Wing Chun Master Rates 8 Wing Chun Fights In Movies | How Real Is It?

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Sherlock: Feral left. Weaken right jaw. That elbow coming in is very weak. You can't elbow like this. Your elbow have to be locked. Body in line, whole body turn, lock. So that way you can control it more. Whole body movement. My name is Master Wong. I've been training on Wing Chun training for about 35 years, and I trained in beginning in UK, and then I trained in China as well. Today, I will look at some Wing Chun movie and clip and see how real they are. That's a good move. That definitely knocks somebody out. Now, on to the Wing Chun side, you punch like this, vertical punch like this. So you can punch like this, or you can punch straight like this. But that one there, you see him using more traditional kung fu. So stand up and turn at that punch, create a lot of power. Wing Chun is specifically using a lot of fast hands. It's a very close-quarter-combat use. This movement here is a very unique obstacle, bajiquan. Wing Chun using that as well, upper elbow. But this one here, you see the full body weight come in attacking the solar plexus. This one is perfect to be used. You see a lot of this movement in real life. Elbow using for close quarter, because a lot of time elbow's very, very heavy structure. The most strongest structure in the body is elbow, head, knee. This is the heavy movement there that you got to be able to defend thing. A lot of time when you're doing Wing Chun, you do fight three or four people. Move hand here, fast hand here. Like Bruce Lee when you see them. Is it Wing Chun? It's the element of it. The element, you are moving, element of it. But for me to use it, I, instead of hitting, like, backhand on the face, we're using a chop to the throat, because in real life, that will do a lot more damage. If you're using Wing Chun on this movement here, he wouldn't be jumping around a lot. So everything is wider. You know, when it traditional, body wider, movement wider. So it's more for power use. Wing Chun more closer. Like, you see they don't move very much, just stay in a area. So on the bus here, in a Wing Chun size, that's what Wing Chun designed for. It designed for close-quarter combat. So mixture. Little bit of Wing Chun, a lot of them is traditional martial art. For realism, I think I give them 5. Because you can't use it like that, the way he use it on here, for the real life. Donnie Yen playing this character of Yip Man. Yip Man is a real person. Teaching Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee's master. If 10 karate guy up one Wing Chun guy, I think 10 karate person eat the Wing Chun person alive. Chews them up and spit them out. Karate people train very different. Karate using long distance. Kicking, punching long range. Wing Chun use close range. When you get inside the range of the karate, karate person cannot use a weapon. It been limit down. But if they in the range, the karate person can use a long range, like leg kicking, to be able to defeat that. In Wing Chun side, you don't really do a lot of high kick up above the waist. But in this scenario, he used quite a few high kick. You use it if your leg is good enough. Not all the time you need to kick below the waist, but in combat like this, it's good to kick below the waist instead of up. As you can see, some of the movement that he done there, grab, control, then kick, that's what they do. They try to break the person's arm and kick the limb. That's what Wing Chun is. And break them down. Why does he come down? He controls them a little bit more closer where he is to attack, because he don't want the enemy to everywhere. They sit there watching him instead. Why them people standing there waiting for their turn? If I'm in real life, my friend getting beat up, I don't stand there, "Hold on, is it my turn yet?" No. I won't give him a chance to elbow my friend to the back. But this is a movie. Classic Wing Chun. Grab them, control them, move them, shield them. Soon as shield them, somebody come along, you move them other side. You move them where you want them. And then you can deal with more than one person. That kind of 1,000 while he's slow-motion falling down for you to keep bombarding him, it's good for movie. Reality terms, no. Chasing after him, you might fall over same time. While we doing this kind of movement, your body not grounded enough, because you are balanced. You're not standing up. You're moving forward. All he need to do, the karate guy, kick up at his butt, and he fall over. It have to be grounded and controlled, because when you're high, they're low. When they're low, they got more strength. Now, sometimes you ask yourself while you're down there, do 1,000 punch somebody's face, is it overdoing it? Yes, it's overdoing it. I think the biggest myth movies show about Wing Chun on the fighting side, they portray that Wing Chun need to do 1,000 different moves before somebody get hurt. In real life, should be one hit, one kill. For the movie side, it's good. In real life, it not that great. So I'd just say around about 7 out of 10. Classic Wing Chun movement on there. It's like ready to fight, you know? In Wing Chun side, you need to understand there are the yin and the yang. Hard and soft. You need to be able to blend them. When your opponent's soft, you need to be hard, because then you are able to defend them. So the attack coming in hard, you need to be soft to deflect them. That's a very classic Wing Chun movement as well. So you got choice when you're working this kind of movement there. If they're friend, you control them. If they're foe, you just squeeze. Broken wind pipe, finished. And if you're in a fight and somebody suddenly grab you, the best thing to do is drop your