Windy Halibut Jigging! Alaskan Halibut Fishing - Juneau, Alaska! JUNE 2023 #juneau #halibutfishing

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hey what's up guys Captain Zach here well it is late June and Mary and I are out here uh we're doing some halibut fishing so the the king salmon bite on the Hatchery Kings the trolling for those uh slowed down just a bit so we're we're trying some halibut fishing it is uh right before a low tide so we're about an hour before the low which is pretty favorable uh it's a decent sized tide and it's going to be hopefully a good tied swing so you know that hour before an hour after that's sort of that that magic window so we're hoping to get a bite there anchored up right now just bouncing some uh some seven ounce jigs but we may pick that up at some point and try a little back trolling as well so hopefully we can find a halibutor too [Music] some extra weight but nothing too impressive [Applause] fish ah [Music] another sculpt probably yep oh you gotta be kidding me you miss it I did miss it I missed it in spectacular fashion I can't believe that that was definitely a house it must have been a small one had to have been thinking like that 300 foot drop with a 16 ounces just you know really efficiently fish on okay nice there's a Halley let's go let him run yeah I think we're in a gaffable Range here sure nice that's what I'm talking about oh yeah that's a uh a seven ouncer [Music] low tide just turned a little bit ago probably about 45 minutes ago so we're still kind of within that that hour window the hour before the hour after I'm gonna trade you here ready [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh perfect chicken alley back trolling and switching up to the 16 ounce or the Halibut pounder got it load it up with a total Buffet here so Herring some squid and a really nice piece of chum salmon I caught yesterday oh that wind really picked up so now I'm having to work really hard to keep the boat under control the uh the kicker is really doing overtime trying to keep me straight and keep me fishing all in pushing action things were a little slow the wind's really picking up and there was a 300 foot shelf that I just couldn't resist so I pushed out into some much deeper water have that 16 ounce are all loaded up and it's going to be sporty to try to stay on that shelf and not drop into the really deep stuff given this win but I'm gonna give it a shot okay there's the bottom 332 feet that's frustrating I thought I felt him on there it's probably like yeah I'm guessing it was like a Cod or a rockfish or something I also had a big chunk of salmon on that okay which means it probably ripped off a big chunk of salmon well that's good sign of life we're going out fish on he's on there 312 feet deep and after I missed that first one kind of glad to have uh nailed him the second time what's that you feel like a butt uh a lot of fierce head shakes my money's probably on a Cod you can wait though little chicken alley or a Cod man we are back trolling in the heavy wind right now so some serious boat control challenges wow reeling them up from the deep ER bite yeah maybe we'll strike it lucky here at the last spot okay mine should be coming up there it is it is a big old Pacific car [Music] wow nice fish he just hammered that jig hey Shawn nice no I got it it's about that jig stop laid the hammer down 300 140 feet deep yeah go ahead go ahead drop once I get this up then we'll just have to be thoughtful about boat control well once I start if I'm harvesting this fish oh okay yeah I'm just saying it's easy for me to get distracted and the boat does a 180 and then bad things happen foreign [Music] feels very similar to the last one which I wouldn't complain about something wrong with a nice Pacific cup ah little chicken no it's not it's a flounder ah it's an arrow tooth flounder oh nice what a disgusting fish you getting a bite yeah it's probably that flounder I just sent back down nothing worse than a sculp and from 300 feet I found her well I'd say this spot feels a little more alive just a matter of getting a halibut device [Applause] fish on feel it in his mouth just add a little bit of extra pressure Go Fish off countered my fish before I was caught darn oh well I'll drop it right back we felt reminiscent of a Pacific Cod no big head shakes steady weight man that was a solid hook side I can't believe it got off [Applause] foreign got him that time [Applause] 300 feet right on the nose a couple more head shakes here possible chicken Hallie drops or an arm workout yeah with these little head shakes I'm guessing I'm guessing a little hell of it [Applause] yep [Music] oh nice chicken Hallie just crushed that 16 ouncer [Music] I think we're getting ready to call it a day but you know what this turned out to be a pretty cool session so the wind did not cooperate that's for sure but we ended up uh you know we're anchored up around that low tide got a little bit of action there the wind actually blew us off of that anchor which is why we started back trolling but we were able to pick up a little more action as well so we got uh you know two hallies that nice Cod and then a little flounder as well so all in all just really good stuff jigging for Halley's near Chino Alaska [Applause]
Channel: Captain Zac
Views: 3,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halibut, fishing, alaska, juneau, juneau fishing, captain zac
Id: UhTc6sCqV1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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