Winning Lottery Numbers -- How to make a spreadsheet .mov

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hello this is Jerry and come in here today to talk a little bit about the lottery and how to put the numbers that you get from the website into a spreadsheet so that you can use them to to get better picks and more frequent and better better lottery wins so if you've ever looked at any of the lottery methods that are out there and there are quite a few a lot of the times what the lottery method needs from you as the user is a way to work with all the past lottery numbers knowing lottery history is a important part of you know picking better numbers for your lottery so of course they're listed on the website but they're not easy to work with in that format so the best thing to do is to get them into a Word document or even better get them into a spreadsheet so that you can manipulate the numbers find out what the most common number is what the least common number is separate them by years and just do a lot of cross examination now you know we do this because we love to do this not because there's a magic formula that's going to make you an instant millionaire because there isn't but it's fun to work with and even though you're not going to get a guaranteed lottery went out of it you are going to get a better chance of hitting those lottery wins and it's really interesting actually once you start digging through your lottery it's fun to do Powerball that's what I'm going to do right now it's really fun to do local lottery a smaller lottery with the same amount of numbers but with less people bidding on it and maybe a lottery that's been around for a little bit longer versus a short time so anyways let's get into how it works and it's really not that hard but if you haven't worked with computers a lot and transfer and stuff then this can be tricky so first I'm going to do is go to the Powerball site and we're going to go to Powerball numbers here and look for where they have the history or the archive so right here it says old numbers but it might not always say that it might say history or archive so we'll just click on that and here's the historical winning numbers and you can do a date range here and actually I'm not even going to bother with that I'm going to go down here and it says click here for information in the Microsoft Word format or winning numbers in plain text format we're actually going to do plain text now if your site lottery site doesn't give you a plain text format or Microsoft Word format then you will have to create that your own by highlighting numbers and pasting them I think a lot of lotteries now are having this option and if you don't have that option you have some problems I'll probably do another tutorial on that otherwise you can just contact me via the web site at guaranteed lottery win net but here's what we do right here and look at that lottery numbers all the way back to 97 so that's that's good I mean we're going to we'll be ok with that much information so first thing you need to do is to gather all these numbers and easiest way is to control a or open Apple a and that will highlight everything so you can right-click you can control C but basically you need to copy it so once again you know if you're not computer savvy we're just going to open Apple a and you can select all you can right click and copy or you can just ctrl C so we have the numbers now on our clipboard everything's there now what I want to do is I really want to put this into a spreadsheet because I want to be able to do mathematical all formulas on all the numbers and see which one's the most common which one's the least common which one's the most common on Wednesdays how often our numbers next to each other versus you know spaced apart all these little things matter in these lottery methods so we want to find out as much information as we can well here's what happens putting into the spreadsheet what happens is you just paste is it's a mess because it pastes what you copied and you can see that these aren't in cells and it's useless to me so that doesn't work to just paste now you notice I am using an apple but this also works on a Windows machine as well so just look for similar commands but what you're going to do is you're going to go up here to the edit and instead of just pasting we're going to paste special and I know Windows has this as well paste special we're going to do an unformatted text the reason we're going to do that is because when we hit OK it's going to give us this link of options and what we want to do is we want to do it with a space so what that means is it's going to separate every individual object or number by spaces it's giving us a preview here and when you look down there you see that the something's weird the way the columns are coming up and what's happening is that there are actually more than one space between these numbers so what this is doing is it's saying okay I'm going to put all these into separate columns for you in separate cells and I'm going to use a space as ad Eliminator and so it's adding columns in between well this is kind of messy and you could fix it in the spreadsheet and everything would be fine or we could modify we could modify our original paste so what I'm going to do here and what I've already done actually is so here's the paste of what I got off Powerball the Powerball website and you can see that there there's too many spaces here so I just do this it's one two three there's three there I think it's supposed to be like this so it goes one there's two spaces in between each one so what I'm going to do is ctrl F is going to do a find replace and this is pretty neat what we want to do is we want to turn all of those double spaces into single spaces so I'm literally going to find every double space and turn it into a single space and here's how you do that in the find/replace where it says find you go one to two spaces and we're going to replace it with one space hit next okay and then just do replace all boom and it shortened it up so that's great now we can get rid of this now what we have is when we go into the spreadsheet it'll delimit eight more accurately there's one more thing I'm going to do just because I've done this before and I realize it we want this draw date to be in the same cell so I'm going to make that I'm going to make that into one word and then I'm going to fix this one space here alright so now we're going to control a we're gonna copy and then we are going to paste special unformatted text by space hit okay and there we have it we have everything we need in separate cells and that's that is step one of getting closer to hitting that guaranteed lottery win which obviously isn't guaranteed I'm going to stop here I'm going to break this whole session into tinier little video so they're easier to digest but even right now if you know anything about spreadsheets you know that you can go in and really start looking at these numbers with certain formulas you can just find out how many times 23 has been hit in the last 15 years so that's where I'll stop thanks so much for stopping by take a look at some of the other videos and I'll talk to you later
Channel: Lucky Day
Views: 34,177
Rating: 4.2989693 out of 5
Keywords: best lottery numbers, lottery spreadsheet, how to win the lottery How-to
Id: VQgKhT5MR18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2012
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