chin, like this, because you deflect, and then step back. That will be attacking the joint. Then it lose. Then from there, using your body, you get rid of the hand, and then you continue your attack. Who's got the upper hand now? See, he done there? All he done there, because your arm like this, where you squeeze, you're not able to put in energy. And then because you have no energy, they can't break out, but he just sweep up. Because he's a god, he can able to perform like that. How he get out of this movement there? So, in the Wing Chun side, you see a lot of movement like this. Flick your muscle, flick your wing, so he can't grab over you. If I flick like this, my hand will become inside and I will grab hold of his hand. I will give him few elbow to the face, few elbow to his body, and I'll give him a kick to get rid of him. So on this one here, I like the cartoon. It's interesting. In reality terms, some of the movement you can use, and some you can't use. I will give this movie here about 4. Sherlock: First, distract target. Then block his blind jab. I like this kind of movie, because all the time martial arts the same. Using your mind to thought first, before you're doing it, because mind tell your body what to do. Sherlock: Counter with cross to left cheek. Attacking at the temple is a very good, classic Wing Chun straight punch there. I like that. But attacking temple, it's a little bit harder to be able to hit because it's small. If he move like this, it miss. Really attacking right along here is a lot more better. Sherlock: Discombobulate. Attacking into the ear hole. Classic. Make you [makes dizzy sound]. So that's why he do this way. Boom! So he can't hear anything anymore. For me to use this movement, instead of attacking like this, I would, boom! Straight chop to the neck, cutting the blood supply to your brain. You're out, finished. Sherlock: Wild haymaker. Employ elbow block. The way he do it, it look weaker, because you don't see the whole body movement. But you're using your body. The whole body deflect. That's called a tan sao. You're moving to using that, to divert with the hand. While you're diverting the movement with the hand out of the way, your body structure diverting the force. So the heavy coming in, you don't need to do very much. You go like this, that force will go this way. Sherlock: And body shot. Move like this, straight up. Classic boxing movement. Wing Chun using that, yes, but you don't move the way they move, more like classic boxing. The Wing Chun more like tilt on the side bit more, and come up using chum kiu. That's for the second level of the Wing Chun, the chum kiu, using a lot of punching. You attack a lot of organ, rib cage, here, throat area. So that's a very classic movement. Sherlock: Feral left. That movement there, the hand coming in, little bit weak. If you are up like this, if it drop, that will land on your rib cage. Yes, that might land to your elbow, but you got to make sure the wing block. The block on the hand need to chop the hand right down to be able to cover your length of the rib cage, otherwise, Sherlock Holmes going to get broken rib cage. Sherlock: Weaken right jaw. That elbow coming in is very weak. You can't elbow like this. This won't get any power. Doesn't matter how good you are. Your elbow have to be locked. Body in line, whole body turn, lock. So that way you can control it more. Whole body movement. Sherlock: Heel kick to diaphragm. This part here, heel kick coming in, classic Wing Chun. They're using the heel because the idea is long solid. Like the punch, solid. Like the elbow, solid. For me to use this kind of movement in this situation, I wouldn't want to use any heel kick. You have to be able to move right into reach to kick the heel kick, because your whole leg got to be straight like this to be able to kick like that. It's hard to use. Reality, it's the point kick coming in. Directly, your toe pointed into the diaphragm onto the solar plexus, that will do the same damage, even worse. For Robert Downey Jr., he's been training on Wing Chun for a while. Is he able to execute the moment well? Now, if I say not good, that's not going to be nice, and if I say good, then I lie to myself. I say average. Out of 10, I think I'll give this about 4. Now, this is very, very classic Wing Chun. You see Michelle Yeoh. Compared to Hollywood stuff, they're very different. You don't see she move a lot. So the classic Wing Chun is you don't move around a lot. You're using your hand, defending your vision of 300 degree. So, this whole thing here, as a fun thing, as he moving, they don't want to mess up the bean curd. And why is it talking about bean curd? Bean curd is very soft. That show how elegant the Wing Chun is. Because this is about a woman. That's why she called Wing Chun. Yim Wing Chun, she developed this system out for her to use. It doesn't matter how strong you are. She can use her relaxed and movement to defend the big and strong opponent. This is very classic there, elbow. And all this movement here, this go into wooden dummy. When you're watching a wooden dummy, you're using a lot of this hand here, elbow coming in, arm, turn, all this elbow stuff is all attack. So the body attack, elbow, elbow, elbow, attacking, elbow defending all this. Michelle Yeoh is very good at demonstrating the movement. I will give this one 8 out of 10. This movement here you can see, very classic. Now, this is 6½-point-pole training for the Wing Chun. One of the two weapon that Wing Chun use. This is what the Wing Chun people use. Instead of training on weight a lot, they're using that to train. They hold it like that because they're using it for spear, move, like whipping, twisting, attacking, flicking. There are only 6½ movements on this. And they mix them up