we decide we're gonna get an exercise ball and our hotel is right on the beach so we're gonna go down the beach super trampoline balls crazy diet with DIY super tramp vs. mini trampoline crazy trips tricks on the beach I didn't upload yesterday as you guys know because I didn't film anything the day before because we were literally just sleeping and doing nothing I'm vlogging in kids have you guys what are you filming blogging he goes I don't think I was trailing the mic it's done anyways the batter's gonna die but yesterday we didn't do anything the day before we didn't do anything but I have to flog today because I can't skip two days it's not gonna work we're gonna buy how many just one why won't we only better up better up better up and if I got you I got you I got you no it's not the wrong sport you're the wrong sport Sean and uh a but about ie bit about uh but uh it's winter exercise ball one hundred dollars yeah seventy five hundred sixty five oh five seven o'clock yeah whatever that means I like that idea so do part of the sixty fun look at this girl she's all like chilling doing yoga this is how you use it but that's not how we're gonna use it boy your cameras in town is not focusing let's find out well if it's a true hidden talent game where you lock yourself in a big white room and you have tennis racquets and you hit a ball at a wall and ballet okay this is a bike shop will they inflate the balls for us we're learning we're learning we found out they come with a pump they assumed that any kids with indefinite of Sean Oh No dos thanks man so I'm pretty sure bringing out of the beat here we're down there we're gonna put well it's this month doing excuse me sir this is our apartment get out oh it's a butterfly never mind you could say I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to yell at you I'm gonna go outside and knock and act like this is my first time here okay cool oh wow this apartment that I have never been inside of my in my entire life all right tanner dude yeah oh hey is it cool if I stay here what can I stay here well this is our apartment huh yeah hey guys it's been a very long three days I just want to personally apologize unorganised all these vlogs have been lately we've been traveling non-stop haven't been sleeping I still am really congested and don't feel very good right now but I don't even get a quick tour of our little apartment house where we're staying in the Gold Coast and then we have these electric balls over here electric electric so what are they called where the hell did I get electric yoga balls back there we might go down to the beach after we eat but we're gonna see how much time we have cuz the Sun is not going down but it's on its way to her this is our view from our apartment slash hotel whatever this is called the beach is right down there and it looks exactly like why it's really really cool this is our living space comes with a it comes with a light a lamp a light house a light house these a kitchen a very good kitchen it's got quality everything Apple sticker we actually have an apple microwave and believe it or not I don't know how about the UM the bathroom and here it comes with mold it's actually really really high quality though it's um it's CNC 4 times reinforced the mold dual dual clutch molding then we have the voice room over here and then Daddy's much kitty and then I get the big room because you know swag swag swag like I said we're just waiting for our Domino's to get here we're gonna eat our pizzerias if we have time that snot hasn't gone down yet we're gonna go down to the beach dig some holes and then new flips off these super trampoline crazy ball so three days ago we left Melbourne to go to Perth we got to Perth at like 6:00 in the morning stay there for one day next morning we left our hotel at 4:00 we got like three hours of sleep that night so every single day we were traveling somewhere and weren't sleeping so we're all really exhausted and tired so we went to the owner of scooter Hut's house today and like took a snap and like slept before we check into hotel so we're all really exhausted and worn out it's only really it slowly getting worse like the sleep was just getting worse and worse as we went on alright we finally just got the pizza after like an hour they ran down there cuz we saw him cuz before a car came but they couldn't find parking so they left they all ran down by the meet the bike rider dude and then he came he came when they're running down there so they sprinted back up the stairs Pizza what is that called cheeseburger pizza cheeseburger pizza welcome to Australia guys it's getting way too dark I think we're gonna wait till tomorrow to do the yoga ball thing hearing dad tomorrow it's the man the myth the legend Dylan I don't have you guys remember he was in all my family doesn't know in Spain like five six months ago and Dylan has a car so we can go do it everyone to cause we go to Disney let's go let's go we're gonna do it we're gonna get old look there's a roof routine Dylan just got his drill but he wants to fly it while you use player gimbal down here this is not safe look how far down it is really close there I call it won't love me oh okay what success q what are you doing sorry as you guys know I'm not going out with Dylan for a good week when I was in Spain and his dad works for Qantas which is a huge airline that we're actually flying home on and he goes hey Tanner I can come to San Diego whenever I want I said do it he's on the phone with his dad we fly home in four days I'm pretty sure he's come back to San Diego with me yes yes yes I'm coming and I can use because my does you know with the airline I get to use my free flights so I don't have to pay a cent for it this for 10 minutes ago goes a I'm gonna say to go everyone try to find part you know Australia be like [Music] no matter where I am in the world we're always finding ourselves sneaking into something abandoned well we didn't really sneak in this time we kind of just got off the elevator and we're in here now what is this an abandoned mall hey there's a guy over there it doesn't look that run-down or abandoned but it's it's abandoned I can assure you guys hey guy don't look out this has been brilliant stop I don't know what you're looking out for there's nothing there guys and I was actually in need of some crocodile products oh that's a good crocodile product that's like the best crocodile product I've ever seen personally we found it right this is Australian coffee taste tester this week it's good I'm so excited oh that's actually good that's actually really good try it we're 50 bucks deep right now we're in arcade game room whatever you want to call me some stuff [Music] Godzilla go good come on cowgirl ride it now for some competitive bowling let's get it oh no oh no oh you did it oh he did you oughta strike ha ha ha [Music] great [Music] you're going six seven eight learned that I'm a professional bowler but instilling do it gambling probably not look I worked all these are about twenty minutes into the arcade game I can't find my car in two o clock news I don't know where I went Oh the ultimate strength test oh you hit me hit me 747 zero I'm going I'm going I'm going fit 8:59 you're not you're weak you're so weak I got you I got you all right next arcade game I have no idea what this does we're good to go film that game and then the guy came over it's holes we can't build because we were originally signing up he said no filming but we were anyways oh my god gr oh my god oh my god I got my car get the black yeah try get two in one hi guys we just got back from the arcade I'm gonna wrap up this vlog I'm sorry if I didn't really seem like myself today I still really sick and congested and don't feel all that great but tonight we actually get asleep so I'm gonna be sleeping for like hours and hours and hours so stay tuned for my vlog tomorrow peace out guys I'll see money
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 2,081,207
Rating: 4.8898063 out of 5
Keywords: tanner fox, Scooter, scootering, funny, music, laugh, awesome, videos, skatepark, extreme, sports, insane, water, canon, 70d, video, vlog, vlogging, tanner, winning, jackpot, tickets, arcade, arcade game, games, win, winner, looser, fun games, australia, fox, winning the hardest, winning arcade, i won jackpot, winning the hardest arcade game, game, hardest
Id: yPAguiQSzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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