Winners & Losers - Episode 1: Countries

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hello and welcome to episode 1 of winners and losers and in this first episode I'm going to be looking at countries the study will look at the different categories of country rankings and which countries are at the top and bottom of those lists the first category we're going to look at as size the largest country in the world as Russia obviously okay so no surprises there I'm sure we all know that Russia is the biggest country in the world but you know just help egg Russia's about 17 million square kilometers okay but those are just a bunch of meaningless numbers especially if you're not familiar with the metric system but here's a few things about Russia that may help give you some perspective Russia borders more countries than any other sharing land borders with 14 different countries Norway Finland Estonia Latvia Belarus crane Georgia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Mongolia China and North Korea well that's 12 of the countries at borders but it also has two more borders because it's most Western point the Kaliningrad Oblast was separated from the mainland gives Russia two more land borders left erwinia and Poland although if we take a closer look at Georgia a country that has to the facto independent countries within it cassia and says Ossetia which have both declared their independence from Georgia this self-declared and painting countries have very little international recognition but one country that does recognize both of them as Russia so according to Russia at least the border 16 countries unless not forget they also have extremely close maritime borders with the United States and Japan Russia really as an illegal its own compared to other countries with second place Canada only 58 percent the size of Russia Russia is more compatible in size with the continents of the world Russia is bigger than three of the seven continents and only slightly smaller than South America also Russia comprises 11% of the Earth's land area and in terms of surface area Russia is bigger than Pluto Russia also has named different angels although it could be 10 because GMT plus 5 is skipped ok I'm sure you get it now Russia is back and as mentioned Canada isn't second place and third place says well it's disputed it's either China or the United States which country is in third place is dependent on two factors chain is disputed territories and the water area of the United States China has several disputed territories including disputes with India Bhutan Vietnam Japan and North Korea as well as claims to the Spratly Islands the most disputed territory in the world cleaned by six different countries of course the easy solution is just to count none of these when calculating China's area which is exactly what more sources do the real issue is how the water area of the United States is calculated what her area of our country should only include inland waters but both the UN and the CIA world factbook are biased towards the USA by Counting coastal or territorial water for the US but not for other countries coastal water as its famed as three nautical miles from the coast and territorial waters 12 nautical miles territory water can seriously exaggerated a country's area take this hypothetical pair for around a land which is one square kilometre an area now if we include territorial water in its area and by using a little bit of maths we can calculate the area of this island with Navy over 1,600 square kilometers the Philippines is a great example of why territorial waters are not counted however both the UN and CIA are guilty of being inconsistent by kenton coastal or territorial waters for the US but not for other countries take a look at the state of Hawaii which is about 40 percent water by area now with a state this small it's not so bad but with a state like Alaska Ted authority of water make an already massive state even bigger realistically there is no dispute China as beggar but several sources less the United States as a third largest country in the world but to completely remove the issue of water area we could look at just land area Kensing only land China is unambiguously bigger than the US and all sources agree on that however effort just counting land in Canada drops all the way to fourth place behind the u.s. this is because Canada is about 9% water by area with an estimated three million lakes which may cause 60% of all the lakes in the world looking at the opposite end of the spectrum the three smallest countries in the world are Nauru Monaco and of course Vatican City and since the Vatican is where the Pope lives and is about half a square kilometer in size statistically the country has two ports per square kilometer competing largest and smallest countries Russia is about 38 million times the size of Vatican City moving on to population now and once again the winner of this category is pretty obvious it's China second is India and third is in eight states and well this podium shows the correct places it doesn't really show the full story a more accurate podium may look a little something like this this is because second place India is nearly four times as populous at the USA together China and India make up about 37 percent of the world's population and it only takes the top sex countries to make up half the population of the entire world now looking at that podium again it would be easy to assume the India and Seamus populations are similar and proportionally maybe they are changes population it's only about 9% more than India's in terms of sheer numbers though not all the difference is huge about 118 million which is the same as the population of Mexico the 11th most populous country in the world or if you prefer US states as a unit of measurement that's 4.5 things the population of Texas or 3 California's or 205 Wyoming's or to further emphasize the population gap the difference is about the same as the combined total of Los Angeles Chicago New York Mexico City Rio de Janiero when Assad s London Paris Berlin Rome ko Johannesburg Moscow s no bill Jakarta Tokyo and Sydney and last place says Tuvalu Nauru and once again the Vatican City once again if we compare top and bottom with less China has about 1.7 million times as many people as the Vatican but what's more amazing is if we look at the population growth of China China's population grows by the population of Vatican City every single hour with their population increasing by more than 19,000 every day although India's population is growing much quicker that's about 42,000 whew that's 29 every minute all over 15 and a half million per year which is the same as the population of Ecuador India is said to overtake China as the most populous country in the world by 2025 and is said to break the 1.5 billion mark by 2033 next we move on to population density population density is basically just how many people on average love per square kilometer and is simply population divided by area unsurprisingly the three city states of the world are at the top of the list however if we include the special administrative regions of China both of them make the top five although not a sovereign states they're basically treated as separate countries and their population and area are never came to represent Chinese beggars Macario is so densely populated that the population of the whole world left as densely as Macau all 7.1 billion of us could live within the country of Germany and if every country in the world was densely populated as Macao the population of the world would be nearly 3 trillion of course these countries are only so desi populated because they're so small if we use an arbitrary cutoff and only include countries over a hundred thousand square kilometers Bangladesh is the most densely populated the least densely populated country in the world is Mongolia however if we include constituent countries Danish Greenland with a population density of point zero two sects meaning there is enough room in Greenland for every person in the country to have 38 square kilometers to themselves if the whole world left the sparsely populated at Greenland the population of the world would only be 3.8 million that's about same as the population of Los Angeles if we swap the population densities of Macao and Greenland Greenland population would be over 43 billion while Marcos population would be zero now we move on to something else but different homicide rate now there's two ways to rank the countries by rate and by count rate is the number of pair hundred thousand people what count is just a wrong number itself not taking into consideration high population of country ranking by Rick is the most accurate picture the top two are the two bordering countries from Central America Honduras and El Salvador and in third place is Ivory Coast if the world had a home savory of Honduras there will be over six point five million homicides every year that 17900 a day or one every five seconds now if you rank the countries in terms of just the number of homicides in which obviously the more populous countries have a disadvantage the top three are India Brazil and Mexico and well in the end Brazil both have around 43,000 home sales per year this is actually a relatively low rate for India lower than the US actually while Brazil jury is very high since India is sex things as populous is Brazil yet only has a hundred and thirty eight more homicides of course this is one less than which being in the bottom of less is best to countries that are clear one of the best cat beat with absolutely no murders and the u-dub study and those are Monaco and Paulo but then again it would be pretty hard to get away with murdering someone in Monaco given as on average eighteen thousand people per square kilometer if we use another arbitrary COFF and only include the 15 most populous countries in the world the countries that comment on top are Japan Spain and Germany and well on the subject of death let's look at suicide rates the three countries with the highest suicide rates are Greenland left Iranian and South Korea and tracing ly suicide is far more prevalent among males across all countries and cultures one country that's worth mentioning as Japan with a fairly high suicide rate of twenty one point seven combined us with the extremely low homicide rate of 0.3 means that statistically Japanese people are 72 times more likely to kill themselves than be killed by someone else ok that's enough about death now on to age the youngest country in the world has so Sudan was declared its independence from Sudan in 2011 so then used to be the large country in Africa and till then but dropped to third place with Algeria and a large country on the continent and tracing Lee the second third and fourth news countries in the world all used to be part of the same country in the early 90s Yugoslavia split into five different countries Slovenia Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro and Macedonia Serbia Montenegro things planted two separate countries called well Serbia and Montenegro although technically it's other way around Montenegro declared its independence then in 2008 cause were declared independence from Serbia although it's worth mentioning that cosbo isn't a member of the UN but is recognized by the majority of its members the oldest countries in the world are significantly more difficult if not impossible because of the different definitions of the word country while countries like Egypt and Iran may be good candidates called the oldest countries having been around for more than 5,000 years although they bear Loeffler no resemblance their modern-day counterparts if we use just the day in which the country in its current form was founded then the oldest countries are Japan China and San Marino although even that's debatable as it's such a complex issue that it could easily be a video in itself and finally we move on to minimum wage top of the list are Luxembourg Australia and Monaco but these are just nominal values they don't show any real value cost of living very significantly back country so money isn't worth the same in every country to get a clearer picture a hypothetical currency the International dollar was invented which uses the United States as a comparison ante its cost of living indigent separation there for countries like Mexico and Poland which have lower cost of living money is worth more but countries such as Norway and Switzerland money as an worth as much for example a federal minimum wage in the United States is 725 which is worse 725 in America but it's worth different amounts in different countries of course that's just a federal minimum wage and the average cost of living for example San Francisco has a minimum wage of 1074 because it's the most expensive city in the country so if used as international currency Luxembourg is still on top but with France and Belgium in second and third place with Australia dropping all the way to fourth place this is due to a very high cost of living in Australia about 45% more expensive than America the countries with lost minimum wages in the world are Cuba at 225 Cuban pesos per month although it's worth mentioning that the government also provide free education health care housing and food for their workers then their Sierra Leone with 21,000 of their awkwardly named Sierra Leone in Leone per month which is about 3 cents per hour and lost as Uganda at 6,000 Ugandan shillings per month about 1 cent an hour of course just plenty countries around the world that don't have any minimum wage at all well that's all for episode 1 of winners and losers and in episode 2 I'll be looking at the 50 States of America thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: WonderWhy
Views: 5,328,953
Rating: 4.6585608 out of 5
Keywords: countries, best, worst, winners and losers, USA, china, india, biggest country in the world, richest country, population, population density, area, size, minimum wage, luxembourg, first, water area
Id: C4whvUxeG88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2014
Reddit Comments