together with the hand form and the footwork. So the finger, the power onto the pole. Is it really necessary, two person using the same thing? Now, reality term is two person using same movement, more likely both of them get cut up. This is the traditional Wing Chun side. Butterfly knife and sword. That's why Wing Chun use long and short weapon. When the enemy have short weapon, you're using long weapon. A lot of the movement there, as you see the Wing Chun movement, using hand movement, like a hand attacking, they transfer them into the weapon. But onto the weapon for this to be used, you're getting the idea of illustrate the hand form. And then now you got a weapon attached to your body here, so you can able to move well to using it. OK, stop that there. That's part of, like, called a butterfly knife chi sao. Instead of using hand, they're using a knife instead. Controlling the force coming in hard and soft. See, the classic, what I told you about, in Wing Chun side, hard and soft. You're using to moving your energy from your opponent there. When it get close, the weapon they can be using, use the elbow. And then they use a knife when it got a distance, because you're going to need a distance to be able to use it. When they're closing up, that's when they use elbow, head, knee, and also using shoulder a lot as well. They're using the classic chain punch coming in. Idea is, when you punch somebody once, they block, but when you bam, bam, bam, bam, they can't block like this. So more than likely, if I do 20 punch, they will land on your face once. What you're going to use to block it, using either wing block or using pak sao to block of this chain punch. Classic biu jee. Biu jee, finger strike. Attacking the eye, attacking the throat, attacking a vulnerable spot. Emergency use. When you get to this level of biu jee, you have become very dangerous to your opponent. So got to be very careful how you're using it. Instead of see, he feel now. Bruce Lee use a lot of 1-inch punch. Like that, boom, boom, boom! When you attack, you feel them first, then follow up onto second, and then use your weight. But when you punch them when they are tense, ooh! Next movement, you hit them, they start, ah! When they start to, ah! Then the last one, bang! Then you're forcing the energy past it. That's how you knock them out. Overall, for choreography, very, very good. The ways they do them, they showcase very truthfully little bit of Wing Chun, how you use it on the scene. I give them about 8 to 9 out of 10. This is all Wing Chun movement, the movement on there that he coming in. Attacking, defending. But is it Wing Chun movement here? Is it more traditional side? No, more Wing Chun there start to fit into him going Jeet Kune Do. That's why he use a lot of high kick. What Bruce Lee believing in, what you take is useful; reject what is useless. So he discard a lot of traditional stuff that no functional to him. That's another classic one. This is the chum kiu movement coming in arm break. Boom, arm break, coming in arm break. So that's what it is. Soon coming in hand breaking the arm, control, breaking the leg, sidekick of the Wing Chun low kick on there to hurting the joint to the lower leg there. Very classic, yeah. What he trying to demonstrate there, is in the Wing Chun side, we fight in a closed ring. We don't need space, but what Chuck Norris need, space, because he use a lot of kick. Bruce Lee, he don't need space. Now when he get close, he don't use any of the high kick now. He using low kick. I have to give this 10 out of 10, because he's my idol. This is more like Kali, Kali movement than more like Wing Chun. But Wing Chun do that as well. You're using this to drill. This kind of drill is helping you to get the sensitivity. When you put that knife on the person, you see how much power they put into your arm, how you respond. Joe: Again. People need to understand, a drill is a tool. You need 1,000 repetition to be able to respond. You need to drill that into your system. When something happen in real life, fight, you can't think. You either feel or see before it happen. So the whole idea of learning this is to learn about feel, learn about see, where you place your hand, where you put your hand, how you put your hand, because all the knife and hand is very fast. Joe: Good. This one here is not really attack. This is really like drill. When somebody put a knife at you, two thing you need to realize. If you're in a situation that you got nowhere to go, you have to make sure you're looking for weapon. Make sure there's something you can use to be able to defend that quickly. Think fast, and looking for the exit to run, to get out of the way. Don't stay in front of that, because you cannot defend it. Know yourself, know your enemy, know your ability, and know your surrounding. I would probably give them a 5 out of 10. I like Nicolas Cage doing the movie. Pretty serious, good actor. My favorite Wing Chun movie of all time is "The Prodigal Son." They talk a lot into the history of Wing Chun, where they come from. Yuen Biao doing the movement, apply them into the screen, and making a screen for Wing Chun very beautiful, the way it done. And Sammo Hung, when he using it, he using Wing Chun in the realistic life. Head, elbow, everything. All the power the body can apply into the Wing Chun to make the Wing Chun functional for him. Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this movie here, click on the movie above.
Channel: Insider
Views: 5,206,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insider, How Real Is It, Wing Chun, Wing Chun Fights, Movies, Realism, Wing Chun Master, Master Wong, Martial Arts
Id: 7YaQWcMfuIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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