Actually, when a homocide is unsolved by the cops there, they rule it as a suicide.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/Yodude1 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2015 🗫︎ replies

Compared to the U.S., Japan has roughly 1/15th the proportional number of homicides (.3 / 100,000, to 4.7 / 100,000), but the suicide rate is 65% higher (18.5/100K to 12.1/100K).

(Note, by these numbers, people in Japan are 61.7 times more likely to die by suicide than homicide, so clearly there's a discrepancy - I don't mean to imply one set is better than the other, aside from YouTube being used as a source.)

First, I could find no demographic statistics regarding ethnicity for those committing suicide in Japan or elsewhere (aside from major minorities in the U.S.). In the OP, I assume "Japanese" is being defined as "residents of Japan".

Second, I could find no data that broke out self-suicides from assisted suicides, so it's false to compare to being "killed by someone else". Being "killed by someone else" is referring specifically to homicides/murders.

Third, the same applies to people who "kill themselves"; it is limited to suicides, not accidents.

Therefore, the title should be "statistically, people in Japan are 72 times more likely to commit suicide than to be murdered" (and it would be equally correct to say "people in Japan are 72 less likely to be murdered than to commit suicide").

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/redroguetech 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2015 🗫︎ replies

They have an entire forest dedicated to committing suicide.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2015 🗫︎ replies

Trust no one, not even especially not yourself

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/microfillia 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KingBevins 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2015 🗫︎ replies
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